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[tor-commits] [tor-browser-bundle/master] Bug 15747: Improve Linux startup script argument handling.

commit 063f65368f32600904945399f7024be3a6ae1f5f
Author: Mike Perry <mikeperry-git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Apr 20 16:18:38 2015 -0700

    Bug 15747: Improve Linux startup script argument handling.
    This commit makes the following changes:
    1. Allows multiple arguments to be specified at once to start-tor-browser
    2. Separates --debug from file logging (and creates --log)
    3. Solves #15739 by creating -v and --verbose as --debug aliases
    4. Solves #15740 by creating -h and -? aliases for --help.
    5. Solves #15741 by creating --detach and using it from the .desktop file
 RelativeLink/start-tor-browser         |  128 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 RelativeLink/start-tor-browser.desktop |   29 ++++----
 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser b/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser
index 098f506..940ec96 100755
--- a/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser
+++ b/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 # GNU/Linux does not really require something like RelativeLink.c
 # However, we do want to have the same look and feel with similar features.
-# To run in debug mode simply pass --debug
 # Copyright 2015 The Tor Project.  See LICENSE for licensing information.
 complain_dialog_title="Tor Browser"
@@ -35,8 +33,8 @@ complain () {
 	# Trim leading newlines, to avoid breaking formatting in some dialogs.
 	complain_message="`echo "$1" | sed '/./,$!d'`"
-	# If we're being run in debug mode, complain to stderr.
-	if [ "$debug" -eq 1 ]; then
+	# If we're being run in debug/verbose mode, complain to stderr.
+	if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
 		echo "$complain_message" >&2
@@ -98,30 +96,82 @@ if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then
 	exit 1
+tbb_usage () {
+    printf "\nTor Browser Script Options\n"
+    printf "  --verbose         Display Tor and Firefox output in the terminal\n"
+    printf "  --log [file]      Record Tor and Firefox output in file (default: tor-browser.log)\n"
+    printf "  --detach          Detach from terminal and run Tor Browser in the background.\n"
+    printf "  --register-app    Register Tor Browser as a desktop app for this user\n"
+    printf "  --unregister-app  Unregister Tor Browser as a desktop app for this user\n"
-# !!! We may have more than one argument, changed -eq to -ge in if & elif clauses below
-if [ "$#" -ge 1 -a \( "x$1" = "x--debug" -o "x$1" = "x-debug" \) ]; then
-	debug=1
-	shift # pop the debug argument
-	printf "\nDebug enabled.\n\n"
-elif [ "$#" -ge 1 -a \( "x$1" = "x--register-app" -o "x$1" = "x-register-app" \) ]; then
-	register_desktop_app=1
-	shift # pop the register arg
-elif [ "$#" -ge 1 -a \( "x$1" = "x--unregister-app" -o "x$1" = "x-unregister-app" \) ]; then
-	register_desktop_app=-1
-	shift # pop the register arg
-elif [ "$#" -ge 1 -a \( "x$1" = "x--help" -o "x$1" = "x-help" \) ]; then
-    show_usage=1
+while :
+    case "$1" in
+      --detach)
+          detach=1
+          shift
+          ;;
+      -v | --verbose | -d | --debug)
+          show_output=1
+          verbose_arg="$2"
+          shift
+          ;;
+      -h | "-?" | --help | -help)
+          show_usage=1
+          show_output=1
+          shift
+          ;;
+      -l | --log)
+          if [ -z "$2" -o "${2:0:1}" == "-" ]; then
+             printf "Logging Tor Browser debug information to tor-browser.log\n"
+             logfile="../tor-browser.log"
+          elif [ "${2:0:1}" == "/" -o "${2:0:1}" == "~" ]; then
+             printf "Logging Tor Browser debug information to %s\n" "$2"
+             logfile="$2"
+             shift
+          else
+             printf "Logging Tor Browser debug information to %s\n" "$2"
+             logfile="../$2"
+             shift
+          fi
+          log_output=1
+          shift
+          ;;
+      --register-app)
+          register_desktop_app=1
+          show_output=1
+          shift
+          ;;
+      --unregister-app)
+          register_desktop_app=-1
+          show_output=1
+          shift
+          ;;
+      *) # No more options
+          break
+          ;;
+    esac
+# We can't detach and show output at the same time..
+if [ "$show_output" -eq 1 -a "$detach" -eq 1 ]; then
+    detach=0
+if [ "$show_output" -eq 0 ]; then
     # If the user hasn't requested 'debug mode' or --help, close stdout and stderr,
     # to keep Firefox and the stuff loaded by/for it (including the
     # system's shared-library loader) from printing messages to
     # $HOME/.xsession-errors or other files. (Users wouldn't have seen
     # messages there anyway.)
-    exec >/dev/null
-    exec 2>/dev/null
+    exec > "$logfile"
+    exec 2> "$logfile"
 # If XAUTHORITY is unset, set it to its default value of $HOME/.Xauthority
@@ -186,7 +236,7 @@ fi
 cp start-tor-browser.desktop ../
 sed -i -e "s,^Name=.*,Name=Tor Browser,g" ../start-tor-browser.desktop
 sed -i -e "s,^Icon=.*,Icon=$PWD/browser/icons/mozicon128.png,g" ../start-tor-browser.desktop
-sed -i -e "s,^Exec=.*,Exec=sh -c '\"$PWD/start-tor-browser\" || ([ ! -x \"$PWD/start-tor-browser\" ] \&\& \"\$(dirname \"\$*\")\"/Browser/start-tor-browser)' dummy %k,g" ../start-tor-browser.desktop
+sed -i -e "s,^Exec=.*,Exec=sh -c '\"$PWD/start-tor-browser\" --detach || ([ !  -x \"$PWD/start-tor-browser\" ] \&\& \"\$(dirname \"\$*\")\"/Browser/start-tor-browser --detach)' dummy %k,g" ../start-tor-browser.desktop
