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[or-cvs] r19319: {torctl} Fix a couple warns about handling streams that die without c (torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl)

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-04-14 11:09:02 -0400 (Tue, 14 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 19319


Fix a couple warns about handling streams that die without
circuits and reset all routers to kill some error messages.
Also make the ratio line items be all of the same form (ie
something we could multiple the advertised bandwith by to get
a new value).

Modified: torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/PathSupport.py
--- torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/PathSupport.py	2009-04-14 14:11:16 UTC (rev 19318)
+++ torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/PathSupport.py	2009-04-14 15:09:02 UTC (rev 19319)
@@ -1143,7 +1143,11 @@
     self.extend_times = []      # List of all extend-durations
     self.setup_duration = None  # Sum of extend-times
     self.pending_streams = []   # Which stream IDs are pending us
+    # XXX: Unused.. Need to use for refcounting because
+    # sometimes circuit closed events come before the stream
+    # close and we need to track those failures..
+    self.carried_streams = []
   def id_path(self):
     "Returns a list of idhex keys for the path of Routers"
     return map(lambda r: r.idhex, self.path)
@@ -1432,7 +1436,7 @@
         if s.reason == "TIMEOUT" or s.reason == "EXITPOLICY":
           plog("NOTICE", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detached with "+s.reason)
-          plog("WARN", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detachached from no circuit with reason: "+str(s.reason))
+          plog("WARN", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detached from no circuit with reason: "+str(s.reason))

