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[tor-commits] [translation/torbutton-browseronboardingproperties] Update translations for torbutton-browseronboardingproperties
commit 4cdc624d79f88c0bd537a71ecc6ac5fde19f5463
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Aug 22 22:20:21 2018 +0000
Update translations for torbutton-browseronboardingproperties
bn_BD/browserOnboarding.properties | 50 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
es/browserOnboarding.properties | 10 ++++----
it/browserOnboarding.properties | 4 +--
ka/browserOnboarding.properties | 4 +--
4 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/bn_BD/browserOnboarding.properties b/bn_BD/browserOnboarding.properties
index aaf75ba1a..219a68331 100644
--- a/bn_BD/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/bn_BD/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -2,37 +2,37 @@
# See LICENSE for licensing information.
# vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et:
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=Youâ??re ready.
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=Tor Browser offers the highest standard of privacy and security while browsing the web. You are now protected against tracking, surveillance and censorship. Learn how we are doing it by following this quick onboarding.
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.button=Start Now
+onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=ত�মি র�ডি ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=�র ব�রা��ার �য়�ব ব�রা�� �রার সময় ��পন�য়তা �ব� নিরাপত�তার সর�ব���� মান প�রদান �র� । �পনি ��ন ��র�যা�ি�, ন�রদারি �ব� স�ন�সরশিপ�র বির�দ�ধ� স�র��ষিত । ��ন� নিন �� ���� onboarding �ন�সরণ �র� �মরা �ি �র�ি ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.button=��ন শ�র� �র�ন
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.title=Snub trackers and snoopers.
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.description=Tor Browser will isolate all traffic for each domain you visit. That means trackers and advertisers canâ??t follow you. And any information storage such as isolated cookies or browser history is deleted after your session. We make all these modifications to ensure your privacy and security protections in the browser. Click â??Tor Networkâ?? to learn how we protect you on the network level.
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=Go to Tor Network
+onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.title=Snub ডায়���র � snoopers ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.description=à¦?র বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ার পà§?রতিà¦?ি ডà§?মà§?à¦?নà§?র à¦?নà§?য সà¦?ল à¦?à§?রাফিà¦? সাবমà§?রিনà¦?à§? à¦?ানিয়à§? দাà¦? à¦?রবà§? । তার মানà§? ডায়à§?à¦?à§?র à¦?র বিà¦?à§?à¦?াপনদাতা à¦?পনাà¦?à§? à¦?নà§?সরণ à¦?রতà§? পারà§? না । à¦?বà¦? à¦?পনার à¦?ধিবà§?শনà§?র পর বিà¦?à§?à¦?িনà§?ন à¦?à§?à¦?ি বা বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ারà§?র à¦?তিহাস মà§?à¦?à§? ফà§?লা হয় à¦?মন à¦?à§?নà§? তথà§?য সà§?à¦?à§?রà§?à¦? । বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ারà§? à¦?পনার à¦?à§?পনà§?য়তা à¦? নিরাপতà§?তা সà§?রà¦?à§?ষা নিশà§?à¦?িত à¦?রতà§? à¦?মরা à¦?à¦? সà¦?ল পরিবরà§?তন à¦?রà§? থাà¦?ি । à¦?মরা নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? সà§?তরà§? à¦?পনাà¦?à§? à¦?িà
¦à¦¾à¦¬à§? রà¦?à§?ষা à¦?রি তা à¦?ানতà§? ' à¦?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? ' à¦?িপà§?ন ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=�র ন���য়ার��� যান
-onboarding.tour-tor-network=Tor Network
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=Travel a decentralized network.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor Browser will connect you to the Tor Network. Our network protects you more than a VPN because it is not centralized. Tor is a network of servers, we call them relays, run by thousands of volunteers all around the world. This way, thereâ??s no one point of failure and no centralized entity you need to trust in order to enjoy the internet. For each domain you open we create a circuit for you, click on â??Circuit Displayâ?? to learn how they work.
-onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=Go to Circuit Display
+onboarding.tour-tor-network=�র ন���য়ার��
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=à¦?à¦?à¦?ি বিà¦?à§?নà§?দà§?রà§?à¦?রণà§?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? পরিà¦à§?রমণ à¦?রà§? ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=à¦?র বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ার à¦?পনাà¦?à§? à¦?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦?à§? সà¦?যà§?à¦?à§?ত à¦?রবà§? । à¦?মাদà§?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? VPN থà§?à¦?à§? à¦?পনাà¦?à§? বà§?শি সà§?রà¦?à§?ষা দà§?য় à¦?ারণ à¦?à¦?ি à¦?à§?নà§?দà§?রà§?য় নয়. à¦?র হল সারà§?à¦à¦¾à¦°à§?র à¦?à¦?à¦?ি নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦?, à¦?মরা তাদà§?র relays বলি, সারা বিশà§?বà§?র হাà¦?ারà§? সà§?বà§?à¦?à§?à¦?াসà§?বà§? । à¦?à¦? দিà¦?à§?, বà§?যরà§?থতার à¦?à¦? বিনà§?দà§? নà§?à¦? à¦?বà¦? à¦?নà§?à¦?ারনà§?à¦? à¦?পà¦à§?à¦? à¦?রার à¦?নà§?য à¦?à§?ন à¦?à§?নà§?দà§?রà§?য় সà¦?সà§?থাà¦?িà¦?à§? বিশà§?বাস à¦?রতà§? হবà§? না । পà§?রতিà¦?ি ডà§?মà§?à¦?নà§?র à¦?নà§?য à¦?পনি à¦?পà§?ন à¦?রà§? à¦?মর
া à¦?পনার à¦?নà§?য à¦?à¦?à¦?ি বরà§?তনà§? তà§?রি à¦?রি, তারা à¦?িà¦à¦¾à¦¬à§? à¦?াà¦? à¦?রà§? তা à¦?ানতà§? ' সারà§?à¦?িà¦? ডিসপà§?লà§? '-à¦? à¦?à§?লিà¦? à¦?রà§?ন ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=সার��ি� ডিসপ�ল�-ত� যান
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display=Circuit Display
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.title=See your path.
-onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.description=For each domain you visit your traffic is relayed and encrypted in a circuit across three relays around the world. This way no website knows where you are connecting from, because they will only see the connection coming from the last relay. If you would like a new circuit you can just request one by clicking â??New Circuit for this Siteâ?? on our Circuit Display. Click below to see how it works.
+onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display=সার��ি� ডিসপ�ল�
+onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.title=�পনার পথ দ���ন ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-circuit-display.description=পà§?রতিà¦?ি ডà§?মà§?à¦?নà§?র à¦?নà§?য à¦?পনি à¦?পনার à¦?à§?রাফিà¦? বিà¦?à§?à¦?পà§?তিà¦?ি à¦?বà¦? সারা বিশà§?বà§?র তিনà¦?ি relays à¦?à¦?à¦?ি সারà§?à¦?িà¦?à§? সà¦?à§?à¦?à§?তায়িত à¦?রà§?ন । à¦?à¦? à¦à¦¾à¦¬à§? à¦?à§?ন à¦?য়à§?বসাà¦?à¦? à¦?ানà§? না à¦?পনি à¦?à§?থা থà§?à¦?à§? সà¦?যà§?à¦? à¦?রà¦?à§?ন, à¦?ারণ তারা শà§?ধà§?মাতà§?র শà§?ষ রিলà§? থà§?à¦?à§? à¦?সা সà¦?যà§?à¦?à¦?ি দà§?à¦?তà§? পাবà§? । à¦?পনি যদি à¦?à¦?à¦?ি নতà§?ন সারà§?à¦?িà¦? পà¦?নà§?দ à¦?রà§?ন, তাহলà§? à¦?মাদà§?র সারà§?à¦?িà¦? ডিসপà§?লà§?র à¦?à¦? সাà¦?à¦?à§?র à¦?নà§?য নতà§?ন বরà§?তনà§? à¦?à§?লিà¦? à¦?রà§? à¦?à¦?à¦?ি à¦?নà§?রà§?ধ à¦?রতà§? পারà§?ন.
à¦?িà¦à¦¾à¦¬à§? à¦?াà¦? à¦?রà§? তা দà§?à¦?তà§? নিà¦?à§? à¦?à§?লিà¦? à¦?রà§?ন.
-onboarding.tour-tor-security.title=Choose your experience.
