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[tor-commits] [collector/master] Reorder attributes and methods in relaysdescs classes.
commit 6d228544da5116cd4be713a593147b894d1b097e
Author: Karsten Loesing <karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed May 18 08:42:39 2016 +0200
Reorder attributes and methods in relaysdescs classes.
Attributes go first, followed by constructors, high-level methods, and
then lower-level methods.
.../collector/relaydescs/ArchiveReader.java | 7 +-
.../collector/relaydescs/ArchiveWriter.java | 982 ++++++++++-----------
.../collector/relaydescs/ReferenceChecker.java | 59 +-
3 files changed, 524 insertions(+), 524 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveReader.java b/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveReader.java
index 96409f4..72f8231 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveReader.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveReader.java
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
* them to the relay descriptor parser.
public class ArchiveReader {
+ private Map<String, Set<String>> microdescriptorValidAfterTimes =
+ new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
public ArchiveReader(RelayDescriptorParser rdp, File archivesDirectory,
File statsDirectory, boolean keepImportHistory) {
@@ -266,9 +270,6 @@ public class ArchiveReader {
+ ignoredFiles + " files.");
- private Map<String, Set<String>> microdescriptorValidAfterTimes =
- new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
public void haveParsedMicrodescConsensus(String validAfterTime,
SortedSet<String> microdescriptorDigests) {
for (String microdescriptor : microdescriptorDigests) {
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveWriter.java b/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveWriter.java
index ee87b12..cf603d1 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveWriter.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ArchiveWriter.java
@@ -36,41 +36,8 @@ import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class ArchiveWriter extends Thread {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArchiveWriter.class.getName());
- logger.info("Starting relay-descriptors module of CollecTor.");
- // Initialize configuration
- Configuration config = new Configuration();
- // Use lock file to avoid overlapping runs
- LockFile lf = new LockFile("relay-descriptors");
- if (!lf.acquireLock()) {
- logger.severe("Warning: CollecTor is already running or has not exited "
- + "cleanly! Exiting!");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- // Import/download relay descriptors from the various sources
- new ArchiveWriter(config).run();
- new ReferenceChecker(new File("recent/relay-descriptors"),
- new File("stats/references"),
- new File("stats/references-history")).check();
- // Remove lock file
- lf.releaseLock();
- logger.info("Terminating relay-descriptors module of CollecTor.");
- }
private Configuration config;
- public ArchiveWriter(Configuration config) {
- this.config = config;
- }
private long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
private Logger logger;
private File outputDirectory;
@@ -107,6 +74,131 @@ public class ArchiveWriter extends Thread {
private File storedMicrodescriptorsFile = new File(
+ private static final byte[] CONSENSUS_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type network-status-consensus-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private static final byte[] MICRODESCCONSENSUS_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type network-status-microdesc-consensus-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private static final byte[] VOTE_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type network-status-vote-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private static final byte[] CERTIFICATE_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type dir-key-certificate-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private static final byte[] SERVER_DESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type server-descriptor 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private static final byte[] EXTRA_INFO_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type extra-info 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private static final byte[] MICRODESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION =
+ "@type microdescriptor 1.0\n".getBytes();
+ private StringBuilder intermediateStats = new StringBuilder();
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ArchiveWriter.class.getName());
+ logger.info("Starting relay-descriptors module of CollecTor.");
+ // Initialize configuration
+ Configuration config = new Configuration();
+ // Use lock file to avoid overlapping runs
+ LockFile lf = new LockFile("relay-descriptors");
+ if (!lf.acquireLock()) {
+ logger.severe("Warning: CollecTor is already running or has not exited "
+ + "cleanly! Exiting!");
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ // Import/download relay descriptors from the various sources
+ new ArchiveWriter(config).run();
+ new ReferenceChecker(new File("recent/relay-descriptors"),
+ new File("stats/references"),
+ new File("stats/references-history")).check();
+ // Remove lock file
+ lf.releaseLock();
+ logger.info("Terminating relay-descriptors module of CollecTor.");
+ }
+ public ArchiveWriter(Configuration config) {
+ this.config = config;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ File outputDirectory =
+ new File(config.getDirectoryArchivesOutputDirectory());
+ File statsDirectory = new File("stats");
+ this.logger = Logger.getLogger(ArchiveWriter.class.getName());
+ this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
+ SimpleDateFormat rsyncCatFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
+ rsyncCatFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ this.rsyncCatString = rsyncCatFormat.format(