Modified: torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/StatsSupport.py
--- torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/StatsSupport.py	2009-04-14 14:11:16 UTC (rev 19318)
+++ torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/StatsSupport.py	2009-04-14 15:09:02 UTC (rev 19319)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
   def add_bw(self, bytes, duration):
     "Add an observed transfer of 'bytes' for 'duration' seconds"
-    if not bytes: plog("WARN", "No bytes for bandwidth")
+    if not bytes: plog("NOTICE", "No bytes for bandwidth")
     bytes /= 1024.
@@ -274,22 +274,34 @@
     if StatsRouter.global_strm_mean == 0.0: return 0
     else: return (1.0*bw)/StatsRouter.global_strm_mean
-  def circ_fail_ratio(self):
+  def circ_fail_rate(self):
     if self.circ_chosen == 0: return 0
     return (1.0*self.circ_failed)/self.circ_chosen
-  def strm_fail_ratio(self):
+  def strm_fail_rate(self):
     if self.strm_chosen == 0: return 0
     return (1.0*self.strm_failed)/self.strm_chosen
-  def circ_succeed_ratio(self):
+  def circ_succeed_rate(self):
     if self.circ_chosen == 0: return 1
     return (1.0*(self.circ_succeeded))/self.circ_chosen
-  def strm_succeed_ratio(self):
+  def strm_succeed_rate(self):
     if self.strm_chosen == 0: return 1
     return (1.0*(self.strm_succeeded))/self.strm_chosen
+  def circ_succeed_ratio(self):
+    return (self.circ_succeed_rate())/(StatsRouter.global_cs_mean)
+  def strm_succeed_ratio(self):
+    return (self.strm_succeed_rate())/(StatsRouter.global_ss_mean)
+  def circ_fail_ratio(self):
+    return (1.0-self.circ_fail_rate())/(1.0-StatsRouter.global_cf_mean)
+  def strm_fail_ratio(self):
+    return (1.0-self.strm_fail_rate())/(1.0-StatsRouter.global_sf_mean)
   def current_uptime(self):
     if self.became_active_at:
       ret = (self.total_active_uptime+(time.time()-self.became_active_at))
@@ -336,6 +348,10 @@
   global_ratio_mean = 0.0
   global_ratio_dev = 0.0
   global_bw_mean = 0.0
+  global_cf_mean = 0.0
+  global_sf_mean = 0.0
+  global_cs_mean = 0.0
+  global_ss_mean = 0.0
   def __str__(self):
     return (self.idhex+" ("+self.nickname+")\n"
@@ -450,6 +466,34 @@
             filter(lambda r: r.was_used(), self.sorted_r), 0)/float(n)
     return avg 
+  def avg_circ_failure(self):
+    n = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.was_used(), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    if n == 0: return (0, 0)
+    avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.circ_fail_rate(), 
+            filter(lambda r: r.was_used(), self.sorted_r), 0)/float(n)
+    return avg 
+  def avg_stream_failure(self):
+    n = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.was_used(), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    if n == 0: return (0, 0)
+    avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.strm_fail_rate(), 
+            filter(lambda r: r.was_used(), self.sorted_r), 0)/float(n)
+    return avg 
+  def avg_circ_success(self):
+    n = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.was_used(), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    if n == 0: return (0, 0)
+    avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.circ_succeed_rate(), 
+            filter(lambda r: r.was_used(), self.sorted_r), 0)/float(n)
+    return avg 
+  def avg_stream_success(self):
+    n = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.was_used(), self.sorted_r, 0)
+    if n == 0: return (0, 0)
+    avg = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y.strm_succeed_rate(), 
+            filter(lambda r: r.was_used(), self.sorted_r), 0)/float(n)
+    return avg 
   def write_reasons(self, f, reasons, name):
     "Write out all the failure reasons and statistics for all Routers"
     f.write("\n\n\t----------------- "+name+" -----------------\n")
@@ -487,6 +531,12 @@
     StatsRouter.global_bw_mean = self.avg_adv_bw()
+    StatsRouter.global_cf_mean = self.avg_circ_failure()
+    StatsRouter.global_sf_mean = self.avg_stream_failure()
+    StatsRouter.global_cs_mean = self.avg_circ_success()
+    StatsRouter.global_ss_mean = self.avg_stream_success()
     strm_bw_ratio = copy.copy(self.sorted_r)
     strm_bw_ratio.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x.strm_bw_ratio(), y.strm_bw_ratio()))
     for r in strm_bw_ratio:
@@ -607,7 +657,7 @@
     self.circ_failed = 0
-    for r in self.sorted_r: r.reset()
+    for r in self.routers.itervalues(): r.reset()
   def close_circuit(self, id):
     PathSupport.PathBuilder.close_circuit(self, id)
@@ -724,24 +774,24 @@
       if s.remote_reason: rreason = s.remote_reason
       else: rreason = "NONE"
       reason = s.event_name+":"+s.status+":"+lreason+":"+rreason+":"+self.streams[s.strm_id].kind
+      circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].circ
+      if not circ: circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ
       if (s.status in ("DETACHED", "FAILED", "CLOSED", "SUCCEEDED")
           and not s.circ_id):
         # XXX: REMAPs can do this (normal). Also REASON=DESTROY (bug?)
-        # XXX: Timeouts should count failure on the pending circ instead 
-        # of returning..
-        if s.reason == "TIMEOUT" or s.reason == "EXITPOLICY":
-          plog("NOTICE", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detached with "+s.reason)
+        if circ:
+          plog("INFO", "Stream "+s.status+" of "+str(s.strm_id)+" gave circ 0.  Resetting to stored circ id: "+str(circ.circ_id))
+          s.circ_id = circ.circ_id
+        #elif s.reason == "TIMEOUT" or s.reason == "EXITPOLICY":
+        #  plog("NOTICE", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detached with "+s.reason)
-          plog("WARN", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detachached from no circuit with reason: "+str(s.reason))
-        PathBuilder.stream_status_event(self, s)
-        return
+          plog("WARN", "Stream "+str(s.strm_id)+" detached from no known circuit with reason: "+str(s.reason))
+          PathBuilder.stream_status_event(self, s)
+          return
       # Verify circ id matches stream.circ
       if s.status not in ("NEW", "NEWRESOLVE", "REMAP"):
-        circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].circ
-        if not circ: circ = self.streams[s.strm_id].pending_circ
-        # XXX: Figure out who to attribute this failure to
-        if circ and circ.circ_id != s.circ_id:
+        if s.circ_id and circ and circ.circ_id != s.circ_id:
           plog("WARN", str(s.strm_id) + " has mismatch of "
                 +str(s.circ_id)+" v "+str(circ.circ_id))
         if s.circ_id and s.circ_id not in self.circuits:

Modified: torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/TorUtil.py
--- torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/TorUtil.py	2009-04-14 14:11:16 UTC (rev 19318)
+++ torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/TorUtil.py	2009-04-14 15:09:02 UTC (rev 19319)
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
 # TODO: Make functions to read these from a config file. This isn't
 # the right place for them either.. But at least it's unified.
-tor_port = 9060
+tor_port = 9070
 tor_host = ''
-control_port = 9061
+control_port = 9071
 control_host = ''
 control_pass = ""
-meta_port = 9052
+meta_port = 9072
 meta_host = ''
 class Enum: