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[or-cvs] r22806: {arm} Workaround for GETCONF's inability to handle command aliases (in arm/trunk: . interface)

Author: atagar
Date: 2010-08-05 16:11:17 +0000 (Thu, 05 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 22806

Workaround for GETCONF's inability to handle command aliases.
Fix for 'https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1798', to be removed when tor is able to handle this input. Also improving warning when unable to parse torrc input. Bug caught by voidzero.

Modified: arm/trunk/TODO
--- arm/trunk/TODO	2010-08-04 12:55:23 UTC (rev 22805)
+++ arm/trunk/TODO	2010-08-05 16:11:17 UTC (rev 22806)
@@ -18,10 +18,12 @@
               getInfo("events/names") provides the space-separated listing
           - check what events TorCtl can provide us, and give notice if any are
+          - log to file? Is this acceptable? It would allow tor's non-runlevel
+              events to be easily saved.
+          - condense tor/arm log listing types if they're the same
+              Ie, make default "TOR/ARM NOTICE - ERR"
         [ ] conf panel
           - move torrc validation into util
-          - condense tor/arm log listing types if they're the same
-              Ie, make default "TOR/ARM NOTICE - ERR"
           - fetch text via getinfo rather than reading directly?
         [-] conn panel (for version 1.3.8)
@@ -88,8 +90,6 @@
         tricky. Putting this off until revising this section.
   * conf panel:
-    * *never* do reverse dns lookups for first hops (could be resolving via
-      tor and hence leaking to the exit)
     * torrc validation doesn't catch if parameters are missing
     * scrolling in the torrc isn't working properly when comments are stripped
         Current method of displaying torrc is pretty stupid (lots of repeated
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@
         torrc parsing when only the key is provided.
   * conn panel:
+    * *never* do reverse dns lookups for first hops (could be resolving via
+      tor and hence leaking to the exit)
     * revise multikey sort of connections
         Currently using a pretty ugly hack. Look at:
@@ -193,6 +195,12 @@
       This might be provided by tor itself so wait and see...
   * unit tests
       Primarily for util, for instance 'addfstr' woudl be a good candidate.
+  * show qos stats
+      Take a look at 'linux-tor-prio.sh' to see if any of the stats are 
+      available and interesting.
+  * handle mutiple tor instances
+      First multiple tor instances on the same system, then via remote
+      connections too.
   * Investigations of other possible tools:
     * look into additions to the used apis
         - curses (python 2.6 extended?): http://docs.python.org/library/curses.html
@@ -212,9 +220,6 @@
         - desc / ns information for our relay
         - ps / netstat stats like load, uptime, and connection counts, etc
       derived from an idea by StrangeCharm
-  * show qos stats
-      Take a look at 'linux-tor-prio.sh' to see if any of the stats are 
-      available and interesting.
   * localization
       Abstract strings from code and provide on translation portal. Thus far
       there hasn't been any requests for this.

Modified: arm/trunk/interface/confPanel.py
--- arm/trunk/interface/confPanel.py	2010-08-04 12:55:23 UTC (rev 22805)
+++ arm/trunk/interface/confPanel.py	2010-08-05 16:11:17 UTC (rev 22806)
@@ -25,6 +25,34 @@
 LABEL_GB = ["gb", "gbyte", "gbytes", "gigabyte", "gigabytes"]
 LABEL_TB = ["tb", "terabyte", "terabytes"]
+# GETCONF aliases (from the _option_abbrevs struct of src/or/config.c)
+# fix for: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1798
+# TODO: remove if/when fixed in tor
+CONF_ALIASES = {"l": "Log",
+                "AllowUnverifiedNodes": "AllowInvalidNodes",
+                "AutomapHostSuffixes": "AutomapHostsSuffixes",
+                "AutomapHostOnResolve": "AutomapHostsOnResolve",
+                "BandwidthRateBytes": "BandwidthRate",
+                "BandwidthBurstBytes": "BandwidthBurst",
+                "DirFetchPostPeriod": "StatusFetchPeriod",
+                "MaxConn": "ConnLimit",
+                "ORBindAddress": "ORListenAddress",
+                "DirBindAddress": "DirListenAddress",
+                "SocksBindAddress": "SocksListenAddress",
+                "UseHelperNodes": "UseEntryGuards",
+                "NumHelperNodes": "NumEntryGuards",
+                "UseEntryNodes": "UseEntryGuards",
+                "NumEntryNodes": "NumEntryGuards",
+                "ResolvConf": "ServerDNSResolvConfFile",
+                "SearchDomains": "ServerDNSSearchDomains",
+                "ServerDNSAllowBrokenResolvConf": "ServerDNSAllowBrokenConfig",
+                "PreferTunnelledDirConns": "PreferTunneledDirConns",
+                "BridgeAuthoritativeDirectory": "BridgeAuthoritativeDir",
+                "HashedControlPassword": "__HashedControlSessionPassword",
+                "StrictEntryNodes": "StrictNodes",
+                "StrictExitNodes": "StrictNodes"}
 # time modifiers allowed by config.c
 LABEL_MIN = ["minute", "minutes"]
 LABEL_HOUR = ["hour", "hours"]
@@ -82,6 +110,9 @@
           if argEnd == -1: argEnd = len(lineText)
           command, argument = lineText[:ctlEnd], lineText[ctlEnd:argEnd].strip()
+          # replace aliases with the internal representation of the command
+          if command in CONF_ALIASES: command = CONF_ALIASES[command]
           # expands value if it's a size or time
           comp = argument.strip().lower().split(" ")
           if len(comp) > 1:
@@ -146,7 +177,7 @@
               if not entry in actualValues:
                 self.corrections[lineNumber + 1] = ", ".join(actualValues)
           except (socket.error, TorCtl.ErrorReply, TorCtl.TorCtlClosed):
-            if logErrors: log.log(log.WARN, "Unable to validate torrc")
+            if logErrors: log.log(log.WARN, "Unable to validate line %i of the torrc: %s" % (lineNumber + 1, lineText))
       # logs issues that arose
       if self.irrelevantLines and logErrors: