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[or-cvs] r14583: A small fix concerning the previous commit (in torflow/branches/gsoc2008: . tools tools/BeautifulSoup tools/SocksiPy)

Author: aleksei
Date: 2008-05-11 06:27:34 -0400 (Sun, 11 May 2008)
New Revision: 14583

A small fix concerning the previous commit

Added: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/getExitsToPort.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/getExitsToPort.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/getExitsToPort.py	2008-05-11 10:27:34 UTC (rev 14583)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import sys
+import socket
+from TorCtl import PathSupport, TorCtl, TorUtil
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import *
+from TorCtl.PathSupport import *
+from TorCtl.TorCtl import Connection
+control_port = 9051
+def main(argv):
+    try:
+        port = int(argv[1])
+    except IndexError:
+        plog('INFO', 'No port number supplied as an argument. Using 80')
+        port = 80
+    except:
+        plog('ERROR', 'Port number must be an integer')
+        exit()
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    try:
+        s.connect(("", control_port))
+    except:
+        plog('ERROR', 'Couldn\'t connect to the control port. Port ' + control_port + ' was used')
+        exit()
+    c = Connection(s)
+    c.debug(file("exits.log", "w"))
+    c.authenticate()
+    plog('INFO', 'Connection established')
+    routers = c.read_routers(c.get_network_status())
+    good_exits = []
+    exit_restriction = FlagsRestriction(["Exit"],[])
+    port_restriction = OrNodeRestriction(
+            [ExitPolicyRestriction('', port)])
+    for router in routers:
+       if exit_restriction and port_restriction.r_is_ok(router):
+           good_exits.append(router)
+    plog('INFO', 'Total routers with given exit policy: ' + len(good_exits))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv)

Property changes on: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/getExitsToPort.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py	2008-05-11 10:27:34 UTC (rev 14583)
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+import httplib
+import os
+import random
+import re
+from sets import Set
+import socket
+import string
+import sys
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+from TorCtl import TorUtil
+from TorCtl.TorUtil import *
+from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
+import socks
+# config stuff
+meta_port = 9052
+meta_host = ''
+user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0' 
+wordlist_file = './wordlist.txt';
+allowed_filetypes = ['all','pdf']
+result_per_type = 1
+same_origin_policy = True
+# links of interest
+doc_urls = ['http://www.torproject.org']
+doc_https = []
+# constants
+linebreak = '\r\n'
+# a simple interface to handle a socket connection 
+# with readline and writeline capability
+class Client:
+    def __init__(self, host, port):
+        self.s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.s.connect((host, port))
+        self.buffer = self.s.makefile('rb')
+    def writeline(self, line):
+        self.s.send(line + linebreak)
+    def readline(self):
+        s = self.buffer.readline()
+        if not s:
+            raise EOFError
+        if s[-2:] == linebreak:
+            s = s[:-2]
+        elif s[-1:] in linebreak:
+            s = s[:-1]
+        return s
+# The scanner class
+class ExitNodeScanner:
+    def __init__(self,meta_host,meta_port):
+        # establish a connection
+        plog('INFO', 'ExitNodeScanner starting up...')
+        try:
+            self.__client = Client(meta_host, meta_port)
+        except socket.error:
+            plog('ERROR', 'Couldn\'t connect to metatroller. Is it on?')
+            exit()
+        # skip two lines of metatroller introduction
+        data = self.__client.readline()
+        data = self.__client.readline()
+        # configure metatroller
+        commands = [
+            'PATHLEN ',
+            'PERCENTFAST 88',
+            'USEALLEXITS 1',
+            'UNIFORM 0',
+            'BWCUTOFF 1',
+            'ORDEREXITS',
+            'GUARDNODES 0',
+            'RESETSTATS']
+        plog('INFO', 'Executing preliminary configuration commands')
+        for c in commands:
+            self.__client.writeline(c)
+            reply = self.__client.readline()
+            if reply[:3] != '250': # first three chars indicate the reply code
+                reply += self.__client.readline()
+                plog('ERROR', reply)
+        plog('INFO', 'ExitNodeScanner up and ready')
+    def get_exit_node(self):
+        self.__client.writeline("GETLASTEXIT" + linebreak)
+        reply = self.__client.readline()
+        if reply[:3] != '250':
+            reply += self.__client.readline()
+            plog('ERROR', reply)
+            return 0
+        p = re.compile('250 LASTEXIT=[\S]+')
+        m = p.match(reply)
+        self.__exit = m.group()[13:] # drop the irrelevant characters    
+        plog('NOTICE','Current node: ' + self.__exit)
+        return self.__exit
+    def check_http(self, address):
+        request = urllib2.Request(address)
+        request.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent)
+        try:
+            f = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+        except urllib2.URLError:
+            plog('ERROR', 'The requested page ' + address + ' doesn\'t exist')
+            return 0
+        except:
+            plog('ERROR', 'Opening ' + address + ' failed')
+            return 0
+        content = f.read()
+        content = content.decode('ascii', 'ignore')
+        socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, "")
+        socks.socket = socks.socksocket
+        try:
+            g = urllib2.urlopen(request)
+        except:
+            plog('ERROR', 'Opening ' + address + ' via tor failed')
+            return 0
+        pcontent = g.read()
+        return 0
+    def check_openssh(self, address):
+        return 0
+    def check_openssl(self, address):
+        return 0
+# some helpful methods
+construct a list of urls based on the wordlist and filetypes of interest
+def load_urls():
+    plog('INFO', 'Loading url list')
+    wordlist = []
+    fh = open(wordlist_file, 'r')
+    try:
+        for line in fh:
+            wordlist.append(line[:-1]) # get rid of the linebreaks
+    finally:
+        fh.close()
+    urllist = []
+    for ft in allowed_filetypes:
+        type_urls = []
+        while len(type_urls) < result_per_type:
+            # probably the discover_urls method should consider moving along the search result pages
+            type_urls.extend(discover_urls(ft, 
+                wordlist[int(random.random() * len(wordlist))]))
+            type_urls = list(Set(type_urls))
+            plog('INFO', 'URL list for ' + ft + ': ' + '\n'.join(type_urls) + '\n')
+            urllist.extend(type_urls)
+    return urllist
+Find links to files related to a query
+def discover_urls(self, filetype, query):
+    # search google for relevant pages
+    # note: google only accepts requests from idenitified browsers
+    if filetype != 'all':
+        query += ':' + filetype
+    host = 'www.google.com'
+    params = urllib.urlencode({'q' : query})
+    headers = {'User-Agent' : user_agent}
+    search_url = '/search' + '?' + params
+    connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
+    connection.request("GET", search_url, {}, headers) # can't add params here for some reason
+    response = connection.getresponse()
+    if response.status == 200:
+        # if everything went well, start parsing
+        urls = []
+        content = response.read()
+        content = content.decode('ascii', 'ignore')
+        soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
+        # l is the class for relevant reply links
+        # probably not the best criterion to rely on, so maybe some other solution needed
+        for link in soup.findAll('a', {'class' : 'l'}): 
+            urls.append(link['href'])
+        # filter for filetypes if needed
+        if filetype != 'all':
+            urls = [u for u in urls if u[-len(filetype):] == filetype]
+        return urls
+    else:
+        plog('ERROR', 'Google search failed: ' + 
+                response.status + ' ' + response.reason)
+        return []
+# main logic
+def main(argv):
+    scanner = ExitNodeScanner(meta_host, meta_port)
+    scanner.get_exit_node()
+    scanner.check_http("http://www.ee.ee";)
+    '''
+    global doc_urls
+    doc_urls.extend(load_url_list())
+    doc_urls = list(Set(doc_urls))
+    plog('NOTICE', 'Final URL list: ' + '\n'.join(doc_urls) + '\n')
+    plog('INFO', 'Beginning scan loop... some day?')
+    '''
+# initiate the program
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main(sys.argv)

Property changes on: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/soat.py
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/tools/BeautifulSoup/BeautifulSoup.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/tools/BeautifulSoup/BeautifulSoup.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/tools/BeautifulSoup/BeautifulSoup.py	2008-05-11 10:27:34 UTC (rev 14583)
@@ -0,0 +1,1920 @@
+"""Beautiful Soup
+Elixir and Tonic
+"The Screen-Scraper's Friend"
+Beautiful Soup parses a (possibly invalid) XML or HTML document into a
+tree representation. It provides methods and Pythonic idioms that make
+it easy to navigate, search, and modify the tree.
+A well-formed XML/HTML document yields a well-formed data
+structure. An ill-formed XML/HTML document yields a correspondingly
+ill-formed data structure. If your document is only locally
+well-formed, you can use this library to find and process the
+well-formed part of it.
+Beautiful Soup works with Python 2.2 and up. It has no external
+dependencies, but you'll have more success at converting data to UTF-8
+if you also install these three packages:
+* chardet, for auto-detecting character encodings
+  http://chardet.feedparser.org/
+* cjkcodecs and iconv_codec, which add more encodings to the ones supported
+  by stock Python.
+  http://cjkpython.i18n.org/
+Beautiful Soup defines classes for two main parsing strategies:
+ * BeautifulStoneSoup, for parsing XML, SGML, or your domain-specific
+   language that kind of looks like XML.
+ * BeautifulSoup, for parsing run-of-the-mill HTML code, be it valid
+   or invalid. This class has web browser-like heuristics for
+   obtaining a sensible parse tree in the face of common HTML errors.
+Beautiful Soup also defines a class (UnicodeDammit) for autodetecting
+the encoding of an HTML or XML document, and converting it to
+Unicode. Much of this code is taken from Mark Pilgrim's Universal Feed Parser.
+For more than you ever wanted to know about Beautiful Soup, see the
+Here, have some legalese:
+Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Leonard Richardson
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+  * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+  * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+    copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+    disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+    with the distribution.
+  * Neither the name of the the Beautiful Soup Consortium and All
+    Night Kosher Bakery nor the names of its contributors may be
+    used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+    without specific prior written permission.
+from __future__ import generators
+__author__ = "Leonard Richardson (leonardr@xxxxxxxxxxxx)"
+__version__ = "3.0.5"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Leonard Richardson"
+__license__ = "New-style BSD"
+from sgmllib import SGMLParser, SGMLParseError
+import codecs
+import types
+import re
+import sgmllib
+  from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
+except ImportError:
+  name2codepoint = {}
+#This hack makes Beautiful Soup able to parse XML with namespaces
+sgmllib.tagfind = re.compile('[a-zA-Z][-_.:a-zA-Z0-9]*')
+# First, the classes that represent markup elements.
+class PageElement:
+    """Contains the navigational information for some part of the page
+    (either a tag or a piece of text)"""
+    def setup(self, parent=None, previous=None):
+        """Sets up the initial relations between this element and
+        other elements."""
