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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Run most process tests asynchrously

commit 53c660f32babe24da6ea9130ed68688241676792
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Mon Jun 5 22:28:06 2017 -0700

    Run most process tests asynchrously
    Expanding the number of tests we run asynchronously to cover most of them.
    There's three left that require the torrc that's generated when tor starts.
 test/integ/process.py | 416 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 251 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/integ/process.py b/test/integ/process.py
index 09c51ed..4e59e00 100644
--- a/test/integ/process.py
+++ b/test/integ/process.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import stem.util.system
 import stem.util.test_tools
 import stem.util.tor_tools
 import stem.version
+import test
 import test.require
 import test.runner
@@ -45,72 +46,133 @@ def random_port():
   return str(random.randint(1024, 65536))
+def run_tor(tor_cmd, *args, **kwargs):
+  # python doesn't allow us to have individual keyword arguments when there's
+  # an arbitrary number of positional arguments, so explicitly checking
+  expect_failure = kwargs.pop('expect_failure', False)
+  with_torrc = kwargs.pop('with_torrc', False)
+  stdin = kwargs.pop('stdin', None)
+  if kwargs:
+    raise ValueError('Got unexpected keyword arguments: %s' % kwargs)
+  if with_torrc:
+    args = ['-f', with_torrc] + list(args)
+  args = [tor_cmd] + list(args)
+  tor_process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
+  if stdin:
+    tor_process.stdin.write(stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(stdin))
+  stdout = tor_process.communicate()[0]
+  exit_status = tor_process.poll()
+  if exit_status and not expect_failure:
+    raise AssertionError("Tor failed to start when we ran: %s\n%s" % (' '.join(args), stdout))
+  elif not exit_status and expect_failure:
+    raise AssertionError("Didn't expect tor to be able to start when we run: %s\n%s" % (' '.join(args), stdout))
+  return stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(stdout) if stem.prereq.is_python_3() else stdout
 class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
   def run_tests(tor_cmd):
-    TestProcess.test_launch_tor_with_config_via_file = stem.util.test_tools.AsyncTest(TestProcess.test_launch_tor_with_config_via_file, args = (tor_cmd,)).method
-    TestProcess.test_launch_tor_with_config_via_stdin = stem.util.test_tools.AsyncTest(TestProcess.test_launch_tor_with_config_via_stdin, args = (tor_cmd,)).method
-    TestProcess.test_take_ownership_via_pid = stem.util.test_tools.AsyncTest(TestProcess.test_take_ownership_via_pid, args = (tor_cmd,)).method
-    TestProcess.test_take_ownership_via_controller = stem.util.test_tools.AsyncTest(TestProcess.test_take_ownership_via_controller, args = (tor_cmd,)).method
+    async_tests = (
+      'test_version_argument',
+      'test_help_argument',
+      'test_quiet_argument',
+      'test_hush_argument',
+      'test_hash_password',
+      'test_hash_password_requires_argument',
+      'test_list_torrc_options_argument',
+      'test_torrc_arguments',
+      'test_torrc_arguments_via_stdin',
+      'test_with_missing_torrc',
+      'test_can_run_multithreaded',
+      'test_launch_tor_with_config_via_file',
+      'test_launch_tor_with_config_via_stdin',
+      'test_with_invalid_config',
+      'test_launch_tor_with_timeout',
+      'test_take_ownership_via_pid',
+      'test_take_ownership_via_controller',
+    )
+    for func in async_tests:
+      setattr(TestProcess, func, stem.util.test_tools.AsyncTest(getattr(TestProcess, func), args = (tor_cmd,)).method)
   def setUp(self):
     self.data_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    self.tor_cmd = test.runner.get_runner().get_tor_command()
+    self.torrc_path = test.runner.get_runner().get_torrc_path()
   def tearDown(self):
-  @test.require.controller
-  def test_version_argument(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_version_argument(tor_cmd):
     Check that 'tor --version' matches 'GETINFO version'.
