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[tor-commits] [translation/https_everywhere] Update translations for https_everywhere

commit bad8081f6211bf7d5b5f658e6af9bea17c4dab4d
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Aug 17 10:51:27 2019 +0000

    Update translations for https_everywhere
 ady/https-everywhere.dtd          |  40 ---------------
 ady/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 af_ZA/https-everywhere.dtd        |  47 -----------------
 af_ZA/ssl-observatory.dtd         |  95 -----------------------------------
 ak/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 ak/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 am/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 am/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 am_ET/https-everywhere.dtd        |  53 --------------------
 am_ET/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 ar_AA/https-everywhere.dtd        |  53 --------------------
 ar_AA/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 arn/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 arn/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 ba/https-everywhere.dtd           |  40 ---------------
 ba/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 bal/https-everywhere.dtd          |  56 ---------------------
 bal/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 bg_BG/https-everywhere.dtd        |  47 -----------------
 bn_BD/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 bn_BD/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 bn_IN/https-everywhere.dtd        |  41 ---------------
 bn_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 bo/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 bo/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 brx/https-everywhere.dtd          |  53 --------------------
 brx/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 ca_ES/https-everywhere.dtd        |  47 -----------------
 ceb/https-everywhere.dtd          |  40 ---------------
 ceb/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 co/https-everywhere.dtd           |  56 ---------------------
 co/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 cs_CZ/https-everywhere.dtd        |  53 --------------------
 cs_CZ/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 csb/https-everywhere.dtd          |  53 --------------------
 csb/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 cv/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 cv/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 cy_GB/https-everywhere.dtd        |  53 --------------------
 cy_GB/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 dz/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 dz/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 el_GR/https-everywhere.dtd        |  47 -----------------
 es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd        |  55 --------------------
 es_CL/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 es_CO/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 es_CO/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 es_NI/https-everywhere.dtd        |  47 -----------------
 es_NI/ssl-observatory.dtd         |  95 -----------------------------------
 fil/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 fil/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 fo/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 fo/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 fr_CA/https-everywhere.dtd        |  41 ---------------
 fr_CA/ssl-observatory.dtd         |  92 ----------------------------------
 fur/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 fur/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 gu_IN/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 gu_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 gun/https-everywhere.dtd          |  53 --------------------
 gun/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 ha/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 ha/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd        |  55 --------------------
 hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 102 -------------------------------------
 ht/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ht/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 hy_AM/https-everywhere.dtd        |  56 ---------------------
 hy_AM/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 ia/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ia/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 jbo/https-everywhere.dtd          |  56 ---------------------
 jbo/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 jv/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 jv/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 ko_KR/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 ko_KR/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 ku/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ku/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 ku_IQ/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 ku_IQ/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 kw/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 kw/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 ky/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ky/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 la/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 la/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 100 ------------------------------------
 lb/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 lb/ssl-observatory.dtd            |  98 ------------------------------------
 lg/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 lg/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 ln/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ln/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 lo/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 lo/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 mg/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 mg/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 mi/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 mi/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 mn/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 mn/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 mt/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 mt/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 nah/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 nah/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 nap/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 nap/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 nds/https-everywhere.dtd          |  40 ---------------
 nds/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 nso/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 nso/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 om/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 om/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 pap/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 pap/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 pl_PL/https-everywhere.dtd        |  46 -----------------
 pl_PL/ssl-observatory.dtd         |  90 ---------------------------------
 pms/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 pms/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 ps/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ps/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 pt/https-everywhere.dtd           |  55 --------------------
 pt/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 100 ------------------------------------
 ru@petr1708/https-everywhere.dtd  |  54 --------------------
 ru@petr1708/ssl-observatory.dtd   | 101 -------------------------------------
 sa/https-everywhere.dtd           |  56 ---------------------
 sa/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 scn/https-everywhere.dtd          |  40 ---------------
 scn/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 sco/https-everywhere.dtd          |  54 --------------------
 sco/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 si/https-everywhere.dtd           |  56 ---------------------
 si/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 sk_SK/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 sk_SK/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 103 --------------------------------------
 sl_SI/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 sl_SI/ssl-observatory.dtd         |  98 ------------------------------------
 sn/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 sn/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 so/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 so/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 sq_AL/https-everywhere.dtd        |  53 --------------------
 sq_AL/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 sr@latin/https-everywhere.dtd     |  54 --------------------
 sr@latin/ssl-observatory.dtd      | 101 -------------------------------------
 st/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 st/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 su/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 su/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 szl/https-everywhere.dtd          |  40 ---------------
 szl/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 te_IN/https-everywhere.dtd        |  40 ---------------
 te_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 tg/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 tg/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 ti/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 ti/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 tk/https-everywhere.dtd           |  54 --------------------
 tk/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 tl_PH/https-everywhere.dtd        |  56 ---------------------
 tl_PH/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 101 -------------------------------------
 tzm/https-everywhere.dtd          |  40 ---------------
 tzm/ssl-observatory.dtd           | 101 -------------------------------------
 ug@Arab/https-everywhere.dtd      |  54 --------------------
 ug@Arab/ssl-observatory.dtd       | 101 -------------------------------------
 ur_PK/https-everywhere.dtd        |  54 --------------------
 ur_PK/ssl-observatory.dtd         | 100 ------------------------------------
 ve/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 ve/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 wa/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 wa/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 wo/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 wo/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 yo/https-everywhere.dtd           |  57 ---------------------
 yo/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 zh-CN/https-everywhere.dtd        |  57 ---------------------
 zh-CN/ssl-observatory.dtd         |  94 ----------------------------------
 zh/https-everywhere.dtd           |  47 -----------------
 zh/ssl-observatory.dtd            |  95 -----------------------------------
 zh_CN.GB2312/https-everywhere.dtd |  47 -----------------
 zh_CN.GB2312/ssl-observatory.dtd  |  95 -----------------------------------
 zu/https-everywhere.dtd           |  53 --------------------
 zu/ssl-observatory.dtd            | 101 -------------------------------------
 183 files changed, 13866 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ady/https-everywhere.dtd b/ady/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/ady/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ady/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ady/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/ady/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/af_ZA/https-everywhere.dtd b/af_ZA/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63c453e..000000000
--- a/af_ZA/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/af_ZA/ssl-observatory.dtd b/af_ZA/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9457a9641..000000000
--- a/af_ZA/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ak/https-everywhere.dtd b/ak/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/ak/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ak/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ak/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ak/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/am/https-everywhere.dtd b/am/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 154e2ce16..000000000
--- a/am/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "á?µá??HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "á?µá?©á?? á?«á??á?µá?¥á?©! á? á?¥á?? á?£á?¢á?«á??á?½ á??á?­ HTTPSá?? á? á?«á?µ-á?°á?­ á?­á? á??á??á?¢">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "���">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "á?¨SSL á??á?³á??á?¢á?« á??á?­á?«á??á?½">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "HTTPS Everywhereá?? á? á??á??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "á??á?£á?ªá?? á? á?³á?­">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "á?°á?­á??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "á? á??á??á?? ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "á??á?° á??á?£á?ªá??á?½ á?³á??á?? á? á?µá??á??á?­">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "á?­á??á?­">
diff --git a/am/ssl-observatory.dtd b/am/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index ebf2e6f11..000000000
--- a/am/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "á??á?­á??á?­ á?¥á?? á?¨á??á?? á??á?¨á??á??á?½">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "á? á??á?? á?¨á? á?­á??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "á? á?­á?°á??á?? ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "á? á??">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "á?°á?­á?²á??á?¬á?±á?? á?  á?¶á?­ á?¨á??á??á??á?µ á??á?°á? á??á?« á?«á?¨á??á??á?¡">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"á?­á??á?? á??á?­á?« á??á??á? á??á?? á?¶á?­ á??á?«á??á?? á??á??á?µ á? á??á? á?µ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "á?°á? á??á??á?? ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "á?¨á? á??á?  á??á?­á?« á? á?³á?­">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "á?¨SSL á??á?³á??á?¢á?« á??á?­á?«á??á?½">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "á??á?³á??á?¢á?«á??á?? á?­á? á??á???">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "á??á?µá? á??á??á??á?«! á?¨ EFF's SSL á??á?³á??á?¢á?«">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "á?¨á?°á?­á?²á??á?¬á?±á?? á?«á?´á?? á?£á?³á?­">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "á?°á?¨á?µá?»á??á??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/am_ET/https-everywhere.dtd b/am_ET/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5012fd051..000000000
--- a/am_ET/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "á?µá?? á?¤á?½á?²á?²á??á?¤á?µ á?¨á?µá??á??á?? á?¦á?³">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "á?µá?? á?¤á?½á?²á?²á??á?¤á?µ á?¨á?µá??á??á?? á?¦á?³">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/am_ET/ssl-observatory.dtd b/am_ET/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e6591dfb..000000000
--- a/am_ET/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "á??á?­á??á?­ á?¨á??á??á?? á??á??á??á?«">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ar_AA/https-everywhere.dtd b/ar_AA/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bbb1fee4..000000000
--- a/ar_AA/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/ar_AA/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ar_AA/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/ar_AA/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/arn/https-everywhere.dtd b/arn/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/arn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/arn/ssl-observatory.dtd b/arn/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/arn/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ba/https-everywhere.dtd b/ba/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/ba/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ba/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ba/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/ba/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/bal/https-everywhere.dtd b/bal/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac51cdd0..000000000
--- a/bal/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/bal/ssl-observatory.dtd b/bal/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/bal/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/bg_BG/https-everywhere.dtd b/bg_BG/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63c453e..000000000
--- a/bg_BG/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/bn_BD/https-everywhere.dtd b/bn_BD/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8654f07c9..000000000
--- a/bn_BD/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "প�রায় সর�বত�র HTTPS">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "সর�বত�র HTTPS">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "�য়�ব �ন��রিপ��! �ন�� সা����লিত� স�বয়���রিয়ভাব� HTTPS নিরাপত�তা ব�যবহার �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "স�স��রণ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "নিয়মাবল� স�স��রণ �ন�য">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "নত�ন নিয়ম য�� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "��ফ�ফ�� দান �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL পর�যব���ষ� প�ন�দ��লি">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "সর�বত�র HTTPS �াল� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "সমস�ত �নন�ম���ত �ন�র�ধ��লি �বর�ধ �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "�া�ন��ার দ���ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "সমস�ত নিয়ম দ���ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "সাধারণ স��ি�স">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "�ন�নত স��ি�স">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "��যান�ল �পড�� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "মিশ�র �ন���ন��/বিষয়বস�ত� নিয়মাবল� স��ষম �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Devtools ��যাব দ��ান">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "স�বয়���রিয় �পড�� নিয়মাবল�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere সা�� ��ার�য�র">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "সতর����রণ: য�� �রা ��যান�ল��ল� �পনার ব�রা��ার হা���যা� �রত� হামলা�ার�দ�র �ারণ হত� পার� । �পনি যদি �ান�ন �পনি �ি �র��ন তাহল� �� বিভা� শ�ধ�মাত�র সম�পাদনা �র�ন!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "হালনা�াদ ��যান�ল ��ড়�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "হালনা�াদ ��যান�ল নাম প�রব�শ �রান">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "ম���ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "হালনা�াদ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "স���িত নিয়ম বিন�যাস: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "সর�বশ�ষ পর���ষা হালনা�াদ �রা হ����: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "��ন� না">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "স��ি�স রপ�তানি �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "ডিফল��� রিস�� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "��ি প�রতি�ি নিয়ম স���ি তার ডিফল�� স����� প�নরায় স�� �রব�। �ালিয়� য�ত� �ান?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS দ�বারা সর�বত�র ল��ষ�য �পনি �িল ন�ভি���, ���ি �-HTTPS প�ষ�ঠা, �ব� ��ষ��া �রার �ন�য �পনা�� পাঠাত� HTTPS স�স��রণ পরিবর�ত�. HTTPS স�স��রণ �ন�পলব�ধ. সম�ভবত �� সা���র সমর�থন �র� না, HTTPS দ�বারা, �িন�ত� ��া সম�ভব য� ���ি ���রমণ�ার� ব�ল� �রা হয়, HTTPS স�স��রণ. যদি �পনি �ান �পনি দ��ত� �ন��রিপশনবিহ�ন স�স��রণ �� প�ষ�ঠায় �পনি ��ন� �রত� পার�ন না, তা� নিষ���রিয় দ�বারা 'ব�ল� সব �ন��র
