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[tor-commits] [torbutton/master] Import new translations.

commit 8706001901847146458ca1b194690bf0f26bb654
Author: Mike Perry <mikeperry-git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Oct 29 20:20:46 2013 -0700

    Import new translations.
 src/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd          |   83 +++++++++++----------
 src/chrome/locale/de/brand.dtd             |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/de/brand.properties      |   10 +--
 src/chrome/locale/de/browser.properties    |    4 +-
 src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.properties  |   14 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/es/aboutTor.dtd          |   87 ++++++++++++----------
 src/chrome/locale/es/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/es/brand.properties      |   16 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/es/browser.properties    |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.properties  |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd          |   79 +++++++++++---------
 src/chrome/locale/fa/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fa/brand.properties      |   16 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/fa/browser.properties    |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fa/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd          |   95 +++++++++++++-----------
 src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.properties      |   14 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/fr/browser.properties    |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.properties  |    4 +-
 src/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd          |   83 +++++++++++----------
 src/chrome/locale/it/brand.dtd             |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/it/brand.properties      |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/it/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd          |  109 +++++++++++++++-------------
 src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.properties      |   16 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/ko/browser.properties    |   12 +--
 src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties  |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd          |   83 +++++++++++----------
 src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.dtd             |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.properties      |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/nl/browser.properties    |    4 +-
 src/chrome/locale/nl/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd          |   81 ++++++++++++---------
 src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.properties      |   16 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/pl/browser.properties    |   10 +--
 src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.properties  |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/pt/aboutTor.dtd          |  103 ++++++++++++++------------
 src/chrome/locale/pt/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/pt/brand.properties      |   16 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/pt/browser.properties    |   12 +--
 src/chrome/locale/pt/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd          |   94 +++++++++++++-----------
 src/chrome/locale/ru/brand.dtd             |    4 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ru/brand.properties      |   12 +--
 src/chrome/locale/ru/browser.properties    |    4 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.dtd         |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.properties  |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd          |  109 +++++++++++++++-------------
 src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.dtd             |    8 +-
 src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.properties      |   16 ++--
 src/chrome/locale/vi/browser.properties    |   12 +--
 src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.dtd         |    6 +-
 src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.properties  |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd       |   89 +++++++++++++----------
 src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.dtd          |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.properties   |   10 +--
 src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/browser.properties |    2 +-
 src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/torbutton.dtd      |    6 +-
 66 files changed, 801 insertions(+), 692 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..de478a2 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/de/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,37 +4,46 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "Ã?ber Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "Dieser Browser ist nicht mehr Aktuell">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "DIESER Browser ist auch veraltet">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Klicken Sie auf die Zwiebel und wählen Sie Tor Browser Bundle Update herunterladen.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Tor-Netzwerkeinstellungen testen">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Herzlichen Glückwunsch!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Dieser Browser ist konfiguriert, Tor zu nutzen.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Sie können jetzt anonym im Internet surfen.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Irgendetwas ist schiefgegangen!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor funktioniert mit diesem Browser nicht.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Um Hilfe zu erhalten kontaktieren Sie">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Suchen">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Suche">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Suche">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "sicher">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "sicher">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/deu/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "mit">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "mit">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
@@ -42,23 +51,23 @@
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Zusätzliche Informationen:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Land &amp; IP-Adresse:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Austrittsknoten:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Dieser Server speichert keine Informationen über Besucher.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "Was nun?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor ist NICHT alles was benötigt wird, um anonym zu surfen! Sie müssen eventuell einige Gewohnheiten ändern, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Identität geschützt bleibt.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tipps um anonym zu bleiben »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Sie können helfen!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten,  das Tor-Netzwerk schneller und stärker zu machen:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Einen Tor-Knoten betreiben »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Ihre Dienste bereitstellen »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Etwas spenden »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Die Organisation &quot;The Tor Project&quot; ist nach dem US-Gesetz US 501(c)(3) als gemeinnützig eingestuft und widmet sich Forchung, Entwicklung und Schulung von Anonymität und Datenschutz.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Mehr über das Tor-Projekt erfahren »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..9bb86e1 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.dtd
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 <!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
 <!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor-Projekt">
 <!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..40f416f 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/de/brand.properties
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, eine schnelle Startseite mit eingebauter Suche
+homePageImport=Importieren Sie ihre Startseite von %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationDescription=Bitte wählen Sie die Startseite die Sie benutzen möchten:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/de/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/de/browser.properties
index 295a03a..7a83d9d 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/de/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/de/browser.properties
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ browser.startup.homepage=about:tor
 # Default search engine
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.dtd
index 12fb12e..4b58e46 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Warnung: Vermeiden Sie es, oben irgendwelche Host Namen zu verwenden">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Aktualisiere Tarnung">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions " Einstellungen Absendertarnung">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Tarne nicht den Absender">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Tarne den enthaltenen Ordner auf der Seite">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Tarne die Domain als Absender">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Leeren Absender erstellen ">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Verwalte Cookie-Schutz">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Geschützt">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Host">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Entferne alle, au�er die geschützten">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Schütze neue Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Schütze nicht neue Cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Aktualisierungen von Livemarks während der Benutzung von Tor deaktivieren.">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(empfohlen)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(optional)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(kritisch)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.properties
index a27a69b..6e9dff2 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/de/torbutton.properties
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-torbutton.button.tooltip.disabled = Enable Tor
+torbutton.button.tooltip.disabled = Tor aktivieren
 torbutton.button.tooltip.enabled = Tor deaktivieren
-torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Click to enable Tor
+torbutton.panel.tooltip.disabled = Klicken, um Tor zu aktivieren
 torbutton.panel.tooltip.enabled = Klicken, um Tor zu deaktivieren
-torbutton.panel.plugins.disabled = Click to enable plugins
+torbutton.panel.plugins.disabled = Klicken, um Plugins zu aktivieren
 torbutton.panel.plugins.enabled = Klicken, um Plugins zu deaktivieren
 torbutton.panel.label.disabled = Tor deaktiviert
-torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor Enabled
+torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor aktiviert
 extensions.torbutton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = Torbutton gibt ihnen die Möglichkeit, Einstellungen von Tor schnell und einfach zu verändern und die Browser-Daten zu löschen.
-torbutton.popup.history.warning = Torbutton blocked activity from a tab loaded in a different Tor state.\n\nThis is to work around Firefox Bugs 409737 and 417869.\n\nIf this popup seemed to happen for no reason, one of your tabs is attempting to reload itself in the background, and this was blocked.\n\nTo reload the tab in this Tor state, hit 'enter' in the URL location box.\n\n
-torbutton.popup.plugin.warning = Torbutton blocked direct Tor load of plugin content.\n\nUse Save-As instead.\n\n
+torbutton.popup.history.warning = Torbutton hat aktivitäten in einem Tab blockiert, welches in einem anderen Tor-Status geladen wurde.\n\nDas ist nötig, um die Firefox Bugs 409737 und 417869 zu umgehen.\n\nSollte dieses PopUp anscheinlich grundlos auftauchen, so versucht gerade einer Ihrer Tabs sich im Hintergrund neu zu laden, und wurde deshalb blockiert.\n\nUm das Tab in diesem Tor-Status neu zu laden, drücken Sie 'Enter' in der URL eingabebox\n\n
+torbutton.popup.plugin.warning = Torbutton hat das direkte laden von Plugin-Inhalten über Tor blockiert.\n\nBenutzen Sie stattdessen 'Speichern unter'.\n\n
 torbutton.popup.confirm_ca_certs = Anmerkung: Es scheint, als seien keinerlei eigene Zertifikatsautoritäten in Ihrer Konfiguration vorhanden. Die Auswertung der globalen Zertifikationsautoritäten-Liste ist aufwändig und verlangsamt das schnelle An- und Abschalten von Tor. Möchten Sie die Isolation von Zertifikatsautoritäten abschalten? (Wenn Sie nicht wissen, was gemeint ist, können Sie ruhig auf OK klicken)
 torbutton.popup.ff3.warning = Warnung!\n\nEs ist bekannt, dass Torbutton auf Firefox 3 deine Zeitzone und Livemarks via Tor mitteilt.\n\nWillst du trotzem fortfahren?
 torbutton.popup.toggle.warning = Die Einstellungen werden erst nach einem Neustart von Tor wirksam
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ torbutton.popup.redirect = Umleiten
 torbutton.popup.no_redirect = Nicht umleiten
 torbutton.popup.prompted_language = Um Ihre Privatsphäre zu erhöhen, kann Torbutton die jeweilige englische Version einer Website anfordern. Dies kann zur Folge haben, dass Websites, die sie lieber in Ihrer Muttersprache lesen würden, nun in Englisch dargestellt werden. \n\nSollen nun - zur Erhöhung Ihrer Privatsphäre - Websites in Englisch geladen werden?
 torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton kann dir keine neue Identität geben, da es keinen Zugriff auf den Tor-Control-Port hatt.\n\nBenutzt du das Tor-Browser-Paket?
-torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Es scheint, als würdest du Torbutton zusammen mit Freifox benutzen. Diese Kombination ist nicht länger eine empfohlene, sichere, Konfiguration.\n\nAnstelle dieser Konfiguration, empfehlen wir dir das neueste Tor-Browser-Paket zu benutzen, das du durch eine E-Mail an gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx oder von der Downloadseite bekommen kannst: 
+torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Es scheint, als würdest du Torbutton zusammen mit Freifox benutzen. Diese Kombination ist nicht länger eine empfohlene, sichere, Konfiguration.\n\nAnstelle dieser Konfiguration, empfehlen wir dir das neueste Tor-Browser-Paket zu benutzen, das du durch eine E-Mail an gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx oder von der Downloadseite bekommen kannst:
 torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torbutton kann Einstellungen in dem Tor-Browser Verzeichniss nicht aktualisieren.
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = Bitte setze entweder die Berechtigungen des Tor-Browser Verzeichnisses zurück, oder kopiere es an einen neuen Ort.
 torbutton.popup.device_full = Es scheint als würde die Disk voll sein. Bitte machen sie etwas Platz frei, oder bewegen sie den Tor-Browser auf ein neues Gerät.
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/es/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/es/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..57f24f7 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/es/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/es/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "Acerca de Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "SIN EMBARGO, este navegador no está actualizado.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ADEM�S, este navegador tampoco está actualizado.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Haga clic en la cebolla y luego elija 'Descargar actualización del Paquete de Navegador Tor'.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Probar las preferencias de red Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "¡Felicidades!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Este navegador está configurado para usar Tor.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Ahora es libre de navegar por Internet anónimamente.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "¡Algo fue mal!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor no está funcionando en este navegador.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Para obtener asistencia, por favor contacte">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ",">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Buscar">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Busque">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Busque">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "con seguridad">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "con seguridad">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/esp/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "con">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "con">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/esp";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Información adicional:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "País y dirección IP:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Nodo de salida:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Este servidor no registra información alguna de los visitantes.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "¿Qué es lo siguiente?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "¡Tor NO es todo lo que necesita para navegar anónimamente! Puede necesitar cambiar alguno de sus hábitos de navegación para asegurar que su identidad permanezca segura.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Consejos para permenecer anónimo »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "¡Usted puede ayudar!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Hay muchas formas en las puede ayudar a hacer la red Tor más rápida y fuerte.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Ejecutar un nodo de repetidor Tor »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Ofrece voluntariamente tus servicios »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Realiza una donación »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "El Projecto Tor es una US 501(c)(3) sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la investigación, desarrollo y educación sobre anonimidad y privacidad en línea.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Aprenda más acerca del El Proyecto Tor »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..b2fd420 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "NavegadorTor">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Navegador Tor">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Proyecto Tor">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox y los logotipos de Firefox son marcas registradas de la Mozilla Foundation.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..3015f97 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/es/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+brandFullName=Navegador Tor
+vendorShortName=Proyecto Tor
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Inicio de Firefox, una página principal rápida con búsqueda integrada
+homePageImport=Importe su página principal desde %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=Selección de página principal
+homePageMigrationDescription=Por favor seleccione la página principal que le gustaría usar:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/es/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/es/browser.properties
index 295a03a..b236c3c 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/es/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/es/browser.properties
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Spell checker dictionary
 # Default search engine
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.dtd
index 69a4668..43aa7cd 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Advertencia: Evite usar los nombres de servidor (host) citados arriba">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Simular refresco de página">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Opciones de simulación del referer (remitente, dirección desde la que accede a la actual)">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No simular referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Simular la dirección de la carpeta que contiene la página">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Simular que el dominio de la página es el referer">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Poner en blanco el referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Administrar protecciones de cookie">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Protegidas">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Servidor (host)">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Eliminar todas excepto las protegidas">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Proteger las nuevas cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "No proteger las nuevas cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Deshabilitar actualizaciones de marcadores dinámicos (livemarks) al usar Tor">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(recomendado)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(opcional)">
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diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.properties
index 395f3db..ad2dc91 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/es/torbutton.properties
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ torbutton.popup.redirect = Redirigir
 torbutton.popup.no_redirect = No redirigir
 torbutton.popup.prompted_language = Para darle mayor privacidad, Torbutton puede solicitar la versión en inglés de las páginas web. Esto podría causar que páginas que prefiera leer en su idioma nativo se muestren en inglés en su lugar. \n \n¿Le gustaría solicitar páginas web en inglés para mejor privacidad?
 torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton no puede darle una nueva identidad (instancia de Tor) de forma segura. No tiene acceso al puerto de control de Tor (ControlPort)\n\n¿Está ejecutando el Paquete de Navegador Tor?
-torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Parece que está usando Torbutton con Firefox, cuya combinación dejó de ser una configuración segura recomendada.\n\nEn su lugar, recomendamos que obtenga el último Paquete de Navegador Tor enviando un correo a gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o descargándolo en la siguiente URL: 
+torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Parece que está usando Torbutton con Firefox, cuya combinación dejó de ser una configuración segura recomendada.\n\nEn su lugar, recomendamos que obtenga el último Paquete de Navegador Tor enviando un correo a gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx o descargándolo en la siguiente URL:
 torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torbutton no puede actualizar las preferencias en la carpeta de perfiles del Navegador Tor.
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = Permiso denegado: reinicie los permisos de la carpeta del Navegador Tor o bien cópielo a una nueva ubicación.
 torbutton.popup.device_full = El disco parece estar lleno. Libere espacio o mueva el Navegador Tor a un nuevo dispositivo.
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..1686f9a 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fa/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,37 +4,46 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "دربارÙ?â??Û? تÙ?ر">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "تÙ?ظÛ?Ù?ات شبکÙ?â??Û? تÙ?ر را بررسÛ? Ú©Ù?Û?د">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "تبرÛ?Ú©!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "اÛ?Ù? Ù?رÙ?رگر براÛ? استÙ?ادÙ? از تÙ?ر تÙ?ظÛ?Ù? شدÙ? است.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "اکÙ?Ù?Ù? Ø´Ù?ا بÙ? Ø·Ù?ر Ù?اشÙ?اس بÙ? اÛ?Ù?ترÙ?ت دسترسÛ? دارÛ?د.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "خطاÛ?Û? Ù¾Û?Ø´ Ø¢Ù?دÙ? است!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "تا با اÛ?Ù? Ù?رÙ?رگر کار Ù?Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?د.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "براÛ? Ú©Ù?Ú©Ø? تÙ?اس حاصÙ? Ù?رÙ?اÛ?Û?د:">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "جستجÙ?">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "جستجÙ?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "جستجÙ?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "بصÙ?رت اÙ?Ù?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "بصÙ?رت اÙ?Ù?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
@@ -42,23 +51,23 @@
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "اطÙ?اعات بÙ?شتر">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Ù?Ø´Ù?ر Ù? آدرس Ø¢Ù? Ù¾Û?:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Ù?سÙ?رÙ?اب Ù?خرج">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "تÙ?ر Ù?Ù?Ù?â??Û? Ù?Û?از Ø´Ù?ا براÛ? Ù?اشÙ?اس Ù?اÙ?دÙ? در Ù?ب را برآÙ?ردÙ? Ù?Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?د! براÛ? اطÙ?Û?Ù?اÙ? از اÛ?Ù?Ù?Û? Ù?Ù?Û?تتاÙ?Ø? Ù?Û?از دارÛ?د برخÛ? عادات Ù?بگردÛ?تاÙ? را تغÛ?Û?ر دÙ?Û?د.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "راÙ?Ù?Ù?اÛ?Û? براÛ? Ù?اشÙ?اس Ù?اÙ?دÙ?.">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ?Û?د Ú©Ù?Ú© Ú©Ù?Û?د!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Ù?سÙ?رÙ?اب تÙ?رÙ? ادارÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?د »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "داÙ?Ø·Ù?ب Ø´Ù?Ù?د »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "اÙ?دا Ù?Ù?Ù?د »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "پرÙ?Ú?Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر سازÙ?اÙ? غÛ?ر اÙ?تÙ?اعÛ? Ø¢Ù?رÛ?کاÛ?Û? 501(c)3 Ù?ختص Ù¾Ú?Ù?Ù?Ø´, تÙ?سعÙ? Ù? Ø¢Ù?Ù?زش در زÙ?Û?Ù? Ù?اشÙ?اسÛ? Ù? حرÛ?Ù? شخصÛ? Ø¢Ù?Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ù?ست.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "اطÙ?اعات بÛ?شتر در پرÙ?Ú?Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر Ù?سب Ù?Ù?Ù?د">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
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index 76e405d..f6b21e0 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fa/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fa/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "Ù?رÙ?رگر تÙ?ر">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Ù?رÙ?رگر تÙ?ر">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "پرÙ?Ú?Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "">
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index 9ae168e..fcf2e20 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fa/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fa/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+brandShortName=Ù?رÙ?رگر تÙ?ر
+brandFullName=Ù?رÙ?رگر تÙ?ر
+vendorShortName=پرÙ?Ú?Ù?Ù? تÙ?ر
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=صÙ?Ø­Ù?Ù? Firefox Start, صÙ?Ø­Ù?Ù? خاÙ?Ú¯Û? تÙ?د با Ù?Ù?تÙ?ر جستجÙ?
