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[tor-commits] [translation/tsum] Update translations for tsum

commit 301c792a76936521c16aebfb8b2985de4fda4a29
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jun 3 12:45:16 2013 +0000

    Update translations for tsum
 si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml |   12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
index 05add92..143d70d 100644
--- a/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
+++ b/si_LK/short-user-manual_si_LK_noimg.xhtml
@@ -56,17 +56,17 @@ sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
     <p>පà·?â??රථà·?පලය මà·?à·?à·? තà·?බà·?ය යà·?තà·?ය<em>"à·?à·?ද à¶?තà·?à·?නà¶?à·?"</em>. දà·?රà·?à·?ල à¶?තà·?à·?නà¶?à·? යනà·? à¶?ය බà·?à·?à·?ර à·?නà·?රà·?දධà·?ලට à¶?à·?දà·?රà·? à·?à·? à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à¶?à·? යනà·?නයà·?. à¶?බ දà·?රà·?à·?ල à¶?තà·?à·?නà¶?à·? දà·?ටà·?à·?à·?à·?තà·? à¶?ම පà·?à¶?à·?ජය භà·?à¶?ත à·?à·?ථà·?නය à·?à·?නà·? තà·?රතà·?රà·?, à¶?තà·?à·?න තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?රà¶?තà·? à¶?à¶?à·?රය à·?à·? GnuPG à·?à·? පà·?â??රතà·?පලය help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx à·?à·?ත à·?à·?දà·?â??යà·?තà·? ලà·?පà·?යà¶?à·? යà·?නà·?න.</p>
-    <p>Once you have verified the signature and seen the <em>"Good signature"</em> output, go ahead and extract the package archive. You should then see a directory similar to <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong>. Inside that directory is another directory called <strong>Docs</strong>, which contains a file called <strong>changelog</strong>. You want to make sure that the version number on the top line of the changelog file matches the version number in the filename.</p>
+    <p>à¶?බ à¶?තà·?à·?න à·?තà·?â??යà·?පනය à¶?ර <em>"යà·?පතà·? à¶?තà·?à·?න"</em> නà·?මà·?à·?à·?ම දà·?ටà·?à·?à·?ට, පà·?à¶?à·?ජ à·?à¶?රà¶?à·?à·?à·?තය à¶?දà·?ත à¶?රනà·?න. à¶?බ à¶?à·?à·?ට දà·?à¶?à·?මට à¶?à·?à·?à·?â??ය à·?නà·?නà·? <strong>tor-browser_en-US</strong> ට à·?මà·?න ඩà·?රà·?à¶?à·?ටරà·?යà¶?à·?.à¶?ම ඩà·?රà·?à¶?à·?ටරà·?ය තà·?ල à·?à·?නතà·? ඩà·?රà·?à¶?à·?ටරà·?යà¶?à·? <strong>Docs</strong> ලà·?à·?à·?නà·? à¶?ත, à¶?à·?à·? à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à¶?à·? <strong>changelog</strong> යනà·?නà·?නà·? à¶?ඩà¶?à¶?à·? à·?à·?. à¶?බ තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?ල යà·?තà·?තà·? changelog à¶?à·?නà·?à·?à·? මà·?දà·?නà·? පà·?ලà·?යà·? à¶?තà·? à¶?නà·?à·?à·?ද à¶?à¶?à¶?ය à¶?à·?නà·?නà·?මයà·? à¶?තà·? à¶?නà·?à·?à·?ද à¶?à¶?à¶?යට à¶?à·?ලපà·?ද යනà·?නය.</p>
     <h3 id="how-to-use-the-tor-browser-bundle">Tor බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර à¶?ටà·?ටලය භà·?à·?à·?ත à¶?රනà·?නà·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?ද </h3>
     <p>After downloading the Tor Browser Bundle and extracting the package, you should have a directory with a few files in it. One of the files is an executable called "Start Tor Browser" (or "start-tor-browser", depending on your operating system).</p>
-    <p>When you start the Tor Browser Bundle, you will first see Vidalia start up and connect you to the Tor network. After that, you will see a browser confirming that you are now using Tor. This is done by displaying <a href="https://check.torproject.org/";>https://check.torproject.org/</a>. You can now browse the Internet through Tor.</p>
+    <p>à¶?බ Tor බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?ර තà·?à¶?ය à¶?රමà·?භ à¶?ල à·?à·?ට , à¶?බට පà·?මà·?à·? à·?à·?දà·?ලà·?යà·? à¶?රබà·?ම දරà·?à·?නය à·?à·? Tor ජà·?ලයට à·?බà·?දà·?. à¶?නà·?පà·?à·?à·?, à¶?බ Tor පà·?à·?à·?චà·?චà·? à¶?රන බà·? පà·?නà·?à·?න බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?රයà¶?à·? à¶?බට දරà·?à·?නය à·?à·?. මà·?ය à·?à·?දà·?à·?නà·?නà·? <a href="https://check.torproject.org/";>https://check.torproject.org/</a> දරà·?à·?නය à¶?à·?රà·?මà·?නà·?. à¶?බට දà·?නà·? Tor මà¶?à·?නà·? à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ලය à¶?à·?à·?à·?ණය à¶?ල à·?à·?à¶?.</p>
