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[tor-commits] [translation/support-portal] https://gitweb.torproject.org/translation.git/commit/?h=support-portal
commit 688784fd07dba69d90df83f1551b582afde5e573
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu Nov 7 18:53:20 2019 +0000
contents+it.po | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
contents+ka.po | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contents+it.po b/contents+it.po
index b39eda721..4f8509d75 100644
--- a/contents+it.po
+++ b/contents+it.po
@@ -2871,6 +2871,10 @@ msgid ""
"Internet is not flat, and it in fact does look different depending on where "
"you are. This feature reminds people of this fact."
msgstr ""
+"Se vuoi vedere Google in italiano puoi fare clic sul link che lo fornisce. "
+"Ma consideriamo questa una funzionalità aggiunta di Tor, non un bug --- "
+"Internet non è statico, e in effetti risulta diverso a seconda di dove ti "
+"trovi. Questa funzione ricorda alle persone questo fatto."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-43/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-43/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2880,11 +2884,16 @@ msgid ""
"search results in English regardless of what Google server you have been "
"sent to. On a query this looks like:"
msgstr ""
+"Tieni presente che gli URL di ricerca di Google prendono le coppie "
+"nome/valore come argomenti e uno di questi nomi è \"hl\". Se imposti \"hl\" "
+"su \"it\", Google restituirà i risultati della ricerca in italiano "
+"indipendentemente dal server Google a cui sei stato inviato. Su una ricerca "
+"questo risulta:"
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-43/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-43/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid "https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=online%20anonymity&hl=en"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=online%20anonymity&hl=it"
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-43/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-43/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2892,11 +2901,15 @@ msgid ""
"Another method is to simply use your country code for accessing Google. This"
" can be google.be, google.de, google.us and so on."
msgstr ""
+"Un altro metodo consiste semplicemente nell'utilizzare il prefisso del "
+"proprio paese per accedere a Google. Questo può essere google.it, google.be,"
+" google.de, google.us e così via."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-44/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-44/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
msgid "Google makes me solve a CAPTCHA or tells me I have spyware installed"
msgstr ""
+"Google mi fa risolvere un CAPTCHA o mi dice che ho spyware installato."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-44/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-44/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2904,6 +2917,8 @@ msgid ""
"This is a known and intermittent problem; it does not mean that Google "
"considers Tor to be spyware."
msgstr ""
+"Questo è un problema noto e ricorrente; non significa che Google consideri "
+"Tor come spyware."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-44/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-44/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2915,6 +2930,14 @@ msgid ""
"relay you happened to pick) as somebody trying to \"crawl\" their website, "
"so it slows down traffic from that IP address for a short time."
msgstr ""
+"Quando utilizzi Tor, invii le ricerche tramite relè di uscita condivisi "
+"anche da migliaia di altri utenti. Gli utenti Tor in genere visualizzano "
+"questo messaggio quando molti utenti Tor effettuano ricerche su Google in un"
+" breve periodo di tempo. Google interpreta l'elevato volume di traffico "
+"proveniente da un singolo indirizzo IP (il relè di uscita che ti è capitato "
+"di scegliere) come qualcuno che cerca di \"eseguire la scansione\" del loro "
+"sito Web, quindi rallenta il traffico da quell'indirizzo IP per un breve "
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-44/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-44/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2925,6 +2948,12 @@ msgid ""
"they are Tor exit relays), and tries to warn any connections coming from "
"those IP addresses that recent queries indicate an infection."
msgstr ""
+"Una spiegazione alternativa è che Google tenti di rilevare determinati tipi "
+"di spyware o virus che inviano ricerche specifiche a Google. Si segna gli "
+"indirizzi IP da cui vengono ricevute tali ricerche (non rendendosi conto che"
+" si tratta di un relè di uscita Tor) e tenta di avvisare qualsiasi "
+"connessione proveniente da tali indirizzi IP che le ricerche recenti "
+"indicano un'infezione."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-44/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-44/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2933,11 +2962,14 @@ msgid ""
" deter or block Tor use. The error message about an infected machine should "
"clear up again after a short time."
msgstr ""
+"Per quanto ne sappiamo, Google non sta facendo nulla di intenzionalmente "
+"specifico per scoraggiare o bloccare l'uso di Tor. Il messaggio di errore "
+"relativo a un computer infetto dovrebbe risolversi dopo poco tempo."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
msgid "Gmail warns me that my account may have been compromised"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Gmail mi avvisa che il mio account potrebbe essere stato compromesso"
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2945,6 +2977,8 @@ msgid ""
"Sometimes, after you've used Gmail over Tor, Google presents a pop-up "
"notification that your account may have been compromised."
