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[tor-commits] [torflow/master] renamed files for consistency

commit 9e9127b82b65b5ed5f397b8dd267cd101702b012
Author: aagbsn <aagbsn@xxxxxxxx>
Date:   Thu Jun 16 18:38:00 2011 -0700

    renamed files for consistency
 NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority-parent.py |   48 ---
 NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority.py        |  360 ++-------------------
 NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority_child.py  |  366 +++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 386 insertions(+), 388 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority-parent.py b/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority-parent.py
deleted file mode 100644
index aadcd0e..0000000
--- a/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority-parent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import ConfigParser
-import os
-import traceback
-from TorCtl import TorUtil
-from TorCtl.TorUtil import plog
-import bwauthority
-p = None
-def main(argv):
-  TorUtil.read_config(argv[1])
-  (start_pct,stop_pct,nodes_per_slice,save_every,circs_per_node,out_dir,
-      max_fetch_time,tor_dir,sleep_start,sleep_stop,
-             min_streams,pid_file_name) = bwauthority.read_config(argv[1])
-  if pid_file_name:
-    pidfd = file(pid_file_name, 'w')
-    pidfd.write('%d\n' % os.getpid())
-    pidfd.close()
-  slice_num = 0 
-  while True:
-    plog('INFO', 'Beginning time loop')
-    p = subprocess.Popen("python bwauthority.py %s %s" %
-            (argv[1], str(slice_num)),shell=True)
-    p.wait()
-    if (p.returncode == 0):
-      slice_num += 1
-    elif (p.returncode == bwauthority.STOP_PCT_REACHED):
-      slice_num = 0
-    else:
-      plog('WARN', 'Child process returned %s' % p.returncode)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  try:
-    main(sys.argv)
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    p.terminate()
-    plog('INFO', "Ctrl + C was pressed. Exiting ... ")
-    traceback.print_exc()
-  except Exception, e:
-    plog('ERROR', "An unexpected error occured.")
-    traceback.print_exc()
diff --git a/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority.py b/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index 0eace2e..0d57dfe
--- a/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority.py
+++ b/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority.py
@@ -1,364 +1,44 @@
-# 2009 Mike Perry, Karsten Loesing
-Speedracer continuously requests the Tor design paper over the Tor network
-and measures how long circuit building and downloading takes.
-import atexit
-import socket
-import time
+#!/usr/bin/env python
 import sys
-import urllib2
+import subprocess
+import ConfigParser
 import os
 import traceback
-import copy
-import shutil
-import threading
-import ConfigParser
-import sqlalchemy
-import sets
+from TorCtl import TorUtil
 from TorCtl.TorUtil import plog
+import bwauthority_child
-# WAAAYYYYYY too noisy.
-#import gc
-from TorCtl import ScanSupport,PathSupport,SQLSupport,TorCtl,TorUtil
-# Make our SocksiPy use our socket
-__origsocket = socket.socket
-socket.socket = PathSupport.SmartSocket
-from SocksiPy import socks
-socket.socket = __origsocket
-user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
-# Note these urls should be https due to caching considerations.
-# If you really must make them http, be sure to change exit_ports to [80]
-# below, or else the scan will not finish.
-# TODO: As the network balances, these can become more uniform in size
-# TODO: We'll also want to try to prefer pairing unmeasured nodes 
-# together then, and use a different url set for them.
-#          cutoff percent                URL
-urls =         [(5,          "";),    # fbw 1499k..500k
-                (10,          "";),    # fbw 500k..350k
-                (20,          "";),    # fbw 350k..200k
-                (30,          "";),    # fbw 200k..128k
-                (50,          "";),  # fbw 128k..50k
-                (80,          "";),  # fbw 50k..26k
-                (100,         "";)]  # fbw 26k..10k
-# Do NOT modify this object directly after it is handed to PathBuilder
-# Use PathBuilder.schedule_selmgr instead.
