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[tor-commits] [exonerator/master] Move strings to resource file and translate them to German.
commit e0f6f01964a5c175d5b27d03910b04ce90f3c2b0
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Jul 14 23:08:42 2015 +0200
Move strings to resource file and translate them to German.
build.xml | 3 +
res/ExoneraTor.properties | 51 +++
res/ExoneraTor_de.properties | 51 +++
.../torproject/exonerator/ExoneraTorServlet.java | 412 +++++++++++---------
4 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index 3064bf8..e8cbad4 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
<!-- Define build paths. -->
<property name="sources" value="src"/>
+ <property name="resources" value="res"/>
<property name="classes" value="classes"/>
<property name="config" value="etc"/>
<property name="webxmlfile" value="${config}/web.xml"/>
@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@
<include name="commons-lang.jar"/>
<classes dir="${classes}"/>
+ <zipfileset dir="${resources}"
+ prefix="WEB-INF/classes"/>
<zipfileset dir="${config}"
diff --git a/res/ExoneraTor.properties b/res/ExoneraTor.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8174e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/ExoneraTor.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+form.ip.label=IP address
+summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title=Server problem
+summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Unable to connect to the database. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=let us know
+summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title=Server problem
+summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=The database appears to be empty. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=let us know
+summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=No date parameter given
+summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.
+summary.invalidparams.noip.title=No IP address parameter given
+summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address parameter.
+summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Date parameter out of range
+summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s. Please pick a date between %s and %s.
+summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Invalid IP address parameter
+summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid IP address. The expected IP address formats are %s or %s.
+summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Invalid date parameter
+summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=Sorry, %s is not a valid date. The expected date format is %s.
+summary.serverproblem.nodata.title=Server problem
+summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=The database does not contain any data for the requested date. Please try again later. If this problem persists, please %s!
+summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=let us know
+summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Result is negative
+summary.negativesamenetwork.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s. But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same /%d network around the time:
+summary.positive.title=Result is positive
+summary.positive.body=We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.
+summary.negative.title=Result is negative
+summary.negative.body=We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.
+technicaldetails.heading=Technical details
+technicaldetails.pre=Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to build circuits.
+technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Timestamp (UTC)
+technicaldetails.colheader.ip=IP address(es)
+technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint=Identity fingerprint
+permanentlink.heading=Permanent link
+footer.abouttor.heading=About Tor
+footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor anonymizes Internet traffic by %s. Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, you may be seeing traffic that originated from someone using Tor, rather than from the relay operator. The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of the traffic that passes over the network. Be sure to %s, and don't hesitate to %s for more information.
+footer.abouttor.body.link1=sending packets through a series of encrypted hops before they reach their destination
+footer.abouttor.body.link2=learn more about Tor
+footer.abouttor.body.link3=contact The Tor Project
+footer.aboutexonerator.heading=About ExoneraTor
+footer.aboutexonerator.body=The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses that have been part of the Tor network. It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running on a given IP address on a given date. ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if relays use a different IP address for exiting to the Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to the open Internet at that time.
+footer.trademark.text="Tor" and the "Onion Logo" are %s of The Tor Project, Inc.
+footer.trademark.link=registered trademarks
diff --git a/res/ExoneraTor_de.properties b/res/ExoneraTor_de.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9e362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/res/ExoneraTor_de.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text=Es kann keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Sollte dieses Problem weiterhin bestehen %s.
+summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link=lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen
+summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text=Die Datenbank scheint leer zu sein. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Sollte dieses Problem weiterhin bestehen %s.
+summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link=lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen
+summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title=Kein Datum angegeben
+summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body=Sie müssen ein Datum angeben.
+summary.invalidparams.noip.title=Keine IP-Adresse angegeben.
+summary.invalidparams.noip.body=Sie müssen eine IP-Adresse angeben.
+summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title=Datum au�erhalb des zulässigen Bereichs
+summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body=Die Datenbank enthält keine Daten vom %s. Bitte wählen Sie ein Datum zwischen %s und %s aus.
+summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title=Ungültige IP-Adresse
+summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body=%s ist keine gültige IP-Adresse. Zulässige IP-Adress-Formate sind %s oder %s.
+summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title=Ungültiges Datum
+summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body=%s ist kein gültiges Datum. Das zulässige Datumsformat ist %s.
+summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text=Die Datenbank enthält keine Daten für das angegebene Datum. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal. Sollte dieses Problem weiterhin bestehen %s.
+summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link=lassen Sie es uns bitte wissen
+summary.negativesamenetwork.title=Keine Ã?bereinstimmungen gefunden
+summary.negativesamenetwork.body=Es wurde kein Tor-Relay mit IP-Adresse %s am %s bzw. am Tag vorher oder nachher gefunden. Es wurden jedoch benachbarte IP-Adressen im selben /%d-Netzwerk an diesen Tagen gefunden:
+summary.positive.title=Ã?bereinstimmungen gefunden
+summary.positive.body=Es wurde ein oder mehrere Tor-Relays mit IP-Adresse %s am %s bzw. am Tag vorher oder nachher gefunden, die den Tor-Clients bekannt waren.
+summary.negative.title=Keine Ã?bereinstimmungen gefunden
+summary.negative.body=Es wurde kein Tor-Relay mit IP-Adresse %s am %s bzw. am Tag vorher oder nachher gefunden.
+technicaldetails.heading=Technische Details
+technicaldetails.pre=Es wird nach Tor-Relays mit IP-Adresse %s am %s bzw. am Tag vorher oder nachher gesucht. Tor-Clients konnten diese Tor-Relays verwenden, um Verbindungen aufzubauen.
+technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp=Datum/Uhrzeit (UTC)
+permanentlink.heading=Dauerhafter Link
+footer.abouttor.heading=Ã?ber Tor
+footer.abouttor.body.text=Tor anonymisiert Internetverbindungen indem es %s. Wenn Sie eine Internetverbindung sehen, die von einem Tor-Relay kommt, könnte diese Verbindung von jemandem stammen, der Tor benutzt, und nicht vom Betreiber des Tor-Relays selbst. Weder The Tor Project, Inc. noch die Tor-Relay-Betreiber besitzen Aufzeichnungen über die Internetverbindungen im Tor-Netzwerk. %s und zögern Sie nicht bei Fragen %s.
+footer.abouttor.body.link1=Datenpakete über eine Reihe von verschlüsselten Stationen sendet bevor diese ihr Ziel erreichen
+footer.abouttor.body.link2=Erfahren Sie mehr über Tor
+footer.abouttor.body.link3=The Tor Project, Inc. zu kontaktieren
+footer.aboutexonerator.heading=Ã?ber ExoneraTor
+footer.aboutexonerator.body=Der ExoneraTor-Dienst basiert auf einer Datenbank von IP-Adressen, die Teil des Tor-Netzwerks sind oder waren. Dieser Dienst beantwortet die Frage, ob es an einem bestimmten Tag einen Tor-Relay mit einer bestimmten IP-Adresse gegeben hat. ExoneraTor kann in einigen Fällen mehr als nur eine IP-Adresse pro Tor-Relay speichern, falls ein Tor-Relay eine andere IP-Adresse für ausgehende Verbindungen verwendet hat als die IP-Adresse um sich im Tor-Netzwerk zu registrieren. ExoneraTor speichert au�erdem ob ein Tor-Relay Verbindungen ins offene Internet zugelassen hat oder nicht.
+footer.trademark.text="Tor" und das "Onion Logo" sind %s von The Tor Project, Inc.