 িপশনবিহ�ন �ন�র�ধ' বি�ল�প �পনার HTTPS সর�বত�র ���স��নশন. য� স��তন হত� হব� �� বি�ল�প�ি ���ষম �রত� পার� �পনার ব�রা��ার প�রবন, ন���য়ার��-ভিত�তি� ডা�ন��র�ড �পর হামলা, �পনি যান �য়�বসা���র.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ন���য়ার��-ভিত�তি� ডা�ন��র�ড হামলা">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "স�থিতিশ�ল নিয়ম">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�� �য়�বসা����লিত� �ন��রিপ��  স�য�� �াল� �র�ন:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "পর���ষাম�ল� নিয়ম">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "সতর��তা বা ভা���ন হত� পার�। বিপদ �ড়ান�র �ন�য বন�ধ �রা হ����।">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "�� সা���র �ন�য HTTPS Everywhere ��ার�য�র �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "�� সা���র �ন�য HTTPS Everywhere �ার�য�র �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "�� সা���র �ন�য ���ি নিয়ম য�� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "�� সা���র �ন�য নত�ন ���ি নিয়ম য�� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "সর�বদা �� হ�স���র �ন�য HTTPS ব�যবহার �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "হ�স��:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "�ন�নত দ��ান">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "�ন�নত ল��ান">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "নিয়ম�র নাম">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Regex মিল��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "প�ন�নির�দ�শ �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "বাতিল">
diff --git a/bn_BD/ssl-observatory.dtd b/bn_BD/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d9aeeb4d7..000000000
--- a/bn_BD/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "বিবরণ �ব� ��পন�য়তা তথ�য">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "�মা�� পর� �ি����স �র�">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "না">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere ���রমণ সনা��ত �রত� পার�
-�পনার ব�রা��ার�র বির�দ�ধ� �পনি য� শ�সাপত�র��লি পাব�ন
-মানমন�দির। �� �াল� �রব�ন?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"সর�বত�র HTTPS SSL পরিমাপ� ব�যবহার �রব�ন?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "হা">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"��ি স��ষম �রার �ন�য ��ি নিরাপদ, যদি না �পনি ��ব ব�যবহার �র�ন
-�নধি�ারম�ল� �র�প�র�� ন���য়ার��:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"নিরাপদ, যদি না �পনি ��পন �ন���রান�� সার�ভার�র নাম�র সাথ� ���ি �র�প�র�� ন���য়ার�� ব�যবহার �র�ন:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"�-মান� ম�ল CA দ�বারা স�বা��ষরিত সার��িফি��� �মা দিন �ব� পর���ষা �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"à¦?à¦?ি à¦?à¦?à¦?ি নিরাপদ (à¦?বà¦? à¦?à¦?à¦?ি ভাল ধারণা) à¦?à¦? বিà¦?লà§?পà¦?ি সà¦?à§?ষম à¦?রার à¦?নà§?য, যদি না à¦?পনি à¦?à¦?à¦?ি à¦?নà¦?à§?য় à¦?রà§?পà§?রà§?à¦? নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? বা Kaspersky à¦?à§?যানà§?à¦?িভাà¦?রাস সফà¦?à¦?য়à§?যার বà§?যবহার à¦?রà§?ন যা à¦?পনার বà§?রাà¦?à¦?িà¦? à¦?à¦?à¦?ি TLS পà§?রà¦?à§?সি à¦?বà¦? à¦?à¦?à¦?ি বà§?যà¦?à§?তিà¦?ত রà§?à¦? সারà§?à¦?িফিà¦?à§?à¦? à¦?থরিà¦?ি সà¦?à§?à¦?à§? নà¦?র রাà¦?à§?। যদি à¦?à¦? ধরনà§?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦?à§?র à¦?পর সà¦?à§?রিয় থাà¦?à§?, তবà§? à¦?à¦? বিà¦?লà§?পà¦?ি পà§?রà¦?াশ à¦?রতà§? পারà§? যà§? à¦?à§?ন পà§?রà¦?à§?সি মাধà§?যমà§? https: // ডà§?মà§?à¦?নà¦?à§?লি পরিদরà§?শন à¦?রা à
 ¦¹à¦?à§?à¦?à§?, à¦?ারণ à¦?ননà§?য শà¦?সাপতà§?রà¦?à§?লি à¦?à¦?ি তà§?রি à¦?রবà§?। সà§?তরাà¦? à¦?মরা à¦?à¦?ি ডিফলà§?à¦? বনà§?ধ বনà§?ধ।">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "নামহ�নতা �ন�য �র ব�যবহার �র� শ�সাপত�র ��� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"নামহ�নতা �ন�য �র ব�যবহার �র� শ�সাপত�র ��� �র�ন (�র প�রয়��ন)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"�� বি�ল�প�ি �নস��ল �রা �ব� �লমান হত� Tor প�রয়��ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"য�ন �পনি ���ি নত�ন শ�সাপত�র দ���ন, ত�ন �পনি যা পরিভ�রমন�র সাথ� স�য���ত ���ন তার পরিমার��না�� বল�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"��ি �পনার ন���য়ার��� &quot;���ন�মাস সিস���ম নম�বর&quot; �নত� �ব� পাঠাত� হব�। ��ি �মাদ�র�� HTTPS �র বির�দ�ধ� ���রমণ��লি সনা��ত �রত� সহায়তা �রব� �ব� ��ি নির�ধারণ �রত� হব� য� �মরা �রান � সিরিয়া��লির মত� ন���য়ার����লিত� ন�রদারি �র�ি �িনা য��ান� ���রমণ��লি ত�লনাম�ল�ভাব� সাধারণ।">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"���ি সতর��তা দ��ান য�ন Observatory �পনার ব�রা��ার দ�বারা ধরা না ���ি প�রত�যাহার শ�সাপত�র সনা��ত">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"��ি পরি�িত শ�সাপত�র র�শন তালি�া��লির বির�দ�ধ� �মা দ��য়া শ�সাপত�র পর���ষা �রব�। দ�র�ভা��যবশত �মরা ��যারান��ি দিত� পারি না য� �মরা প�রতি বাতিল��ত শ�সাপত�র�� পতা�া���িত �রব, �িন�ত� যদি �পনি ���ি সতর��তা দ��ত� পান তব� ���ি ভাল স�য�� �ি�� ভ�ল।">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "সম�পন�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"সর�বত�র HTTPS EFF �র SSL পরিমার��িত ব�যবহার �রত� পার�ন। �� দ��ি �িনিস ���: (1)
-�মাদ�র সাহায�য �রার �ন�য মানমন�দির�� HTTPS সার��িফি����র �ন�লিপি পাঠায়
-'মধ�যবর�ত� ���রমণ�ার���' সনা��ত �রা �ব� �য়�ব নিরাপত�তা নিশ��িত �রা; �ব� (2)
-�পনা�� �পনার ব�রা��ার� �স�র��ষিত স�য����লি বা ���রমণ সম�পর��� সতর�� �র� দিত� দ�য়।">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"�দাহরণস�বর�প, �পনি য�ন https://www.something.com যান, ত�ন শ�সাপত�র�ি
-পরিভ�রমন দ�বারা প�রাপ�তি নির�দ�শ �রব� য� ��� পরিদর�শন �র���
-www.something.com, �িন�ত� যারা সা�� পরিদর�শন �র�ন নি, বা ��ন নির�দিষ�� প�ষ�ঠা তারা
-দি�� তা�িয়�. �র� বিস�তারিত �ন�য বি�ল�প মা�স�ভার:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "�ন�নত বি�ল�প��লি ল��ান">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"�র�� �পলব�ধ না হল�� শ�সাপত�র ��� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"�মরা ��ন� ব�নাম� ড��া রা�ার ��ষ��া �রব, �িন�ত� �� বি�ল�প�ি �ম নিরাপদ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"�-পাবলি� DNS নাম�র �ন�য শ�সাপত�র �মা দিন �ব� পর���ষা �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"�� বি�ল�প�ি ��� �রা না হ�য়া পর�যন�ত, মানমন�দির নাম�র �ন�য শ�সাপত�র র��র�ড �রব� না য� ��ি DNS সিস���ম�র মাধ�যম� সমাধান �রত� পারব� না।">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "�ন�নত বি�ল�প��লি দ��ান">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL পর�যব���ষ� প�ন�দ��লি">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "�ব�ার�ভ��রি ব�যবহার �রব�ন?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "EFF �র SSL মানমন�দির থ��� সতর��তা">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "শ�সাপত�র শ����লা দ��ান">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "�মি ব����ি">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "�� সা���র �ন�য ��ফ�ফ �র �স�স�ল �ব�ারভ��রি�ি HTTPS সার��িফি��� (��লি) সম�পর��� ���ি সতর��বাণ� �ারি �র���:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "�পনি যদি �� সা��� ল� �ন �র�ন, �পনার নিরাপদ স�য���র পর� �পনার পাস�য়ার�ড পরিবর�তন �রার �ন�য ��ি য���তিয���ত হত� পার�। (�� সতর��বার�তা�ি HTTPS সর�বত�র�র প�ন�দস� ডায়াল��র &quot;SSL �ব�����রি&quot; ��যাব� ���ষম �রা য�ত� পার�।)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"স�বা��ষরিত সার��িফি��� �মা দিন �ব� ��� �র�ন">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"�� স�পারিশ �রা হয়; ��রিপ�����রাফি� সমস�যা স�ব-স�বা��ষরিত �ম�ব�ড�ড ডিভা�স��লিত� বিশ�ষভাব� সাধারণ">
diff --git a/bn_IN/https-everywhere.dtd b/bn_IN/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e71f2b42..000000000
--- a/bn_IN/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/bn_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd b/bn_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/bn_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/bo/https-everywhere.dtd b/bo/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa68b808..000000000
--- a/bo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "�ོ��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "སུ��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "�སར�ས�ྱུར�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/bo/ssl-observatory.dtd b/bo/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index ae2faea34..000000000
--- a/bo/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "��རེ��">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "རེ��">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "�ར�སོ���">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/brx/https-everywhere.dtd b/brx/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index a8de46c98..000000000
--- a/brx/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "न�वसि">
diff --git a/brx/ssl-observatory.dtd b/brx/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d30dba5e9..000000000
--- a/brx/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "न��ा">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "न���">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ca_ES/https-everywhere.dtd b/ca_ES/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3af5b36e9..000000000
--- a/ca_ES/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel·la">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/ceb/https-everywhere.dtd b/ceb/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/ceb/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ceb/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ceb/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/ceb/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/co/https-everywhere.dtd b/co/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac51cdd0..000000000
--- a/co/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/co/ssl-observatory.dtd b/co/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/co/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/cs_CZ/https-everywhere.dtd b/cs_CZ/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bbb1fee4..000000000
--- a/cs_CZ/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/cs_CZ/ssl-observatory.dtd b/cs_CZ/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/cs_CZ/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/csb/https-everywhere.dtd b/csb/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/csb/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/csb/ssl-observatory.dtd b/csb/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/csb/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/cv/https-everywhere.dtd b/cv/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/cv/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/cv/ssl-observatory.dtd b/cv/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 907e6c7e8..000000000
--- a/cv/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ã?Ñ?к">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "�апла">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/cy_GB/https-everywhere.dtd b/cy_GB/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bbb1fee4..000000000
--- a/cy_GB/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/cy_GB/ssl-observatory.dtd b/cy_GB/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/cy_GB/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/dz/https-everywhere.dtd b/dz/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b4b02e3a..000000000
--- a/dz/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/dz/ssl-observatory.dtd b/dz/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/dz/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/el_GR/https-everywhere.dtd b/el_GR/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63c453e..000000000
--- a/el_GR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd b/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9218dfde2..000000000
--- a/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Acerca De HTTPS Donde Sea">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Versión">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Preferencias del Observatorio SSL">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Habilitar HTTPS en todas partes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar predeterminados">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancelar">
diff --git a/es_CL/ssl-observatory.dtd b/es_CL/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c59c1798..000000000
--- a/es_CL/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Detalles e Informacion de Privacidad">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Preferencias del Observatorio SSL">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/es_CO/https-everywhere.dtd b/es_CO/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c97de619..000000000
--- a/es_CO/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Acerca de HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Versión">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Añadir nueva regla">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donar a EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Habilitar HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Ver Todas Las Reglas">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Borrar">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reestablecer a Valores Predeterminados">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Reglas estables">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forzar conexiones encriptadas para estos sitios web:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Reglas experimentales">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Puede causar advertencias o roturas. Deshabilitado por defecto.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Añadir una regla para este sitio">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Añadir una nueva regla para este sitio">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Siempre usar https para este host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Mostrar avanzado">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Ocultar avanzado">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Nombre de regla">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redireccionar a">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancelar">
diff --git a/es_CO/ssl-observatory.dtd b/es_CO/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 281a8876e..000000000
--- a/es_CO/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Detalles e información privada. ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Preguntame mas tarde">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Si">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Verificar certificados usando Tor para anonimidad">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Hecho">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Ocultar opciones avanzadas">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Entiendo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/es_NI/https-everywhere.dtd b/es_NI/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63c453e..000000000
--- a/es_NI/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/es_NI/ssl-observatory.dtd b/es_NI/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9457a9641..000000000
--- a/es_NI/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/fil/https-everywhere.dtd b/fil/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f077a281..000000000
--- a/fil/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Tungkol sa HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "I-encrypt ang Web! Awtomatikong gamitin ang HTTPS security sa maraming sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Bersyon">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Mga Preference sa SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "I-enable ang HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Ipakita ang Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Tingnan ang Lahat ng Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Burahin">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ibalik sa Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Mga stable na rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Puwersahin ang mga naka-encrypt na koneksyon sa mga website na ito:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Mga experimental na rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Maaaring hindi gumana o magkaroon ng mga babala. Default na naka-disable.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "I-kansela">
diff --git a/fil/ssl-observatory.dtd b/fil/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 33266d2d5..000000000
--- a/fil/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Mga Detalye at Impormasyon sa Privacy">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Tanungin Mo Mamaya">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Wala">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Dapat bang gamitin ng HTTPS Everywhere ang SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Oo">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Ligtas itong gamiting , pero ito ay dapat mong gamitin sa loob ng isang napaka