-# (Modifying the arguments here is OK)
-__selmgr = PathSupport.SelectionManager(
-      pathlen=2,
-      order_exits=False,
-      percent_fast=100,
-      percent_skip=0,
-      min_bw=1024,
-      use_all_exits=False,
-      uniform=True,
-      use_exit=None,
-      use_guards=False,
-      exit_ports=[443])
-# exit code to indicate scan completion
-def read_config(filename):
-  config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
-  config.read(filename)
-  start_pct = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'start_pct')
-  stop_pct = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'stop_pct')
-  nodes_per_slice = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'nodes_per_slice')
-  save_every = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'save_every')
-  circs_per_node = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'circs_per_node')
-  min_streams = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'min_streams')
-  out_dir = config.get('BwAuthority', 'out_dir')
-  tor_dir = config.get('BwAuthority', 'tor_dir')
-  max_fetch_time = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'max_fetch_time')
-  sleep_start = config.get('BwAuthority', 'sleep_start')
-  sleep_stop = config.get('BwAuthority', 'sleep_stop')
-  sleep_start = tuple(map(int, sleep_start.split(":")))
-  sleep_stop = tuple(map(int, sleep_stop.split(":")))
-  pid_file = config.get('BwAuthority', 'pid_file')
-  return (start_pct,stop_pct,nodes_per_slice,save_every,
-            circs_per_node,out_dir,max_fetch_time,tor_dir,
-            sleep_start,sleep_stop,min_streams,pid_file)
-def choose_url(percentile):
-  for (pct, url) in urls:
-    if percentile < pct:
-      return url
-      #return "";
-  raise PathSupport.NoNodesRemain("No nodes left for url choice!")
-def http_request(address):
-  ''' perform an http GET-request and return 1 for success or 0 for failure '''
-  request = urllib2.Request(address)
-  request.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent)
-  try:
-    reply = urllib2.urlopen(request)
-    decl_length = reply.info().get("Content-Length")
-    read_len = len(reply.read())
-    plog("DEBUG", "Read: "+str(read_len)+" of declared "+str(decl_length))
-    return 1
-  except (ValueError, urllib2.URLError):
-    plog('ERROR', 'The http-request address ' + address + ' is malformed')
-    return 0
-  except (IndexError, TypeError):
-    plog('ERROR', 'An error occured while negotiating socks5 with Tor')
-    return 0
-  except KeyboardInterrupt:
-    raise KeyboardInterrupt
-  except socks.Socks5Error, e:
-    if e.value[0] == 6:
-      plog("NOTICE", "Tor timed out our SOCKS stream request.")
-    else:
-      plog('ERROR', 'An unknown HTTP error occured')
-      traceback.print_exc()
-    return 0
-  except:
-    plog('ERROR', 'An unknown HTTP error occured')
-    traceback.print_exc()
-    return 0
-class BwScanHandler(ScanSupport.SQLScanHandler):
-  def is_count_met(self, count, num_streams, position=0):
-    cond = threading.Condition()
-    cond._finished = True # lol python haxx. Could make subclass, but why?? :)
-    def notlambda(this):
-      cond.acquire()
-      # TODO: Using the entry_gen router list is somewhat ghetto..
-      if this.selmgr.bad_restrictions:
-        plog("NOTICE",
-          "Bad restrictions on last attempt. Declaring this slice finished")
-      elif (this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_routers and \
-          this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_routers):
-        for r in this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_routers:
-          if r._generated[position] < count:
-            cond._finished = False
-            plog("DEBUG", "Entry router "+r.idhex+"="+r.nickname+" not done: "+str(r._generated[position])+", down: "+str(r.down)+", OK: "+str(this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_list.r_is_ok(r))+", sorted_r: "+str(r in this.sorted_r))
-            # XXX:
-            #break
-        for r in this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_routers:
-          if r._generated[position] < count:
-            cond._finished = False
-            plog("DEBUG", "Exit router "+r.idhex+"="+r.nickname+" not done: "+str(r._generated[position])+", down: "+str(r.down)+", OK: "+str(this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_list.r_is_ok(r))+", sorted_r: "+str(r in this.sorted_r))
-            # XXX:
-            #break
-        # Also run for at least 2*circs_per_node*nodes/3 successful fetches to
-        # ensure we don't skip slices in the case of temporary network failure
-        if cond._finished:
-           num_routers = len(
-                 sets.Set(this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_routers
-                           + this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_routers))
-           # If more than 35% of the 2-hop paths failed, keep going to get
-           # more measurements
-           if num_streams < 0.65*((num_routers*count)/2.0):
-             plog("WARN", "Not enough streams yet. "+str(num_streams)+" < "+
-                        str(0.65*(num_routers*count/2.0)))
-             cond._finished = False
-      cond.notify()
-      cond.release()
-    plog("DEBUG", "Checking if scan count is met...")
