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[tor-commits] [webwml/master] Remove vidalia-related docs and downloads

commit c261c7ec855eea8029a7655ffe9f7ca255d921ce
Author: Sebastian Hahn <sebastian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Feb 8 17:55:35 2015 +0100

    Remove vidalia-related docs and downloads
    The downloads are horribly outdated, the docs are confusing and long.
    Without a proper Vidalia maintainer and someone making packages, this
    has no future.
 .gitignore                              |    3 -
 .htaccess                               |    4 -
 about/en/contributors.wml               |    7 +-
 docs/en/bridges.wml                     |    9 +-
 docs/en/debian-vidalia.wml              |  138 -------------------------------
 docs/en/faq.wml                         |  102 ++++-------------------
 docs/en/proxychain.wml                  |   55 ------------
 docs/en/sidenav.wmi                     |    3 -
 docs/en/signing-keys.wml                |    4 +-
 docs/en/tor-doc-osx.wml                 |    4 +-
 docs/en/tor-doc-relay.wml               |   15 +---
 docs/torbutton/en/sidenav.wmi           |    6 --
 download/en/download.wml                |   39 ---------
 getinvolved/en/open-positions.wml       |    2 +-
 getinvolved/en/translation-overview.wml |    4 +-
 getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml            |   29 +------
 images/vidalia-proxy.png                |  Bin 46810 -> 0 bytes
 include/versions.wmi                    |   38 ---------
 projects/en/vidalia.wml                 |  138 -------------------------------
 19 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 565 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 1e06ffa..8b45d74 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ about/volunteers.html.en
@@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ docs/hidden-services.html.en
@@ -91,7 +89,6 @@ projects/torbrowser-details.html.en
diff --git a/.htaccess b/.htaccess
index e383041..6cdca66 100644
--- a/.htaccess
+++ b/.htaccess
@@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ RewriteRule ^tordnsel/dist/(.*) /dist/tordnsel/$1 [R=301,L]
 # Overview
 RewriteRule ^overview(.*) /about/overview$1 [R=301,L]
-# Vidalia
-RewriteRule ^vidalia/dist/(.*) /dist/vidalia/$1 [R=301,L]
-RewriteRule ^vidalia(.*) /projects/vidalia [R=301,L]
 # Press
 RewriteRule ^press/$ /press/press [R=301,L]
 RewriteRule ^press/index.html(.*) /press/press.html$1 [R=301,L]
diff --git a/about/en/contributors.wml b/about/en/contributors.wml
index 0eda905..7308b35 100644
--- a/about/en/contributors.wml
+++ b/about/en/contributors.wml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ in Tor's early days.</dd>
 Polipo to Windows.  He currently helps with the libevent
 bufferevent code.</dd>
 <dt>Matt Edman</dt>
-<dd>Original developer for <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia</a>,
+<dd>Original developer for Vidalia,
 a cross-platform Tor Graphical User Interface included in the bundles.</dd>
 <dt>Geoff Goodell</dt><dd>Started the <a
 href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/blossom/trunk/";>Blossom project</a>
@@ -91,12 +91,11 @@ href="http://p56soo2ibjkx23xo.onion/";>TorDNSEL code</a>.</dd>
 <dt>Tomás Touceda, Vidalia Developer</dt>
 <dd>Worked on maintenance and new development for Vidalia.</dd>
 <dt>Stephen Tyree</dt><dd> Worked during Google Summer of Code 2009 to
-develop a plugin API for <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia</a>
+develop a plugin API for Vidalia
 and create a plugin to allow HerdictWeb integration, a project aiming
 at identifying website inaccessibility using user submissions.</dd>
 <dt>Camilo Viecco</dt><dd> Worked on
-Providing Blossom functionality to Vidalia (<a
-href="http://trac.vidalia-project.net/browser/vidalia/branches/exit-country";>svn</a>) as part of Google Summer of Code 2008.</dd>
+Providing Blossom functionality to Vidalia as part of Google Summer of Code 2008.</dd>
 <dt>Fred von Lohmann</dt><dd>Fred served on our Board of Directors
 from 2006 through 2009.</dd>
 <dt>Shondoit Walker, Build Developer</dt>
diff --git a/docs/en/bridges.wml b/docs/en/bridges.wml
index dd46d43..7403235 100644
--- a/docs/en/bridges.wml
+++ b/docs/en/bridges.wml
@@ -327,9 +327,6 @@
     BridgeRelay 1
     Exitpolicy reject *:*
-    <li><a href="<page docs/tor-doc-relay>">or using Vidalia</a>:<br>
-    <img src="$(IMGROOT)/vidalia-bridges-setup.png" alt="Vidalia's Sharing
-    settings page"></li>
@@ -346,10 +343,8 @@
     Your bridge relay will automatically publish its address to the bridge
-    authority, which will give it out via https or email as above. You can
-    also tell a user about your bridge directly: if you're using Vidalia,
-    you can copy-and-paste the bridge address from the Settings window. If
-    you're on Linux or BSD, you can construct the bridge address manually
+    authority, which will give it out via https or email as above.