+ System.currentTimeMillis());
+ this.descriptorParser =
+ DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorParser();
+ this.loadDescriptorDigests();
+ // Prepare relay descriptor parser
+ RelayDescriptorParser rdp = new RelayDescriptorParser(this);
+ RelayDescriptorDownloader rdd = null;
+ if (config.getDownloadRelayDescriptors()) {
+ List<String> dirSources =
+ config.getDownloadFromDirectoryAuthorities();
+ rdd = new RelayDescriptorDownloader(rdp, dirSources,
+ config.getDownloadVotesByFingerprint(),
+ config.getDownloadCurrentConsensus(),
+ config.getDownloadCurrentMicrodescConsensus(),
+ config.getDownloadCurrentVotes(),
+ config.getDownloadMissingServerDescriptors(),
+ config.getDownloadMissingExtraInfoDescriptors(),
+ config.getDownloadMissingMicrodescriptors(),
+ config.getDownloadAllServerDescriptors(),
+ config.getDownloadAllExtraInfoDescriptors(),
+ config.getCompressRelayDescriptorDownloads());
+ rdp.setRelayDescriptorDownloader(rdd);
+ }
+ if (config.getImportCachedRelayDescriptors()) {
+ new CachedRelayDescriptorReader(rdp,
+ config.getCachedRelayDescriptorDirectory(), statsDirectory);
+ this.intermediateStats("importing relay descriptors from local "
+ + "Tor data directories");
+ }
+ if (config.getImportDirectoryArchives()) {
+ new ArchiveReader(rdp,
+ new File(config.getDirectoryArchivesDirectory()),
+ statsDirectory,
+ config.getKeepDirectoryArchiveImportHistory());
+ this.intermediateStats("importing relay descriptors from local "
+ + "directory");
+ }
+ if (rdd != null) {
+ rdd.downloadDescriptors();
+ rdd.writeFile();
+ rdd = null;
+ this.intermediateStats("downloading relay descriptors from the "
+ + "directory authorities");
+ }
+ this.checkMissingDescriptors();
+ this.checkStaledescriptors();
+ this.cleanUpRsyncDirectory();
+ this.saveDescriptorDigests();
+ }
private void loadDescriptorDigests() {
SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
@@ -206,382 +298,23 @@ public class ArchiveWriter extends Thread {
- private void saveDescriptorDigests() {
- SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- try {
- this.storedServerDescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.storedServerDescriptorsFile));
- for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, String>> e :
- this.storedServerDescriptors.entrySet()) {
- String published = dateTimeFormat.format(e.getKey());
- for (Map.Entry<String, String> f : e.getValue().entrySet()) {
- String serverDescriptorDigest = f.getKey();
- String extraInfoDescriptorDigest = f.getValue() == null ? "NA"
- : f.getValue();
- bw.write(String.format("%s,%s,%s%n", published,
- serverDescriptorDigest, extraInfoDescriptorDigest));
- }
- }
- bw.close();
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsFile));
- for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<String>> e :
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.entrySet()) {
- String published = dateTimeFormat.format(e.getKey());
- for (String extraInfoDescriptorDigest : e.getValue()) {
- bw.write(String.format("%s,%s%n", published,
- extraInfoDescriptorDigest));
- }
- }
- bw.close();
- this.storedMicrodescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
- this.storedMicrodescriptorsFile));
- for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<String>> e :
- this.storedMicrodescriptors.entrySet()) {
- String validAfter = dateTimeFormat.format(e.getKey());
- for (String microdescriptorDigest : e.getValue()) {
- bw.write(String.format("%s,%s%n", validAfter,
- microdescriptorDigest));
- }
- }
- bw.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not save descriptor "
- + "digests. We might not be able to correctly check "
- + "descriptors for completeness in the next run.", e);
- }
- }
- public void run() {
- File outputDirectory =
- new File(config.getDirectoryArchivesOutputDirectory());
- File statsDirectory = new File("stats");
- this.logger = Logger.getLogger(ArchiveWriter.class.getName());
- this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
- SimpleDateFormat rsyncCatFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
- rsyncCatFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- this.rsyncCatString = rsyncCatFormat.format(
- System.currentTimeMillis());
- this.descriptorParser =
- DescriptorSourceFactory.createDescriptorParser();
- this.loadDescriptorDigests();
- // Prepare relay descriptor parser
- RelayDescriptorParser rdp = new RelayDescriptorParser(this);
- RelayDescriptorDownloader rdd = null;
- if (config.getDownloadRelayDescriptors()) {
- List<String> dirSources =
- config.getDownloadFromDirectoryAuthorities();
- rdd = new RelayDescriptorDownloader(rdp, dirSources,
- config.getDownloadVotesByFingerprint(),
- config.getDownloadCurrentConsensus(),
- config.getDownloadCurrentMicrodescConsensus(),
- config.getDownloadCurrentVotes(),
- config.getDownloadMissingServerDescriptors(),
- config.getDownloadMissingExtraInfoDescriptors(),
- config.getDownloadMissingMicrodescriptors(),
- config.getDownloadAllServerDescriptors(),
- config.getDownloadAllExtraInfoDescriptors(),
- config.getCompressRelayDescriptorDownloads());
- rdp.setRelayDescriptorDownloader(rdd);
- }
- if (config.getImportCachedRelayDescriptors()) {
- new CachedRelayDescriptorReader(rdp,
- config.getCachedRelayDescriptorDirectory(), statsDirectory);
- this.intermediateStats("importing relay descriptors from local "
- + "Tor data directories");
- }
- if (config.getImportDirectoryArchives()) {
- new ArchiveReader(rdp,
- new File(config.getDirectoryArchivesDirectory()),
- statsDirectory,
- config.getKeepDirectoryArchiveImportHistory());
- this.intermediateStats("importing relay descriptors from local "
- + "directory");
- }
- if (rdd != null) {
- rdd.downloadDescriptors();
- rdd.writeFile();
- rdd = null;
- this.intermediateStats("downloading relay descriptors from the "
- + "directory authorities");
- }
