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[tor-commits] [gettor/master] Added OS/LC filter for fetching

commit 9c8e2ac20ac51fe6a67926b76285861685f0adc5
Author: ilv <ilv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Feb 11 19:54:49 2015 -0300

    Added OS/LC filter for fetching
 upload/fetch_latest_torbrowser.py |  153 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 110 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/upload/fetch_latest_torbrowser.py b/upload/fetch_latest_torbrowser.py
index b9b74bc..3aea7bc 100644
--- a/upload/fetch_latest_torbrowser.py
+++ b/upload/fetch_latest_torbrowser.py
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Fetch the latest version of Tor Browser and upload it to the supported
-# providers (e.g. Dropbox). Ideally, this script should be executed with
-# a cron in order to automate of updating the files served by GetTor when
-# a new version of Tor Browser is released.
 # This file is part of GetTor, a Tor Browser distribution system.
 # :authors: Israel Leiva <ilv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
@@ -13,11 +8,13 @@
 #               (c) 2015, Israel Leiva
 # :license: This is Free Software. See LICENSE for license information.
 import os
 import urllib2
 import json
+import argparse
 import ConfigParser
 import shutil
@@ -27,41 +24,111 @@ UPLOAD_SCRIPTS = {
     'drive': 'bundles2drive.py'
-# server from which to download Tor Browser
-dist_tpo = 'https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/'
-# find out the latest version
-url = 'https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser/RecommendedTBBVersions'
-response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
-json_response = json.load(response)
-latest_version = json_response[0]
-# find out the current version delivered by GetTor
-config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
-current_version = config.get('version', 'current')
-if current_version != latest_version:
-    # in wget we trust
-    mirror = '%s%s' % (dist_tpo, latest_version)
-    # download files for windows, osx, linux, signatures and checksums
-    params = '-nH --cut-dirs=1 -L 1 --accept exe,dmg,tar.xz,asc,txt'
-    cmd = 'wget %s --mirror %s' % (params, mirror)
-    # make the mirror
-    # a folder with the value of 'latest_version' will be created
-    os.system(cmd)
-    # everything inside upload will be uploaded by the provivers' scripts
-    shutil.move('latest', 'latest_backup')
-    shutil.move(latest_version, 'latest')
-    shutil.rmtree('latest_backup')
-    # latest version of Tor Browser has been syncronized
-    # let's upload it
-    for provider in UPLOAD_SCRIPTS:
-        os.sytem('python2.7 %s' % UPLOAD_SCRIPTS[provider])
-    # if everything is OK, update the current version delivered by GetTor
-    config.set('version', 'current', latest_version)
-    with open(r'latest_torbrowser.cfg', 'wb') as config_file:
-        config.write(config_file)
+# "regex" for filtering downloads in wget
+OS_RE = {
+    'windows': '%s.exe,%s.exe.asc',
+    'linux': '%s.tar.xz,%s.tar.xz.asc',
+    'osx': '%s.dmg,%s.dmg.asc',
+def main():
+    """Script to fetch the latest Tor Browser.
+    Fetch the latest version of Tor Browser and upload it to the supported
+    providers (e.g. Dropbox). Ideally, this script should be executed with
+    a cron in order to automate of updating the files served by GetTor when
+    a new version of Tor Browser is released.
+    Usage: python2.7 fetch.py --os=<OS> --lc=<LC>
+    Some fetch examples:
+    Fetch Tor Browser for all platforms and languages:
+        $ python2.7 fetch.py
+    Fetch Tor Browser only for Linux:
+        $ python2.7 fetch.py --os=linux
+    Fetch Tor Browser only for Windows and in US English:
+        $ python2.7 fetch.py --os=windows --lc=en-EN
+    Fetch Tor Browser for all platforms, but only in Spanish:
+        $ python2.7 fetch.py --lc=es-ES
+    """
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description='Utility to fetch the latest Tor Browser and upload it \
+                    to popular cloud services.'
+    )
+    # if no OS specified, download all
+    parser.add_argument('-o', '--os', default=None,
+                        help='filter by OS')
+    # if no LC specified, download all
+    parser.add_argument('-l', '--lc', default='',
+                        help='filter by locale')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    # server from which to download Tor Browser
+    dist_tpo = 'https://dist.torproject.org/torbrowser/'
+    # find out the latest version
+    url = 'https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser/RecommendedTBBVersions'
+    response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
+    json_response = json.load(response)
+    latest_version = json_response[0]
+    # find out the current version delivered by GetTor
+    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
+    config.read('latest_torbrowser.cfg')
+    current_version = config.get('version', 'current')
+    if current_version != latest_version:
+        mirror = '%s%s/' % (dist_tpo, latest_version)
+        # what LC should we download?
+        lc_re = args.lc
+        # what OS should we download?
+        if args.os == 'windows':
+            os_re = OS_RE['windows'] % (lc_re, lc_re)
+        elif args.os == 'osx':
+            os_re = OS_RE['osx'] % (lc_re, lc_re)
+        elif args.os == 'linux':
+            os_re = OS_RE['linux'] % (lc_re, lc_re)
+        else:
+            os_re = '%s.exe,%s.exe.asc,%s.dmg,%s.dmg.asc,%s.tar.xz,%s.tar'\
+                    '.xz.asc' % (lc_re, lc_re, lc_re, lc_re, lc_re, lc_re)
+        params = "-nH --cut-dirs=1 -L 1 --accept %s" % os_re
+        # in wget we trust
+        cmd = 'wget %s --mirror %s' % (params, mirror)
+        print "Going to execute %s" % cmd
+        # make the mirror
+        # a folder with the value of 'latest_version' will be created
+        os.system(cmd)
+        # everything inside upload will be uploaded by the provivers' scripts
+        shutil.move('latest', 'latest_backup')
+        shutil.move(latest_version, 'latest')
+        shutil.rmtree('latest_backup')
+        # latest version of Tor Browser has been syncronized
+        # let's upload it
+        for provider in UPLOAD_SCRIPTS:
+            os.sytem('python2.7 %s' % UPLOAD_SCRIPTS[provider])
+        # if everything is OK, update the current version delivered by GetTor
+        config.set('version', 'current', latest_version)
+        with open(r'latest_torbrowser.cfg', 'wb') as config_file:
+            config.write(config_file)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()

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