msgstr ""
+"A volte, dopo aver utilizzato Gmail su Tor, Google mostra una notifica pop-"
+"up in cui dice che il tuo account potrebbe essere stato compromesso."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2952,6 +2986,8 @@ msgid ""
"The notification window lists a series of IP addresses and locations "
"throughout the world recently used to access your account."
msgstr ""
+"La finestra di notifica elenca una serie di indirizzi IP e posizioni in "
+"tutto il mondo recentemente utilizzate per accedere al tuo account."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2961,6 +2997,10 @@ msgid ""
" was a good idea to confirm the account was being accessed by its rightful "
msgstr ""
+"In genere, si tratta di un falso allarme: Google ha visto un sacco di "
+"accessi da luoghi diversi, a seguito dell'esecuzione del servizio tramite "
+"Tor, e ha deciso che fosse una buona idea confermare che l'account sia "
+"ancora in mano al legittimo proprietario. "
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2968,6 +3008,8 @@ msgid ""
"Even though this may be a byproduct of using the service via Tor, that "
"doesn't mean you can entirely ignore the warning."
msgstr ""
+"Anche se questo può essere un effetto collaterale dell'utilizzo del servizio"
+" tramite Tor, ciò non significa che puoi ignorare completamente l'avviso."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2975,6 +3017,8 @@ msgid ""
"It is probably a false positive, but it might not be since it is possible "
"for someone to hijack your Google cookie."
msgstr ""
+"Probabilmente è un falso positivo, ma potrebbe non esserlo poiché è "
+"possibile per qualcuno dirottare i tuo cookie di Google."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2982,6 +3026,8 @@ msgid ""
"Cookie hijacking is possible by either physical access to your computer or "
"by watching your network traffic."
msgstr ""
+"Il dirottamento dei cookie è possibile sia attraverso l'accesso fisico al "
+"tuocomputer sia osservando il tuo traffico di rete."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -2989,6 +3035,9 @@ msgid ""
"In theory, only physical access should compromise your system because Gmail "
"and similar services should only send the cookie over an SSL link."
msgstr ""
+"In teoria, solo l'accesso fisico dovrebbe compromettere il tuo sistema "
+"poiché Gmail e servizi simili dovrebbero inviare i cookie solo attraverso un"
+" collegamento SSL."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-45/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-45/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
diff --git a/contents+ka.po b/contents+ka.po
index e6fe79ef8..7ffdbea1c 100644
--- a/contents+ka.po
+++ b/contents+ka.po
@@ -2822,6 +2822,10 @@ msgid ""
"Browser](http://support.torproject.org/#tbb-10), it is common for anti-virus"
" / anti-malware software to cause this type of issue."
msgstr ""
+"á??á?£ á??á?§á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á? á?£á?¡á?¡, á??á??á?®á??á??á?? á??á?®á??á??á??á?? [á?©á??á??á?? á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á? á?£á?¡á?? á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?? "
+"á??á? á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á?ªá??á?? á??á??á??á?¦á?£á??á??á??á?¡ Tor-á??á? á??á?£á??á??á? á??á??á?? "
+"á?¬á??á??á??á??á??á?¡](http://support.torproject.org/#tbb-10), á?®á?¨á??á? á?? á?¨á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á??, á? á??á?ªá?? "
+"á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á? á?£á?¡á?? á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?? á??á? á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á?ªá??á?? á??á?¬á??á??á??á?¡ á??á?? á?®á??á? á??á??á??á?¡."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-43/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-43/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
@@ -3083,6 +3087,16 @@ msgid ""
"doing CONNECT requests to get to Tor relays. (It's fine if they're the same "
"proxy.) Tor also recognizes the torrc options Socks4Proxy and Socks5Proxy."