-    with test.runner.get_runner().get_tor_controller() as controller:
-      self.assertEqual('Tor version %s.\n' % controller.get_version(), self.run_tor('--version'))
+    version_output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--version')
+    if 'Tor version %s.\n' % test.tor_version() != version_output:
+      raise AssertionError('Unexpected response: %s' % version_output)
-  def test_help_argument(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_help_argument(tor_cmd):
     Check that 'tor --help' provides the expected output.
-    help_output = self.run_tor('--help')
+    help_output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--help')
-    self.assertTrue(help_output.startswith('Copyright (c) 2001'))
-    self.assertTrue(help_output.endswith('tor -f <torrc> [args]\nSee man page for options, or https://www.torproject.org/ for documentation.\n'))
+    if not help_output.startswith('Copyright (c) 2001') or not help_output.endswith('tor -f <torrc> [args]\nSee man page for options, or https://www.torproject.org/ for documentation.\n'):
+      raise AssertionError("Help output didn't have the expected strings: %s" % help_output)
-    # should be an alias for 'tor -h'
+    if help_output != run_tor(tor_cmd, '-h'):
+      raise AssertionError("'tor -h' should simply be an alias for 'tor --help'")
-    self.assertEqual(help_output, self.run_tor('-h'))
-  def test_quiet_argument(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_quiet_argument(tor_cmd):
     Check that we don't provide anything on stdout when running 'tor --quiet'.
-    self.assertEqual('', self.run_tor('--quiet', '--invalid_argument', 'true', expect_failure = True))
+    if '' != run_tor(tor_cmd, '--quiet', '--invalid_argument', 'true', expect_failure = True):
+      raise AssertionError('No output should be provided with the --quiet argument')
-  def test_hush_argument(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_hush_argument(tor_cmd):
     Check that we only get warnings and errors when running 'tor --hush'.
-    output = self.run_tor('--hush', '--invalid_argument', expect_failure = True)
-    self.assertTrue("[warn] Command-line option '--invalid_argument' with no value. Failing." in output)
-    self.assertTrue('[err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.' in output)
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--hush', '--invalid_argument', expect_failure = True)
-    output = self.run_tor('--hush', '--invalid_argument', 'true', expect_failure = True)
-    self.assertTrue("[warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Unknown option 'invalid_argument'.  Failing." in output)
-    self.assertTrue('[err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.' in output)
+    if "[warn] Command-line option '--invalid_argument' with no value. Failing." not in output:
+      raise AssertionError('Unexpected response: %s' % output)
-  def test_hash_password(self):
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--hush', '--invalid_argument', 'true', expect_failure = True)
+    if "[warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Unknown option 'invalid_argument'.  Failing." not in output:
+      raise AssertionError('Unexpected response: %s' % output)
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_hash_password(tor_cmd):
     Hash a controller password. It's salted so can't assert that we get a
     particular value. Also, tor's output is unnecessarily verbose so including
     hush to cut it down.
-    output = self.run_tor('--hush', '--hash-password', 'my_password').splitlines()[-1]
-    self.assertTrue(re.match('^16:[0-9A-F]{58}$', output))
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--hush', '--hash-password', 'my_password').splitlines()[-1]
+    if not re.match('^16:[0-9A-F]{58}$', output):
+      raise AssertionError("Unexpected response from 'tor --hash-password my_password': %s" % output)