-mapang-himasok na corporate network.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Ligtas ito, maliban na lang kung gumagamit ka ng corporate network na may mga sikretong intranet server name:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Ang opsyon na ito ay nangangailangan ng Tor na installed at tumatakbo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Tapos na">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Mga Preference sa SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Gamitin ang Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "BABALA mula sa SSL Observatory ng EFF">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Ipakita ang certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Nauunawaan ko">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/fo/https-everywhere.dtd b/fo/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 58bb615dd..000000000
--- a/fo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Um HTTPS Allastaðni">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Allastaðni">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Brongla alnetið! Brúka HTTPS-trygd sjávvirkandi á fleiri síðum.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "�tgáva">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Stillingar fyri SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Gilda HTTPS Allastaðni">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Vís teljara">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Nullstill">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Angra">
diff --git a/fo/ssl-observatory.dtd b/fo/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d068bfae3..000000000
--- a/fo/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Frágreiðing og trúnaðarspurningar">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Spyr seinni">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Nei">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Allastanið varnast álop
-ímóti kaganum við at senda váttanir (certificates) til
-eygleiðingarstøðina. Skal hetta vera frá?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Skal HTTPS Allastaðni brúka SSL-eygleiðingarstøðina?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Ja">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Tað er trygt at koyra frá, uttan so at tú ert ein
-øgiliga ágandadi stórfyritøka:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Trygt, um ikki tú brúkar netið hjá einari stórfyritøku við loyniligum intranetsnøvnum:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Melda til og kanna váttanir, skrivaðar undir av óvanligum &quot;root CA&quot;-um">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Stillingar fyri SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/fr_CA/https-everywhere.dtd b/fr_CA/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 65a916c24..000000000
--- a/fr_CA/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Ã? propos de HTTPS partout">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS partout">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Chiffrer le Web! Utiliser automatiquement la sécurité HTTPS avec de nombreux sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Ajouter une nouvelle règle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Faire un don à lâ??EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Préférences de lâ??observatoire SSL ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Activer HTTPS partout">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Bloquer toutes les requêtes non chiffrées">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Afficher le compteur">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Visualiser toutes les règles">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "Paramètres généraux">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Importer les paramètres">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Importer">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Vos paramètres ont été importés.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Exporter les paramètres">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Revenir aux paramètres par défaut">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Règles stables">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forcer des connexions chiffrées vers ces sites Web :">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Règles expérimentales :">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Pourrait causer des avertissements ou des défaillances. Désactivé par défaut.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Ajouter une règle pour ce site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Ajouter une nouvelle règle pour ce site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Toujours utiliser HTTPS pour cet hôte">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Hôte :">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Afficher les options évoluées">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Cacher les options évoluées">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Nom de la règle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Regex correspondant">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Rediriger vers">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Annuler">
diff --git a/fr_CA/ssl-observatory.dtd b/fr_CA/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 466d33948..000000000
--- a/fr_CA/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Détails et informations relatives à la confidentialité">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Me demander plus tard">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Non">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS partout peut détecter les attaques contre votre navigateur en envoyant les certificats reçus à lâ??observatoire. Activer cette option?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"HTTPS partout devrait-il utiliser lâ??observatoire SSL?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Oui">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Il est sécuritaire dâ??activer cette option, sauf si vous utilisez un réseau dâ??entreprise très intrusif :">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Sécuritaire, sauf si vous utilisez un réseau dâ??entreprise avec noms de serveurs Intranet secrets :">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Envoyer et vérifier les certificats signés par des autorités racines non standards">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"Il est sécuritaire (et une bonne idée) dâ??activer cette option, sauf si vous utilisez un réseau dâ??entreprise intrusif ou le logiciel antivirus Kaspersky qui surveille votre navigation avec un mandataire TLS et une autorité de certificat racine privée. Si elle était activée sur un tel réseau, cette option pourrait publier des preuves sur les domaines https:// visités avec ce mandataire en raison des certificats uniques quâ??elle produirait. Elle est donc désactivée par défaut.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Vérifier les certificats en utilisant Tor pour lâ??anonymat">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Vérifier les certificats en utilisant Tor pour lâ??anonymat (exige Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Cette option exige lâ??installation et lâ??utilisation de Tor">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Quand vous voyez un nouveau certificat, indiquer à lâ??observatoire à quel FAI vous êtes connecté">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Cette option ira chercher et enverra le «â?¯numéro de système autonomeâ?¯Â» de votre réseau. Cela nous aidera à localiser les attaques contre HTTPS et à déterminer si nous avons des observations à partir de réseaux en des lieux comme lâ??Iran et la Syrie où les attaques sont comparativement fréquentes.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Afficher un avertissement si lâ??observatoire détecte un certificat révoqué, mais ignoré par votre navigateur">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Cela comparera les certificats transmis aux listes de révocation des certificats. Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas garantir que nous signalerons tous les certificats révoqués, mais si vous voyez un avertissement, il y a de bonnes chances que quelque chose ne va pas.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Fait">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS partout peut utiliser lâ??observatoire SSL de lâ??EFF. Cela permet deux choses : (1) lâ??envoi de copies des certificats HTTPS à lâ??observatoire pour nous aider à détecter les attaques de lâ??homme du milieu et à améliorer la sécurité du Web; et (2) nous permet de vous informer à propos des connexions non sécurisées et attaques sur votre navigateur.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Par exemple, si vous visitez https://www.quelquechose.com, le certificat reçu par lâ??observatoire indiquera que quelquâ??un a visité www.quelquechose.com, mais pas lâ??identité de la personne qui a visité le site ni quelle page particulière a été regardée. Passez votre souris sur les options pour plus dâ??informations :">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Cacher les options évoluées">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Vérifier les certificats même si Tor nâ??est pas disponible">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Nous essaierons encore dâ??assurer lâ??anonymat des données, mais cette option est moins sécuritaire">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Envoyer et vérifier les certificats des noms de DNS non publics ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Au moins que cette option soit activée, lâ??observatoire nâ??enregistrera pas les certificats pour les noms quâ??il ne peut pas résoudre par le système DNS.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Afficher les options évoluées">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Préférences de lâ??observatoire SSL">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Utiliser lâ??observatoire?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "AVERTISSEMENT de lâ??observatoire SSL de lâ??EFF">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Afficher la chaîne de certificats">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Je comprends">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "Lâ??observatoire SSL de lâ??EFF a publié un avertissement sur le/les certificat(s) HTTPS de ce site :">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Si vous êtes connecté à ce site, il serait conseillé de changer votre mot de passe dès que vous aurez une connexion sécuritaire (ces avertissements peuvent être désactivés dans lâ??onglet « Observatoire SSL » de la fenêtre de préférences de HTTPS partout).">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Envoyer et vérifier les certificats autosignés">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Cela est recommandé; les problèmes cryptographiques sont particulièrement communs dans les dispositifs embarqués autosignés">
diff --git a/fur/https-everywhere.dtd b/fur/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/fur/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/fur/ssl-observatory.dtd b/fur/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/fur/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/gu_IN/https-everywhere.dtd b/gu_IN/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 54e6c6faa..000000000
--- a/gu_IN/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "રદ �ર�">
diff --git a/gu_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd b/gu_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/gu_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/gun/https-everywhere.dtd b/gun/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/gun/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/gun/ssl-observatory.dtd b/gun/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/gun/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ha/https-everywhere.dtd b/ha/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/ha/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ha/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ha/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ha/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd b/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index ce9b9944e..000000000
--- a/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "O proširenju HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Enkriptirajte web! Automatski koristite HTTPS sigurnost na mnogim stranicama.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "InaÄ?ica">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Nizovi pravila inaÄ?ice za">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Dodaj novo pravilo">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donirajte EFF-u">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Postavke SSL Opservatorija">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "OmoguÄ?i HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Prikaži brojaÄ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Pogledaj sva pravila">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "OpÄ?e postavke">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Napredne postavke">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Kanal za ažuriranje">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "OmoguÄ?i skupove pravila mijeÅ¡anog sadržaja">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Prikaži Devtools karticu">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Automatski ažuriraj nizove pravila">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere pravila korisnika">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere onemoguÄ?ene stranice">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Dodaj kanal za ažuriranje">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Unesite ime kanala za ažuriranje">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Obriši">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Ažuriraj">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Verzija spremljenih skupova pravila:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Ažuriranja zadnji put provjerena:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "nikad">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Izvezi postavke">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Vrati na poÄ?etno">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ovo Ä?e obnoviti svaki skup pravila na svoje zadano stanje. Nastavi?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Pravila stabilnosti">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Prisili enkriptirane veze s ovim stranicama:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Eksperimentalna pravila">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Može prouzroÄ?iti upozorenja ili kvarove. OnemoguÄ?eno pod zadano.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "OnemoguÄ?i HTTPS Everywhere na ovoj stranici">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "OmoguÄ?i HTTPS Everywhere na ovoj stranici">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Dodaj pravilo za ovu stranicu">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Dodaj novo pravilo za ovu stranicu">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Uvjek koristi https za ovog domaÄ?ina">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "DomaÄ?in:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Pokaži napredno">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Sakrij napredno">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Ime pravila">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "UsporeÄ?ujem regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Preumsjeri na">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Otkaži">
diff --git a/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd b/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1194341f0..000000000
--- a/hr_HR/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Pojedinosti i informacije o privatnosti">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Pitaj me kasnije">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ne">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere može otkriti napade
-na vaÅ¡ preglednik Å¡aljuÄ?i certifikate koje primite
-Opservatoriju.  Želite li ukljuÄ?iti ovo?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Treba li HTTPS Everywhere koristiti SSL Opservatorij?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Da">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Sigurno je omoguÄ?iti ovo, osim ako koristite jako
-ometajuÄ?u korporativnu mrežu:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Sigurno, osim ako koristite korporativnu mrežu sa tajnim intranet nazivima poslužitelja:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Podnesi i provjeri certifikate potpisane od ne-standardnih root CA-ova">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"Sigurno je (i dobra je ideja) omoguÄ?iti ovu opciju, osim ako koristite ometajuÄ?u korporativnu mrežu ili Kaspersky antivirusni software koji nadgleda VaÅ¡e surfanje s TLS proxyem i privatnim root CA-ovima.  Ako je opcija omoguÄ?ena na takvoj mreži, ova moguÄ?nost bi mogla objaviti dokaz koja https:// domena je bila posjeÄ?ena kroz taj proxy, zbog jedinstvenog certifikata kojeg bi proizvela. Stoga je ostavljena iskljuÄ?ena pod zadano.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Provjeri certifikate koristeÄ?i Tor za anonimnost">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Provjeri certifikate koristeÄ?i Tor za anonimnost (zahtijeva Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Ova moguÄ?nost zahtijeva instaliran i pokrenut Tor">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Kad vidite novi certifikat, recite Opservatoriju na koji ste ISP spojeni">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Ovo Ä?e dohvatiti i poslati &quot;Autonomni broj sustava&quot; VaÅ¡e mreže.  To Ä?e nam pomoÄ?i u lociranju napada na HTTPS, te u otkrivanju kad nas promatraju iz mreža otkud stižu uÄ?estali napadi, mjesta poput Irana i Sirije.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Prikaži upozorenje kad Opservatorij otkrije opozvani certifikat koji Vaš preglednik nije uhvatio">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Ovo Ä?e provjeriti predane certifikate s poznatim listama opozvanih certifikata.