+homePageImport=صÙ?Ø­Ù?â??Ù? خاÙ?Ú¯Û?تاÙ?â??را از %S Ù?ارد Ù?Ù?Ù?د
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=اÙ?تخاب صÙ?Ø­Ù?Ù? خاÙ?Ú¯Û?
+homePageMigrationDescription=بÙ?رÙ?اÛ?Û?د صÙ?Ø­Ù?Ù? خاÙ?Ú¯Û? اÙ?تخاب Ú¯Ù?Û?د:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fa/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/fa/browser.properties
index 295a03a..37e0215 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fa/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fa/browser.properties
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ browser.search.defaultenginename=Startpage
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+browser.search.order.3=Ú¯Ù?Ú¯Ù? کاÙ?ادا
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fa/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/fa/torbutton.dtd
index b35a395..d0514a0 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fa/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fa/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Ù?شدار: از بÙ? کار بردÙ? Ù?ر Ú¯Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?اÙ? Ù?Ù?زباÙ? (hostname) در باÙ?ا بپرÙ?Ù?زÙ?د">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "تازÙ? کردÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ت جعÙ?Û?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "تÙ?ظÙ?Ù?ات جعÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ت ارجاع دÙ?Ù?دÙ?">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "عدÙ? جعÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ت ارجاع دÙ?Ù?دÙ?">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "جعÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ت Ù¾Ù?Ø´Ù? حاÙ?Û? صÙ?Ø­Ù?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "جعÙ? Ù?Ù?Ù?ت داÙ?Ù?Ù? بÙ? عÙ?Ù?اÙ? ارجاع دÙ?Ù?دÙ?">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "بÛ?â??Ù?اÙ? سازÛ? ارجاع دÙ?Ù?دÙ?">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Ù?دÙ?رÙ?ت Ø­Ù?اظت Ú©Ù?Ù?Ú?Ú©â??Ù?ا">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Ø­Ù?اظت شدÙ?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Ù?Ù?زباÙ?">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "حذÙ? تÙ?اÙ? Ú©Ù?Ù?Ú?Ú©â??Ù?اÛ? Ø­Ù?اظت Ù?شدÙ?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Ø­Ù?اظت از Ú©Ù?Ù?Ú?Ú©â??Ù?اÛ? جدÙ?د">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "عدÙ? Ø­Ù?اظت از Ú©Ù?Ù?Ú?Ú©â??Ù?اÛ? جدÙ?د">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "غÙ?رÙ?عاÙ? کردÙ? بÙ?â??رÙ?زرساÙ?Û? بÙ?Ú© Ù?ارکâ??Ù?ا (livemarks) Ø­Ù?Ù? استÙ?ادÙ? از تÙ?ر">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
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 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(اختÙ?ارÛ?)">
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index 2fc51c6..8327507 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fr/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,37 +4,46 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "A propos de Tor ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "CEPENDANT, ce navigateur n'est pas à jour.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "DE PLUS, ce navigateur n'est pas à jour.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Cliquez sur l'oignon, puis choisissez Télécharger les mises à jour du Tor Browser Bundle.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Tester les paramètres du réseau Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Félicitations !">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Ce navigateur est configuré pour utiliser Tor.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Vous pouvez maintenant naviguer sur Internet de manière anonyme.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Une erreur s'est produite !">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor ne fonctionne pas dans ce navigateur.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Pour obtenir de l'aide, veuillez contacter">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help-fr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Rechercher">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Rechercher">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Rechercher">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "en toute sécurité">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "en toute sécurité">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "avec">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "avec">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
@@ -42,23 +51,23 @@
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Informations supplémentaires :">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Pays &amp; adresse IP :">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "NÅ?ud de sortie :">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Ce serveur n'enregistre aucune information sur les visites qu'il reçoit.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "Que faire ensuite ?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor n'est PAS tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour assurer votre anonymat ! Vous devrez peut-être changer certaines de vos habitudes de navigation pour garder votre identité en sécurité.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Conseils pour rester anonyme »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html#warning";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Vous pouvez aider !">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Vous pouvez aider à rendre le réseau Tor plus rapide et plus puissant de plusieurs manières :">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Faire fonctionner un relai Tor »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Devenir bénévole »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Faire un don »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Le projet Tor est une organisation à but non lucratif (US 501(c)(3) dédiée à la recherche, le développement et l'éducation sur l'anonymat et la vie privée en ligne.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "En savoir plus sur le projet Tor »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..775472a 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "Navigateur Tor">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Navigateur Tor">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Projet Tor">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox et les logos de Firefox sont des marques déposées de la Fondation Mozilla.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..34bbdf9 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fr/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+brandShortName=Navigateur Tor
+brandFullName=Navigateur Tor
+vendorShortName=Projet Tor
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, une page d'accueil rapide avec recherche intégrée
+homePageImport=Importez votre page d'accueil à partir de %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=Sélection de la Page d'accueil 
+homePageMigrationDescription=S'il vous plaît sélectionner la page d'accueil que vous souhaitez utiliser:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fr/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/fr/browser.properties
index 295a03a..e8c588c 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fr/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fr/browser.properties
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 # Spell checker dictionary
 # Default search engine
+browser.search.defaultenginename=Page d'accueil
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+browser.search.order.1=Page d'accueil
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.dtd
index 0d1c138..a537fba 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Attention: �vitez d'utiliser les noms d'hôtes ci-dessus">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Actualiser l'altération">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Options d'altération de l'adresse référente">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Ne pas altérer l'adresse référente">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Altérer le dossier contenant la page">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Utiliser le domaine comme adresse référente">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Supprimer l'adresse référente">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Gérer les protections de cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Protégé">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Hôte">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Supprimer tous les cookies non protégés">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Protéger les nouveaux cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Ne pas protéger les nouveaux cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Désactiver les marques-pages dynamiques durant l'utilisation de Tor">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(recommandé)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(optionnel)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(essentiel)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.properties
index 60cc74c..2b24b73 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/fr/torbutton.properties
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@ torbutton.popup.redirect = Rediriger
 torbutton.popup.no_redirect = Ne pas rediriger
 torbutton.popup.prompted_language = Pour renforcer votre anonymat, Torbutton peut demander une version anglaise de la page Web. Les pages que vous préférez lire dans votre langue préférée pourraient alors s'afficher en anglais.â??\nâ??\nVoulez-vous demander des pages Web en anglais pour améliorer votre anonymat ?
 torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton ne peut pas délivrer une nouvelle identité de manière sécuritaire. Il n'a pas accès au port de contrôle de Tor.\n\nUtilisez-vous le paquet du Navigateur Tor ?
-torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Il semble que vous utilisez Torbutton avec Firefox, ce qui n'est plus une configuration sécuritaire recommandée.\n\nEn remplacement, nous vous recommandons d'obtenir le dernier paquet du Navigateur Tor en envoyant un courriel à gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ou en le téléchargeant depuis l'adresse URL suivante : 
+torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Il semble que vous utilisez Torbutton avec Firefox, ce qui n'est plus une configuration sécuritaire recommandée.\n\nEn remplacement, nous vous recommandons d'obtenir le dernier paquet du Navigateur Tor en envoyant un courriel à gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ou en le téléchargeant depuis l'adresse URL suivante :
 torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torbutton ne peut pas mettre à jour les préférences dans le répertoire du profil du Navigateur Tor.
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = Merci de réinitialiser les permissions du répertoire du Navigateur Tor  ou de le copier dans un nouvel emplacement.
-torbutton.popup.device_full = Le disque semble être plein. Merci de libérer de la place ou déplacer le Navigateur Tor vers un nouveau périphérique. 
