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[or-cvs] r16608: {incognito} When creating persistent home volumes, take into account the (incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin)
Author: anonym
Date: 2008-08-20 06:38:21 -0400 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 16608
When creating persistent home volumes, take into account the maximum file size allowed by VFAT.
Modified: incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/create-homevol
--- incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/create-homevol 2008-08-20 06:22:09 UTC (rev 16607)
+++ incognito/trunk/root_overlay/usr/sbin/create-homevol 2008-08-20 10:38:21 UTC (rev 16608)
@@ -13,14 +13,21 @@
MIN_SIZE=$(( $(du -sk /home | awk '{print $1}') / 1024 + 30)) # add another 30 MB just to be sure it will work.
+# set the maximum size to the lowest for free space and 4095 MB, the latter
+# which is the maximum file size available on VFAT.
MAX_SIZE=$(( ${MEDIAFREE} / 1024 ))
+if [[ ${MAX_SIZE} -gt 4095 ]]; then
+ MAX_SIZE=4095
QUESTION_HOME_PART="Use the UP and DOWN arrowkeys, and TAB to navigate between different fields and buttons in this guide. You may press ESC/Escape at any time to exit this guide.
Would you like to create a persistent home volume that will keep your data over __INCOGNITO__ sessions? This means that application settings and file changes in your home directory will persist through computer shutdowns which is not normally the case with __INCOGNITO__ (normally everything is reseted on a reboot)."
QUESTION_DISABLE_PERSISTENT="Would you like to disable the previous prompt? That way the start sequence will not get interrupted when booting __INCOGNITO__ like it was this time.
If you choose 'yes' here this can be undone by running \"Enable persistant home volume\" located in the Incognito section of the K-menu."
-QUESTION_SIZE="Enter the size in megabytes for the home volume. ${MIN_SIZE} MB is the smallest we allow, but it is strongly recommended to use more. There will be a recommended value in the input field which work for most users. The recommended value will utilize most space but save a little so that future upgrades of __INCOGNITO__ will fit. If you plan to store other files on the media you should take that into account and decrease the volume size appropriately."
+QUESTION_SIZE="Enter the size in megabytes for the home volume. ${MIN_SIZE} MB is the smallest we allow, but it is strongly recommended to use more, but not more than ${MAX_SIZE} MB. There will be a recommended value in the input field which work for most users. The recommended value will utilize most space but save a little so that future upgrades of __INCOGNITO__ will fit. If you plan to store other files on the media you should take that into account and decrease the volume size appropriately."
QUESTION_ENCRYPTION="Would you like to encrypt the home volume using TrueCrypt? This is strongly recommended as it will make your data unreadable for everyone that does not have the password you choose unless they can guess it. The only inconvenience added for this is that you will be prompted for the password at each start up."
QUESTION_HIDDEN_VOLUME="Do you want to use a hidden home volume?