+    You can construct the bridge address
     using the <a href="#Understanding">format above</a> (you can find the
     fingerprint in your Tor log files or in <tt>/var/lib/tor/fingerprint</tt>
     depending on your platform).
diff --git a/docs/en/debian-vidalia.wml b/docs/en/debian-vidalia.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5662917..0000000
--- a/docs/en/debian-vidalia.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-## translation metadata
-# Revision: $Revision$
-# Translation-Priority: 3-low
-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Vidalia: Debian/Ubuntu Instructions" CHARSET="UTF-8"
-<div id="content" class="clearfix">
-  <div id="breadcrumbs">
-    <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
-    <a href="<page docs/documentation>">Documentation &raquo; </a>
-    <a href="<page docs/debian-vidalia>">Vidalia Debian/Ubuntu Instructions</a>
-  </div>
-  <div id="maincol"> 
-<a id="debian"></a>
-<a id="packages"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#debian">Vidalia on Ubuntu or Debian</a></h2>
-<br />
-<b>Do not use the packages in Ubuntu's universe.</b> They are unmaintained
-and out of date. That means you'll be missing stability and security
-You'll need to set up our package repository before you can fetch
-Tor. First, you need to figure out the name of your distribution. Here's
-a quick mapping:
-<li> Ubuntu 14.10 is "utopic"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 14.04.* is "trusty"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 13.10 is "saucy"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 13.04 is "raring"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 12.04.* is "precise"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 11.10 is "oneiric"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 11.04 is "natty"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 10.10 or Trisquel 4.5 is "maverick"</li> 
-<li> Ubuntu 10.04 or Trisquel 4.0 is "lucid"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 9.10 or Trisquel 3.5 is  "karmic"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 9.04 is "jaunty"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 8.10 is "intrepid"</li>
-<li> Ubuntu 8.04 is "hardy"</li> 
-<li> Debian Etch is "etch"</li>
-<li> Debian Lenny is "lenny"</li>
-Then add this line to your
-file:<br />
-deb     http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org &lt;DISTRIBUTION&gt; main
-where you substitute the above word (etch, lenny, sid, karmic, jaunty,
-intrepid, hardy) in place of &lt;DISTRIBUTION&gt;.
-Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the following
-commands at your command prompt:
-gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
-gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 | sudo apt-key add -
-Now refresh your sources and install Vidalia by running the following
-commands at your command prompt:
-apt-get update
-apt-get install vidalia deb.torproject.org-keyring
-Now Vidalia is installed and running. Move on to <a href="<page
-docs/tor-doc-unix>#using">step two</a> of the "Vidalia on Linux/Unix"
-<p style="font-size: small">
-The DNS name <code>deb.torproject.org</code> is actually a set of independent
-servers in a DNS round robin configuration.  If you for some reason cannot
-access it you might try to use the name of one of its part instead.  Try
-<code>mirror.netcologne.de</code> or
-<hr />
-<a id="source"></a>
-<h2><a class="anchor" href="#source">Building from source</a></h2>
-<br />
-If you want to build your own debs from source you must first add an
-appropriate <tt>deb-src</tt> line to <tt>sources.list</tt>.
-deb-src http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org &lt;DISTRIBUTION&gt; main
-You also need to install the necessary packages to build your own debs and the
-packages needed to build Vidalia:
-apt-get install build-essential fakeroot devscripts qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqt4-dev g++ cmake
-apt-get build-dep vidalia
-Then you can build Vidalia in ~/debian-packages:
-mkdir ~/debian-packages; cd ~/debian-packages
-apt-get source vidalia
-cd vidalia-*
-debuild -rfakeroot -uc -us
-cd ..
-Now you can install the new package:
-sudo dpkg -i vidalia_*.deb
-Now Vidalia is installed and running. Move on to <a href="<page
-docs/tor-doc-unix>#using">step two</a> of the "Vidalia on Linux/Unix"
-<hr />
-<p>If you have suggestions for improving this document, please <a
-href="<page about/contact>">send them to us</a>. Thanks!</p>
-  </div>
-  <!-- END MAINCOL -->
-  <div id = "sidecol">
-#include "side.wmi"
-#include "info.wmi"
-  </div>
-  <!-- END SIDECOL -->
-<!-- END CONTENT -->
-#include <foot.wmi>  
diff --git a/docs/en/faq.wml b/docs/en/faq.wml
index de81ed2..a6c3e28 100644
--- a/docs/en/faq.wml
+++ b/docs/en/faq.wml
@@ -109,8 +109,6 @@ unsafe?</a></li>
     <p>Tor Browser (3.x and later):</p>
-    <li><a href="#WhereDidVidaliaGo">Where did the world map (Vidalia)
-    go?</a></li>
     <li><a href="#DisableJS">How do I disable JavaScript?</a></li>
     <li><a href="#VerifyDownload">How do I verify the download
@@ -662,8 +660,7 @@ handle
-    <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Help us make Tor more usable</a>.
+    Help us make Tor more usable. We
     especially need people to help make it easier to configure your Tor
     as a relay. Also, we need help with clear simple documentation to
     walk people through setting it up.
@@ -795,11 +792,8 @@ of the
     to interface with other applications, and generally automating all
-    the difficult and confusing steps inside Tor. We've got a start on
-    with the <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia GUI</a>, but much
-more work
-    remains &mdash; usability for privacy software has never been easy.
