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[or-cvs] r19396: {} Add initial SQL event listener support using elixir. (torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl)

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-04-29 21:08:00 -0400 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 19396


Add initial SQL event listener support using elixir.

Added: torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/SQLSupport.py
--- torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/SQLSupport.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ torctl/trunk/python/TorCtl/SQLSupport.py	2009-04-30 01:08:00 UTC (rev 19396)
@@ -0,0 +1,646 @@
+Support classes for statisics gathering in SQL Databases
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import datetime
+import PathSupport, TorCtl
+from TorUtil import *
+from PathSupport import *
+from TorUtil import meta_port, meta_host, control_port, control_host, control_pass
+from TorCtl import EVENT_TYPE, EVENT_STATE, TorCtlError
+from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker, eagerload, lazyload, eagerload_all
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.schema import ThreadLocalMetaData,MetaData
+from elixir import *
+#################### Model #######################
+# In elixir, the session (DB connection) is a property of the model..
+# There can only be one for all of the listeners below that use it
+# See http://elixir.ematia.de/trac/wiki/Recipes/MultipleDatabases
+tc_metadata = MetaData()
+tc_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True))
+#__metadata__ = tc_metadata
+#__session__ = tc_session
+def setup_db(db_uri):
+  #session.close()
+  tc_engine = create_engine(db_uri, echo=False)
+  tc_metadata.bind = tc_engine
+  tc_metadata.echo = False
+  setup_all()
+  create_all()
+class Router(Entity):
+  using_options(order_by='-published', session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  idhex = Field(CHAR(40), primary_key=True, index=True)
+  orhash = Field(CHAR(27))
+  published = Field(Time)
+  nick = Field(Text)
+  OS = Field(Text)
+  rate_limited = Field(Boolean)
+  guard = Field(Boolean)
+  exit = Field(Boolean)
+  stable = Field(Boolean)
+  v2dir = Field(Boolean)
+  v3dir = Field(Boolean)
+  hsdir = Field(Boolean)
+  bw = Field(Integer)
+  version = Field(Integer)
+  # FIXME: is mutable=False what we want? Do we care?
+  router = Field(PickleType(mutable=False)) 
+  circuits = ManyToMany('Circuit')
+  streams = ManyToMany('Stream')
+  bw_history = OneToMany('BwHistory')
+  stats = OneToOne('RouterStats', inverse="router")
+  def from_router(self, router):
+    self.published = router.published
+    self.bw = router.bw
+    self.idhex = router.idhex
+    self.orhash = router.orhash
+    self.nick = router.nickname
+    self.OS = router.os
+    self.rate_limited = router.rate_limited
+    self.guard = "Guard" in router.flags
+    self.exit = "Exit" in router.flags
+    self.stable = "Stable" in router.flags
+    self.v2dir = "V2Dir" in router.flags
+    self.v3dir = "V3Dir" in router.flags
+    self.hsdir = "HSDir" in router.flags
+    self.version = router.version.version
+    self.router = router #pickle.dumps(router)
+    return self
+class BwHistory(Entity):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  router = ManyToOne('Router')
+  bw = Field(Integer)
+  rank = Field(Integer)
+  pub_time = Field(Time)
+class Circuit(Entity):
+  using_options(order_by='-launch_time', session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  routers = ManyToMany('Router')
+  streams = OneToMany('Stream')
+  extensions = OneToMany('Extension', inverse='circ')
+  circ_id = Field(Integer, index=True)
+  launch_time = Field(Float)
+  last_extend = Field(Float)
+  def xfer_copy(self, circ):
+    rs = []
+    for r in circ.routers:
+      rs.append(r)
+    for r in rs:
+      #r.circuits.append(self)
+      rcl = len(r.circuits)
+      self.routers.append(r)
+      r.circuits.remove(circ)
+      assert rcl == len(r.circuits)
+    assert len(self.routers) == len(rs)
+    csl = []
+    for s in circ.streams:
+      csl.append(s)
+    for s in csl:
+      self.streams.append(s)
+      s.circ = self
+    assert len(csl) == len(self.streams)
+    cel = []
+    for e in circ.extensions:
+      cel.append(e)
+    for e in cel: 
+      self.extensions.append(e)
+      e.circ = self
+    assert len(cel) == len(self.extensions)
+    self.circ_id = circ.circ_id
+    self.launch_time = circ.launch_time
+    self.last_extend = circ.last_extend
+    tc_session.delete(circ)