+footer.trademark.link=eingetragene Warenzeichen
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/exonerator/ExoneraTorServlet.java b/src/org/torproject/exonerator/ExoneraTorServlet.java
index e5d57f1..a959bc8 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/exonerator/ExoneraTorServlet.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/exonerator/ExoneraTorServlet.java
@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Locale;
+import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.TreeSet;
@@ -64,13 +66,17 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
+ /* Find the right resource bundle for the user's locale. */
+ Locale locale = request.getLocale();
+ ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ExoneraTor", locale);
/* Open a database connection that we'll use to handle the whole
* request. */
long requestedConnection = System.currentTimeMillis();
Connection conn = this.connectToDatabase();
if (conn == null) {
- this.writeSummaryUnableToConnectToDatabase(out);
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeSummaryUnableToConnectToDatabase(out, rb);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
@@ -78,8 +84,8 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
long[] firstAndLastDates = this.queryFirstAndLastDatesFromDatabase(
if (firstAndLastDates == null) {
- this.writeSummaryNoData(out);
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeSummaryNoData(out, rb);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
this.closeDatabaseConnection(conn, requestedConnection);
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
@@ -114,15 +120,17 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
/* Write form. */
- this.writeForm(out, relayIP, relayIPHasError ||
+ this.writeForm(out, rb, relayIP, relayIPHasError ||
("".equals(relayIP) && !"".equals(timestampStr)), timestampStr,
- !relayIPHasError && (timestampHasError || timestampOutOfRange ||
+ !relayIPHasError &&
+ !("".equals(relayIP) && !"".equals(timestampStr)) &&
+ (timestampHasError || timestampOutOfRange ||
(!"".equals(relayIP) && "".equals(timestampStr))));
/* If both parameters are empty, don't print any summary and exit.
* This is the start page. */
if ("".equals(relayIP) && "".equals(timestampStr)) {
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
this.closeDatabaseConnection(conn, requestedConnection);
@@ -131,11 +139,11 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
* and exit. */
if ("".equals(relayIP) || "".equals(timestampStr)) {
if ("".equals(relayIP)) {
- writeSummaryNoIp(out);
+ writeSummaryNoIp(out, rb);
} else {
- writeSummaryNoTimestamp(out);
+ writeSummaryNoTimestamp(out, rb);
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
this.closeDatabaseConnection(conn, requestedConnection);
@@ -144,14 +152,14 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
* exit. */
if (relayIPHasError || timestampHasError || timestampOutOfRange) {
if (relayIPHasError) {
- this.writeSummaryInvalidIp(out, ipParameter);
+ this.writeSummaryInvalidIp(out, rb, ipParameter);
} else if (timestampHasError) {
- this.writeSummaryInvalidTimestamp(out, timestampParameter);
+ this.writeSummaryInvalidTimestamp(out, rb, timestampParameter);
} else if (timestampOutOfRange) {
- this.writeSummaryTimestampOutsideRange(out, timestampStr,
+ this.writeSummaryTimestampOutsideRange(out, rb, timestampStr,
firstDate, lastDate);
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
this.closeDatabaseConnection(conn, requestedConnection);
@@ -169,8 +177,8 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
this.queryKnownConsensusValidAfterTimes(conn, fromValidAfter,
if (relevantConsensuses == null || relevantConsensuses.isEmpty()) {
- this.writeSummaryNoDataForThisInterval(out);
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeSummaryNoDataForThisInterval(out, rb);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
this.closeDatabaseConnection(conn, requestedConnection);
@@ -233,21 +241,21 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
/* Print out result. */
if (!statusEntries.isEmpty()) {
- this.writeSummaryPositive(out, relayIP, timestampStr);
- this.writeTechnicalDetails(out, relayIP, timestampStr,
+ this.writeSummaryPositive(out, rb, relayIP, timestampStr);
+ this.writeTechnicalDetails(out, rb, relayIP, timestampStr,
} else if (addressesInSameNetwork != null &&
!addressesInSameNetwork.isEmpty()) {
- this.writeSummaryAddressesInSameNetwork(out, relayIP,
+ this.writeSummaryAddressesInSameNetwork(out, rb, relayIP,
timestampStr, addressesInSameNetwork);
} else {
- this.writeSummaryNegative(out, relayIP, timestampStr);
+ this.writeSummaryNegative(out, rb, relayIP, timestampStr);
- this.writePermanentLink(out, relayIP, timestampStr);
+ this.writePermanentLink(out, rb, relayIP, timestampStr);
this.closeDatabaseConnection(conn, requestedConnection);
- this.writeFooter(out);
+ this.writeFooter(out, rb);
/* Helper methods for handling the request. */
@@ -398,8 +406,8 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
