Pier Angelo Vendrame pushed to branch tor-browser-115.1.0esr-13.0-1 at The Tor Project / Applications / Tor Browser
by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2023-08-04T20:02:03+02:00
by Pier Angelo Vendrame at 2023-08-04T20:02:04+02:00
13 changed files:
- browser/base/content/browser.xhtml
- + toolkit/components/tor-launcher/TorControlPort.sys.mjs
- toolkit/components/tor-launcher/TorMonitorService.sys.mjs
- toolkit/components/tor-launcher/TorProtocolService.sys.mjs
- toolkit/components/tor-launcher/moz.build
- − toolkit/torbutton/chrome/content/torbutton.js
- − toolkit/torbutton/components.conf
- toolkit/torbutton/jar.mn
- − toolkit/torbutton/modules/TorbuttonLogger.jsm
- − toolkit/torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js
- − toolkit/torbutton/modules/utils.js
- toolkit/torbutton/moz.build
- tools/lint/eslint/eslint-plugin-mozilla/lib/environments/browser-window.js
... | ... | @@ -130,17 +130,11 @@ |
130 | 130 | Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://browser/content/search/autocomplete-popup.js", this);
131 | 131 | Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://browser/content/search/searchbar.js", this);
132 | 132 | Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://browser/content/languageNotification.js", this);
133 | - Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript("chrome://torbutton/content/torbutton.js", this);
134 | 133 | |
135 | 134 | window.onload = gBrowserInit.onLoad.bind(gBrowserInit);
136 | 135 | window.onunload = gBrowserInit.onUnload.bind(gBrowserInit);
137 | 136 | window.onclose = WindowIsClosing;
138 | 137 | |
139 | - //onLoad Handler
140 | - try {
141 | - window.addEventListener("load", torbutton_init);
142 | - } catch (e) {}
143 | - |
144 | 138 | window.addEventListener("MozBeforeInitialXULLayout",
145 | 139 | gBrowserInit.onBeforeInitialXULLayout.bind(gBrowserInit), { once: true });
146 | 140 |
1 | +import { TorParsers } from "resource://gre/modules/TorParsers.sys.mjs";
2 | + |
3 | +/**
4 | + * @callback MessageCallback A callback to receive messages from the control
5 | + * port.
6 | + * @param {string} message The message to handle
7 | + */
8 | +/**
9 | + * @callback RemoveCallback A function used to remove a previously registered
10 | + * callback.
11 | + */
12 | + |
13 | +class CallbackDispatcher {
14 | + #callbackPairs = [];
15 | + |
16 | + /**
17 | + * Register a callback to handle a certain type of responses.
18 | + *
19 | + * @param {RegExp} regex The regex that tells which messages the callback
20 | + * wants to handle.
21 | + * @param {MessageCallback} callback The function to call
22 | + * @returns {RemoveCallback} A function to remove the just added callback
23 | + */
24 | + addCallback(regex, callback) {
25 | + this.#callbackPairs.push([regex, callback]);
26 | + }
27 | + |
28 | + /**
29 | + * Push a certain message to all the callbacks whose regex matches it.
30 | + *
31 | + * @param {string} message The message to push to the callbacks
32 | + */
33 | + pushMessage(message) {
34 | + for (const [regex, callback] of this.#callbackPairs) {
35 | + if (message.match(regex)) {
36 | + callback(message);
37 | + }
38 | + }
39 | + }
40 | +}
41 | + |
42 | +/**
43 | + * A wrapper around XPCOM sockets and buffers to handle streams in a standard
44 | + * async JS fashion.
45 | + * This class can handle both Unix sockets and TCP sockets.
46 | + */
47 | +class AsyncSocket {
48 | + /**
49 | + * The output stream used for write operations.
50 | + *
51 | + * @type {nsIAsyncOutputStream}
52 | + */
53 | + #outputStream;
54 | + /**
55 | + * The output stream can only have one registered callback at a time, so
56 | + * multiple writes need to be queued up (see nsIAsyncOutputStream.idl).
57 | + * Every item is associated with a promise we returned in write, and it will
58 | + * resolve it or reject it when called by the output stream.
59 | + *
60 | + * @type {nsIOutputStreamCallback[]}
61 | + */
62 | + #outputQueue = [];
63 | + /**
64 | + * The input stream.
65 | + *
66 | + * @type {nsIAsyncInputStream}
67 | + */
68 | + #inputStream;
69 | + /**
70 | + * An input stream adapter that makes reading from scripts easier.
71 | + *
72 | + * @type {nsIScriptableInputStream}
73 | + */
74 | + #scriptableInputStream;
75 | + /**
76 | + * The queue of callbacks to be used when we receive data.
77 | + * Every item is associated with a promise we returned in read, and it will
78 | + * resolve it or reject it when called by the input stream.
79 | + *
80 | + * @type {nsIInputStreamCallback[]}
81 | + */
82 | + #inputQueue = [];
83 | + |
84 | + /**
85 | + * Connect to a Unix socket. Not available on Windows.
86 | + *
87 | + * @param {nsIFile} ipcFile The path to the Unix socket to connect to.
88 | + */
89 | + static fromIpcFile(ipcFile) {
90 | + const sts = Cc[
91 | + "@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"
92 | + ].getService(Ci.nsISocketTransportService);
93 | + const socket = new AsyncSocket();
94 | + const transport = sts.createUnixDomainTransport(ipcFile);
95 | + socket.#createStreams(transport);
96 | + return socket;
97 | + }
98 | + |
99 | + /**
100 | + * Connect to a TCP socket.
101 | + *
102 | + * @param {string} host The hostname to connect the TCP socket to.
103 | + * @param {number} port The port to connect the TCP socket to.
