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[tor-commits] [bridgedb/develop] Move locate determination and translation code into separate module.

commit ed438d0c2b00f02c29b60e561d37f241f6a6a4b8
Author: Isis Lovecruft <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Apr 16 16:22:40 2014 +0000

    Move locate determination and translation code into separate module.
     * ADD new bridgedb.translations module with the following methods:
       - getFirstSupportedLang():
         Essentially the same as the original HTTPServer.getAssumedChosenLang()
         function, except that the determination of which languages are
         supported uses _lang.getLangs() instead (this has been in the _lang
         module for a long time, and was meant for that purpose).
       - getLocaleFromHTTPRequest():
         This is taken mostly from the original setLocaleFromRequestHeader()
         (in the HTTPServer module) except that there was an extra function in
         the EmailServer module, called getLocaleFromRequest() â?? which was not
         in use anywhere â?? which included the parsing of '?lang=' HTTP GET/POST
         arguments. The parsing of '?lang=' was taken from that function and
         added to the original functionality of
         setLocaleFromRequestHeader(). This fixes part of ticket #9678:
         "'Select Language' button on bridges.tpo".
      - getLocaleFromPlusAddr():
        Exactly the same as the original in the EmailServer module.
      - installTranslations():
        Produces a gettext translation object, with fallback languages chained
        to it in order of client preference.
      - usingRTLLang():
        Essentially the same as the original in the HTTPServer module, except
        that the parsing of supported langs again uses the _lang.getLangs()
        function, as above.
     * FIXES part of #9678: "'Select Language' button to bridges.tpo"
 lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py  |   29 ++--------
 lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py   |   94 +++-----------------------------
 lib/bridgedb/translations.py |  122 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 113 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py b/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py
index f9f43bb..c58ec53 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/EmailServer.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ from bridgedb.Dist import BadEmail, TooSoonEmail, IgnoreEmail
 from bridgedb import Dist
 from bridgedb import I18n
 from bridgedb import safelog
+from bridgedb import translations
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP6
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP4
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByTransport
@@ -94,8 +95,8 @@ def getMailResponse(lines, ctx):
     # Look up the locale part in the 'To:' address, if there is one and get
     # the appropriate Translation object
-    lang = getLocaleFromPlusAddr(clientToaddr)
-    t = I18n.getLang(lang)
+    lang = translations.getLocaleFromPlusAddr(clientToaddr)
+    t = translations.installTranslations(lang)
         _, addrdomain = Dist.extractAddrSpec(clientAddr.lower())
@@ -287,30 +288,6 @@ def replyToMail(lines, ctx):
     reactor.connectTCP(ctx.smtpServer, ctx.smtpPort, factory)
     return d
-def getLocaleFromPlusAddr(address):
-    """See whether the user sent his email to a 'plus' address, for 
-       instance to bridgedb+fa@tpo. Plus addresses are the current 
-       mechanism to set the reply language
-    """
-    replyLocale = "en"
-    r = '.*(<)?(\w+\+(\w+)@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)(?(1)>)'
-    match = re.match(r, address)
-    if match:
-        replyLocale = match.group(3)
-    return replyLocale
-def getLocaleFromRequest(request):
-    # See if we did get a request for a certain locale, otherwise fall back
-    # to 'en':
-    # Try evaluating the path /foo first, then check if we got a ?lang=foo
-    default_lang = lang = "en"
-    if len(request.path) > 1:
-        lang = request.path[1:]
-    if lang == default_lang:
-        lang = request.args.get("lang", [default_lang])
-        lang = lang[0]
-    return I18n.getLang(lang) 
 class MailContext(object):
     """Helper object that holds information used by email subsystem."""
