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[tor-commits] [orbot/master] Merge branch 'fixiptables' of https://github.com/Unpublished/orbot into Unpublished-fixiptables
commit 970710d03cbe5ef167c71c6f4329e134cbd28224
Merge: ff61d66 639bc32
Author: Nathan Freitas <nathan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri Jan 13 22:13:10 2017 -0500
Merge branch 'fixiptables' of https://github.com/Unpublished/orbot into Unpublished-fixiptables
.../android/service/transproxy/TorTransProxy.java | 27 ++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --cc orbotservice/src/main/java/org/torproject/android/service/transproxy/TorTransProxy.java
index da0a4a7,0000000..ca6d830
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/orbotservice/src/main/java/org/torproject/android/service/transproxy/TorTransProxy.java
+++ b/orbotservice/src/main/java/org/torproject/android/service/transproxy/TorTransProxy.java
@@@ -1,1004 -1,0 +1,997 @@@
+package org.torproject.android.service.transproxy;
+import java.io.DataOutputStream;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.StringTokenizer;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.SharedPreferences;
+import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
+import android.content.pm.PackageInfo;
+import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.rootcommands.Shell;
+import org.sufficientlysecure.rootcommands.command.SimpleCommand;
+import org.torproject.android.service.OrbotConstants;
+import org.torproject.android.service.util.Prefs;
+import org.torproject.android.service.TorService;
+import org.torproject.android.service.TorServiceConstants;
+public class TorTransProxy implements TorServiceConstants {
+ private String mSysIptables = null;
+ private TorService mTorService = null;
+ private File mFileXtables = null;
+ private final static String ALLOW_LOCAL = " ! -d";
+ private int mTransProxyPort = TOR_TRANSPROXY_PORT_DEFAULT;
+ private int mDNSPort = TOR_DNS_PORT_DEFAULT;
+ private Shell mShell;
+ public TorTransProxy (TorService torService, File fileXTables) throws IOException
+ {
+ mTorService = torService;
+ mFileXtables = fileXTables;
+ // start root shell
+ mShell = Shell.startRootShell();
+ }
+ public static boolean testRoot () throws IOException
+ {
+ Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void setTransProxyPort (int transProxyPort)
+ {
+ mTransProxyPort = transProxyPort;
+ }
+ public void setDNSPort (int dnsPort)
+ {
+ mDNSPort = dnsPort;
+ }
+ public String getIpTablesPath (Context context)
+ {
+ String ipTablesPath = null;
+ if (Prefs.useSystemIpTables())
+ {
+ ipTablesPath = findSystemIPTables();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ipTablesPath = mFileXtables.getAbsolutePath();
+ ipTablesPath += " iptables"; //append subcommand since we are using xtables now
+ }
+ return ipTablesPath;
+ }
+ public String getIp6TablesPath (Context context)
+ {
+ String ipTablesPath = null;
+ if (Prefs.useSystemIpTables())
+ {
+ ipTablesPath = findSystemIP6Tables();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ipTablesPath = mFileXtables.getAbsolutePath();
+ ipTablesPath += " ip6tables"; //append subcommand since we are using xtables now
+ }
+ return ipTablesPath;
+ }
+ private String findSystemIPTables ()
+ {
- if (mSysIptables != null)
- {
- return mSysIptables;
- }
++ //if the user wants us to use the built-in iptables, then we have to find it
++ File fileIpt = new File("/system/xbin/iptables");
++ if (fileIpt.exists())
++ mSysIptables = fileIpt.getAbsolutePath();
+ else
+ {
- //if the user wants us to use the built-in iptables, then we have to find it
- File fileIpt = new File("/system/xbin/iptables");
++ fileIpt = new File("/system/bin/iptables");
+ if (fileIpt.exists())
+ mSysIptables = fileIpt.getAbsolutePath();
- else
- {
- fileIpt = new File("/system/bin/iptables");
- if (fileIpt.exists())
- mSysIptables = fileIpt.getAbsolutePath();
- }
+ }
+ return mSysIptables;
+ }
+ private String findSystemIP6Tables ()
