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[tor-commits] [pyonionoo/master] Refactor database.py

commit 75d34050654175e9f952d98966476c173d40cd2a
Author: Sathyanarayanan Gunasekaran <gsathya.ceg@xxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Fri Sep 21 19:11:55 2012 +0530

    Refactor database.py
    This is a pretty big commit with lots of refactoring:
    - Remove certain global vars, use config file
    - Remove freshen_database() - It's now a part of update_databases()
    - get_database() is now renamed to get_database_conn(), and removed
      the unused conn.row_factory variable
    - update_database() is now renamed to update_databases()
    - Add more logging info
    - Make modular insertion statements
    - get_summary_routers() returns relays/bridges which are now Router
    - Refactor code
      * Remove unnecessary return statements and whitespace
      * Make multiline statements more pythonic
 pyonionoo.conf                |    2 +-
 pyonionoo/config.py           |    4 +-
 pyonionoo/database.py         |  202 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 pyonionoo/handlers/summary.py |    9 +-
 pyonionoo/parser.py           |   18 ++--
 pyonionoo/web.py              |    2 +-
 6 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 119 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyonionoo.conf b/pyonionoo.conf
index 6e93de1..d3bbf60 100644
--- a/pyonionoo.conf
+++ b/pyonionoo.conf
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ debug = no
 out_dir = /tmp
+summary_file = summary
diff --git a/pyonionoo/config.py b/pyonionoo/config.py
index 1de03b0..ed8001b 100644
--- a/pyonionoo/config.py
+++ b/pyonionoo/config.py
@@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ def parse_config(filename):
         settings["mysql_settings"] = None
-    settings['metrics_out'] = xget(cfg.get, 'metrics', 'out_dir', None)
+    settings['metrics_out'] = xget(cfg.get, 'metrics', 'out_dir', '/tmp')
+    settings['summary_file'] = xget(cfg.get, 'metrics', 'summary_file', 'summary')
     return settings
diff --git a/pyonionoo/database.py b/pyonionoo/database.py
index 8dd369f..1bc555b 100644
--- a/pyonionoo/database.py
+++ b/pyonionoo/database.py
@@ -7,14 +7,6 @@ import time
 from pyonionoo.parser import Router
-# Metrics out/ directory.
-# Summary document that will be read into an SQLite database.  This should
-# probably be defined in a configuration file somewhere.
-SUMMARY_FILE = 'summary'
 # Name of the SQLite database.  This should be defined in a configuration file
 # somewhere.  And it should be ':memory:', not a file.  BUT:  it seems that
 # (1) sqlite3.Connection objects are not thread-safe, and (2) if different
@@ -90,19 +82,28 @@ def _create_table(conn, tbl_name, schema):
     cursor = conn.cursor()
+    logging.info("Creating table %s" % (tbl_name))
     # Can only use placeholders in select statements?
     cursor.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s' % tbl_name)
     cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE %s (%s)' % (tbl_name, schema))
+    logging.info("Created table %s" % (tbl_name))
+def bootstrap_database(metrics_out, summary_file):
+    """
+    Bootstraps the database creation process:
+      * Create 3 databases - summary, flags, addresses
+      * Updates the databases
-    return
+    @type metrics_out: string
+    @param metrics_out: path to metrics data dir
-def create_database(metrics_out):
+    @type summary_file: string
+    @param summary_file: summary file name
+    """
-    METRICS_OUT = metrics_out
+    summary_file = os.path.join(metrics_out, summary_file)
-    conn = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME)
+    conn = get_database_conn()
     # Create the tables.
     _create_table(conn, summary_tbl_name, summary_schema)
@@ -111,17 +112,11 @@ def create_database(metrics_out):
-    freshen_database()
-    return
+    update_databases(summary_file)
-def update_database():
+def update_databases(summary_file=None):
-    Create the database.
-    rtype: sqlite3.Connection
-    return:  A connection object for the database that has been created.
+    Updates all three databases information.
     This operation operates as a single transaction.  Therefore,
     the database can be read by other requests while it is being
@@ -129,16 +124,19 @@ def update_database():
     database.  Once this function completes, all future reads will be
     from the "updated" database.
     global DB_CREATION_TIME
-    logging.info("Updating database.")