- this.checkMissingDescriptors();
- this.checkStaledescriptors();
- this.cleanUpRsyncDirectory();
- this.saveDescriptorDigests();
- }
- private boolean store(byte[] typeAnnotation, byte[] data,
- File[] outputFiles, boolean[] append) {
- try {
- this.logger.finer("Storing " + outputFiles[0]);
- if (this.descriptorParser.parseDescriptors(data,
- outputFiles[0].getName()).size() != 1) {
- this.logger.info("Relay descriptor file " + outputFiles[0]
- + " doesn't contain exactly one descriptor. Not storing.");
- return false;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < outputFiles.length; i++) {
- File outputFile = outputFiles[i];
- boolean appendToFile = append == null ? false : append[i];
- outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
- BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
- new FileOutputStream(outputFile, appendToFile));
- if (data.length > 0 && data[0] != '@') {
- bos.write(typeAnnotation, 0, typeAnnotation.length);
- }
- bos.write(data, 0, data.length);
- bos.close();
- }
- return true;
- } catch (DescriptorParseException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not parse relay descriptor "
- + outputFiles[0] + " before storing it to disk. Skipping.", e);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not store relay descriptor "
- + outputFiles[0], e);
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static final byte[] CONSENSUS_ANNOTATION =
- "@type network-status-consensus-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeConsensus(byte[] data, long validAfter,
- SortedSet<String> dirSources,
- SortedSet<String> serverDescriptorDigests) {
- SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy/MM/dd/yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
- printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/consensus/"
- + printFormat.format(new Date(validAfter)) + "-consensus");
- boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
- File rsyncFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/consensuses/"
- + tarballFile.getName());
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile };
- if (this.store(CONSENSUS_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, null)) {
- this.storedConsensusesCounter++;
- }
- if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
- && this.now - validAfter < 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
- this.storedConsensuses.put(validAfter, serverDescriptorDigests);
- this.expectedVotes.put(validAfter, dirSources.size());
- }
- }
- private static final byte[] MICRODESCCONSENSUS_ANNOTATION =
- "@type network-status-microdesc-consensus-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeMicrodescConsensus(byte[] data, long validAfter,
- SortedSet<String> microdescriptorDigests) {
- SimpleDateFormat yearMonthDirectoryFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy/MM");
- yearMonthDirectoryFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- SimpleDateFormat dayDirectoryFileFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "dd/yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
- dayDirectoryFileFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory
- + "/microdesc/" + yearMonthDirectoryFormat.format(validAfter)
- + "/consensus-microdesc/"
- + dayDirectoryFileFormat.format(validAfter)
- + "-consensus-microdesc");
- boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
- File rsyncFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/microdescs/"
- + "consensus-microdesc/" + tarballFile.getName());
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile };
- if (this.store(MICRODESCCONSENSUS_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles,
- null)) {
- this.storedMicrodescConsensusesCounter++;
- }
- if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
- && this.now - validAfter < 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
- this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.put(validAfter,
- microdescriptorDigests);
- }
- }
- private static final byte[] VOTE_ANNOTATION =
- "@type network-status-vote-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeVote(byte[] data, long validAfter,
- String fingerprint, String digest,
- SortedSet<String> serverDescriptorDigests) {
- SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy/MM/dd/yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
- printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/vote/"
- + printFormat.format(new Date(validAfter)) + "-vote-"
- + fingerprint + "-" + digest);
- boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
- File rsyncFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/votes/"
- + tarballFile.getName());
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile };
- if (this.store(VOTE_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, null)) {
- this.storedVotesCounter++;
- }
- if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
- && this.now - validAfter < 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
- if (!this.storedVotes.containsKey(validAfter)) {
- this.storedVotes.put(validAfter,
- new TreeMap<String, SortedSet<String>>());
- }
- this.storedVotes.get(validAfter).put(fingerprint,
- serverDescriptorDigests);
- }
- }
- private static final byte[] CERTIFICATE_ANNOTATION =
- "@type dir-key-certificate-3 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeCertificate(byte[] data, String fingerprint,
- long published) {
- SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
- printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/certs/"
- + fingerprint + "-" + printFormat.format(new Date(published)));
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile };
- if (this.store(CERTIFICATE_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, null)) {
- this.storedCertsCounter++;
- }
- }
- private static final byte[] SERVER_DESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION =
- "@type server-descriptor 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeServerDescriptor(byte[] data, String digest,
- long published, String extraInfoDigest) {
- SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/");
- printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory
- + "/server-descriptor/" + printFormat.format(new Date(published))
- + digest.substring(0, 1) + "/" + digest.substring(1, 2) + "/"
- + digest);
- boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
- File rsyncCatFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/"
- + "server-descriptors/" + this.rsyncCatString
- + "-server-descriptors.tmp");
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile };
- boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true };
- if (this.store(SERVER_DESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles,
- append)) {
- this.storedServerDescriptorsCounter++;
- }
- if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
- && this.now - published < 48L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
- if (!this.storedServerDescriptors.containsKey(published)) {
- this.storedServerDescriptors.put(published,
- new HashMap<String, String>());
- }
- this.storedServerDescriptors.get(published).put(digest,
- extraInfoDigest);
- }
- }
- private static final byte[] EXTRA_INFO_ANNOTATION =
- "@type extra-info 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeExtraInfoDescriptor(byte[] data,
- String extraInfoDigest, long published) {
- SimpleDateFormat descriptorFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/");
- descriptorFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/extra-info/"
- + descriptorFormat.format(new Date(published))
- + extraInfoDigest.substring(0, 1) + "/"
- + extraInfoDigest.substring(1, 2) + "/"
- + extraInfoDigest);
- boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
- File rsyncCatFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/"
- + "extra-infos/" + this.rsyncCatString + "-extra-infos.tmp");
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile };
- boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true };
- if (this.store(EXTRA_INFO_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, append)) {
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsCounter++;
- }
- if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
- && this.now - published < 48L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
- if (!this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.containsKey(published)) {
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.put(published,
- new HashSet<String>());
- }
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.get(published).add(extraInfoDigest);
- }
- }
- private static final byte[] MICRODESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION =
- "@type microdescriptor 1.0\n".getBytes();
- public void storeMicrodescriptor(byte[] data,
- String microdescriptorDigest, long validAfter) {
- /* TODO We could check here whether we already stored the
- * microdescriptor in the same valid-after month. This can happen,
- * e.g., when two relays share the same microdescriptor. In that case
- * this method gets called twice and the second call overwrites the
- * file written in the first call. However, this method must be
- * called twice to store the same microdescriptor in two different
- * valid-after months. */
- SimpleDateFormat descriptorFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/");
- descriptorFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/microdesc/"
- + descriptorFormat.format(validAfter) + "micro/"
- + microdescriptorDigest.substring(0, 1) + "/"
- + microdescriptorDigest.substring(1, 2) + "/"
- + microdescriptorDigest);
- boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
- File rsyncCatFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/"
- + "microdescs/micro/" + this.rsyncCatString
- + "-micro.tmp");
- File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile };
- boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true };
- if (this.store(MICRODESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles,
- append)) {
- this.storedMicrodescriptorsCounter++;
- }
- if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
- && this.now - validAfter < 40L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
- if (!this.storedMicrodescriptors.containsKey(validAfter)) {
- this.storedMicrodescriptors.put(validAfter,
- new HashSet<String>());
- }
- this.storedMicrodescriptors.get(validAfter).add(
- microdescriptorDigest);
- }
- }
- private StringBuilder intermediateStats = new StringBuilder();
- public void intermediateStats(String event) {
- intermediateStats.append("While " + event + ", we stored "
- + this.storedConsensusesCounter + " consensus(es), "
- + this.storedMicrodescConsensusesCounter + " microdesc "
- + "consensus(es), " + this.storedVotesCounter + " vote(s), "
- + this.storedCertsCounter + " certificate(s), "
- + this.storedServerDescriptorsCounter + " server descriptor(s), "
- + this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsCounter + " extra-info "
- + "descriptor(s), and " + this.storedMicrodescriptorsCounter
- + " microdescriptor(s) to disk.\n");
- this.storedConsensusesCounter = 0;
- this.storedMicrodescConsensusesCounter = 0;
- this.storedVotesCounter = 0;
- this.storedCertsCounter = 0;
- this.storedServerDescriptorsCounter = 0;
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsCounter = 0;
- this.storedMicrodescriptorsCounter = 0;
+ public void intermediateStats(String event) {
+ intermediateStats.append("While " + event + ", we stored "
+ + this.storedConsensusesCounter + " consensus(es), "
+ + this.storedMicrodescConsensusesCounter + " microdesc "
+ + "consensus(es), " + this.storedVotesCounter + " vote(s), "
+ + this.storedCertsCounter + " certificate(s), "
+ + this.storedServerDescriptorsCounter + " server descriptor(s), "