-    cond.acquire()
-    self.schedule_low_prio(notlambda)
-    cond.wait()
-    cond.release()
-    plog("DEBUG", "Scan count met: "+str(cond._finished))
-    return cond._finished
-def speedrace(hdlr, start_pct, stop_pct, circs_per_node, save_every, out_dir,
-              max_fetch_time, sleep_start_tp, sleep_stop_tp, slice_num,
-              min_streams, sql_file):
-  hdlr.set_pct_rstr(start_pct, stop_pct)
-  attempt = 0
-  successful = 0
-  while True:
-    if hdlr.is_count_met(circs_per_node, successful): break
-    hdlr.wait_for_consensus()
-    # Check local time. Do not scan between 01:30 and 05:30 local time
-    lt = time.localtime()
-    sleep_start = time.mktime(lt[0:3]+sleep_start_tp+(0,0,0)+(lt[-1],))
-    sleep_stop = time.mktime(lt[0:3]+sleep_stop_tp+(0,0,0)+(lt[-1],))
-    t0 = time.time()
-    if sleep_start <= t0 and t0 <= sleep_stop:
-      plog("NOTICE", "It's bedtime. Sleeping for "+str(round((sleep_stop-t0)/3600.0,1))+"h")
-      time.sleep(sleep_stop - t0)
-      t0 = time.time()
-    hdlr.new_exit()
-    attempt += 1
-    # FIXME: This noise is due to a difficult to find Tor bug that
-    # causes some exits to hang forever on streams :(
-    timer = threading.Timer(max_fetch_time, lambda: hdlr.close_streams(7))
-    timer.start()
-    url = choose_url(start_pct)
-    plog("DEBUG", "Launching stream request for url "+url+" in "+str(start_pct)+'-'+str(stop_pct) + '%')
-    ret = http_request(url)
-    timer.cancel()
-    PathSupport.SmartSocket.clear_port_table()
-    delta_build = time.time() - t0
-    if delta_build >= max_fetch_time:
-      plog('WARN', 'Timer exceeded limit: ' + str(delta_build) + '\n')
-    build_exit = hdlr.get_exit_node()
-    if ret == 1 and build_exit:
-      successful += 1
-      plog('DEBUG', str(start_pct) + '-' + str(stop_pct) + '% circuit build+fetch took ' + str(delta_build) + ' for ' + str(build_exit))
-    else:
-      plog('DEBUG', str(start_pct)+'-'+str(stop_pct)+'% circuit build+fetch failed for ' + str(build_exit))
-    if save_every and ret and successful and (successful % save_every) == 0:
-      race_time = time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
-      hdlr.close_circuits()
-      hdlr.commit()
-      lo = str(round(start_pct,1))
-      hi = str(round(stop_pct,1))
-      # Warning, don't remove the sql stats without changing the recompute
-      # param in write_strm_bws to True
-      hdlr.write_sql_stats(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/sql-'+lo+':'+hi+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+race_time, sqlalchemy.or_(SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_from > 0, SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_to > 0))
-      hdlr.write_strm_bws(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/bws-'+lo+':'+hi+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+race_time, stats_filter=SQLSupport.RouterStats.strm_closed >= 1)
-  plog('INFO', str(start_pct) + '-' + str(stop_pct) + '% ' + str(successful) + ' fetches took ' + str(attempt) + ' tries.')
-  hdlr.close_circuits()
-  hdlr.commit()
-  lo = str(round(start_pct,1))
-  hi = str(round(stop_pct,1))
-  # There may be a consensus change between the point of speed
-  # racing and the writing of stats causing a discrepency
-  # between the immediate, current consensus result used to determine
-  # termination and this average-based result.