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.previous = previous
+        self.next = None
+        self.previousSibling = None
+        self.nextSibling = None
+        if self.parent and self.parent.contents:
+            self.previousSibling = self.parent.contents[-1]
+            self.previousSibling.nextSibling = self
+    def replaceWith(self, replaceWith):
+        oldParent = self.parent
+        myIndex = self.parent.contents.index(self)
+        if hasattr(replaceWith, 'parent') and replaceWith.parent == self.parent:
+            # We're replacing this element with one of its siblings.
+            index = self.parent.contents.index(replaceWith)
+            if index and index < myIndex:
+                # Furthermore, it comes before this element. That
+                # means that when we extract it, the index of this
+                # element will change.
+                myIndex = myIndex - 1
+        self.extract()
+        oldParent.insert(myIndex, replaceWith)
+    def extract(self):
+        """Destructively rips this element out of the tree."""
+        if self.parent:
+            try:
+                self.parent.contents.remove(self)
+            except ValueError:
+                pass
+        #Find the two elements that would be next to each other if
+        #this element (and any children) hadn't been parsed. Connect
+        #the two.
+        lastChild = self._lastRecursiveChild()
+        nextElement = lastChild.next
+        if self.previous:
+            self.previous.next = nextElement
+        if nextElement:
+            nextElement.previous = self.previous
+        self.previous = None
+        lastChild.next = None
+        self.parent = None
+        if self.previousSibling:
+            self.previousSibling.nextSibling = self.nextSibling
+        if self.nextSibling:
+            self.nextSibling.previousSibling = self.previousSibling
+        self.previousSibling = self.nextSibling = None
+    def _lastRecursiveChild(self):
+        "Finds the last element beneath this object to be parsed."
+        lastChild = self
+        while hasattr(lastChild, 'contents') and lastChild.contents:
+            lastChild = lastChild.contents[-1]
+        return lastChild
+    def insert(self, position, newChild):
+        if (isinstance(newChild, basestring)
+            or isinstance(newChild, unicode)) \
+            and not isinstance(newChild, NavigableString):
+            newChild = NavigableString(newChild)
+        position =  min(position, len(self.contents))
+        if hasattr(newChild, 'parent') and newChild.parent != None:
+            # We're 'inserting' an element that's already one
+            # of this object's children.
+            if newChild.parent == self:
+                index = self.find(newChild)
+                if index and index < position:
+                    # Furthermore we're moving it further down the
+                    # list of this object's children. That means that
+                    # when we extract this element, our target index
+                    # will jump down one.
+                    position = position - 1
+            newChild.extract()
+        newChild.parent = self
+        previousChild = None
+        if position == 0:
+            newChild.previousSibling = None
+            newChild.previous = self
+        else:
+            previousChild = self.contents[position-1]
+            newChild.previousSibling = previousChild
+            newChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild
+            newChild.previous = previousChild._lastRecursiveChild()
+        if newChild.previous:
+            newChild.previous.next = newChild
+        newChildsLastElement = newChild._lastRecursiveChild()
+        if position >= len(self.contents):
+            newChild.nextSibling = None
+            parent = self
+            parentsNextSibling = None
+            while not parentsNextSibling:
+                parentsNextSibling = parent.nextSibling
+                parent = parent.parent
+                if not parent: # This is the last element in the document.
+                    break
+            if parentsNextSibling:
+                newChildsLastElement.next = parentsNextSibling
+            else:
+                newChildsLastElement.next = None
+        else:
+            nextChild = self.contents[position]
+            newChild.nextSibling = nextChild
+            if newChild.nextSibling:
+                newChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild
+            newChildsLastElement.next = nextChild
+        if newChildsLastElement.next:
+            newChildsLastElement.next.previous = newChildsLastElement
+        self.contents.insert(position, newChild)
+    def append(self, tag):
+        """Appends the given tag to the contents of this tag."""
+        self.insert(len(self.contents), tag)
+    def findNext(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the first item that matches the given criteria and
+        appears after this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findOne(self.findAllNext, name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+    def findAllNext(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, limit=None,
+                    **kwargs):
+        """Returns all items that match the given criteria and appear
+        before after Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findAll(name, attrs, text, limit, self.nextGenerator)
+    def findNextSibling(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the closest sibling to this Tag that matches the
+        given criteria and appears after this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findOne(self.findNextSiblings, name, attrs, text,
+                             **kwargs)
+    def findNextSiblings(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, limit=None,
+                         **kwargs):
+        """Returns the siblings of this Tag that match the given
+        criteria and appear after this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findAll(name, attrs, text, limit,
+                             self.nextSiblingGenerator, **kwargs)
+    fetchNextSiblings = findNextSiblings # Compatibility with pre-3.x
+    def findPrevious(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the first item that matches the given criteria and
+        appears before this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findOne(self.findAllPrevious, name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+    def findAllPrevious(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, limit=None,
+                        **kwargs):
+        """Returns all items that match the given criteria and appear
+        before this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findAll(name, attrs, text, limit, self.previousGenerator,
+                           **kwargs)
+    fetchPrevious = findAllPrevious # Compatibility with pre-3.x
+    def findPreviousSibling(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the closest sibling to this Tag that matches the
+        given criteria and appears before this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findOne(self.findPreviousSiblings, name, attrs, text,
+                             **kwargs)
+    def findPreviousSiblings(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None,
+                             limit=None, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the siblings of this Tag that match the given
+        criteria and appear before this Tag in the document."""
+        return self._findAll(name, attrs, text, limit,
+                             self.previousSiblingGenerator, **kwargs)
+    fetchPreviousSiblings = findPreviousSiblings # Compatibility with pre-3.x
+    def findParent(self, name=None, attrs={}, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the closest parent of this Tag that matches the given
+        criteria."""
+        # NOTE: We can't use _findOne because findParents takes a different
+        # set of arguments.
+        r = None
+        l = self.findParents(name, attrs, 1)
+        if l:
+            r = l[0]
+        return r
+    def findParents(self, name=None, attrs={}, limit=None, **kwargs):
+        """Returns the parents of this Tag that match the given
+        criteria."""
+        return self._findAll(name, attrs, None, limit, self.parentGenerator,
+                             **kwargs)
+    fetchParents = findParents # Compatibility with pre-3.x
+    #These methods do the real heavy lifting.
+    def _findOne(self, method, name, attrs, text, **kwargs):
+        r = None
+        l = method(name, attrs, text, 1, **kwargs)
+        if l:
+            r = l[0]
+        return r
+    def _findAll(self, name, attrs, text, limit, generator, **kwargs):
+        "Iterates over a generator looking for things that match."
+        if isinstance(name, SoupStrainer):
+            strainer = name
+        else:
+            # Build a SoupStrainer
+            strainer = SoupStrainer(name, attrs, text, **kwargs)
+        results = ResultSet(strainer)
+        g = generator()
+        while True:
+            try:
+                i = g.next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+            if i:
+                found = strainer.search(i)
+                if found:
+                    results.append(found)
+                    if limit and len(results) >= limit:
+                        break
+        return results
+    #These Generators can be used to navigate starting from both
+    #NavigableStrings and Tags.
+    def nextGenerator(self):
+        i = self
+        while i:
+            i = i.next
+            yield i
+    def nextSiblingGenerator(self):
+        i = self
+        while i:
+            i = i.nextSibling
+            yield i
+    def previousGenerator(self):
+        i = self
+        while i:
+            i = i.previous
+            yield i
+    def previousSiblingGenerator(self):
+        i = self
+        while i:
+            i = i.previousSibling
+            yield i
+    def parentGenerator(self):
+        i = self
+        while i:
+            i = i.parent
+            yield i
+    # Utility methods
+    def substituteEncoding(self, str, encoding=None):
+        encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
+        return str.replace("%SOUP-ENCODING%", encoding)
+    def toEncoding(self, s, encoding=None):
+        """Encodes an object to a string in some encoding, or to Unicode.
+        ."""
+        if isinstance(s, unicode):
+            if encoding:
+                s = s.encode(encoding)
+        elif isinstance(s, str):
+            if encoding:
+                s = s.encode(encoding)
+            else:
+                s = unicode(s)
+        else:
+            if encoding:
+                s  = self.toEncoding(str(s), encoding)
+            else:
+                s = unicode(s)
+        return s
+class NavigableString(unicode, PageElement):
+    def __getnewargs__(self):
+        return (NavigableString.__str__(self),)
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        """text.string gives you text. This is for backwards
+        compatibility for Navigable*String, but for CData* it lets you
+        get the string without the CData wrapper."""
+        if attr == 'string':
+            return self
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError, "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, attr)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return unicode(str(self))
+    def __str__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        if encoding:
+            return self.encode(encoding)
+        else:
+            return self
+class CData(NavigableString):
+    def __str__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        return "<![CDATA[%s]]>" % NavigableString.__str__(self, encoding)
+class ProcessingInstruction(NavigableString):
+    def __str__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        output = self
+        if "%SOUP-ENCODING%" in output:
+            output = self.substituteEncoding(output, encoding)
+        return "<?%s?>" % self.toEncoding(output, encoding)
+class Comment(NavigableString):
+    def __str__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        return "<!--%s-->" % NavigableString.__str__(self, encoding)
+class Declaration(NavigableString):
+    def __str__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        return "<!%s>" % NavigableString.__str__(self, encoding)
+class Tag(PageElement):
+    """Represents a found HTML tag with its attributes and contents."""
+    def _invert(h):
+        "Cheap function to invert a hash."
+        i = {}
+        for k,v in h.items():
+            i[v] = k
+        return i
+    XML_ENTITIES_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS = { "apos" : "'",
+                                      "quot" : '"',
+                                      "amp" : "&",
+                                      "lt" : "<",
+                                      "gt" : ">" }
+    def _convertEntities(self, match):
+        """Used in a call to re.sub to replace HTML, XML, and numeric
+        entities with the appropriate Unicode characters. If HTML
+        entities are being converted, any unrecognized entities are
+        escaped."""
+        x = match.group(1)
+        if self.convertHTMLEntities and x in name2codepoint:
+            return unichr(name2codepoint[x])
+        elif x in self.XML_ENTITIES_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS:
+            if self.convertXMLEntities:
+                return self.XML_ENTITIES_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS[x]
+            else:
+                return u'&%s;' % x
+        elif len(x) > 0 and x[0] == '#':
+            # Handle numeric entities
+            if len(x) > 1 and x[1] == 'x':
+                return unichr(int(x[2:], 16))
+            else:
+                return unichr(int(x[1:]))
+        elif self.escapeUnrecognizedEntities:
+            return u'&amp;%s;' % x
+        else:
+            return u'&%s;' % x
+    def __init__(self, parser, name, attrs=None, parent=None,
+                 previous=None):
+        "Basic constructor."
