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[or-cvs] r15680: add TorUtil.py (blossom/trunk)
Author: goodell
Date: 2008-07-05 18:24:48 -0400 (Sat, 05 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 15680
add TorUtil.py
Added: blossom/trunk/TorUtil.py
--- blossom/trunk/TorUtil.py (rev 0)
+++ blossom/trunk/TorUtil.py 2008-07-05 22:24:48 UTC (rev 15680)
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+# TorCtl.py -- Python module to interface with Tor Control interface.
+# Copyright 2007 Mike Perry -- See LICENSE for licensing information.
+# Portions Copyright 2005 Nick Matthewson
+TorUtil -- Support functions for TorCtl.py and metatroller
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import socket
+import binascii
+import sha
+import math
+import time
+__all__ = ["Enum", "Enum2", "Callable", "sort_list", "quote", "escape_dots", "unescape_dots",
+ "BufSock", "secret_to_key", "urandom_rng", "s2k_gen", "s2k_check", "plog",
+ "ListenSocket", "zprob"]
+# TODO: Make functions to read these from a config file. This isn't
+# the right place for them either.. But at least it's unified.
+tor_port = 9050
+tor_host = ''
+meta_port = 9052
+meta_host = ''
+control_port = 9051
+control_host = ''
+class Enum:
+ """ Defines an ordered dense name-to-number 1-1 mapping """
+ def __init__(self, start, names):
+ self.nameOf = {}
+ idx = start
+ for name in names:
+ setattr(self,name,idx)
+ self.nameOf[idx] = name
+ idx += 1
+class Enum2:
+ """ Defines an ordered sparse name-to-number 1-1 mapping """
+ def __init__(self, **args):
+ self.__dict__.update(args)
+ self.nameOf = {}
+ for k,v in args.items():
+ self.nameOf[v] = k
+class Callable:
+ def __init__(self, anycallable):
+ self.__call__ = anycallable
+def sort_list(list, key):
+ """ Sort a list by a specified key """
+ list.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(key(x), key(y))) # Python < 2.4 hack
+ return list
+def quote(s):
+ return re.sub(r'([\r\n\\\"])', r'\\\1', s)
+def escape_dots(s, translate_nl=1):
+ if translate_nl:
+ lines = re.split(r"\r?\n", s)
+ else:
+ lines = s.split("\r\n")
+ if lines and not lines[-1]:
+ del lines[-1]
+ for i in xrange(len(lines)):
+ if lines[i].startswith("."):
+ lines[i] = "."+lines[i]
+ lines.append(".\r\n")
+ return "\r\n".join(lines)
+def unescape_dots(s, translate_nl=1):
+ lines = s.split("\r\n")
+ for i in xrange(len(lines)):
+ if lines[i].startswith("."):
+ lines[i] = lines[i][1:]
+ if lines and lines[-1]:
+ lines.append("")
+ if translate_nl:
+ return "\n".join(lines)
+ else:
+ return "\r\n".join(lines)
+# XXX: Exception handling
+class BufSock:
+ def __init__(self, s):
+ self._s = s
+ self._buf = []
+ def readline(self):
+ if self._buf:
+ idx = self._buf[0].find('\n')
+ if idx >= 0:
+ result = self._buf[0][:idx+1]
+ self._buf[0] = self._buf[0][idx+1:]
+ return result
+ while 1:
+ s = self._s.recv(128)
+ if not s: return None
+ # XXX: This really does need an exception
+ # raise ConnectionClosed()
+ idx = s.find('\n')
+ if idx >= 0:
+ self._buf.append(s[:idx+1])
+ result = "".join(self._buf)
+ rest = s[idx+1:]
+ if rest:
+ self._buf = [ rest ]
+ else:
+ del self._buf[:]
+ return result
+ else:
+ self._buf.append(s)
+ def write(self, s):
+ self._s.send(s)
+ def close(self):
+ self._s.close()
+# SocketServer.TCPServer is nuts..