-Nažalost, ne možemo garantirati da Ä?emo uoÄ?iti svaki opozvani certifikat, ali ako vidite upozorenje, velika je Å¡ansa da neÅ¡to nije u redu.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Gotovo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere može koristiti EFF-ov SSL Opservatorij.  Ovo radi dvije stvari: (1)
-Å¡alje kopije HTTPS certifikata Opservatoriju, da nam pomogne
-u otkrivanju 'Ä?ovjek u sredini' napada i poboljÅ¡a sigurnost Weba; i (2)
-dopušta nam da Vas obavijestimo o nesigurnim vezama ili napadima na Vaš preglednik.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Npr., kad posjetite https://www.something.com, certifikat
-primljen od Opservatorija Ä?e naznaÄ?iti da je netko posjetio
-www.something.com, ali ne tko je posjetio stranicu, ili koju su odreÄ?enu
-stranicu tražili.  Prelazak mišem preko &quot;opcija&quot; za daljnje pojedinosti:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Sakrij napredne opcije">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Provjeri certifikate iako Tor nije dostupan">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"PokuÅ¡ati Ä?emo održati podatke anonimnima, ali ova moguÄ?nost je manje sigurna">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Prijavite i provjerite certifikate za ne-javne DNS nazive">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Ako ova moguÄ?nost nije odabrana, Opservatorij neÄ?e snimati certifikate za nazive koji se ne mogu razrijeÅ¡iti kroz DNS sustav.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Prikaži napredne moguÄ?nosti ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Postavke SSL Opservatorija">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Koristi Opservatorij?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "UPOZORENJE iz EFF-ovog SSL Opservatorija">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Prikaži lanac certifikata">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Razumijem">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Ako ste ulogirani na ovu stranicu, preporuÄ?a se da promijenite lozinku kad budete imali sigurnu vezu. (Ova upozorenja se mogu iskljuÄ?iti u &quot;SSL Opservatorij&quot; kartici u postavkama HTTPS Everywhere.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Prijavite i provijerite samopotpisane certifikate">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Ovo je preporuÄ?eno; kriptografski problemi su naroÄ?ito Ä?esti u samopotpisanim ugraÄ?enim ureÄ?ajima">
diff --git a/ht/https-everywhere.dtd b/ht/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/ht/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ht/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ht/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ht/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/hy_AM/https-everywhere.dtd b/hy_AM/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac51cdd0..000000000
--- a/hy_AM/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/hy_AM/ssl-observatory.dtd b/hy_AM/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index cc008db3e..000000000
--- a/hy_AM/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Õ?Õ¹">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Õ?Õ¡Õ¿Ö?Õ¡Õ½Õ¿ Õ§">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ia/https-everywhere.dtd b/ia/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index f3f582e88..000000000
--- a/ia/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancellar">
diff --git a/ia/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ia/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b4f5ada0..000000000
--- a/ia/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Si">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/jbo/https-everywhere.dtd b/jbo/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac51cdd0..000000000
--- a/jbo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/jbo/ssl-observatory.dtd b/jbo/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/jbo/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/jv/https-everywhere.dtd b/jv/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/jv/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/jv/ssl-observatory.dtd b/jv/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/jv/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ko_KR/https-everywhere.dtd b/ko_KR/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 98718758f..000000000
--- a/ko_KR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "ë²?ì ¼">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "ì?´ë??ì??ë?? HTTPS 켬">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "ì ?ê±°">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "ì·¨ì??">
diff --git a/ko_KR/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ko_KR/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1438f43e4..000000000
--- a/ko_KR/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "ì??ë??ì?¤">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "ë?¤">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "ì??ë£?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ku/https-everywhere.dtd b/ku/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe32bc04..000000000
--- a/ku/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "رÛ?کخستÙ?Û? Ù¾Û?Ø´Ú©Û?Ù?تÙ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ku/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ku/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ku/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ku_IQ/https-everywhere.dtd b/ku_IQ/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index e0bea7fdf..000000000
--- a/ku_IQ/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "بÛ?Ú¯Û?Ú?خستÙ?Û? ئÛ?Ú? تÛ? تÛ? Ù¾Û? ئÛ?س Ù?Û? Ù?Û?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ø´Ù?Û?Ù?Û?Ú©">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Ú?Û?کخستÙ?Û? Ù¾Û?Ø´Ú©Û?Ù?تÙ?Ù?Û?کاÙ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "سÚ?Û?Ù?Û?Ù?Û?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Ù?Û?Ù?Û?Ø´Û? Ù?Û?Ú? تÛ? تÛ? Ù¾Û? ئÛ?س بÛ?کاربÙ?Û?Ù?Û? بÛ? ئÛ?Ù? خاÙ?Û?Ø®Ù?Û?Û?Û?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "خاÙ?Û?Ø®Ù?Û?:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "پشتگÙ?Û?خستÙ?">
diff --git a/ku_IQ/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ku_IQ/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 10e926ad4..000000000
--- a/ku_IQ/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ù?Û?Ø®Û?ر">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "بÛ?ÚµÛ?">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "شاردÙ?Û?Ù?Û?Û? بÚ?اردÛ? Ù¾Û?Ø´Ú©Û?Ù?تÙ?Ù?Û?کاÙ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Ù¾Û?شاÙ?داÙ?Û? بÚ?اردÛ? Ù¾Û?Ø´Ú©Û?Ù?تÙ?Ù?Û?کاÙ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/kw/https-everywhere.dtd b/kw/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/kw/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/kw/ssl-observatory.dtd b/kw/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/kw/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ky/https-everywhere.dtd b/ky/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 642d1a510..000000000
--- a/ky/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?ка">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Ó¨Ñ?Ò¯Ñ?Ò¯Ò¯">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Ð?аңÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Ð?йнÑ?Ñ?">
diff --git a/ky/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ky/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 35075246f..000000000
--- a/ky/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ð?ок">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Ð?оба">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Ð?аÑ?Ñ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/la/https-everywhere.dtd b/la/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 093524387..000000000
--- a/la/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "De HTTPS in omnibus locis">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS in omnibus locis">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Late coniunctionem computatorum! Per ipse usa certitudinem de HTTPS in multis paginis.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Versio">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Legem novam addere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Ad EFFem donare">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Praeferentiae observandi SSL">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "HTTPS In Omnibus Locis inire">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Omnes rogationes non latetas non accipere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Numeratorem ostendere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Omnes leges videre">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ad initium reponere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Leges states">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Coniunctiones ad eas paginas latetae esse debent">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Leges in probatione">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Vitia facere potest. In initio deest.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Legem pro ea pagina addere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Legem novam pro ea pagina addere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Semper HTTPS pro ea depositione usare">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Depositio">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Praeferentias longiores ostendere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Praeferentias longiores latere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Nomen legis">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Regex idoneum">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Directionem mutare ad">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Claudere">
diff --git a/la/ssl-observatory.dtd b/la/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9b09e84..000000000
--- a/la/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Informationes minores et informationes abdititudinis">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Roga me postea">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Non">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS In Omnibus Locis temptationes
-contra navem tuam missione certitudinum acceptarum ad Observatorium invenire potest.
-Inirene id?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Usetne HTTPS In Omnibus Locis SSL Observatorium?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Est">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Id inire certe est, nisi intrissimum
-coniunctionem usas.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Certe, nisi coniunctionem nominibus abditibus intra-coniunctionis:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Mittere probareque certificationes, quae signum non-saepum CArum radicum habent.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"Certe (et bene) est eam possibilitatem inire, nisi coniunctionem initiosum constructionis aut Kaspersky programma contra vira usas, qua navigationem tuam cum TLS clave et abdito auctore certificationum radicis videt. Si inest in ea coniunctione, ea possibilitas ostendere potest, quae https:// loci visiti sunt per ea clave, certificationes unicas enim facit. Itaque initiale deest.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Certificationes probare usando Tor pro nescitione">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Certificationes probare usando Tor pro nescitione (Tor egetur)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Pro ea possibilitate Tor adesse agereque debet">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Si certificationem novam vides, observatorium dicis, quo ISP coniunctus es">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Id &quot;Numerum autonomum systematis&quot; contiunctionis tuae acquiret mittetque. Id nos aderit temptationes contra HTTPS invenire, et scire, habemusne observationes de coniunctionibus in locis ut Iran et Syria, ubi temptationes relatione saepe sunt.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Monitionem ostendere, cum observatorium certificationem revocatam invenit, quae nave capta non est">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Id certificationes submissas Ordinibus Revocationis Certificationum scitis probat. Male est, quod non certe omnes cerificationes revocatas notat, sed si monitionem vides, verisimile aliquid falsum est.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Factum">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS In Omnibus Locis potest SSL observatorium de EFF usare. Id duo res facit:
-(1) Duplicationes certificationum HTTPS ad observatorium mittit, ut nos 'vir in medio' temptationis invenire adsit, et certitudinem Coniunctionis melior facit
-et (2) sic te de coniunctionibus non certibus aut temptationibus contra navem tuam monere possumus.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"In exemplo, si https://www.something.com petis, certificatio,
-quae obeservatorio acquista est, dicit, quod aliquis www.something.com vidit,
-sed non, quis paginam petivit aut ad quam sub-pagiam spectavit.
-Pone triangulum muris pro minutalia:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Praeferentias longiores latere">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Certificationes probare etiam, si Tor deest">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Adhuc informationem nescitam esse probabimus, sed ea possibilitas incertior est">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Mittere probareque certificationes pro nomina DNS abdita">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Nisi ea possibilitas electa est, observatorium nomina certificationum non memorabit, qua DNS systemate solvere non potest.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Praeferentias longiores ostendere">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Praeferentiae observandi SSL">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Usarene observatorium?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "Monitio SSL observatorii de EFF">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Coniunctionem certificationum ostendere">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Scio">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Si paginam inisti, bene sit verbum transilindi mutare, cum coniunctionem certam habes. (Eae monitiones in &quot;SSL observatorium&quot; parte praeferentiarum de HTTPS In Omnibus Locis defecti esse possunt.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Mittere probareque certificationes ipse signatas">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Comendatur, quia numerus problematorum latetionis maximus est in indatis apparatibus ipse signatis.">
diff --git a/lb/https-everywhere.dtd b/lb/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 603a0d91f..000000000
--- a/lb/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Iwwert HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Verschlësselt den Internet! Benotzt automatesch HTTPS fir eng helle Wull u Websäiten">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Versioun">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Un d'EFF spenden">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Astellungen">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "HTTPS Everywhere aktivéieren">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Compteur uweisen">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "All d'Regelen gesinn">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Läschen">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Op d'Standardastellungen zerécksetzen">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Ofbriechen">
diff --git a/lb/ssl-observatory.dtd b/lb/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 230a2565b..000000000
--- a/lb/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Detailer an Dateschutzinformatiounen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Fro mech méi spéit">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Nee">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere kann Attacken
-géint äre Browser detektéieren andeems en Zertifikater déi dir kritt
-un EFF SSL-Observatory schéckt. Des Funktioun aktivéieren?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Soll HTTPS Everywhere d'EFF SSL-Observatory benotzen?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Jo">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Et ass sécher dat ze aktivéieren, ausser dir sidd an engem
-ganz restriktivem Firmenetzwierk:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Sécher, ausser dir benotzt e Firmenetzwierk mat geheimen Intranet Servernimm:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Schéckt an iwwerpréift Zertifikater wei eng vu Net-Standard root CAs kommen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"Et ass sécher (an eng gutt Iddi) fir des Optioun ze aktivéieren, ausser dir benotzt een restriktiv Firmenetzwierk oder Kaspersky Antivirus Software wat är Internetaktivitéiten mat engem TLS Proxy beobacht an eng eegen privat root Zertifikat-Autoritéit stellt. Wann des Funktioun an esou engem Netzwierk aktivéiert ass, kann et Spuren hannerloossen wei eng https:// Domains dir besicht hutt. Dowéinst loossen mer déi Funktioun standardméisseg aus.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Zertifikater via Tor iwwerpréiwen fir Anonym ze bleiwen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Zertifikater via Tor iwwerpréiwen fir Anonym ze bleiwen (Dofir muss Tor installéiert sinn)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Des Optioun verlaangt, datt Tor installéiert ass an och leeft">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Wann dir e neit Zertifikat gesitt, dann sot dem SSL-Observatory wei een ISP dir benotzt">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Des Funktioun benotzt är &quot;Autonom Systemzuel&quot; vun ärem Netzwierk. Dëst hëlleft eis Attacke géint HTTPS ze lokaliséieren an erauszefannen op déi Attacken aus Länner wéi dem Iran oder Syrien kommen, wou sou Attacke méi dacks virkommen.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Weist eng Warnung un, wann d'SSL-Observatory een revidéiert Zertifikat fënnt wat vun ärem Browser nach net fonnt ginn ass.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Des Funktioun wärt Zertifikater bei kënnegen Blacklists iwwerpréiwen. Leider kënne mer net garantéieren, datt mir all revidéiert Zertifikat markéieren kennen mä wann dir eng Warnung gesitt, ass dat een gutt Indiz, datt eppes net stemmt.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Fäerdeg">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere kann d'EFF SSL-Observatory benotzen. Dat erméiglecht eis zwou Saachen: (1)
-D'Erkennung vun &quot;Man-in-the-Middle&quot; Attacken an domadder eng verbessert Internetsécherheet, doduerch, datt Kopië vun den HTTPS Zertifikater un d'SSL-Observatory geschéckt ginn; an zweetens (2) kenne mer iech bei onséchere Verbindungen an Attacken op äre Browser warnen.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Beispillsweis, wann dir  https://www.something.com besicht, da wärt dat vum
-SSL-Observatory empfaangent Zertifikat feststellen, datt een www.something.com besicht huet mä net wien oder wei eng genee Säit en gekuckt huet. Fir méi Informatiounen,
