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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Configuration confirmation page for setup wizard
commit 1bb80486d2a8c9221c1e1cf7084d6245f43a24fd
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Jul 6 17:51:00 2011 -0700
Configuration confirmation page for setup wizard
This provides a dialog in the relay setup wizard with the torrc that'll be
created (with syntax hilighing, scrolling, etc).
src/cli/wizard.py | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
src/util/panel.py | 11 +++--
2 files changed, 114 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/cli/wizard.py b/src/cli/wizard.py
index 8ad7208..946ecd1 100644
--- a/src/cli/wizard.py
+++ b/src/cli/wizard.py
@@ -264,8 +264,19 @@ def showWizard():
if selection == BACK: relayType = None
elif selection == NEXT:
generatedTorrc = getTorrc(relayType, config)
- log.log(log.NOTICE, "Resulting torrc:\n%s" % generatedTorrc)
- break # TODO: implement next screen
+ dataDir = CONFIG["startup.dataDirectory"]
+ if not dataDir.endswith("/"): dataDir += "/"
+ torrcLocation = os.path.expanduser(dataDir) + "torrc"
+ cli.controller.getController().requestRedraw(True)
+ confirmationSelection = showConfirmationDialog(generatedTorrc, torrcLocation)
+ if confirmationSelection == NEXT:
+ log.log(log.NOTICE, "Resulting torrc:\n%s" % generatedTorrc)
+ break # TODO: implement next screen
+ elif confirmationSelection == CANCEL:
+ break
# redraws screen to clear away the dialog we just showed
@@ -507,6 +518,101 @@ def getTorrc(relayType, config):
return torConfig.renderTorrc(template, templateOptions)
+def showConfirmationDialog(torrcContents, torrcLocation):
+ """
+ Shows a confirmation dialog with the given torrc contents, returning CANCEL,
+ NEXT, or BACK based on the selection.
+ Arguments:
+ torrcContents - lines of torrc contents to be presented
+ torrcLocation - path where the torrc will be placed
+ """
+ torrcLines = torrcContents.split("\n")
+ options = ["Cancel", "Back to Setup", "Start Tor"]
+ control = cli.controller.getController()
+ screenHeight = control.getScreen().getmaxyx()[0]
+ stickyHeight = sum([stickyPanel.getHeight() for stickyPanel in control.getStickyPanels()])
+ isScrollbarVisible = len(torrcLines) + stickyHeight + 5 > screenHeight
+ xOffset = 3 if isScrollbarVisible else 0
+ popup, width, height = cli.popups.init(len(torrcLines) + 5, 84 + xOffset)
+ if not popup: return False
+ try:
+ scroll, selection = 0, 2
+ curses.cbreak()
+ while True:
+ popup.win.erase()
+ popup.win.box()
+ # renders the scrollbar
+ if isScrollbarVisible:
+ popup.addScrollBar(scroll, scroll + height - 5, len(torrcLines), 1, height - 4, 1)
+ # shows the path where the torrc will be placed
+ titleMsg = "The following will be placed at '%s':" % torrcLocation
+ popup.addstr(0, 0, titleMsg, curses.A_STANDOUT)
+ # renders the torrc contents
+ for i in range(scroll, min(len(torrcLines), height - 5 + scroll)):
+ # parses the argument and comment from options
+ option, arg, comment = uiTools.cropStr(torrcLines[i], width - 4 - xOffset), "", ""
+ div = option.find("#")
+ if div != -1: option, comment = option[:div], option[div:]
+ div = option.find(" ")
+ if div != -1: option, arg = option[:div], option[div:]
+ drawX = 2 + xOffset
+ popup.addstr(i + 1 - scroll, drawX, option, curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("green"))
+ drawX += len(option)
+ popup.addstr(i + 1 - scroll, drawX, arg, curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("cyan"))
+ drawX += len(arg)
+ popup.addstr(i + 1 - scroll, drawX, comment, uiTools.getColor("white"))
+ # divider between the torrc and the options
+ popup.addch(height - 4, 0, curses.ACS_LTEE)
+ popup.addch(height - 4, width, curses.ACS_RTEE)
+ popup.hline(height - 4, 1, width - 1)
+ if isScrollbarVisible: popup.addch(height - 4, 2, curses.ACS_BTEE)
+ # renders the selection options
+ confirmationMsg = "Run tor with the above configuration?"
+ popup.addstr(height - 3, width - len(confirmationMsg) - 1, confirmationMsg, uiTools.getColor("green") | curses.A_BOLD)
+ drawX = width - 1
+ for i in range(len(options) - 1, -1, -1):
+ optionLabel = " %s " % options[i]
+ drawX -= (len(optionLabel) + 4)
+ selectionFormat = curses.A_STANDOUT if i == selection else curses.A_NORMAL
+ popup.addstr(height - 2, drawX, "[", uiTools.getColor("green"))
+ popup.addstr(height - 2, drawX + 1, optionLabel, uiTools.getColor("green") | selectionFormat | curses.A_BOLD)
+ popup.addstr(height - 2, drawX + len(optionLabel) + 1, "]", uiTools.getColor("green"))
+ drawX -= 1 # space gap between the options
+ popup.win.refresh()
+ key = cli.controller.getController().getScreen().getch()
+ if key == curses.KEY_LEFT:
+ selection = (selection - 1) % len(options)
+ elif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT:
+ selection = (selection + 1) % len(options)
+ elif uiTools.isScrollKey(key):
+ scroll = uiTools.getScrollPosition(key, scroll, height - 5, len(torrcLines))
+ elif uiTools.isSelectionKey(key):
+ if selection == 0: return CANCEL
+ elif selection == 1: return BACK
+ else: return NEXT
+ elif key == 27: return CANCEL
+ finally:
+ cli.popups.finalize()
def _splitStr(msg, width):
Splits a string into substrings of a given length.
diff --git a/src/util/panel.py b/src/util/panel.py
index 1be2306..5a96623 100644
--- a/src/util/panel.py
+++ b/src/util/panel.py
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ class Panel():
return userInput
- def addScrollBar(self, top, bottom, size, drawTop = 0, drawBottom = -1):
+ def addScrollBar(self, top, bottom, size, drawTop = 0, drawBottom = -1, drawLeft = 0):
Draws a left justified scroll bar reflecting position within a vertical
listing. This is shorted if necessary, and left undrawn if no space is
@@ -649,6 +649,7 @@ class Panel():
drawTop - starting row where the scroll bar should be drawn
drawBottom - ending row where the scroll bar should end, -1 if it should
span to the bottom of the panel
+ drawLeft - left offset at which to draw the scroll bar
if (self.maxY - drawTop) < 2: return # not enough room
@@ -673,12 +674,12 @@ class Panel():
# draws scrollbar slider
for i in range(scrollbarHeight):
if i >= sliderTop and i <= sliderTop + sliderSize:
- self.addstr(i + drawTop, 0, " ", curses.A_STANDOUT)
+ self.addstr(i + drawTop, drawLeft, " ", curses.A_STANDOUT)
# draws box around the scroll bar
- self.win.vline(drawTop, 1, curses.ACS_VLINE, self.maxY - 2)
- self.win.addch(drawBottom, 1, curses.ACS_LRCORNER)
- self.win.addch(drawBottom, 0, curses.ACS_HLINE)
+ self.vline(drawTop, drawLeft + 1, drawBottom - 1)
+ self.addch(drawBottom, drawLeft + 1, curses.ACS_LRCORNER)
+ self.addch(drawBottom, drawLeft, curses.ACS_HLINE)
def _resetSubwindow(self):
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