+class ListenSocket:
+ def __init__(self, listen_ip, port):
+ msg = None
+ self.s = None
+ for res in socket.getaddrinfo(listen_ip, port, socket.AF_UNSPEC,
+ socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket.AI_PASSIVE):
+ af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
+ try:
+ self.s = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
+ self.s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ except socket.error, msg:
+ self.s = None
+ continue
+ try:
+ self.s.bind(sa)
+ self.s.listen(1)
+ except socket.error, msg:
+ self.s.close()
+ self.s = None
+ continue
+ break
+ if self.s is None:
+ raise socket.error(msg)
+ def accept(self):
+ conn, addr = self.s.accept()
+ return conn
+ def close(self):
+ self.s.close()
+def secret_to_key(secret, s2k_specifier):
+ """Used to generate a hashed password string. DOCDOC."""
+ c = ord(s2k_specifier[8])
+ count = (16+(c&15)) << ((c>>4) + EXPBIAS)
+ d = sha.new()
+ tmp = s2k_specifier[:8]+secret
+ slen = len(tmp)
+ while count:
+ if count > slen:
+ d.update(tmp)
+ count -= slen
+ else:
+ d.update(tmp[:count])
+ count = 0
+ return d.digest()
+def urandom_rng(n):
+ """Try to read some entropy from the platform entropy source."""
+ f = open('/dev/urandom', 'rb')
+ try:
+ return f.read(n)
+ finally:
+ f.close()
+def s2k_gen(secret, rng=None):
+ """DOCDOC"""
+ if rng is None:
+ if hasattr(os, "urandom"):
+ rng = os.urandom
+ else:
+ rng = urandom_rng
+ spec = "%s%s"%(rng(8), chr(96))
+ return "16:%s"%(
+ binascii.b2a_hex(spec + secret_to_key(secret, spec)))
+def s2k_check(secret, k):
+ """DOCDOC"""
+ assert k[:3] == "16:"
+ k = binascii.a2b_hex(k[3:])
+ return secret_to_key(secret, k[:9]) == k[9:]
+## XXX: Make this a class?
+loglevel = "DEBUG"
+loglevels = {"DEBUG" : 0, "INFO" : 1, "NOTICE" : 2, "WARN" : 3, "ERROR" : 4}
+def plog(level, msg): # XXX: Timestamps
+ if(loglevels[level] >= loglevels[loglevel]):
+ t = time.strftime("%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
+ print level, '[', t, ']:', msg
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+# Stolen from
+# http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/Neural_Systems_Group/gary/python/stats.py
+def zprob(z):
+ """
+Returns the area under the normal curve 'to the left of' the given z value.
+ for z<0, zprob(z) = 1-tail probability
+ for z>0, 1.0-zprob(z) = 1-tail probability
+ for any z, 2.0*(1.0-zprob(abs(z))) = 2-tail probability
+Adapted from z.c in Gary Perlman's |Stat.
+Usage: lzprob(z)
+ Z_MAX = 6.0 # maximum meaningful z-value
+ if z == 0.0:
+ x = 0.0
+ else:
+ y = 0.5 * math.fabs(z)
+ if y >= (Z_MAX*0.5):
+ x = 1.0
+ elif (y < 1.0):
+ w = y*y
+ x = ((((((((0.000124818987 * w
+ -0.001075204047) * w +0.005198775019) * w
+ -0.019198292004) * w +0.059054035642) * w
+ -0.151968751364) * w +0.319152932694) * w
+ -0.531923007300) * w +0.797884560593) * y * 2.0
+ else:
+ y = y - 2.0
+ x = (((((((((((((-0.000045255659 * y
+ +0.000152529290) * y -0.000019538132) * y
+ -0.000676904986) * y +0.001390604284) * y
+ -0.000794620820) * y -0.002034254874) * y
+ +0.006549791214) * y -0.010557625006) * y
+ +0.011630447319) * y -0.009279453341) * y
+ +0.005353579108) * y -0.002141268741) * y
+ +0.000535310849) * y +0.999936657524
+ if z > 0.0:
+ prob = ((x+1.0)*0.5)
+ else:
+ prob = ((1.0-x)*0.5)
+ return prob