-einfach mat der Maus iwwert des Optioun fueren:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Erweidert Optiounen ausblennen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Zertifikater iwwerpréiwen och wann Tor net zur Verfügung steet">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Mir wäerte probéieren är Daten anonym ze halen, mä des Optioun ass net sou sécher">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Schéckt an iwwerpréift Zertifikater fir net-ëffentlech DNS Nimm">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Wann des Optioun net aktivéiert ass, da wäert SSL-Observatory keng Zertifikater fir Domainnimm ophuelen, déi et net iwwert den DNS System kann opléisen.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Erweidert Optiounen uweisen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Astellungen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "SSL-Observatory benotzen?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "Eng WARNUNG vum EFF SSL-Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Zertifikatsketten uweisen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Ech verstinn">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Wann dir op dëser Websäit ugemellt sidd, dann ass et net vu Muttwëll wann dir äert Passwuert ännert soubal dir eng sécher Verbindung hutt. (Des Warnung kann am &quot;SSL-Observatory&quot; Reider vun HTTPS Everywhere Astellungen, ausgeschalt ginn.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Een selwer-signéiert Zertifikat schécken an iwwerpréiwen">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Dëst ass recommandéiert. Kryptographesch Problemer si bei selwer-signéiert Zertifikater an integréierte Geräter, heefeg">
diff --git a/lg/https-everywhere.dtd b/lg/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ec8b2863..000000000
--- a/lg/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Sangula">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/lg/ssl-observatory.dtd b/lg/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c4f3e6e8a..000000000
--- a/lg/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Nedda">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yye">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "zikiriza">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ln/https-everywhere.dtd b/ln/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b4b02e3a..000000000
--- a/ln/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ln/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ln/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ln/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/lo/https-everywhere.dtd b/lo/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 42dbd6894..000000000
--- a/lo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "��ຽວ�ັ� HTTPS �ຸ����ອ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS �ຸ����ອ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "��ົ�າລະຫັ��ວັ�! ��� �ວາມ�ອ��� HTTPS ��ຫລາ���ວັ�����">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "�ວີ�ັ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "�ວີ�ັ� �ຸ�ລະ�ຽ� ສຳລັ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "��ີ�ມ�ົ��ຫມ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "��ລິ�າ��ຫ���� EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "�າ��ັ����າສັ�����າ� SSL">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "��ີ�����າ� HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "�ັ���ຸ���າ�ຮ�ອ����ີ������ົ�າລະຫັ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "ສະ�����ື�ອ��ັ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "ສະ�����ິ���ົ��ັ��ົ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "�າ��ັ����າ�ົ�ວ��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "�າ��ັ����າ�ັ��ສູ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "�ັ��ຸ� ��ອ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "��ີ�����ຸ��ົ�ລະ�ຽ���ື�ອ���ີ��ະສົມ�ະສາ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "ສະ��������ື�ອ�ມື�ັ��ະ�າ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "�ັ��ຸ� �ຸ��ົ�ລະ�ຽ� ອັ��ະ��ມັ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "�ຳ��ືອ�: ��ີ�ມ�າ��ັ��ຸ���ອ���ົ�າ ອາ��ະ�ຮັ��ຫ��ວ��ັ���ມ�ີ ��າະ��ົ�າມາ�� ����ອ��ວັ��ອ���າ����. ��າ�ສາມາ��ັ��ຸ������ �ວ��ີ���� ������ມື�ອ��າ�ຮູ��ລະ��ົ�າ���ີສິ���ີ���າ��ຳລັ��ຮັ�ຢູ�!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "��ີ�ມ�າ��ັ��ຸ���ອ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "�ສ��ື��າ��ັ��ຸ���ອ���ົ�າ��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "ລຶ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "�ັ��ຸ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "�ວີ�ັ��ຸ�ລະ�ຽ��ີ��ັ��ຸ�ວ�:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "�າ��ອົາ�າ��ັ��ຸ�ລ�າສຸ�:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "����ລີ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "�າ��ັ����າ�າ�ສົ��ອອ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "�ັ��ື���ັ���າ�ລີ�ມ�ົ��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "ອັ��ີ��ະ�ັ����າ�ຸ�ລະ�ຽ��ຫ��ື�ຢູ�ສະ�າ�ະ��ີມ�ອ�ມັ�. ສື�������?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere ສັ�����ຫັ�ວ�າ��າ���າລັ���ຫາ��າ�ີ�����ມ�� HTTPS, �ລະ�ະ�າ�າມສົ����າ���ຫາ �ວີ�ັ��ອ� HTTPS ���. �ວີ�ັ� HTTPS ���ສາມາ�������. ��ິ���ືວ�າມັ� ���ສະຫ�ັ�ສະຫ�ູ� HTTPS �ີ�, ���ວ�າມັ����ັ���ັ������ �ີ��ູ��ຸ���ມ�ີ �ຳລັ�ສະ�ັ��ັ�� �ວີ�ັ� HTTPS �ີ�ຢູ�. ��າ��າ���ອ��າ���ິ���ວີ�ັ��ີ���������ົ�າລະຫັ��ອ���າ�ີ�, ��າ��ັ�ສາມາ� �ຮັ��������າ��ິ��າ��ລືອ� '�າ�ຮ�ອ����ີ��
 ����� ��ົ�າລະຫັ��ັ��ົ�' �� ສ�ວ��ະຫ�າ� HTTPS Everywhere �ອ���າ�. �����ອ���ລະມັ�ລະວັ�ວ�າ�າ��ິ� �າ�����າ��າ��ລືອ��ີ� ສາມາ� �ຮັ��ຫ� �ົວ��ອ��ວັ��ອ���າ� ມີ�ວາມສ�ຽ� ����າ���ມ�ີ ����ຫ� ລະ�ົ���ືອ��າ���າ�ລົ�ມ�ຫຼວ ຢູ����ວັ����� �ີ���າ���ົ�າຢ�ຽມ�ົມ.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "�າ���ມ�ີ����ຫ���ືອ��າ�ຫຼົ�ມ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "�ົ��ີ��ັ���ົ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�ັ��ັ��າ���ື�ອມ�����ົ�າລະຫັ����ັ��ວັ����ຫຼົ�າ�ີ�.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "�ົ��າ��ົ�ລອ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "ອາ���ີ�ມີ�າ���ືອ� ຫຼື ສະ�ັ�. ��າ�ລີ�ມ�ົ�� �ມ�� �ິ�����າ�.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "�ສ��ົ��ຫ��ັ��ວັ������ີ�.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "�ສ��ົ�����ຫ��ັ��ວັ������ີ�.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "��� https �ຫ��ັ� �ຮສ�� �ີ��ຸ����ື�ອ.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "ສະ���ລວ��ລິ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "��ື�ອ��າ�ສະ���ລວ��ລິ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "�ື��ົ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "�າ��ັ��ູ��າ�ສະ���ອອ��ົ��ະ�ິ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "��ຽ��ສັ���າ���ສູ�">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "�ົ��ລີ�">
diff --git a/lo/ssl-observatory.dtd b/lo/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index fd15093a6..000000000
--- a/lo/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "ລາ�ລະອຽ� �ລະ ���ມູ�ສ�ວ���">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "�ະລຸ�າ�າມ��ອ��າມ�າ�ຫຼັ�">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "���">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere ສາມາ��ວ��ົ��າ������າ�
-ລະ�ົ�ສັ�����າ�. ��ີ�����າ����?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"HTTPS Everywhere ��ອ������� ລະ�ົ�ສັ�����າ� SSL ຫຼື���?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "�ມ�� ">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "�ລ�ວ� ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "�າ��ັ����າສັ�����າ� SSL ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/mg/https-everywhere.dtd b/mg/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 627b539dd..000000000
--- a/mg/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Vonoy">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/mg/ssl-observatory.dtd b/mg/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/mg/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/mi/https-everywhere.dtd b/mi/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/mi/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/mi/ssl-observatory.dtd b/mi/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/mi/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/mn/https-everywhere.dtd b/mn/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c67c8c6a..000000000
--- a/mn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Ð¥Ñ?вилбаÑ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/mn/ssl-observatory.dtd b/mn/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/mn/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/mt/https-everywhere.dtd b/mt/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/mt/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/mt/ssl-observatory.dtd b/mt/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/mt/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/nah/https-everywhere.dtd b/nah/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/nah/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/nah/ssl-observatory.dtd b/nah/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/nah/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/nap/https-everywhere.dtd b/nap/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/nap/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/nap/ssl-observatory.dtd b/nap/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/nap/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/nds/https-everywhere.dtd b/nds/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/nds/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/nds/ssl-observatory.dtd b/nds/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/nds/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/nso/https-everywhere.dtd b/nso/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/nso/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/nso/ssl-observatory.dtd b/nso/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/nso/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/om/https-everywhere.dtd b/om/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7138caa3f..000000000
--- a/om/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Haqi">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Haromsi">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Haqi">
diff --git a/om/ssl-observatory.dtd b/om/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aaa9bc1e..000000000
--- a/om/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Miti">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Eeyee">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Xumurame">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/pap/https-everywhere.dtd b/pap/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/pap/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/pap/ssl-observatory.dtd b/pap/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/pap/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/pl_PL/https-everywhere.dtd b/pl_PL/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index e42bffef2..000000000
--- a/pl_PL/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "O HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Szyfruj sieÄ?! Automatycznie używaj zabezpieczenia HTTPS na wielu stronach">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Wersja">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Stworzone przez">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Biblioteki reguÅ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "PodziÄ?kowania dla">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "JeÅ?li lubisz HTTPS Everywhere, rozważ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Dotacje dla Tora">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Dotacje dla EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "O HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Preferencje Obserwatorium SSL">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "WÅ?Ä?cz HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "WyÅ?Ä?cz HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "Preferencje HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "WÅ?Ä?cz wszystko">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "WyÅ?Ä?cz wszystko">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Resetuj do DomyÅ?lnych">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Szukaj">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Strona">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notatki">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Które reguÅ?y przekierowania HTTPS majÄ? byÄ? zastosowane?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "WÅ?Ä?czone">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "Możesz dowiedzieÄ? siÄ?, jak pisaÄ? wÅ?asne reguÅ?y (aby dodaÄ? obsÅ?ugÄ? innych stron)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "tutaj">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "PrzeÅ?Ä?cz">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Resetuj do DomyÅ?lnych">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "WyÅ?wietl źródÅ?o XML">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Pobieranie">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Nazwa pliku">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Nie można pobraÄ? źródÅ?a.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Anuluj">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/pl_PL/ssl-observatory.dtd b/pl_PL/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 327af4c0d..000000000
--- a/pl_PL/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "SzczegóÅ?y i informacje o prywatnoÅ?ci">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Zapytaj Mnie Później">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Nie">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere może wykrywaÄ? ataki na TwojÄ? przeglÄ?darkÄ?, wysyÅ?ajÄ?c otrzymyawne certyfikaty do Obserwatorium. WÅ?Ä?czyÄ? to?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Czy HTTPS Everywhere ma używaÄ? Obserwatorium SSL?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Tak">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Można to bezpiecznie wÅ?Ä?czyÄ?, chyba że uwasz bardzo intruzyjnej sieci firmowej:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Bezpieczne, chyba że używasz sieci firmowej z tajnymi nazwami serwerów intranetowych:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"WysyÅ?aj i sprawdzaj certyfikaty podpisane przez niestandardowe gÅ?ówne urzÄ?dy certyfikacji">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"WÅ?Ä?czenie tej opcji jest bezpieczne (i jest dobrym pomysÅ?em), chyba że używasz intruzyjnej sieci firmowej lub oprogramowania antywirusowego Kaspersky, które monitoruje Twoje surfowanie poprzez proxy TLS i prywatny gÅ?ówny urzÄ?d certyfikacji. JeÅ?li wÅ?Ä?czona w takiej sieci, ta opcja mogÅ?aby publikowaÄ? dowody na to, które domeny https:// sÄ? odwiedzane przez to proxy, przez unikalne certyfikaty przez nie wystawiane. Dlatego zostawiamy jÄ? domyÅ?lnie wyÅ?Ä?czonÄ?.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Sprawdzaj certyfikaty, używajÄ?c Tora dla anonimowoÅ?ci">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Sprawdzaj certyfikaty, używajÄ?c Tora dla anonimowoÅ?ci (wymaga Torbuttona)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Ta opcja wymaga, aby Tor i Torbutton byÅ?y zainstalowane">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Gdy widzisz nowy certyfikat, powiedz Obserwatorium, do którego dostawcy jesteÅ? podÅ?Ä?czony">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"To pobierze i wyÅ?le &quot;numer Autonomicznego Systemu&quot; Twojej sieci. To pomoże nam zlokalizowaÄ? ataki na HTTPS i w w okreÅ?leniu, czy mamy obserwacje z sieci w miejscach takich jak Iran czy Syria, gdzie ataki sÄ? porównywalnie czÄ?ste.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Zrobione">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere może używaÄ? Obserwatorium SSL EFF. To robi dwie rzeczy: (1)
-wysyÅ?a kopie certyfikatów HTTPS do Obserwatorium, by pomóc nam
-wykrywaÄ? ataki z poÅ?rednikiem i poprawiÄ? bezpieczeÅ?stwo Sieci i (2)
-pozwala nam ostrzegaÄ? CiÄ? o niebezpiecznych poÅ?Ä?czeniach lub atakach na TwojÄ? przeglÄ?darkÄ?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Na przykÅ?ad, gdy odwiedzasz https://www.something.com, certyfikat otrzymany
-przez Obserwatorium wskaże, że ktoÅ? odwiedziÅ? www.something.com, ale nie to, kto to byÅ?, lub na jakÄ? konkretnÄ? stronÄ? wszedÅ? Najedź myszÄ? na opcje po wiÄ?cej szczegóÅ?ów:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Ukryj zaawansowane opcje">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Sprawdzaj certyfikaty nawet gdy Tor nie jet dostÄ?pny">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"CiÄ?gle bÄ?dziemy próbowaÄ? anonimizowaÄ? dane, ale ta opcja jest mniej bezpieczna">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"WysyÅ?aj i sprawdzaj certyfikaty niepublicznych nazw DNS">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"JeÅ?li ta opcja nie jest wÅ?Ä?czona, Obserwatorium nie bÄ?dzie zapisywaÄ? certyfikatów dla nazw, których nie może rozwiÄ?zaÄ? poprzez system DNS.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Pokaż zaawansowane opcje">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Preferencje Obserwatorium SSL">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "UżywaÄ? Obserwatorium?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "OSTRZEŻENIE od Obserwatorium SSL EFF">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Pokaż Å?aÅ?cuch certyfikatów">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Rozumiem">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "Obserwatorium SSL EFF wydaÅ?o ostrzeżenie o certyfikacie(-ach) HTTPS dla tej strony:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "JeÅ?li jesteÅ? zalogowany/a na tej stronie, może byÄ? zalecana zmiana hasÅ?a, gdy już bÄ?dziesz mieÄ? bezpieczne poÅ?Ä?czenie.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"WyÅ?lij i sprawdź samopodpisane certyfikaty">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"To jest zalecane; problemy kryptograficzne sÄ? szczególnie czÄ?sto spotykane w samopodpisanych urzÄ?dzeniach wbudowanych">
diff --git a/pms/https-everywhere.dtd b/pms/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/pms/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/pms/ssl-observatory.dtd b/pms/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/pms/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ps/https-everywhere.dtd b/ps/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/ps/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ps/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ps/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ps/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/pt/https-everywhere.dtd b/pt/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 98408f886..000000000
