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[tor-commits] [flashproxy/master] WebSocket transport doc.
commit be6ae297989001c2e381e087e29f161deef03469
Author: David Fifield <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon Apr 9 00:12:49 2012 -0700
WebSocket transport doc.
doc/websocket-transport.txt | 218 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 218 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/doc/websocket-transport.txt b/doc/websocket-transport.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80d8b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/websocket-transport.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+Title: WebSocket pluggable transport
+Author: David Fifield
+ This proposal describes the "websocket" pluggable transport for Tor.
+ It uses the WebSocket protocol now implemented by many web browsers.
+ It is mostly a straightforward description of proxying WebSocket to
+ plain TCP, with special consideration for a base64 encoding for agents
+ that don't support binary WebSocket frames.
+ The WebSocket protocol is used by the "flash proxy" system that uses
+ web browsers as temporary proxies; browsers may connect to a relay
+ that supports this pluggable transport. Additionally, if WebSocket has
+ a lot of non-Tor use, it becomes a good target for tunneling, perhaps
+ in conjunction with a lower layer of obfuscation. WebSocket commonly
+ works over HTTP ports that are likely to get through a firewall.
+WebSocket overview
+ WebSocket is a protocol (rather, several mostly compatible protocols)
+ aimed at exposing socket-like functionality to JavaScript in web
+ browsers. It is partially aimed at supplanting techniques such as HTTP
+ long polling for clientâ??server communication. WebSocket provides
+ bidirectional communication between a client and server, sufficient to
+ tunnel Tor traffic. A WebSocket session begins with an HTTP Upgrade
+ handshake. The socket carries data broken into variable-length
+ "messages" which are further broken into "frames." There are
+ distinguished frame opcodes that serve to send either data or control
+ information. Frames sent by the client (but not the server) are XORed
+ with a repeating 32-bit mask that is randomly generated per-frame.
+ Broadly speaking, there are two versions of WebSocket: the older
+ "hixie" protocol, and the newer "hybi" protocol which is now RFC 6455.
+ There are subprotocols within these two versions that differ only in
+ small ways: "hixie-75" and "hixie-76"; and "hybi-7", "hybi-10", and
+ "hybi-17". The older "hybi" sockets were supported by Firefox 4 and
+ Opera 11, but were later disabled because of problems with interaction
+ with reverse HTTP proxies. Current versions of Firefox and Chrome
+ support "hybi" sockets, while Safari only supports "hixie".
+ The "hybi" sockets support text frames and binary frames. Text frames
+ may only include UTF-8â??encoded text; it is an error if payload doesn't
+ decode. Binary frames may contain any binary data. However, not all
+ web browsers support binary frames; they were first added to Firefox
+ in version 11. The "hixie" sockets have only text frames.
+Method name
+ The method name of the transport is "websocket". For example, these
+ are possible torrc configurations for a client and server,
+ respectively:
+UseBridges 1
+ClientTransportPlugin websocket exec /usr/libexec/tor-websocket-proxy --client --managed
+Bridge websocket
+ServerTransportPlugin websocket exec /usr/libexec/tor-websocket-proxy --server --managed
+The base64 subprotocol
+ The most convenient way to tunnel data over WebSocket is with binary
+ frames, but not all web browsers support binary frames. To work around
+ this, the "base64" subprotocol encodes binary data as base64 within
+ text frames. A client that knows it does not support binary frames
+ requests the base64 subprotocol by including "base64" in the value of
+ the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header field. A server that also supports
+ this subprotocol by sending the value "base64" (and only "base64") in
+ the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header field of its response. See under
+ "Examples" for example of handshakes like this.
+ The base64 encoding is applied at the message level, not the frame
+ level. This means, in particular, that any '=' padding occurs only at
+ the end of a message, not at the end of each of its constituent
+ frames. So, for example, the 5-byte message "Hello", whose base64
+ encoding is "SGVsbG8=", may be sent as one text frame as follows:
+ 0x81 0x08 "SGVsbG8="
+ or, for example, as two frames (one of 2 bytes and one of 6 bytes):
+ 0x01 0x02 "SG" 0x81 0x06 "sbG8="
+ When sent by a client, all frames including these must be masked. If
+ the masking key is 0x12345678, then the message may be sent as one
+ frame like this:
+ 0x81 0x18 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 0x41 0x73 0x00 0x0b 0x70 0x73 0x6e 0x45
+ Here are examples of WebSocket handshakes and the beginning of data
+ transfer. The data is the beginning of a Tor connection (i.e., it
+ begins with a TLS handshake). Data are shown using C string syntax. ">
+ " at the beginning of a line indicates client-to-server communication;
+ "< " is server-to-client. "[...]" indicates contents omitted for
+ brevity. Newlines in the presentation are not significant. This
+ section is non-normative.
