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[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-torbuttonproperties] Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties
commit 5e142795b2445404b395702ce9003f13da7fab28
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Jun 12 17:17:09 2018 +0000
Update translations for torbutton-torbuttonproperties
ka/torbutton.properties | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ka/torbutton.properties b/ka/torbutton.properties
index 468a532dd..41d09a512 100644
--- a/ka/torbutton.properties
+++ b/ka/torbutton.properties
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-torbutton.circuit_display.internet = Internet
-torbutton.circuit_display.ip_unknown = IP unknown
-torbutton.circuit_display.onion_site = Onion site
-torbutton.circuit_display.this_browser = This browser
-torbutton.circuit_display.relay = Relay
-torbutton.circuit_display.tor_bridge = Bridge
-torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = Unknown country
-torbutton.circuit_display.guard = Guard
-torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = Your [Guard] node may not change.
-torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = Learn more
+torbutton.circuit_display.internet = á??á??á?¢á??á? á??á??á?¢á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.ip_unknown = á?£á?ªá??á??á??á?? IP á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á? á??á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.onion_site = á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á?¡á??á??á?¢á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.this_browser = á??á?¡ á??á? á??á?£á??á??á? á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.relay = á??á? á?®á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.tor_bridge = á?®á??á??á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.unknown_country = á?£á?ªá??á??á??á?? á?¥á??á??á?§á??á??á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.guard = á??á?ªá??á??á??á??
+torbutton.circuit_display.guard_note = á??á?¥á??á??á??á?? [Guard] á??á??á??á??á?«á?? á?¨á??á?¡á??á?«á??á??á?? á??á? á?¨á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á?¡.
+torbutton.circuit_display.learn_more = á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?¢á??
torbutton.content_sizer.margin_tooltip = Tor Browser adds this margin to make the width and height of your window less distinctive, and thus reduces the ability of people to track you online.
-torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Click to enable Tor
-torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Click to disable Tor
-torbutton.panel.label.disabled = Tor Disabled
-torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor Enabled
+torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? Tor-á??á?¡ á?©á??á?¡á??á? á??á??á??á??á??
+torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? Tor-á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á? á??á??á??á??á??
+torbutton.panel.label.disabled = Tor á??á??á??á??á? á??á?£á??á??á??
+torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor á?©á??á? á??á?£á??á??á??
extensions.torbutton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.description = Torbutton provides a button to configure Tor settings and quickly and easily clear private browsing data.
torbutton.popup.external.title = Download an external file type?
-torbutton.popup.external.app = Tor Browser cannot display this file. You will need to open it with another application.\n\n
+torbutton.popup.external.app = Tor á??á? á??á?£á??á??á? á??á?? á??á??á? á?®á??á? á?®á??á??á??á?? á??á?? á?¤á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?®á?¡á??á??. á?¡á??á?á??á? á??á?? á??á??á??á?®á?¡á??á??á?¡ á?¡á?®á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??.\n\n
torbutton.popup.external.note = Some types of files can cause applications to connect to the Internet without using Tor.\n\n
torbutton.popup.external.suggest = To be safe, you should only open downloaded files while offline, or use a Tor Live CD such as Tails.\n
-torbutton.popup.launch = Download file
-torbutton.popup.cancel = Cancel
-torbutton.popup.dontask = Automatically download files from now on
+torbutton.popup.launch = á?©á??á??á??á?¢á??á??á? á??á??á??
+torbutton.popup.cancel = á??á??á?£á?¥á??á??á??á??
+torbutton.popup.dontask = á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á?¢á?£á? á??á?? á?©á??á??á??á??á?¢á??á??á? á??á??á?¡ á?¤á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á??
torbutton.popup.prompted_language = To give you more privacy, Torbutton can request the English language version of web pages. This may cause web pages that you prefer to read in your native language to display in English instead.\n\nWould you like to request English language web pages for better privacy?
torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton cannot safely give you a new identity. It does not have access to the Tor Control Port.\n\nAre you running Tor Browser Bundle?
-torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = Important Torbutton Information
+torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = á??á??á??á?¨á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?¤á??á? á??á??á?ªá??á?? Torbutton-á??á?¡ á?¨á??á?¡á??á?®á??á??
torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton works differently now: you can't turn it off any more.\n\nWe made this change because it isn't safe to use Torbutton in a browser that's also used for non-Tor browsing. There were too many bugs there that we couldn't fix any other way.\n\nIf you want to keep using Firefox normally, you should uninstall Torbutton and download Tor Browser Bundle. The privacy properties of Tor Browser are also superior to those of normal Firefox, even when Firefox is used with Torbutton.\n\nTo remove Torbutton, go to Tools->Addons->Extensions and then click the Remove button next to Torbutton.
torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = Important Torbutton Information!\n\nTorbutton is now always enabled.\n\nClick on the Torbutton for more information.
torbutton.popup.confirm_plugins = Plugins such as Flash can harm your privacy and anonymity.\n\nThey can also bypass Tor to reveal your current location and IP address.\n\nAre you sure you want to enable plugins?\n\n
-torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = Never ask me again
+torbutton.popup.never_ask_again = á??á?¦á??á? á?¨á??á??á??á??á??á??á?®á??
torbutton.popup.confirm_newnym = Tor Browser will close all windows and tabs. All website sessions will be lost.\n\nRestart Tor Browser now to reset your identity?\n\n
torbutton.slider_notification = The green onion menu now has a security slider which lets you adjust your security level. Check it out!
-torbutton.slider_notification_button = Open security settings
+torbutton.slider_notification_button = á?£á?¡á??á?¤á? á??á?®á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?®á?¡á??á??
torbutton.maximize_warning = Maximizing Tor Browser can allow websites to determine your monitor size, which can be used to track you. We recommend that you leave Tor Browser windows in their original default size.
# Canvas permission prompt. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
canvas.siteprompt=This website (%S) attempted to extract HTML5 canvas image data, which may be used to uniquely identify your computer.\n\nShould Tor Browser allow this website to extract HTML5 canvas image data?
-canvas.notNow=Not Now
+canvas.notNow=á??á?®á??á?? á??á? á??
-canvas.allow=Allow in the future
+canvas.allow=á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á? á??á??á?? á?¡á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??
-canvas.never=Never for this site (recommended)
+canvas.never=á??á? á??á?¡á??á? á??á?¡ á??á?? á?¡á??á??á?¢á??á?? (á? á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á?£á??á??á??)
# Profile/startup error messages. Strings are kept here for ease of translation.
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: %S is the application name.
-profileProblemTitle=%S Profile Problem
+profileProblemTitle=%S á??á? á??á?¤á??á??á??á?¡ á??á? á??á??á??á??á??á??
profileReadOnly=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system. Please copy %S to another location before trying to use it.
profileReadOnlyMac=You cannot run %S from a read-only file system. Please copy %S to your Desktop or Applications folder before trying to use it.
profileAccessDenied=%S does not have permission to access the profile. Please adjust your file system permissions and try again.
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