--- a/pt/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Sobre HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encripte a Web! Utilize automaticamente a segurança HTTPS em vários sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Versão">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Versão dos conjuntos de regras para">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Adicionar Nova Regra">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Doar à EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Preferências do Observatório de SSL">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Ativar HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Mostrar Contador">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Ver Todas as Regras">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "Configurações Gerais">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Configurações Avançadas">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Canais de Atualização">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Ativar conjuntos de regras de conteúdo misto">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Mostrar separador de 'Ferramentas de Desenvolvimento">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Atualizar automaticamente os conjuntos de regras">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere - Sites Desativados">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Aviso: adicionar canais de atualização pode fazer com que os invasores tomem conta do seu navegador. Edite esta seção apenas se souber o que está a fazer!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Adicionar Canais de Atualização">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Insira o nome do canal de atualização">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Eliminar">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Atualizar">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Versão dos conjuntos de regras armazenados:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Atualizações verificadas pela última vez:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "nunca">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Exportar Configurações">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar Predefinições">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Isto irá repor cada conjunto de regras para o seu estado predefinido. Continuar?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ataques de passar para uma versão anterior baseados em rede">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Regras estáveis">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forçar ligações encriptadas para estes sites da Web;">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Regras experimentais">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Pode causar alertas ou danos. Desativadas por predefinição.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Desativar HTTPS Everywhere neste site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Ativar HTTPS Everywhere neste site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Adicionar uma regra para este site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Adicionar uma nova regra para este site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Utilizar sempre HTTPS para este hospedeiro">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Hospedeiro:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Mostrar opções avançadas">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Ocultar opções avançadas">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Nome da regra">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Regex coincidente">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirecionar para">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancelar">
diff --git a/pt/ssl-observatory.dtd b/pt/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b99062d6..000000000
--- a/pt/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Detalhes e Informação da Privacidade">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Perguntar Mais Tarde">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Não">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere pode detetar ataques
-contra o seu navegador, ao enviar os certificados que recebe para o
-Observatório. Ativar isto?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"HTTPS Everywhere deverá utilizar o Observatório SSL?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Sim">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Ã? seguro ativar isto, a menos que utilize uma
- rede empresarial muito intrusiva:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Seguro, a menos que utilize uma rede empresarial com nomes de servidor de intranet secretos:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submeter e verificar os certificados assinados por CAs de raiz não padrão">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"� seguro (e uma boa ideia) ativar esta opção, a menos que utilize uma rede de empresa intrusiva ou o programa de antivírus Kaspersky que monitoriza a sua navegação com um proxy TLS e uma Autoridade Certificadora de raiz privada.  Se for ativada em tal rede, esta opção poderá divulgar os detalhes dos domínios https:// que tenham sido visitados através deste proxy, por causa dos certificados únicos que este poderia criar. Por isso, nós deixámos esta opção desativada por predefinição.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Verificar certificados utilizando o Tor para anonimato">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Verificar certificados utilizando o Tor para anonimato (requer Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Esta opção requer que o Tor esteja instalado e em execução">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Quando vê um certificado novo, comunique ao Observatório ao qual o ISP está ligado">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"Isto irá obter e enviar o &quot;Número de Sistema Autónomo&quot; da sua rede. isto irá ajudar-nos a localizar os ataques contra HTTPS, e a determinar se nós temos observações das redes em locais, tal como Irão e Síria, onde os ataques são bastante comuns.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Mostrar um aviso quando o 'Observatório' deteta um certificado revogado não descoberto pelo seu navegador da Web">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"Isto irá comparar os certificados submetidos com as 'Lista de Certificados Revogados'. Infelizmente, nós não podemos garantir que nós iremos detetar todos os certificados revogados, mas se vir um aviso, existe uma grande probabilidade de algo estar errado.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Terminado">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"O HTTPS Everywhere pode utilizar o Observatório de SSL da EFF.  Isto faz duas coisas: (1)
-envia as cópias dos certificados de HTTPS para o Observatório, para nos ajudar a detetar os ataques 'man in the middle' e a melhorar a segurança na Web e (2)
-permite-nos avisá-lo sobre as ligações inseguras ou ataques no seu navegador.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Por exemplo, quando visita https://www.something.com, o certificado
-recebido pelo Observatório indica-lhe que alguém visitou
-www.something.com, mas não quem visitou o site, ou que páginas eles
-acederam. Passe com o rato sobre as opções para mais detalhes:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Ocultar opções avançadas">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Verificar certificados mesmo que o Tor não esteja disponível">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Nós iremos tentar manter a unanimidade dos seus dados, mas esta opção é menos segura">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submeter e verificar certificados para nomes de DNS não públicos">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"A menos que esta opção esteja selecionada, o Observatório não irá registar certificados para os nomes que este não consiga resolver através do sistema de DNS.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Mostrar opções avançadas">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Preferências do Observatório de SSL">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Utilizar o Observatório?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "AVISO do Observatório de SSL da EFF">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Mostrar a cadeia do certificado">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Eu percebo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "O Observatório de SSL da EFF emitiu um aviso sobre o(s) certificado(s) de HTTPS para este site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Se tiver iniciado a sessão neste site, pode ser aconselhável alterar a sua palavra-passe assim que tiver uma ligação segura. (Estes avisos podem ser desativados no separador &quot;Observatório de SSL&quot; nas preferências do HTTPS Everywhere).">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submeter e verificar os certificados assinados automaticamente">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Recomenda-se esta prática; os problemas criptográficos são particularmente comuns em dispositivos com certificados auto-assinados incorporados">
diff --git a/ru@petr1708/https-everywhere.dtd b/ru@petr1708/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a57b25c2..000000000
--- a/ru@petr1708/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ru@petr1708/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ru@petr1708/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c437ca3..000000000
--- a/ru@petr1708/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ð?Ñ£Ñ?Ñ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Ð?а">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/sa/https-everywhere.dtd b/sa/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac51cdd0..000000000
--- a/sa/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/sa/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sa/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/sa/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/scn/https-everywhere.dtd b/scn/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/scn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/scn/ssl-observatory.dtd b/scn/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/scn/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/sco/https-everywhere.dtd b/sco/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/sco/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/sco/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sco/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/sco/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/si/https-everywhere.dtd b/si/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac51cdd0..000000000
--- a/si/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/si/ssl-observatory.dtd b/si/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/si/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/sk_SK/https-everywhere.dtd b/sk_SK/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 544307855..000000000
--- a/sk_SK/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "O HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "ZaÅ¡ifrujte web! Automaticky používajte bezpeÄ?nosÅ¥ HTTPS na mnohých stránkach.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Verzia">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Pridať nové pravidlo">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Darujte EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Nastavenia SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Zapnúť HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "ZobraziÅ¥ poÄ?ítadlo">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Zobraziť všetky pravidlá">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "Všeobecné nastavenia">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Rozšírené nastavenia">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Vymazať">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "nikdy">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Exportovať nastavenia">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Obnoviť pôvodné">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilné pravidlá">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Vynútiť šifrované spojenie pre tieto webové stránky:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimentálne pravidlá">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "Môže spôsobiť upozornenie alebo chyby. Zakázané vo východzom nastavení.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Vypnúť HTTPS Everywhere pre túto stránku">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Zapnúť HTTPS Everywhere pre túto stránku">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Pridať pravidlo pre túto stránku.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Pridať nové pravidlo pre túto stránku.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Vždy používať https pre tohto hostiteľa.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Hostiteľ:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "ZobraziÅ¥ pokroÄ?ilé">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "SkryÅ¥ pokroÄ?ilé">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Názov pravidla">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Vyhovujúce regulárne výrazy">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Presmerovať do">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Zrušiť">
diff --git a/sk_SK/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sk_SK/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index cfee21237..000000000
--- a/sk_SK/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Detaily a informácie o súkromí">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Spýtať sa neskôr">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Nie">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere dokáže odhaliť útoky
-na váš prehliadaÄ? tým, že prijaté certifikáty poÅ¡le programu
-Observatory. Zapnúť túto funkciu?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Má HTTPS Everywhere používať SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Ã?no">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Táto funkcia je bezpeÄ?ná, pokiaľ nie ste
-pripojený k veľmi neodbytnej firemnej sieti:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"BezpeÄ?né, pokiaľ nie ste pripojený k firemnej sieti s tajnými názvami intranetových serverov:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"OdoslaÅ¥ a skontrolovaÅ¥ certifikáty podpísané neÅ¡tandardnými koreÅ?ovými CertifikaÄ?nými autoritami">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"Je bezpeÄ?né (a tiež dobrý nápad) toto nastavenie povoliÅ¥, pokiaľ nepoužívate neodbytnú firemnú sieÅ¥ alebo program Kaspersky antivirus, ktorý sleduje vaÅ¡e prehliadanie cez TLS proxy a súkromnú koreÅ?ovú CertifikaÄ?nú autoritu. Ak by bolo na takejto sieti zapnuté, toto nastavenie by mohlo sprístupniÅ¥ dôkazy o tom, ktoré https:// domény boli cez túto proxy navÅ¡tívené, kvôli unikátnym certifikátom, ktoré by vytvorilo. Z týchto dôvodov nechávame toto nastavenie pôvodne vypnuté.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Skontrolovať anonymitu certifikátov pomocou Tor">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Skontrolovať anonymitu certifikátov pomocou Tor (vyžaduje Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Táto voľba vyžaduje, aby bol nainštalovaný a spustený Tor">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Pri objavení sa nového certifikátu, oznámiť Observatory, ku ktorému ISP ste pripojení.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"To naÄ?íta a odoÅ¡le &quot;Ä?íslo autonómneho systému&quot; vaÅ¡ej siete. To nám pomôže lokalizovaÅ¥ útoky na HTTPS a urÄ?iÅ¥, Ä?i máme hlásenia zo sietí na miestach ako je Irán a Sýria, kde sú útoky relatívne Ä?asté.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"ZobraziÅ¥ upozornenie, keÄ? Observatory zistí neplatný certifikát nezachytený vaÅ¡im prehliadaÄ?om ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"To porovná zadané certifikáty so zoznamom neplatných certifikátov. Bohužiaľ nemôžeme zaruÄ?iÅ¥, že dokážeme oznaÄ?iÅ¥ každý zruÅ¡ený certifikát, ale pokiaľ sa vám zobrazí varovanie, existuje vysoká pravdepodobnosÅ¥, že nieÄ?o nie je v poriadku.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Hotovo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere dokáže používať SSL Observatory od EFF. To slúži na
-dve veci: (1) odosiela kópie HTTPS certifikátov do Observatory kvôli pomoci
-so zachytením útokov 'man in the middle'  a vylepÅ¡eniu bezpeÄ?nosti webu;
-a (2) dovolí nám varovaÅ¥ vás pred nebezpeÄ?ným pripojením alebo útokmi na
-váš prehliadaÄ?.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Ak napríklad navštívite https://www.something.com, tak certifikát, 
-ktorý príde do Observatory ukáže, že
-niekto navštívil
-www.something.com, ale nie kto ju navštívil alebo na ktorú konkrétnu stránku
-sa pozeral. Pre bližšie informácie ukážte kurzorom na možnosti.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Skryť rozšírené nastavenia">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"KontrolovaÅ¥ certifikáty aj keÄ? je Tor nedostupný">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Budeme sa stále snažiÅ¥ zachovaÅ¥ anonymitu dát, táto možnosÅ¥ je vÅ¡ak menej bezpeÄ?ná">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Odoslať a skontrolovať certifikáty pre neverejné DNS názvy">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Pokiaľ nie je táto možnosť zaškrtnutá, Observatory nebude zaznemenávať názvy certifikátov, ktoré nenájde v DNS systéme.  ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Zobraziť rozšírené nastavenia">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Nastavenia SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Používať Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "UPOZORNENIE z SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Zobraziť reťazec certifikátov">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Rozumiem">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Ak ste prihlásený na tejto stránke, v momente, keÄ? sa dostanete na zabezpeÄ?ené pripojenie, odporúÄ?ame zmeniÅ¥ vaÅ¡e heslo. (Tieto varovania je možné vypnúť v záložke &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; v dialógu nastavení HTTPS Everywhere.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Odoslať a skontrolovať certifikáty podpísané sam sebou">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"Toto sa odporúÄ?a; problémy so Å¡ifrovaním sú bežné hlavne pri použití vstavaných zariadení, ktoré sú podpísané samými sebou">
diff --git a/sl_SI/https-everywhere.dtd b/sl_SI/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 477f20f3b..000000000
--- a/sl_SI/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "O HTTPS povsod">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS povsod">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Å ifrirajte splet! Avtomatska uporaba HTTPS zaÅ¡Ä?ite na razliÄ?nih straneh.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "RazliÄ?ica">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "Možnosti SSL Opazovalnice">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "OmogoÄ?i HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Prikaži števec">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "Preglej vsa pravila">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Napredne nastavitve">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Izbris">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ponastavi">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "PrekliÄ?i">
diff --git a/sl_SI/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sl_SI/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index cc154c283..000000000