+        # We don't actually store the parser object: that lets extracted
+        # chunks be garbage-collected
+        self.parserClass = parser.__class__
+        self.isSelfClosing = parser.isSelfClosingTag(name)
+        self.name = name
+        if attrs == None:
+            attrs = []
+        self.attrs = attrs
+        self.contents = []
+        self.setup(parent, previous)
+        self.hidden = False
+        self.containsSubstitutions = False
+        self.convertHTMLEntities = parser.convertHTMLEntities
+        self.convertXMLEntities = parser.convertXMLEntities
+        self.escapeUnrecognizedEntities = parser.escapeUnrecognizedEntities
+        # Convert any HTML, XML, or numeric entities in the attribute values.
+        convert = lambda(k, val): (k,
+                                   re.sub("&(#\d+|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);",
+                                          self._convertEntities,
+                                          val))
+        self.attrs = map(convert, self.attrs)
+    def get(self, key, default=None):
+        """Returns the value of the 'key' attribute for the tag, or
+        the value given for 'default' if it doesn't have that
+        attribute."""
+        return self._getAttrMap().get(key, default)
+    def has_key(self, key):
+        return self._getAttrMap().has_key(key)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        """tag[key] returns the value of the 'key' attribute for the tag,
+        and throws an exception if it's not there."""
+        return self._getAttrMap()[key]
+    def __iter__(self):
+        "Iterating over a tag iterates over its contents."
+        return iter(self.contents)
+    def __len__(self):
+        "The length of a tag is the length of its list of contents."
+        return len(self.contents)
+    def __contains__(self, x):
+        return x in self.contents
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        "A tag is non-None even if it has no contents."
+        return True
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        """Setting tag[key] sets the value of the 'key' attribute for the
+        tag."""
+        self._getAttrMap()
+        self.attrMap[key] = value
+        found = False
+        for i in range(0, len(self.attrs)):
+            if self.attrs[i][0] == key:
+                self.attrs[i] = (key, value)
+                found = True
+        if not found:
+            self.attrs.append((key, value))
+        self._getAttrMap()[key] = value
+    def __delitem__(self, key):
+        "Deleting tag[key] deletes all 'key' attributes for the tag."
+        for item in self.attrs:
+            if item[0] == key:
+                self.attrs.remove(item)
+                #We don't break because bad HTML can define the same
+                #attribute multiple times.
+            self._getAttrMap()
+            if self.attrMap.has_key(key):
+                del self.attrMap[key]
+    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Calling a tag like a function is the same as calling its
+        findAll() method. Eg. tag('a') returns a list of all the A tags
+        found within this tag."""
+        return apply(self.findAll, args, kwargs)
+    def __getattr__(self, tag):
+        #print "Getattr %s.%s" % (self.__class__, tag)
+        if len(tag) > 3 and tag.rfind('Tag') == len(tag)-3:
+            return self.find(tag[:-3])
+        elif tag.find('__') != 0:
+            return self.find(tag)
+        raise AttributeError, "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__, tag)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        """Returns true iff this tag has the same name, the same attributes,
+        and the same contents (recursively) as the given tag.
+        NOTE: right now this will return false if two tags have the
+        same attributes in a different order. Should this be fixed?"""
+        if not hasattr(other, 'name') or not hasattr(other, 'attrs') or not hasattr(other, 'contents') or self.name != other.name or self.attrs != other.attrs or len(self) != len(other):
+            return False
+        for i in range(0, len(self.contents)):
+            if self.contents[i] != other.contents[i]:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        """Returns true iff this tag is not identical to the other tag,
+        as defined in __eq__."""
+        return not self == other
+    def __repr__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        """Renders this tag as a string."""
+        return self.__str__(encoding)
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        return self.__str__(None)
+    BARE_AMPERSAND_OR_BRACKET = re.compile("([<>]|"
+                                           + "&(?!#\d+;|#x[0-9a-fA-F]+;|\w+;)"
+                                           + ")")
+    def _sub_entity(self, x):
+        """Used with a regular expression to substitute the
+        appropriate XML entity for an XML special character."""
+        return "&" + self.XML_SPECIAL_CHARS_TO_ENTITIES[x.group(0)[0]] + ";"
+    def __str__(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+                prettyPrint=False, indentLevel=0):
+        """Returns a string or Unicode representation of this tag and
+        its contents. To get Unicode, pass None for encoding.
+        NOTE: since Python's HTML parser consumes whitespace, this
+        method is not certain to reproduce the whitespace present in
+        the original string."""
+        encodedName = self.toEncoding(self.name, encoding)
+        attrs = []
+        if self.attrs:
+            for key, val in self.attrs:
+                fmt = '%s="%s"'
+                if isString(val):
+                    if self.containsSubstitutions and '%SOUP-ENCODING%' in val:
+                        val = self.substituteEncoding(val, encoding)
+                    # The attribute value either:
+                    #
+                    # * Contains no embedded double quotes or single quotes.
+                    #   No problem: we enclose it in double quotes.
+                    # * Contains embedded single quotes. No problem:
+                    #   double quotes work here too.
+                    # * Contains embedded double quotes. No problem:
+                    #   we enclose it in single quotes.
+                    # * Embeds both single _and_ double quotes. This
+                    #   can't happen naturally, but it can happen if
+                    #   you modify an attribute value after parsing
+                    #   the document. Now we have a bit of a
+                    #   problem. We solve it by enclosing the
+                    #   attribute in single quotes, and escaping any
+                    #   embedded single quotes to XML entities.
+                    if '"' in val:
+                        fmt = "%s='%s'"
+                        if "'" in val:
+                            # TODO: replace with apos when
+                            # appropriate.
+                            val = val.replace("'", "&squot;")
+                    # Now we're okay w/r/t quotes. But the attribute
+                    # value might also contain angle brackets, or
+                    # ampersands that aren't part of entities. We need
+                    # to escape those to XML entities too.
+                    val = self.BARE_AMPERSAND_OR_BRACKET.sub(self._sub_entity, val)
+                attrs.append(fmt % (self.toEncoding(key, encoding),
+                                    self.toEncoding(val, encoding)))
+        close = ''
+        closeTag = ''
+        if self.isSelfClosing:
+            close = ' /'
+        else:
+            closeTag = '</%s>' % encodedName
+        indentTag, indentContents = 0, 0
+        if prettyPrint:
+            indentTag = indentLevel
+            space = (' ' * (indentTag-1))
+            indentContents = indentTag + 1
+        contents = self.renderContents(encoding, prettyPrint, indentContents)
+        if self.hidden:
+            s = contents
+        else:
+            s = []
+            attributeString = ''
+            if attrs:
+                attributeString = ' ' + ' '.join(attrs)
+            if prettyPrint:
+                s.append(space)
+            s.append('<%s%s%s>' % (encodedName, attributeString, close))
+            if prettyPrint:
+                s.append("\n")
+            s.append(contents)
+            if prettyPrint and contents and contents[-1] != "\n":
+                s.append("\n")
+            if prettyPrint and closeTag:
+                s.append(space)
+            s.append(closeTag)
+            if prettyPrint and closeTag and self.nextSibling:
+                s.append("\n")
+            s = ''.join(s)
+        return s
+    def prettify(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING):
+        return self.__str__(encoding, True)
+    def renderContents(self, encoding=DEFAULT_OUTPUT_ENCODING,
+                       prettyPrint=False, indentLevel=0):
+        """Renders the contents of this tag as a string in the given
+        encoding. If encoding is None, returns a Unicode string.."""
+        s=[]
+        for c in self:
+            text = None
+            if isinstance(c, NavigableString):
+                text = c.__str__(encoding)
+            elif isinstance(c, Tag):
+                s.append(c.__str__(encoding, prettyPrint, indentLevel))
+            if text and prettyPrint:
+                text = text.strip()
+            if text:
+                if prettyPrint:
+                    s.append(" " * (indentLevel-1))
+                s.append(text)
+                if prettyPrint:
+                    s.append("\n")
+        return ''.join(s)
+    #Soup methods
+    def find(self, name=None, attrs={}, recursive=True, text=None,
+             **kwargs):
+        """Return only the first child of this Tag matching the given
+        criteria."""
+        r = None
+        l = self.findAll(name, attrs, recursive, text, 1, **kwargs)
+        if l:
+            r = l[0]
+        return r
+    findChild = find
+    def findAll(self, name=None, attrs={}, recursive=True, text=None,
+                limit=None, **kwargs):
+        """Extracts a list of Tag objects that match the given
+        criteria.  You can specify the name of the Tag and any
+        attributes you want the Tag to have.
+        The value of a key-value pair in the 'attrs' map can be a
+        string, a list of strings, a regular expression object, or a
+        callable that takes a string and returns whether or not the
+        string matches for some custom definition of 'matches'. The
+        same is true of the tag name."""
+        generator = self.recursiveChildGenerator
+        if not recursive:
+            generator = self.childGenerator
+        return self._findAll(name, attrs, text, limit, generator, **kwargs)
+    findChildren = findAll
+    # Pre-3.x compatibility methods
+    first = find
+    fetch = findAll
+    def fetchText(self, text=None, recursive=True, limit=None):
+        return self.findAll(text=text, recursive=recursive, limit=limit)
+    def firstText(self, text=None, recursive=True):
+        return self.find(text=text, recursive=recursive)
+    #Private methods
+    def _getAttrMap(self):
+        """Initializes a map representation of this tag's attributes,
+        if not already initialized."""
+        if not getattr(self, 'attrMap'):
+            self.attrMap = {}
+            for (key, value) in self.attrs:
+                self.attrMap[key] = value
+        return self.attrMap
+    #Generator methods
+    def childGenerator(self):
+        for i in range(0, len(self.contents)):
+            yield self.contents[i]
+        raise StopIteration
+    def recursiveChildGenerator(self):
+        stack = [(self, 0)]
+        while stack:
+            tag, start = stack.pop()
+            if isinstance(tag, Tag):
+                for i in range(start, len(tag.contents)):
+                    a = tag.contents[i]
+                    yield a
+                    if isinstance(a, Tag) and tag.contents:
+                        if i < len(tag.contents) - 1:
+                            stack.append((tag, i+1))
+                        stack.append((a, 0))
+                        break
+        raise StopIteration
+# Next, a couple classes to represent queries and their results.
+class SoupStrainer:
+    """Encapsulates a number of ways of matching a markup element (tag or
+    text)."""