-  # So instead of using percentiles to filter here, we filter based on 
-  # circuit chosen.
-  hdlr.write_sql_stats(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/sql-'+lo+':'+hi+"-done-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"), stats_filter=sqlalchemy.or_(SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_from > 0, SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_to > 0))
-  # Warning, don't remove the sql stats call without changing the recompute
-  # param in write_strm_bws to True
-  hdlr.write_strm_bws(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/bws-'+lo+':'+hi+"-done-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"), slice_num, stats_filter=sqlalchemy.and_(SQLSupport.RouterStats.strm_closed >= min_streams, SQLSupport.RouterStats.filt_sbw >= 0, SQLSupport.RouterStats.sbw >=0 ))
-  plog('DEBUG', 'Wrote stats')
-  #hdlr.save_sql_file(sql_file, os.getcwd()+"/"+out_dir+"/bw-db-"+str(lo)+":"+str(hi)+"-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")+".sqlite")
 def main(argv):
-             min_streams,pid_file_name) = read_config(argv[1])
+             min_streams,pid_file_name) = bwauthority_child.read_config(argv[1])
   if pid_file_name:
     pidfd = file(pid_file_name, 'w')
     pidfd.write('%d\n' % os.getpid())
-    slice_num = int(argv[2])
-    try:
-      (c,hdlr) = setup_handler(out_dir, tor_dir+"/control_auth_cookie")
-    except Exception, e:
-      traceback.print_exc()
-      plog("WARN", "Can't connect to Tor: "+str(e))
-    sql_file = os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/bwauthority.sqlite'
-    hdlr.attach_sql_listener('sqlite:///'+sql_file)
-    # set SOCKS proxy
-    socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, TorUtil.tor_host, TorUtil.tor_port)
-    socket.socket = socks.socksocket
-    plog("INFO", "Set socks proxy to "+TorUtil.tor_host+":"+str(TorUtil.tor_port))
-    hdlr.wait_for_consensus()
-    pct_step = hdlr.rank_to_percent(nodes_per_slice)
-    # check to see if we are done
-    if (slice_num * pct_step > stop_pct):
-        sys.exit(STOP_PCT_REACHED)
-    speedrace(hdlr, slice_num*pct_step + start_pct, (slice_num + 1)*pct_step + start_pct, circs_per_node, save_every, out_dir,
-              max_fetch_time, sleep_start, sleep_stop, slice_num,
-              min_streams, sql_file)
-    # For debugging memory leak..
-    #TorUtil.dump_class_ref_counts(referrer_depth=1)
-    # TODO: Change pathlen to 3 and kill exit+ConserveExit restrictions
-    # And record circ failure rates..
-    #circ_measure(hdlr, pct, pct+pct_step, circs_per_node, save_every, 
-    #  out_dir, max_fetch_time, sleep_start, sleep_stop, slice_num, sql_file)
-    sys.exit(0)
-def cleanup(c, f):
-  plog("INFO", "Resetting __LeaveStreamsUnattached=0 and FetchUselessDescriptors="+f)
-  try:
-    # XXX: Remember __LeaveStreamsUnattached and use saved value!
