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[tor-commits] [translation/tba-torbrowserstringsdtd] Update translations for tba-torbrowserstringsdtd

commit 1eb048aba53eec50f1ecf1e13fd05b5d2ac7591c
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Tue Apr 30 17:47:50 2019 +0000

    Update translations for tba-torbrowserstringsdtd
 fr/torbrowser_strings.dtd |  2 +-
 ro/torbrowser_strings.dtd | 38 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/fr/torbrowser_strings.dtd b/fr/torbrowser_strings.dtd
index 6a981f150..78db2893b 100644
--- a/fr/torbrowser_strings.dtd
+++ b/fr/torbrowser_strings.dtd
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 <!ENTITY pref_tor_provide_a_bridge_title "Fournir un pont">
 <!ENTITY pref_category_tor_network_summary "Le Navigateur Tor vous connecte au Réseau Tor, exploité par des milliers de bénévoles partout dans le monde. Ces options peuvent-elles vous aiderâ???">
-<!ENTITY pref_category_tor_bridge_summary "Les ponts sont des relais non publiés. Ils rendent plus difficile le blocage des connexions vers le réseau Tor. En raison de la manière dont certains pays tentent de bloquer Tor, certains ponts fonctionnent dans certains pays, mais pas dans d\'autres.">
+<!ENTITY pref_category_tor_bridge_summary "Les ponts sont des relais Tor non référencés qui rendent les connexions au réseau Tor plus difficiles à bloquer. En raison de la manière dont certains pays tentent de bloquer Tor, certains ponts fonctionnent dans certains pays, mais pas dans dâ??autres.">
 <!ENTITY pref_choice_tor_bridges_enabled_title "Internet est censuré ici">
 <!ENTITY pref_choice_tor_bridges_enabled_summary "Touchez pour configurer un pont pour vous connecter à Tor">
diff --git a/ro/torbrowser_strings.dtd b/ro/torbrowser_strings.dtd
index 28a60c138..33d3b5b02 100644
--- a/ro/torbrowser_strings.dtd
+++ b/ro/torbrowser_strings.dtd
@@ -24,34 +24,34 @@
 <!ENTITY firstrun_onionservices_message "Serviciile Onion sunt site-uri a cÄ?ror adresÄ? se terminÄ? cu '.onion', ce oferÄ? extra protecÈ?ie atât celor care le publicÄ?  cât È?i celor care le viziteazÄ?, È?i care includ mÄ?suri suplimentare împotriva cenzurii. Serviciile Onion permit oricui sÄ? procure conÈ?inut sau servicii în mod anonim.">
 <!ENTITY firstrun_onionservices_next "ExploreazÄ?">
-<!ENTITY tor_bootstrap_swipe_for_logs "Swipe to the left to see Tor logs">
+<!ENTITY tor_bootstrap_swipe_for_logs "GlisaÈ?i spre stânga pentru a vedea jurnalele din Tor">
 <!ENTITY tor_bootstrap_connect "Conectare">
-<!ENTITY tor_bootstrap_starting_status "We are connecting to the Tor network...">
+<!ENTITY tor_bootstrap_starting_status "Suntem conectaÈ?i la reÈ?eaua Tor ...">
 <!ENTITY pref_tor_network_title "Reţea">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_select_a_bridge_title "Select a Bridge">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_provide_a_bridge_title "Provide a Bridge">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_select_a_bridge_title "SelectaÈ?i o punte">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_provide_a_bridge_title "FurnizaÈ?i o punte">
-<!ENTITY pref_category_tor_network_summary "Tor Browser connects you to the Tor Network run by thousands of volunteers around the world! Can these options help you?">
-<!ENTITY pref_category_tor_bridge_summary "Bridges are unlisted Tor relays that make it more difficult to block connections into the Tor network. Because of how some countries try to block Tor, certain bridges work in some countries but not others.">
+<!ENTITY pref_category_tor_network_summary "Tor Browser vÄ? conecteazÄ? la reÈ?eaua Tor derulatÄ? de mii de voluntari din întreaga lume! Pot sÄ? vÄ? ajute aceste opÈ?iuni?">
+<!ENTITY pref_category_tor_bridge_summary "PunÈ?ile sunt relee Tor nelistate, care fac mai dificilÄ? blocarea conexiunilor în reÈ?eaua Tor. Din cauza faptului cÄ? unele È?Ä?ri încearcÄ? sÄ? blocheze Tor, anumite punÈ?i funcÈ?ioneazÄ? în unele È?Ä?ri, dar nu È?i în altele.">
-<!ENTITY pref_choice_tor_bridges_enabled_title "Internet is censored here">
-<!ENTITY pref_choice_tor_bridges_enabled_summary "Tap to configure a bridge to connect to Tor">
+<!ENTITY pref_choice_tor_bridges_enabled_title "Internetul este cenzurat aici">
+<!ENTITY pref_choice_tor_bridges_enabled_summary "AtingeÈ?i pentru a configura o punte pentru a vÄ? conecta la Tor">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_button_title "Provide a Bridge I know">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_select_text_title "Select a Bridge">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_text_title "Enter Bridge">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_summary "Enter the bridge information you received from a trusted source">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_button_title "FurnizaÈ?i o punte pe care o cunosc">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_select_text_title "SelectaÈ?i o punte">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_text_title "IntroduceÈ?i puntea">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_summary "IntroduceÈ?i informaÈ?iile despre punte primite de la o sursÄ? de încredere">
 <!ENTITY pref_tor_bridges_provide_manual_address_port_placeholder "address:port">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_hint_type_one_per_line "Type one per line">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_hint_type_one_per_line "IntroduceÈ?i câte un element pe linie">
 <!-- When another PT is recommended, change TorNetworkBridgeSelectPreference::saveCurrentCheckedRadioButton(), too -->
-<!ENTITY pref_bridges_type_obfs4 "obfs4 (recommended)">
+<!ENTITY pref_bridges_type_obfs4 "obfs4 (recomandat)">
 <!ENTITY pref_bridges_type_meek_azure "meek-azure">
 <!ENTITY pref_bridges_type_obfs3 "obfs3">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_bridges_enabled_change_builtin "You\'re using a built-in bridge to connect to Tor. Change">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_bridges_enabled_change_custom "You\'re using a custom bridge to connect to Tor. Change">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_using_multiple_provided_bridges "You\'re using multiple custom bridges.">
-<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_using_a_provided_bridge "You\'re using &amp;formatS; bridge.">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_bridges_enabled_change_builtin "FolosiÈ?i o punte construitÄ? pentru a vÄ? conecta la Tor. SchimbaÈ?i">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_bridges_enabled_change_custom "FolosiÈ?i o punte personalizatÄ? pentru a vÄ? conecta la Tor. SchimbaÈ?i">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_using_multiple_provided_bridges "UtilizaÈ?i mai multe punÈ?i personalizate.">
+<!ENTITY pref_tor_network_using_a_provided_bridge "UtilizaÈ?i puntea &amp;formatS;.">
-<!ENTITY tor_notify_user_about_error "An error occurred, please swipe for more information.">
+<!ENTITY tor_notify_user_about_error "A apÄ?rut o eroare, vÄ? rugÄ?m glisaÈ?i pentru a afla mai multe informaÈ?ii.">

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