+    def __init__(self, name=None, attrs={}, text=None, **kwargs):
+        self.name = name
+        if isString(attrs):
+            kwargs['class'] = attrs
+            attrs = None
+        if kwargs:
+            if attrs:
+                attrs = attrs.copy()
+                attrs.update(kwargs)
+            else:
+                attrs = kwargs
+        self.attrs = attrs
+        self.text = text
+    def __str__(self):
+        if self.text:
+            return self.text
+        else:
+            return "%s|%s" % (self.name, self.attrs)
+    def searchTag(self, markupName=None, markupAttrs={}):
+        found = None
+        markup = None
+        if isinstance(markupName, Tag):
+            markup = markupName
+            markupAttrs = markup
+        callFunctionWithTagData = callable(self.name) \
+                                and not isinstance(markupName, Tag)
+        if (not self.name) \
+               or callFunctionWithTagData \
+               or (markup and self._matches(markup, self.name)) \
+               or (not markup and self._matches(markupName, self.name)):
+            if callFunctionWithTagData:
+                match = self.name(markupName, markupAttrs)
+            else:
+                match = True
+                markupAttrMap = None
+                for attr, matchAgainst in self.attrs.items():
+                    if not markupAttrMap:
+                         if hasattr(markupAttrs, 'get'):
+                            markupAttrMap = markupAttrs
+                         else:
+                            markupAttrMap = {}
+                            for k,v in markupAttrs:
+                                markupAttrMap[k] = v
+                    attrValue = markupAttrMap.get(attr)
+                    if not self._matches(attrValue, matchAgainst):
+                        match = False
+                        break
+            if match:
+                if markup:
+                    found = markup
+                else:
+                    found = markupName
+        return found
+    def search(self, markup):
+        #print 'looking for %s in %s' % (self, markup)
+        found = None
+        # If given a list of items, scan it for a text element that
+        # matches.
+        if isList(markup) and not isinstance(markup, Tag):
+            for element in markup:
+                if isinstance(element, NavigableString) \
+                       and self.search(element):
+                    found = element
+                    break
+        # If it's a Tag, make sure its name or attributes match.
+        # Don't bother with Tags if we're searching for text.
+        elif isinstance(markup, Tag):
+            if not self.text:
+                found = self.searchTag(markup)
+        # If it's text, make sure the text matches.
+        elif isinstance(markup, NavigableString) or \
+                 isString(markup):
+            if self._matches(markup, self.text):
+                found = markup
+        else:
+            raise Exception, "I don't know how to match against a %s" \
+                  % markup.__class__
+        return found
+    def _matches(self, markup, matchAgainst):
+        #print "Matching %s against %s" % (markup, matchAgainst)
+        result = False
+        if matchAgainst == True and type(matchAgainst) == types.BooleanType:
+            result = markup != None
+        elif callable(matchAgainst):
+            result = matchAgainst(markup)
+        else:
+            #Custom match methods take the tag as an argument, but all
+            #other ways of matching match the tag name as a string.
+            if isinstance(markup, Tag):
+                markup = markup.name
+            if markup and not isString(markup):
+                markup = unicode(markup)
+            #Now we know that chunk is either a string, or None.
+            if hasattr(matchAgainst, 'match'):
+                # It's a regexp object.
+                result = markup and matchAgainst.search(markup)
+            elif isList(matchAgainst):
+                result = markup in matchAgainst
+            elif hasattr(matchAgainst, 'items'):
+                result = markup.has_key(matchAgainst)
+            elif matchAgainst and isString(markup):
+                if isinstance(markup, unicode):
+                    matchAgainst = unicode(matchAgainst)
+                else:
+                    matchAgainst = str(matchAgainst)
+            if not result:
+                result = matchAgainst == markup
+        return result
+class ResultSet(list):
+    """A ResultSet is just a list that keeps track of the SoupStrainer
+    that created it."""
+    def __init__(self, source):
+        list.__init__([])
+        self.source = source
+# Now, some helper functions.
+def isList(l):
+    """Convenience method that works with all 2.x versions of Python
+    to determine whether or not something is listlike."""
+    return hasattr(l, '__iter__') \
+           or (type(l) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType))
+def isString(s):
+    """Convenience method that works with all 2.x versions of Python
+    to determine whether or not something is stringlike."""
+    try:
+        return isinstance(s, unicode) or isinstance(s, basestring)
+    except NameError:
+        return isinstance(s, str)
+def buildTagMap(default, *args):
+    """Turns a list of maps, lists, or scalars into a single map.
+    Used to build the SELF_CLOSING_TAGS, NESTABLE_TAGS, and
+    NESTING_RESET_TAGS maps out of lists and partial maps."""
+    built = {}
+    for portion in args:
+        if hasattr(portion, 'items'):
+            #It's a map. Merge it.
+            for k,v in portion.items():
+                built[k] = v
+        elif isList(portion):
+            #It's a list. Map each item to the default.
+            for k in portion:
+                built[k] = default
+        else:
+            #It's a scalar. Map it to the default.
+            built[portion] = default
+    return built
+# Now, the parser classes.
+class BeautifulStoneSoup(Tag, SGMLParser):
+    """This class contains the basic parser and search code. It defines
+    a parser that knows nothing about tag behavior except for the
+    following:
+      You can't close a tag without closing all the tags it encloses.
+      That is, "<foo><bar></foo>" actually means
+      "<foo><bar></bar></foo>".
+    [Another possible explanation is "<foo><bar /></foo>", but since
+    this class defines no SELF_CLOSING_TAGS, it will never use that
+    explanation.]
+    This class is useful for parsing XML or made-up markup languages,
+    or when BeautifulSoup makes an assumption counter to what you were
+    expecting."""
+    QUOTE_TAGS = {}
+    MARKUP_MASSAGE = [(re.compile('(<[^<>]*)/>'),
+                       lambda x: x.group(1) + ' />'),
+                      (re.compile('<!\s+([^<>]*)>'),
+                       lambda x: '<!' + x.group(1) + '>')
+                      ]
+    ROOT_TAG_NAME = u'[document]'
+    HTML_ENTITIES = "html"
+    XML_ENTITIES = "xml"
+    XHTML_ENTITIES = "xhtml"
+    # TODO: This only exists for backwards-compatibility
+    # Used when determining whether a text node is all whitespace and
+    # can be replaced with a single space. A text node that contains
+    # fancy Unicode spaces (usually non-breaking) should be left
+    # alone.
+    STRIP_ASCII_SPACES = { 9: None, 10: None, 12: None, 13: None, 32: None, }
+    def __init__(self, markup="", parseOnlyThese=None, fromEncoding=None,
+                 markupMassage=True, smartQuotesTo=XML_ENTITIES,
+                 convertEntities=None, selfClosingTags=None):
+        """The Soup object is initialized as the 'root tag', and the
+        provided markup (which can be a string or a file-like object)
+        is fed into the underlying parser.
+        sgmllib will process most bad HTML, and the BeautifulSoup
+        class has some tricks for dealing with some HTML that kills
+        sgmllib, but Beautiful Soup can nonetheless choke or lose data
+        if your data uses self-closing tags or declarations
+        incorrectly.
+        By default, Beautiful Soup uses regexes to sanitize input,
+        avoiding the vast majority of these problems. If the problems
+        don't apply to you, pass in False for markupMassage, and
+        you'll get better performance.
+        The default parser massage techniques fix the two most common
+        instances of invalid HTML that choke sgmllib:
+         <br/> (No space between name of closing tag and tag close)
+         <! --Comment--> (Extraneous whitespace in declaration)
+        You can pass in a custom list of (RE object, replace method)
+        tuples to get Beautiful Soup to scrub your input the way you
+        want."""
+        self.parseOnlyThese = parseOnlyThese
+        self.fromEncoding = fromEncoding
+        self.smartQuotesTo = smartQuotesTo
+        self.convertEntities = convertEntities
+        # Set the rules for how we'll deal with the entities we
+        # encounter
+        if self.convertEntities:
+            # It doesn't make sense to convert encoded characters to
+            # entities even while you're converting entities to Unicode.
+            # Just convert it all to Unicode.
+            self.smartQuotesTo = None
+            if convertEntities == self.HTML_ENTITIES:
+                self.convertXMLEntities = False
+                self.convertHTMLEntities = True
+                self.escapeUnrecognizedEntities = True
+            elif convertEntities == self.XHTML_ENTITIES:
+                self.convertXMLEntities = True
+                self.convertHTMLEntities = True
+                self.escapeUnrecognizedEntities = False
+            elif convertEntities == self.XML_ENTITIES:
+                self.convertXMLEntities = True
+                self.convertHTMLEntities = False
+                self.escapeUnrecognizedEntities = False
+        else:
+            self.convertXMLEntities = False
+            self.convertHTMLEntities = False
+            self.escapeUnrecognizedEntities = False
+        self.instanceSelfClosingTags = buildTagMap(None, selfClosingTags)
+        SGMLParser.__init__(self)
+        if hasattr(markup, 'read'):        # It's a file-type object.
+            markup = markup.read()
+        self.markup = markup
+        self.markupMassage = markupMassage
+        try:
+            self._feed()
+        except StopParsing:
+            pass
+        self.markup = None                 # The markup can now be GCed
+    def convert_charref(self, name):
+        """This method fixes a bug in Python's SGMLParser."""
+        try:
+            n = int(name)
+        except ValueError:
+            return
+        if not 0 <= n <= 127 : # ASCII ends at 127, not 255
+            return
+        return self.convert_codepoint(n)
+    def _feed(self, inDocumentEncoding=None):
+        # Convert the document to Unicode.
+        markup = self.markup
+        if isinstance(markup, unicode):
+            if not hasattr(self, 'originalEncoding'):
+                self.originalEncoding = None
+        else:
+            dammit = UnicodeDammit\
+                     (markup, [self.fromEncoding, inDocumentEncoding],
+                      smartQuotesTo=self.smartQuotesTo)
+            markup = dammit.unicode
+            self.originalEncoding = dammit.originalEncoding
+        if markup:
+            if self.markupMassage:
+                if not isList(self.markupMassage):
+                    self.markupMassage = self.MARKUP_MASSAGE
+                for fix, m in self.markupMassage:
+                    markup = fix.sub(m, markup)
+                # TODO: We get rid of markupMassage so that the
+                # soup object can be deepcopied later on. Some
+                # Python installations can't copy regexes. If anyone
+                # was relying on the existence of markupMassage, this
+                # might cause problems.
+                del(self.markupMassage)
+        self.reset()
+        SGMLParser.feed(self, markup)
+        # Close out any unfinished strings and close all the open tags.
+        self.endData()
+        while self.currentTag.name != self.ROOT_TAG_NAME:
+            self.popTag()
+    def __getattr__(self, methodName):
+        """This method routes method call requests to either the SGMLParser
+        superclass or the Tag superclass, depending on the method name."""
+        #print "__getattr__ called on %s.%s" % (self.__class__, methodName)
+        if methodName.find('start_') == 0 or methodName.find('end_') == 0 \
+               or methodName.find('do_') == 0:
+            return SGMLParser.__getattr__(self, methodName)
+        elif methodName.find('__') != 0:
+            return Tag.__getattr__(self, methodName)
+        else:
+            raise AttributeError
+    def isSelfClosingTag(self, name):
+        """Returns true iff the given string is the name of a
+        self-closing tag according to this parser."""