     # I'm not gonna even pretend to understand the following. Ported directly
     # from tor's test_cmdline_args.py.
@@ -127,27 +189,30 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
     repetitions = count // len(stuff) + 1
     inp = (stuff * repetitions)[:count]
-    self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha1(inp).digest(), hashed)
+    if hashlib.sha1(inp).digest() != hashed:
+      raise AssertionError('Password hash not what we expected (%s rather than %s)' % (hashlib.sha1(inp).digest(), hashed))
-  def test_hash_password_requires_argument(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_hash_password_requires_argument(tor_cmd):
     Check that 'tor --hash-password' balks if not provided with something to
-    output = self.run_tor('--hash-password', expect_failure = True)
-    self.assertTrue("[warn] Command-line option '--hash-password' with no value. Failing." in output)
-    self.assertTrue('[err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.' in output)
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--hash-password', expect_failure = True)
+    if "[warn] Command-line option '--hash-password' with no value. Failing." not in output:
+      raise AssertionError("'tor --hash-password' should require an argument")
   def test_dump_config_argument(self):
     Exercises our 'tor --dump-config' arugments.
-    short_output = self.run_tor('--dump-config', 'short', with_torrc = True)
-    non_builtin_output = self.run_tor('--dump-config', 'non-builtin', with_torrc = True)
-    full_output = self.run_tor('--dump-config', 'full', with_torrc = True)
-    self.run_tor('--dump-config', 'invalid_option', with_torrc = True, expect_failure = True)
+    short_output = run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--dump-config', 'short', with_torrc = self.torrc_path)
+    non_builtin_output = run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--dump-config', 'non-builtin', with_torrc = self.torrc_path)
+    full_output = run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--dump-config', 'full', with_torrc = self.torrc_path)
+    run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--dump-config', 'invalid_option', with_torrc = self.torrc_path, expect_failure = True)
     torrc_contents = [line for line in test.runner.get_runner().get_torrc_contents().splitlines() if not line.startswith('#')]
@@ -162,10 +227,10 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
     Exercises our 'tor --validate-config' argument.
-    valid_output = self.run_tor('--verify-config', with_torrc = True)
+    valid_output = run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--verify-config', with_torrc = self.torrc_path)
     self.assertTrue('Configuration was valid\n' in valid_output)
-    self.run_tor('--verify-config', '-f', __file__, expect_failure = True)
+    run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--verify-config', '-f', __file__, expect_failure = True)
   def test_list_fingerprint_argument(self):
@@ -174,7 +239,7 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
     # This command should only work with a relay (which our test instance isn't).
-    output = self.run_tor('--list-fingerprint', with_torrc = True, expect_failure = True)
+    output = run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--list-fingerprint', with_torrc = self.torrc_path, expect_failure = True)
     self.assertTrue("Clients don't have long-term identity keys. Exiting." in output)
     torrc_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory, 'torrc')
@@ -182,7 +247,7 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
     with open(torrc_path, 'w') as torrc_file:
       torrc_file.write(BASIC_RELAY_TORRC % self.data_directory)
-    output = self.run_tor('--list-fingerprint', '-f', torrc_path)
+    output = run_tor(self.tor_cmd, '--list-fingerprint', '-f', torrc_path)
     nickname, fingerprint_with_spaces = output.splitlines()[-1].split(' ', 1)
     fingerprint = fingerprint_with_spaces.replace(' ', '')
@@ -194,16 +259,18 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
       expected = 'stemIntegTest %s\n' % fingerprint
       self.assertEqual(expected, fingerprint_file.read())
-  def test_list_torrc_options_argument(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_list_torrc_options_argument(tor_cmd):
     Exercise our 'tor --list-torrc-options' argument.
-    output = self.run_tor('--list-torrc-options')
-    self.assertTrue(len(output.splitlines()) > 50)
-    self.assertTrue(output.splitlines()[0] <= 'AccountingMax')
-    self.assertTrue('UseBridges' in output)
-    self.assertTrue('SocksPort' in output)
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '--list-torrc-options')
+    if len(output.splitlines()) < 50:
+      raise AssertionError("'tor --list-torrc-options' should have numerous entries, but only had %i" % len(output.splitlines()))
+    elif 'UseBridges' not in output or 'SocksPort' not in output:
+      raise AssertionError("'tor --list-torrc-options' didn't have options we expect")
   @patch('re.compile', Mock(side_effect = KeyboardInterrupt('nope')))
@@ -228,104 +295,132 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual('nope', str(exc))
-  def test_torrc_arguments(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_torrc_arguments(tor_cmd):
     Pass configuration options on the commandline.