+    if DB_CREATION_TIME >= os.stat(summary_file).st_mtime:
+        return
+    logging.info("Updating database")
     # It seems that the default isolation_level is probably OK for
     # all of this to be done in a single transaction.
-    conn = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME, isolation_level='IMMEDIATE')
+    conn = get_database_conn()
     # First delete all records.
+    logging.info("Deleting data from databases")
     CURSOR = conn.cursor()
     CURSOR.execute('DELETE FROM %s' % summary_tbl_name)
     CURSOR.execute('DELETE FROM %s' % flags_tbl_name)
@@ -153,68 +151,74 @@ def update_database():
     # field in the flags/addresses table.  Here we can avoid all those
     # selects, because the rowid attribute of the cursor is set to that
     # id field right after we execute the (individual) insert statements.
-    fields = ('type', 'nickname', 'fingerprint', 'running', 
-            'time_published', 'OR_port', 'dir_port', 'consensus_weight', 
-            'country_code', 'hostname', 'time_lookup')
-    insert_stmt = ('insert into %s (%s) values (%s)' %
-            (summary_tbl_name, ','.join(fields), ','.join(['?']*len(fields))))
-    with open(SUMMARY) as f:
+    summary_fields = ('type', 'nickname', 'fingerprint', 'running',
+                      'time_published', 'OR_port', 'dir_port', 'consensus_weight',
+                      'country_code', 'hostname', 'time_lookup')
+    addresses_fields = ('id_of_row', 'address')
+    flags_fields = ('id_of_row', 'flag')
+    insert_stmt = 'insert into %s (%s) values (%s)'
+    # create insertion statement for summary table
+    summary_insert_stmt = (insert_stmt % (summary_tbl_name, ','.join(summary_fields),
+                                          ','.join(['?']*len(summary_fields))))
+    # create insertion statement for addresses table
+    addresses_insert_stmt = (insert_stmt % (addresses_tbl_name, ','.join(addresses_fields),
+                                            ','.join(['?']*len(addresses_fields))))
+    # create insertion statement for flags table
+    flags_insert_stmt = (insert_stmt % (flags_tbl_name, ','.join(flags_fields),
+                                        ','.join(['?']*len(flags_fields))))
+    if not summary_file:
+        # raise Exception?
+        return
+    with open(summary_file) as f:
         for line in f.readlines():
-            router = Router(line)
-            router_type = 'r' if router.is_relay else 'b'
-            # parser.Router.consensus_weight is a string???
-            router_tuple = (router_type, router.nickname, router.fingerprint, router.is_running, router.time_published, router.orport, router.dirport, int(router.consensus_weight), router.country_code, router.hostname, router.time_of_lookup)
+            router = Router()
+            router.parse(line)
+            router_tuple = (router.type, router.nickname, router.fingerprint,
+                            router.running, router.time_published, router.orport,
+                            router.dirport, router.consensus_weight, router.country_code,
+                            router.hostname, router.time_of_lookup)
             # TODO: Determine whether sqlite3 optimizes by remembering
             # this insert command and not parsing it every time it sees
             # it.  This is mentioned in PEP 249, but we aren't sure where
             # the PEP says that implementations might optimize in this way,
             # or might allow users to optimize in this way.
-            CURSOR.execute(insert_stmt, router_tuple)
+            CURSOR.execute(summary_insert_stmt, router_tuple)
             id_num = CURSOR.lastrowid
-            address_info = (id_num, router.address)
-            CURSOR.execute('INSERT INTO addresses (id_of_row, address) VALUES (?,?)', address_info)
+            address_values = (id_num, router.address)
+            CURSOR.execute(addresses_insert_stmt, address_values)
-            flags = router.flags
-            for flag in flags:
-                flag_info = (id_num, flag)
-                CURSOR.execute('INSERT INTO flags (id_of_row, flag) VALUES (?,?)', flag_info)
+            for flag in router.flags:
+                flag_values = (id_num, flag)
+                CURSOR.execute(flags_insert_stmt, flag_values)
+    logging.info("Table updated")
     DB_CREATION_TIME = time.time()
-    return conn
-def freshen_database():
-    global FRESHEN_TIMER
-    if DB_CREATION_TIME < os.stat(SUMMARY).st_mtime:
-        update_database()
-    FRESHEN_TIMER = threading.Timer(
-            DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL, freshen_database)
+    FRESHEN_TIMER = threading.Timer(DB_UPDATE_INTERVAL, update_databases, summary_file)
 def cancel_freshen():
-def get_database():
+def get_database_conn():
     conn = sqlite3.connect(DBNAME)
-    conn.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
     return conn
-def query_summary_tbl(
-        running_filter=None, type_filter=None, hex_fingerprint_filter=None,
-        country_filter=None, search_filter=None,
-        order_field=None, order_asc=True, offset_value=None, limit_value=None,
-        fields=('fingerprint',)):
-    conn = get_database()
+def query_summary_tbl(running_filter=None, type_filter=None, hex_fingerprint_filter=None,
+                      country_filter=None, search_filter=None, order_field=None,
+                      order_asc=True, offset_value=None, limit_value=None,
+                      fields=('fingerprint',)):
+    conn = get_database_conn()