+ {
+ //if the user wants us to use the built-in iptables, then we have to find it
+ File fileIpt = new File("/system/xbin/ip6tables");
+ if (fileIpt.exists())
+ mSysIptables = fileIpt.getAbsolutePath();
+ else
+ {
+ fileIpt = new File("/system/bin/ip6tables");
+ if (fileIpt.exists())
+ mSysIptables = fileIpt.getAbsolutePath();
+ }
+ return mSysIptables;
+ }
+ /*
+ public int flushIptablesAll(Context context) throws Exception {
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
+ int code = -1;
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(" -F || exit\n");
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(" -F || exit\n");
+ String[] cmd = {script.toString()};
+ code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmd, res, true, true);
+ String msg = res.toString();
+ TorService.logMessage(cmd[0] + ";errCode=" + code + ";resp=" + msg);
+ return code;
+ }*/
+ /*
+ public static int purgeIptablesByApp(Context context, TorifiedApp[] apps) throws Exception {
+ //restoreDNSResolvConf(); //not working yet
+ String ipTablesPath = new File(context.getDir("bin", 0),"iptables").getAbsolutePath();
+ final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
+ int code = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < apps.length; i++)
+ {
+ //flush nat for every app
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(tApp.getUid());
+ script.append(" -F || exit\n");
+ public static ArrayList<TorifiedApp> getApps (Context context, SharedPreferences prefs)
+ {
+ String tordAppString = prefs.getString(PREFS_KEY_TORIFIED, "");
+ String[] tordApps;
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tordAppString,"|");
+ tordApps = new String[st.countTokens()];
+ int tordIdx = 0;
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ tordApps[tordIdx++] = st.nextToken();
+ }
+ Arrays.sort(tordApps);
+ //else load the apps up
+ PackageManager pMgr = context.getPackageManager();
+ List<ApplicationInfo> lAppInfo = pMgr.getInstalledApplications(0);
+ Iterator<ApplicationInfo> itAppInfo = lAppInfo.iterator();
+ ArrayList<TorifiedApp> apps = new ArrayList<TorifiedApp>();
+ ApplicationInfo aInfo = null;
+ int appIdx = 0;
+ TorifiedApp app = null;
+ while (itAppInfo.hasNext())
+ {
+ aInfo = itAppInfo.next();
+ app = new TorifiedApp();
+ try {
+ PackageInfo pInfo = pMgr.getPackageInfo(aInfo.packageName, PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);
+ if (pInfo != null && pInfo.requestedPermissions != null)
+ {
+ for (String permInfo:pInfo.requestedPermissions)
+ {
+ if (permInfo.equals("android.permission.INTERNET"))
+ {
+ app.setUsesInternet(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if ((aInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 1)
+ {
+ //System app
+ app.setUsesInternet(true);
+ }
+ if (!app.usesInternet())
+ continue;
+ else
+ {
+ apps.add(app);
+ }
+ app.setEnabled(aInfo.enabled);
+ app.setUid(aInfo.uid);
+ app.setUsername(pMgr.getNameForUid(app.getUid()));
+ app.setProcname(aInfo.processName);
+ app.setPackageName(aInfo.packageName);
+ try
+ {
+ app.setName(pMgr.getApplicationLabel(aInfo).toString());
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ app.setName(aInfo.packageName);
+ }
+ //app.setIcon(pMgr.getApplicationIcon(aInfo));
+ // check if this application is allowed
+ if (Arrays.binarySearch(tordApps, app.getUsername()) >= 0) {
+ app.setTorified(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ app.setTorified(false);
+ }
+ appIdx++;
+ }
+ Collections.sort(apps);
+ return apps;
+ }
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(tApp.getUid());
+ script.append(" -F || exit\n");
+ }
+ String[] cmd = {script.toString()};
+ code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmd, res, true, true);
+ String msg = res.toString();
+ logNotice(cmd[0] + ";errCode=" + code + ";resp=" + msg);
+ return code;
+ }*/
+ /*
+ // 9/19/2010 - NF This code is in process... /etc path on System partition
+ // is read-only on Android for now.