-    torrc_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory, 'torrc')
-    with open(torrc_path, 'w') as torrc_file:
-      torrc_file.write(BASIC_RELAY_TORRC % self.data_directory)
-    config_args = [
-      '+ORPort', '9003',  # appends an extra ORPort
-      'SocksPort', '9090',
-      '/ExtORPort',  # drops our ExtORPort
-      '/TransPort',  # drops a port we didn't originally have
-      '+ControlPort', '9005',  # appends a ControlPort where we didn't have any before
-    ]
-    output = self.run_tor('-f', torrc_path, '--dump-config', 'short', *config_args)
-    result = [line for line in output.splitlines() if not line.startswith('DataDirectory')]
-    expected = [
-      'ControlPort 9005',
-      'ExitPolicy reject *:*',
-      'Nickname stemIntegTest',
-      'ORPort 6000',
-      'ORPort 9003',
-      'PublishServerDescriptor 0',
-      'SocksPort 9090',
-    ]
+    data_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    torrc_path = os.path.join(data_directory, 'torrc')
-    self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+    try:
+      with open(torrc_path, 'w') as torrc_file:
+        torrc_file.write(BASIC_RELAY_TORRC % data_directory)
+      config_args = [
+        '+ORPort', '9003',  # appends an extra ORPort
+        'SocksPort', '9090',
+        '/ExtORPort',  # drops our ExtORPort
+        '/TransPort',  # drops a port we didn't originally have
+        '+ControlPort', '9005',  # appends a ControlPort where we didn't have any before
+      ]
+      output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '-f', torrc_path, '--dump-config', 'short', *config_args)
+      result = [line for line in output.splitlines() if not line.startswith('DataDirectory')]
+      expected = [
+        'ControlPort 9005',
+        'ExitPolicy reject *:*',
+        'Nickname stemIntegTest',
+        'ORPort 6000',
+        'ORPort 9003',
+        'PublishServerDescriptor 0',
+        'SocksPort 9090',
+      ]
+      if expected != result:
+        raise AssertionError("Unexpected output from 'tor -f torrc --dump-config short': %s" % result)
+    finally:
+      shutil.rmtree(data_directory)
-  @test.require.version(stem.version.Requirement.TORRC_VIA_STDIN)
-  def test_torrc_arguments_via_stdin(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_torrc_arguments_via_stdin(tor_cmd):
     Pass configuration options via stdin.
-    torrc = BASIC_RELAY_TORRC % self.data_directory
-    output = self.run_tor('-f', '-', '--dump-config', 'short', stdin = torrc)
-    self.assertEqual(sorted(torrc.splitlines()), sorted(output.splitlines()))
+    if test.tor_version() < stem.version.Requirement.TORRC_VIA_STDIN:
+      raise stem.util.test_tools.SkipTest('(requires )' % stem.version.Requirement.TORRC_VIA_STDIN)
+    data_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    try:
+      torrc = BASIC_RELAY_TORRC % data_directory
+      output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '-f', '-', '--dump-config', 'short', stdin = torrc)
+      if sorted(torrc.splitlines()) != sorted(output.splitlines()):
+        raise AssertionError("Unexpected output from 'tor -f - --dump-config short': %s" % output)
+    finally:
+      shutil.rmtree(data_directory)
-  def test_with_missing_torrc(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_with_missing_torrc(tor_cmd):
     Provide a torrc path that doesn't exist.