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py b/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
index 5e3ba37..79772c3 100644
--- a/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/HTTPServer.py
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import bridgedb.I18n as I18n
 from bridgedb import captcha
 from bridgedb import crypto
+from bridgedb import translations
 from bridgedb import txrecaptcha
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP4
 from bridgedb.Filters import filterBridgesByIP6
@@ -541,9 +542,10 @@ class WebResourceOptions(resource.Resource):
     def render_GET(self, request):
         rtl = False
+        langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = usingRTLLang(request)
+            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
         except Exception as err:  # pragma: no cover
@@ -664,7 +666,8 @@ class WebResourceBridges(resource.Resource):
             if countryCode:
                 logging.debug("Client request from GeoIP CC: %s" % countryCode)
-        rtl = usingRTLLang(request)
+        langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
+        rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
         if rtl:
             logging.debug("Rendering RTL response.")
@@ -784,9 +787,10 @@ class WebRoot(resource.Resource):
         :param request: An incoming request.
         rtl = False
+        langs = translations.getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request)
-            rtl = usingRTLLang(request)
+            rtl = translations.usingRTLLang(langs)
         except Exception as err:
             logging.error("The gettext files were not properly installed.")
@@ -883,87 +887,3 @@ def addWebServer(cfg, dist, sched):
             raise SystemExit(error)
     return site
-def usingRTLLang(request):
-    """Check if we should translate the text into a RTL language
-    Retrieve the headers from the request. Obtain the Accept-Language header
-    and decide if we need to translate the text. Install the requisite
-    languages via gettext, if so. Then, manually check which languages we
-    support. Choose the first language from the header that we support and
-    return True if it is a RTL language, else return False.
-    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
-    :param request: An incoming request.
-    :rtype: bool
-    :returns: ``True`` if the preferred language is right-to-left; ``False``
-              otherwise.
-    """
-    langs = setLocaleFromRequestHeader(request)
-    # Grab only the language (first two characters) so we know if the language
-    # is read right-to-left
-    #langs = [ lang[:2] for lang in langs ]
-    lang = getAssumedChosenLang(langs)
-    if lang in rtl_langs:
-        return True
-    return False
-def getAssumedChosenLang(langs):
-    """Return the first language in **langs** that we support.
-    :param list langs: All requested languages
-    :rtype: str
-    :returns: A country code for the client's preferred language.
-    """
-    i18npath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'i18n')
-    path = filepath.FilePath(i18npath)
-    assert path.isdir()
-    lang = 'en-US'
-    supp_langs = path.listdir() + ['en']
-    for l in langs:
-        if l in supp_langs:
-            lang = l
-            break
-    return lang
-def setLocaleFromRequestHeader(request):
-    """Retrieve the languages from the accept-language header and install them.
-    Parse the languages in the header, and attempt to install the first one in
-    the list. If that fails, we receive a :class:`gettext.NullTranslation`
-    object, if it worked then we have a :class:`gettext.GNUTranslation`
-    object. Whichever one we end up with, get the other languages and add them
-    as fallbacks to the first. Lastly, install this chain of translations.
-    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
-    :param request: An incoming request from a client.
-    :rtype: list
-    :returns: All requested languages.
-    """
-    logging.debug("Getting client 'Accept-Language' header...")
-    header = request.getHeader('accept-language')
-    if header is None:
-        logging.debug("Client sent no 'Accept-Language' header. Using fallback.")
-        header = 'en,en-US'
-    localedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'i18n/')
-    langs = headers.parseAcceptLanguage(header)
-    ## XXX the 'Accept-Language' header is potentially identifying
-    logging.debug("Client Accept-Language (top 5): %s" % langs[:5])
-    try:
-        language = gettext.translation("bridgedb", localedir=localedir,
-                                       languages=langs, fallback=True)
-        for lang in langs:
-            language.add_fallback(gettext.translation("bridgedb",
-                                                      localedir=localedir,
-                                                      languages=langs,
-                                                      fallback=True))
-    except IOError as error:
-        logging.error(error.message)
-    language.install(unicode=True)
-    return langs
diff --git a/lib/bridgedb/translations.py b/lib/bridgedb/translations.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3085938
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bridgedb/translations.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 ; test-case-name: bridgedb.test.test_translations -*-
+# This file is part of BridgeDB, a Tor bridge distribution system.