+    return self
+class FailedCircuit(Circuit):
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  #failed_extend = ManyToOne('Extension', inverse='circ')
+  fail_reason = Field(Text)
+  fail_time = Field(Float)
+class BuiltCircuit(Circuit):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  built_time = Field(Float)
+  tot_delta = Field(Float)
+class DestroyedCircuit(Circuit):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  destroy_reason = Field(Text)
+  destroy_time = Field(Float)
+class ClosedCircuit(BuiltCircuit):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  closed_time = Field(Float)
+class Extension(Entity):
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  using_options(order_by='-time', session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  circ = ManyToOne('Circuit', inverse='extensions')
+  from_node = ManyToOne('Router')
+  to_node = ManyToOne('Router')
+  hop = Field(Integer)
+  time = Field(Float)
+  delta = Field(Float)
+class FailedExtension(Extension):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  #failed_circ = ManyToOne('FailedCircuit', inverse='failed_extend')
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  reason = Field(Text)
+class Stream(Entity):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_options(order_by='-start_time')
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  circuit = ManyToOne('Circuit')
+  strm_id = Field(Integer, index=True)
+  start_time = Field(Float)
+  tot_bytes = Field(Integer)
+class FailedStream(Stream):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  reason = Field(Text)
+  fail_time = Field(Float)
+class ClosedStream(Stream):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  end_time = Field(Float)
+  bandwidth = Field(Float)
+class RouterStats(Entity):
+  using_options(session=tc_session, metadata=tc_metadata)
+  using_mapper_options(save_on_init=False)
+  router = ManyToOne('Router', inverse="stats")
+  # Unused
+  circ_used = Field(Integer) # Extended up to this node
+  circ_fail = Field(Integer) # Includes timeouts of priors
+  # Easily derived from BwHistory
+  min_rank = Field(Integer)
+  avg_rank = Field(Integer)
+  max_rank = Field(Integer)
+  avg_bw = Field(Float)
+  percentile = Field(Float)
+  # These can be derived with a single query over 
+  # FailedExtension and Extension
+  circ_fail_to = Field(Integer) 
+  circ_fail_from = Field(Integer)
+  circ_try_to = Field(Integer)
+  circ_try_from = Field(Integer)
+  circ_from_rate = Field(Float)
+  circ_to_rate = Field(Float)
+  circ_to_ratio = Field(Float)
+  circ_from_ratio = Field(Float)
+  circ_bi_ratio = Field(Float)
+  avg_first_ext = Field(Float)
+  first_ext_ratio = Field(Float)
+  avg_sbw = Field(Float)
+  sbw_ratio = Field(Float)
+  # FIXME: Figure out how to efficiently compute these..
+  filt_to_ratio = Field(Float)
+  filt_from_ratio = Field(Float)
+  filt_bi_ratio = Field(Float)
+  filt_sbw_ratio = Field(Float)
+  def _compute_stats():
+    # FIXME: Change loading method from lazy to eager here
+    # FIXME: Always?
+    for r in Router.query.all():
+      rs = r.stats
+      rs.circ_fail_to = 0
+      rs.circ_try_to = 0
+      rs.circ_fail_from = 0
+      rs.circ_try_from = 0
+      tot_extend_time = 0
+      tot_extends = 0
+      for c in r.circuits: 
+        # FIXME: Should this be SQL-query based instead?
+        for e in c.extensions: 
+          if e.to_node == r:
+            rs.circ_try_to += 1
+            if isinstance(e, FailedExtension):
+              rs.circ_fail_to += 1
+            elif e.hop == 0:
+              tot_extend_time += e.delta
+              tot_extends += 1
+          elif e.from_node == r:
+            rs.circ_try_from += 1
+            if isinstance(e, FailedExtension):
+              rs.circ_fail_from += 1
+        if isinstance(c, FailedCircuit):
+          pass
+          # TODO: Also count timeouts against earlier nodes?
+        elif isinstance(c, DestroyedCircuit):
+          pass # TODO: Count these somehow..
+      if rs.circ_try_from > 0:
+        rs.circ_from_rate = (1.0*rs.circ_fail_from/rs.circ_try_from)
+      if rs.circ_try_to > 0:
+        rs.circ_to_rate = (1.0*rs.circ_fail_to/rs.circ_try_to)
+      if tot_extends > 0:
+        rs.avg_first_ext = (1.0*tot_extend_time)/tot_extends
+      else:
+        rs.avg_first_ext = 0
+      #for s in r.streams:
+      #  if isinstance(c, ClosedStream):
+      #  elif isinstance(c, FailedStream):
+      tc_session.update(rs)
+  _compute_stats = Callable(_compute_stats)
+  def _compute_ranks():
+    # FIXME: Single query for this?