-onboarding.tour-tor-security.description=Your privacy will always be taken care of by Tor Browser and the Tor network by default. Besides that we also provide you with different settings for when you would like to bump up your browser security while accessing sites. Our Security Settings will allow you to block things that could be used by bad agents to attack your computer. Click below to see the different options and what they do.
-onboarding.tour-tor-security.button=Review Settings
+onboarding.tour-tor-security.title=à¦?পনার à¦?à¦à¦¿à¦?à§?à¦?তা পà¦?নà§?দ à¦?রà§?ন ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-security.description=à¦?পনার à¦?à§?পনà§?য়তা সরà§?বদাà¦? à¦?র বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ার à¦?বà¦? à¦?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? দà§?বারা ডিফলà§?à¦? à¦?নà§?সারà§? যতà§?ন নà§?à¦?য়া হবà§?. à¦?à¦?াড়াà¦? à¦?মরা à¦?পনাà¦?à§? বিà¦à¦¿à¦¨à§?ন সà§?à¦?িà¦?স পà§?রদান à¦?রি যà¦?ন à¦?পনি সাà¦?à¦? à¦?à§?যাà¦?à§?সà§?স à¦?রার সময় à¦?পনার বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ারà§?র নিরাপতà§?তাà¦?à§? দà§?à¦?তà§? à¦?ান. à¦?পনার à¦?মà§?পিà¦?à¦?ারà§? à¦?à¦?à§?রমণ à¦?রতà§? à¦?ারাপ à¦?à¦?à§?নà§?à¦?দà§?র দà§?বারা বà§?যবহার à¦?রা যà§?তà§? পারà§? à¦?মন à¦?িà¦?à§? বনà§?ধ à¦?রার à¦?নà§?য à¦?মাদà§?র নিরাপতà§?তা বিনà§?যাসনসমà§?হ à¦?পনাà¦?à§? সমà§?মতি à
¦¦à§?বà§? । বিà¦à¦¿à¦¨à§?ন à¦?পশন à¦?বà¦? তারা à¦?à§? à¦?রà§? তা দà§?à¦?তà§? নিà¦?à§? à¦?à§?লিà¦? à¦?রà§?ন ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-security.button=পর�যাল��না স��ি�স
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences=Experience Tips
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.title=Experience Tips
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.description=With all the security and privacy features provided by the Tor Browser and the Tor Network, your experience while browsing the internet will be a little bit different. You will notice things will run a bit slower since your connection is going through three relays around the world. Sometimes sites will ask you to prove you are a human not a robot and depending on your security options, some things might not work or load. Our goal is to always provide the best experience for our users while not lowering the bar on how to provide real privacy to our users.
-onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.button=See FAQs
+onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences=à¦?à¦à¦¿à¦?à§?à¦?তার à¦?িপস
+onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.title=à¦?à¦à¦¿à¦?à§?à¦?তার à¦?িপস
+onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.description=à¦?র বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ার à¦?বà¦? à¦?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? দà§?বারা পà§?রদতà§?ত নিরাপতà§?তা à¦?বà¦? à¦?à§?পনà§?য়তার বà§?শিষà§?à¦?à§?যà¦?à§?লি সহ, à¦?নà§?à¦?ারনà§?à¦? বà§?রাà¦?à¦? à¦?রার সময় à¦?পনার à¦?à¦à¦¿à¦?à§?à¦?তা à¦?িà¦?à§?à¦?া à¦à¦¿à¦¨à§?ন হবà§? । à¦?পনি লà¦?à§?ষà§?য à¦?রবà§?ন যà§? à¦?পনার সà¦?যà§?à¦? সারা বিশà§?বà§?র তিনà¦?ি relays মাধà§?যমà§? à¦?লà¦?à§? । à¦?নà§?à¦? সময় সাà¦?à¦? à¦?পনাà¦?à§? পà§?রমান à¦?রতà§? বলবà§? যà§? à¦?পনি à¦?à¦?à¦?ন মানà§?ষ রà§?বà¦? নয় à¦?বà¦? à¦?পনার নিরাপতà§?তা বিà¦?লà§?পà§?র à¦?পর নিরà§?à¦à¦° à¦?রà§?ন, à¦?িà¦?à§? বিষয় হয়তà§? à¦?াà¦? বা à¦
²à§?ড à¦?রতà§? পারà§? না । à¦?মাদà§?র লà¦?à§?ষà§?য সব সময় à¦?মাদà§?র বà§?যবহারà¦?ারà§?দà§?র সবà¦?à§?য়à§? à¦à¦¾à¦²à§? à¦?à¦à¦¿à¦?à§?à¦?তা পà§?রদান à¦?রা হয়, যà¦?ন à¦?মাদà§?র বà§?যবহারà¦?ারà§?দà§?র à¦?সল à¦?à§?পনà§?য়তা পà§?রদান à¦?রা হয় ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.button=স�বিধাসম�হ দ���ন
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services=Onion স�বা
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.title=Onion স�বা
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.description=Finally we would like to introduce you to Onion services. For ultimate privacy and security, sites ending in .onion are configured using the Tor network. Onion services provide extra protections to publishers and visitors, including added safeguards against censorship. The same way our Browser allows you to browse the web anonymously our onion services allow people to provide content and services anonymously. You will notice a little onion icon in the URL bar when accessing these services. Click below to see the NYTimes onion services and how they work.