+        return self.SELF_CLOSING_TAGS.has_key(name) \
+               or self.instanceSelfClosingTags.has_key(name)
+    def reset(self):
+        Tag.__init__(self, self, self.ROOT_TAG_NAME)
+        self.hidden = 1
+        SGMLParser.reset(self)
+        self.currentData = []
+        self.currentTag = None
+        self.tagStack = []
+        self.quoteStack = []
+        self.pushTag(self)
+    def popTag(self):
+        tag = self.tagStack.pop()
+        # Tags with just one string-owning child get the child as a
+        # 'string' property, so that soup.tag.string is shorthand for
+        # soup.tag.contents[0]
+        if len(self.currentTag.contents) == 1 and \
+           isinstance(self.currentTag.contents[0], NavigableString):
+            self.currentTag.string = self.currentTag.contents[0]
+        #print "Pop", tag.name
+        if self.tagStack:
+            self.currentTag = self.tagStack[-1]
+        return self.currentTag
+    def pushTag(self, tag):
+        #print "Push", tag.name
+        if self.currentTag:
+            self.currentTag.contents.append(tag)
+        self.tagStack.append(tag)
+        self.currentTag = self.tagStack[-1]
+    def endData(self, containerClass=NavigableString):
+        if self.currentData:
+            currentData = ''.join(self.currentData)
+            if not currentData.translate(self.STRIP_ASCII_SPACES):
+                if '\n' in currentData:
+                    currentData = '\n'
+                else:
+                    currentData = ' '
+            self.currentData = []
+            if self.parseOnlyThese and len(self.tagStack) <= 1 and \
+                   (not self.parseOnlyThese.text or \
+                    not self.parseOnlyThese.search(currentData)):
+                return
+            o = containerClass(currentData)
+            o.setup(self.currentTag, self.previous)
+            if self.previous:
+                self.previous.next = o
+            self.previous = o
+            self.currentTag.contents.append(o)
+    def _popToTag(self, name, inclusivePop=True):
+        """Pops the tag stack up to and including the most recent
+        instance of the given tag. If inclusivePop is false, pops the tag
+        stack up to but *not* including the most recent instqance of
+        the given tag."""
+        #print "Popping to %s" % name
+        if name == self.ROOT_TAG_NAME:
+            return
+        numPops = 0
+        mostRecentTag = None
+        for i in range(len(self.tagStack)-1, 0, -1):
+            if name == self.tagStack[i].name:
+                numPops = len(self.tagStack)-i
+                break
+        if not inclusivePop:
+            numPops = numPops - 1
+        for i in range(0, numPops):
+            mostRecentTag = self.popTag()
+        return mostRecentTag
+    def _smartPop(self, name):
+        """We need to pop up to the previous tag of this type, unless
+        one of this tag's nesting reset triggers comes between this
+        tag and the previous tag of this type, OR unless this tag is a
+        generic nesting trigger and another generic nesting trigger
+        comes between this tag and the previous tag of this type.
+        Examples:
+         <p>Foo<b>Bar *<p>* should pop to 'p', not 'b'.
+         <p>Foo<table>Bar *<p>* should pop to 'table', not 'p'.
+         <p>Foo<table><tr>Bar *<p>* should pop to 'tr', not 'p'.
+         <li><ul><li> *<li>* should pop to 'ul', not the first 'li'.
+         <tr><table><tr> *<tr>* should pop to 'table', not the first 'tr'
+         <td><tr><td> *<td>* should pop to 'tr', not the first 'td'
+        """
+        nestingResetTriggers = self.NESTABLE_TAGS.get(name)
+        isNestable = nestingResetTriggers != None
+        isResetNesting = self.RESET_NESTING_TAGS.has_key(name)
+        popTo = None
+        inclusive = True
+        for i in range(len(self.tagStack)-1, 0, -1):
+            p = self.tagStack[i]
+            if (not p or p.name == name) and not isNestable:
+                #Non-nestable tags get popped to the top or to their
+                #last occurance.
+                popTo = name
+                break
+            if (nestingResetTriggers != None
+                and p.name in nestingResetTriggers) \
+                or (nestingResetTriggers == None and isResetNesting
+                    and self.RESET_NESTING_TAGS.has_key(p.name)):
+                #If we encounter one of the nesting reset triggers
+                #peculiar to this tag, or we encounter another tag
+                #that causes nesting to reset, pop up to but not
+                #including that tag.
+                popTo = p.name
+                inclusive = False
+                break
+            p = p.parent
+        if popTo:
+            self._popToTag(popTo, inclusive)
+    def unknown_starttag(self, name, attrs, selfClosing=0):
+        #print "Start tag %s: %s" % (name, attrs)
+        if self.quoteStack:
+            #This is not a real tag.
+            #print "<%s> is not real!" % name
+            attrs = ''.join(map(lambda(x, y): ' %s="%s"' % (x, y), attrs))
+            self.handle_data('<%s%s>' % (name, attrs))
+            return
+        self.endData()
+        if not self.isSelfClosingTag(name) and not selfClosing:
+            self._smartPop(name)
+        if self.parseOnlyThese and len(self.tagStack) <= 1 \
+               and (self.parseOnlyThese.text or not self.parseOnlyThese.searchTag(name, attrs)):
+            return
+        tag = Tag(self, name, attrs, self.currentTag, self.previous)
+        if self.previous:
+            self.previous.next = tag
+        self.previous = tag
+        self.pushTag(tag)
+        if selfClosing or self.isSelfClosingTag(name):
+            self.popTag()
+        if name in self.QUOTE_TAGS:
+            #print "Beginning quote (%s)" % name
+            self.quoteStack.append(name)
+            self.literal = 1
+        return tag
+    def unknown_endtag(self, name):
+        #print "End tag %s" % name
+        if self.quoteStack and self.quoteStack[-1] != name:
+            #This is not a real end tag.
+            #print "</%s> is not real!" % name
+            self.handle_data('</%s>' % name)
+            return
+        self.endData()
+        self._popToTag(name)
+        if self.quoteStack and self.quoteStack[-1] == name:
+            self.quoteStack.pop()
+            self.literal = (len(self.quoteStack) > 0)
+    def handle_data(self, data):
+        self.currentData.append(data)
+    def _toStringSubclass(self, text, subclass):
+        """Adds a certain piece of text to the tree as a NavigableString
+        subclass."""
+        self.endData()
+        self.handle_data(text)
+        self.endData(subclass)
+    def handle_pi(self, text):
+        """Handle a processing instruction as a ProcessingInstruction
+        object, possibly one with a %SOUP-ENCODING% slot into which an
+        encoding will be plugged later."""
+        if text[:3] == "xml":
+            text = u"xml version='1.0' encoding='%SOUP-ENCODING%'"
+        self._toStringSubclass(text, ProcessingInstruction)
+    def handle_comment(self, text):
+        "Handle comments as Comment objects."
+        self._toStringSubclass(text, Comment)
+    def handle_charref(self, ref):
+        "Handle character references as data."
+        if self.convertEntities:
+            data = unichr(int(ref))
+        else:
+            data = '&#%s;' % ref
+        self.handle_data(data)
+    def handle_entityref(self, ref):
+        """Handle entity references as data, possibly converting known
+        HTML and/or XML entity references to the corresponding Unicode
+        characters."""
+        data = None
+        if self.convertHTMLEntities:
+            try:
+                data = unichr(name2codepoint[ref])
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        if not data and self.convertXMLEntities:
+                data = self.XML_ENTITIES_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS.get(ref)
+        if not data and self.convertHTMLEntities and \
+            not self.XML_ENTITIES_TO_SPECIAL_CHARS.get(ref):
+                # TODO: We've got a problem here. We're told this is
+                # an entity reference, but it's not an XML entity
+                # reference or an HTML entity reference. Nonetheless,
+                # the logical thing to do is to pass it through as an
+                # unrecognized entity reference.
+                #
+                # Except: when the input is "&carol;" this function
+                # will be called with input "carol". When the input is
+                # "AT&T", this function will be called with input
+                # "T". We have no way of knowing whether a semicolon
+                # was present originally, so we don't know whether
+                # this is an unknown entity or just a misplaced
+                # ampersand.
+                #
+                # The more common case is a misplaced ampersand, so I
+                # escape the ampersand and omit the trailing semicolon.
+                data = "&amp;%s" % ref
+        if not data:
+            # This case is different from the one above, because we
+            # haven't already gone through a supposedly comprehensive
+            # mapping of entities to Unicode characters. We might not
+            # have gone through any mapping at all. So the chances are
+            # very high that this is a real entity, and not a
+            # misplaced ampersand.
+            data = "&%s;" % ref
+        self.handle_data(data)
+    def handle_decl(self, data):
+        "Handle DOCTYPEs and the like as Declaration objects."
+        self._toStringSubclass(data, Declaration)
+    def parse_declaration(self, i):
+        """Treat a bogus SGML declaration as raw data. Treat a CDATA
+        declaration as a CData object."""
+        j = None
+        if self.rawdata[i:i+9] == '<![CDATA[':
+             k = self.rawdata.find(']]>', i)
+             if k == -1:
+                 k = len(self.rawdata)
+             data = self.rawdata[i+9:k]
+             j = k+3
+             self._toStringSubclass(data, CData)
+        else:
+            try:
+                j = SGMLParser.parse_declaration(self, i)
+            except SGMLParseError:
+                toHandle = self.rawdata[i:]
+                self.handle_data(toHandle)
+                j = i + len(toHandle)
+        return j
+class BeautifulSoup(BeautifulStoneSoup):
+    """This parser knows the following facts about HTML:
+    * Some tags have no closing tag and should be interpreted as being
+      closed as soon as they are encountered.
+    * The text inside some tags (ie. 'script') may contain tags which
+      are not really part of the document and which should be parsed
+      as text, not tags. If you want to parse the text as tags, you can
+      always fetch it and parse it explicitly.
+    * Tag nesting rules:
+      Most tags can't be nested at all. For instance, the occurance of
+      a <p> tag should implicitly close the previous <p> tag.
+       <p>Para1<p>Para2
+        should be transformed into:
+       <p>Para1</p><p>Para2
+      Some tags can be nested arbitrarily. For instance, the occurance
+      of a <blockquote> tag should _not_ implicitly close the previous
+      <blockquote> tag.
+       Alice said: <blockquote>Bob said: <blockquote>Blah
+        should NOT be transformed into:
+       Alice said: <blockquote>Bob said: </blockquote><blockquote>Blah
+      Some tags can be nested, but the nesting is reset by the
+      interposition of other tags. For instance, a <tr> tag should
+      implicitly close the previous <tr> tag within the same <table>,
+      but not close a <tr> tag in another table.