+    the difficult and confusing steps inside Tor.
+    Usability for privacy software has never been easy.
@@ -1497,36 +1491,6 @@ href="http://www.crowdstrike.com/community-tools/index.html#tool-79";>proposed
     on providing it</a>. </p>
-    <p>In the meantime, we are providing standalone Vidalia packages for
-    people who still want the map. Windows and Linux versions are <a
-    href="https://people.torproject.org/~erinn/vidalia-standalone-bundles/";>
-    available here</a>.</p>
-    <p>To use these packages, extract them, then run the startup script.
-    On Windows, this is "Start Vidalia.exe". On Linux, it is start-vidalia.
-    They can be placed in a different directory from TBB (and likely should
-    be). </p>
-    <p>This Vidalia package will only run properly if Tor Browser has already
-    been launched. You cannot start it before launching Tor Browser. </p>
-    <p>MacOS is still under development, but in the mean time you can modify
-    your TBB 2.x to be a standalone Vidalia (and then use it after starting
-    TBB 3.x) by opening your TBB 2.x vidalia.conf file in an editor and
-    replacing its contents with just these lines:</p>
-    <pre>
-    [General]
-    LanguageCode=en
-    [Tor]
-    ControlPort=9151
-    TorExecutable=.
-    Torrc=.
-    DataDirectory=.
-    AuthenticationMethod=cookie
-    </pre>
     <a id="DisableJS"></a>
@@ -1577,8 +1541,7 @@ href="http://www.crowdstrike.com/community-tools/index.html#tool-79";>proposed
     That's actually a feature, since it's discarding your application-level
-    browser data too. But it sure is a surprising feature, for people who
-    are used to Vidalia's "new identity" behavior.
+    browser data too.
@@ -1590,12 +1553,6 @@ href="http://www.crowdstrike.com/community-tools/index.html#tool-79";>proposed
     to follow progress there.
-    <p>
-    In the mean time, you can get Vidalia's old "newnym" functionality by
-    attaching a Vidalia to your TBB 3.x. See the instructions <a
-    href="#WhereDidVidaliaGo">above</a>.
-    </p>
     <a id="ConfigureRelayOrBridge"></a>
@@ -1612,15 +1569,9 @@ href="http://www.crowdstrike.com/community-tools/index.html#tool-79";>proposed
     You can then use TBB independent of that.
-    <p>
-    Second (simpler option), if you're on Windows, you can fetch the separate
-    "Vidalia relay bundle" or "Vidalia bridge bundle" from the download page
-    and then use that (again you can use TBB independent of it).
-    </p>
-    Third (complex option), you can either hook your Vidalia up to TBB (as
-    described in the FAQ above) or edit your torrc file (in Data/Tor/torrc)
+    Second (complex option), you can edit your torrc file (in Data/Tor/torrc)
     directly to add the following lines:
@@ -1719,14 +1670,7 @@ on Tor's configuration.
-If you installed a Tor bundle that includes Vidalia, then Vidalia has a
-window called "Message Log" that will show you Tor's log messages. Click
-on "Advanced" to see more details. You can click on "Settings" to change
-your log verbosity or save the messages to a file. You're all set.
-If you're not using Vidalia, you'll have to go find the log files by
+You'll have to go find the log files by
 hand. Here are some likely places for your logs to be:
@@ -1823,14 +1767,9 @@ Once you've got Tor Browser up and running, the first question to
 ask is whether your Tor client is able to establish a circuit.
-<p>If Tor can establish a circuit, the onion icon in
-Vidalia will turn green (and if you're running Tor Browser, it
-automatically launch a browser for you). You can also check in the
-Control Panel to make sure it says "Connected to the Tor
-network!" under Status. For those not using Vidalia, check your <a
-href="#Logs">Tor logs</a> for
+<p>If Tor can establish a circuit, Tor Browser will
+automatically launch the browser for you. You can also check in the
+<a href="#Logs">Tor logs</a> for
 a line saying that Tor "has successfully opened a circuit. Looks like
 client functionality is working."
@@ -1840,8 +1779,6 @@ If Tor can't establish a circuit, here are some hints:
-<li>Are you sure Tor is running? If you're using Vidalia, you may have
-to click on the onion and select "Start" to launch Tor.</li>
 <li>Check your system clock. If it's more than a few hours off, Tor will
 refuse to build circuits. For Microsoft Windows users, synchronize your
 clock under the clock -&gt; Internet time tab. In addition, correct the
@@ -2021,14 +1958,11 @@ few outgoing ports.</a></h3>
 If your firewall works by blocking ports, then you can tell Tor to only
-use the ports that your firewall permits by adding "FascistFirewall 1"
+use the ports when you start your Tor Browser. Or you can add the ports
+that your firewall permits by adding "FascistFirewall 1"
 your <a href="<page docs/faq>#torrc">torrc
-configuration file</a>, or by clicking "My firewall only lets me connect
-to certain ports" in Vidalia's Network Settings window.
+configuration file</a>.
 By default, when you set this Tor assumes that your firewall allows only
 port 80 and port 443 (HTTP and HTTPS respectively). You can select a
 different set of ports with the FirewallPorts torrc option.