+# :authors: Isis Lovecruft 0xA3ADB67A2CDB8B35 <isis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+# :copyright: (c) 2013-2014, Isis Lovecruft
+#             (c) 2007-2014, The Tor Project, Inc.
+# :license: 3-Clause BSD, see LICENSE for licensing information
+import gettext
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+from bridgedb import _langs
+from bridgedb import safelog
+from bridgedb.parse import headers
+TRANSLATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'i18n')
+def getFirstSupportedLang(langs):
+    """Return the first language in **langs** that we support.
+    :param list langs: All requested languages
+    :rtype: str
+    :returns: A country code for the client's preferred language.
+    """
+    lang = 'en-US'
+    supported = _langs.get_langs()
+    for l in langs:
+        if l in supported:
+            lang = l
+            break
+    return lang
+def getLocaleFromHTTPRequest(request):
+    """Retrieve the languages from an HTTP ``Accept-Language:`` header.
+    Parse the languages from the header, use them to install a
+    ``gettext.translation`` chain via :func:`installTranslations`, and lastly
+    return the requested languages.
+    :type request: :api:`twisted.web.server.Request`
+    :param request: An incoming request from a client.
+    :rtype: list
+    :returns: All requested languages.
+    """
+    header = request.getHeader('accept-language')
+    if header is None:
+        logging.debug("Client sent no 'Accept-Language' header. Using fallback.")
+        header = 'en,en-US'
+    langs = headers.parseAcceptLanguage(header)
+    if not safelog.safe_logging:  # pragma: no cover
+        logging.debug("Client Accept-Language (top 5): %s" % langs[:5])
+    # Check if we got a ?lang=foo argument, and if we did, insert it first
+    chosenLang = request.args.get("lang", [None,])[0]
+    if chosenLang:
+        logging.debug("Client requested language: %r" % chosenLang)
+        langs.insert(0, chosenLang)
+    installTranslations(langs)
+    return langs
+def getLocaleFromPlusAddr(address):
+    """See whether the user sent his email to a 'plus' address, for instance to
+    bridges+fa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Plus addresses are the current
+    mechanism to set the reply language.
+    """
+    replyLocale = "en"
+    r = '.*(<)?(\w+\+(\w+)@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)(?(1)>)'
+    match = re.match(r, address)
+    if match:
+        replyLocale = match.group(3)
+    return replyLocale
+def installTranslations(langs):
+    """Create a ``gettext.translation`` chain for all **langs**.
+    Attempt to install the first language in the **langs** list. If that
+    fails, we receive a ``gettext.NullTranslation`` object, and if it worked
+    then we have a ``gettext.GNUTranslation`` object. Whichever one we end up
+    with, get the other languages and add them as fallbacks to the
+    first. Lastly, install this chain of translations.
+    :param list langs: A list of language codes.
+    :returns: A ``gettext.NullTranslation`` or ``gettext.GNUTranslation`` with
+        fallback languages set.
+    """
+    try:
+        language = gettext.translation("bridgedb", localedir=TRANSLATIONS_DIR,
+                                       languages=langs, fallback=True)
+        for lang in langs:
+            language.add_fallback(
+                gettext.translation("bridgedb", localedir=TRANSLATIONS_DIR,
+                                    languages=langs, fallback=True))
+    except IOError as error:
+        logging.error(error.message)
+    language.install(unicode=True)
+    return language
+def usingRTLLang(langs):
+    """Check if we should translate the text into a RTL language.
+    Choose the first language from the **langs** list that we support and
+    return True if it is a RTL language, else return False.
+    :param list langs: An incoming request.
+    :rtype: bool
+    :returns: ``True`` if the preferred language is right-to-left; ``False``
+        otherwise.
+    """
+    lang = getFirstSupportedLang(langs)
+    if lang in _langs.RTL_LANGS:
+        return True
+    return False

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