-    c.set_option("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", "0")
-    c.set_option("FetchUselessDescriptors", f)
-  except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
-    pass
-def setup_handler(out_dir, cookie_file):
-  plog('INFO', 'Connecting to Tor at '+TorUtil.control_host+":"+str(TorUtil.control_port))
-  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-  s.connect((TorUtil.control_host,TorUtil.control_port))
-  c = PathSupport.Connection(s)
-  #c.debug(file(out_dir+"/control.log", "w", buffering=0))
-  c.authenticate_cookie(file(cookie_file, "r"))
-  #f = c.get_option("__LeaveStreamsUnattached")[0]
-  h = BwScanHandler(c, __selmgr,
-                    strm_selector=PathSupport.SmartSocket.StreamSelector)
-  c.set_event_handler(h)
-  #c.set_periodic_timer(2.0, "PULSE")
-  c.set_events([TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM,
-          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.BW,
-          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NEWDESC,
-          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
-          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM_BW], True)
-  c.set_option("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", "1")
-  f = c.get_option("FetchUselessDescriptors")[0][1]
-  c.set_option("FetchUselessDescriptors", "1")
-  atexit.register(cleanup, *(c, f))
-  return (c,h)
-def usage(argv):
-  print "Usage: "+argv[0]+" <configfile>"
-  return
+  slice_num = 0 
+  while True:
+    plog('INFO', 'Beginning time loop')
+    global p
+    p = subprocess.Popen(["python", "bwauthority_child.py", argv[1], str(slice_num)])
+    p.wait()
+    if (p.returncode == 0):
+      slice_num += 1
+    elif (p.returncode == bwauthority_child.STOP_PCT_REACHED):
+      slice_num = 0
+    else:
+      plog('WARN', 'Child process returned %s' % p.returncode)
-# initiate the program
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage(sys.argv)
-    else: main(sys.argv)
+    main(sys.argv)
   except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    p.kill()
     plog('INFO', "Ctrl + C was pressed. Exiting ... ")
   except Exception, e:
diff --git a/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority_child.py b/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority_child.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0eace2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NetworkScanners/BwAuthority/bwauthority_child.py
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# 2009 Mike Perry, Karsten Loesing
+Speedracer continuously requests the Tor design paper over the Tor network
+and measures how long circuit building and downloading takes.
+import atexit
+import socket
+import time
+import sys
+import urllib2
+import os
+import traceback
+import copy
+import shutil
+import threading
+import ConfigParser
+import sqlalchemy
+import sets
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import plog
+# WAAAYYYYYY too noisy.
+#import gc
+from TorCtl import ScanSupport,PathSupport,SQLSupport,TorCtl,TorUtil
+# Make our SocksiPy use our socket
+__origsocket = socket.socket
+socket.socket = PathSupport.SmartSocket
+from SocksiPy import socks
+socket.socket = __origsocket
+user_agent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"
+# Note these urls should be https due to caching considerations.
+# If you really must make them http, be sure to change exit_ports to [80]
+# below, or else the scan will not finish.
+# TODO: As the network balances, these can become more uniform in size
+# TODO: We'll also want to try to prefer pairing unmeasured nodes 
+# together then, and use a different url set for them.
+#          cutoff percent                URL
+urls =         [(5,          "";),    # fbw 1499k..500k
+                (10,          "";),    # fbw 500k..350k
+                (20,          "";),    # fbw 350k..200k
+                (30,          "";),    # fbw 200k..128k
+                (50,          "";),  # fbw 128k..50k
+                (80,          "";),  # fbw 50k..26k
+                (100,         "";)]  # fbw 26k..10k
+# Do NOT modify this object directly after it is handed to PathBuilder
+# Use PathBuilder.schedule_selmgr instead.
+# (Modifying the arguments here is OK)
+__selmgr = PathSupport.SelectionManager(
+      pathlen=2,
+      order_exits=False,
+      percent_fast=100,
+      percent_skip=0,
+      min_bw=1024,
+      use_all_exits=False,
+      uniform=True,
+      use_exit=None,
+      use_guards=False,
+      exit_ports=[443])
+# exit code to indicate scan completion
+def read_config(filename):
+  config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+  config.read(filename)
+  start_pct = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'start_pct')
+  stop_pct = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'stop_pct')
+  nodes_per_slice = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'nodes_per_slice')
+  save_every = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'save_every')
+  circs_per_node = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'circs_per_node')
+  min_streams = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'min_streams')
+  out_dir = config.get('BwAuthority', 'out_dir')
+  tor_dir = config.get('BwAuthority', 'tor_dir')
+  max_fetch_time = config.getint('BwAuthority', 'max_fetch_time')
+  sleep_start = config.get('BwAuthority', 'sleep_start')
+  sleep_stop = config.get('BwAuthority', 'sleep_stop')
+  sleep_start = tuple(map(int, sleep_start.split(":")))
+  sleep_stop = tuple(map(int, sleep_stop.split(":")))
+  pid_file = config.get('BwAuthority', 'pid_file')
+  return (start_pct,stop_pct,nodes_per_slice,save_every,
+            circs_per_node,out_dir,max_fetch_time,tor_dir,
+            sleep_start,sleep_stop,min_streams,pid_file)
+def choose_url(percentile):
+  for (pct, url) in urls:
+    if percentile < pct:
+      return url
+      #return "";
+  raise PathSupport.NoNodesRemain("No nodes left for url choice!")