@@ -2552,11 +2486,11 @@ href="#DefaultExitPorts">restricts</a>
     some due to abuse potential (e.g. mail) and some since
     the Tor network can't handle the load (e.g. default
     file-sharing ports). You can change your exit policy
-    using Vidalia's "Sharing" tab, or by manually editing your
+    by editing your
     <a href="<page docs/faq>#torrc">torrc</a>
     file. If you want to avoid most if not all abuse potential, set it
-    "reject *:*" (or un-check all the boxes in Vidalia). This setting
+    "reject *:*". This setting
     that your relay will be used for relaying traffic inside the Tor
@@ -2832,8 +2766,7 @@ service?</a></h3>
  You can run Tor as a service on all versions of Windows except Windows
- 95/98/ME. This way you can run a Tor relay without needing to always have
- Vidalia running.
+ 95/98/ME.
 If you've already configured your Tor to be a relay, please note that when
@@ -3990,9 +3923,8 @@ we
     a relay. We've made a lot of progress with easy configuration in the
-    few years: Vidalia has an easy relay configuration interface, and
-    uPnP too. Tor is good at automatically detecting whether it's
+    few years:
+    Tor is good at automatically detecting whether it's
 reachable and
     how much bandwidth it can offer.
diff --git a/docs/en/proxychain.wml b/docs/en/proxychain.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index f76003c..0000000
--- a/docs/en/proxychain.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-## translation metadata
-# Revision: $Revision$
-# Translation-Priority: 1-high
-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Configuring Tor to use a Proxy" CHARSET="UTF-8"
-<div id="content" class="clearfix">
-  <div id="breadcrumbs">
-    <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
-    <a href="<page docs/documentation>">Documentation &raquo; </a>
-    <a href="<page docs/proxychain>">Configuring Tor to use a Proxy</a>
-  </div>
-  <div id="maincol"> 
-    <a id="proxychain"></a>
-    <h2><a class="anchor" href="#proxychain">Tor: Configuring Tor to use a Proxy</a></h2>
-    <hr>
-    <p>
-      The current version of Tor and the Vidalia Graphical Tor Controller
-      support the ability to use any HTTPS or SOCKS proxy to get
-      access to the Tor Network.  This means even if Tor is blocked by
-      your local network, open proxies can be safely used to connect to
-      the Tor Network and on to the uncensored Internet.  A caveat is that
-      the open proxy host will see you are using Tor, but it will not be able
-      to read your traffic as it is still wrapped in layers of encryption.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-      These steps assume you have a functional Tor/Vidalia configuration,
-      and you have found a list of HTTPS, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5 proxies. (To
-      clarify, an HTTPS proxy is an HTTP proxy that also supports
-      CONNECT requests.)
-      <ol>
-      <li>Open the Vidalia Control Panel, click on Settings.</li>
-      <li>Click Network.  Select "I use a proxy to access the Internet".</li>
-      <li>On the Address line, enter the open proxy address.  This can be a hostname or IP Address.</li>
-      <li>Enter the port for the proxy.</li>
-      <li>Generally, you do not need a Username and Password.  If you do, enter the information in the proper fields.</li>
-      <li>Choose the Type of proxy you are using, whether HTTP/HTTPS, SOCKS4, or SOCKS5.</li>
-      <li>Push the Ok button.  Vidalia and Tor are now configured to use a proxy to access the rest of the Tor Network.</li>
-      </ol>
-    </p>
-    <br><br>
-    <img src="$(IMGROOT)/vidalia-proxy.png" alt="Vidalia's Network Proxy settings page">
-    <br><br>
-  </div>
-  <!-- END MAINCOL -->
-  <div id = "sidecol">
-#include "side.wmi"
-#include "info.wmi"
-  </div>
-  <!-- END SIDECOL -->
-<!-- END CONTENT -->
-#include <foot.wmi>  
diff --git a/docs/en/sidenav.wmi b/docs/en/sidenav.wmi
index 280a318..4e543e7 100644
--- a/docs/en/sidenav.wmi
+++ b/docs/en/sidenav.wmi
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@
           {'url'  => 'docs/debian',
            'txt'  => 'Installing Tor on Debian/Ubuntu',
-          {'url'  => 'docs/debian-vidalia',
-           'txt'  => 'Installing Vidalia on Debian/Ubuntu',
-          },
           {'url'  => 'docs/rpms',
            'txt'  => 'Installing Tor on Fedora/CentOS',
diff --git a/docs/en/signing-keys.wml b/docs/en/signing-keys.wml
index b4341a5..2398ba7 100644
--- a/docs/en/signing-keys.wml
+++ b/docs/en/signing-keys.wml
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
     <li>Roger Dingledine (0x28988BF5 and 0x19F78451) or Nick Mathewson
     (0x165733EA, or its subkey 0x8D29319A) sign the Tor source code
-    <li>Erinn Clark (0x63FEE659) signs the Tor Browser Bundles, Vidalia
-    bundles, and many other packages. She signs RPMs with her other key
+    <li>Erinn Clark (0x63FEE659) signs the Tor Browser Bundles
+    and many other packages. She signs RPMs with her other key
     (0xF1F5C9B5). Andrew Lewman (0x31B0974B, 0x6B4D6475) used to sign
     packages for RPMs, Windows, and OS X.</li>
     <li>Tor Project Archive (0x886DDD89) signs the deb.torproject.org
diff --git a/docs/en/tor-doc-osx.wml b/docs/en/tor-doc-osx.wml
index 810b9e7..3d8b0f1 100644
--- a/docs/en/tor-doc-osx.wml
+++ b/docs/en/tor-doc-osx.wml
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-    The advanced Tor without any graphical user interface can be installed using <a href="http://brew.sh";>the Homebrew package manager</a>. It is most suitable if you want to use Tor as a SOCKS proxy for applications other than web browsing, or run a Tor relay/bridge to help other Tor users. If you use the command-line Tor, you might be interested in <a href="<page projects/arm>">arm</a>, a command-line Tor monitor and alternative to the Vidalia GUI.