long validafter = rs.getTimestamp(3, utcCalendar).getTime();
String validAfterString = validAfterTimeFormat.format(validafter);
String fingerprint = rs.getString(4).toUpperCase();
- String nickname = "(Unknown)";
- String exit = "Unknown";
+ String nickname = null;
+ String exit = "U";
for (String line : new String(rawstatusentry).split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("r ")) {
String[] parts = line.split(" ");
@@ -410,7 +418,7 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
} else if (line.startsWith("p ")) {
- exit = line.equals("p reject 1-65535") ? "No" : "Yes";
+ exit = line.equals("p reject 1-65535") ? "N" : "Y";
String exitaddress = rs.getString(6);
@@ -521,215 +529,244 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n");
- private void writeForm(PrintWriter out, String relayIP,
- boolean relayIPHasError, String timestampStr,
+ private void writeForm(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb,
+ String relayIP, boolean relayIPHasError, String timestampStr,
boolean timestampHasError) throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"text-center\">\n"
+ "<form class=\"form-inline\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"form-group%s\">\n"
- + "<label for=\"inputIp\" class=\"control-label\">IP "
- + "address</label>\n"
+ + "<label for=\"inputIp\" class=\"control-label\">%s</label>\n"
+ "<input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" name=\"ip\" "
+ "id=\"inputIp\" placeholder=\"\"%s required>\n"
+ "</div><!-- form-group -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"form-group%s\">\n"
+ "<label for=\"inputTimestamp\" "
- + "class=\"control-label\">Date</label>\n"
+ + "class=\"control-label\">%s</label>\n"
+ "<input type=\"date\" class=\"form-control\" "
+ "name=\"timestamp\" id=\"inputTimestamp\" "
+ "placeholder=\"2010-01-01\"%s required>\n"
+ "</div><!-- form-group -->\n"
+ "<button type=\"submit\" "
- + "class=\"btn btn-primary\">Search</button>\n"
+ + "class=\"btn btn-primary\">%s</button>\n"
+ "</form>\n"
+ "</div><!-- text-center -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n",
relayIPHasError ? " has-error" : "",
+ rb.getString("form.ip.label"),
relayIP != null && relayIP.length() > 0 ?
" value=\"" + relayIP + "\"" : "",
timestampHasError ? " has-error" : "",
+ rb.getString("form.timestamp.label"),
timestampStr != null && timestampStr.length() > 0 ?
- " value=\"" + timestampStr + "\"" : "");
+ " value=\"" + timestampStr + "\"" : "",
+ rb.getString("form.search.label"));
- private void writeSummaryUnableToConnectToDatabase(PrintWriter out)
- throws IOException {
- out.print("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ private void writeSummaryUnableToConnectToDatabase(PrintWriter out,
+ ResourceBundle rb) throws IOException {
+ out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Server problem</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "Unable to connect to the database.\n"
- + "Please try again later.\n"
- + "If this problem persists, please <a "
- + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">let us "
- + "know</a>!\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n");
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.title"),
+ String.format(
+ rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.text"),
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">"
+ + rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.dbnoconnect.body.link")
+ + "</a>"));
- private void writeSummaryNoData(PrintWriter out) throws IOException {
- out.print("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ private void writeSummaryNoData(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb)
+ throws IOException {
+ out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Server problem</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "The database appears to be empty.\n"
- + "Please try again later.\n"
- + "If this problem persists, please <a "
- + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">let us "
- + "know</a>!\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n");
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.dbempty.title"),
+ String.format(
+ rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.text"),
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">"
+ + rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.dbempty.body.link")
+ + "</a>"));
- private void writeSummaryNoTimestamp(PrintWriter out) throws IOException {
+ private void writeSummaryNoTimestamp(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb)
+ throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">No date parameter given</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "<p>Sorry, you also need to provide a date parameter.</p>\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n");
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.title"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.notimestamp.body"));
- private void writeSummaryNoIp(PrintWriter out) throws IOException {
+ private void writeSummaryNoIp(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb)
+ throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">No IP address parameter given</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "<p>Sorry, you also need to provide an IP address "
- + "parameter.</p>\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n");
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.noip.title"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.noip.body"));
private void writeSummaryTimestampOutsideRange(PrintWriter out,
- String timestampStr, String firstDate, String lastDate)
- throws IOException {
+ ResourceBundle rb, String timestampStr, String firstDate,
+ String lastDate) throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Date parameter out of range</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "<p>Sorry, the database does not contain any data from %s.\n"
- + "Please pick a date between %s and %s.</p>\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n", timestampStr, firstDate, lastDate);
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.title"),
+ String.format(
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.timestamprange.body"),
+ timestampStr, firstDate, lastDate));
- private void writeSummaryInvalidIp(PrintWriter out, String ipParameter)
- throws IOException {
+ private void writeSummaryInvalidIp(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb,
+ String ipParameter) throws IOException {
+ String escapedIpParameter = ipParameter.length() > 40 ?
+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ipParameter.substring(0, 40))
+ + "[...]" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ipParameter);
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Invalid IP address parameter</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "<p>Sorry, \"%s\" is not a valid IP address.\n"
- + "The expected IP address formats are \"a.b.c.d\" or "
- + "\"[a:b:c::d]\".</p>\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n",
- ipParameter.length() > 40 ?
- StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ipParameter.substring(0, 40))
- + "[...]" : StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(ipParameter));
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.invalidip.title"),
+ String.format("summary.invalidparams.invalidip.body",
+ escapedIpParameter, "\"a.b.c.d\"", "\"[a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h]\""));
private void writeSummaryInvalidTimestamp(PrintWriter out,
- String timestampParameter) throws IOException {
+ ResourceBundle rb, String timestampParameter) throws IOException {
+ String escapedTimestampParameter = timestampParameter.length() > 20 ?
+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(timestampParameter.
+ substring(0, 20)) + "[...]" :
+ StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(timestampParameter);
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Invalid date parameter</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "<p>Sorry, \"%s\" is not a valid date.\n"
- + "The expected date format is \"YYYY-MM-DD\".\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n",
- timestampParameter.length() > 20 ?
- StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(timestampParameter.
- substring(0, 20)) + "[...]" :
- StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(timestampParameter));
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.title"),
+ String.format("summary.invalidparams.invalidtimestamp.body",
+ escapedTimestampParameter, "\"YYYY-MM-DD\""));
- private void writeSummaryNoDataForThisInterval(PrintWriter out)
- throws IOException {
- out.print("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ private void writeSummaryNoDataForThisInterval(PrintWriter out,
+ ResourceBundle rb) throws IOException {
+ out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-danger\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Server problem</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "The database does not contain any data for the requested "
- + "date.\n"
- + "Please try again later.\n"
- + "If this problem persists, please <a "
- + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">let us "
- + "know</a>!\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n");
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.nodata.title"),
+ String.format(
+ rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.text"),
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">"
+ + rb.getString("summary.serverproblem.nodata.body.link")
+ + "</a>"));
private void writeSummaryAddressesInSameNetwork(PrintWriter out,
- String relayIP, String timestampStr,
+ ResourceBundle rb, String relayIP, String timestampStr,
List<String> addressesInSameNetwork) throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-warning\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Result is negative</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "<p>We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.\n"
- + "But we did find other IP addresses of Tor relays in the same "