+torbutton.popup.device_full = Le disque semble être plein. Merci de libérer de la place ou déplacer le Navigateur Tor vers un nouveau périphérique.
 torbutton.title.prompt_torbrowser = Information importante concernant Torbutton
 torbutton.popup.prompt_torbrowser = Torbutton fonctionne différemment maintenant: vous ne pouvez plus le désactiver.\n\nNous avons effectué ce changement car il n'est pas sûr d'utiliser Torbutton dans un navigateur qui est également utiliser pour une navigation sans Tor. Ils y avaient trop de bugs ne nous pouvions résoudre.\n\nSi vous désirez vous servir de Firefox normalement, vous devriez déinstaller le Torbutton et télécharger Tor Browsser Bundle. Les propriétés de confidentialité de Tor Browser sont supérieures à celles de Firefox, même s'il est utilisé avec TorButton.\n\nPour supprimer Torbutton, allez dans Outils->Modules Complémentaires->Extensions et cliquez le button Supprimer à coté de Torbutton.
 torbutton.popup.short_torbrowser = Information importante concernant Torbutton!\n\nTorbutton est dorénavant toujours activé.\n\nCliquer sur Torbutton pour plus d'informations.
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..57b1a42 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/it/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,37 +4,46 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "Info su Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "TUTTAVIA, questo browser non è aggiornato.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "INOLTRE, questo browser non è aggiornato.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Clicca sulla cipolla e poi scegli Scarica Aggiornamento Tor Browser Bundle.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Impostazioni della Rete Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulazioni!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Questo browser è configurato per usare Tor.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Ora sei libero di navigare in internet anonimamente.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Qualcosa è Andato Storto!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor non sta funzionando su questo browser.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Per richiedere assistenza, contattare">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Cerca">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Cerca">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Cerca">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "in modo sicuro">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "in modo sicuro">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/ita/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "con">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "con">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
@@ -42,23 +51,23 @@
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Ulteriori Info:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Nazione &amp; Indirizzo IP:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Nodo di Uscita:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Questo server non registra alcuna informazione circa i visitatori.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "E Dopo?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor NON è tutto ciò che ti serve per navigare anonimamente! Potresti aver bisogno di cambiare le tue abitudini di navigazione per accertarti che la tua identità rimanga al sicuro.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Consigli Per Restare Anonimo »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Puoi Aiutare!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Ci sono molti modi in cui puoi aiutare a rendere la Rete Tor più veloce e stabile:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Gestisci un Nodo Relay di Tor »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Aiutaci in Vari Modi »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Fai una Donazione »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Il Tor Project è un'organizzazione 501(c)(3) non-profit americana dedicata alla ricerca, sviluppo ed educazione sull'anonimato e privacy online.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Maggiori info sul Tor Project »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..b8f6fe9 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.dtd
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 <!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
 <!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
 <!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox e i loghi Firefox sono marchi registrati della Mozilla Foundation.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..ee1a15f 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/it/brand.properties
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ brandShortName=TorBrowser
 brandFullName=Tor Browser
 vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, una home page veloce con ricerca integrata
+homePageImport=Importa la tua home page da %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=Selezione Home Page
+homePageMigrationDescription=Seleziona la home page che desideri usare:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/it/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/it/torbutton.dtd
index 0de2f16..0372363 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/it/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/it/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Attenzione: Evitare di usare uno degli hostnames di cui sopra">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Offusca gli aggiornamenti">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Opzioni di offuscamento dei Referer">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Non offuscare i referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Offusca la cartella contenente la pagina">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Offusca il dominio come referer">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Rendi vuoto il referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Gestisci protezione Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Protetto">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Host">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Rimuovi tutti tranne quelli protetti">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Proteggi i nuovi cookie">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Non proteggere i nuovi cookie">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disabilita gli aggiornamenti dei livemarks durante l'uso di Tor">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(consigliato)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(facoltativo)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(essenziale)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..008a804 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ko/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label " ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "ê²?ì??">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label " ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label " ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..e34f480 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..6598ccd 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ko/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+# brandShortName=TorBrowser
+# brandFullName=Tor Browser
+# vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+# homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
+# homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
+# homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# syncBrandShortName=Sync
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ko/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/ko/browser.properties
index 295a03a..fd25b10 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ko/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ko/browser.properties
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # Default home page
+# browser.startup.homepage=about:tor
 # Spell checker dictionary
+# spellchecker.dictionary=en_US
 # Default search engine
+# browser.search.defaultenginename=Startpage
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+# browser.search.order.1=Startpage
+# browser.search.order.2=DuckDuckGo
+# browser.search.order.3=Google
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd
index e501e73..b9f6feb 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "주ì?? : ì?´ë?¤ í?¸ì?¤í?¸ë?¤ì??ì?? ì??ë??ì??ì?? ì?¬ì?©í??ë?? ê²?ì?? í?¼í??ì?­ì??ì?¤.">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Spoof Refresh">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Referer Spoofing ì?µì??">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "리í?¼ë?¬ë¥¼ spoof í??ì§? ë§?ì?­ì??ì?¤">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "í??ì?´ì§? í?´ë??를 í?¬í?¨í??ë?? spoof">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "ë??ì??민ì?? 리í?¼ë?¬ë¡? spoof í??ì?­ì??ì?¤">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "referer를 ê³µë??ì?¼ë¡? ë§?ë?¤ê¸°">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "쿠� 보� �리">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "보��">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Host">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "ë³´í?¸ë?? ê²? 빼고 모ë?? ì§?ì?°ê¸°">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ì¿ í?¤ ë³´í?¸">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "ì??ë¡?ì?´ ì¿ í?¤ë¥¼ ë³´í?¸í??ì§? ì??ì??">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Tor toggle ë??ì?? Livemark ì??ë?°ì?´í?¸ ë¹?í??ì?±í??">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(��)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(ì? í??)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(ì¤?ì??)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties
index a53d9b7..f3fa432 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ko/torbutton.properties
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ torbutton.popup.redirect = 리����
 torbutton.popup.no_redirect = 리ë?¤ì?´ë ?í?¸ í??ì§? ì??ì??
 torbutton.popup.prompted_language = ë?? ë§?ì?? ê°?ì?¸ ì ?보를 ì??í?´, Torbuttonì?? ì??ì?´ ë²?ì ? ì?¹í??ì?´ì§?를 ì??ì²­í?  ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì?´ê²?ì?? ê·?í??ì?? 모국ì?´ ë??ì?  ì??ì?´ë¥¼ í??ì??í??ë?? ì?¹ í??ì?´ì§?를 ì?¼ì?¼í?¬ ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤.\n\në?? ë??ì?? ê°?ì?¸ ì ?보를 ì??í?´ ì??ì?´ ì?¹ í??ì?´ì§?를 ì??ì²­í??ì??ê² ì?µë??ê¹??
 torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbuttonì?? ì??ì ?í??ê²? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ì? ì??ì?? ì¤? ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì?´ê²?ì?? Tor 컨í?¸ë¡¤ í?¬í?¸ì?? ì ?ê·¼í?  ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤.\n\nTor Browser Bundleì?? ì?¬ì?©í??ê³  ê³?ì?­ë??ê¹??
-torbutton.popup.use_tbb = ì?´ê²?ì?? Torbuttonì?? í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ì?? í?¨ê»? ì?¬ì?©í??ì?¤ ë?? ë??í??ë?©ë??ë?¤. 그리고 ë?©ì?? ì¶?ì²?ë??ë?? ì??ì ? ì?¤ì ?ì?´ ì??ë??ë??ë?¤.\n\në??ì? , ì ?í?¬ë?? gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ì??ê²? ë©?ì?¼ì?? ë³´ë?´ê±°ë??, ë?¤ì?? URLì?? ì ?ì??í?´ì?? ìµ?ì?  Tor browser bundleì?? ë°?ë?? ê²?ì?? ì¶?ì²?ë??립ë??ë?¤: 
+torbutton.popup.use_tbb = ì?´ê²?ì?? Torbuttonì?? í??ì?´ì?´í?­ì?¤ì?? í?¨ê»? ì?¬ì?©í??ì?¤ ë?? ë??í??ë?©ë??ë?¤. 그리고 ë?©ì?? ì¶?ì²?ë??ë?? ì??ì ? ì?¤ì ?ì?´ ì??ë??ë??ë?¤.\n\në??ì? , ì ?í?¬ë?? gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx ì??ê²? ë©?ì?¼ì?? ë³´ë?´ê±°ë??, ë?¤ì?? URLì?? ì ?ì??í?´ì?? ìµ?ì?  Tor browser bundleì?? ë°?ë?? ê²?ì?? ì¶?ì²?ë??립ë??ë?¤:
 torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torbuttonì?? Tor Browser í??ë¡?í??ì?¼ ë??ë ?í?´ë¥¼ ì??ë?°ì?´í?¸ í?  ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤.