104 | + */
105 | + static fromSocketAddress(host, port) {
106 | + const sts = Cc[
107 | + "@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"
108 | + ].getService(Ci.nsISocketTransportService);
109 | + const socket = new AsyncSocket();
110 | + const transport = sts.createTransport([], host, port, null, null);
111 | + socket.#createStreams(transport);
112 | + return socket;
113 | + }
114 | + |
115 | + #createStreams(socketTransport) {
116 | + const OPEN_UNBUFFERED = Ci.nsITransport.OPEN_UNBUFFERED;
117 | + this.#outputStream = socketTransport
118 | + .openOutputStream(OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 1, 1)
119 | + .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncOutputStream);
120 | + |
121 | + this.#inputStream = socketTransport
122 | + .openInputStream(OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 1, 1)
123 | + .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
124 | + this.#scriptableInputStream = Cc[
125 | + "@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"
126 | + ].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
127 | + this.#scriptableInputStream.init(this.#inputStream);
128 | + }
129 | + |
130 | + /**
131 | + * Asynchronously write string to underlying socket.
132 | + *
133 | + * When write is called, we create a new promise and queue it on the output
134 | + * queue. If it is the only element in the queue, we ask the output stream to
135 | + * run it immediately.
136 | + * Otherwise, the previous item of the queue will run it after it finishes.
137 | + *
138 | + * @param {string} str The string to write to the socket. The underlying
139 | + * implementation shoulw convert JS strings (UTF-16) into UTF-8 strings.
140 | + * See also write nsIOutputStream (the first argument is a string, not a
141 | + * wstring).
142 | + * @returns {Promise<number>} The number of written bytes
143 | + */
144 | + async write(str) {
145 | + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
146 | + // asyncWait next write request
147 | + const tryAsyncWait = () => {
148 | + if (this.#outputQueue.length) {
149 | + this.#outputStream.asyncWait(
150 | + this.#outputQueue.at(0), // next request
151 | + 0,
152 | + 0,
153 | + Services.tm.currentThread
154 | + );
155 | + }
156 | + };
157 | + |
158 | + // Implement an nsIOutputStreamCallback: write the string once possible,
159 | + // and then start running the following queue item, if any.
160 | + this.#outputQueue.push({
161 | + onOutputStreamReady: () => {
162 | + try {
163 | + const bytesWritten = this.#outputStream.write(str, str.length);
164 | + |
165 | + // remove this callback object from queue as it is now completed
166 | + this.#outputQueue.shift();
167 | + |
168 | + // request next wait if there is one
169 | + tryAsyncWait();
170 | + |
171 | + // finally resolve promise
172 | + resolve(bytesWritten);
173 | + } catch (err) {
174 | + // reject promise on error
175 | + reject(err);
176 | + }
177 | + },
178 | + });
179 | + |
180 | + // Length 1 imples that there is no in-flight asyncWait, so we may
181 | + // immediately follow through on this write.
182 | + if (this.#outputQueue.length === 1) {
183 | + tryAsyncWait();
184 | + }
185 | + });
186 | + }
187 | + |
188 | + /**
189 | + * Asynchronously read string from underlying socket and return it.
190 | + *
191 | + * When read is called, we create a new promise and queue it on the input
192 | + * queue. If it is the only element in the queue, we ask the input stream to
193 | + * run it immediately.
194 | + * Otherwise, the previous item of the queue will run it after it finishes.
195 | + *
196 | + * This function is expected to throw when the underlying socket has been
197 | + * closed.
198 | + *
199 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} The read string
200 | + */
201 | + async read() {
202 | + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
203 | + const tryAsyncWait = () => {
204 | + if (this.#inputQueue.length) {
205 | + this.#inputStream.asyncWait(
206 | + this.#inputQueue.at(0), // next input request
207 | + 0,
208 | + 0,
209 | + Services.tm.currentThread
210 | + );
211 | + }
212 | + };
213 | + |
214 | + this.#inputQueue.push({
215 | + onInputStreamReady: stream => {
216 | + try {
217 | + if (!this.#scriptableInputStream.available()) {
218 | + // This means EOF, but not closed yet. However, arriving at EOF
219 | + // should be an error condition for us, since we are in a socket,
220 | + // and EOF should mean peer disconnected.
221 | + // If the stream has been closed, this function itself should
222 | + // throw.
223 | + reject(
224 | + new Error("onInputStreamReady called without available bytes.")
225 | + );
226 | + return;
227 | + }
228 | + |
229 | + // Read our string from input stream.
230 | + const str = this.#scriptableInputStream.read(
231 | + this.#scriptableInputStream.available()
232 | + );
233 | + |
234 | + // Remove this callback object from queue now that we have read.
235 | + this.#inputQueue.shift();
236 | + |
237 | + // Start waiting for incoming data again if the reading queue is not
238 | + // empty.
239 | + tryAsyncWait();
240 | + |
241 | + // Finally resolve the promise.
242 | + resolve(str);
243 | + } catch (err) {
244 | + // E.g., we received a NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED because the socket was
245 | + // closed.
246 | + reject(err);
247 | + }
248 | + },
249 | + });
250 | + |
251 | + // Length 1 imples that there is no in-flight asyncWait, so we may
252 | + // immediately follow through on this read.
253 | + if (this.#inputQueue.length === 1) {
254 | + tryAsyncWait();
255 | + }
256 | + });
257 | + }
258 | + |
259 | + /**
260 | + * Close the streams.
261 | + */
262 | + close() {
263 | + this.#outputStream.close();
264 | + this.#inputStream.close();
265 | + }
266 | +}
267 | + |
268 | +/**
269 | + * @typedef Command
270 | + * @property {string} commandString The string to send over the control port
271 | + * @property {Function} resolve The function to resolve the promise with the
272 | + * response we got on the control port
273 | + * @property {Function} reject The function to reject the promise associated to
274 | + * the command
275 | + */
276 | + |
277 | +class TorError extends Error {
278 | + constructor(command, reply) {
279 | + super(`${command} -> ${reply}`);
280 | + this.name = "TorError";
281 | + const info = reply.match(/(?<code>\d{3})(?:\s(?<message>.+))?/);
282 | + this.torStatusCode = info.groups.code;
283 | + if (info.groups.message) {
284 | + this.torMessage = info.groups.message;
285 | + }
286 | + }
287 | +}
288 | + |
289 | +class ControlSocket {
290 | + /**
291 | + * The socket to write to the control port.