--- a/sl_SI/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Podrobnosti in informacije o zasebnosti">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Vprašaj me kasneje">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ne">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere lahko zazna napade proti vaÅ¡emu brskalniku z poÅ¡iljanjem certifikatov, ki jih prejmete v opazovalnico. Želite to vkljuÄ?iti?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Ali naj HTTPS Everywhere uporablja SSL opazovalnico?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Da">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"Varno je da to vkljuÄ?ite, dokler ne uporabljate zelo vsivljivega poslovnega omrežja.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Varno, dokler ne uporabite poslovno omrežje s tajnimi imeni intranet strežnikov:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Predloži in preveri certifikate nestandardnih overoviteljev">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"OmogoÄ?anje tega je varno (in priporoÄ?ljivo), razen Ä?e uporabljate vsiljivo poslovno omrežje ali protivirusni program Kaspersky, ki spremlja vaÅ¡e brskanje s TLS proksijem in privatnim overoviteljem certifikatov. Ä?e je omogoÄ?eno v takem omrežju lahko ta možnost objavi dokazila o tem, katere https:// domene so bile obiskane preko tega proksija, ker bi ustvarila edinstvene certifikate. Zato je to izkljuÄ?eno kot privzeto.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Preveri certifikate z uporabo Tor anonimnosti">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Preveri certifikate z uporabo Tor anonimnosti (potreben Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"Ta opcija potrebuje nameÅ¡Ä?en in zagnan Tor">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"Ko vidite nov certifikat povejte Observatoriju h kateremu ISP-ju ste prikljuÄ?eni">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"To bo pridobilo in poslalo &quot;Avtonomno sistemsko Å¡tevilko&quot; vaÅ¡ega omrežja. To nam bo pomagalo locirati napade na HTTPS in doloÄ?iti, ali so opažanja iz omrežij na podroÄ?jih kot so Iran in Sirija, kjer so napadi razmeroma pogosti.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Pokaži opozorilo ko Observatorij zazna preklicane certifikate, ki jih vaš iskalnik ni našel.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"To preverjanje bo predložilo certifikate pred Seznam Preklicanih Certifikatov. Na žalost ne moremo zagotoviti, da bomo oznaÄ?ili vsak razveljavljen certifikat, Ä?e pa vidite opozorilo obstaja velika verjetnost, da je nekaj narobe.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Opravljeno">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Povsod uporablja EFF's SSL Observatorij. To naredi dvoje: (1)
-pošlje kopije HTTPS certifikatov Observatoriju, da nam pomaga
-odkriti 'man in the middle' napade in izboljšati web varnost; in (2)
-nam omogoÄ?i, da vas opozorimo na nezanesljive povezave ali napade na vaÅ¡ iskalnik.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"Ko na primer obiÅ¡Ä?ete https://www.something.com bo certifikat,
-ki ga sprejme Observatorij, pokazal, da je nekdo obiskal
-www.something.com, ne pa kdo je to bil ali katero stran
-si je ogledal. Pridržite miÅ¡ko nad izbirami za veÄ? podrobnosti:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Skrij napredne možnosti">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Preveri certifikate tudi, ko Tor ni navoljo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"Poskušali bomo ohraniti podatke anonimne, vendar je ta možnost manj varna">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Predloži in preveri certifikate za ne-javna imena DNS">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Razen Ä?e je ta možnost izbrana, observatorij ne bo zabeležil certifikate za imena, ki jih ni mogoÄ?e reÅ¡iti prek sistema DNS.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Pokaži napredne možnosti">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "Izbire SSL Opazovalnice">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Uporabim opazovalnico?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "OPOZORILO od EFF's SSL Observatorija">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Prikaži certifikatno verigo">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Razumem">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "Ä?e ste vpisani na to mesto je priporoÄ?ljivo, da spremenite geslo, ko boste varno povezani. (Ta opozorila lahko onemogoÄ?ite v nastavitvenem dialogu HTTPS Povsod, v zavihku &quot;SSL Observatorij&quot;.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Predložite in preverite samopodpisane certifikate">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"To je priporoÄ?ljivo; Å¡ifrirne težave so posebej pogoste pri samopodpisanih vgrajenih napravah">
diff --git a/sn/https-everywhere.dtd b/sn/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index bb2a5fec1..000000000
--- a/sn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Dzima">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Kanzura">
diff --git a/sn/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sn/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69a30afa9..000000000
--- a/sn/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Kwete">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Hongu">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/so/https-everywhere.dtd b/so/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/so/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/so/ssl-observatory.dtd b/so/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/so/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/sq_AL/https-everywhere.dtd b/sq_AL/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bbb1fee4..000000000
--- a/sq_AL/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/sq_AL/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sq_AL/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/sq_AL/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/sr@latin/https-everywhere.dtd b/sr@latin/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index e55669d81..000000000
--- a/sr@latin/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Otkaži">
diff --git a/sr@latin/ssl-observatory.dtd b/sr@latin/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 67118f8ac..000000000
--- a/sr@latin/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ne">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Da">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/st/https-everywhere.dtd b/st/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 06566073d..000000000
--- a/st/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/st/ssl-observatory.dtd b/st/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/st/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/su/https-everywhere.dtd b/su/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/su/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/su/ssl-observatory.dtd b/su/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/su/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/szl/https-everywhere.dtd b/szl/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/szl/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/szl/ssl-observatory.dtd b/szl/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/szl/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/te_IN/https-everywhere.dtd b/te_IN/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/te_IN/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/te_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd b/te_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7bed8d2..000000000
--- a/te_IN/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "�ాద� ">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/tg/https-everywhere.dtd b/tg/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index a04399d83..000000000
--- a/tg/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Ð?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Ð?еÑ?Ñ? каÑ?дан">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Ð?авÑ?озӣ каÑ?дан">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/tg/ssl-observatory.dtd b/tg/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 67be8c35b..000000000
--- a/tg/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ð?е">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Ҳа">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Ð?Ò·Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?д">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ti/https-everywhere.dtd b/ti/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index f3324b6f7..000000000
--- a/ti/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "á?­á??á??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "á??á??á?µá??á?³á?µ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "á??á?µ á??á?? á??á?¸á?­á?µ á??á? á?¬á?³ ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ti/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ti/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9dd19d2..000000000
--- a/ti/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "á??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "á?¥á??">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "á?°á??á??á??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/tk/https-everywhere.dtd b/tk/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index f92eb395e..000000000
--- a/tk/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "GörnüÅ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Poz">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Täzele">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/tk/ssl-observatory.dtd b/tk/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bf4df4a..000000000
--- a/tk/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ã?ok">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Hawa">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Boldy">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/tl_PH/https-everywhere.dtd b/tl_PH/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index bf9eaf862..000000000
--- a/tl_PH/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Tungkol sa HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "Tungkol sa HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockHttpRequests "Block all HTTP requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Hanapin">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/tl_PH/ssl-observatory.dtd b/tl_PH/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/tl_PH/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/tzm/https-everywhere.dtd b/tzm/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5094d065..000000000
--- a/tzm/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.importSettings "Import Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.import "Import">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.imported "Your settings have been imported.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/tzm/ssl-observatory.dtd b/tzm/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/tzm/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ug@Arab/https-everywhere.dtd b/ug@Arab/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index eaaea4dee..000000000
--- a/ug@Arab/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "HTTPS Everywhere عÙ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "اصدار">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "EFFتبرع Ù?Ù?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.encryptAllSitesEligible "Encrypt All Sites Eligible (EASE)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "حذÙ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "اغÙ?اÙ?">
diff --git a/ug@Arab/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ug@Arab/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index a42d14cc4..000000000
--- a/ug@Arab/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "اÙ?تÙ?اصÙ?Ù? Ù? Ù?عÙ?Ù?Ù?ات اÙ?خصÙ?صÙ?Ø©">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "أسأÙ?Ù?Ù? Ù?احÙ?ا">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ù?ا">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Ù?عÙ?">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "اÙ?تÙ?Ù?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Ø£Ù?Ù?Ù? Ø°Ù?Ù?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ur_PK/https-everywhere.dtd b/ur_PK/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b1a387b8..000000000
--- a/ur_PK/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "Û?ائپر Ù¹Û?کسٹ ٹراÙ?سÙ?ر پرÙ?Ù¹Ù?Ú©Ù?Ù? سکÛ?Ù?ر Û?ر جگÛ? (HTTPS Everywhere) Ú©Û? بارÛ? Ù?Û?Úº ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "Û?ائپر Ù¹Û?کسٹ ٹراÙ?سÙ?ر پرÙ?Ù¹Ù?Ú©Ù?Ù? سکÛ?Ù?ر Û?ر جگÛ? ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Ù?رÚ?Ù?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "شرÙ?ع کرئÛ?Úº">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "کاؤÙ?ٹر دکھائÛ?Úº">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "تÙ?اÙ? Ù?اÙ?Ù?Ù? دکھائÛ?Úº">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "Ù?جÙ?Ù?عÛ?/ عاÙ? سÛ?Ù¹Û?Ù?گز">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.userRulesListed "HTTPS Everywhere User Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "حذÙ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "اپ Ú?Û?Ù¹ کرÛ?Úº">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Ù?Ù?سÙ?Ø®">
diff --git a/ur_PK/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ur_PK/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b8adacdb6..000000000
--- a/ur_PK/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "تÙ?صÛ?Ù?ات اÙ?ر Ø®Ù?Ù?ت Ú©Û? Ù?عÙ?Ù?Ù?ات">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ù?جھ سÛ? بعد Ù?Û?Úº Ù¾Ù?Ú?Ú¾Û?Û?Û?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "Ù?Û?Û?Úº">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Û?اں">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"اسÛ? Ù?جاز بÙ?اÙ?ا Ù?Ø­Ù?Ù?ظ Û?Û?Ø? جب تک Ú©Û? آپ Ù?Û?اÛ?ت دخÙ? اÙ?داز Ù?شترکÛ? Ù?ظاÙ? استعÙ?اÙ? Ù?Û? کرÛ?ÚºÛ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Ù?Ø­Ù?Ù?ظ Û?Û?Ø? جب تک آپ Ù?شترکÛ? Ù?ظاÙ? Ø®Ù?Û?Û? اÙ?ٹراÙ?Û?Ù¹ سرÙ?ر Ú©Û? ساتھ استعÙ?اÙ? کرÛ?ÚºÛ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Ú¯Ù?Ù?اÙ?Û? Ú©Û? Ù?Û?Û? Ù¹Ù?ر Ú©Ù? استعÙ?اÙ? کرتÛ? Û?Ù?ئÛ? اسÙ?اد Ú©Û? تصدÛ?Ù? کرÛ?ÚºÛ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Ú¯Ù?Ù?اÙ?Û? Ú©Û? Ù?Û?Û? Ù¹Ù?ر Ú©Ù? استعÙ?اÙ? کرتÛ? Û?Ù?ئÛ? اسÙ?اد Ú©Û? تصدÛ?Ù? کرÛ?Úº(Ù¹Ù?ر درکار Û?Û?)Û?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"اس اÙ?تخاب Ú©Û? Ù?Û?Û? Ù¹Ù?ر کا اÙ?سٹاÙ? Û?Ù?Ù?ا اÙ?ر Ú?اÙ?Ù? Û?Ù?Ù?ا ضرÙ?رÛ? Û?Û?Û?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Ù?Ú©Ù?Ù? Û?Ù?Ú¯Û?ا">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Ù?زÛ?د اÙ?تخابات Ú©Ù? Ú?Ù?ھپائÛ?Û?Û?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "اÛ?Ú?Ù?اÙ?س آپشÙ?ز ظاÛ?ر Ú©Û?جÛ?Û?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "Ù?Û?Úº سÙ?جھ Ú¯Û?اÛ?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/ve/https-everywhere.dtd b/ve/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/ve/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/ve/ssl-observatory.dtd b/ve/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/ve/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/wa/https-everywhere.dtd b/wa/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/wa/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/wa/ssl-observatory.dtd b/wa/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/wa/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/wo/https-everywhere.dtd b/wo/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/wo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/wo/ssl-observatory.dtd b/wo/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/wo/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/yo/https-everywhere.dtd b/yo/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 93d66ce89..000000000
--- a/yo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and ", and">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "Many many contributors, including">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "Also, portions of HTTPS Everywhere are based on code from NoScript, by Giorgio Maone and others.  We are grateful for their excellent work!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "or">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/yo/ssl-observatory.dtd b/yo/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f1cfd69..000000000
--- a/yo/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/zh-CN/https-everywhere.dtd b/zh-CN/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e61f0ac..000000000
--- a/zh-CN/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "�� HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "å? å¯?ç½?ç»?æµ?è§?ï¼?è?ªå?¨ä½¿ç?¨ HTTPS è¿?æ?¥è®¿é?®ç«?ç?¹ï¼?æ?´å? å®?å?¨ã??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "ç??æ?¬">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "å??建è??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.and "ï¼?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "è§?å??管ç??å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "æ·»å? æ?°è§?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "è?´è°¢">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.many_contributors "许许å¤?å¤?ç??è´¡ç?®è??ï¼?å??æ?¬">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.noscript "å?¦å¤?ï¼?HTTPS Everywhere ç??é?¨å??æº?代ç ?å?ºäº? NoScriptï¼?ä½?è??æ?¯ Giorgio Maone ç­?人ã??æ??们é??常æ??è°¢ä»?们å?ºè?²ç??æ??æ??ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "å¦?æ??å??欢 HTTPS Everywhereï¼?æ?¨å?¯ä»¥è??è??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "æ??å?© Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "zh_CN">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.or "æ??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "æ??å?©ç?µå­?å??线å?ºé??ä¼? (EFF)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "æ??å?©ç?µå­?å??线å?ºé??ä¼? (EFF)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "�� HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory é¦?é??项">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "�� HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "�� HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "æ?¦æ?ªæ??æ??æ?ªå? å¯?请æ±?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "�示计��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "æ?¥ç??æ??æ??è§?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere é¦?é??项">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "����">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "����">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "é??置为é»?认å?¼">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "æ??ç´¢">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "ç«?ç?¹">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "注é??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "åº?ç?¨å?ªäº? HTTPS é??å®?å??è§?å??ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "已��">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "æ?¨å?¯ä»¥å­¦ä¹ å¦?ä½?ç¼?å??æ?¨è?ªå·±ç??è§?å??ï¼?以å¢?å? å¯¹å?¶ä»?ç½?ç«?ç??æ?¯æ??ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "è¿?é??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "å??æ?¢">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "é??置为é»?认å?¼">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "æ?¥ç?? XML æ ¼å¼?ç??æº?代ç ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "稳å®?è§?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "强�对���������">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "å®?éª?æ?§è§?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "å?¯è?½å¼?å??è­¦å??æ??å¼?常ã??é»?认被ç¦?ç?¨ã??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "为此ç«?ç?¹æ·»å? è§?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "为此ç«?ç?¹æ·»å? æ?°è§?å??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "对此主���使� https">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "主�:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "æ?¾ç¤ºé«?级é??项">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "é??è??é«?级é??项">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "è§?å??å??称">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "æ­£å??表达å¼?å?¹é??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "é??å®?å??å?°">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "å??æ¶?">
diff --git a/zh-CN/ssl-observatory.dtd b/zh-CN/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ef4eb326..000000000
--- a/zh-CN/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "详æ??ä¸?é??ç§?ä¿¡æ?¯">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "以å??å??说">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "å?¦">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "é??è¿?å°?æ?¥æ?¶å?°ç??è¯?书
-æ??交è?³ Observatoryï¼?HTTPS Everywhere è?½å¤?æ£?æµ?é??对æµ?è§?å?¨ç??æ?»å?»ã??