+    min_avg_rank = 0x7fffffff
+    max_avg_rank = 0
+    for r in Router.query.all():
+      if r.stats: tc_session.delete(r.stats)
+      rs = RouterStats()
+      rs.router = r
+      r.stats = rs
+      min_rank = 0x7fffffff
+      tot_rank = 0
+      tot_bw = 0
+      max_rank = 0
+      ranks = len(r.bw_history)
+      for h in r.bw_history:
+        tot_rank += h.rank
+        tot_bw += h.bw
+        if h.rank < min_rank:
+          min_rank = h.rank
+        if h.rank > max_rank:
+          max_rank = h.rank
+      rs.min_rank = min_rank
+      rs.avg_rank = (1.0*tot_rank)/ranks
+      if rs.avg_rank < min_avg_rank:
+        min_avg_rank = rs.avg_rank
+      if rs.avg_rank > max_avg_rank:
+        max_avg_rank = rs.avg_rank
+      rs.max_rank = max_rank
+      rs.avg_bw = (1.0*tot_bw)/ranks
+      tc_session.save_or_update(rs)
+      tc_session.update(r)
+    # FIXME: Single query for this?
+    for rs in RouterStats.query.all():
+      rs.percentile = (100.0*rs.avg_rank)/(max_avg_rank - min_avg_rank)
+      tc_session.update(rs)
+  _compute_ranks = Callable(_compute_ranks)
+  def _compute_ratios():
+    pass
+  _compute_ratios = Callable(_compute_ratios)
+  def _compute_filtered_ratios():
+    pass
+  _compute_filtered_ratios = Callable(_compute_filtered_ratios)
+  def reset():
+    for r in Router.query.all():
+      r.stats = None
+      tc_session.update(r)
+    RouterStats.table.drop()
+    RouterStats.table.create()
+    tc_session.commit()
+  reset = Callable(reset)
+  def compute(router_filter, stats_filter):
+    RouterStats._compute_ranks()
+    RouterStats._compute_stats()
+    RouterStats._compute_ratios()
+    RouterStats._compute_filtered_ratios()
+    tc_session.commit()
+  compute = Callable(compute)  
+##################### End Model ####################
+class CircuitStatsBroker:
+  pass
+class StreamStatsBroker:
+  pass
+class RatioBroker:
+  pass
+#################### Model Support ################
+def reset_all_stats():
+  # Need to keep routers around.. 
+  for r in Router.query.all():
+    r.bw_history = [] # XXX: Is this sufficient/correct?
+    r.circuits = []
+    r.streams = []
+    r.stats = None
+    tc_session.update(r)
+  BwHistory.table.drop() # Will drop subclasses
+  Extension.table.drop()
+  Stream.table.drop() 
+  Circuit.table.drop()
+  RouterStats.table.drop()
+  RouterStats.table.create()
+  BwHistory.table.create() 
+  Extension.table.create()
+  Stream.table.create() 
+  Circuit.table.create()
+  tc_session.commit()
+##################### End Model Support ####################
+class ConsensusTrackerListener(TorCtl.DualEventListener):
+  def __init__(self):
+    TorCtl.DualEventListener.__init__(self)
+    self.last_desc_at = time.time()
+    self.consensus = None
+  # XXX: What about non-running routers and uptime information?