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = Tor Browser ë??ë ?í? ë¦¬ì?? ê¶?í??ì?? ì´?기í?? í??ì??ê±°ë??,  Tor browser를 ì??ë¡?ì?´ ì??ì¹?ë¡? ì?®ê²¨ 주ì?­ì??ì?¤.
 torbutton.popup.device_full = ì?´ ë??ì?¤í?¬ë?? ê°?ë?? ì°¬ ê²? ê°?ì?µë??ë?¤. ë¹? ê³µê°?ì?? ë§?ë??ì??ê±°ë?? ì??ë¡?ì?´ ì?¥ì¹?ë¡? Tor browser를 ì?®ê²¨ 주ì?­ì??ì?¤.
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..fd73f07 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/nl/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "Over Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "ECHTER, deze browser is verouderd.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "BOVENDIEN is deze browser verouderd.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click op de ui en kies Download Tor Browser Pakket Update.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Netwerk Instellingen">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Gefeliciteerd!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Deze browser is ingesteld om Tor te gebruiken.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "Je kan nu anoniem over het internet browsen.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Er ging iets mis!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor werkt niet in deze browser.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Voor hulp, contacteer">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Zoeken">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Zoeken">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Zoeken">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "veilig">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "veilig">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/ned/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "met">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "met">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Bijkomende informatie:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Land &amp; IP Adres:">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Deze server logt geen enkele informatie over bezoekers.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "Wat nu?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NIET alles wat u nodig heeft om anoniem te kunnen browsen. Mogelijk is het nodig dat u bepaalde browsing-gewoontes veranderen om te vezekeren dat uw identiteit veilig blijft.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips om anoniem te blijven »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Jij kan helpen!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Er zijn veel verschillende manieren hoe jij kan helpen het Tor Netwerk sneller en sterker te maken:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Draai een Tor Relay Node »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Wordt vrijwilliger">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Doe een donatie »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Het Tor Project is een US 501(c)(3) non-profit voor onderzoek, ontwikkeling, onderwijs in online anonimiteit en privacy.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Leer meer over Het Tor  Project » ">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..111e9a9 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.dtd
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 <!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
 <!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
 <!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and het Firefox logo zijn handelsmerken van de Mozilla Foundation.">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..b03e3a7 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/nl/brand.properties
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ brandShortName=TorBrowser
 brandFullName=Tor Browser
 vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, een snelle startpagina met ingebouwde zoekfunctie
+homePageImport=Importeer je startpagina uit %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=Startpagina selectie
+homePageMigrationDescription=Selecteer de startpagina die jij wil gebruiken:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/nl/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/nl/browser.properties
index 295a03a..8196ec1 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/nl/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/nl/browser.properties
@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ browser.search.defaultenginename=Startpage
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/nl/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/nl/torbutton.dtd
index a78a0de..9be6230 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/nl/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/nl/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Opgelet: gebruik van bovenstaande hostnamen vermijden">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Spoof Vernieuwen">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Verwijzer Spoof instellingen">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Spoof verwijzer niet">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Spoof de bovenliggende folder van de pagina">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Spoof het domein als verwijzer">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Maak verwijzer leeg">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Beheer Cookie Beveiligingen">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Beveiligd">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Host">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Verwijder alle behalve beveiligde">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Beveilig nieuwe Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Beveilig nieuwe Cookies niet">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Livemark-updates tijdens Tor verhinderen">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(aanbevolen)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(optioneel)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(cruciaal)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..fe95c2d 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pl/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "Informacje">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "jednak ta przeglÄ?darka jest nieaktualna.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "Ponadto ta przeglÄ?darka jest nieaktualna.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Kliknij na cebulÄ?, a nastÄ?pnie wybierz Pobierz aktualizacjÄ? Tor Browser Bundle.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Przetestuj Ustawienia Sieci Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Gratulacje!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Ta przeglÄ?darka jest skonfigurowana do korzystania z Tor.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "JesteÅ? teraz swobodnie przeglÄ?daÄ? internet anonimowo.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "CoÅ? poszÅ?o nie tak!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor nie dziaÅ?a w tej przeglÄ?darce.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "Aby uzyskaÄ? pomoc, prosimy o kontakt">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Szukaj">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Szukaj">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Szukaj">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "bezpiecznie">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "bezpiecznie">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Strona startowa">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Informatii suplimentare:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Kraj i adres IP:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "WÄ?zÅ?a WyjÅ?ciowe:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Ten serwer nie rejestruje żadnych informacji o odwiedzajÄ?cych.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "Co dalej?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor NIE jest wszystko, czego potrzebujesz, aby przeglÄ?daÄ? anonimowo! Może trzeba bÄ?dzie zmieniÄ? niektóre ustawienia, aby zapewniÄ? tożsamoÅ?Ä? pozostaje bezpieczny.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Porady Na Temat Pobytu Anonimowy »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Ty możesz pomóc!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Istnieje wiele sposobów, możesz pomóc uczyniÄ? sieÄ? Tora BÄ?dzie szybsza i silniejsza:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Uruchom WÄ?zeÅ? Tora Przekaźnik »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Wolontariat Swoje UsÅ?ugi »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Przekaż darowiznÄ? »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Projekt Tor jest US 501 (c) (3) non-profit, zajmujÄ?ca siÄ? badaniami, rozwojem i edukacji online anonimowoÅ?ci i prywatnoÅ?ci.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Dowiedz siÄ? wiÄ?cej na temat Tor Project »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..e34f480 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..6598ccd 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pl/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+# brandShortName=TorBrowser
+# brandFullName=Tor Browser
+# vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+# homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
+# homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
+# homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# syncBrandShortName=Sync
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pl/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/pl/browser.properties
index 295a03a..f5df9f3 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pl/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pl/browser.properties
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # Default home page
+# browser.startup.homepage=about:tor
 # Spell checker dictionary
+# spellchecker.dictionary=en_US
 # Default search engine
+browser.search.defaultenginename=Strona startowa
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+browser.search.order.1=Strona startowa
+# browser.search.order.3=Google
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.dtd
index 6dc083c..bb88dbe 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Uwaga: Unikaj podawania nazw hostów powyżej">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "FaÅ?szuj odÅ?wieżanie">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Opcje faÅ?szowania adresu zwrotnego">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Nie faÅ?szuj adresu zwrotnego">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "WysyÅ?aj folder zawierajÄ?cy stronÄ?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "WysyÅ?aj domenÄ? jako adres zwrotny">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "WyczyÅ?Ä? adres zwrotny">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "ZarzÄ?dzaj ochronÄ? ciasteczek">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Chronione">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Host">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "UsuÅ? wszystkie oprócz chronionych">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "ChroÅ? nowe ciasteczka">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Nie chroÅ? nowych ciasteczek">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "WyÅ?Ä?cz aktualizacje livemarks podczas używania Tora">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(zalecane)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(opcjonalne)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(ważne)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.properties
index 85560a8..ddc1acb 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pl/torbutton.properties
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ torbutton.popup.redirect = Przekieruj
 torbutton.popup.no_redirect = Nie przekierowywuj
 torbutton.popup.prompted_language = Aby daÄ? Ci wiÄ?cej prywatnoÅ?ci, Torbutton może żÄ?daÄ? angielskich wersji stron internetowych. To może spowodowaÄ?, że strony, które wolisz czytaÄ? we wÅ?asnym jÄ?zyku bÄ?dÄ? siÄ? zamiast tego wyÅ?wietlaÄ? po angielsku.\n\nCzy chcesz żÄ?daÄ? stron w jÄ?zyku angielskim dla lepszej prywatnoÅ?ci?
 torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton nie może bezpiecznie daÄ? Ci nowej tożsamoÅ?ci. Nie ma dostÄ?pu do Portu Kontrolnego Tora.\n\nUzywasz Paczki Tora z PrzeglÄ?darkÄ??
-torbutton.popup.use_tbb = WyglÄ?da na to, że używasz Torbuttona z Firefoksem, co już nie jest zalecanÄ? bezpiecznÄ? konfiguracjÄ?.\n\nZamiast tego, zalecamy pobranie najnowszej Paczki Tora z PrzeglÄ?darkÄ? poprzez wysÅ?anie e-maila na gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx lub pobranie jej pod nastÄ?pujÄ?cym adresem: 
+torbutton.popup.use_tbb = WyglÄ?da na to, że używasz Torbuttona z Firefoksem, co już nie jest zalecanÄ? bezpiecznÄ? konfiguracjÄ?.\n\nZamiast tego, zalecamy pobranie najnowszej Paczki Tora z PrzeglÄ?darkÄ? poprzez wysÅ?anie e-maila na gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx lub pobranie jej pod nastÄ?pujÄ?cym adresem:
 torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torbutton nie może zaktualizowaÄ? preferencji w katalogu profilowym PrzeglÄ?darki Tora.