+       <table><tr>Blah<tr>Blah
+        should be transformed into:
+       <table><tr>Blah</tr><tr>Blah
+        but,
+       <tr>Blah<table><tr>Blah
+        should NOT be transformed into
+       <tr>Blah<table></tr><tr>Blah
+    Differing assumptions about tag nesting rules are a major source
+    of problems with the BeautifulSoup class. If BeautifulSoup is not
+    treating as nestable a tag your page author treats as nestable,
+    try ICantBelieveItsBeautifulSoup, MinimalSoup, or
+    BeautifulStoneSoup before writing your own subclass."""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        if not kwargs.has_key('smartQuotesTo'):
+            kwargs['smartQuotesTo'] = self.HTML_ENTITIES
+        BeautifulStoneSoup.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    SELF_CLOSING_TAGS = buildTagMap(None,
+                                    ['br' , 'hr', 'input', 'img', 'meta',
+                                    'spacer', 'link', 'frame', 'base'])
+    QUOTE_TAGS = {'script' : None, 'textarea' : None}
+    #According to the HTML standard, each of these inline tags can
+    #contain another tag of the same type. Furthermore, it's common
+    #to actually use these tags this way.
+    NESTABLE_INLINE_TAGS = ['span', 'font', 'q', 'object', 'bdo', 'sub', 'sup',
+                            'center']
+    #According to the HTML standard, these block tags can contain
+    #another tag of the same type. Furthermore, it's common
+    #to actually use these tags this way.
+    NESTABLE_BLOCK_TAGS = ['blockquote', 'div', 'fieldset', 'ins', 'del']
+    #Lists can contain other lists, but there are restrictions.
+    NESTABLE_LIST_TAGS = { 'ol' : [],
+                           'ul' : [],
+                           'li' : ['ul', 'ol'],
+                           'dl' : [],
+                           'dd' : ['dl'],
+                           'dt' : ['dl'] }
+    #Tables can contain other tables, but there are restrictions.
+    NESTABLE_TABLE_TAGS = {'table' : [],
+                           'tr' : ['table', 'tbody', 'tfoot', 'thead'],
+                           'td' : ['tr'],
+                           'th' : ['tr'],
+                           'thead' : ['table'],
+                           'tbody' : ['table'],
+                           'tfoot' : ['table'],
+                           }
+    NON_NESTABLE_BLOCK_TAGS = ['address', 'form', 'p', 'pre']
+    #If one of these tags is encountered, all tags up to the next tag of
+    #this type are popped.
+    RESET_NESTING_TAGS = buildTagMap(None, NESTABLE_BLOCK_TAGS, 'noscript',
+                                     NON_NESTABLE_BLOCK_TAGS,
+                                     NESTABLE_LIST_TAGS,
+                                     NESTABLE_TABLE_TAGS)
+                                NESTABLE_LIST_TAGS, NESTABLE_TABLE_TAGS)
+    # Used to detect the charset in a META tag; see start_meta
+    CHARSET_RE = re.compile("((^|;)\s*charset=)([^;]*)")
+    def start_meta(self, attrs):
+        """Beautiful Soup can detect a charset included in a META tag,
+        try to convert the document to that charset, and re-parse the
+        document from the beginning."""
+        httpEquiv = None
+        contentType = None
+        contentTypeIndex = None
+        tagNeedsEncodingSubstitution = False
+        for i in range(0, len(attrs)):
+            key, value = attrs[i]
+            key = key.lower()
+            if key == 'http-equiv':
+                httpEquiv = value
+            elif key == 'content':
+                contentType = value
+                contentTypeIndex = i
+        if httpEquiv and contentType: # It's an interesting meta tag.
+            match = self.CHARSET_RE.search(contentType)
+            if match:
+                if getattr(self, 'declaredHTMLEncoding') or \
+                       (self.originalEncoding == self.fromEncoding):
+                    # This is our second pass through the document, or
+                    # else an encoding was specified explicitly and it
+                    # worked. Rewrite the meta tag.
+                    newAttr = self.CHARSET_RE.sub\
+                              (lambda(match):match.group(1) +
+                               "%SOUP-ENCODING%", value)
+                    attrs[contentTypeIndex] = (attrs[contentTypeIndex][0],
+                                               newAttr)
+                    tagNeedsEncodingSubstitution = True
+                else:
+                    # This is our first pass through the document.
+                    # Go through it again with the new information.
+                    newCharset = match.group(3)
+                    if newCharset and newCharset != self.originalEncoding:
+                        self.declaredHTMLEncoding = newCharset
+                        self._feed(self.declaredHTMLEncoding)
+                        raise StopParsing
+        tag = self.unknown_starttag("meta", attrs)
+        if tag and tagNeedsEncodingSubstitution:
+            tag.containsSubstitutions = True
+class StopParsing(Exception):
+    pass
+class ICantBelieveItsBeautifulSoup(BeautifulSoup):
+    """The BeautifulSoup class is oriented towards skipping over
+    common HTML errors like unclosed tags. However, sometimes it makes
+    errors of its own. For instance, consider this fragment:
+     <b>Foo<b>Bar</b></b>
+    This is perfectly valid (if bizarre) HTML. However, the
+    BeautifulSoup class will implicitly close the first b tag when it
+    encounters the second 'b'. It will think the author wrote
+    "<b>Foo<b>Bar", and didn't close the first 'b' tag, because
+    there's no real-world reason to bold something that's already
+    bold. When it encounters '</b></b>' it will close two more 'b'
+    tags, for a grand total of three tags closed instead of two. This
+    can throw off the rest of your document structure. The same is
+    true of a number of other tags, listed below.
+    It's much more common for someone to forget to close a 'b' tag
+    than to actually use nested 'b' tags, and the BeautifulSoup class
+    handles the common case. This class handles the not-co-common
+    case: where you can't believe someone wrote what they did, but
+    it's valid HTML and BeautifulSoup screwed up by assuming it
+    wouldn't be."""
+     ['em', 'big', 'i', 'small', 'tt', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'strong',
+      'cite', 'code', 'dfn', 'kbd', 'samp', 'strong', 'var', 'b',
+      'big']
+    NESTABLE_TAGS = buildTagMap([], BeautifulSoup.NESTABLE_TAGS,
+                                I_CANT_BELIEVE_THEYRE_NESTABLE_BLOCK_TAGS,
+                                I_CANT_BELIEVE_THEYRE_NESTABLE_INLINE_TAGS)
+class MinimalSoup(BeautifulSoup):
+    """The MinimalSoup class is for parsing HTML that contains
+    pathologically bad markup. It makes no assumptions about tag
+    nesting, but it does know which tags are self-closing, that
+    <script> tags contain Javascript and should not be parsed, that
+    META tags may contain encoding information, and so on.
+    This also makes it better for subclassing than BeautifulStoneSoup
+    or BeautifulSoup."""
+    RESET_NESTING_TAGS = buildTagMap('noscript')
+class BeautifulSOAP(BeautifulStoneSoup):
+    """This class will push a tag with only a single string child into
+    the tag's parent as an attribute. The attribute's name is the tag
+    name, and the value is the string child. An example should give
+    the flavor of the change:
+    <foo><bar>baz</bar></foo>
+     =>
+    <foo bar="baz"><bar>baz</bar></foo>
+    You can then access fooTag['bar'] instead of fooTag.barTag.string.
+    This is, of course, useful for scraping structures that tend to
+    use subelements instead of attributes, such as SOAP messages. Note
+    that it modifies its input, so don't print the modified version
+    out.
+    I'm not sure how many people really want to use this class; let me
+    know if you do. Mainly I like the name."""
+    def popTag(self):
+        if len(self.tagStack) > 1:
+            tag = self.tagStack[-1]
+            parent = self.tagStack[-2]
+            parent._getAttrMap()
+            if (isinstance(tag, Tag) and len(tag.contents) == 1 and
+                isinstance(tag.contents[0], NavigableString) and
+                not parent.attrMap.has_key(tag.name)):
+                parent[tag.name] = tag.contents[0]
+        BeautifulStoneSoup.popTag(self)
+#Enterprise class names! It has come to our attention that some people
+#think the names of the Beautiful Soup parser classes are too silly
+#and "unprofessional" for use in enterprise screen-scraping. We feel
+#your pain! For such-minded folk, the Beautiful Soup Consortium And
+#All-Night Kosher Bakery recommends renaming this file to
+#"RobustParser.py" (or, in cases of extreme enterprisiness,
+#"RobustParserBeanInterface.class") and using the following
+#enterprise-friendly class aliases:
+class RobustXMLParser(BeautifulStoneSoup):
+    pass
+class RobustHTMLParser(BeautifulSoup):
+    pass
+class RobustWackAssHTMLParser(ICantBelieveItsBeautifulSoup):
+    pass
+class RobustInsanelyWackAssHTMLParser(MinimalSoup):
+    pass
+class SimplifyingSOAPParser(BeautifulSOAP):
+    pass
+# Bonus library: Unicode, Dammit
+# This class forces XML data into a standard format (usually to UTF-8
+# or Unicode).  It is heavily based on code from Mark Pilgrim's
+# Universal Feed Parser. It does not rewrite the XML or HTML to
+# reflect a new encoding: that happens in BeautifulStoneSoup.handle_pi
+# (XML) and BeautifulSoup.start_meta (HTML).
+# Autodetects character encodings.
+# Download from http://chardet.feedparser.org/
+    import chardet
+#    import chardet.constants
+#    chardet.constants._debug = 1
+    chardet = None
+chardet = None
+# cjkcodecs and iconv_codec make Python know about more character encodings.
+# Both are available from http://cjkpython.i18n.org/
+# They're built in if you use Python 2.4.
+    import cjkcodecs.aliases
+    pass
+    import iconv_codec
+    pass
+class UnicodeDammit:
+    """A class for detecting the encoding of a *ML document and
+    converting it to a Unicode string. If the source encoding is
+    windows-1252, can replace MS smart quotes with their HTML or XML
+    equivalents."""
+    # This dictionary maps commonly seen values for "charset" in HTML
+    # meta tags to the corresponding Python codec names. It only covers
+    # values that aren't in Python's aliases and can't be determined
+    # by the heuristics in find_codec.
+    CHARSET_ALIASES = { "macintosh" : "mac-roman",
+                        "x-sjis" : "shift-jis" }
+    def __init__(self, markup, overrideEncodings=[],
+                 smartQuotesTo='xml'):
+        self.markup, documentEncoding, sniffedEncoding = \
+                     self._detectEncoding(markup)
+        self.smartQuotesTo = smartQuotesTo
+        self.triedEncodings = []
+        if markup == '' or isinstance(markup, unicode):
+            self.originalEncoding = None
+            self.unicode = unicode(markup)
+            return
+        u = None
+        for proposedEncoding in overrideEncodings:
+            u = self._convertFrom(proposedEncoding)
+            if u: break
+        if not u:
+            for proposedEncoding in (documentEncoding, sniffedEncoding):
+                u = self._convertFrom(proposedEncoding)
+                if u: break
+        # If no luck and we have auto-detection library, try that:
+        if not u and chardet and not isinstance(self.markup, unicode):
+            u = self._convertFrom(chardet.detect(self.markup)['encoding'])
+        # As a last resort, try utf-8 and windows-1252:
+        if not u:
+            for proposed_encoding in ("utf-8", "windows-1252"):
+                u = self._convertFrom(proposed_encoding)
+                if u: break
+        self.unicode = u
+        if not u: self.originalEncoding = None
+    def _subMSChar(self, orig):
+        """Changes a MS smart quote character to an XML or HTML
+        entity."""
