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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Arm release 1.4.1

commit 95e0106a445f82aececb92d201838454dd5e982e
Merge: a40075d 984052d
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Jan 8 06:35:08 2011 +0000

    Arm release 1.4.1

 ChangeLog                                |   46 ++-
 README                                   |   39 +-
 TODO                                     |  140 +++--
 arm.1                                    |    4 +
 armrc.sample                             |   39 +-
 src/__init__.py                          |    2 +-
 src/interface/configPanel.py             |   16 +-
 src/interface/connPanel.py               |   68 ++-
 src/interface/controller.py              |   98 ++-
 src/interface/graphing/__init__.py       |    2 +-
 src/interface/graphing/bandwidthStats.py |    2 +-
 src/interface/graphing/psStats.py        |  141 ----
 src/interface/graphing/resourceStats.py  |   47 ++
 src/interface/headerPanel.py             |  185 +++--
 src/interface/logPanel.py                |    4 +-
 src/settings.cfg                         |  123 ++++
 src/starter.py                           |  112 +++-
 src/test.py                              |  106 +++
 src/torConfigDesc.txt                    | 1123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/uninstall                            |    2 +-
 src/util/__init__.py                     |    2 +-
 src/util/connections.py                  |  230 +++++--
 src/util/log.py                          |   34 +
 src/util/panel.py                        |   13 +-
 src/util/procTools.py                    |  273 ++++++++
 src/util/sysTools.py                     |  376 ++++++++++-
 src/util/torConfig.py                    |   79 ++-
 src/util/torTools.py                     |  171 ++++-
 src/util/uiTools.py                      |   63 ++-
 src/version.py                           |    4 +-
 30 files changed, 3040 insertions(+), 504 deletions(-)

diff --cc TODO
index fa9d6ad,a360e1b..2605d91
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@@ -28,44 -30,49 +30,58 @@@ TOD
          - pick apart applications like iftop and pktstat to see how they get
            per-connection bandwidth usage. Forum thread discussing it:
-       [ ] control port interpreter (interactive prompt)
-           Panel and startup option (-t maybe?) for providing raw control port
-           access along with usability improvements (piggybacking on the arm
-           connection):
-           - irc like help (ex "/help GETINFO" could provide a summary of
-             getinfo commands, partly using the results from
-             "GETINFO info/names")
-           - tab completion and up/down for previous commands
-           - warn and get confirmation if command would disrupt arm (for
-             instance 'SETEVENTS')
-           - 'safe' option that restricts to read-only access (start with this)
-           - issue sighup reset
-       [ ] low hanging fruit from the "client mode use cases" below
+         - include an option to show both the internal and external ips for the
+           local connection, ie:
+           myInternal --> myExternal --> foreign
+           idea and initial patch by Fabian Keil
+       * expand dump (--debug) information
+         - os and python versions
+         - arm and tor configs (scrubbing private attributes)
+       * classify config options as useful (defaultly shown), standard, and
+         deprecated (configured to be hidden by default)
+       * check tor source for deprecated options like 'group' (are they
+         ignored? idea is thanks to NightMonkey)
    * release prep
      * pylint --indent-string="  " --disable=C,R interface/foo.py | less
-     * double check __init__.py and README for changes
+     * double check __init__.py and README for added or removed files
+     * wait a week, then bump package versions
+       * Debian
+         Contact: weasel (Peter Palfrader)
+         Initial Release: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=603056
+         Update Instructions:
+           * TBD
+       * Gentoo
+         Contact: NightMonkey (Jesse Adelman)
+         Initial Release: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341731
+         Update Instructions:
+           * go to https://bugs.gentoo.org
+           * make a generic bug with "net-misc/arm-X.X.X version bump, please"
+       * ArchLinux
+         Contact: Spider.007
+         Initial Release: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=44172
+         Update Instructions:
+           * go to aur.archlinux.org
+           * select "Out-of-date" for the package
- - Roadmap for version 1.4.2
+ - Roadmap for version 1.4.3
    [ ] refactor panels
        [ ] controller and popup panels
 +      [ ] attempt to clear controller password from memory
 +        - http://www.codexon.com/posts/clearing-passwords-in-memory-with-python
 +  * release prep
 +    * pylint --indent-string="  " --disable=C,R interface/foo.py | less
 +    * double check __init__.py and README for changes
 +- Roadmap for version 1.3.9
 +  [ ] refactor panels
 +      [ ] controller and popup panels
          - allow arm to resume after restarting tor
              This requires a full move to the torTools controller.
-         - provide measurements for startup time, and try to improve bottlenecks
-   [ ] menus
-       - http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_6.html ?
-       - additional options:
-         - make update rates configurable via the ui
-         - dialog with flag descriptions and other help
-         - menu with all torrc options (making them editable/toggleable)
+         - improve on performance bottlenecks for startup time and cpu usage
+         - intermittent concurrency bugs during shutdown, one possible source:
+           https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2144
    [ ] setup scripts for arm
        [ ] updater (checks for a new tarball and installs it automatically)
          - attempt to verify download signature, providing a warning if unable

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