     # Build up a WHERE clause based on the request parameters.  We only
     # consider the case in which the client specifies 'search' or
@@ -228,86 +232,82 @@ def query_summary_tbl(
         # Actually, this is a moderately painful parameter to implement.
         # Testing for an IP address probably means using regular expressions.
-        # SQLite doesn't suppor them without a user-defined function.  
+        # SQLite doesn't support them without a user-defined function.
         # Matching against a Python RE is easy to do, but then we have
         # to have a where clause that matches against the beginning of a
         # field value, and SQLite doesn't appear to support such a search
         # (unless, of course, you want to write a user-defined match()
         # function).
-        if running_filter != None:
+        if running_filter:
             clauses.append("running = %s" % int(running_filter))
-        if type_filter != None:
+        if type_filter:
             clauses.append("type = '%s'" % type_filter)
-        if hex_fingerprint_filter != None:
+        if hex_fingerprint_filter:
             clauses.append("fingerprint = '%s'" % hex_fingerprint_filter)
-        if country_filter != None:
+        if country_filter:
             clauses.append("country = '%s'" % country_filter)
     where_clause = ('WHERE %s' % ' and '.join(clauses)) if clauses else ''
     # Construct the ORDER, LIMIT, and OFFSET clauses.
     order_clause = ''
-    if order_field != None:
-        order_clause = 'ORDER BY %s %s' % (order_field, 
-                'ASC' if order_asc else 'DESC')
+    if order_field:
+        order_clause = 'ORDER BY %s %s' % (order_field,
+                                           'ASC' if order_asc else 'DESC')
     limit_clause = ''
-    if limit_value != None:
+    if limit_value:
         limit_clause = 'LIMIT %s' % limit_value
     offset_clause = ''
-    if offset_value != None:
+    if offset_value:
         offset_clause = 'OFFSET %s' % offset_value
     cursor = conn.cursor()
-    cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM summary %s %s %s %s' % (','.join(fields), 
-        where_clause, order_clause, limit_clause, offset_clause))
+    cursor.execute('SELECT %s FROM summary %s %s %s %s' %
+                   (','.join(fields), where_clause, order_clause, limit_clause,
+                    offset_clause))
     return cursor.fetchall()
-def get_summary_routers(
-        running_filter=None, type_filter=None, hex_fingerprint_filter=None,
-        country_filter=None, search_filter=None,
-        order_field=None, order_asc=True, offset_value=None, limit_value=None):
+def get_summary_routers(running_filter=None, type_filter=None, hex_fingerprint_filter=None,
+                        country_filter=None, search_filter=None, order_field=None,
+                        order_asc=True, offset_value=None, limit_value=None):
     Get summary document according to request parameters.
     @rtype: tuple.
     @return: tuple of form (relays, bridges, relays_time, bridges_time), where
-        * relays (bridges) is a list of sqlite3.Row, each of which consists of the
-          various attributes.  The important part is that each element of
-          relays (bridges) can be treated as a dictionary, with keys
-          the same as the database fields.
-        * relays_time (bridges_time) is a datetime object with the most
-          recent timestamp of the relay descriptors in relays.
+             * relays/bridges is a list of Router objects
+             * relays_time/bridges_time is a datetime object with the most
+               recent timestamp of the relay descriptors in relays.