+    The advanced Tor without any graphical user interface can be installed using <a href="http://brew.sh";>the Homebrew package manager</a>. It is most suitable if you want to use Tor as a SOCKS proxy for applications other than web browsing, or run a Tor relay/bridge to help other Tor users. If you use the command-line Tor, you might be interested in <a href="<page projects/arm>">arm</a>, a command-line Tor monitor.
     <p>If you don't have Homebrew installed, open a terminal window and run:</p>
@@ -120,8 +120,6 @@
     <li>Open Finder and click on Applications.</li>
     <li>Drag /Applications/TorBrowser to the Trash.</li>
     <li>Remove /Library/Torbutton from your system.</li>
-    <li>In your User or home directory, go to Library, remove the Vidalia
-    directory</li>
     <p>Tor Browser is now completely removed from your system.</p>
diff --git a/docs/en/tor-doc-relay.wml b/docs/en/tor-doc-relay.wml
index 9fe7c99..7d48782 100644
--- a/docs/en/tor-doc-relay.wml
+++ b/docs/en/tor-doc-relay.wml
@@ -37,20 +37,13 @@
     with those operating systems.
-    <p>Windows users can use the Vidalia Bridge Bundle, the Vidalia Relay
-    Bundle and the Vidalia Exit Bundle, which come preconfigured to run
-    Tor as a bridge, a non-exit relay, or an exit relay. Get them from
-    the <a href="<page download/download>">download page</a>, and use
-    the graphical instructions below for help setting them up.
-    </p>
     <p>Alas, since Vidalia (a graphical interface for Tor) is <a
     href="<page docs/faq>#WhereDidVidaliaGo">no longer included</a>
     in Tor Browser, there are currently no
-    easy relay packages for OS X users. One option might be to run
+    easy relay packages for Windows and OS X users. One option might be to run
     Debian in a VM, or use a different means of getting a Tor binary on
-    your system (Homebrew, Macports). Please help make this process
-    easier!
+    your system (Expert Bundle, Homebrew, Macports). Please help make
+    this process easier!
@@ -59,7 +52,7 @@
     <br />
-    You can set up a relay without using Vidalia if you wish. Tor's
+    Tor's
     configuration file is named 'torrc'. In the Tor Browser folder, it's
     located at</p>
diff --git a/docs/torbutton/en/sidenav.wmi b/docs/torbutton/en/sidenav.wmi
index 9b02b91..9074792 100644
--- a/docs/torbutton/en/sidenav.wmi
+++ b/docs/torbutton/en/sidenav.wmi
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@
           {'url'  => 'docs/debian',
            'txt'  => 'Installing Tor on Debian/Ubuntu',
-          {'url'  => 'docs/debian-vidalia',
-           'txt'  => 'Installing Vidalia on Debian/Ubuntu',
-          },
           {'url'  => 'docs/tor-doc-osx',
            'txt'  => 'Installing Tor on Mac OS X',
@@ -72,9 +69,6 @@
           {'url'  => 'docs/tor-manual-dev',
            'txt'  => 'Tor -alpha Manual',
-          },
-          {'url'  => 'docs/proxychain',
-           'txt'  => 'Configuring Tor to use a Proxy Server',
diff --git a/download/en/download.wml b/download/en/download.wml
index adbecb9..f9490e2 100644
--- a/download/en/download.wml
+++ b/download/en/download.wml
@@ -57,45 +57,6 @@ you are used to. Please read the <a href="#warning">full list of warnings</a> fo
 	  <em>Version <version-torbrowserbundle> - Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP</em>
 	  <p>Everything you need to safely browse the Internet. <a href="<page projects/torbrowser>">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
-	<div class="package">
-	  <div class="downloads">
-	    <a class="button" href="<package-win32-bridge-bundle-stable>"><span class="strong">Download</span><span class="normal">Vidalia Bridge Bundle </span></a>
-	    <div class="sig">
-	      (<a href="<package-win32-bridge-bundle-stable>.asc">sig</a>) <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a>
-	    </div>
-	  </div>
-	  <h2>Vidalia Bridge Bundle</h2>
-	  <em>Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP</em>
-	  <p>A Vidalia Bundle which is configured to be a <a href="<page docs/bridges>">bridge</a> by default. This helps censored users reach the Tor network.</p>
-	</div>
-	<div class="package">
-	  <div class="downloads">
-	    <a class="button" href="<package-win32-relay-bundle-stable>"><span class="strong">Download</span><span class="normal">Vidalia Relay Bundle </span></a>
-	    <div class="sig">
-	      (<a href="<package-win32-relay-bundle-stable>.asc">sig</a>) <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a>
-	    </div>
-	  </div>
-	  <h2>Vidalia Relay Bundle</h2>
-	  <em>Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP</em>
-	  <p>A Vidalia Bundle which is configured to be a non-exit <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-relay>">relay</a> by default. This helps grow the Tor network.</p>
-	</div>
-	<div class="package">
-	  <div class="downloads">