+ + this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsCounter + " extra-info "
+ + "descriptor(s), and " + this.storedMicrodescriptorsCounter
+ + " microdescriptor(s) to disk.\n");
+ this.storedConsensusesCounter = 0;
+ this.storedMicrodescConsensusesCounter = 0;
+ this.storedVotesCounter = 0;
+ this.storedCertsCounter = 0;
+ this.storedServerDescriptorsCounter = 0;
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsCounter = 0;
+ this.storedMicrodescriptorsCounter = 0;
private void checkMissingDescriptors() {
@@ -743,103 +476,370 @@ public class ArchiveWriter extends Thread {
missingVotes = true;
- this.logger.info(sb.toString());
- if (missingDescriptors) {
- this.logger.fine("We are missing at least 0.5% of server or "
- + "extra-info descriptors referenced from a consensus or "
- + "vote or at least 0.5% of microdescriptors referenced from a "
- + "microdesc consensus.");
+ this.logger.info(sb.toString());
+ if (missingDescriptors) {
+ this.logger.fine("We are missing at least 0.5% of server or "
+ + "extra-info descriptors referenced from a consensus or "
+ + "vote or at least 0.5% of microdescriptors referenced from a "
+ + "microdesc consensus.");
+ }
+ if (missingVotes) {
+ /* TODO Shouldn't warn if we're not trying to archive votes at
+ * all. */
+ this.logger.fine("We are missing at least one vote that was "
+ + "referenced from a consensus.");
+ }
+ if (missingMicrodescConsensus) {
+ /* TODO Shouldn't warn if we're not trying to archive microdesc
+ * consensuses at all. */
+ this.logger.fine("We are missing at least one microdesc "
+ + "consensus that was published together with a known "
+ + "consensus.");
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkStaledescriptors() {
+ SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ long tooOldMillis = this.now - 330L * 60L * 1000L;
+ if (!this.storedConsensuses.isEmpty()
+ && this.storedConsensuses.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
+ this.logger.warning("The last known relay network status "
+ + "consensus was valid after "
+ + dateTimeFormat.format(this.storedConsensuses.lastKey())
+ + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ if (!this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.isEmpty()
+ && this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
+ this.logger.warning("The last known relay network status "
+ + "microdesc consensus was valid after "
+ + dateTimeFormat.format(
+ this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.lastKey())
+ + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ if (!this.storedVotes.isEmpty()
+ && this.storedVotes.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
+ this.logger.warning("The last known relay network status vote "
+ + "was valid after " + dateTimeFormat.format(
+ this.storedVotes.lastKey()) + ", which is more than 5:30 hours "
+ + "in the past.");
+ }
+ if (!this.storedServerDescriptors.isEmpty()
+ && this.storedServerDescriptors.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
+ this.logger.warning("The last known relay server descriptor was "
+ + "published at "
+ + dateTimeFormat.format(this.storedServerDescriptors.lastKey())
+ + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ if (!this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.isEmpty()
+ && this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
+ this.logger.warning("The last known relay extra-info descriptor "
+ + "was published at " + dateTimeFormat.format(
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.lastKey())
+ + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ if (!this.storedMicrodescriptors.isEmpty()
+ && this.storedMicrodescriptors.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
+ this.logger.warning("The last known relay microdescriptor was "
+ + "contained in a microdesc consensus that was valid after "
+ + dateTimeFormat.format(this.storedMicrodescriptors.lastKey())
+ + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ }
+ /* Delete all files from the rsync directory that have not been modified
+ * in the last three days (except for microdescriptors which are kept
+ * for up to thirty days), and remove the .tmp extension from newly
+ * written files. */
+ public void cleanUpRsyncDirectory() {
+ long cutOffMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ - 3L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
+ long cutOffMicroMillis = cutOffMillis - 27L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
+ Stack<File> allFiles = new Stack<File>();
+ allFiles.add(new File("recent/relay-descriptors"));
+ while (!allFiles.isEmpty()) {
+ File file = allFiles.pop();
+ if (file.isDirectory()) {
+ allFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(file.listFiles()));
+ } else if (file.getName().endsWith("-micro")) {
+ if (file.lastModified() < cutOffMicroMillis) {
+ file.delete();
+ }
+ } else if (file.lastModified() < cutOffMillis) {
+ file.delete();
+ } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".tmp")) {
+ file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(),
+ file.getName().substring(0,
+ file.getName().lastIndexOf(".tmp"))));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void saveDescriptorDigests() {
+ SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
+ dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ try {
+ this.storedServerDescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+ BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
+ this.storedServerDescriptorsFile));
+ for (Map.Entry<Long, Map<String, String>> e :
+ this.storedServerDescriptors.entrySet()) {
+ String published = dateTimeFormat.format(e.getKey());
+ for (Map.Entry<String, String> f : e.getValue().entrySet()) {
+ String serverDescriptorDigest = f.getKey();
+ String extraInfoDescriptorDigest = f.getValue() == null ? "NA"
+ : f.getValue();
+ bw.write(String.format("%s,%s,%s%n", published,