     # Timestamps of most recent relay/bridge in the returned set.
     relay_timestamp = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 1, 0)
     bridge_timestamp = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 1, 0)
-    filtered_relays, filtered_bridges = [], []
-    fields = ('type', 'nickname', 'fingerprint', 'running', 'country_code', 
+    relays, bridges = [], []
+    fields = ('type', 'nickname', 'fingerprint', 'running', 'country_code',
             'time_published', 'consensus_weight')
-    for row in query_summary_tbl(
-            running_filter, type_filter, hex_fingerprint_filter,
-            country_filter, search_filter,
-            order_field, order_asc, offset_value, limit_value, fields):
+    for row in query_summary_tbl(running_filter, type_filter, hex_fingerprint_filter,
+                                 country_filter, search_filter,order_field, order_asc,
+                                 offset_value, limit_value, fields):
-        # Set the destination list for this router.
-        dest = filtered_relays if row[0] == 'r' else filtered_bridges
-        dest.append(row)
+        current_router = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[5], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
+        router = Router()
+        # This is magic
+        map(lambda (attr, value): setattr(router, attr, value), zip(fields, row))
-        current_router = datetime.datetime.strptime(row[5], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
         if row[0] == 'r':
+            relays.append(router)
             if current_router > relay_timestamp:
                 relay_timestamp = current_router
         if row[0] == 'b':
+            bridges.append(router)
             if current_router > bridge_timestamp:
                 bridge_timestamp = current_router
-    total_routers = (filtered_relays, filtered_bridges, relay_timestamp, bridge_timestamp)
+    total_routers = (relays, bridges, relay_timestamp, bridge_timestamp)
     return total_routers
diff --git a/pyonionoo/handlers/summary.py b/pyonionoo/handlers/summary.py
index 7260c77..ca12a0f 100644
--- a/pyonionoo/handlers/summary.py
+++ b/pyonionoo/handlers/summary.py
@@ -35,13 +35,12 @@ class SummaryHandler(cyclone.web.RequestHandler):
         relays, bridges = [], []
         filtered_relays, filtered_bridges, relay_timestamp, bridge_timestamp = routers
-        for (src, dest) in ((filtered_relays, relays), 
-                (filtered_bridges, bridges)):
+        for (src, dest) in ((filtered_relays, relays), (filtered_bridges, bridges)):
             for router in src:
-                    'n' : router['nickname'],
-                    'f' : router['fingerprint'],
-                    'r' : bool(router['running'])
+                    'n' : router.nickname,
+                    'f' : router.fingerprint,
+                    'r' : bool(router.running)
         # response is a dict, so the order is not maintained. should the
diff --git a/pyonionoo/parser.py b/pyonionoo/parser.py
index e7f27e8..5105782 100644
--- a/pyonionoo/parser.py
+++ b/pyonionoo/parser.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import re
 import datetime
 class Router:
-    def __init__(self, raw_content):
+    def __init__(self):
         self.nickname = None
         self.fingerprint = None
         self.address = None
@@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ class Router:
         self.orport = None
         self.dirport = None
         self.flags = None
-        self.is_running = False
+        self.running = False
         self.consensus_weight = None
         self.country_code = None
         self.hostname = None
         self.time_of_lookup = None
-        self.is_relay = None
-        self._parse(raw_content)
+        self.type = None
-    def _parse(self, raw_content):
+    def parse(self, raw_content):
         values = raw_content.split()
         if len(values) < 9:
             #raise Exception
             raise ValueError("Invalid router!")
-        if values[0] == "r":
-            self.is_relay = True
+        if values[0] == "r": self.type = "r"
+        else: self.type = "b"
         self.nickname = values[1]
         self.fingerprint = values[2]
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class Router:
         self.flags = values[8].split(',')
         for flag in self.flags:
             if flag == "Running":
-                self.is_running = True
-        self.consensus_weight = values[9]
+                self.running = True
+        self.consensus_weight = int(values[9])
         self.country_code = values[10]
         if values[11] != "null" : self.hostname = values[11]
         self.time_of_lookup = int(values[12])
diff --git a/pyonionoo/web.py b/pyonionoo/web.py
index 72ae9b1..b83cbcd 100644
--- a/pyonionoo/web.py
+++ b/pyonionoo/web.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Application(cyclone.web.Application):
         if not settings['metrics_out']:
             raise ValueError
-        database.create_database(settings['metrics_out'])
+        database.bootstrap_database(settings['metrics_out'], settings['summary_file'])
         cyclone.web.Application.__init__(self, handlers, **settings)

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