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.button=Visit an Onion
+onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.description=সবশà§?ষà§? à¦?মরা à¦?পনাà¦?à§? পà§?à¦?য়াà¦?à§?র সà§?বায় পরিà¦?য় à¦?রিয়à§? দিতà§? à¦?াà¦? । à¦?রম à¦?à§?পনà§?য়তা à¦?বà¦? নিরাপতà§?তার à¦?নà§?য, সাà¦?à¦?à¦?à§?লà§? শà§?ষ হয়à§? যায় । পà§?à¦?য়াà¦? à¦?র নà§?à¦?à¦?য়ারà§?à¦? বà§?যবহার à¦?রà§? à¦?নফিà¦?ার à¦?রা হয়. পà§?à¦?য়াà¦? পরিষà§?বাসমà§?হ পà§?রà¦?াশà¦? à¦?বà¦? দরà§?শনারà§?থà§?দà§?র à¦?াà¦?à§? à¦?তিরিà¦?à§?ত সà§?রà¦?à§?ষা পà§?রদান à¦?রà§?, যার মধà§?যà§? সà§?নà§?সরশিপà§?র বিরà§?দà§?ধà§? রà¦?à§?ষাà¦?বà¦? যà§?à¦? à¦?রা হয়à§?à¦?à§? । à¦?à¦?à¦? à¦à¦¾à¦¬à§? à¦?মাদà§?র বà§?রাà¦?à¦?ার à¦?পনাà¦?à§? à¦?য়à§?বà§? বà§?নামà§?
বà§?রাà¦?à¦? à¦?রার à¦?নà§?মতি দà§?য়, যা মানà§?ষà¦?à§? বà§?নামà§? সামà¦?à§?রà§? à¦?বà¦? পরিষà§?বা পà§?রদানà§?র à¦?নà§?মতি দà§?য় । à¦?পনি à¦?à¦? পরিষà§?বাদি à¦?à§?যাà¦?à§?সà§?স à¦?রার সময় URL-à¦? à¦?à¦?à¦?ি সামানà§?য পà§?à¦?য়াà¦?à§?র à¦?à¦?à¦?ন লà¦?à§?ষà§?য à¦?রবà§?ন । NYTimes পà§?à¦?য়াà¦? পরিষà§?বা à¦?বà¦? à¦?à§?à¦à¦¾à¦¬à§? তারা à¦?াà¦? à¦?রà§? তা দà§?à¦?তà§? নিà¦?à§? à¦?à§?লিà¦? à¦?রà§?ন ।
+onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.button=���ি প��য়া� দ���ন
diff --git a/es/browserOnboarding.properties b/es/browserOnboarding.properties
index 6b8764e4b..02543c3e6 100644
--- a/es/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/es/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
# See LICENSE for licensing information.
# vim: set sw=2 sts=2 ts=8 et:
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=Youâ??re ready.
+onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=Estás listo/a.
onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=Tor Browser offers the highest standard of privacy and security while browsing the web. You are now protected against tracking, surveillance and censorship. Learn how we are doing it by following this quick onboarding.
onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.button=Start Now
onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.title=Snub trackers and snoopers.
onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.description=Tor Browser will isolate all traffic for each domain you visit. That means trackers and advertisers canâ??t follow you. And any information storage such as isolated cookies or browser history is deleted after your session. We make all these modifications to ensure your privacy and security protections in the browser. Click â??Tor Networkâ?? to learn how we protect you on the network level.
-onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=Go to Tor Network
+onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.button=Ir a la red Tor
-onboarding.tour-tor-network=Tor Network
+onboarding.tour-tor-network=Red Tor
onboarding.tour-tor-network.title=Travel a decentralized network.
onboarding.tour-tor-network.description=Tor Browser will connect you to the Tor Network. Our network protects you more than a VPN because it is not centralized. Tor is a network of servers, we call them relays, run by thousands of volunteers all around the world. This way, thereâ??s no one point of failure and no centralized entity you need to trust in order to enjoy the internet. For each domain you open we create a circuit for you, click on â??Circuit Displayâ?? to learn how they work.
onboarding.tour-tor-network.button=Go to Circuit Display
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.title=Experience Tips
onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.description=With all the security and privacy features provided by the Tor Browser and the Tor Network, your experience while browsing the internet will be a little bit different. You will notice things will run a bit slower since your connection is going through three relays around the world. Sometimes sites will ask you to prove you are a human not a robot and depending on your security options, some things might not work or load. Our goal is to always provide the best experience for our users while not lowering the bar on how to provide real privacy to our users.
onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.button=See FAQs
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services=Servicios Onion
+onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services=Servicios onion
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.title=Servicios Onion
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.description=Finally we would like to introduce you to Onion services. For ultimate privacy and security, sites ending in .onion are configured using the Tor network. Onion services provide extra protections to publishers and visitors, including added safeguards against censorship. The same way our Browser allows you to browse the web anonymously our onion services allow people to provide content and services anonymously. You will notice a little onion icon in the URL bar when accessing these services. Click below to see the NYTimes onion services and how they work.
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.button=Visit an Onion
diff --git a/it/browserOnboarding.properties b/it/browserOnboarding.properties
index c3169b1de..b04346b44 100644
--- a/it/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/it/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.title=Youâ??re ready.
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=Tor Browser offers the highest standard of privacy and security while browsing the web. You are now protected against tracking, surveillance and censorship. Learn how we are doing it by following this quick onboarding.
-onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.button=Start Now
+onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.description=Tor Browser offre il più alto standard di privacy e sicurezza nella navigazione del web. Ora sei protetto da tracciamento, sorveglianza e censura. Leggi come riusciamo a farlo seguendo questa rapida introduzione.
+onboarding.tour-tor-welcome.button=Inizia ora
onboarding.tour-tor-privacy.title=Snub trackers and snoopers.
diff --git a/ka/browserOnboarding.properties b/ka/browserOnboarding.properties
index 362eefead..b66ffbddc 100644
--- a/ka/browserOnboarding.properties
+++ b/ka/browserOnboarding.properties
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.title=Experience Tips
onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.description=With all the security and privacy features provided by the Tor Browser and the Tor Network, your experience while browsing the internet will be a little bit different. You will notice things will run a bit slower since your connection is going through three relays around the world. Sometimes sites will ask you to prove you are a human not a robot and depending on your security options, some things might not work or load. Our goal is to always provide the best experience for our users while not lowering the bar on how to provide real privacy to our users.
onboarding.tour-tor-expect-differences.button=See FAQs
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services=Onion Services
-onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.title=Onion Services
+onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services=Onion-á??á??á??á?¡á??á?®á?£á? á??á??á??á??á??
+onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.title=Onion-á??á??á??á?¡á??á?®á?£á? á??á??á??á??á??
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.description=Finally we would like to introduce you to Onion services. For ultimate privacy and security, sites ending in .onion are configured using the Tor network. Onion services provide extra protections to publishers and visitors, including added safeguards against censorship. The same way our Browser allows you to browse the web anonymously our onion services allow people to provide content and services anonymously. You will notice a little onion icon in the URL bar when accessing these services. Click below to see the NYTimes onion services and how they work.
onboarding.tour-tor-onion-services.button=Visit an Onion
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