+  def _update_rank_history(self, idlist):
+    for idhex in idlist:
+      if idhex not in self.consensus.routers: continue
+      rc = self.consensus.routers[idhex]
+      r = Router.query.options(eagerload('bw_history')).filter_by(
+                                  idhex=idhex).one()
+      bwh = BwHistory(router=r, rank=rc.list_rank, bw=rc.bw, 
+                      pub_time=r.published)
+      r.bw_history.append(bwh)
+      tc_session.save_or_update(bwh)
+      tc_session.update(r)
+    tc_session.commit()
+  def _update_db(self, idlist):
+    for idhex in idlist:
+      if idhex in self.consensus.routers:
+        rc = self.consensus.routers[idhex]
+        r = Router.query.filter_by(idhex=rc.idhex).first()
+        if r and r.orhash == rc.orhash:
+          # We already have it stored. (Possible spurious NEWDESC)
+          continue
+        if not r: r = Router()
+        r.from_router(rc)
+        tc_session.save_or_update(r)
+    tc_session.commit()
+  def update_consensus(self):
+    self.consensus = self.parent_handler.current_consensus()
+    self._update_db(self.consensus.ns_map.iterkeys())
+  def set_parent(self, parent_handler):
+    if not isinstance(parent_handler, TorCtl.ConsensusTracker):
+      raise TorCtlError("ConsensusTrackerListener can only be attached to ConsensusTracker instances")
+    TorCtl.DualEventListener.set_parent(self, parent_handler)
+  def heartbeat_event(self, e):
+    if e.state == EVENT_STATE.PRELISTEN:
+      if not self.consensus: 
+        global OP
+        OP = Router.query.filter_by(
+                 idhex="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000").first()
+        if not OP:
+          OP = Router(idhex="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", 
+                    orhash="000000000000000000000000000", 
+                    nick="!!TorClient", published=datetime.datetime.utcnow())
+          tc_session.save_or_update(OP)
+          tc_session.commit()
+        self.update_consensus()
+      # So ghetto
+      if e.arrived_at - self.last_desc_at > 20.0:
+        plog("INFO", "Newdesc timer is up. Assuming we have full consensus now")
+        self.last_desc_at = 0x7fffffff
+        self._update_rank_history(self.consensus.ns_map.iterkeys())
+  def new_consensus_event(self, n):
+    if n.state == EVENT_STATE.POSTLISTEN:
+      self.last_desc_at = n.arrived_at
+      self.update_consensus()
+  def new_desc_event(self, d): 
+    if d.state == EVENT_STATE.POSTLISTEN:
+      self.last_desc_at = d.arrived_at
+      self.consensus = self.parent_handler.current_consensus()
+      self._update_db(d.idlist)
+class CircuitListener(TorCtl.PreEventListener):
+  def set_parent(self, parent_handler):
+    if not filter(lambda f: f.__class__ == ConsensusTrackerListener, 
+                  parent_handler.post_listeners):
+       raise TorCtlError("CircuitListener needs a ConsensusTrackerListener")
+    TorCtl.PreEventListener.set_parent(self, parent_handler)
+    # TODO: This is really lame. We only know the extendee of a circuit
+    # if we have built the path ourselves. Otherwise, Tor keeps it a
+    # secret from us. This prevents us from properly tracking failures
+    # for normal Tor usage.
+    if isinstance(parent_handler, PathSupport.PathBuilder):
+      self.track_parent = True
+    else:
+      self.track_parent = False
+  def circ_status_event(self, c):
+    if self.track_parent and c.cird_id not in self.parent_handler.circuits:
+      return # Ignore circuits that aren't ours
+    # TODO: Hrmm, consider making this sane in TorCtl.
+    if c.reason: lreason = c.reason
+    else: lreason = "NONE"
+    if c.remote_reason: rreason = c.remote_reason
+    else: rreason = "NONE"
+    reason = c.event_name+":"+c.status+":"+lreason+":"+rreason
+    output = [str(c.arrived_at), str(time.time()-c.arrived_at), c.event_name, str(c.circ_id), c.status]
+    if c.path: output.append(",".join(c.path))
+    if c.reason: output.append("REASON=" + c.reason)
+    if c.remote_reason: output.append("REMOTE_REASON=" + c.remote_reason)
+    plog("DEBUG", " ".join(output))
+    if c.status == "LAUNCHED":
+      circ = Circuit(circ_id=c.circ_id,launch_time=c.arrived_at,
+                     last_extend=c.arrived_at)
+      if self.track_parent:
+        for r in self.parent_handler.circuits[c.circ_id].path:
+          rq = Router.query.options(eagerload('circuits')).filter_by(
+                                idhex=r.idhex).one()
+          circ.routers.append(rq)
+          rq.circuits.append(circ)
+          tc_session.update(rq)
+      tc_session.save_or_update(circ)
+      tc_session.commit()
+    elif c.status == "EXTENDED":
+      circ = Circuit.query.options(eagerload('extensions')).filter_by(
+                       circ_id = c.circ_id).first()
+      if not circ: return # Skip circuits from before we came online
+      e = Extension(circ=circ, hop=len(c.path), time=c.arrived_at)
+      if len(c.path) == 1:
+        e.from_node = OP
+      else:
+        r_ext = c.path[-2]
+        if r_ext[0] != '$': r_ext = self.parent_handler.name_to_key[r_ext]
+        e.from_node = Router.query.filter_by(idhex=r_ext[1:]).one()
+      r_ext = c.path[-1]
+      if r_ext[0] != '$': r_ext = self.parent_handler.name_to_key[r_ext]
+      e.to_node = Router.query.filter_by(idhex=r_ext[1:]).one()
+      if not self.track_parent:
+        # XXX: Eager load here?