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = ProszÄ? albo ponownie ustawiÄ? uprawnienia do katalogu PrzeglÄ?darki Tora albo skopiowaÄ? go w nowe miejsce.
 torbutton.popup.device_full = Dysk zdaje siÄ? byÄ? peÅ?ny. ProszÄ? zwolniÄ? miejsce lub przenieÅ?Ä? PrzeglÄ?darkÄ? Tora na nowe urzÄ?dzenie.
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pt/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/pt/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..2ee9914 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pt/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pt/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Procurar">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "">
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index 76e405d..e34f480 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pt/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pt/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "">
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index 9ae168e..6598ccd 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pt/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pt/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+# brandShortName=TorBrowser
+# brandFullName=Tor Browser
+# vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+# homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
+# homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
+# homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# syncBrandShortName=Sync
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pt/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/pt/browser.properties
index 295a03a..fd25b10 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pt/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pt/browser.properties
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # Default home page
+# browser.startup.homepage=about:tor
 # Spell checker dictionary
+# spellchecker.dictionary=en_US
 # Default search engine
+# browser.search.defaultenginename=Startpage
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+# browser.search.order.1=Startpage
+# browser.search.order.2=DuckDuckGo
+# browser.search.order.3=Google
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/pt/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/pt/torbutton.dtd
index ca8b8da..a030ec7 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/pt/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/pt/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Evite utilizar o nome da máquina no campo a cima">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Refrescamento da falsificação">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Opções de falsificação do referente">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Não falsificar referente">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Falsificar a pasta que contém a página">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Falsificar o domínio com o referente">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Limpar referente">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Gerir as Proteções dos Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Protegido">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Anfitrião">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Remover todos excepto os Protegidos">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Proteger os novos Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Não proteger os novos Cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Desactivar actualizações durante a utilização do Tor">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
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 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(opcional)">
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diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..0d53ea3 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ru/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,71 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "Ð? пÑ?оекÑ?е Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "ТÐ?Ð? Ð?Ð? Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð?Ð?, даннÑ?й бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ел.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "Ð?РÐ?Ð?Ð? ТÐ?Ð?Ð?, даннÑ?й бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?ел.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Ð?ликниÑ?е по изобÑ?ажениÑ? лÑ?ка и вÑ?биÑ?иÑ?е Ð?агÑ?Ñ?зиÑ?Ñ? обновление пакеÑ?а Tor длÑ? бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ?а.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Ð?Ñ?овеÑ?ка инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?-наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оек Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Ð?оздÑ?авлениÑ?!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "Ð?аннÑ?й бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оен длÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зованиÑ? Tor.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "ТепеÑ?Ñ? Ð?Ñ? можеÑ?е поÑ?еÑ?аÑ?Ñ? инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?-Ñ?айÑ?Ñ? в анонимном Ñ?ежиме.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "ЧÑ?о-Ñ?о поÑ?ло не Ñ?ак!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor не Ñ?абоÑ?аеÑ? в Ñ?Ñ?ом бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ?е.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "ЧÑ?обÑ? полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? помоÑ?Ñ?, обÑ?аÑ?айÑ?еÑ?Ñ?:">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Ð?оиÑ?к">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Ð?оиÑ?к">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Ð?оиÑ?к">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "безопаÑ?но">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "безопаÑ?но">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "with">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "with">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Ð?аÑ?алÑ?наÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?а">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Ð?ополниÑ?елÑ?нÑ?е Ñ?ведениÑ?:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "СÑ?Ñ?ана &amp; IP-адÑ?еÑ?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Ð?онеÑ?нÑ?й Ñ?зел">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "Ð?аннÑ?й Ñ?еÑ?веÑ? не ведеÑ? Ñ?егиÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ? какой-либо инÑ?оÑ?маÑ?ией по поÑ?еÑ?иÑ?елÑ?м.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "ЧÑ?о далее?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor Ð?Ð? Ñ?влÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?еÑ?пÑ?ваÑ?Ñ?им Ñ?Ñ?едÑ?Ñ?вом длÑ? анонимного иÑ?полÑ?зованиÑ? Ñ?еÑ?и! Ð?озможно, Ð?ам пÑ?идеÑ?Ñ?Ñ? измениÑ?Ñ? Ñ?вои некоÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е пÑ?ивÑ?Ñ?ки инÑ?еÑ?неÑ?-Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?инга, Ñ?Ñ?обÑ? обезопаÑ?иÑ?Ñ? Ñ?вои лиÑ?нÑ?е даннÑ?е.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "РекомендаÑ?ии о Ñ?ом, как Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? анонимноÑ?Ñ?Ñ? »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "Ð?Ñ? можеÑ?е помоÑ?Ñ?!">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? много Ñ?поÑ?обов Ñ?делаÑ?Ñ? СеÑ?Ñ? Tor более бÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?одейÑ?Ñ?венной и Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ойÑ?ивой:">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Ð?апÑ?Ñ?Ñ?иÑ?е Ñ?елейнÑ?й Ñ?зел Tor »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html#ru";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Ð?казÑ?вайÑ?е добÑ?оволÑ?нÑ?Ñ? помоÑ?Ñ? »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html#ru";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "СделайÑ?е взноÑ? »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html#ru";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "Ð?Ñ?оекÑ? Tor - Ñ?Ñ?о некоммеÑ?Ñ?еÑ?каÑ? оÑ?ганизаÑ?иÑ? Ñ?ипа US 501(c)(3), пÑ?едназнаÑ?еннаÑ? длÑ? иÑ?Ñ?ледованиÑ?, Ñ?азвиÑ?иÑ? и обÑ?азованиÑ? в облаÑ?Ñ?и Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?анениÑ? анонимноÑ?Ñ?и и лиÑ?нÑ?Ñ? даннÑ?Ñ?.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "УзнайÑ?е болÑ?Ñ?е о Ð?Ñ?оекÑ?е Tor »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html#ru
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index 76e405d..b41f8ab 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ru/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ru/brand.dtd
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
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 <!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Ð?Ñ?оекÑ? Tor">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox и его логоÑ?ипÑ? Ñ?Ñ?о Ñ?оÑ?говÑ?е знаки Mozilla Foundation.">
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index 9ae168e..d4788a7 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ru/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ru/brand.properties
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@
 brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+vendorShortName=Ð?Ñ?оекÑ? Tor
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start - домаÑ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?ка Ñ?о вÑ?Ñ?Ñ?оеннÑ?м поиÑ?ком
+homePageImport=Ð?мпоÑ?Ñ? ваÑ?ей домаÑ?ней Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? из %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+homePageMigrationPageTitle=Ð?Ñ?боÑ? домаÑ?ней Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?
+homePageMigrationDescription=Ð?Ñ?беÑ?иÑ?е домаÑ?нÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ru/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/ru/browser.properties
index 295a03a..e34fcba 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ru/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ru/browser.properties
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ browser.startup.homepage=about:tor
 # Default search engine
+browser.search.defaultenginename=Ð?аÑ?алÑ?наÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?а
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+browser.search.order.1=Ð?аÑ?алÑ?наÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?а
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.dtd
index ea4ab5d..41ab358 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.dtd
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.block_links "Ð?локиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?елÑ?ки по Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лкам и пеÑ?езагÑ?Ñ?зкÑ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ? из Ñ?азнÑ?Ñ? Ñ?ежимов Tor (необÑ?з.)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.jar_certs "Ð¥Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? SSL Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ?икаÑ?Ñ? в Ñ?азделÑ?нÑ?Ñ? jar-Ñ?айлаÑ? длÑ? Tor/не-Tor (желаÑ?елÑ?но)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.jar_ca_certs "Ð¥Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? CA Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ?икаÑ?Ñ? в Ñ?азделÑ?нÑ?Ñ? jar-Ñ?айлаÑ? длÑ? Tor/не-Tor (желаÑ?елÑ?но)">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.locked_mode 'Ð?Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? "Ð?нопкÑ?" и "Ð?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие клавиÑ?и" длÑ? пÑ?едоÑ?вÑ?аÑ?енÑ? Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?айного пеÑ?еклÑ?Ñ?ениÑ? Ñ?ежима'>
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.locked_mode "Ð?Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? &quot;Ð?нопкÑ?&quot; и &quot;Ð?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ие клавиÑ?и&quot; длÑ? пÑ?едоÑ?вÑ?аÑ?енÑ? Ñ?лÑ?Ñ?айного пеÑ?еклÑ?Ñ?ениÑ? Ñ?ежима">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.startup_state "Ð?Ñ?и обÑ?Ñ?ном запÑ?Ñ?ке (без воÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ановлениÑ? Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?ии), Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?анавливаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние Tor в:">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.shutdown_state "Ð?Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?еное Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.startup "Ð?апÑ?Ñ?к">
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Ð?нимание: Ð?е вноÑ?иÑ?е никакиÑ? имен доменов в поле вÑ?Ñ?е">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "СÑ?еÑ?еÑ?Ñ? пÑ?авила подÑ?Ñ?ановок">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Ð?пÑ?ии подÑ?Ñ?ановок Ñ?еÑ?еÑ?еÑ?ов">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?авиÑ?Ñ? иÑ?Ñ?однÑ?й Ñ?еÑ?еÑ?еÑ?, как еÑ?Ñ?Ñ?">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Ð?одмена Ñ?одеÑ?жаÑ?иÑ? папки Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Ð?одмениÑ?Ñ? домен в каÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ве Ñ?еÑ?еÑ?еÑ?а">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "СделаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?еÑ?еÑ?еÑ? пÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?м">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "УпÑ?авление заÑ?иÑ?ой Cookie">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Ð?аÑ?иÑ?ено">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Ð?мÑ? компÑ?Ñ?Ñ?еÑ?а">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "УдалиÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е кÑ?оме заÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ннÑ?Ñ?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Ð?аÑ?иÑ?аÑ?Ñ? новÑ?е Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Ð?е заÑ?иÑ?аÑ?Ñ? новÑ?е Cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Ð?Ñ?клÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? обновление Livemarks во вÑ?емÑ? Ñ?абоÑ?Ñ? в Tor">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
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diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.properties
index 4f6d2ba..aec58c5 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/ru/torbutton.properties
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ torbutton.popup.redirect = Ð?еÑ?енапÑ?авиÑ?Ñ?