- + "/%d network around the time:</p>\n"
- + "<ul>\n", relayIP, timestampStr,
- relayIP.contains(":") ? 48 : 24);
+ + "<p>%s</p>\n"
+ + "<ul>\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.negativesamenetwork.title"),
+ String.format(
+ rb.getString("summary.negativesamenetwork.body"),
+ relayIP, timestampStr, relayIP.contains(":") ? 48 : 24));
for (String s : addressesInSameNetwork) {
out.printf("<li><a href=\"/?ip=%s×tamp=%s\">%s</a></li>\n",
s.contains(":") ? "[" + s.replaceAll(":", "%3A") + "]" : s,
@@ -742,64 +779,91 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n");
- private void writeSummaryPositive(PrintWriter out, String relayIP,
- String timestampStr) throws IOException {
+ private void writeSummaryPositive(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb,
+ String relayIP, String timestampStr) throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-success\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Result is positive</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "We found one or more Tor relays on IP address %s on or within "
- + "a day of %s that Tor clients were likely to know.\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n", relayIP, timestampStr);
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.positive.title"),
+ String.format(rb.getString("summary.positive.body"),
+ relayIP, timestampStr));
- private void writeSummaryNegative(PrintWriter out, String relayIP,
- String timestampStr) throws IOException {
+ private void writeSummaryNegative(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb,
+ String relayIP, String timestampStr) throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Summary</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel panel-warning\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-heading\">\n"
- + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">Result is negative</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3 class=\"panel-title\">%s</h3>\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-heading -->\n"
+ "<div class=\"panel-body\">\n"
- + "We did not find IP address %s on or within a day of %s.\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel-body -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- panel -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n", relayIP, timestampStr);
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("summary.heading"),
+ rb.getString("summary.negative.title"),
+ String.format(rb.getString("summary.negative.body"),
+ relayIP, timestampStr));
- private void writeTechnicalDetails(PrintWriter out, String relayIP,
- String timestampStr, List<String[]> tableRows) throws IOException {
+ private void writeTechnicalDetails(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb,
+ String relayIP, String timestampStr, List<String[]> tableRows)
+ throws IOException {
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Technical details</h2>\n"
- + "<p>Looking up IP address %s on or within one day of %s. Tor "
- + "clients could have selected this or these Tor relays to "
- + "build circuits.</p>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ + "<p>%s</p>\n"
+ "<table class=\"table\">\n"
+ "<thead>\n"
+ "<tr>\n"
- + "<th>Timestamp (UTC)</th>\n"
- + "<th>IP address(es)</th>\n"
- + "<th>Identity fingerprint</th>\n"
- + "<th>Nickname</th>\n"
- + "<th>Exit</th>\n"
+ + "<th>%s</th>\n"
+ + "<th>%s</th>\n"
+ + "<th>%s</th>\n"
+ + "<th>%s</th>\n"
+ + "<th>%s</th>\n"
+ "</tr>\n"
+ "</thead>\n"
- + "<tbody>\n", relayIP, timestampStr);
+ + "<tbody>\n",
+ rb.getString("technicaldetails.heading"),
+ String.format(rb.getString("technicaldetails.pre"),
+ relayIP, timestampStr),
+ rb.getString("technicaldetails.colheader.timestamp"),
+ rb.getString("technicaldetails.colheader.ip"),
+ rb.getString("technicaldetails.colheader.fingerprint"),
+ rb.getString("technicaldetails.colheader.nickname"),
+ rb.getString("technicaldetails.colheader.exit"));
for (String[] tableRow : tableRows) {
- for (String tableColumn : tableRow) {
- out.print("<td>" + tableColumn + "</td>");
+ for (int i = 0; i < tableRow.length; i++) {
+ String content = tableRow[i];
+ if (i == 3 && content == null) {
+ content = "("
+ + rb.getString("technicaldetails.nickname.unknown") + ")";
+ } else if (i == 4) {
+ if (content.equals("U")) {
+ content = rb.getString("technicaldetails.exit.unknown");
+ } else if (content.equals("Y")) {
+ content = rb.getString("technicaldetails.exit.yes");
+ } else {
+ content = rb.getString("technicaldetails.exit.no");
+ }
+ }
+ out.print("<td>" + content + "</td>");
@@ -810,66 +874,60 @@ public class ExoneraTorServlet extends HttpServlet {
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n");
- private void writePermanentLink(PrintWriter out, String relayIP,
- String timestampStr) throws IOException {
+ private void writePermanentLink(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb,
+ String relayIP, String timestampStr) throws IOException {
String encodedAddress = relayIP.contains(":") ?