+        circ.routers.append(e.to_node)
+        e.to_node.circuits.append(circ)
+        tc_session.update(e.to_node)
+      e.delta = c.arrived_at - circ.last_extend
+      circ.last_extend = c.arrived_at
+      circ.extensions.append(e)
+      tc_session.save_or_update(e)
+      tc_session.update(circ)
+      tc_session.commit()
+    elif c.status == "FAILED":
+      circ = Circuit.query.options(eagerload_all('routers.circuits'), 
+               eagerload('extensions'), eagerload('streams')).filter_by(
+                      circ_id = c.circ_id).first()
+      if not circ: return # Skip circuits from before we came online
+      if isinstance(circ, BuiltCircuit):
+        circ = DestroyedCircuit().xfer_copy(circ) 
+        circ.destroy_reason = reason
+        circ.destroy_time = c.arrived_at
+      else:
+        circ = FailedCircuit().xfer_copy(circ)
+        circ.fail_reason = reason
+        circ.fail_time = c.arrived_at
+        e = FailedExtension(circ=circ, hop=len(c.path)+1, time=c.arrived_at)
+        if len(c.path) == 0:
+          e.from_node = OP
+        else:
+          r_ext = c.path[-1]
+          if r_ext[0] != '$': r_ext = self.parent_handler.name_to_key[r_ext]
+          e.from_node = Router.query.filter_by(idhex=r_ext[1:]).one()
+        if self.track_parent:
+          r=self.parent_handler.circuits[c.circ_id].path[len(c.path)+1]
+          e.to_node = Router.query.filter_by(idhex=r.idhex).one()
+        else:
+          e.to_node = None # We have no idea..
+        e.delta = c.arrived_at - circ.last_extend
+        e.reason = reason
+        circ.extensions.append(e)
+        circ.fail_time = c.arrived_at
+        tc_session.save_or_update(e)
+      tc_session.save_or_update(circ)
+      tc_session.commit()
+    elif c.status == "BUILT":
+      circ = Circuit.query.options(eagerload_all('routers.circuits'), 
+               eagerload('extensions'), eagerload('streams')).filter_by(
+                     circ_id = c.circ_id).first()
+      if not circ: return # Skip circuits from before we came online
+      circ = BuiltCircuit().xfer_copy(circ)
+      circ.built_time = c.arrived_at
+      circ.tot_delta = c.arrived_at - circ.launch_time
+      tc_session.save_or_update(circ)
+      tc_session.commit()
+    elif c.status == "CLOSED":
+      circ = BuiltCircuit.query.options(eagerload_all('routers.circuits'), 
+               eagerload('extensions'), eagerload('streams')).filter_by(
+                   circ_id = c.circ_id).first()
+      if circ:
+        if lreason in ("REQUESTED", "FINISHED", "ORIGIN"):
+          circ = ClosedCircuit().xfer_copy(circ)
+          circ.closed_time = c.arrived_at
+        else:
+          circ = DestroyedCircuit().xfer_copy(circ)
+          circ.destroy_reason = reason
+          circ.destroy_time = c.arrived_at
+        tc_session.save_or_update(circ)
+        tc_session.commit()
+class StreamListener(CircuitListener):
+  def stream_bw_event(self, s):
+    pass
+  def stream_status_event(self, s):
+    pass
+def run_example(host, port):
+  """ Example of basic TorCtl usage. See PathSupport for more advanced
+      usage.
+  """
+  print "host is %s:%d"%(host,port)
+  setup_db("sqlite:///torflow.sqllite")
+  s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+  s.connect((host,port))
+  c = Connection(s)
+  th = c.launch_thread()
+  c.authenticate(control_pass)
+  c.set_event_handler(TorCtl.ConsensusTracker(c))
+  c.add_event_listener(ConsensusTrackerListener())
+  c.add_event_listener(CircuitListener())
+  print `c.extend_circuit(0,["moria1"])`
+  try:
+    print `c.extend_circuit(0,[""])`
+  except TorCtl.ErrorReply: # wtf?
+    print "got error. good."
+  except:
+    print "Strange error", sys.exc_info()[0]
+  th.join()
+  return
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+  run_example(control_host,control_port)