292 | + *
293 | + * @type {AsyncSocket}
294 | + */
295 | + #socket;
296 | + |
297 | + /**
298 | + * The dispatcher used for the data we receive over the control port.
299 | + *
300 | + * @type {CallbackDispatcher}
301 | + */
302 | + #mainDispatcher = new CallbackDispatcher();
303 | + /**
304 | + * A secondary dispatcher used only to dispatch aynchronous events.
305 | + *
306 | + * @type {CallbackDispatcher}
307 | + */
308 | + #notificationDispatcher = new CallbackDispatcher();
309 | + |
310 | + /**
311 | + * Data we received on a read but that was not a complete line (missing a
312 | + * final CRLF). We will prepend it to the next read.
313 | + *
314 | + * @type {string}
315 | + */
316 | + #pendingData = "";
317 | + /**
318 | + * The lines we received and are still queued for being evaluated.
319 | + *
320 | + * @type {string[]}
321 | + */
322 | + #pendingLines = [];
323 | + /**
324 | + * The commands that need to be run or receive a response.
325 | + *
326 | + * @type {Command[]}
327 | + */
328 | + #commandQueue = [];
329 | + |
330 | + constructor(asyncSocket) {
331 | + this.#socket = asyncSocket;
332 | + |
333 | + // #mainDispatcher pushes only async notifications (650) to
334 | + // #notificationDispatcher
335 | + this.#mainDispatcher.addCallback(
336 | + /^650/,
337 | + this.#handleNotification.bind(this)
338 | + );
339 | + // callback for handling responses and errors
340 | + this.#mainDispatcher.addCallback(
341 | + /^[245]\d\d/,
342 | + this.#handleCommandReply.bind(this)
343 | + );
344 | + |
345 | + this.#startMessagePump();
346 | + }
347 | + |
348 | + /**
349 | + * Return the next line in the queue. If there is not any, block until one is
350 | + * read (or until a communication error happens, including the underlying
351 | + * socket being closed while it was still waiting for data).
352 | + * Any letfovers will be prepended to the next read.
353 | + *
354 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} A line read over the socket
355 | + */
356 | + async #readLine() {
357 | + // Keep reading from socket until we have at least a full line to return.
358 | + while (!this.#pendingLines.length) {
359 | + if (!this.#socket) {
360 | + throw new Error(
361 | + "Read interrupted because the control socket is not available anymore"
362 | + );
363 | + }
364 | + // Read data from our socket and split on newline tokens.
365 | + // This might still throw when the socket has been closed.
366 | + this.#pendingData += await this.#socket.read();
367 | + const lines = this.#pendingData.split("\r\n");
368 | + // The last line will either be empty string, or a partial read of a
369 | + // response/event so save it off for the next socket read.
370 | + this.#pendingData = lines.pop();
371 | + // Copy remaining full lines to our pendingLines list.
372 | + this.#pendingLines = this.#pendingLines.concat(lines);
373 | + }
374 | + return this.#pendingLines.shift();
375 | + }
376 | + |
377 | + /**
378 | + * Blocks until an entire message is ready and returns it.
379 | + * This function does a rudimentary parsing of the data only to handle
380 | + * multi-line responses.
381 | + *
382 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} The read message (without the final CRLF)
383 | + */
384 | + async #readMessage() {
385 | + // whether we are searching for the end of a multi-line values
386 | + // See control-spec section 3.9
387 | + let handlingMultlineValue = false;
388 | + let endOfMessageFound = false;
389 | + const message = [];
390 | + |
391 | + do {
392 | + const line = await this.#readLine();
393 | + message.push(line);
394 | + |
395 | + if (handlingMultlineValue) {
396 | + // look for end of multiline
397 | + if (line === ".") {
398 | + handlingMultlineValue = false;
399 | + }
400 | + } else {
401 | + // 'Multiline values' are possible. We avoid interrupting one by
402 | + // detecting it and waiting for a terminating "." on its own line.
403 | + // (See control-spec section 3.9 and
404 | + // https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/applications/tor-browser/-/issues/16990#note_2625464).
405 | + // Ensure this is the first line of a new message
406 | + // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if
407 | + if (message.length === 1 && line.match(/^\d\d\d\+.+?=$/)) {
408 | + handlingMultlineValue = true;
409 | + }
410 | + // look for end of message (notice the space character at end of the
411 | + // regex!)
412 | + else if (line.match(/^\d\d\d /)) {
413 | + if (message.length === 1) {
414 | + endOfMessageFound = true;
415 | + } else {
416 | + const firstReplyCode = message[0].substring(0, 3);
417 | + const lastReplyCode = line.substring(0, 3);
418 | + endOfMessageFound = firstReplyCode === lastReplyCode;
419 | + }
420 | + }
421 | + }
422 | + } while (!endOfMessageFound);
423 | + |
424 | + // join our lines back together to form one message
425 | + return message.join("\r\n");
426 | + }
427 | + |
428 | + /**
429 | + * Read messages on the socket and routed them to a dispatcher until the
430 | + * socket is open or some error happens (including the underlying socket being
431 | + * closed).
432 | + */
433 | + async #startMessagePump() {
434 | + try {
435 | + // This while is inside the try block because it is very likely that it
436 | + // will be broken by a NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED exception, rather than by its
437 | + // condition becoming false.
