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[or-cvs] Polish foot.wmi
Update of /home/or/cvsroot/website/pl
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Log Message:
Polish foot.wmi
Index: foot.wmi
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/website/pl/foot.wmi,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -p -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- foot.wmi 9 Apr 2006 10:59:14 -0000 1.1
+++ foot.wmi 11 Apr 2006 13:52:31 -0000 1.2
@@ -1,36 +1,38 @@
-## translation metadata
-# Based-On-Revision: unknown
-# Last-Translator: N/A
-#use "functions.wmi"
- <div class="bottom" id="bottom">
- <p>
- <i><a href="<page contact>" class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> -
-# please also translate "last modified" and "last compiled"
- Last modified: <:{ my @stat = stat('$(LANG)/'.$WML_SRC_FILENAME); print scalar localtime($stat[9]); }:>
- -
- Last compiled: <: print scalar localtime(); :>
- </p>
- <: unless (translation_current()) { :>
- <p>
- Warning: This translation might be obsolete. The English original is at Revision
- <:= translation_get_masterrevision() :> while this translation is based on
- <:= translation_get_basedonrevision() :>.
- </p>
- <: } :>
- <: if (has_translations()) { :>
- <p>
- This page is also available in the following languages:
- <: print list_translations() :>.<br>
- How to set <a href="http://www.debian.org/intro/cn#howtoset">the default document language</a>.
- </p>
- <: }; :>
- </div>
+## translation metadata
+# Based-On-Revision: 1.8
+# Last-Translator: gooseondaloose@xxxxxxx
+#use "functions.wmi"
+ <div class="bottom" id="bottom">
+ <p>
+ <i><a href="<page contact>" class="smalllink">Webmaster</a></i> -
+# please also translate "last modified" and "last compiled"
+ Ostatna zmiana: <:{ my @stat = stat('$(LANG)/'.$WML_SRC_FILENAME); print scalar localtime($stat[9]); }:>
+ -
+ Ostatnio opracowane: <: print scalar localtime(); :>
+ </p>
+# Uncomment this in your translation: (and translate it)
+ <: unless (translation_current()) { :>
+ <p>
+ Uwaga: OryginaÅ? po angielsku jest nowszy niż to tÅ?umaczenie. Oficjalna wersja angielska jest
+ <:= translation_get_masterrevision() :>, a to przetÅ?umaczenie jest bazowane na wersji
+ <:= translation_get_basedonrevision() :>.
+ </p>
+ <: } :>
+ <: if (has_translations()) { :>
+ <p>
+ <b>Uwaga: Ta strona nie jest oficjalnÄ? wersjÄ? witryny Projektu Tor'a, ale tÅ?umaczenie przez ochotnika pracujÄ?c spoÅ?ecznie. Oficjalna versja to jest napisana po angielsku.</b>
+ Ta strona jest też dostÄ?pna w tych jÄ?zykach:
+ <: print list_translations() :>.<br>
+ Jak ustaliÄ? <a href="http://www.debian.org/intro/cn#howtoset">swój wybrany jÄ?zyk na tÄ? strone</a>.
+ </p>
+ <: }; :>
+ </div>