+def http_request(address):
+  ''' perform an http GET-request and return 1 for success or 0 for failure '''
+  request = urllib2.Request(address)
+  request.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent)
+  try:
+    reply = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+    decl_length = reply.info().get("Content-Length")
+    read_len = len(reply.read())
+    plog("DEBUG", "Read: "+str(read_len)+" of declared "+str(decl_length))
+    return 1
+  except (ValueError, urllib2.URLError):
+    plog('ERROR', 'The http-request address ' + address + ' is malformed')
+    return 0
+  except (IndexError, TypeError):
+    plog('ERROR', 'An error occured while negotiating socks5 with Tor')
+    return 0
+  except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    raise KeyboardInterrupt
+  except socks.Socks5Error, e:
+    if e.value[0] == 6:
+      plog("NOTICE", "Tor timed out our SOCKS stream request.")
+    else:
+      plog('ERROR', 'An unknown HTTP error occured')
+      traceback.print_exc()
+    return 0
+  except:
+    plog('ERROR', 'An unknown HTTP error occured')
+    traceback.print_exc()
+    return 0
+class BwScanHandler(ScanSupport.SQLScanHandler):
+  def is_count_met(self, count, num_streams, position=0):
+    cond = threading.Condition()
+    cond._finished = True # lol python haxx. Could make subclass, but why?? :)
+    def notlambda(this):
+      cond.acquire()
+      # TODO: Using the entry_gen router list is somewhat ghetto..
+      if this.selmgr.bad_restrictions:
+        plog("NOTICE",
+          "Bad restrictions on last attempt. Declaring this slice finished")
+      elif (this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_routers and \
+          this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_routers):
+        for r in this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_routers:
+          if r._generated[position] < count:
+            cond._finished = False
+            plog("DEBUG", "Entry router "+r.idhex+"="+r.nickname+" not done: "+str(r._generated[position])+", down: "+str(r.down)+", OK: "+str(this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_list.r_is_ok(r))+", sorted_r: "+str(r in this.sorted_r))
+            # XXX:
+            #break
+        for r in this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_routers:
+          if r._generated[position] < count:
+            cond._finished = False
+            plog("DEBUG", "Exit router "+r.idhex+"="+r.nickname+" not done: "+str(r._generated[position])+", down: "+str(r.down)+", OK: "+str(this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_list.r_is_ok(r))+", sorted_r: "+str(r in this.sorted_r))
+            # XXX:
+            #break
+        # Also run for at least 2*circs_per_node*nodes/3 successful fetches to
+        # ensure we don't skip slices in the case of temporary network failure
+        if cond._finished:
+           num_routers = len(
+                 sets.Set(this.selmgr.path_selector.entry_gen.rstr_routers
+                           + this.selmgr.path_selector.exit_gen.rstr_routers))
+           # If more than 35% of the 2-hop paths failed, keep going to get
+           # more measurements
+           if num_streams < 0.65*((num_routers*count)/2.0):
+             plog("WARN", "Not enough streams yet. "+str(num_streams)+" < "+
+                        str(0.65*(num_routers*count/2.0)))
+             cond._finished = False
+      cond.notify()
+      cond.release()
+    plog("DEBUG", "Checking if scan count is met...")