438 | + while (this.#socket) {
439 | + const message = await this.#readMessage();
440 | + // log("controlPort >> " + message);
441 | + this.#mainDispatcher.pushMessage(message);
442 | + }
443 | + } catch (err) {
444 | + try {
445 | + this.#close(err);
446 | + } catch (ec) {
447 | + console.error(
448 | + "Caught another error while closing the control socket.",
449 | + ec
450 | + );
451 | + }
452 | + }
453 | + }
454 | + |
455 | + /**
456 | + * Start running the first available command in the queue.
457 | + * To be called when the previous one has finished running.
458 | + * This makes sure to avoid conflicts when using the control port.
459 | + */
460 | + #writeNextCommand() {
461 | + const cmd = this.#commandQueue[0];
462 | + // log("controlPort << " + cmd.commandString);
463 | + this.#socket.write(`${cmd.commandString}\r\n`).catch(cmd.reject);
464 | + }
465 | + |
466 | + /**
467 | + * Send a command over the control port.
468 | + * This function returns only when it receives a complete message over the
469 | + * control port. This class does some rudimentary parsing to check wheter it
470 | + * needs to handle multi-line messages.
471 | + *
472 | + * @param {string} commandString
473 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} The message sent by the control port. It will
474 | + * always start with 2xx. In case of other codes the function will throw,
475 | + * instead. This means that the return value will never be an empty string
476 | + * (even though it will not include the final CRLF).
477 | + */
478 | + async sendCommand(commandString) {
479 | + if (!this.#socket) {
480 | + throw new Error("ControlSocket not open");
481 | + }
482 | + |
483 | + // this promise is resolved either in #handleCommandReply, or in
484 | + // #startMessagePump (on stream error)
485 | + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
486 | + const command = {
487 | + commandString,
488 | + resolve,
489 | + reject,
490 | + };
491 | + this.#commandQueue.push(command);
492 | + if (this.#commandQueue.length === 1) {
493 | + this.#writeNextCommand();
494 | + }
495 | + });
496 | + }
497 | + |
498 | + /**
499 | + * Handles a message starting with 2xx, 4xx, or 5xx.
500 | + * This function should be used only as a callback for the main dispatcher.
501 | + *
502 | + * @param {string} message The message to handle
503 | + */
504 | + #handleCommandReply(message) {
505 | + const cmd = this.#commandQueue.shift();
506 | + if (message[0] === "2") {
507 | + cmd.resolve(message);
508 | + } else if (message.match(/^[45]/)) {
509 | + cmd.reject(new TorError(cmd.commandString, message));
510 | + } else {
511 | + // This should never happen, as the dispatcher should filter the messages
512 | + // already.
513 | + cmd.reject(
514 | + new Error(`Received unexpected message:\n----\n${message}\n----`)
515 | + );
516 | + }
517 | + |
518 | + // send next command if one is available
519 | + if (this.#commandQueue.length) {
520 | + this.#writeNextCommand();
521 | + }
522 | + }
523 | + |
524 | + /**
525 | + * Re-route an event message to the notification dispatcher.
526 | + * This function should be used only as a callback for the main dispatcher.
527 | + *
528 | + * @param {string} message The message received on the control port
529 | + */
530 | + #handleNotification(message) {
531 | + try {
532 | + this.#notificationDispatcher.pushMessage(message);
533 | + } catch (e) {
534 | + console.error("An event watcher threw", e);
535 | + }
536 | + }
537 | + |
538 | + /**
539 | + * Reject all the commands that are still in queue and close the control
540 | + * socket.
541 | + *
542 | + * @param {object?} reason An error object used to pass a more specific
543 | + * rejection reason to the commands that are still queued.
544 | + */
545 | + #close(reason) {
546 | + const error = new Error(
547 | + "The control socket has been closed" +
548 | + (reason ? `: ${reason.message}` : "")
549 | + );
550 | + const commands = this.#commandQueue;
551 | + this.#commandQueue = [];
552 | + for (const cmd of commands) {
553 | + cmd.reject(error);
554 | + }
555 | + try {
556 | + this.#socket?.close();
557 | + } finally {
558 | + this.#socket = null;
559 | + }
560 | + }
561 | + |
562 | + /**
563 | + * Closes the socket connected to the control port.
564 | + */
565 | + close() {
566 | + this.#close(null);
567 | + }
568 | + |
569 | + /**
570 | + * Register an event watcher.
571 | + *
572 | + * @param {RegExp} regex The regex to filter on messages to receive
573 | + * @param {MessageCallback} callback The callback for the messages
574 | + */
575 | + addNotificationCallback(regex, callback) {
576 | + this.#notificationDispatcher.addCallback(regex, callback);
577 | + }
578 | + |
579 | + /**
580 | + * Tells whether the underlying socket is still open.
581 | + */
582 | + get isOpen() {
583 | + return !!this.#socket;
584 | + }
585 | +}
586 | + |
587 | +// ## utils
588 | +// A namespace for utility functions
589 | +let utils = {};
590 | + |
591 | +// __utils.identity(x)__.
592 | +// Returns its argument unchanged.
593 | +utils.identity = function (x) {
594 | + return x;
595 | +};
596 | + |
597 | +// __utils.capture(string, regex)__.
598 | +// Takes a string and returns an array of capture items, where regex must have a single
599 | +// capturing group and use the suffix /.../g to specify a global search.
600 | +utils.capture = function (string, regex) {
601 | + let matches = [];
602 | + // Special trick to use string.replace for capturing multiple matches.
603 | + string.replace(regex, function (a, captured) {
604 | + matches.push(captured);
605 | + });
606 | + return matches;
607 | +};
608 | + |
609 | +// __utils.extractor(regex)__.
610 | +// Returns a function that takes a string and returns an array of regex matches. The
611 | +// regex must use the suffix /.../g to specify a global search.
612 | +utils.extractor = function (regex) {
613 | + return function (text) {
614 | + return utils.capture(text, regex);
615 | + };
616 | +};
617 | + |
618 | +// __utils.splitLines(string)__.
619 | +// Splits a string into an array of strings, each corresponding to a line.