-	    <a class="button" href="<package-win32-exit-bundle-stable>"><span class="strong">Download</span><span class="normal">Vidalia Exit Bundle</span></a>
-	    <div class="sig">
-	      (<a href="<package-win32-exit-bundle-stable>.asc">sig</a>) <a class="siginfo" href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">What's This?</a>
-	    </div>
-	  </div>
-	  <h2>Vidalia Exit Bundle</h2>
-	  <em>Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP</em>
-	  <p>A Vidalia Bundle which is configured to be an <a href="<page docs/tor-doc-relay>">exit relay</a> by default. <strong>Please read these <a href="https://blog.torproject.org/running-exit-node";>tips for running an exit node with minimal harassment</a> before you get started!</strong></p>
-	</div>
 	<div class="package">
 	  <div class="downloads">
diff --git a/getinvolved/en/open-positions.wml b/getinvolved/en/open-positions.wml
index 48998fc..6d0379a 100644
--- a/getinvolved/en/open-positions.wml
+++ b/getinvolved/en/open-positions.wml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ one role, so combination developer/activists are very welcome.</p>
 <p>The best way to get noticed as a good developer is to join the community
 and start helping out. Smart code commits and ideas are welcome anytime.
 We have a great core group of developers working on the Tor software
-itself as well as supporting software like Vidalia, Torbutton, etc. All
+itself as well as supporting software like Torbutton, etc. All
 of our contractors came through volunteering first.</p>
 <p>Periodically we get new funding to work on more development
diff --git a/getinvolved/en/translation-overview.wml b/getinvolved/en/translation-overview.wml
index 7082199..fd7f16a 100644
--- a/getinvolved/en/translation-overview.wml
+++ b/getinvolved/en/translation-overview.wml
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ transifex.com/projects/p/torproject/</a>.
     The Tor bundles include several different programs, all of which need
     translation help. In order of importance they are:
-    <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia</a>,
     <a href="<page docs/torbutton/index>">Torbutton</a>, and
     <a href="https://check.torproject.org/";>TorCheck</a>.
-    You can also help translate the Vidalia help files, the Vidalia installer,
+    You can also help translate
     Torbutton, <a href="<page docs/android>">Orbot</a>, and <a href="<page
@@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ transifex.com/projects/p/torproject/</a>.
     <a id="TTP"></a>
-    <a id="TTPVidalia"></a>
     <h2><a class="anchor" href="#TTP">Using Transifex</a></h2>
diff --git a/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml b/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml
index 34dedf8..00500fa 100644
--- a/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml
+++ b/getinvolved/en/volunteer.wml
@@ -157,14 +157,6 @@ meetings around the world.</li>
-        <td><a href="#project-vidalia">Vidalia</a></td>
-        <td>User Interface</td>
-        <td>C++, Qt</td>
-        <td>None</td>
-        <td></td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr>
         <td><a href="#project-arm">Arm</a></td>
         <td>User Interface</td>
         <td>Python, Curses</td>
@@ -448,12 +440,6 @@ meetings around the world.</li>
     more secure.
-    <a id="project-vidalia"></a>
-    <h3><a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia</a> (<a
-    href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/vidalia.git";>code</a>, <a
-    href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=needs_review&status=new&status=reopened&component=Vidalia&order=priority";>bug
-    tracker</a>)</h3>
     The most commonly used user interface for Tor. Matt Edman started the
     project in 2006 and brought it to its current stable state. Development
@@ -898,10 +884,9 @@ meetings around the world.</li>
     Likely Mentors: <i>Damian (atagar)</i>
-    Relay operators presently have a couple options for monitoring the status
-    of their relay: <a
-    href="#project-vidalia">Vidalia</a>
-    which is a gui and <a href="https://www.atagar.com/arm/";>arm</a> which uses
+    Relay operators presently have a good option for monitoring the status
+    of their relay:
+    <a href="https://www.atagar.com/arm/";>arm</a> which uses
     curses. This project would be to make a new kind of monitor specifically
     for relay operators that provides a status dashboard site on localhost.
@@ -1698,7 +1683,7 @@ try, or contact isis or sysrqb on IRC to ask for ticket suggestions or advice.
     Don't like any of these? Look at the <a
     href="/press/presskit/2008-12-19-roadmap-full.pdf">Tor development
-    roadmap</a> for more ideas, or just try out Tor, Vidalia, and Torbutton,
+    roadmap</a> for more ideas, or just try out Tor and Tor Browser,
     and find out what you think needs fixing.
     Some of the <a href="<spectree>proposals">current proposals</a>
     might also be short on developers.
