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[tor-commits] [tor-browser-build/master] Add a README.MAKEFILE file to describe makefile rules
commit f291e750afda75d68ba29bbcb998fba67e3f8012
Author: Nicolas Vigier <boklm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue Aug 15 13:22:39 2017 +0200
Add a README.MAKEFILE file to describe makefile rules
README | 6 +++++
README.MAKEFILE | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 85 insertions(+)
diff --git a/README b/README
index 751ccdd..de79d35 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -212,3 +212,9 @@ Hacking on the Tor Browser build
The file README.HACKING tries to list the main things to know when
making changes to the Tor Browser build.
+Description of makefile rules
+You can find a description of the makefile rules in the README.MAKEFILE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef33904
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Description of makefile rules
+Build Tor Browser for the release channel, for all supported platforms.
+The resulting build can be found in directory release/$version.
+Same as release, for the selected platform only.
+Build Tor Browser for the alpha channel, for all supported platforms.
+The resulting build can be found in directoryp alpha/$version.
+Same as alpha, for the selected platform only.
+Build Tor Browser for the nightly channel, for all supported platforms.
+Many of the components will be based on the master branch. You might
+want to run "make fetch" before, to fetch the latest commits from all
+The resulting build can be found in directory nightly/$date
+Same as nightly, for the selected platform only.
+Build Tor Browser for the alpha channel, for all supported platforms.
+This is the same as 'make alpha', but the output directory is different.
+The resulting build can be found in directory alpha_nightly/$date
+The same as alpha_nightly, for the selected platform only.
+Build a Tor Browser test build. To make the build faster, only the en-US
+locale is created, without mar files. By default it is based on the
+alpha channel, but you can change that by editing rbm.conf.local.
+The resulting build can be found in directory testbuild.
+Fetch new commits from all components. This is useful when you want to
+build the nightly channel.
+Clean files created during previous builds that are no longer used in
+current builds. Before using this command, you first need to configure
+in rbm.local.conf the channel(s) that you are building.
+In other software, the clean rule is used to remove all build files,
+but this is not the case here, where only obsolete build files are
+removed. It is usually not necessary to remove all build files before
+starting a new build as the need for rebuilding components is detected
+automatically. If you want to remove all build files, you can remove
+the out/ directory.
+Print the files that would be removed when running 'make clean'.
+Create a git signed tag for the selected channel, using the version and
+build number defined as var/torbrowser_version and var/torbrowser_build.
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