+    cond.acquire()
+    self.schedule_low_prio(notlambda)
+    cond.wait()
+    cond.release()
+    plog("DEBUG", "Scan count met: "+str(cond._finished))
+    return cond._finished
+def speedrace(hdlr, start_pct, stop_pct, circs_per_node, save_every, out_dir,
+              max_fetch_time, sleep_start_tp, sleep_stop_tp, slice_num,
+              min_streams, sql_file):
+  hdlr.set_pct_rstr(start_pct, stop_pct)
+  attempt = 0
+  successful = 0
+  while True:
+    if hdlr.is_count_met(circs_per_node, successful): break
+    hdlr.wait_for_consensus()
+    # Check local time. Do not scan between 01:30 and 05:30 local time
+    lt = time.localtime()
+    sleep_start = time.mktime(lt[0:3]+sleep_start_tp+(0,0,0)+(lt[-1],))
+    sleep_stop = time.mktime(lt[0:3]+sleep_stop_tp+(0,0,0)+(lt[-1],))
+    t0 = time.time()
+    if sleep_start <= t0 and t0 <= sleep_stop:
+      plog("NOTICE", "It's bedtime. Sleeping for "+str(round((sleep_stop-t0)/3600.0,1))+"h")
+      time.sleep(sleep_stop - t0)
+      t0 = time.time()
+    hdlr.new_exit()
+    attempt += 1
+    # FIXME: This noise is due to a difficult to find Tor bug that
+    # causes some exits to hang forever on streams :(
+    timer = threading.Timer(max_fetch_time, lambda: hdlr.close_streams(7))
+    timer.start()
+    url = choose_url(start_pct)
+    plog("DEBUG", "Launching stream request for url "+url+" in "+str(start_pct)+'-'+str(stop_pct) + '%')
+    ret = http_request(url)
+    timer.cancel()
+    PathSupport.SmartSocket.clear_port_table()
+    delta_build = time.time() - t0
+    if delta_build >= max_fetch_time:
+      plog('WARN', 'Timer exceeded limit: ' + str(delta_build) + '\n')
+    build_exit = hdlr.get_exit_node()
+    if ret == 1 and build_exit:
+      successful += 1
+      plog('DEBUG', str(start_pct) + '-' + str(stop_pct) + '% circuit build+fetch took ' + str(delta_build) + ' for ' + str(build_exit))
+    else:
+      plog('DEBUG', str(start_pct)+'-'+str(stop_pct)+'% circuit build+fetch failed for ' + str(build_exit))
+    if save_every and ret and successful and (successful % save_every) == 0:
+      race_time = time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")
+      hdlr.close_circuits()
+      hdlr.commit()
+      lo = str(round(start_pct,1))
+      hi = str(round(stop_pct,1))
+      # Warning, don't remove the sql stats without changing the recompute
+      # param in write_strm_bws to True
+      hdlr.write_sql_stats(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/sql-'+lo+':'+hi+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+race_time, sqlalchemy.or_(SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_from > 0, SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_to > 0))
+      hdlr.write_strm_bws(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/bws-'+lo+':'+hi+"-"+str(successful)+"-"+race_time, stats_filter=SQLSupport.RouterStats.strm_closed >= 1)
+  plog('INFO', str(start_pct) + '-' + str(stop_pct) + '% ' + str(successful) + ' fetches took ' + str(attempt) + ' tries.')
+  hdlr.close_circuits()
+  hdlr.commit()
+  lo = str(round(start_pct,1))
+  hi = str(round(stop_pct,1))
+  # There may be a consensus change between the point of speed
+  # racing and the writing of stats causing a discrepency
+  # between the immediate, current consensus result used to determine
+  # termination and this average-based result.
+  # So instead of using percentiles to filter here, we filter based on 
+  # circuit chosen.