@@ -1722,12 +1707,6 @@ try, or contact isis or sysrqb on IRC to ask for ticket suggestions or advice.
     <a href="https://svn.torproject.org/svn/libevent-urz/trunk/";>good
     start</a> on this in the summer of 2007.</li>
-    <li>We need to actually start building our <a href="<page
-    docs/documentation>#DesignDoc">blocking-resistance design</a>. This involves
-    fleshing out the design, modifying many different pieces of Tor, adapting
-    <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia</a> so it supports the
-    new features, and planning for deployment.</li>
     <li>We need a flexible simulator framework for studying end-to-end
     traffic confirmation attacks. Many researchers have whipped up ad hoc
     simulators to support their intuition either that the attacks work
diff --git a/images/vidalia-proxy.png b/images/vidalia-proxy.png
deleted file mode 100644
index eced8ca..0000000
Binary files a/images/vidalia-proxy.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/include/versions.wmi b/include/versions.wmi
index 1184539..2c0d6ee 100644
--- a/include/versions.wmi
+++ b/include/versions.wmi
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
 <define-tag version-win32-bundle-stable whitespace=delete></define-tag>
 <define-tag version-win32-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete></define-tag>
-<define-tag version-win32-bridge-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete><version-vidalia-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag version-win32-relay-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete><version-vidalia-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag version-win32-exit-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete><version-vidalia-stable></define-tag>
 <define-tag version-osx-x86-bundle-stable whitespace=delete></define-tag>
 <define-tag version-osx-x86-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete></define-tag>
@@ -34,7 +30,6 @@
 <define-tag version-torbrowser-torbutton whitespace=delete>1.5.2</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-torbrowser-pidgin whitespace=delete>2.7.5</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-torbrowser-otr whitespace=delete>3.2</define-tag>
-<define-tag version-torbrowser-vidalia whitespace=delete>0.2.21</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-torimbrowserbundle whitespace=delete>1.3.21</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-torbrowserbundlelinux32 whitespace=delete>4.0.3</define-tag>
@@ -45,7 +40,6 @@
 <define-tag version-gnu-torbrowser-tor-components whitespace=delete>libevent-2.0.21-stable, zlib-1.2.8, openssl-1.0.0k</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-gnu-torbrowser-firefox whitespace=delete>24.2.0esr</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-gnu-torbrowser-torbutton whitespace=delete>1.5.2</define-tag>
-<define-tag version-gnu-torbrowser-vidalia whitespace=delete>0.2.21</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-torbrowserbundleosx32 whitespace=delete>4.0.3</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-torbrowserbundleosx64 whitespace=delete>2.3.25-15</define-tag>
@@ -53,10 +47,6 @@
 <define-tag version-osx-torbrowser-tor whitespace=delete></define-tag>
 <define-tag version-osx-torbrowser-firefox whitespace=delete>24.2.0esr</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-osx-torbrowser-torbutton whitespace=delete>1.5.2</define-tag>
-<define-tag version-osx-torbrowser-vidalia whitespace=delete>0.2.21</define-tag>
-<define-tag version-vidalia-stable whitespace=delete>0.2.21</define-tag>
-<define-tag version-vidalia-alpha whitespace=delete>0.3.1</define-tag>
 <define-tag version-androidbundle-tor whitespace=delete></define-tag>
 <define-tag version-androidbundle-orbot whitespace=delete>1.0.7-FINAL</define-tag>
@@ -67,34 +57,6 @@
 <define-tag package-win32-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/torbrowser/<version-torbrowserbundledir>/tor-win32-tor-<version-win32-stable>.zip</define-tag>
 <define-tag package-win32-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/torbrowser/<version-torbrowserbundlebetadir>/tor-win32-tor-<version-win32-alpha>.zip</define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>vidalia-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-stable>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-bundle-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>vidalia-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-alpha>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-bundle-alpha></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-bridge-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>vidalia-bridge-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-stable>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-bridge-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-bridge-bundle-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-bridge-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>vidalia-bridge-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-alpha>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-bridge-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-bridge-bundle-alpha></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-relay-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>vidalia-relay-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-stable>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-relay-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-relay-bundle-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-relay-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>vidalia-relay-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-alpha>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-relay-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-relay-bundle-alpha></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-exit-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>vidalia-exit-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-stable>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-exit-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-exit-bundle-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-win32-exit-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>vidalia-exit-bundle-<version-win32-bundle-alpha>-0.2.21.exe</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-win32-exit-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-win32-exit-bundle-alpha></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-osx-x86-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>vidalia-bundle-<version-osx-x86-bundle-stable>-0.2.21-i386.dmg</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-osx-x86-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-osx-x86-bundle-stable></define-tag>