 torbutton.popup.no_redirect = Ð?е пеÑ?енапÑ?авлÑ?Ñ?Ñ?
 torbutton.popup.prompted_language = Ð?лÑ? пÑ?едоÑ?Ñ?авлениÑ? болÑ?Ñ?ей пÑ?иваÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и, Torbutton можеÑ? запÑ?аÑ?иваÑ?Ñ? веÑ?Ñ?ии Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ? на английÑ?ком Ñ?зÑ?ке. ЭÑ?о можеÑ? повлеÑ?Ñ? оÑ?обÑ?ажение Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ? на английÑ?ком Ñ?зÑ?ке, вмеÑ?Ñ?о оÑ?обÑ?ажениÑ? иÑ? на ваÑ?ем Ñ?одном Ñ?зÑ?ке.\n\nХоÑ?иÑ?е запÑ?аÑ?иваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ? на английÑ?ком Ñ?зÑ?ке длÑ? болÑ?Ñ?ей пÑ?иваÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и?
 torbutton.popup.no_newnym = Torbutton не можеÑ? безопаÑ?но даÑ?Ñ? вам новÑ?Ñ? лиÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?Ñ?. Ð?н не имееÑ? доÑ?Ñ?Ñ?па к Tor Control Port.\n\nÐ?Ñ? иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?еÑ?е Tor Browser Bundle?
-torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Ð?оÑ?оже, Ñ?Ñ?о вÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?еÑ?е Torbutton и Firefox, Ñ?Ñ?о более не Ñ?влÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?екомендÑ?емой безопаÑ?ной конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ией.\n\nÐ?меÑ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?ого, мÑ? Ñ?екомендÑ?ем вам полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? поÑ?ледний Tor Browser Bundle оÑ?оÑ?лав email на gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx или Ñ?каÑ?ав его по Ñ?ледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ей Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лке: 
+torbutton.popup.use_tbb = Ð?оÑ?оже, Ñ?Ñ?о вÑ? иÑ?полÑ?зÑ?еÑ?е Torbutton и Firefox, Ñ?Ñ?о более не Ñ?влÑ?еÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?екомендÑ?емой безопаÑ?ной конÑ?игÑ?Ñ?аÑ?ией.\n\nÐ?меÑ?Ñ?о Ñ?Ñ?ого, мÑ? Ñ?екомендÑ?ем вам полÑ?Ñ?иÑ?Ñ? поÑ?ледний Tor Browser Bundle оÑ?оÑ?лав email на gettor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx или Ñ?каÑ?ав его по Ñ?ледÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ей Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?лке:
 torbutton.popup.pref_error = Torbutton не можеÑ? обновиÑ?Ñ? наÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ойки в папке пÑ?оÑ?илÑ? Tor Browser.
 torbutton.popup.permission_denied = Ð?ожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, либо Ñ?бÑ?оÑ?Ñ?Ñ?е Ñ?азÑ?еÑ?ениÑ? длÑ? папки Tor Browser или Ñ?копиÑ?Ñ?йÑ?е еÑ? в дÑ?Ñ?гое меÑ?Ñ?о.
 torbutton.popup.device_full = Ð?оÑ?оже, Ñ?Ñ?о диÑ?к заполнен. Ð?ожалÑ?йÑ?Ñ?а, оÑ?вободиÑ?е меÑ?Ñ?о или пеÑ?емеÑ?Ñ?иÑ?е Tor Browser на дÑ?Ñ?гой диÑ?к.
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..2987c1b 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/vi/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Tìm kiếm">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..e34f480 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.dtd
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->
-<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "TorBrowser">
-<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
-<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "Tor Project">
-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  brandShortName        "">
+<!ENTITY  brandFullName         "">
+<!ENTITY  vendorShortName       "">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..6598ccd 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/vi/brand.properties
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-brandFullName=Tor Browser
-vendorShortName=Tor Project
+# brandShortName=TorBrowser
+# brandFullName=Tor Browser
+# vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+# homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
+# homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
+# homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
+# syncBrandShortName=Sync
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/vi/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/vi/browser.properties
index 295a03a..fd25b10 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/vi/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/vi/browser.properties
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 # Default home page
+# browser.startup.homepage=about:tor
 # Spell checker dictionary
+# spellchecker.dictionary=en_US
 # Default search engine
+# browser.search.defaultenginename=Startpage
 # Search engine order (order displayed in the search bar dropdown)
+# browser.search.order.1=Startpage
+# browser.search.order.2=DuckDuckGo
+# browser.search.order.3=Google
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.dtd
index af36b27..dd4b70e 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "Cảnh báo: Tránh sử dụng bất kỳ tên máy chủ � trên">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "Spoof Refresh">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Referer Spoofing Options">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "Do not spoof referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "Spoof the containing folder of the page">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "Spoof the domain as referer">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Make referer blank">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "Manage Cookie Protections">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "Protected">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "Host">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "Remove All But Protected">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "Protect New Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "Do Not Protect New Cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Vô hiá»?u hóa viá»?c cập nhật Ä?ánh-dấu-Ä?á»?ng trong quá trình dùng Tor">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_recommended "(khuyến cáo)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "(phụ)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "(cấp thiết)">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.properties b/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.properties
index 1c55bdd..375aa35 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/vi/torbutton.properties
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ torbutton.panel.label.enabled = Tor Ä?ược bật
 extensions.torbutton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx = Torbutton provides a button to configure Tor settings and quickly and easily clear private browsing data.
 torbutton.popup.history.warning = Torbutton khóa những thẻ trình duyá»?t Ä?ã tải trong má»?t trạng thái khác của Tor.\n\nCái này là Ä?á»? vận hành xung quanh lá»?i Firefox 409737 và 417869.\n\nNếu thông báo này hiá»?n ra chẳng vì lý do nào, thì má»?t trong những thẻ trình duyá»?t Ä?ang cá»? tá»± tải lại mà không thông báo, và Ä?iá»?u này Ä?ã bá»? ngÄ?n chặn.\n\nTor tải lại thẻ trình duyá»?t trong trạng thái này của Tor, gõ 'enter' trên thanh Ä?á»?a chá»?.\n\n
 torbutton.popup.plugin.warning = Torbutton chặn vi�c tải trực tiếp Tor n�i dung phần b� trợ.\n\nNên dùng Lưu Dư�i Dạng.\n\n
-torbutton.popup.confirm_ca_certs = LÆ°u ý Torbutton: Có vẻ bạn không có Nhà cấp phát Chứng thÆ° (CA) tùy biến. Kiá»?m tra danh sách CA là má»?t quá trình khá lâu và sẽ làm chậm viá»?c bật tắt Tor. Bạn có muá»?n vô hiá»?u hóa viá»?c cô lập các chứng thÆ° của CA không? (Nếu bạn không hiá»?u viá»?c này, cứ nhấn OK là Ä?ược) 
+torbutton.popup.confirm_ca_certs = LÆ°u ý Torbutton: Có vẻ bạn không có Nhà cấp phát Chứng thÆ° (CA) tùy biến. Kiá»?m tra danh sách CA là má»?t quá trình khá lâu và sẽ làm chậm viá»?c bật tắt Tor. Bạn có muá»?n vô hiá»?u hóa viá»?c cô lập các chứng thÆ° của CA không? (Nếu bạn không hiá»?u viá»?c này, cứ nhấn OK là Ä?ược)
 torbutton.popup.ff3.warning = Cảnh báo!\n\nTorbutton trên Firefox 3 làm lá»? múi giá»? và Ä?ánh-dấu-Ä?á»?ng của bạn thông qua Tor.\n\nBạn có còn muá»?n tiếp tục không?
 torbutton.popup.toggle.warning = Bạn cần bật tắt Tor hoặc khá»?i Ä?á»?ng lại Ä?á»? thiết lập có hiá»?u lá»±c.
 torbutton.popup.test.success = Thử nghi�m Tor thành công!