+  hdlr.write_sql_stats(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/sql-'+lo+':'+hi+"-done-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"), stats_filter=sqlalchemy.or_(SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_from > 0, SQLSupport.RouterStats.circ_try_to > 0))
+  # Warning, don't remove the sql stats call without changing the recompute
+  # param in write_strm_bws to True
+  hdlr.write_strm_bws(os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/bws-'+lo+':'+hi+"-done-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"), slice_num, stats_filter=sqlalchemy.and_(SQLSupport.RouterStats.strm_closed >= min_streams, SQLSupport.RouterStats.filt_sbw >= 0, SQLSupport.RouterStats.sbw >=0 ))
+  plog('DEBUG', 'Wrote stats')
+  #hdlr.save_sql_file(sql_file, os.getcwd()+"/"+out_dir+"/bw-db-"+str(lo)+":"+str(hi)+"-"+time.strftime("20%y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S")+".sqlite")
+def main(argv):
+  TorUtil.read_config(argv[1])
+  (start_pct,stop_pct,nodes_per_slice,save_every,circs_per_node,out_dir,
+      max_fetch_time,tor_dir,sleep_start,sleep_stop,
+             min_streams,pid_file_name) = read_config(argv[1])
+  if pid_file_name:
+    pidfd = file(pid_file_name, 'w')
+    pidfd.write('%d\n' % os.getpid())
+    pidfd.close()
+    slice_num = int(argv[2])
+    try:
+      (c,hdlr) = setup_handler(out_dir, tor_dir+"/control_auth_cookie")
+    except Exception, e:
+      traceback.print_exc()
+      plog("WARN", "Can't connect to Tor: "+str(e))
+    sql_file = os.getcwd()+'/'+out_dir+'/bwauthority.sqlite'
+    hdlr.attach_sql_listener('sqlite:///'+sql_file)
+    # set SOCKS proxy
+    socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, TorUtil.tor_host, TorUtil.tor_port)
+    socket.socket = socks.socksocket
+    plog("INFO", "Set socks proxy to "+TorUtil.tor_host+":"+str(TorUtil.tor_port))
+    hdlr.wait_for_consensus()
+    pct_step = hdlr.rank_to_percent(nodes_per_slice)
+    # check to see if we are done
+    if (slice_num * pct_step > stop_pct):
+        sys.exit(STOP_PCT_REACHED)
+    speedrace(hdlr, slice_num*pct_step + start_pct, (slice_num + 1)*pct_step + start_pct, circs_per_node, save_every, out_dir,
+              max_fetch_time, sleep_start, sleep_stop, slice_num,
+              min_streams, sql_file)
+    # For debugging memory leak..
+    #TorUtil.dump_class_ref_counts(referrer_depth=1)
+    # TODO: Change pathlen to 3 and kill exit+ConserveExit restrictions
+    # And record circ failure rates..
+    #circ_measure(hdlr, pct, pct+pct_step, circs_per_node, save_every, 
+    #  out_dir, max_fetch_time, sleep_start, sleep_stop, slice_num, sql_file)
+    sys.exit(0)
+def cleanup(c, f):
+  plog("INFO", "Resetting __LeaveStreamsUnattached=0 and FetchUselessDescriptors="+f)
+  try:
+    # XXX: Remember __LeaveStreamsUnattached and use saved value!
+    c.set_option("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", "0")
+    c.set_option("FetchUselessDescriptors", f)
+  except TorCtl.TorCtlClosed:
+    pass
+def setup_handler(out_dir, cookie_file):
+  plog('INFO', 'Connecting to Tor at '+TorUtil.control_host+":"+str(TorUtil.control_port))
+  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  s.connect((TorUtil.control_host,TorUtil.control_port))
+  c = PathSupport.Connection(s)
+  #c.debug(file(out_dir+"/control.log", "w", buffering=0))
+  c.authenticate_cookie(file(cookie_file, "r"))
+  #f = c.get_option("__LeaveStreamsUnattached")[0]
+  h = BwScanHandler(c, __selmgr,
+                    strm_selector=PathSupport.SmartSocket.StreamSelector)
+  c.set_event_handler(h)
+  #c.set_periodic_timer(2.0, "PULSE")
+  c.set_events([TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM,
+          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.BW,
+          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.NEWDESC,
+          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.CIRC,
+          TorCtl.EVENT_TYPE.STREAM_BW], True)
+  c.set_option("__LeaveStreamsUnattached", "1")
+  f = c.get_option("FetchUselessDescriptors")[0][1]
+  c.set_option("FetchUselessDescriptors", "1")
+  atexit.register(cleanup, *(c, f))
+  return (c,h)
+def usage(argv):
+  print "Usage: "+argv[0]+" <configfile>"
+  return
+# initiate the program
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  try:
+    if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage(sys.argv)
+    else: main(sys.argv)
+  except KeyboardInterrupt:
+    plog('INFO', "Ctrl + C was pressed. Exiting ... ")
+    traceback.print_exc()
+  except Exception, e:
+    plog('ERROR', "An unexpected error occured.")
+    traceback.print_exc()

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