-<define-tag file-osx-x86-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>vidalia-bundle-<version-osx-x86-bundle-alpha>-0.2.21-i386.dmg</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-osx-x86-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/<file-osx-x86-bundle-alpha></define-tag>
-<define-tag package-osx-ppc-bundle-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/vidalia-bundle-<version-osx-ppc-bundle-stable>-0.2.21-ppc.dmg</define-tag>
-<define-tag package-osx-ppc-bundle-alpha whitespace=delete>../dist/vidalia-bundles/vidalia-bundle-<version-osx-ppc-bundle-alpha>-0.2.21-ppc.dmg</define-tag>
 <define-tag file-source-stable whitespace=delete>tor-<version-stable>.tar.gz</define-tag>
 <define-tag package-source-stable whitespace=delete>../dist/<file-source-stable></define-tag>
 <define-tag file-source-alpha whitespace=delete>tor-<version-alpha>.tar.gz</define-tag>
diff --git a/projects/en/vidalia.wml b/projects/en/vidalia.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index b8fdb86..0000000
--- a/projects/en/vidalia.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-## translation metadata
-# Revision: $Revision$
-# Translation-Priority: 4-optional
-#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Vidalia" CHARSET="UTF-8"
-<div id="content" class="clearfix">
-  <div id="breadcrumbs">
-    <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
-    <a href="<page projects/projects>">Projects &raquo; </a>
-    <a href="<page projects/vidalia>">Vidalia &raquo; </a>
-  </div>
-  <div id="maincol">
-    <h2>Vidalia</h2>
-    <div class="underline"></div>
-    <!-- BEGIN SIDEBAR -->
-    <div class="sidebar-left">
-    <img src="$(IMGROOT)/Screenshot-Vidalia-Control-Panel.png"
-width="261" height="255" alt="Vidalia Control Panel Screenshot"/>
-    </div>
-    <!-- END SIDEBAR -->
-    <p>
-    Vidalia is a cross-platform graphical controller for the
-    <a href="<page index>">Tor</a> software, built using the <a
-    href="http://qt.nokia.com/";>Qt</a> framework. Vidalia runs on most
-    platforms supported by Qt 4.3 or later, including Microsoft Windows,
-    Apple OS X, and Linux or other Unix variants using the X11 window
-    system. It was originally written by Matt Edman, and is currently
-    maintained by Tomás Touceda.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    Vidalia lets you start and stop Tor, see how much bandwidth you are
-    consuming, see how many circuits you currently have active, see where
-    these circuits are connected on a global map, view messages from
-    Tor about its progress and current state, and let you configure your
-    Tor client, bridge, or relay with a simple interface.  Included in
-    Vidalia is an extensive help system which helps you understand all of
-    the options available to you.  All of these features are translated
-    into a large number of languages.
-    </p>
-    <a id="Downloads"></a>
-    <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Downloads">Downloads</a></h3>
-    <p>
-    You should simply download Vidalia as part of a <a href="<page
-    download/download-easy>">Tor software bundle</a>.
-    <b>Users should be using Tor Browser Bundle, not installing Vidalia
-    themselves.</b>
-    </p>
-    <p> The most recent stable release is <version-vidalia-stable>,
-    and the most recent alpha release is <version-vidalia-alpha>.</p>
-    <ul>
-      <li>
-        <a href="<page docs/debian-vidalia>">Instructions for Debian/Ubuntu/Knoppix Repositories</a>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-         <a
-Source Tarball</a>
-        (<a
-      </li>
-      <li>
-         <a
-Source Tarball</a>
-        (<a
-      </li>
-    </ul>
-    <a id="Contribute"></a>
-    <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Contribute">Contribute</a></h3>
-    <p>
-    Vidalia is always looking for volunteers that want to help in development.
-    To start you should first take a look at the
-    <a href="<page getinvolved/volunteer>"> volunteer
-    page</a> and see if there is something that interests you the most.
-    Vidalia's source code lives now in a <a
-    href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/vidalia";>Git repository</a>. The
-    clone URL is https://git.torproject.org/vidalia. You should get to
-    know how Vidalia works internally in order to work with it. To do
-    this you should know C++ and Qt.
-    </p>
-    <a id="Support"></a>
-    <h3><a class="anchor" href="#Support">Support &amp; Development</a></h3>
-    <p>
-    If you intend to start coding already, please read and follow the
-    <a href="https://gitweb.torproject.org/vidalia.git/tree/HACKING";>HACKING
-    guide</a>.
-    If you have a patch for a feature or a bug fix, first check the
-    <a href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/report/27";>tickets that
-    are already submitted</a>, if there isn't a suited one for your patch, you
-    can submit a <a href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket";>new ticket</a>
-    selecting Vidalia as its Component.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    If you found a bug or you want a specific feature for future Vidalia releases, please
-    file a <a href="https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/newticket";>new ticket</a>
-    selecting Vidalia as its Component.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    Most Tor project members use IRC to communicate. You can find Tomás
-    in the <i>#vidalia</i> channel at OFTC under the nick chiiph. Please
-    get in touch in order to see what everyone's working on, and to
-    share what you've been working on or what you want to do. If you
-    intend to join the team, it's expected that you stay around IRC,
-    either in Vidalia's channel, or <i>#tor-dev</i>.
-    </p>
-    <p>
-    If you have any doubts about any of the points in here, you can
-    <a href="<page about/contact>">contact us</a> about it.
-    </p>
-  </div>
-  <!-- END MAINCOL -->
-  <div id = "sidecol">
-#include "side.wmi"
-#include "info.wmi"
-  </div>
-  <!-- END SIDECOL -->
-<!-- END CONTENT -->
-#include <foot.wmi>

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