+ public static int redirectDNSResolvConf () throws Exception
+ {
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
+ int code = -1;
+ //mv resolv.conf to resolve.conf.bak
+ String cmd = "mv /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak";
+ script.append(cmd);
+ //create new resolve.conf pointing to localhost/
+ cmd = "echo \"nameserver\" > /etc/resolv.conf";
+ script.append(cmd);
+ String[] cmdFlush = {script.toString()};
+ code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmdFlush, res, true, true);
+ //String msg = res.toString(); //get stdout from command
+ return code;
+ }
+ public static int restoreDNSResolvConf () throws Exception
+ {
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
+ int code = -1;
+ //mv resolv.conf to resolve.conf.bak
+ String cmd = "mv /etc/resolv.conf.bak /etc/resolv.conf";
+ script.append(cmd);
+ script.append(" || exit\n");
+ String[] cmdFlush = {script.toString()};
+ code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmdFlush, res, true, true);
+ //String msg = res.toString(); //get stdout from command
+ return code;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ public int testOwnerModule(Context context, String ipTablesPath) throws Exception
+ {
+ TorBinaryInstaller.assertIpTablesBinaries(context, false);
+ boolean runRoot = true;
+ boolean waitFor = true;
+ int torUid = context.getApplicationInfo().uid;
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
+ int code = -1;
+ // Allow everything for Tor
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -A OUTPUT");
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(torUid);
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ script.append(" || exit\n");
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -D OUTPUT");
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(torUid);
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ script.append(" || exit\n");
+ String[] cmdAdd = {script.toString()};
+ code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmdAdd, res, runRoot, waitFor);
+ String msg = res.toString();
+ if (mTorService != null)
+ logMessage(cmdAdd[0] + ";errCode=" + code + ";resp=" + msg);
+ return code;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ public int clearTransparentProxyingByApp (Context context, ArrayList<TorifiedApp> apps) throws Exception
+ {
+ boolean runRoot = true;
+ boolean waitFor = true;
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
+ int code = -1;
+ String chainName = "ORBOT";
+ String jumpChainName = "OUTPUT";
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" --flush ").append(chainName); //delete previous user-defined chain
+ script.append(" || exit\n");
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -D ").append(jumpChainName);
+ script.append(" -j ").append(chainName);
+ script.append(" || exit\n");
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -X ").append(chainName); //delete previous user-defined chain
+ script.append(" || exit\n");
+ String[] cmdAdd = {script.toString()};
+ code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmdAdd, res, runRoot, waitFor);
+ String msg = res.toString();
+ logMessage(cmdAdd[0] + ";errCode=" + code + ";resp=" + msg);
+ return code;
+ }*/
+ public int setTransparentProxyingByApp(Context context, ArrayList<TorifiedApp> apps, boolean enableRule) throws Exception
+ {
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ //StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ String action = " -A ";
+ String srcChainName = "OUTPUT";
+ if (!enableRule)
+ action = " -D ";
+ //run the delete commands in a separate process as it might error out
+ //String[] cmdExecClear = {script.toString()};
+ //code = TorServiceUtils.doShellCommand(cmdExecClear, res, runRoot, waitFor);
+ //reset script
+ int lastExit = -1;
+ StringBuilder script;
+ // Same for DNS
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p udp");
+ //script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ //script.append(tApp.getUid());
+ //script.append(" -m udp --dport ");
+ script.append(" --dport ");
+ script.append(STANDARD_DNS_PORT);
+ script.append(" -j REDIRECT --to-ports ");
+ script.append(mDNSPort);
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ // Allow everything for Tor
+ //build up array of shell cmds to execute under one root context
+ for (TorifiedApp tApp:apps)
+ {
+ if (((!enableRule) || tApp.isTorified())
+ && (!tApp.getUsername().equals(TOR_APP_USERNAME))
+ ) //if app is set to true
+ {
+ logMessage("transproxy for app: " + tApp.getUsername() + " (" + tApp.getUid() + "): enable=" + enableRule);
+ dropAllIPv6Traffic(context, tApp.getUid(),enableRule);
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Allow loopback
+ /**
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(tApp.getUid());
+ script.append(" -o lo");