-    output = self.run_tor('-f', '/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist', '--verify-config', expect_failure = True)
-    self.assertTrue('[warn] Unable to open configuration file "/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist".' in output)
-    self.assertTrue('[err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.' in output)
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '-f', '/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist', '--verify-config', expect_failure = True)
+    if '[warn] Unable to open configuration file "/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist".' not in output:
+      raise AssertionError('Tor refuse to read a non-existant torrc file')
+    output = run_tor(tor_cmd, '-f', '/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist', '--verify-config', '--ignore-missing-torrc')
-    output = self.run_tor('-f', '/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist', '--verify-config', '--ignore-missing-torrc')
-    self.assertTrue('[notice] Configuration file "/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist" not present, using reasonable defaults.' in output)
-    self.assertTrue('Configuration was valid' in output)
+    if '[notice] Configuration file "/path/that/really/shouldnt/exist" not present, using reasonable defaults.' not in output:
+      raise AssertionError('Missing torrc should be allowed with --ignore-missing-torrc')
-  @test.require.only_run_once
-  def test_can_run_multithreaded(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_can_run_multithreaded(tor_cmd):
     Our launch_tor() function uses signal to support its timeout argument.
     This only works in the main thread so ensure we give a useful message when
     it isn't.
-    # Tries running tor in another thread with the given timeout argument. This
-    # issues an invalid torrc so we terminate right away if we get to the point
-    # of actually invoking tor.
-    #
-    # Returns None if launching tor is successful, and otherwise returns the
-    # exception we raised.
+    data_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    def launch_async_with_timeout(timeout_arg):
-      raised_exc, tor_cmd = [None], test.runner.get_runner().get_tor_command()
+    try:
+      # Tries running tor in another thread with the given timeout argument. This
+      # issues an invalid torrc so we terminate right away if we get to the point
+      # of actually invoking tor.
+      #
+      # Returns None if launching tor is successful, and otherwise returns the
+      # exception we raised.
+      def launch_async_with_timeout(timeout_arg):
+        raised_exc = [None]
-      def short_launch():
-        try:
-          stem.process.launch_tor_with_config({'SocksPort': 'invalid', 'DataDirectory': self.data_directory}, tor_cmd, 100, None, timeout_arg)
-        except Exception as exc:
-          raised_exc[0] = exc
+        def short_launch():
+          try:
+            stem.process.launch_tor_with_config({'SocksPort': 'invalid', 'DataDirectory': data_directory}, tor_cmd, 100, None, timeout_arg)
+          except Exception as exc:
+            raised_exc[0] = exc
-      t = threading.Thread(target = short_launch)
-      t.start()
-      t.join()
+        t = threading.Thread(target = short_launch)
+        t.start()
+        t.join()
-      if 'Invalid SocksPort' in str(raised_exc[0]):
-        return None  # got to the point of invoking tor
-      else:
-        return raised_exc[0]
+        if 'Invalid SocksPort' in str(raised_exc[0]):
+          return None  # got to the point of invoking tor
+        else:
+          return raised_exc[0]
-    exc = launch_async_with_timeout(0.5)
-    self.assertEqual(OSError, type(exc))
-    self.assertEqual('Launching tor with a timeout can only be done in the main thread', str(exc))
+      exc = launch_async_with_timeout(0.5)
-    # We should launch successfully if no timeout is specified or we specify it
-    # to be 'None'.
+      if type(exc) != OSError or str(exc) != 'Launching tor with a timeout can only be done in the main thread':
+        raise AssertionError("Exception isn't what we expected: %s" % exc)
-    self.assertEqual(None, launch_async_with_timeout(None))
-    self.assertEqual(None, launch_async_with_timeout(stem.process.DEFAULT_INIT_TIMEOUT))
+      # We should launch successfully if no timeout is specified or we specify it
+      # to be 'None'.
+      if launch_async_with_timeout(None) is not None:
+        raise AssertionError('Launching tor without a timeout should be successful')
+      if launch_async_with_timeout(stem.process.DEFAULT_INIT_TIMEOUT) is not None:
+        raise AssertionError('Launching tor with the default timeout should be successful')
+    finally:
+      shutil.rmtree(data_directory)
   def test_launch_tor_with_config_via_file(tor_cmd):
@@ -414,8 +509,8 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
-  @test.require.only_run_once
-  def test_with_invalid_config(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_with_invalid_config(tor_cmd):
     Spawn a tor process with a configuration that should make it dead on arrival.