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"æ?¯å?¦å??许 HTTPS Everywhere 使ç?¨ SSL Observatoryï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "æ?¯">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"å?¯ç?¨è¿?个å??è?½æ?¯å®?å?¨ç??ï¼?é?¤é??ä½ æ??ç?¨ç??æ?¯é«?ä¾µå?¥æ?§ç??ä¼?ä¸?ç½?ç»?ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"å®?å?¨ï¼?é?¤é??æ??ç?¨ç??ä¼?ä¸?ç½?ç»?å?·æ??å? å¯?ç??å??é?¨ç½?æ??å?¡å?¨å??称ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"æ??交并æ£?æ?¥ç?±é??æ ?å??æ ¹ CA æ??ç­¾å??ç??è¯?书">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"å?¯ç?¨æ­¤é??项æ?¯å®?å?¨ï¼?è??ä¸?æ??ç??ç??ï¼?ï¼?é?¤é??æ??ç?¨ç??æ?¯é«?ä¾µå?¥æ?§ç??å?¬å?¸ç½?ç»?ï¼?æ??è??使ç?¨å?¡å·´æ?¯å?ºé?²ç??æ¯?软件é??è¿?æ?¬å?° TLS 代ç??ä¸?ç§?æ??æ ¹è¯?书认è¯?æ?¹æ£?æµ?äº?è??ç½?æµ?è§?è¡?为ã??对äº?è¿?æ ·ç??ç½?ç»?ï¼?ç?±äº?ç??æ??ç??æ?°å­?è¯?书æ?¯å?¯ä¸?ç??ï¼?å?¯ç?¨è¯¥é??项å?¯è?½å°?å?¬å¼?é??è¿?该代ç??访é?®ç?? https:// ç½?å??å??称ï¼?å? æ­¤é»?认å?³é?­è¯¥å??è?½ã??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "é??è¿? Tor ç½?ç»?è¿?è¡?æ?°å­?è¯?书ç??æ£?æ?¥ï¼?以ä¿?æ?¤å?¿å??æ?§">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"é??è¿? Tor ç½?ç»?è¿?è¡?æ?°å­?è¯?书ç??æ£?æ?¥ï¼?以ä¿?æ?¤å?¿å??æ?§ï¼?é??è¦?æ?? Torï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"æ­¤é??项é??è¦?å·²ç»?å®?è£?并è¿?è¡? Tor">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"é??å?°æ?°ç??æ?°å­?è¯?书æ?¶ï¼?é??ç?¥ Observatory å½?å??使ç?¨ç??äº?è??ç½?æ??å?¡æ??ä¾?å?? (ISP)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"è¿?å°?æ??å??ç½?ç»?ç??â??è?ªæ²»ç³»ç»?å?·ç ?â??(Autonomous System number)ã??è¿?å°?æ??å?©äº?æ?¾å?ºå¯¹ HTTPS å??å?¨æ?»å?»ç??æº?头ï¼?并å?¤æ?­å?¨æ?»å?»ç?¸å¯¹å¸¸è§?ç??å?°å?ºç½?ç»?ä¸?ï¼?å¦?ä¼?æ??å??å??å?©äº?ï¼?æ??们æ?¯å?¦å?·æ??è§?æµ?æ?°æ?®ã??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"对ç?§è¯?书å??é??å??表ï¼?对æ??交ç??è¯?书è¿?è¡?æ£?æ?¥ã??å?¯æ??æ??们æ? æ³?ä¿?è¯?æ ?è®°æ¯?个已å??é??è¯?书ã??å¦?æ??ç¡®å®?å?ºç?°è­¦å??ä¿¡æ?¯ï¼?é?£ä¹?å¾?æ??å?¯è?½å­?å?¨é?®é¢?ã??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "å®?æ??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere å?¯ä»¥ä½¿ç?¨ EFF ç?? SSL è§?æµ?ç«? ã?? è¿?æ??两个å??è?½ï¼?(1) å°? HTTPS æ?°å­?è¯?书å¯?é??å?°è§?æµ?ç«?ï¼?以å??å?©æ??们侦æµ?中é?´äººå¼?ç??æ?»å?»å¹¶æ?¹å??ç½?ç»?ç??å®?å?¨æ?§ï¼?(2)é??对ä¸?å®?å?¨ç??è¿?æ?¥ä»¥å??对你ç??æµ?è§?å?¨è¿?è¡?ç??æ?»å?»ï¼?å??ä½ å??å?ºè­¦å??ã??">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"ä¾?å¦?ï¼?å?¨è®¿é?® https://www.something.com æ?¶ï¼?è§?æµ?ç«?æ?¶å?°ç??æ?°å­?è¯?书æ?¾ç¤ºæ??人访é?®äº? www.something.comï¼?ä½?ä¸?ä¼?æ?¾ç¤ºæ?¯è°?访é?®äº?该ç«?ç?¹æ??è??æµ?è§?äº?å?ªäº?页é?¢ã??å°?é¼ æ ?移è?³è¯¥é??项å?¯äº?解æ?´å¤?详ç»?ä¿¡æ?¯ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "é??è??é«?级é??项">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"å?¨æ²¡æ?? Tor ç½?ç»?ç??æ??å?µä¸?ä¾?ç?¶æ£?æ?¥æ?°å­?è¯?书">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"æ??交并æ£?æ?¥é??å?¬å¼? DNS å??称ç??æ?°å­?è¯?书">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"é?¤é??å?¾é??该é??项ï¼?å?¦å??è§?æµ?ç«?å°?ä¸?ä¼?è®°å½?é??è¿? DNS ç³»ç»?æ? æ³?解æ??å??å??ç??è¯?书ã??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "æ?¾ç¤ºé«?级é??项">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory é¦?é??项">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "��使�����">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "EFF ç?? SSL è§?æµ?ç«?å??å¸?ç??è­¦å??">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "�示���书�">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "æ??å·²äº?解">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF ç?? SSL è§?æµ?ç«?已对该 HTTPS æ?°å­?è¯?书å??å?ºè­¦å??ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "å¦?æ??å·²ç?»å½?ç½?ç«?ï¼?建议使ç?¨å®?å?¨è¿?æ?¥ä¿®æ?¹å¯?ç ?ã??ï¼?è¿?äº?è­¦å??å?¯ä»¥å?¨ HTTPS Everywhere é¦?é??项ç??â??SSL Observatoryâ??é??项å?¡ä¸­ç¦?ç?¨ã??ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"æ??们æ?¨è??该é??项ï¼?å?¨è?ªç­¾å??ç??åµ?å?¥å¼?设å¤?中ï¼?å? å¯?é?®é¢?尤为常è§?">
diff --git a/zh/https-everywhere.dtd b/zh/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63c453e..000000000
--- a/zh/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/zh/ssl-observatory.dtd b/zh/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9457a9641..000000000
--- a/zh/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/zh_CN.GB2312/https-everywhere.dtd b/zh_CN.GB2312/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a63c453e..000000000
--- a/zh_CN.GB2312/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.created_by "Created by">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.librarians "Ruleset Librarians">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.thanks "Thanks to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.contribute  "If you like HTTPS Everywhere, you might consider">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_tor "Donating to Tor">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.tor_lang_code "en">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.donate_eff "Donating to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.about "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalDisable "Disable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.title "HTTPS Everywhere Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enable_all "Enable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.disable_all "Disable All">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.search "Search">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.site "Site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.notes "Notes">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.list_caption "Which HTTPS redirection rules should apply?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.enabled "Enabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.ruleset_howto "You can learn how to write your own rulesets (to add support for other web sites)">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.here_link "here">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.toggle "Toggle">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_default "Reset to Default">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.view_xml_source "View XML Source">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.downloading "Downloading">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.filename "Filename">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.source.unable_to_download "Unable to download source.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.title "HTTPS Everywhere 4.0development.11 notification">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph1 "Oops. You were using the stable version of HTTPS Everywhere, but we might have accidentally upgraded you to the development version in our last release.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph2 "Would you like to go back to stable?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.paragraph3 "We'd love it if you continued using our development release and helped us make HTTPS Everywhere better! You might find there are a few more bugs here and there, which you can report to https-everywhere@xxxxxxx. Sorry about the inconvenience, and thank you for using HTTPS Everywhere.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.keep "Keep me on the development version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.popup.revert "Download the latest stable version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_title "HTTPS Everywhere Ruleset Tests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.ruleset-tests.status_start_button "Start">
diff --git a/zh_CN.GB2312/ssl-observatory.dtd b/zh_CN.GB2312/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9457a9641..000000000
--- a/zh_CN.GB2312/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificiate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">
diff --git a/zu/https-everywhere.dtd b/zu/https-everywhere.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index c7534a578..000000000
--- a/zu/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.title "About HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_name "HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.ext_description "Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.version "Version">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.rulesets_version "Rulesets version for">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.about.add_new_rule "Add New Rule">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.donate_eff_imperative "Donate to EFF">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.observatory "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.globalEnable "Enable HTTPS Everywhere">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.blockUnencryptedRequests "Block all unencrypted requests">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.showCounter "Show Counter">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.menu.viewAllRules "View All Rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.generalSettings "General Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.advancedSettings "Advanced Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannels "Update Channels">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enableMixedRulesets "Enable mixed content rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.showDevtoolsTab "Show Devtools tab">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.autoUpdateRulesets "Auto-update rulesets">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.disabledUrlsListed "HTTPS Everywhere Sites Disabled">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updateChannelsWarning "Warning: Adding update channels can cause attackers to hijack your browser. Only edit this section if you know what you're doing!">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.addUpdateChannel "Add Update Channel">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.enterUpdateChannelName "Enter update channel name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.delete "Delete">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.update "Update">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.storedRulesetsVersion "Stored rulesets version: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastChecked "Updates last checked: ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.options.updatesLastCheckedNever "never">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.export_settings "Export Settings">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules "Experimental rules">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.experimental_rules_description "May cause warnings or breakage. Disabled by default.">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.disable_on_this_site "Disable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.enable_on_this_site "Enable HTTPS Everywhere on this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_rule "Add a rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.add_new_rule "Add a new rule for this site">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.always_https_for_host "Always use https for this host">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.host "Host:">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.show_advanced "Show advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.hide_advanced "Hide advanced">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.rule_name "Rule name">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.regex "Matching regex">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.redirect_to "Redirect to">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.status_cancel_button "Cancel">
diff --git a/zu/ssl-observatory.dtd b/zu/ssl-observatory.dtd
deleted file mode 100644
index b432a8f1d..000000000
--- a/zu/ssl-observatory.dtd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<!-- Observatory popup window -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.details "Details and Privacy Information">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.later "Ask Me Later">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.no "No">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text "HTTPS Everywhere can detect attacks
-against your browser by sending the certificates you receive to the
-Observatory.  Turn this on?">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.text 
-"EFF's SSL Observatory can detect attacks against HTTPS websites by collecting
-and auditing the certificates being presented to your browser. Would you like
-to turn it on?">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.title 
-"Should HTTPS Everywhere use the SSL Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.popup.yes "Yes">
-<!-- Observatory preferences dialog -->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts1
-"It is safe to enable this, unless you use a very
-intrusive corporate network:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.adv_priv_opts2
-"Safe, unless you use a corporate network with secret intranet server names:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots 
-"Submit and check certificates signed by non-standard root CAs">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.alt_roots_tooltip 
-"It is safe (and a good idea) to enable this option, unless you use an intrusive corporate network or Kaspersky antivirus software that monitors your browsing with a TLS proxy and a private root Certificate Authority.  If enabled on such a network, this option might publish evidence of which https:// domains were being visited through that proxy, because of the unique certificates it would produce.  So we leave it off by default.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous "Check certificates using Tor for anonymity">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_unavailable 
-"Check certificates using Tor for anonymity (requires Tor)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.anonymous_tooltip 
-"This option requires Tor to be installed and running">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn 
-"When you see a new certificate, tell the Observatory which ISP you are connected to">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.asn_tooltip
-"This will fetch and send the &quot;Autonomous System number&quot; of your network.  This will help us locate attacks against HTTPS, and to determine whether we have observations from networks in places like Iran and Syria where attacks are comparatively common.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning
-"Show a warning when the Observatory detects a revoked certificate not caught by your browser">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show_cert_warning_tooltip
-"This will check submitted certificates against known Certificate Revocation Lists. Unfortunately we cannot guarantee that we will flag every revoked certificate, but if you do see a warning there's a good chance something is wrong.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.done "Done">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation 
-"HTTPS Everywhere can use EFF's SSL Observatory.  This does two things: (1)
-sends copies of HTTPS certificates to the Observatory, to help us
-detect 'man in the middle' attacks and improve the Web's security; and (2)
-lets us warn you about insecure connections or attacks on your browser.">
-<!--<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"When you visit https://www.example.com, the Observatory will learn that
-somebody visited that site, but will not know who or what page they looked at.
-Mouseover the options for further details:">-->
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.explanation2
-"For example, when you visit https://www.something.com, the certificate
-received by the Observatory will indicate that somebody visited
-www.something.com, but not who visited the site, or what specific page they
-looked at.  Mouseover the options for further details:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.hide "Hide advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon 
-"Check certificates even if Tor is not available">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.nonanon_tooltip
-"We will still try to keep the data anonymous, but this option is less secure">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns 
-"Submit and check certificates for non-public DNS names">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.priv_dns_tooltip
-"Unless this option is checked, the Observatory will not record certificates for names that it cannot resolve through the DNS system.">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.show "Show advanced options">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.title "SSL Observatory Preferences">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.use "Use the Observatory?">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.title "WARNING from EFF's SSL Observatory">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.showcert "Show the certificate chain">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.okay "I understand">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.text "EFF's SSL Observatory has issued a warning about the HTTPS certificate(s) for this site:">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.warning.defense "If you are logged in to this site, it may be advisable to change your password once you have a safe connection. (These warnings can be disabled in the &quot;SSL Observatory&quot; tab of the HTTPS Everywhere preferences dialog.)">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed
-"Submit and check self-signed certificates">
-<!ENTITY ssl-observatory.prefs.self_signed_tooltip
-"This is recommended; cryptographic problems are especially common in self-signed embedded devices">

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