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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Revised MicrodescriptorExitPolicy
commit af9e5b4e9f4dcb149d37c7f7ad0249abaa56e689
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Jul 18 09:55:06 2012 -0700
Revised MicrodescriptorExitPolicy
Rewrite the MicrodescriptorExitPolicy and expanded its tests.
stem/exit_policy.py | 160 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py | 89 +++++++++++++++++-----
2 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
diff --git a/stem/exit_policy.py b/stem/exit_policy.py
index 8a5f528..49a6cef 100644
--- a/stem/exit_policy.py
+++ b/stem/exit_policy.py
@@ -15,15 +15,13 @@ exiting to a destination is permissable or not. For instance...
>>> policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
>>> print policy
accept 80,443
- >>> policy.check("www.google.com", 80)
- True
- >>> policy.check(80)
+ >>> policy.check("", 80)
ExitPolicy - Exit policy for a Tor relay
- |- set_default_allowed - sets the default can_exit_to() response if no rules apply
+ | + MicrodescriptorExitPolicy - Microdescriptor exit policy
|- can_exit_to - check if exiting to this destination is allowed or not
|- is_exiting_allowed - check if any exiting is allowed
|- summary - provides a short label, similar to a microdescriptor
@@ -35,12 +33,6 @@ exiting to a destination is permissable or not. For instance...
|- is_port_wildcard - checks if we'll accept any port
|- is_match - checks if we match a given destination
+- __str__ - string representation for this rule
- MicrodescriptorExitPolicy - Microdescriptor exit policy
- |- check - check if exiting to this port is allowed
- |- ports - returns a list of ports
- |- is_accept - check if it's a list of accepted/rejected ports
- +- __str__ - return the summary
import stem.util.connection
@@ -236,6 +228,94 @@ class ExitPolicy(object):
return False
+class MicrodescriptorExitPolicy(ExitPolicy):
+ """
+ Exit policy provided by the microdescriptors. This is a distilled version of
+ a normal ExitPolicy contains, just consisting of a list of ports that are
+ either accepted or rejected. For instance...
+ ::
+ accept 80,443 # only accepts common http ports
+ reject 1-1024 # only accepts non-privilaged ports
+ Since these policies are a subset of the exit policy information (lacking IP
+ ranges) clients can only use them to guess if a relay will accept traffic or
+ not. To quote the dir-spec (section 3.2.1)...
+ ::
+ With microdescriptors, clients don't learn exact exit policies:
+ clients can only guess whether a relay accepts their request, try the
+ BEGIN request, and might get end-reason-exit-policy if they guessed
+ wrong, in which case they'll have to try elsewhere.
+ :var set ports: ports that this policy includes
+ :var bool is_accept: True if these are ports that we accept, False if they're ports that we reject
+ :param str policy: policy string that describes this policy
+ """
+ def __init__(self, policy):
+ # Microdescriptor policies are of the form...
+ #
+ # MicrodescriptrPolicy ::= ("accept" / "reject") SP PortList NL
+ # PortList ::= PortOrRange
+ # PortList ::= PortList "," PortOrRange
+ # PortOrRange ::= INT "-" INT / INT
+ self.ports = set()
+ self._policy = policy
+ if policy.startswith("accept"):
+ self.is_accept = True
+ elif policy.startswith("reject"):
+ self.is_accept = False
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("A microdescriptor exit policy must start with either 'accept' or 'reject': %s" % policy)
+ policy = policy[6:]
+ if not policy.startswith(" ") or (len(policy) - 1 != len(policy.lstrip())):
+ raise ValueError("A microdescriptor exit policy should have a space separating accept/reject from its port list: %s" % self._policy)
+ policy = policy[1:]
+ # convert our port list into ExitPolicyRules
+ rules = []
+ rule_format = "accept *:%s" if self.is_accept else "reject *:%s"
+ for port_entry in policy.split(","):
+ rule_str = rule_format % port_entry
+ try:
+ rule = ExitPolicyRule(rule_str)
+ self.ports.update(range(rule.min_port, rule.max_port + 1))
+ rules.append(rule)
+ except ValueError, exc:
+ exc_msg = "Policy '%s' is malformed. %s" % (self._policy, str(exc).replace(rule_str, port_entry))
+ raise ValueError(exc_msg)
+ super(MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, self).__init__(*rules)
+ def can_exit_to(self, address = None, port = None):
+ # we can greatly simplify our check since our policies don't concern
+ # addresses or masks
+ if port in self.ports:
+ return self.is_accept
+ else:
+ return not self.is_accept
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self._policy
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if isinstance(other, MicrodescriptorExitPolicy):
+ return str(self) == str(other)
+ else:
+ return False
class ExitPolicyRule(object):
Single rule from the user's exit policy. These rules are chained together to
@@ -281,7 +361,7 @@ class ExitPolicyRule(object):
exitpattern = rule[6:]
- if not exitpattern.startswith(" ") or (len(exitpattern) - 1 != len(exitpattern.lstrip())) :
+ if not exitpattern.startswith(" ") or (len(exitpattern) - 1 != len(exitpattern.lstrip())):
raise ValueError("An exit policy should have a space separating its accept/reject from the exit pattern: %s" % rule)
exitpattern = exitpattern[1:]
@@ -522,62 +602,4 @@ class ExitPolicyRule(object):
return str(self) == str(other)
return False
-class MicrodescriptorExitPolicy:
- """
- Microdescriptor exit policy - 'accept 53,80,443'
- """
- def __init__(self, summary):
- self.ports = []
- self.is_accept = None
- self.summary = summary
- # sanitize the input a bit, cleaning up tabs and stripping quotes
- summary = self.summary.replace("\\t", " ").replace("\"", "")
- self.is_accept = summary.startswith("accept")
- # strips off "accept " or "reject " and extra spaces
- summary = summary[7:].replace(" ", "")
- for ports in summary.split(','):
- if '-' in ports:
- port_range = ports.split("-", 1)
- if not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(port_range):
- raise ValueError("Invaid port range")
- self.ports.append(range(int(port_range[2])), int(port_range[1]))
- if not stem.util.connection.is_valid_port(ports):
- raise ValueError("Invalid port range")
- self.ports.append(int(ports))
- def check(self, ip_address=None, port=None):
- # stem is intelligent about the arguments
- if not port:
- if not '.' in str(ip_address):
- port = ip_address
- port = int(port)
- if port in self.ports:
- # its a list of accepted ports
- if self.is_accept:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- # its a list of rejected ports
- if not self.is_accept:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def __str__(self):
- return self.summary
- def ports(self):
- return self.ports
- def is_accept(self):
- return self.is_accept
diff --git a/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py b/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py
index da4fc96..6ce0e4f 100644
--- a/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py
+++ b/test/unit/exit_policy/policy.py
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ Unit tests for the stem.exit_policy.ExitPolicy class.