+        sub = self.MS_CHARS.get(orig)
+        if type(sub) == types.TupleType:
+            if self.smartQuotesTo == 'xml':
+                sub = '&#x%s;' % sub[1]
+            else:
+                sub = '&%s;' % sub[0]
+        return sub
+    def _convertFrom(self, proposed):
+        proposed = self.find_codec(proposed)
+        if not proposed or proposed in self.triedEncodings:
+            return None
+        self.triedEncodings.append(proposed)
+        markup = self.markup
+        # Convert smart quotes to HTML if coming from an encoding
+        # that might have them.
+        if self.smartQuotesTo and proposed.lower() in("windows-1252",
+                                                      "iso-8859-1",
+                                                      "iso-8859-2"):
+            markup = re.compile("([\x80-\x9f])").sub \
+                     (lambda(x): self._subMSChar(x.group(1)),
+                      markup)
+        try:
+            # print "Trying to convert document to %s" % proposed
+            u = self._toUnicode(markup, proposed)
+            self.markup = u
+            self.originalEncoding = proposed
+        except Exception, e:
+            # print "That didn't work!"
+            # print e
+            return None
+        #print "Correct encoding: %s" % proposed
+        return self.markup
+    def _toUnicode(self, data, encoding):
+        '''Given a string and its encoding, decodes the string into Unicode.
+        %encoding is a string recognized by encodings.aliases'''
+        # strip Byte Order Mark (if present)
+        if (len(data) >= 4) and (data[:2] == '\xfe\xff') \
+               and (data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+            encoding = 'utf-16be'
+            data = data[2:]
+        elif (len(data) >= 4) and (data[:2] == '\xff\xfe') \
+                 and (data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+            encoding = 'utf-16le'
+            data = data[2:]
+        elif data[:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf':
+            encoding = 'utf-8'
+            data = data[3:]
+        elif data[:4] == '\x00\x00\xfe\xff':
+            encoding = 'utf-32be'
+            data = data[4:]
+        elif data[:4] == '\xff\xfe\x00\x00':
+            encoding = 'utf-32le'
+            data = data[4:]
+        newdata = unicode(data, encoding)
+        return newdata
+    def _detectEncoding(self, xml_data):
+        """Given a document, tries to detect its XML encoding."""
+        xml_encoding = sniffed_xml_encoding = None
+        try:
+            if xml_data[:4] == '\x4c\x6f\xa7\x94':
+                # EBCDIC
+                xml_data = self._ebcdic_to_ascii(xml_data)
+            elif xml_data[:4] == '\x00\x3c\x00\x3f':
+                # UTF-16BE
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16be'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-16be').encode('utf-8')
+            elif (len(xml_data) >= 4) and (xml_data[:2] == '\xfe\xff') \
+                     and (xml_data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+                # UTF-16BE with BOM
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16be'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data[2:], 'utf-16be').encode('utf-8')
+            elif xml_data[:4] == '\x3c\x00\x3f\x00':
+                # UTF-16LE
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16le'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
+            elif (len(xml_data) >= 4) and (xml_data[:2] == '\xff\xfe') and \
+                     (xml_data[2:4] != '\x00\x00'):
+                # UTF-16LE with BOM
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-16le'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data[2:], 'utf-16le').encode('utf-8')
+            elif xml_data[:4] == '\x00\x00\x00\x3c':
+                # UTF-32BE
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32be'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-32be').encode('utf-8')
+            elif xml_data[:4] == '\x3c\x00\x00\x00':
+                # UTF-32LE
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32le'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data, 'utf-32le').encode('utf-8')
+            elif xml_data[:4] == '\x00\x00\xfe\xff':
+                # UTF-32BE with BOM
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32be'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data[4:], 'utf-32be').encode('utf-8')
+            elif xml_data[:4] == '\xff\xfe\x00\x00':
+                # UTF-32LE with BOM
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-32le'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data[4:], 'utf-32le').encode('utf-8')
+            elif xml_data[:3] == '\xef\xbb\xbf':
+                # UTF-8 with BOM
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'utf-8'
+                xml_data = unicode(xml_data[3:], 'utf-8').encode('utf-8')
+            else:
+                sniffed_xml_encoding = 'ascii'
+                pass
+            xml_encoding_match = re.compile \
+                                 ('^<\?.*encoding=[\'"](.*?)[\'"].*\?>')\
+                                 .match(xml_data)
+        except:
+            xml_encoding_match = None
+        if xml_encoding_match:
+            xml_encoding = xml_encoding_match.groups()[0].lower()
+            if sniffed_xml_encoding and \
+               (xml_encoding in ('iso-10646-ucs-2', 'ucs-2', 'csunicode',
+                                 'iso-10646-ucs-4', 'ucs-4', 'csucs4',
+                                 'utf-16', 'utf-32', 'utf_16', 'utf_32',
+                                 'utf16', 'u16')):
+                xml_encoding = sniffed_xml_encoding
+        return xml_data, xml_encoding, sniffed_xml_encoding
+    def find_codec(self, charset):
+        return self._codec(self.CHARSET_ALIASES.get(charset, charset)) \
+               or (charset and self._codec(charset.replace("-", ""))) \
+               or (charset and self._codec(charset.replace("-", "_"))) \
+               or charset
+    def _codec(self, charset):
+        if not charset: return charset
+        codec = None
+        try:
+            codecs.lookup(charset)
+            codec = charset
+        except (LookupError, ValueError):
+            pass
+        return codec
+    def _ebcdic_to_ascii(self, s):
+        c = self.__class__
+        if not c.EBCDIC_TO_ASCII_MAP:
+            emap = (0,1,2,3,156,9,134,127,151,141,142,11,12,13,14,15,
+                    16,17,18,19,157,133,8,135,24,25,146,143,28,29,30,31,
+                    128,129,130,131,132,10,23,27,136,137,138,139,140,5,6,7,
+                    144,145,22,147,148,149,150,4,152,153,154,155,20,21,158,26,
+                    32,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,91,46,60,40,43,33,
+                    38,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,93,36,42,41,59,94,
+                    45,47,178,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,124,44,37,95,62,63,
+                    186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,96,58,35,64,39,61,34,
+                    195,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,196,197,198,199,200,
+                    201,202,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,203,204,205,
+                    206,207,208,209,126,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,210,
+                    211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,
+                    225,226,227,228,229,230,231,123,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,
+                    73,232,233,234,235,236,237,125,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,
+                    82,238,239,240,241,242,243,92,159,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,
+                    90,244,245,246,247,248,249,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,
+                    250,251,252,253,254,255)
+            import string
+            c.EBCDIC_TO_ASCII_MAP = string.maketrans( \
+            ''.join(map(chr, range(256))), ''.join(map(chr, emap)))
+        return s.translate(c.EBCDIC_TO_ASCII_MAP)
+    MS_CHARS = { '\x80' : ('euro', '20AC'),
+                 '\x81' : ' ',
+                 '\x82' : ('sbquo', '201A'),
+                 '\x83' : ('fnof', '192'),
+                 '\x84' : ('bdquo', '201E'),
+                 '\x85' : ('hellip', '2026'),
+                 '\x86' : ('dagger', '2020'),
+                 '\x87' : ('Dagger', '2021'),
+                 '\x88' : ('circ', '2C6'),
+                 '\x89' : ('permil', '2030'),
+                 '\x8A' : ('Scaron', '160'),
+                 '\x8B' : ('lsaquo', '2039'),
+                 '\x8C' : ('OElig', '152'),
+                 '\x8D' : '?',
+                 '\x8E' : ('#x17D', '17D'),
+                 '\x8F' : '?',
+                 '\x90' : '?',
+                 '\x91' : ('lsquo', '2018'),
+                 '\x92' : ('rsquo', '2019'),
+                 '\x93' : ('ldquo', '201C'),
+                 '\x94' : ('rdquo', '201D'),
+                 '\x95' : ('bull', '2022'),
+                 '\x96' : ('ndash', '2013'),
+                 '\x97' : ('mdash', '2014'),
+                 '\x98' : ('tilde', '2DC'),
+                 '\x99' : ('trade', '2122'),
+                 '\x9a' : ('scaron', '161'),
+                 '\x9b' : ('rsaquo', '203A'),
+                 '\x9c' : ('oelig', '153'),
+                 '\x9d' : '?',
+                 '\x9e' : ('#x17E', '17E'),
+                 '\x9f' : ('Yuml', ''),}
+#By default, act as an HTML pretty-printer.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import sys
+    soup = BeautifulSoup(sys.stdin.read())
+    print soup.prettify()

Added: torflow/branches/gsoc2008/tools/SocksiPy/socks.py
--- torflow/branches/gsoc2008/tools/SocksiPy/socks.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torflow/branches/gsoc2008/tools/SocksiPy/socks.py	2008-05-11 10:27:34 UTC (rev 14583)
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+"""SocksiPy - Python SOCKS module.
+Version 1.00
+Copyright 2006 Dan-Haim. All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+3. Neither the name of Dan Haim nor the names of his contributors may be used
+   to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
+   prior written permission.
+This module provides a standard socket-like interface for Python
+for tunneling connections through SOCKS proxies.
+import socket
+import struct
+_defaultproxy = None
+_orgsocket = socket.socket
+class ProxyError(Exception):
+	def __init__(self, value):
+		self.value = value
+	def __str__(self):
+		return repr(self.value)
+class GeneralProxyError(ProxyError):
+	def __init__(self, value):
+		self.value = value
+	def __str__(self):
+		return repr(self.value)
+class Socks5AuthError(ProxyError):
+	def __init__(self, value):
+		self.value = value
+	def __str__(self):
+		return repr(self.value)
+class Socks5Error(ProxyError):
+	def __init__(self, value):
+		self.value = value
+	def __str__(self):
+		return repr(self.value)
+class Socks4Error(ProxyError):
+	def __init__(self, value):
+		self.value = value
+	def __str__(self):
+		return repr(self.value)
+class HTTPError(ProxyError):
+	def __init__(self, value):
+		self.value = value
+	def __str__(self):
+		return repr(self.value)
+_generalerrors = ("success",
+		   "invalid data",
+		   "not connected",
+		   "not available",
+		   "bad proxy type",
+		   "bad input")
+_socks5errors = ("succeeded",
+		  "general SOCKS server failure",
+		  "connection not allowed by ruleset",
+		  "Network unreachable",
+		  "Host unreachable",
+		  "Connection refused",
+		  "TTL expired",
+		  "Command not supported",
+		  "Address type not supported",
+		  "Unknown error")
+_socks5autherrors = ("succeeded",
+		      "authentication is required",
+		      "all offered authentication methods were rejected",
+		      "unknown username or invalid password",
+		      "unknown error")
+_socks4errors = ("request granted",
+		  "request rejected or failed",
+		  "request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client",
+		  "request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids",
+		  "unknown error")
+def setdefaultproxy(proxytype=None,addr=None,port=None,rdns=True,username=None,password=None):
+	"""setdefaultproxy(proxytype, addr[, port[, rdns[, username[, password]]]])
+	Sets a default proxy which all further socksocket objects will use,
+	unless explicitly changed.
