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[tor-commits] r25688: {website} clean up the docs some more for TBB, remove TIMBB from the p (website/trunk/projects/en)

Author: phobos
Date: 2012-06-20 20:43:28 +0000 (Wed, 20 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 25688

clean up the docs some more for TBB, remove TIMBB from the page since it doesn't exist and just confuses everyone.

Modified: website/trunk/projects/en/torbrowser-details.wml
--- website/trunk/projects/en/torbrowser-details.wml	2012-06-20 20:31:26 UTC (rev 25687)
+++ website/trunk/projects/en/torbrowser-details.wml	2012-06-20 20:43:28 UTC (rev 25688)
@@ -22,8 +22,7 @@
     <li>Vidalia <version-torbrowser-vidalia></li>
     <li>Tor <version-torbrowser-tor></li>
-    <li>Mozilla Aurora <version-torbrowser-firefox> and Torbutton <version-torbrowser-torbutton></li>
-    <li>Pidgin <version-torbrowser-pidgin> and OTR <version-torbrowser-otr> (only in Tor IM Browser Bundle)</li>
+    <li>Mozilla Firefox ESR and Torbutton <version-torbrowser-torbutton></li>
     <h3 id="alphacontents">Alpha Bundle Contents</h3>

Modified: website/trunk/projects/en/torbrowser.wml
--- website/trunk/projects/en/torbrowser.wml	2012-06-20 20:31:26 UTC (rev 25687)
+++ website/trunk/projects/en/torbrowser.wml	2012-06-20 20:43:28 UTC (rev 25688)
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     <p id="Download-torbrowserbundlealpha" style="font-size: 120%; margin:
-    5mm">ALPHA: Tor Browser Bundle alpha versions for Windows (<version-torbrowserbundlealpha>), Linux 32-bit (<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32alpha>) and 64-bit (<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64alpha>), and Intel Mac OS X 10.6 and higher (<version-torbrowserbundleosx32alpha>) with Firefox</p>
+    5mm">ALPHA: Tor Browser Bundle alpha versions for Windows (<version-torbrowserbundlealpha>), Linux 32-bit (<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32alpha>) and 64-bit (<version-torbrowserbundlelinux64alpha>), and Intel Mac OS X 10.6 and higher (<version-torbrowserbundleosx32alpha>). </p>
     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundlealpha>_en-US.exe">Windows Tor Browser Bundle alpha</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/tor-browser-<version-torbrowserbundlealpha>_en-US.exe.asc">signature</a>)</li>
     <li><a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32alpha>-dev-en-US.tar.gz">Linux Tor Browser Bundle alpha (32-bit)</a> (<a href="../dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-<version-torbrowserbundlelinux32alpha>-dev-en-US.tar.gz.asc">signature</a>)</li>
@@ -487,17 +487,15 @@
     which allows you to make sure you've downloaded the file we intended
     you to get. Also, note that the Firefox ESR in our bundles is
     <a href="<tbbrepo>/build-scripts/config/">modified</a> from the <a
-    href="http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/";>default Firefox ESR</a>;
-    we're currently working with Mozilla to see if they want us to change
-    the name to make this clearer.</p>
+    href="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/";>default
+    Firefox ESR</a></p>
     <a id="MacOSX"></a>
     <h3><a class="anchor" href="#MacOSX">Mac OS X instructions</a></h3>
     <p>Download the file above, save it somewhere, then click on it. Mac OS
     X will automatically unarchive it and you will have a TorBrowser
     application in your chosen language (for example, TorBrowser_en-US.app).
-    Click the TorBrowser application to launch Vidalia.  Once Vidalia connects to Tor, it will
-    launch Firefox ESR.</p>
+    Click the TorBrowser application to launch Vidalia.  Once Vidalia connects to the Tor Network, it will launch TorBrowser.</p>
     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/screenshot-osx-torbrowser-icon.png" alt="Screenshot Mac OS X bundle" /></p>
@@ -553,33 +551,26 @@
     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot2.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
     bundle startup" /></p>
-    <p>Once Tor is ready, Firefox will automatically be opened. Only web pages
-    visited through the included Firefox browser will be sent via Tor. Other web
-    browsers such as Internet Explorer are not affected. Make sure that it says
-    <span style="color: #0a0">"Tor Enabled"</span> (5) in the bottom right corner
-    before using it. To reduce the risk of confusion, don't run Firefox while using
-    the Tor Browser Bundle, and close existing Firefox windows before starting.</p>
+    <p>Once Tor is ready, Tor Browser will automatically be opened. Only web pages
+    visited through Tor Browser will be sent via Tor. Other web browsers
+    such as Internet Explorer are not affected. Make sure that it says
+    <span style="color: #0a0">"Tor Enabled"</span> (5) in the bottom
+    right corner before using it.</p>
-    <p>If you installed the Tor IM Browser Bundle, the Pidgin instant messaging client will also be automatically opened.</p>
-    <p>Once you are finished browsing, close any open Firefox windows by
-    clicking on the <img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-close-button.png" alt="Close
-    button (&times;)" /> (6).  For privacy reasons, the list of webpages
-    you visited and any cookies will be deleted.</p>
+    <p>Once you are finished browsing, close any open Tor Browser
+    windows by clicking on the <img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-close-button.png"
+    alt="Close button (&times;)" /> (6).  For privacy reasons, the list
+    of webpages you visited and any cookies will be deleted.</p>
     <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot3a.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
     Firefox" /></p>
     <p>With the Tor Browser Bundle, Vidalia and Tor will automatically
-    close. With the Tor IM Browser Bundle you need to also close Pidgin
-    by right-clicking on the Pidgin icon (7), and choosing Quit (8).</p>
+    close.</p>
+    <p>To use the Tor Browser Bundle again, repeat the steps in <a
+    href="#Usage">"Usage"</a>.</p>
-    <p><img src="$(IMGROOT)/tbb-screenshot3b.jpg" alt="Screenshot of
-    Pidgin" /></p>
-    <p>To use the Tor Browser Bundle or Tor IM Browser Bundle again,
-    repeat the steps in <a href="#Usage">"Usage"</a>.</p>
     <p>Remember that Tor anonymizes the origin of your traffic,
     and it encrypts everything inside the Tor network, but <a
     href="<wikifaq>#ExitEavesdroppers">it can't encrypt your traffic
@@ -605,13 +596,9 @@
     <p><strong>What is in the Tor Browser Bundle?</strong> It
-    contains Tor, Vidalia, Firefox, and Torbutton (<a
+    contains Tor, Vidalia, Firefox ESR, and Torbutton (<a
     href="<page projects/torbrowser-details>#contents">learn more</a>).</p>
-    <p><strong>What is in the Tor IM Browser Bundle?</strong> It contains
-    Tor, Vidalia, Firefox, Torbutton, Pidgin and OTR (<a href="<page
-    projects/torbrowser-details>#contents">learn more</a>).</p>
     <p><strong>How can I make my own bundle?</strong> To download
     the source code and learn how to build the bundle yourself, read
     the <a href="<page projects/torbrowser-details>#build">build

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