-      <em>Please note that it is important that you use the browser that comes with the bundle, and not your own browser.</em>
+      <em>à¶?බ තà·?à¶?ය à·?මà¶? පà·?මà·?ණà·?න බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?රය à·?à·?ර à¶?බà¶?à·? බà·?â??රà·?à·?à·?රය පà·?à·?à·?චà·? නà·?à¶?ල යà·?තà·? බà·?, à¶?රà·?ණà·?à·?à·?නà·? à·?ලà¶?නà·?න.</em>
     <h3 id="what-to-do-when-tor-does-not-connect">Tor �ම�බන�ධ න��න ��ට ��ම�� �ල ය�ත�ද </h3>
-    <p>Some users will notice that Vidalia gets stuck when trying to connect to the Tor network. If this happens, make sure that you are connected to the Internet. If you need to connect to a proxy server, see <em>How to use an open proxy</em> below.</p>
-    <p>If your normal Internet connection is working, but Tor still can't connect to the network, try the following; open the Vidalia control panel, click on <em>Message Log</em> and select the <em>Advanced</em> tab. It may be that Tor won't connect because:</p>
-    <p><strong>Your system clock is off</strong>: Make sure that the date and time on your system is correct, and restart Tor. You may need to synchronize your system clock with an Internet time server.</p>
+    <p>Tor ජà·?ලයට à·?මà·?බනà·?ධ à·?න à·?à·?ට à·?මà·?ර පරà·?à·?à·?ලà¶?යනà·?ට පà·?නà·?නà·?මà·?à·?නà·?නà·? à·?à·?දà·?ලà·?යà·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?ර à·?න බà·?ය. මà·?ය à·?à·?දà·?à·?à·?à·?à·?à·?තà·?, à¶?බ à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ලයට à·?බà·?දà·? à·?à·?ටà·?න බà·? තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?රà¶?නà·?න. à¶?බට නà·?යà·?තà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දයà¶?යà·?à¶?à·?ට à·?මà·?බනà·?ධ à·?à·?මට à¶?à·?à·?à·?â??ය නමà·?, බලනà·?න <em>නà·?යà·?තà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දà·?යà¶?යනà·? යà·?දà·?à¶?නà·?නà·? à¶?à·?à·?à·?ද</em> පà·?තà·?නà·?.</p>
+    <p>à¶?බà¶?à·? à·?à·?මනà·?â??යය à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ල à·?බà·?දà·?ම à¶?à·?â??රà·?යà·? à¶?රයà·? නමà·?, නමà·?තà·? Tor තà·?ම ජà·?ලයට à·?මà·?බනà·?ධ à·?à·?මට නà·?à·?à·?à¶?à·? නමà·?, මà·?ය à¶?තà·?à·?à·? à¶?රනà·?න; à·?à·?දà·?ලà·?යà·? පà·?ලà¶? පà·?à·?රà·?à·? à·?à·?à·?à·?ත à¶?රනà·?න, à¶?à·?ලà·?à¶?à·? à¶?රනà·?න <em>පණà·?à·?à·?ඩ ලà·?à¶?ය</em> මත à·?à·? තà·?රà·?à¶?නà·?න <em>à¶?තà·?à·?à·?â??රà·?නà·?à¶?ත</em> පටà·?තà·?ත. Tor à·?බà·?දà·?මට නà·?à·?à·?à¶?à·? à·?à·?ය à·?à·?à¶?à·?à¶?à·?:</p>
+    <p><strong>à¶?බà¶?à·? à¶?à·?â??රමලà·?à¶? à¶?රලà·?à·?à·?à·? à¶?à¶?à·?â??රà·?යයà·?</strong>: à¶?බà¶?à·? à¶?à·?â??රමලà·?à¶?à·?යà·? දà·?නය à·?à·? à·?à·?ලà·?à·? නà·?à·?රදà·? බà·? තà·?à·?à·?රà·? à¶?රà¶?නà·?න, à·?à·? Tor නà·?à·?ත à¶?රභනà·?න. à¶?බට à¶?බà·? à¶?à·?â??රමලà·?à¶?à·?යà·? à¶?රලà·?à·?à·?à·? à¶?නà·?තරà·?ජà·?ල à·?à·?ලà·? à·?à·?à·?à·?දà·?යà¶?යà·?à¶?à·? à·?මà¶? à·?මà¶?à·?ල à¶?ල යà·?තà·?ය.</p>
     <p><strong>You are behind a restrictive firewall</strong>: To tell Tor to only try port 80 and port 443, open the Vidalia control panel, click on <em>Settings</em> and <em>Network</em>, and tick the box that says <em>My firewall only lets me connect to certain ports</em>.</p>
     <p><strong>Your anti-virus program is blocking Tor</strong>: Make sure that your anti-virus program is not preventing Tor from making network connections.</p>
     <p>If Tor still doesn't work, it's likely that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is blocking Tor. Very often this can be worked around with <strong>Tor bridges</strong>, hidden relays that aren't as easy to block.</p>

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