620 | +utils.splitLines = function (string) {
621 | + return string.split(/\r?\n/);
622 | +};
623 | + |
624 | +// __utils.splitAtSpaces(string)__.
625 | +// Splits a string into chunks between spaces. Does not split at spaces
626 | +// inside pairs of quotation marks.
627 | +utils.splitAtSpaces = utils.extractor(/((\S*?"(.*?)")+\S*|\S+)/g);
628 | + |
629 | +// __utils.splitAtFirst(string, regex)__.
630 | +// Splits a string at the first instance of regex match. If no match is
631 | +// found, returns the whole string.
632 | +utils.splitAtFirst = function (string, regex) {
633 | + let match = string.match(regex);
634 | + return match
635 | + ? [
636 | + string.substring(0, match.index),
637 | + string.substring(match.index + match[0].length),
638 | + ]
639 | + : string;
640 | +};
641 | + |
642 | +// __utils.splitAtEquals(string)__.
643 | +// Splits a string into chunks between equals. Does not split at equals
644 | +// inside pairs of quotation marks.
645 | +utils.splitAtEquals = utils.extractor(/(([^=]*?"(.*?)")+[^=]*|[^=]+)/g);
646 | + |
647 | +// __utils.mergeObjects(arrayOfObjects)__.
648 | +// Takes an array of objects like [{"a":"b"},{"c":"d"}] and merges to a single object.
649 | +// Pure function.
650 | +utils.mergeObjects = function (arrayOfObjects) {
651 | + let result = {};
652 | + for (let obj of arrayOfObjects) {
653 | + for (let key in obj) {
654 | + result[key] = obj[key];
655 | + }
656 | + }
657 | + return result;
658 | +};
659 | + |
660 | +// __utils.listMapData(parameterString, listNames)__.
661 | +// Takes a list of parameters separated by spaces, of which the first several are
662 | +// unnamed, and the remainder are named, in the form `NAME=VALUE`. Apply listNames
663 | +// to the unnamed parameters, and combine them in a map with the named parameters.
664 | +// Example: `40 FAILED 0 REASON=CANT_ATTACH`
665 | +//
666 | +// utils.listMapData("40 FAILED 0 REASON=CANT_ATTACH",
667 | +// ["streamID", "event", "circuitID", "IP"])
668 | +// // --> {"streamID" : "40", "event" : "FAILED", "circuitID" : "0",
669 | +// // "address" : "", "REASON" : "CANT_ATTACH"}"
670 | +utils.listMapData = function (parameterString, listNames) {
671 | + // Split out the space-delimited parameters.
672 | + let parameters = utils.splitAtSpaces(parameterString),
673 | + dataMap = {};
674 | + // Assign listNames to the first n = listNames.length parameters.
675 | + for (let i = 0; i < listNames.length; ++i) {
676 | + dataMap[listNames[i]] = parameters[i];
677 | + }
678 | + // Read key-value pairs and copy these to the dataMap.
679 | + for (let i = listNames.length; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
680 | + let [key, value] = utils.splitAtEquals(parameters[i]);
681 | + if (key && value) {
682 | + dataMap[key] = value;
683 | + }
684 | + }
685 | + return dataMap;
686 | +};
687 | + |
688 | +// ## info
689 | +// A namespace for functions related to tor's GETINFO and GETCONF command.
690 | +let info = {};
691 | + |
692 | +// __info.keyValueStringsFromMessage(messageText)__.
693 | +// Takes a message (text) response to GETINFO or GETCONF and provides
694 | +// a series of key-value strings, which are either multiline (with a `250+` prefix):
695 | +//
696 | +// 250+config/defaults=
697 | +// AccountingMax "0 bytes"
698 | +// AllowDotExit "0"
699 | +// .
700 | +//
701 | +// or single-line (with a `250-` or `250 ` prefix):
702 | +//
703 | +// 250-version= (git-b408125288ad6943)
704 | +info.keyValueStringsFromMessage = utils.extractor(
705 | + /^(250\+[\s\S]+?^\.|250[- ].+?)$/gim
706 | +);
707 | + |
708 | +// __info.applyPerLine(transformFunction)__.
709 | +// Returns a function that splits text into lines,
710 | +// and applies transformFunction to each line.
711 | +info.applyPerLine = function (transformFunction) {
712 | + return function (text) {
713 | + return utils.splitLines(text.trim()).map(transformFunction);
714 | + };
715 | +};
716 | + |
717 | +// __info.routerStatusParser(valueString)__.
718 | +// Parses a router status entry as, described in
719 | +// https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt
720 | +// (search for "router status entry")
721 | +info.routerStatusParser = function (valueString) {
722 | + let lines = utils.splitLines(valueString),
723 | + objects = [];
724 | + for (let line of lines) {
725 | + // Drop first character and grab data following it.
726 | + let myData = line.substring(2),
727 | + // Accumulate more maps with data, depending on the first character in the line.
728 | + dataFun = {
729 | + r: data =>
730 | + utils.listMapData(data, [
731 | + "nickname",
732 | + "identity",
733 | + "digest",
734 | + "publicationDate",
735 | + "publicationTime",
736 | + "IP",
737 | + "ORPort",
738 | + "DirPort",
739 | + ]),
740 | + a: data => ({ IPv6: data }),
741 | + s: data => ({ statusFlags: utils.splitAtSpaces(data) }),
742 | + v: data => ({ version: data }),
743 | + w: data => utils.listMapData(data, []),
744 | + p: data => ({ portList: data.split(",") }),
745 | + }[line.charAt(0)];
746 | + if (dataFun !== undefined) {
747 | + objects.push(dataFun(myData));
748 | + }
749 | + }
750 | + return utils.mergeObjects(objects);
751 | +};
752 | + |
753 | +// __info.circuitStatusParser(line)__.
754 | +// Parse the output of a circuit status line.