+ Using "hybi"/RFC 6455 WebSocket with binary frames:
+> GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n
+> Host:\r\n
+> Origin: https://example.com\r\n
+> Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n
+> Sec-WebSocket-Key: mzo2xSF9N8VUxuefqO0RSw==\r\n
+> Connection: Upgrade\r\n
+> Upgrade: websocket\r\n
+> \r\n
+< HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n
+< Upgrade: websocket\r\n
+< Connection: Upgrade\r\n
+< Sec-WebSocket-Accept: fM0KjD7ixoxkl4PEXU6tNaTveSg=\r\n
+< \r\n
+> \x82\xfe\x01\x04\xc9\xd6\xdd\x29\xdf\xd5\xde\x29\x36\xd7[...]
+< \x16\x03\x01\x00\x31\x02\x00\x00\x2d\x03[...]
+ Using "hybi"/RFC 6455 WebSocket with the base64 subprotocol:
+> GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n
+> Host:\r\n
+> Origin: https://example.com\r\n
+> Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n
+> Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: base64\r\n
+> Sec-WebSocket-Key: k5Ybhw0XBDeBfmda1J9ooQ==\r\n
+> Connection: Upgrade\r\n
+> Upgrade: websocket\r\n
+> \r\n
+< HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n
+< Upgrade: websocket\r\n
+< Connection: Upgrade\r\n
+< Sec-WebSocket-Accept: LYWpflPUHdal8U1BLPXWR3iqUrI=\r\n
+< Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: base64\r\n
+< \r\n
+> \x81\xfe\x01\x58\xbd\x94\x2a\x31\xfb\xf3\x67\x75\xfc\xc4[...]
+< \x81\x7e\x04\xd0FgMBADECAA[...]
+Considerations specific to pluggable transports
+ Endpoints must implement WebSocket according to RFC 6455; for example,
+ a server MUST close the connection if it receives an unmasked frame
+ from a client, and a client MUST close the connection if it receives a
+ masked frame from a server (RFC 6455 section 5.1). There are also
+ additional requirements for WebSocket when used as a Tor pluggable
+ transport.
+ Clients MUST implement the RFC 6455 version of the protocol and use it
+ for all connections. Servers MUST implement the RFC 6455 version of
+ the protocol and MAY also implement earlier versions. That is, a
+ server MAY check a client HTTP request to see if it matches an earlier
+ version of the protocol, and MAY begin communicating using that
+ protocol. Section 4.4 of RFC 6455 discusses supporting multiple
+ versions of the protocol.
+ Servers MUST support binary frames (opcode 2). Servers MAY also
+ support text frames (opcode 1). Servers supporting text frames MUST
+ implement the base64 subprotocol and accept it when requested by a
+ client in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header field. Text frames MUST
+ NOT be sent by either side if the base64 subprotocol has not been
+ negotiated. Any endpoint receiving a text frame when base64 has not
+ been negotiated, or a text message that cannot be decoded as base64,
+ MUST close the connection.
+ A client MUST NOT proceed after receiving any HTTP response status
+ code other than 101. In particular, it MUST NOT follow redirections
+ such as 301.
+ Endpoints SHOULD respond to Ping frames with a single Pong frame, but
+ nothing in this specification requires the sending of Ping frames.
+ Endpoints SHOULD limit the size of messages they send. All messages
+ SHOULD be sent in a single frame.
+ Endpoints MUST limit the size of messages and frames that they will
+ buffer. Upon receiving such a message (when the sum of the length of
+ already-buffered data and the length of the next frame exceeds the
+ limit), the endpoint MUST close the connection and SHOULD do so with a
+ status code of 1009 (see RFC 6455 section 7.4.1). Endpoints MUST be
+ capable of receiving messages containing 1500 octets of binary data;
+ this may require buffering up to 2026 bytes of UTF-8â??encoded base64
+ text.
+ WebSocket also has a TLS-wrapped version, identified by using the
+ "wss" (as opposed to "ws") URL scheme. An advantage of this when
+ tunneling through a browser is that the TLS handshake will be exactly
+ that of a browser. However, this probably requires the certificates of
+ relays' server transport plugins to be trusted by browsers.
+ "Pluggable transports for circumvention"
+ https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/proposals/180-pluggable-transport.txt
+ RFC 6455, "The WebSocket Protocol" (a.k.a. hybi-17)
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455
+ "The WebSocket protocol (draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-10)"
+ (a.k.a. hybi-10)
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-10
+ "The WebSocket protocol (draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-7)"
+ (a.k.a. hybi-7)
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-7
+ "The WebSocket protocol (draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00)"
+ (a.k.a. hybi-00, hixie-76)
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00
+ "The Web Socket protocol (draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-75)"
+ (a.k.a. hixie-75)
+ https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-hixie-thewebsocketprotocol-75
+ Browser support matrix
+ http://autobahn.ws/testsuite/reports/clients/index.html
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