import unittest
import stem.exit_policy
import stem.util.system
-from stem.exit_policy import ExitPolicy, ExitPolicyRule
+from stem.exit_policy import ExitPolicy, \
+ MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, \
+ ExitPolicyRule
import test.mocking as mocking
@@ -17,7 +19,8 @@ class TestExitPolicy(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals("accept 80, 443", policy.summary())
self.assertTrue(policy.can_exit_to("", 80))
- # TODO: add MicrodescriptorExitPolicy after it has been revised
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
+ self.assertTrue(policy.can_exit_to("", 80))
def test_constructor(self):
# The ExitPolicy constructor takes a series of string or ExitPolicyRule
@@ -124,25 +127,71 @@ class TestExitPolicy(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEquals(rules, list(ExitPolicy(*rules)))
self.assertEquals(rules, list(ExitPolicy('accept *:80', 'accept *:443', 'reject *:*')))
- def test_microdesc_exit_parsing(self):
- microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
- self.assertEqual(str(microdesc_exit_policy),"accept 80,443")
+ def test_microdescriptor_parsing(self):
+ # mapping between inputs and if they should succeed or not
+ test_inputs = {
+ 'accept 80': True,
+ 'accept 80,443': True,
+ '': False,
+ 'accept': False,
+ 'accept ': False,
+ 'accept\t80,443': False,
+ 'accept 80, 443': False,
+ 'accept 80,\t443': False,
+ '80,443': False,
+ 'accept 80,-443': False,
+ 'accept 80,+443': False,
+ 'accept 80,66666': False,
+ 'reject 80,foo': False,
+ 'bar 80,443': False,
+ }
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,-443")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,+443")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "accept 80,66666")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "reject 80,foo")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "bar 80,foo")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "foo")
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy, "bar 80-foo")
+ for policy_arg, expect_success in test_inputs.items():
+ try:
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy(policy_arg)
+ if expect_success:
+ self.assertEqual(policy_arg, str(policy))
+ else:
+ self.fail()
+ except ValueError:
+ if expect_success: self.fail()
+ def test_microdescriptor_attributes(self):
+ # checks that its is_accept and ports attributes are properly set
+ # single port
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy('accept 443')
+ self.assertTrue(policy.is_accept)
+ self.assertEquals(set([443]), policy.ports)
+ # multiple ports
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy('accept 80,443')
+ self.assertTrue(policy.is_accept)
+ self.assertEquals(set([80, 443]), policy.ports)
+ # port range
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy('reject 1-1024')
+ self.assertFalse(policy.is_accept)
+ self.assertEquals(set(range(1, 1025)), policy.ports)
+ def test_microdescriptor_can_exit_to(self):
+ test_inputs = {
+ 'accept 443': {442: False, 443: True, 444: False},
+ 'reject 443': {442: True, 443: False, 444: True},
+ 'accept 80,443': {80: True, 443: True, 10: False},
+ 'reject 1-1024': {1: False, 1024: False, 1025: True},
+ }
- def test_micodesc_exit_check(self):
- microdesc_exit_policy = stem.exit_policy.MicrodescriptorExitPolicy("accept 80,443")
+ for policy_arg, attr in test_inputs.items():
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy(policy_arg)
+ for port, expected_value in attr.items():
+ self.assertEqual(expected_value, policy.can_exit_to(port = port))
- self.assertTrue(microdesc_exit_policy.check(80))
- self.assertTrue(microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.atagar.com", 443))
+ # address argument should be ignored
+ policy = MicrodescriptorExitPolicy('accept 80,443')
- self.assertFalse(microdesc_exit_policy.check(22))
- self.assertFalse(microdesc_exit_policy.check("www.atagar.com", 8118))
+ self.assertFalse(policy.can_exit_to('blah', 79))
+ self.assertTrue(policy.can_exit_to('blah', 80))
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