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (shell, script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ **/
+ // Set up port redirection
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p tcp");
+ script.append(ALLOW_LOCAL);
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(tApp.getUid());
+ script.append(" -m tcp --syn");
+ script.append(" -j REDIRECT --to-ports ");
+ script.append(mTransProxyPort);
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Reject all other outbound packets
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(tApp.getUid());
+ script.append(ALLOW_LOCAL);
+ script.append(" -j REJECT");
+ lastExit = executeCommand (script.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ return lastExit;
+ }
+ private int executeCommand (String cmdString) throws Exception {
+ SimpleCommand command = new SimpleCommand(cmdString);
+ mShell.add(command).waitForFinish();
+ logMessage("Command Exec: " + cmdString);
+ logMessage("Output: " + command.getOutput());
+ logMessage("Exit code: " + command.getExitCode());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public void closeShell () throws IOException
+ {
+ mShell.close();
+ }
+ public int enableTetheringRules (Context context) throws Exception
+ {
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ String[] hwinterfaces = {"usb0","wl0.1"};
+ int lastExit = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < hwinterfaces.length; i++)
+ {
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ");
+ script.append(hwinterfaces[i]);
+ script.append(" -p udp --dport 53 -j REDIRECT --to-ports ");
+ script.append(mDNSPort);
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ");
+ script.append(hwinterfaces[i]);
+ script.append(" -p tcp -j REDIRECT --to-ports ");
+ script.append(mTransProxyPort);
+ lastExit = executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ }
+ return lastExit;
+ }
+ private void logMessage (String msg)
+ {
+ if (mTorService != null)
+ mTorService.debug(msg);
+ }
+ public int fixTransproxyLeak (Context context) throws Exception
+ {
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags ACK,FIN ACK,FIN -j DROP");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -I OUTPUT ! -o lo ! -d ! -s -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags ACK,RST ACK,RST -j DROP");
+ int lastExit = executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ return lastExit;
+ }
+ public int dropAllIPv6Traffic (Context context, int appUid, boolean enableDrop) throws Exception {
+ String action = " -A ";
+ String chain = "OUTPUT";
+ if (!enableDrop)
+ action = " -D ";
+ String ip6tablesPath = getIp6TablesPath(context);
+ StringBuilder script;
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ip6tablesPath);
+ script.append(action);
+ script.append(chain);
+ if (appUid != -1)
+ {
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(appUid);
+ }
+ script.append(" -j DROP");
+ int lastExit = executeCommand (script.toString());
+ return lastExit;
+ }
+ /*
+ public int clearAllIPv6Filters (Context context) throws Exception
+ {
+ String ip6tablesPath = getIp6TablesPath(context);
+ Shell shell = Shell.startRootShell();
+ StringBuilder script;
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ip6tablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(" -F OUTPUT");
+ int lastExit = executeCommand (shell, script.toString());
+ shell.close();
+ return lastExit;
+ }*/
+ public int flushTransproxyRules (Context context) throws Exception {
+ int exit = -1;
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat ");
+ script.append(" -F ");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter ");
+ script.append(" -F ");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ dropAllIPv6Traffic(context,-1,false);
+ dropAllIPv6Traffic(context,-1,false);
+ return exit;
+ }
+ public int setTransparentProxyingAll(Context context, boolean enable) throws Exception
+ {
+ String action = " -A ";
+ String srcChainName = "OUTPUT";
+ if (!enable)
+ action = " -D ";
+ dropAllIPv6Traffic(context,-1,enable);
+ String ipTablesPath = getIpTablesPath(context);
+ int torUid = context.getApplicationInfo().uid;
+ StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Allow everything for Tor
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -m owner --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(torUid);
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Allow loopback
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -o lo");
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Set up port redirection
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p tcp");
+ script.append(ALLOW_LOCAL); //allow access to localhost
+ script.append(" -m owner ! --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(torUid);
+ script.append(" -m tcp --syn");
+ script.append(" -j REDIRECT --to-ports ");
