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[or-cvs] Specify formats to use $KEYID in service descriptors, INTRO...

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Specify formats to use $KEYID in service descriptors, INTRODUCE cells.  The old thing will not actually work, since clients need onion keys as well as key digests to extend.

Index: rend-spec.txt
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/doc/rend-spec.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -d -r1.20 -r1.21
--- rend-spec.txt	16 Aug 2004 11:53:14 -0000	1.20
+++ rend-spec.txt	18 Aug 2004 04:05:30 -0000	1.21
@@ -117,15 +117,16 @@
          PK    Bob's public key                      [KL octets]
          TS    A timestamp                           [4 octets]
          NI    Number of introduction points         [2 octets]
-         Ipt   A list of NUL-terminated ORs         [variable]
+         Ipt   A list of NUL-terminated ORs          [variable]
          SIG   Signature of above fields             [variable]
    KL is the length of PK, in octets.  (Currently, KL must be 128.)
    TS is the number of seconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970.
-   The members of Ipt may either be OR nicknames, or IP:Port:ID-key-hash
-   triples.  Servers must accept both forms.  Before 0.0.7 is obsoleted,
-   servers should only generate the first form.
+   The members of Ipt may either be EITHER nicknames, or identity key
+   digests, encoded in hex, and prefixed with a '$'.  Servers must accept
+   both forms.  Before 0.0.7 is obsoleted, servers should only generate the
+   first form.  After, servers should only generate the second form.
    [It's ok for Bob to advertise 0 introduction points. He might want
     to do that if he previously advertised some introduction points,
@@ -252,14 +253,14 @@
           RC     Rendezvous cookie            [20 octets]
           g^x    Diffie-Hellman data, part 1 [128 octets]
-          VER    Version byte: set to 4.        [1 octet]
-          RP:IP  IP of rendezvous point        [4 octets]
-          RP:P   Port of rendezvous point      [2 octets]
-          RP:ID  ID key hash of rendezvous pt [20 octets]
+          VER    Version byte: set to 1.        [1 octet]
+          RP                                  [42 octets]
           RC     Rendezvous cookie            [20 octets]
           g^x    Diffie-Hellman data, part 1 [128 octets]
-   PK_ID is the hash of Bob's public key.  RP is NUL-padded.
+   PK_ID is the hash of Bob's public key.  RP is NUL-padded and terminated,
+   and must contain EITHER a nickname, or an identity key digest, encoded in
+   hex, and prefixed with a '$'.
    Implementations must accept both variants, but should only generate the
    first so long as Tor 0.0.7 is in use.