 if [ "$register_desktop_app" -eq 1 ]; then
 	mkdir -p "$HOME/.local/share/applications/"
@@ -292,33 +342,29 @@ setControlPortPasswd ${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD:='"secret"'}
 cd "${HOME}"
-# We pass all command-line arguments we got (except --debug) to Firefox.  Use
-# at your own risk!
+# We pass all additional command-line arguments we get to Firefox.
 # The --class parameter was added to fix bug 11102.
-# When passed the --debug option, we log all the output that goes to the
-# parent terminal stdout and stderr to a file ('tor-browser-debug.log' in Tor
-# Browser's $HOME directory).
 if [ "$show_usage" -eq 1 ]; then
+    # Display Firefox help, then our help
     TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD} ./firefox --class "Tor Browser" \
-        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" 2>/dev/null
-    printf "\nTor Browser Script Options\n"
-    printf "  --debug           Display Tor and Firefox output and record in tor-browser-debug.log\n"
-    printf "  --register-app    Register Tor Browser as a desktop app for this user\n"
-    printf "  --unregister-app  Unregister Tor Browser as a desktop app for this user\n"
-elif [ "$debug" -ne 1 ] ; then
+        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default --help 2>/dev/null
+    tbb_usage
+elif [ "$detach" -eq 1 ] ; then
     TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD} ./firefox --class "Tor Browser" \
-        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" > /dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null &
+       -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 </dev/null &
     disown "$!"
+elif [ "$log_output" -eq 1 -a "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
+    TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD} ./firefox --class "Tor Browser" \
+        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" 2>&1 </dev/null | \
+        tee "$logfile"
+elif [ "$show_output" -eq 1 ]; then
+    TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD} ./firefox --class "Tor Browser" \
+        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" < /dev/null
-    # Place logfile in the tbb root dir.
-    logfile=../tor-browser-debug.log
-    printf "Launching Tor Browser for Linux in ${HOME}...\n"
-    printf "Logging Tor Browser debug information to file: %s\n" "$logfile"
     TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD=${TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD} ./firefox --class "Tor Browser" \
-        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" -jsconsole 2>&1 </dev/null | \
-        tee $logfile
+        -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default "${@}" > "$logfile" 2>&1 </dev/null
 exit $?
diff --git a/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser.desktop b/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser.desktop
index c8be973..d6c1c63 100755
--- a/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser.desktop
+++ b/RelativeLink/start-tor-browser.desktop
@@ -3,21 +3,24 @@
 # This file is a self-modifying .desktop file that can be run from the shell.
 # It preserves arguments and environment for the start-tor-browser script.
-# When run, it will update itself with the absolute path to the current TBB
-# location. It is therefore possible to install/relocate this file after first
-# run (for example, by copying it to ~/.local/share/applications/ so that Tor
-# Browser will appear in your desktop applications menu).
+# Run './start-tor-browser.desktop --help' to display the full set of options.
+# When invoked from the shell, this file must always be in a Tor Browser root
+# directory. When run from the file manager or desktop GUI, it is relocatable.
+# After first invocation, it will update itself with the absolute path to the
+# current TBB location, to support relocation of this .desktop file for GUI
+# invocation. You can also add Tor Browser to your desktop's application menu
+# by running './start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app'
+# If you use --register-app, and then relocate your TBB directory, Tor Browser
+# will no longer launch from your desktop's app launcher/dock. However, if you
+# re-run --register-app from inside that new directory, the script
+# will correct the absolute paths and re-register itself.
 # This file will also still function if the path changes when TBB is used as a
 # portable app, so long as it is run directly from that new directory, either
 # via the shell or via the file manager.
-# If you installed this file to ~/.local/share/applications/ and then relocate
-# your TBB directory, Tor Browser will no longer launch from your desktop's
-# app launcher/dock. However, if you re-run this file from inside that new
-# directory, it will correct the absolute paths, and you can then copy it back
-# into ~/.local/share/applications/ again to restore desktop launch
-# functionality.
 [Desktop Entry]
@@ -25,6 +28,6 @@ Name=Tor Browser Setup
 GenericName=Web Browser
 Comment=Tor Browser is +1 for privacy and -1 for mass surveillance
-Exec=sh -c '"$(dirname "$*")"/Browser/start-tor-browser || ([ ! -x "$(dirname "$*")"/Browser/start-tor-browser ] && "$(dirname "$*")"/start-tor-browser)' dummy %k
+Exec=sh -c '"$(dirname "$*")"/Browser/start-tor-browser --detach || ([ ! -x "$(dirname "$*")"/Browser/start-tor-browser ] && "$(dirname "$*")"/start-tor-browser --detach)' dummy %k
+X-TorBrowser-ExecShell=./Browser/start-tor-browser --detach

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