+ serverDescriptorDigest, extraInfoDescriptorDigest));
+ }
+ }
+ bw.close();
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+ bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsFile));
+ for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<String>> e :
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.entrySet()) {
+ String published = dateTimeFormat.format(e.getKey());
+ for (String extraInfoDescriptorDigest : e.getValue()) {
+ bw.write(String.format("%s,%s%n", published,
+ extraInfoDescriptorDigest));
+ }
+ }
+ bw.close();
+ this.storedMicrodescriptorsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+ bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
+ this.storedMicrodescriptorsFile));
+ for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<String>> e :
+ this.storedMicrodescriptors.entrySet()) {
+ String validAfter = dateTimeFormat.format(e.getKey());
+ for (String microdescriptorDigest : e.getValue()) {
+ bw.write(String.format("%s,%s%n", validAfter,
+ microdescriptorDigest));
+ }
+ }
+ bw.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not save descriptor "
+ + "digests. We might not be able to correctly check "
+ + "descriptors for completeness in the next run.", e);
+ }
+ }
+ public void storeConsensus(byte[] data, long validAfter,
+ SortedSet<String> dirSources,
+ SortedSet<String> serverDescriptorDigests) {
+ SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy/MM/dd/yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
+ printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/consensus/"
+ + printFormat.format(new Date(validAfter)) + "-consensus");
+ boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
+ File rsyncFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/consensuses/"
+ + tarballFile.getName());
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile };
+ if (this.store(CONSENSUS_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, null)) {
+ this.storedConsensusesCounter++;
+ }
+ if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
+ && this.now - validAfter < 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
+ this.storedConsensuses.put(validAfter, serverDescriptorDigests);
+ this.expectedVotes.put(validAfter, dirSources.size());
+ }
+ }
+ public void storeMicrodescConsensus(byte[] data, long validAfter,
+ SortedSet<String> microdescriptorDigests) {
+ SimpleDateFormat yearMonthDirectoryFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy/MM");
+ yearMonthDirectoryFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ SimpleDateFormat dayDirectoryFileFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "dd/yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
+ dayDirectoryFileFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory
+ + "/microdesc/" + yearMonthDirectoryFormat.format(validAfter)
+ + "/consensus-microdesc/"
+ + dayDirectoryFileFormat.format(validAfter)
+ + "-consensus-microdesc");
+ boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
+ File rsyncFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/microdescs/"
+ + "consensus-microdesc/" + tarballFile.getName());
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile };
+ if (this.store(MICRODESCCONSENSUS_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles,
+ null)) {
+ this.storedMicrodescConsensusesCounter++;
+ }
+ if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
+ && this.now - validAfter < 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
+ this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.put(validAfter,
+ microdescriptorDigests);
- if (missingVotes) {
- /* TODO Shouldn't warn if we're not trying to archive votes at
- * all. */
- this.logger.fine("We are missing at least one vote that was "
- + "referenced from a consensus.");
+ }
+ public void storeVote(byte[] data, long validAfter,
+ String fingerprint, String digest,
+ SortedSet<String> serverDescriptorDigests) {
+ SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy/MM/dd/yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
+ printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/vote/"
+ + printFormat.format(new Date(validAfter)) + "-vote-"
+ + fingerprint + "-" + digest);
+ boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
+ File rsyncFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/votes/"
+ + tarballFile.getName());
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncFile };
+ if (this.store(VOTE_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, null)) {
+ this.storedVotesCounter++;
- if (missingMicrodescConsensus) {
- /* TODO Shouldn't warn if we're not trying to archive microdesc
- * consensuses at all. */
- this.logger.fine("We are missing at least one microdesc "
- + "consensus that was published together with a known "
- + "consensus.");
+ if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
+ && this.now - validAfter < 3L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
+ if (!this.storedVotes.containsKey(validAfter)) {
+ this.storedVotes.put(validAfter,
+ new TreeMap<String, SortedSet<String>>());
+ }
+ this.storedVotes.get(validAfter).put(fingerprint,
+ serverDescriptorDigests);
- private void checkStaledescriptors() {
- SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
- "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
- dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- long tooOldMillis = this.now - 330L * 60L * 1000L;
- if (!this.storedConsensuses.isEmpty()
- && this.storedConsensuses.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
- this.logger.warning("The last known relay network status "
- + "consensus was valid after "
- + dateTimeFormat.format(this.storedConsensuses.lastKey())
- + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ public void storeCertificate(byte[] data, String fingerprint,
+ long published) {
+ SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(
+ "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
+ printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/certs/"
+ + fingerprint + "-" + printFormat.format(new Date(published)));
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile };
+ if (this.store(CERTIFICATE_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, null)) {
+ this.storedCertsCounter++;
- if (!this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.isEmpty()
- && this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
- this.logger.warning("The last known relay network status "
- + "microdesc consensus was valid after "
- + dateTimeFormat.format(
- this.storedMicrodescConsensuses.lastKey())
- + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ public void storeServerDescriptor(byte[] data, String digest,
+ long published, String extraInfoDigest) {
+ SimpleDateFormat printFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/");
+ printFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory
+ + "/server-descriptor/" + printFormat.format(new Date(published))
+ + digest.substring(0, 1) + "/" + digest.substring(1, 2) + "/"
+ + digest);
+ boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
+ File rsyncCatFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/"
+ + "server-descriptors/" + this.rsyncCatString
+ + "-server-descriptors.tmp");
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile };
+ boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true };
+ if (this.store(SERVER_DESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles,
+ append)) {
+ this.storedServerDescriptorsCounter++;
- if (!this.storedVotes.isEmpty()
- && this.storedVotes.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
- this.logger.warning("The last known relay network status vote "
- + "was valid after " + dateTimeFormat.format(
- this.storedVotes.lastKey()) + ", which is more than 5:30 hours "
- + "in the past.");
+ if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
+ && this.now - published < 48L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
+ if (!this.storedServerDescriptors.containsKey(published)) {
+ this.storedServerDescriptors.put(published,
+ new HashMap<String, String>());
+ }
+ this.storedServerDescriptors.get(published).put(digest,
+ extraInfoDigest);
- if (!this.storedServerDescriptors.isEmpty()
- && this.storedServerDescriptors.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
- this.logger.warning("The last known relay server descriptor was "
- + "published at "
- + dateTimeFormat.format(this.storedServerDescriptors.lastKey())
- + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ public void storeExtraInfoDescriptor(byte[] data,
+ String extraInfoDigest, long published) {
+ SimpleDateFormat descriptorFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/");
+ descriptorFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/extra-info/"
+ + descriptorFormat.format(new Date(published))
+ + extraInfoDigest.substring(0, 1) + "/"
+ + extraInfoDigest.substring(1, 2) + "/"
+ + extraInfoDigest);
+ boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
+ File rsyncCatFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/"
+ + "extra-infos/" + this.rsyncCatString + "-extra-infos.tmp");
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile };
+ boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true };
+ if (this.store(EXTRA_INFO_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles, append)) {
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptorsCounter++;
- if (!this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.isEmpty()
- && this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
- this.logger.warning("The last known relay extra-info descriptor "
- + "was published at " + dateTimeFormat.format(
- this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.lastKey())
- + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
+ && this.now - published < 48L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
+ if (!this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.containsKey(published)) {
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.put(published,
+ new HashSet<String>());
+ }
+ this.storedExtraInfoDescriptors.get(published).add(extraInfoDigest);
- if (!this.storedMicrodescriptors.isEmpty()
- && this.storedMicrodescriptors.lastKey() < tooOldMillis) {
- this.logger.warning("The last known relay microdescriptor was "
- + "contained in a microdesc consensus that was valid after "
- + dateTimeFormat.format(this.storedMicrodescriptors.lastKey())
- + ", which is more than 5:30 hours in the past.");
+ }
+ public void storeMicrodescriptor(byte[] data,
+ String microdescriptorDigest, long validAfter) {
+ /* TODO We could check here whether we already stored the
+ * microdescriptor in the same valid-after month. This can happen,
+ * e.g., when two relays share the same microdescriptor. In that case
+ * this method gets called twice and the second call overwrites the
+ * file written in the first call. However, this method must be
+ * called twice to store the same microdescriptor in two different
+ * valid-after months. */
+ SimpleDateFormat descriptorFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/");
+ descriptorFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ File tarballFile = new File(this.outputDirectory + "/microdesc/"
+ + descriptorFormat.format(validAfter) + "micro/"
+ + microdescriptorDigest.substring(0, 1) + "/"
+ + microdescriptorDigest.substring(1, 2) + "/"
+ + microdescriptorDigest);
+ boolean tarballFileExistedBefore = tarballFile.exists();
+ File rsyncCatFile = new File("recent/relay-descriptors/"
+ + "microdescs/micro/" + this.rsyncCatString
+ + "-micro.tmp");
+ File[] outputFiles = new File[] { tarballFile, rsyncCatFile };
+ boolean[] append = new boolean[] { false, true };
+ if (this.store(MICRODESCRIPTOR_ANNOTATION, data, outputFiles,
+ append)) {
+ this.storedMicrodescriptorsCounter++;