msgstr ""
+"á?¨á??á??á??á?«á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á?? á??á? á??á?¥á?¡á??á?¡ IP-á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á? á??á??, á??á??á? á?¢á?? á??á?? á?¨á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á?? [Tor-"
+"á??á? á??á?£á??á??á? á??á?¡ á?¥á?¡á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á??á??á??á??á??](https://tb-manual.torproject.org/running-"
+"tor-browser/). á??á?£ á?¡á?®á??á?? á??á??á??á?? á??á?§á??á??á??á??á?? Tor-á?¡, á??á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á?? HTTPProxy á??á?? HTTPSProxy"
+" á??á??á??á?¤á??á??á?£á? á??á?ªá??á??á?¡ á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á??á?¡ "
+" á?¨á??á??á??á??á?? á??á?? á?©á??á??á?¡á?¬á??á? á??á?? á??á?¥á??á??á??á?? torrc á?¤á??á??á??á?? á?¨á??á?¡á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??. á??á??á??á?á??á? á??á??á??á??á?? HTTP-á??á? á??á?¥á?¡á??"
+" GET-á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡, Tor-á?¡á??á??á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á??á?¨á??á? á??á??á??á??á?? á??á?? á??á?¡á??á??á?? HTTPS-á??á? á??á?¥á?¡á??, "
+"CONNECT-á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡, Tor-á??á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?¡á??á?¦á??á??á??á??. (á??á??á?¡á??á?¨á??á??á??á??á??, á??á?£ á??á? á??á??á?? "
+"á??á? á??á?? á??á? á??á?¥á?¡á?? á??á?¥á??á??á??á??). Tor á??á??á? á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á?¡ torrc á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á??á?¡ Socks4Proxy-á?¡á?? "
+"á??á?? Socks5Proxy-á?¡."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-47/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-47/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -3092,6 +3106,11 @@ msgid ""
"but if you need NTLM authentication, you may find [this post in the "
"archives](http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Jun-2005/msg00223.html) useful."
msgstr ""
+"á??á??á? á??á??á??á??, á??á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á?? HTTPProxyAuthenticator á??á?? HTTPSProxyAuthenticator "
+"á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á??á?¡, á??á?£ á??á?¥á??á??á??á?? á??á? á??á?¥á?¡á?? á?¡á??á?á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á? á??á?¨á??á?? á?¨á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡. á?©á??á??á??á??á??á??, "
+"á??á?®á??á? á??á??á?á??á? á??á??á??á?? á??á?®á??á??á??á?? á??á??á? á?¢á??á??á?? á?¨á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡ á?¨á??á?¡á??á?«á??á??á??á??á??á??á??, á??á??á??á? á??á?? á??á?£ NTLM-á??á??á??á??á?¬á??á??á??á?? "
+"á??á??á?¡á??á?á??á? á??á??á??á??á??, á?¨á??á??á?«á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? [á??á?¡ á??á??á?¡á?¢á?? "
+"á??á? á?¥á??á??á??á??á??á??](http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Jun-2005/msg00223.html)."
#: https//support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-47/
#: (content/tbb/tbb-47/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -4286,6 +4305,9 @@ msgid ""
"You can also ensure that you're able to access other onion services by "
"connecting to [DuckDuckGo's onion service](http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion)."
msgstr ""
+"á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??, Onion-á??á??á??á?¡á??á?®á?£á? á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á?¬á??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á?¨á??á?¡á??á?«á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á?¨á??á??á??á?«á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¬á??á??á?? "
+"[DuckDuckGo-á?¡ Onion-á??á??á??á?¡á??á?®á?£á? á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??](http://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion) "
+"á??á??á??á??á??á?¨á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?¨á??á??á??á??á??á??."
#: https//support.torproject.org/censorship/censorship-7/
#: (content/censorship/censorship-7/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
@@ -4453,6 +4475,8 @@ msgid ""
"You can [read more about HTTPS here](https://tb-manual.torproject.org"
msgstr ""
+"á??á? á?ªá??á??á??, [HTTPS-á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á?®á??á??á??á??á?? á??á?¥](https://tb-manual.torproject.org"
#: https//support.torproject.org/https/https-2/
#: (content/https/https-2/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -5081,6 +5105,9 @@ msgid ""
"For the time being Tor will require IPv4 addresses on relays, you can not "
"run a Tor relay on a host with IPv6 addresses only."
