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[or-cvs] r20275: {} forgotten files from last commit (torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content)

Author: koryk
Date: 2009-08-12 17:14:49 -0400 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 20275

forgotten files from last commit

Added: torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content/torcookie.js
--- torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content/torcookie.js	                        (rev 0)
+++ torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content/torcookie.js	2009-08-12 21:14:49 UTC (rev 20275)
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+var cookiesTree = null;
+var prefs = null;
+var cookies = [];
+var protectedcookies = [];
+//custom tree view, this is how we dynamically add the cookies
+var cookiesTreeView = {
+  rowCount : 0,
+  setTree : function(tree){},
+  getImageSrc : function(row,column) {},
+  getProgressMode : function(row,column) {},
+  getCellValue : function(row,column) {},
+  getCellText : function(row,column){
+    var rv="";
+    switch (column.id) {
+      case "domainCol" : rv = cookies[row].rawHost; break;
+      case "nameCol"   : rv = cookies[row].name; break;
+      case "lockCol"   : rv = cookies[row].isProtected;
+    }
+    return rv;
+  },
+  isSeparator : function(index) {return false;},
+  isSorted: function() { return false; },
+  isContainer : function(index) {return false;},
+  cycleHeader : function(column, aElt) {},
+  getRowProperties : function(row,column,prop){},
+  getColumnProperties : function(column,columnElement,prop){},
+  getCellProperties : function(row,column,prop) {}
+ };
+function Cookie(number,name,value,isDomain,host,rawHost,path,isSecure,expires,
+                isProtected) {
+  this.number = number;
+  this.name = name;
+  this.value = value;
+  this.isDomain = isDomain;
+  this.host = host;
+  this.rawHost = rawHost;
+  this.path = path;
+  this.isSecure = isSecure;
+  this.expires = expires;
+  this.isProtected = isProtected;
+function initDialog() {
+  cookiesTree = document.getElementById("cookiesTree");
+  prefs =Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"]
+        .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+  var tor_enabled = prefs.getBoolPref("extensions.torbutton.tor_enabled");
+  //init cookie manager
+  var cookiemanager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"].getService();
+    cookiemanager = cookiemanager.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookieManager);
+  var enumerator = cookiemanager.enumerator;
+  var count = 0;
+  while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
+    var nextCookie = enumerator.getNext();
+    if (!nextCookie) break;
+    nextCookie = nextCookie.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICookie);
+    var host = nextCookie.host;
+    var isProt = checkIfProtected(nextCookie.name, host, nextCookie.path);
+    //populate list
+    cookies[count] =
+      new Cookie(count++, nextCookie.name, nextCookie.value, nextCookie.isDomain, host,
+                   (host.charAt(0)==".") ? host.substring(1,host.length) : host,
+                   nextCookie.path, nextCookie.isSecure, nextCookie.expires,
+                   isProt);
+  }
+  //apply custom view
+  cookiesTreeView.rowCount = cookies.length;
+  cookiesTree.treeBoxObject.view = cookiesTreeView;    
+  //grab data from xml files
+  //add protected tag
+function checkIfProtected(name, host, path)
+  return false;
+function itemSelected() {
+  var item = document.getElementById("cookiesTree").selectedItemIndex;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content/torcookiedialog.xul
--- torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content/torcookiedialog.xul	                        (rev 0)
+++ torbutton/branches/gsoc2009-koryk/src/chrome/content/torcookiedialog.xul	2009-08-12 21:14:49 UTC (rev 20275)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://torbutton/skin/torbutton.css" type="text/css"?> 
+<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> 
+<!DOCTYPE overlay SYSTEM "chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.dtd">
+<dialog id="TorCookieDialog"
+        xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul";
+        title="Manage Cookies"
+        buttons="accept,cancel"
+        style="width: 30em;"
+        onload="initDialog();"
+        ondialogaccept="return;"
+        persist="screenX screenY width height">
+  <script src="chrome://torbutton/content/torbutton.js" type="application/x-javascript"/>
+  <script src="chrome://torbutton/content/torcookie.js" type="application/x-javascript"/>
+  <stringbundleset id="torbutton-stringbundleset">
+      <stringbundle id="torbutton-bundle" src="chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.properties"/>
+  </stringbundleset>           
+  <label value=""/>
+  <separator class="thin"/>
+  <vbox flex="1">
+        <tree id="cookiesTree" flex="1" style="height: 10em;"
+                onkeypress="return;//do this later"
+                onselect="itemSelected();"
+                hidecolumnpicker="true">
+        <treecols>
+          <treecol id="lockCol" label="Protected" flex="1"
+                       onclick="CookieColumnSort('isProtected', true);" persist="width"/>
+          <splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
+          <treecol id="domainCol" label="Host" flex="2"
+                       onclick="CookieColumnSort('rawHost', true);" persist="width"/>
+          <splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
+          <treecol id="nameCol" label="Name" flex="1"
+                       onclick="CookieColumnSort('name', true);" persist="width"/>
+        </treecols>
+        <treechildren/>
+      </tree>
+  </vbox>