+ }
+ if (!tarballFileExistedBefore
+ && this.now - validAfter < 40L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L) {
+ if (!this.storedMicrodescriptors.containsKey(validAfter)) {
+ this.storedMicrodescriptors.put(validAfter,
+ new HashSet<String>());
+ }
+ this.storedMicrodescriptors.get(validAfter).add(
+ microdescriptorDigest);
- /* Delete all files from the rsync directory that have not been modified
- * in the last three days (except for microdescriptors which are kept
- * for up to thirty days), and remove the .tmp extension from newly
- * written files. */
- public void cleanUpRsyncDirectory() {
- long cutOffMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()
- - 3L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
- long cutOffMicroMillis = cutOffMillis - 27L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
- Stack<File> allFiles = new Stack<File>();
- allFiles.add(new File("recent/relay-descriptors"));
- while (!allFiles.isEmpty()) {
- File file = allFiles.pop();
- if (file.isDirectory()) {
- allFiles.addAll(Arrays.asList(file.listFiles()));
- } else if (file.getName().endsWith("-micro")) {
- if (file.lastModified() < cutOffMicroMillis) {
- file.delete();
+ private boolean store(byte[] typeAnnotation, byte[] data,
+ File[] outputFiles, boolean[] append) {
+ try {
+ this.logger.finer("Storing " + outputFiles[0]);
+ if (this.descriptorParser.parseDescriptors(data,
+ outputFiles[0].getName()).size() != 1) {
+ this.logger.info("Relay descriptor file " + outputFiles[0]
+ + " doesn't contain exactly one descriptor. Not storing.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < outputFiles.length; i++) {
+ File outputFile = outputFiles[i];
+ boolean appendToFile = append == null ? false : append[i];
+ outputFile.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+ BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
+ new FileOutputStream(outputFile, appendToFile));
+ if (data.length > 0 && data[0] != '@') {
+ bos.write(typeAnnotation, 0, typeAnnotation.length);
- } else if (file.lastModified() < cutOffMillis) {
- file.delete();
- } else if (file.getName().endsWith(".tmp")) {
- file.renameTo(new File(file.getParentFile(),
- file.getName().substring(0,
- file.getName().lastIndexOf(".tmp"))));
+ bos.write(data, 0, data.length);
+ bos.close();
+ return true;
+ } catch (DescriptorParseException e) {
+ this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not parse relay descriptor "
+ + outputFiles[0] + " before storing it to disk. Skipping.", e);
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ this.logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not store relay descriptor "
+ + outputFiles[0], e);
+ return false;
diff --git a/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ReferenceChecker.java b/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ReferenceChecker.java
index 485fcea..9f0f183 100644
--- a/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ReferenceChecker.java
+++ b/src/org/torproject/collector/relaydescs/ReferenceChecker.java
@@ -44,6 +44,29 @@ public class ReferenceChecker {
private File historyFile;
+ private long currentTimeMillis;
+ private SortedSet<Reference> references = new TreeSet<Reference>();
+ private static DateFormat dateTimeFormat;
+ static {
+ dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'",
+ Locale.US);
+ dateTimeFormat.setLenient(false);
+ dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
+ }
+ private static final long ONE_HOUR = 60L * 60L * 1000L;
+ private static final long THREE_HOURS = 3L * ONE_HOUR;
+ private static final long SIX_HOURS = 6L * ONE_HOUR;
+ private static final long ONE_DAY = 24L * ONE_HOUR;
+ private static final long THIRTY_DAYS = 30L * ONE_DAY;
public ReferenceChecker(File descriptorsDir, File referencesFile,
File historyFile) {
this.descriptorsDir = descriptorsDir;
@@ -60,8 +83,6 @@ public class ReferenceChecker {
- private long currentTimeMillis;
private void getCurrentTimeMillis() {
this.currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
@@ -109,14 +130,6 @@ public class ReferenceChecker {
- private SortedSet<Reference> references = new TreeSet<Reference>();
- private void addReference(String referencing, String referenced,
- double weight, long expiresAfterMillis) {
- this.references.add(new Reference(referencing.toUpperCase(),
- referenced.toUpperCase(), weight, expiresAfterMillis));
- }
private void readReferencesFile() {
if (!this.referencesFile.exists()) {
@@ -170,25 +183,6 @@ public class ReferenceChecker {
- private static DateFormat dateTimeFormat;
- static {
- dateTimeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'",
- Locale.US);
- dateTimeFormat.setLenient(false);
- dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
- }
- private static final long ONE_HOUR = 60L * 60L * 1000L;
- private static final long THREE_HOURS = 3L * ONE_HOUR;
- private static final long SIX_HOURS = 6L * ONE_HOUR;
- private static final long ONE_DAY = 24L * ONE_HOUR;
- private static final long THIRTY_DAYS = 30L * ONE_DAY;
private void readRelayNetworkStatusConsensusUnflavored(
RelayNetworkStatusConsensus consensus) {
String validAfter = dateTimeFormat.format(
@@ -214,7 +208,6 @@ public class ReferenceChecker {
private void readRelayNetworkStatusConsensusMicrodesc(
RelayNetworkStatusConsensus consensus) {
String validAfter = dateTimeFormat.format(
@@ -267,6 +260,12 @@ public class ReferenceChecker {
0.0, this.currentTimeMillis + THIRTY_DAYS);
+ private void addReference(String referencing, String referenced,
+ double weight, long expiresAfterMillis) {
+ this.references.add(new Reference(referencing.toUpperCase(),
+ referenced.toUpperCase(), weight, expiresAfterMillis));
+ }
private void dropStaleReferences() {
SortedSet<Reference> recentReferences = new TreeSet<Reference>();
for (Reference reference : this.references) {
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