msgstr ""
+"á?¯á??á? á?¯á??á? á??á??á??á?? Tor á?¡á??á?á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ IPv4-á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á??á??, á??á?¡á?? á? á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á? "
+"á?¨á??á?«á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?£á?¨á??á??á?? Tor-á??á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á?? á?¡á??á?¡á?¢á??á??á??á??á??, á? á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á?ª á??á?®á??á??á??á?? IPv6-á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á?? "
#: https//support.torproject.org/operators/limit-total-bandwidth/
#: (content/operators/limit-total-bandwidth/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
@@ -6340,6 +6367,8 @@ msgid ""
"For example, the DuckDuckGo onion is "
msgstr ""
+"á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??, DuckDuckGo-á?¡ á?¨á??á?¡á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á?? onion á??á? á??á?¡ "
#: https//support.torproject.org/onionservices/onionservices-1/
#: (content/onionservices/onionservices-1/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -6380,6 +6409,14 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
+"Onion-á??á??á??á?¡á??á?®á?£á? á??á??á??á??á?? á??á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?¡á?£á?¤á??á??á?? "
+"á??á??á??á??á?¬á??á? á??á??á??á?¡á?? á??á?? á?¤á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡, á??á??á?¢á??á?? á?£á?¡á??á?¤á? á??á?®á?? á?£á? á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡ "
+"á??á?£á? á??á??á??á??á?¡á?¢á??á??á?¡á?? á??á?? á??á??á?? á?¬á?§á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ á?¨á??á? á??á?¡, á??á?¡á??á??á??á?? "
+"[SecureDrop](https://securedrop.org/) á??á?? "
+"[OnionShare](https://onionshare.org/), á??á??á?ªá?£á??á?? á??á? á??á??á? á??á??á?£á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á?? "
+"á??á??á??á??á?? á?£á?¤á? á?? á??á??á?¢á??á?? á?£á?¡á??á?¤á? á??á?®á?? á?¡á??á?¨á?£á??á??á??á??á??á??á??, á??á?¡á??á?? á?ªá??á??á??á??á?? á?¡á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á??á?? á?¬á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á?¡, "
+"á? á??á??á??á? á??á?ªá??á?? [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/notes/protect-the-graph"
#: https//support.torproject.org/onionservices/onionservices-2/
#: (content/onionservices/onionservices-2/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -6418,7 +6455,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: https//support.torproject.org/onionservices/onionservices-2/
#: (content/onionservices/onionservices-2/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
msgid ""
-msgstr ""
+msgstr ""
#: https//support.torproject.org/onionservices/onionservices-4/
#: (content/onionservices/onionservices-4/contents+en.lrquestion.title)
@@ -6603,6 +6640,11 @@ msgid ""
" Browser 9 related issues with the tbb-9.0-issues keyword. Tickets related "
"to our website should be added with the component \"Webpages/Website.\""
msgstr ""
+"á?¨á??á??á??á?«á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?®á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?¡á??á?®á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á? á??á??á?? "
+"[https://trac.torproject.org](https://trac.torproject.org). á?©á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??"
+" á??á??á??á??á?¡ Tor-á??á? á??á?£á??á??á? á??á?¡ á??á??-9 á??á??á? á?¡á??á??á?¡á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á?¨á??á? á??á??á?£á?? á?§á??á??á??á?? á?®á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ á?¡á??á??á??á??á??á?«á?? "
+"á?¡á??á?¢á?§á??á??á?? tbb-9.0-issues. á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á?©á??á??á??á?¡ á?¡á??á??á?¢á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á?¨á??á? á??á??á??á??, á?£á??á??á?? á??á?§á??á?¡ "
+"á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¢á??á?? â??Webpages/Websiteâ??."
#: https//support.torproject.org/misc/bug-or-feedback/
#: (content/misc/bug-or-feedback/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
@@ -7970,6 +8012,10 @@ msgid ""
"detecting [censorship](#network-censorship), surveillance and "
"[traffic](#traffic) manipulation on the internet."
msgstr ""
+"OONI á??á?¦á??á??á?¨á??á??á??á?¡ â??[Open Observatory of Network "
+"Interference](https://ooni.io/)â??, á??á?¡á??á?¤á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á?¡ á?¥á?¡á??á??á??, á? á??á??á??á??á?¡ "
+"á??á??á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á?? á??á??á?¢á??á? á??á??á?¢á?¨á?? [á?ªá??á??á??á?£á? á??á?¡](#network-censorship), á??á??á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á?? á??á?? "
+"[á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á??](#traffic) á??á??á??á??á?¥á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á?¦á??á??á?©á??á??á??."
#: https//support.torproject.org/misc/glossary/
#: (content/misc/glossary/contents+en.lrquestion.description)
tor-commits mailing list