+	"""
+	global _defaultproxy
+	_defaultproxy = (proxytype,addr,port,rdns,username,password)
+class socksocket(socket.socket):
+	"""socksocket([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> socket object
+	Open a SOCKS enabled socket. The parameters are the same as
+	those of the standard socket init. In order for SOCKS to work,
+	you must specify family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM and proto=0.
+	"""
+	def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, _sock=None):
+		_orgsocket.__init__(self,family,type,proto,_sock)
+		if _defaultproxy != None:
+			self.__proxy = _defaultproxy
+		else:
+			self.__proxy = (None, None, None, None, None, None)
+		self.__proxysockname = None
+		self.__proxypeername = None
+	def __recvall(self, bytes):
+		"""__recvall(bytes) -> data
+		Receive EXACTLY the number of bytes requested from the socket.
+		Blocks until the required number of bytes have been received.
+		"""
+		data = ""
+		while len(data) < bytes:
+			data = data + self.recv(bytes-len(data))
+		return data
+	def setproxy(self,proxytype=None,addr=None,port=None,rdns=True,username=None,password=None):
+		"""setproxy(proxytype, addr[, port[, rdns[, username[, password]]]])
+		Sets the proxy to be used.
+		proxytype -	The type of the proxy to be used. Three types
+				are supported: PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 (including socks4a),
+		addr -		The address of the server (IP or DNS).
+		port -		The port of the server. Defaults to 1080 for SOCKS
+				servers and 8080 for HTTP proxy servers.
+		rdns -		Should DNS queries be preformed on the remote side
+				(rather than the local side). The default is True.
+				Note: This has no effect with SOCKS4 servers.
+		username -	Username to authenticate with to the server.
+				The default is no authentication.
+		password -	Password to authenticate with to the server.
+				Only relevant when username is also provided.
+		"""
+		self.__proxy = (proxytype,addr,port,rdns,username,password)
+	def __negotiatesocks5(self,destaddr,destport):
+		"""__negotiatesocks5(self,destaddr,destport)
+		Negotiates a connection through a SOCKS5 server.
+		"""
+		# First we'll send the authentication packages we support.
+		if (self.__proxy[4]!=None) and (self.__proxy[5]!=None):
+			# The username/password details were supplied to the
+			# setproxy method so we support the USERNAME/PASSWORD
+			# authentication (in addition to the standard none).
+			self.sendall("\x05\x02\x00\x02")
+		else:
+			# No username/password were entered, therefore we
+			# only support connections with no authentication.
+			self.sendall("\x05\x01\x00")
+		# We'll receive the server's response to determine which
+		# method was selected
+		chosenauth = self.__recvall(2)
+		if chosenauth[0] != "\x05":
+			self.close()
+			raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		# Check the chosen authentication method
+		if chosenauth[1] == "\x00":
+			# No authentication is required
+			pass
+		elif chosenauth[1] == "\x02":
+			# Okay, we need to perform a basic username/password
+			# authentication.
+			self.sendall("\x01" + chr(len(self.__proxy[4])) + self.__proxy[4] + chr(len(self.proxy[5])) + self.__proxy[5])
+			authstat = self.__recvall(2)
+			if authstat[0] != "\x01":
+				# Bad response
+				self.close()
+				raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+			if authstat[1] != "\x00":
+				# Authentication failed
+				self.close()
+				raise Socks5AuthError,((3,_socks5autherrors[3]))
+			# Authentication succeeded
+		else:
+			# Reaching here is always bad
+			self.close()
+			if chosenauth[1] == "\xFF":
+				raise Socks5AuthError((2,_socks5autherrors[2]))
+			else:
+				raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		# Now we can request the actual connection
+		req = "\x05\x01\x00"
+		# If the given destination address is an IP address, we'll
+		# use the IPv4 address request even if remote resolving was specified.
+		try:
+			ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(destaddr)
+			req = req + "\x01" + ipaddr
+		except socket.error:
+			# Well it's not an IP number,  so it's probably a DNS name.
+			if self.__proxy[3]==True:
+				# Resolve remotely
+				ipaddr = None
+				req = req + "\x03" + chr(len(destaddr)) + destaddr
+			else:
+				# Resolve locally
+				ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(destaddr))
+				req = req + "\x01" + ipaddr
+		req = req + struct.pack(">H",destport)
+		self.sendall(req)
+		# Get the response
+		resp = self.__recvall(4)
+		if resp[0] != "\x05":
+			self.close()
+			raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		elif resp[1] != "\x00":
+			# Connection failed
+			self.close()
+			if ord(resp[1])<=8:
+				raise Socks5Error(ord(resp[1]),_generalerrors[ord(resp[1])])
+			else:
+				raise Socks5Error(9,_generalerrors[9])
+		# Get the bound address/port
+		elif resp[3] == "\x01":
+			boundaddr = self.__recvall(4)
+		elif resp[3] == "\x03":
+			resp = resp + self.recv(1)
+			boundaddr = self.__recvall(resp[4])
+		else:
+			self.close()
+			raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		boundport = struct.unpack(">H",self.__recvall(2))[0]
+		self.__proxysockname = (boundaddr,boundport)
+		if ipaddr != None:
+			self.__proxypeername = (socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddr),destport)
+		else:
+			self.__proxypeername = (destaddr,destport)
+	def getproxysockname(self):
+		"""getsockname() -> address info
+		Returns the bound IP address and port number at the proxy.
+		"""
+		return self.__proxysockname
+	def getproxypeername(self):
+		"""getproxypeername() -> address info
+		Returns the IP and port number of the proxy.
+		"""
+		return _orgsocket.getpeername(self)
+	def getpeername(self):
+		"""getpeername() -> address info
+		Returns the IP address and port number of the destination
+		machine (note: getproxypeername returns the proxy)
+		"""
+		return self.__proxypeername
+	def __negotiatesocks4(self,destaddr,destport):
+		"""__negotiatesocks4(self,destaddr,destport)
+		Negotiates a connection through a SOCKS4 server.
+		"""
+		# Check if the destination address provided is an IP address
+		rmtrslv = False
+		try:
+			ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(destaddr)
+		except socket.error:
+			# It's a DNS name. Check where it should be resolved.
+			if self.__proxy[3]==True:
+				ipaddr = "\x00\x00\x00\x01"
+				rmtrslv = True
+			else:
+				ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(destaddr))
+		# Construct the request packet
+		req = "\x04\x01" + struct.pack(">H",destport) + ipaddr
+		# The username parameter is considered userid for SOCKS4
+		if self.__proxy[4] != None:
+			req = req + self.__proxy[4]
+		req = req + "\x00"
+		# DNS name if remote resolving is required
+		# NOTE: This is actually an extension to the SOCKS4 protocol
+		# called SOCKS4A and may not be supported in all cases.
+		if rmtrslv==True:
+			req = req + destaddr + "\x00"
+		self.sendall(req)
+		# Get the response from the server
+		resp = self.__recvall(8)
+		if resp[0] != "\x00":
+			# Bad data
+			self.close()
+			raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		if resp[1] != "\x5A":
+			# Server returned an error
+			self.close()
+			if ord(resp[1]) in (91,92,93):
+				self.close()
+				raise Socks4Error((ord(resp[1]),_socks4errors[ord(resp[1])-90]))
+			else:
+				raise Socks4Error((94,_socks4errors[4]))
+		# Get the bound address/port
+		self.__proxysockname = (socket.inet_ntoa(resp[4:]),struct.unpack(">H",resp[2:4])[0])
+		if rmtrslv != None:
+			self.__proxypeername = (socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddr),destport)
+		else:
+			self.__proxypeername = (destaddr,destport)
+	def __negotiatehttp(self,destaddr,destport):
+		"""__negotiatehttp(self,destaddr,destport)
+		Negotiates a connection through an HTTP server.
+		"""
+		# If we need to resolve locally, we do this now
+		if self.__proxy[3] == False:
+			addr = socket.gethostbyname(destaddr)
+		else:
+			addr = destaddr
+		self.sendall("CONNECT " + addr + ":" + str(destport) + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + destaddr + "\r\n\r\n")
+		# We read the response until we get the string "\r\n\r\n"
+		resp = self.recv(1)
+		while resp.find("\r\n\r\n")==-1:
+			resp = resp + self.recv(1)
+		# We just need the first line to check if the connection
+		# was successful
+		statusline = resp.splitlines()[0].split(" ",2)
+		if statusline[0] not in ("HTTP/1.0","HTTP/1.1"):
+			self.close()
+			raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		try:
+			statuscode = int(statusline[1])
+		except ValueError:
+			self.close()
+			raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
+		if statuscode != 200:
+			self.close()
+			raise HTTPError((statuscode,statusline[2]))
+		self.__proxysockname = ("",0)
+		self.__proxypeername = (addr,destport)
+	def connect(self,destpair):
+		"""connect(self,despair)
+		Connects to the specified destination through a proxy.
+		destpar - A tuple of the IP/DNS address and the port number.
+		(identical to socket's connect).
+		To select the proxy server use setproxy().
+		"""
+		# Do a minimal input check first
+		if (type(destpair) in (list,tuple)==False) or (len(destpair)<2) or (type(destpair[0])!=str) or (type(destpair[1])!=int):
+			raise GeneralProxyError((5,_generalerrors[5]))
+		if self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5:
+			if self.__proxy[2] != None:
+				portnum = self.__proxy[2]
+			else:
+				portnum = 1080
+			_orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1],portnum))
+			self.__negotiatesocks5(destpair[0],destpair[1])
+		elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4:
+			if self.__proxy[2] != None:
+				portnum = self.__proxy[2]
+			else:
+				portnum = 1080
+			_orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1],portnum))
+			self.__negotiatesocks4(destpair[0],destpair[1])
+		elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_HTTP:
+			if self.__proxy[2] != None:
+				portnum = self.__proxy[2]
+			else:
+				portnum = 8080
+			_orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1],portnum))
+			self.__negotiatehttp(destpair[0],destpair[1])
+		elif self.__proxy[0] == None:
+			_orgsocket.connect(self,(destpair[0],destpair[1]))
+		else:
+			raise GeneralProxyError((4,_generalerrors[4]))