@@ -425,32 +520,53 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
     #   [warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.
     #   [err] Reading config failed--see warnings above.
-    self.assertRaisesRegexp(
-      OSError,
-      'Process terminated: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.',
-      stem.process.launch_tor_with_config,
-      tor_cmd = test.runner.get_runner().get_tor_command(),
-      config = {
-        'SocksPort': '2777',
-        'ControlPort': '2777',
-        'DataDirectory': self.data_directory,
-      },
-    )
+    data_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    both_ports = random_port()
+    try:
+      stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(
+        tor_cmd = tor_cmd,
+        config = {
+          'SocksPort': both_ports,
+          'ControlPort': both_ports,
+          'DataDirectory': data_directory,
+        },
+      )
+      raise AssertionError('Tor should fail to launch')
+    except OSError as exc:
+      if str(exc) != 'Process terminated: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.':
+        raise AssertionError('Unexpected error response from tor: %s' % exc)
+    finally:
+      shutil.rmtree(data_directory)
-  @test.require.only_run_once
-  def test_launch_tor_with_timeout(self):
+  @staticmethod
+  def test_launch_tor_with_timeout(tor_cmd):
     Runs launch_tor where it times out before completing.
-    runner = test.runner.get_runner()
+    data_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
     start_time = time.time()
-    config = {'SocksPort': '2777', 'DataDirectory': self.data_directory}
-    self.assertRaises(OSError, stem.process.launch_tor_with_config, config, runner.get_tor_command(), 100, None, 0.05)
-    runtime = time.time() - start_time
-    if not (runtime > 0.05 and runtime < 1):
-      self.fail('Test should have taken 0.05-1 seconds, took %0.1f instead' % runtime)
+    try:
+      stem.process.launch_tor_with_config(
+        tor_cmd = tor_cmd,
+        timeout = 0.05,
+        config = {
+          'SocksPort': random_port(),
+          'DataDirectory': data_directory,
+        },
+      )
+      raise AssertionError('Tor should fail to launch')
+    except OSError:
+      runtime = time.time() - start_time
+      if not (runtime > 0.05 and runtime < 1):
+        raise AssertionError('Test should have taken 0.05-1 seconds, took %0.1f instead' % runtime)
+    finally:
+      shutil.rmtree(data_directory)
   def test_take_ownership_via_pid(tor_cmd):
@@ -545,33 +661,3 @@ class TestProcess(unittest.TestCase):
       raise AssertionError("tor didn't quit after the controller that owned it disconnected")
-  def run_tor(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    # python doesn't allow us to have individual keyword arguments when there's
-    # an arbitrary number of positional arguments, so explicitly checking
-    expect_failure = kwargs.pop('expect_failure', False)
-    with_torrc = kwargs.pop('with_torrc', False)
-    stdin = kwargs.pop('stdin', None)
-    if kwargs:
-      raise ValueError('Got unexpected keyword arguments: %s' % kwargs)
-    if with_torrc:
-      args = ['-f', test.runner.get_runner().get_torrc_path()] + list(args)
-    args = [test.runner.get_runner().get_tor_command()] + list(args)
-    tor_process = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin = subprocess.PIPE, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE)
-    if stdin:
-      tor_process.stdin.write(stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(stdin))
-    stdout = tor_process.communicate()[0]
-    exit_status = tor_process.poll()
-    if exit_status and not expect_failure:
-      self.fail("Tor failed to start when we ran: %s\n%s" % (' '.join(args), stdout))
-    elif not exit_status and expect_failure:
-      self.fail("Didn't expect tor to be able to start when we run: %s\n%s" % (' '.join(args), stdout))
-    return stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(stdout) if stem.prereq.is_python_3() else stdout

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