755 | +info.circuitStatusParser = function (line) {
756 | + let data = utils.listMapData(line, ["id", "status", "circuit"]),
757 | + circuit = data.circuit;
758 | + // Parse out the individual circuit IDs and names.
759 | + if (circuit) {
760 | + data.circuit = circuit.split(",").map(function (x) {
761 | + return x.split(/~|=/);
762 | + });
763 | + }
764 | + return data;
765 | +};
766 | + |
767 | +// __info.streamStatusParser(line)__.
768 | +// Parse the output of a stream status line.
769 | +info.streamStatusParser = function (text) {
770 | + return utils.listMapData(text, [
771 | + "StreamID",
772 | + "StreamStatus",
773 | + "CircuitID",
774 | + "Target",
775 | + ]);
776 | +};
777 | + |
778 | +// TODO: fix this parsing logic to handle bridgeLine correctly
779 | +// fingerprint/id is an optional parameter
780 | +// __info.bridgeParser(bridgeLine)__.
781 | +// Takes a single line from a `getconf bridge` result and returns
782 | +// a map containing the bridge's type, address, and ID.
783 | +info.bridgeParser = function (bridgeLine) {
784 | + let result = {},
785 | + tokens = bridgeLine.split(/\s+/);
786 | + // First check if we have a "vanilla" bridge:
787 | + if (tokens[0].match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)) {
788 | + result.type = "vanilla";
789 | + [result.address, result.ID] = tokens;
790 | + // Several bridge types have a similar format:
791 | + } else {
792 | + result.type = tokens[0];
793 | + if (
794 | + [
795 | + "flashproxy",
796 | + "fte",
797 | + "meek",
798 | + "meek_lite",
799 | + "obfs3",
800 | + "obfs4",
801 | + "scramblesuit",
802 | + "snowflake",
803 | + ].includes(result.type)
804 | + ) {
805 | + [result.address, result.ID] = tokens.slice(1);
806 | + }
807 | + }
808 | + return result.type ? result : null;
809 | +};
810 | + |
811 | +// __info.parsers__.
812 | +// A map of GETINFO and GETCONF keys to parsing function, which convert
813 | +// result strings to _javascript_ data.
814 | +info.parsers = {
815 | + "ns/id/": info.routerStatusParser,
816 | + "ip-to-country/": utils.identity,
817 | + "circuit-status": info.applyPerLine(info.circuitStatusParser),
818 | + bridge: info.bridgeParser,
819 | + // Currently unused parsers:
820 | + // "ns/name/" : info.routerStatusParser,
821 | + // "stream-status" : info.applyPerLine(info.streamStatusParser),
822 | + // "version" : utils.identity,
823 | + // "config-file" : utils.identity,
824 | +};
825 | + |
826 | +// __info.getParser(key)__.
827 | +// Takes a key and determines the parser function that should be used to
828 | +// convert its corresponding valueString to _javascript_ data.
829 | +info.getParser = function (key) {
830 | + return (
831 | + info.parsers[key] ||
832 | + info.parsers[key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)]
833 | + );
834 | +};
835 | + |
836 | +// __info.stringToValue(string)__.
837 | +// Converts a key-value string as from GETINFO or GETCONF to a value.
838 | +info.stringToValue = function (string) {
839 | + // key should look something like `250+circuit-status=` or `250-circuit-status=...`
840 | + // or `250 circuit-status=...`
841 | + let matchForKey = string.match(/^250[ +-](.+?)=/),
842 | + key = matchForKey ? matchForKey[1] : null;
843 | + if (key === null) {
844 | + return null;
845 | + }
846 | + // matchResult finds a single-line result for `250-` or `250 `,
847 | + // or a multi-line one for `250+`.
848 | + let matchResult =
849 | + string.match(/^250[ -].+?=(.*)$/) ||
850 | + string.match(/^250\+.+?=([\s\S]*?)^\.$/m),
851 | + // Retrieve the captured group (the text of the value in the key-value pair)
852 | + valueString = matchResult ? matchResult[1] : null,
853 | + // Get the parser function for the key found.
854 | + parse = info.getParser(key.toLowerCase());
855 | + if (parse === undefined) {
856 | + throw new Error("No parser found for '" + key + "'");
857 | + }
858 | + // Return value produced by the parser.
859 | + return parse(valueString);
860 | +};
861 | + |
862 | +/**
863 | + * @typedef {object} Bridge
864 | + * @property {string} transport The transport of the bridge, or vanilla if not
865 | + * specified.
866 | + * @property {string} addr The IP address and port of the bridge
867 | + * @property {string} id The fingerprint of the bridge
868 | + * @property {string} args Optional arguments passed to the bridge
869 | + */
870 | +/**
871 | + * @typedef {object} PTInfo The information about a pluggable transport
872 | + * @property {string[]} transports An array with all the transports supported by
873 | + * this configuration.
874 | + * @property {string} type Either socks4, socks5 or exec
875 | + * @property {string} [ip] The IP address of the proxy (only for socks4 and
876 | + * socks5)
877 | + * @property {integer} [port] The port of the proxy (only for socks4 and socks5)
878 | + * @property {string} [pathToBinary] Path to the binary that is run (only for
879 | + * exec)
880 | + * @property {string} [options] Optional options passed to the binary (only for
881 | + * exec)
882 | + */
883 | +/**
884 | + * @typedef {object} OnionAuthKeyInfo
885 | + * @property {string} address The address of the onion service
886 | + * @property {string} typeAndKey Onion service key and type of key, as
887 | + * `type:base64-private-key`
888 | + * @property {string} Flags Additional flags, such as Permanent
889 | + */
890 | +/**
891 | + * @callback EventFilterCallback
892 | + * @param {any} data Either a raw string, or already parsed data
893 | + * @returns {boolean}
894 | + */
895 | +/**
896 | + * @callback EventCallback
897 | + * @param {any} data Either a raw string, or already parsed data
898 | + */
899 | + |
900 | +class TorController {
901 | + /**
902 | + * The control socket
903 | + *
904 | + * @type {ControlSocket}
905 | + */
906 | + #socket;
907 | + |
908 | + /**
909 | + * A map of EVENT keys to parsing functions, which convert result strings to
910 | + * _javascript_ data.