"[" + relayIP.replaceAll(":", "%3A") + "]" : relayIP;
out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<h2>Permanent link</h2>\n"
+ + "<h2>%s</h2>\n"
+ "<pre>https://exonerator.torproject.org/?ip=%s&"
+ "timestamp=%s</pre>\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "</div><!-- row -->\n", encodedAddress, timestampStr);
+ + "</div><!-- row -->\n",
+ rb.getString("permanentlink.heading"),
+ encodedAddress, timestampStr);
- private void writeFooter(PrintWriter out) throws IOException {
- out.println("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ private void writeFooter(PrintWriter out, ResourceBundle rb)
+ throws IOException {
+ out.printf("<div class=\"row\">\n"
+ "<div class=\"col-xs-6\">\n"
- + "<h3>About Tor</h3>\n"
+ + "<h3>%s</h3>\n"
+ "<p class=\"small\">\n"
- + "Tor anonymizes Internet traffic by <a "
- + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/"
- + "overview#thesolution\">sending packets through a series of "
- + "encrypted hops before they reach their destination</a>.\n"
- + "Therefore, if you see traffic from a Tor relay, you may be "
- + "seeing traffic that originated from someone using Tor, "
- + "rather than from the relay operator.\n"
- + "The Tor Project and Tor relay operators have no records of "
- + "the traffic that passes over the network.\n"
- + "Be sure to <a "
- + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/overview\">learn "
- + "more about Tor</a>, and don't hesitate to <a "
- + "href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">contact "
- + "The Tor Project</a> for more information.\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</p>\n"
- + "</div><!-- col -->\n"
- + "<div class=\"col-xs-6\">\n"
- + "<h3>About ExoneraTor</h3>\n"
+ + "</div><!-- col -->\n",
+ rb.getString("footer.abouttor.heading"),
+ String.format(rb.getString("footer.abouttor.body.text"),
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/"
+ + "overview#thesolution\">"
+ + rb.getString("footer.abouttor.body.link1") + "</a>",
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/overview\">"
+ + rb.getString("footer.abouttor.body.link2") + "</a>",
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/about/contact\">"
+ + rb.getString("footer.abouttor.body.link3") + "</a>"));
+ out.printf("<div class=\"col-xs-6\">\n"
+ + "<h3>%s</h3>\n"
+ "<p class=\"small\">\n"
- + "The ExoneraTor service maintains a database of IP addresses "
- + "that have been part of the Tor network.\n"
- + "It answers the question whether there was a Tor relay running "
- + "on a given IP address on a given date.\n"
- + "ExoneraTor may store more than one IP address per relay if "
- + "relays use a different IP address for exiting to the "
- + "Internet than for registering in the Tor network, and it "
- + "stores whether a relay permitted transit of Tor traffic to "
- + "the open Internet at that time.\n"
+ + "%s\n"
+ "</p>\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n"
- + "<div class=\"row\">\n"
- + "<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
- + "<p class=\"text-center small\">\"Tor\" and the \"Onion Logo\" "
- + "are <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/"
- + "trademark-faq.html.en\">registered trademarks</a> of The "
- + "Tor Project, Inc.</p>\n"
+ + "<div class=\"row\">\n",
+ rb.getString("footer.aboutexonerator.heading"),
+ rb.getString("footer.aboutexonerator.body"));
+ out.printf("<div class=\"col-xs-12\">\n"
+ + "<p class=\"text-center small\">%s</p>\n"
+ "</div><!-- col -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- row -->\n"
+ "</div><!-- container -->\n"
+ "</body>\n"
- + "</html>\n");
+ + "</html>\n",
+ String.format(rb.getString("footer.trademark.text"),
+ "<a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/"
+ + "trademark-faq.html.en\">"
+ + rb.getString("footer.trademark.link") + "</a>"));
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