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd
index 2fc51c6..7a0a3d0 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/aboutTor.dtd
@@ -4,61 +4,70 @@
    - vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et syntax=xml:
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "About Tor">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.title "�� Tor">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "HOWEVER, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "ALSO, this browser is out of date.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "Click on the onion and then choose Download Tor Browser Bundle Update.">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOn.label "ä½?æ?¯è¯¥æµ?è§?å?¨å¹¶é??æ??æ?°ç??æ?¬ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDateTorOff.label "å?¦å¤?ï¼?该æµ?è§?å?¨å¹¶é??æ??æ?°ç??æ?¬ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.outOfDate2.label "请å??å?»æ´?è?±å?¾æ ?ï¼?ç?¶å??é??æ?©â??ä¸?è½½ Tor Browser Bundleâ??æ?´æ?°ã??">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "Test Tor Network Settings">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.check.label "�� Tor ��设置">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "Congratulations!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "This browser is configured to use Tor.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "Something Went Wrong!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor is not working in this browser.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "For assistance, please contact ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success.label "æ??å??ï¼?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success2.label "该æµ?è§?å?¨å·²é??置为使ç?¨ Tor ç½?ç»?ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.success3.label "ç?°å?¨å?³å?¯è?ªç?±å?°å?¿å??访é?®äº?è??ç½?ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure.label "å?ºé??äº?ï¼?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure2.label "Tor æ? æ³?å?¨è¯¥æµ?è§?å?¨ä¸?è¿?è¡?ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3prefix.label "å¦?é??帮å?©ï¼?请è??ç³»ï¼?">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3Link "help@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.failure3suffix.label "ã??">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "Search">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/do/search";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.search.label "æ??ç´¢">
+<!-- Note to translators: the following 18 entities are used to construct a
+   - sentence (either the SP or DDG entities are used, but not both at the
+   - same time).   In English, the sentence reads:
+   -    Search securely with Startpage.
+   - or:
+   -    Search securely with DuckDuckGo.
+   - The sentence contains two embedded links for "securely" and
+   - the search engine ("Startpage" or "DuckDuckGo").
+  -->
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSPPost.link "https://startpage.com/rth/search";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDGPost.link "https://duckduckgo.com/html/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "Search ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "securely">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html?";>
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.beforeLink.label "æ??ç´¢">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.beforeLink.label "æ??ç´¢">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.label "å®?å?¨">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.label "å®?å?¨">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.link "https://startpage.com/eng/protect-privacy.html";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.link "https://duckduckgo.com/privacy.html";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label " with ">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.privacy.afterLink.label "&amp;nbsp;">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.beforeLink.label "å¼?æ??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.beforeLink.label "å¼?æ??">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.label "Startpage">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.label "DuckDuckGo">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.link "https://startpage.com/";>
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.link "https://duckduckgo.com/";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label ".">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label ".">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchSP.search.afterLink.label "ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.searchDDG.search.afterLink.label "ã??">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "Additional Info:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "Country &amp; IP Address:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "Exit Node:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "This server does not log any information about visitors.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "What Next?">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "Tor is NOT all you need to browse anonymously! You may need to change some of your browsing habits to ensure your identity stays safe.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "Tips On Staying Anonymous »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo1.label "��信��">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo2.label "å?½å®¶ä¸? IP å?°å??ï¼?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo3.label "å?ºå?£è??ç?¹ï¼?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.torInfo4.label "æ?¬æ??å?¡å?¨ä¸?è®°å½?æ??å?³è®¿é?®è??ç??ä»»ä½?ä¿¡æ?¯ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextQuestion.label "��步�">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnextAnswer.label "ä»?ä»?使ç?¨ Tor æ? æ³?å®?ç?°å?¿å??æµ?è§?ã??为äº?ç¡®ä¿?身份å®?å?¨ï¼?ä½ å?¯è?½é??è¦?æ?¹å??æ??äº?æµ?è§?ä¹ æ?¯ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.label "ä¿?æ??å?¿å??å°?æ??å·§ »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.whatnext.link "https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en#warning";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "You Can Help!">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "There are many ways you can help make the Tor Network faster and stronger:">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "Run a Tor Relay Node »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo1.label "你��以帮��">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo2.label "å?¯é??è¿?å¾?å¤?æ?¹å¼?æ??ä¾?帮å?©ï¼?让 Tor ç½?ç»?å??å¾?æ?´å¿«æ?´å¼ºå¤§ï¼?">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.label "è¿?è¡? Tor 中继è??ç?¹ »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo3.link "https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-relay.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "Volunteer Your Services »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.label "æ??ä¾?å¿?æ?¿æ??å?¡ »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo4.link "https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "Make a Donation »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.label "æ??å?© »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.helpInfo5.link "https://www.torproject.org/donate/donate.html.en";>
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to the research, development, and education of online anonymity and privacy.">
-<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "Learn more about The Tor Project »">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.footer.label "The Tor Project æ?¯ä¸?家ç¾?å?½ 501(c)(3) é??è?¥å?©ç»?ç»?ï¼?è?´å??äº?å?¨çº¿å?¿å??ä¸?é??ç§?ç??ç ?究ã??å¼?å??ä¸?æ??è?²ã??">
+<!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.label "äº?解æ?´å¤?æ??å?³ The Tor Project ç??ä¿¡æ?¯ »">
 <!ENTITY aboutTor.learnMore.link "https://www.torproject.org/about/overview.html.en";>
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.dtd
index 76e405d..e6464da 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.dtd
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
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 <!ENTITY  brandFullName         "Tor Browser">
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-<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox and the Firefox logos are trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation.">
+<!ENTITY  trademarkInfo.part1   "Firefox ä¸? Firefox å?¾æ ?为 Mozilla Foundation ç??å??æ ?ã??">
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.properties b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.properties
index 9ae168e..151e991 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/brand.properties
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ brandShortName=TorBrowser
 brandFullName=Tor Browser
 vendorShortName=Tor Project
-homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Start, a fast home page with built-in search
-homePageImport=Import your home page from %S
+homePageSingleStartMain=Firefox Startï¼?å??ç½®æ??ç´¢å??è?½ç??å¿«é??å?¯å?¨ä¸»é¡µ
+homePageImport=� %S 导�主页
-homePageMigrationPageTitle=Home Page Selection
-homePageMigrationDescription=Please select the home page you wish to use:
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/browser.properties b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/browser.properties
index 295a03a..b3a313b 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/browser.properties
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/browser.properties
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Spell checker dictionary
 # Default search engine
diff --git a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/torbutton.dtd b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/torbutton.dtd
index f8575b9..7c77238 100644
--- a/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/torbutton.dtd
+++ b/src/chrome/locale/zh-CN/torbutton.dtd
@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.no_proxy_warning "è­¦å??ï¼?请ä¸?è¦?使ç?¨ä¸?è¿°ä»»ä½?主æ?ºå??ã??">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofreresh "伪���">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.refereroptions "Referer 欺éª?é??项">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "正常 Referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.nospoof "No referer spoof during Tor usage (sends referers as normal)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofroot "伪é? å??å?«æ??件夹ç??页é?¢">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofdomain "伪é? å??å??ä½?为 Referer">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "��空� Referer">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.spoofblank "Spoof blank referer during Tor usage (may break some sites)">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.title "管ç??å??ä¿?æ?¤ç?? Cookie">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.lockCol "å??ä¿?æ?¤">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.domainCol "æ??å?¡å?¨">
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.removeAllBut "å?¨é?¨ç§»é?¤ä»?ä¿?ç??å??ä¿?æ?¤ç?? Cookie">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.saveAllCookies "ä¿?æ?¤æ?°ç?? Cookies">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.cookiedialog.doNotSaveAllCookies "ä¸?ä¿?æ?¤æ?°ç?? Cookies">
-<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "使� Tor ��� Livemark ���RSS 书签�">
+<!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.disable_livemarks "Disable livemarks updates during Tor usage">
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 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_optional "ï¼?å?¯é??ï¼?">
 <!ENTITY torbutton.prefs.dtd_crucial "ï¼?é??è¦?ï¼?">

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