+ script.append(mTransProxyPort);
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Same for DNS
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t nat");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p udp");
+ script.append(ALLOW_LOCAL); //allow access to localhost
+ script.append(" -m owner ! --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(torUid);
+ //script.append(" -m udp --dport ");
+ script.append(" --dport ");
+ script.append(STANDARD_DNS_PORT);
+ script.append(" -j REDIRECT --to-ports ");
+ script.append(mDNSPort);
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ /**
+ if (Prefs.useDebugLogging())
+ {
+ //XXX: Comment the following rules for non-debug builds
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p udp");
+ script.append(" --dport ");
+ script.append(STANDARD_DNS_PORT);
+ script.append(" -j LOG");
+ script.append(" --log-prefix='ORBOT_DNSLEAK_PROTECTION'");
+ script.append(" --log-uid");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p tcp");
+ script.append(" -j LOG");
+ script.append(" --log-prefix='ORBOT_TCPLEAK_PROTECTION'");
+ script.append(" --log-uid");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ }**/
+ //allow access to transproxy port
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p tcp");
+ script.append(" -m tcp");
+ script.append(" --dport ").append(mTransProxyPort);
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ //allow access to local HTTP port
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p tcp");
+ script.append(" -m tcp");
+ script.append(" --dport ").append(mTorService.getHTTPPort());
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ //allow access to local SOCKS port
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p tcp");
+ script.append(" -m tcp");
+ script.append(" --dport ").append(mTorService.getSOCKSPort());
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ //allow access to local DNS port
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -p udp");
+ script.append(" -m udp");
+ script.append(" --dport ").append(mDNSPort);
+ script.append(" -j ACCEPT");
+ executeCommand (script.toString());
+ script = new StringBuilder();
+ // Reject all other packets
+ script.append(ipTablesPath);
+ script.append(" -t filter");
+ script.append(action).append(srcChainName);
+ script.append(" -m owner ! --uid-owner ");
+ script.append(torUid);
+ script.append(ALLOW_LOCAL); //allow access to localhost
+ script.append(" -j REJECT");
+ int lastExit = executeCommand (script.toString());
+ // fixTransproxyLeak (context);
+ return lastExit;
+ }
+ public static ArrayList<TorifiedApp> getApps (Context context, SharedPreferences prefs)
+ {
+ String tordAppString = prefs.getString(OrbotConstants.PREFS_KEY_TORIFIED, "");
+ String[] tordApps;
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(tordAppString,"|");
+ tordApps = new String[st.countTokens()];
+ int tordIdx = 0;
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ tordApps[tordIdx++] = st.nextToken();
+ }
+ Arrays.sort(tordApps);
+ //else load the apps up
+ PackageManager pMgr = context.getPackageManager();
+ List<ApplicationInfo> lAppInfo = pMgr.getInstalledApplications(0);
+ Iterator<ApplicationInfo> itAppInfo = lAppInfo.iterator();
+ ArrayList<TorifiedApp> apps = new ArrayList<TorifiedApp>();
+ ApplicationInfo aInfo = null;
+ int appIdx = 0;
+ TorifiedApp app = null;
+ while (itAppInfo.hasNext())
+ {
+ aInfo = itAppInfo.next();
+ app = new TorifiedApp();
+ try {
+ PackageInfo pInfo = pMgr.getPackageInfo(aInfo.packageName, PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS);
+ if (pInfo != null && pInfo.requestedPermissions != null)
+ {
+ for (String permInfo:pInfo.requestedPermissions)
+ {
+ if (permInfo.equals("android.permission.INTERNET"))
+ {
+ app.setUsesInternet(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // TODO Auto-generated catch block
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ if ((aInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 1)
+ {
+ //System app
+ app.setUsesInternet(true);
+ }
+ if (!app.usesInternet())
+ continue;
+ else
+ {
+ apps.add(app);
+ }
+ app.setEnabled(aInfo.enabled);
+ app.setUid(aInfo.uid);
+ app.setUsername(pMgr.getNameForUid(app.getUid()));
+ app.setProcname(aInfo.processName);
+ app.setPackageName(aInfo.packageName);
+ try
+ {
+ app.setName(pMgr.getApplicationLabel(aInfo).toString());
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ app.setName(aInfo.packageName);
+ }
+ //app.setIcon(pMgr.getApplicationIcon(aInfo));
+ // check if this application is allowed
+ if (Arrays.binarySearch(tordApps, app.getUsername()) >= 0) {
+ app.setTorified(true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ app.setTorified(false);
+ }
+ appIdx++;
+ }
+ Collections.sort(apps);
+ return apps;
+ }
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