911 | + */
912 | + #eventParsers = {
913 | + stream: info.streamStatusParser,
914 | + // Currently unused:
915 | + // "circ" : info.circuitStatusParser,
916 | + };
917 | + |
918 | + /**
919 | + * Builds a new TorController.
920 | + *
921 | + * @param {AsyncSocket} socket The socket to communicate to the control port
922 | + */
923 | + constructor(socket) {
924 | + this.#socket = new ControlSocket(socket);
925 | + }
926 | + |
927 | + /**
928 | + * Tells whether the underlying socket is open.
929 | + *
930 | + * @returns {boolean}
931 | + */
932 | + get isOpen() {
933 | + return this.#socket.isOpen;
934 | + }
935 | + |
936 | + /**
937 | + * Close the underlying socket.
938 | + */
939 | + close() {
940 | + this.#socket.close();
941 | + }
942 | + |
943 | + /**
944 | + * Send a command over the control port.
945 | + * TODO: Make this function private, and force the operations to go through
946 | + * specialized methods.
947 | + *
948 | + * @param {string} cmd The command to send
949 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} A 2xx response obtained from the control port.
950 | + * For other codes, this function will throw. The returned string will never
951 | + * be empty.
952 | + */
953 | + async sendCommand(cmd) {
954 | + return this.#socket.sendCommand(cmd);
955 | + }
956 | + |
957 | + /**
958 | + * Send a simple command whose response is expected to be simply a "250 OK".
959 | + * The function will not return a reply, but will throw if an unexpected one
960 | + * is received.
961 | + *
962 | + * @param {string} command The command to send
963 | + */
964 | + async #sendCommandSimple(command) {
965 | + const reply = await this.sendCommand(command);
966 | + if (!/^250 OK\s*$/i.test(reply)) {
967 | + throw new TorError(command, reply);
968 | + }
969 | + }
970 | + |
971 | + /**
972 | + * Authenticate to the tor daemon.
973 | + * Notice that a failure in the authentication makes the connection close.
974 | + *
975 | + * @param {string} password The password for the control port.
976 | + */
977 | + async authenticate(password) {
978 | + if (password) {
979 | + this.#expectString(password, "password");
980 | + }
981 | + await this.#sendCommandSimple(`authenticate ${password || ""}`);
982 | + }
983 | + |
984 | + /**
985 | + * Sends a GETINFO for a single key.
986 | + *
987 | + * @param {string} key The key to get value for
988 | + * @returns {any} The return value depends on the requested key
989 | + */
990 | + async getInfo(key) {
991 | + this.#expectString(key, "key");
992 | + const response = await this.sendCommand(`getinfo ${key}`);
993 | + return this.#getMultipleResponseValues(response)[0];
994 | + }
995 | + |
996 | + /**
997 | + * Sends a GETINFO for a single key.
998 | + * control-spec.txt says "one ReplyLine is sent for each requested value", so,
999 | + * we expect to receive only one line starting with `250-keyword=`, or one
1000 | + * line starting with `250+keyword=` (in which case we will match until a
1001 | + * period).
1002 | + * This function could be possibly extended to handle several keys at once,
1003 | + * but we currently do not need this functionality, so we preferred keeping
1004 | + * the function simpler.
1005 | + *
1006 | + * @param {string} key The key to get value for
1007 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} The string we received (only the value, without
1008 | + * the key). We do not do any additional parsing on it.
1009 | + */
1010 | + async #getInfo(key) {
1011 | + this.#expectString(key);
1012 | + const cmd = `GETINFO ${key}`;
1013 | + const reply = await this.sendCommand(cmd);
1014 | + const match =
1015 | + reply.match(/^250-([^=]+)=(.*)$/m) ||
1016 | + reply.match(/^250\+([^=]+)=([\s\S]*?)^\.\r?\n^250 OK\s*$/m);
1017 | + if (!match || match[1] !== key) {
1018 | + throw new TorError(cmd, reply);
1019 | + }
1020 | + return match[2];
1021 | + }
1022 | + |
1023 | + /**
1024 | + * Ask Tor its bootstrap phase.
1025 | + *
1026 | + * @returns {object} An object with the bootstrap information received from
1027 | + * Tor. Its keys might vary, depending on the input
1028 | + */
1029 | + async getBootstrapPhase() {
1030 | + return this.#parseBootstrapStatus(
1031 | + await this.#getInfo("status/bootstrap-phase")
1032 | + );
1033 | + }
1034 | + |
1035 | + /**
1036 | + * Get the IPv4 and optionally IPv6 addresses of an onion router.
1037 | + *
1038 | + * @param {NodeFingerprint} id The fingerprint of the node the caller is
1039 | + * interested in
1040 | + * @returns {string[]} The IP addresses (one IPv4 and optionally an IPv6)
1041 | + */
1042 | + async getNodeAddresses(id) {
1043 | + this.#expectString(id, "id");
1044 | + const reply = await this.#getInfo(`ns/id/${id}`);
1045 | + // See dir-spec.txt.
1046 | + // r nickname identity digest publication IP OrPort DirPort
1047 | + const rLine = reply.match(/^r\s+(.*)$/m);
1048 | + const v4 = rLine ? rLine[1].split(/\s+/) : [];
1049 | + // Tor should already reply with a 552 when a relay cannot be found.
1050 | + // Also, publication is a date with a space inside, so it is counted twice.
1051 | + if (!rLine || v4.length !== 8) {
1052 | + throw new Error(`Received an invalid node information: ${reply}`);
1053 | + }
1054 | + const addresses = [v4[5]];
1055 | + // a address:port
1056 | + // dir-spec.txt also states only the first one should be taken
1057 | + // TODO: The consumers do not care about the port or the square brackets
1058 | + // either. Remove them when integrating this function with the rest
1059 | + const v6 = reply.match(/^a\s+(\[[0-9a-fA-F:]+\]:[0-9]{1,5})$/m);
1060 | + if (v6) {
1061 | + addresses.push(v6[1]);
1062 | + }
1063 | + return addresses;
1064 | + }
1065 | + |
1066 | + /**
1067 | + * Maps IP addresses to 2-letter country codes, or ?? if unknown.
1068 | + *
1069 | + * @param {string} ip The IP address to look for
1070 | + * @returns {Promise<string>} A promise with the country code. If unknown, the
1071 | + * promise is resolved with "??". It is rejected only when the underlying
1072 | + * GETINFO command fails or if an exception is thrown
1073 | + */
1074 | + async getIPCountry(ip) {
1075 | + this.#expectString(ip, "ip");
1076 | + return this.#getInfo(`ip-to-country/${ip}`);
1077 | + }
1078 | + |
1079 | + /**
1080 | + * Ask tor which ports it is listening to for SOCKS connections.
1081 | + *
1082 | + * @returns {Promise<string[]>} An array of addresses. It might be empty
1083 | + * (e.g., when DisableNetwork is set)
1084 | + */
1085 | + async getSocksListeners() {
1086 | + const listeners = await this.#getInfo("net/listeners/socks");
1087 | + return Array.from(listeners.matchAll(/\s*("(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|\S+)\s*/g), m =>
1088 | + TorParsers.unescapeString(m[1])
1089 | + );
1090 | + }
1091 | + |
1092 | + // Configuration
1093 | + |
1094 | + /**
1095 | + * Sends a GETCONF for a single key.
1096 | + * GETCONF with a single argument returns results with one or more lines that
1097 | + * look like `250[- ]key=value`.
1098 | + * Any GETCONF lines that contain a single keyword only are currently dropped.
1099 | + * So we can use similar parsing to that for getInfo.
1100 | + *
1101 | + * @param {string} key The key to get value for
1102 | + * @returns {any} A parsed config value (it depends if a parser is known)
1103 | + */
1104 | + async getConf(key) {
1105 | + this.#expectString(key, "key");
1106 | + return this.#getMultipleResponseValues(
1107 | + await this.sendCommand(`getconf ${key}`)
1108 | + );
1109 | + }
1110 | + |
1111 | + /**
1112 | + * Sends a GETCONF for a single key.
1113 | + * The function could be easily generalized to get multiple keys at once, but
1114 | + * we do not need this functionality, at the moment.
1115 | + *
1116 | + * @param {string} key The keys to get info for
1117 | + * @returns {Promise<string[]>} The values obtained from the control port.
1118 | + * The key is removed, and the values unescaped, but they are not parsed.
1119 | + * The array might contain an empty string, which means that the default value
1120 | + * is used.
1121 | + */
1122 | + async #getConf(key) {
1123 | + this.#expectString(key, "key");
1124 | + // GETCONF expects a `keyword`, which should be only alpha characters,
1125 | + // according to the definition in control-port.txt. But as a matter of fact,
1126 | + // several configuration keys include numbers (e.g., Socks4Proxy). So, we
1127 | + // accept also numbers in this regular _expression_. One of the reason to
1128 | + // sanitize the input is that we then use it to create a regular _expression_.
1129 | + // Sadly, _javascript_ does not provide a function to escape/quote a string
1130 | + // for inclusion in a regex. Should we remove this limitation, we should
1131 | + // also implement a regex sanitizer, or switch to another pattern, like
1132 | + // `([^=])` and then filter on the keyword.
1133 | + if (!/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/.test(key)) {
1134 | + throw new Error("The key can be composed only of letters and numbers.");
1135 | + }
1136 | + const cmd = `GETCONF ${key}`;
1137 | + const reply = await this.sendCommand(cmd);
1138 | + // From control-spec.txt: a 'default' value semantically different from an
1139 | + // empty string will not have an equal sign, just `250 $key`.
1140 | + const defaultRe = new RegExp(`^250[-\\s]${key}$`, "gim");
1141 | + if (reply.match(defaultRe)) {
1142 | + return [];
1143 | + }
1144 | + const re = new RegExp(`^250[-\\s]${key}=(.*)$`, "gim");
1145 | + const values = Array.from(reply.matchAll(re), m =>
1146 | + TorParsers.unescapeString(m[1])
1147 | + );
1148 | + if (!values.length) {
1149 | + throw new TorError(cmd, reply);
1150 | + }
1151 | + return values;
1152 | + }
1153 | + |
1154 | + /**
1155 | + * Get the bridges Tor has been configured with.
1156 | + *
1157 | + * @returns {Bridge[]} The configured bridges
1158 | + */
1159 | + async getBridges() {
1160 | + return (await this.#getConf("BRIDGE")).map(TorParsers.parseBridgeLine);
1161 | + }
1162 | + |
1163 | + /**
1164 | + * Get the configured pluggable transports.
1165 | + *
1166 | + * @returns {PTInfo[]} An array with the info of all the configured pluggable
1167 | + * transports.
1168 | + */
1169 | + async getPluggableTransports() {
1170 | + return (await this.#getConf("ClientTransportPlugin")).map(ptLine => {
1171 | + // man 1 tor: ClientTransportPlugin transport socks4|socks5 IP:PORT
1172 | + const socksLine = ptLine.match(
1173 | + /(\S+)\s+(socks[45])\s+([\d.]{7,15}|\[[\da-fA-F:]+\]):(\d{1,5})/i
1174 | + );
1175 | + // man 1 tor: transport exec path-to-binary [options]
1176 | + const execLine = ptLine.match(
1177 | + /(\S+)\s+(exec)\s+("(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|\S+)\s*(.*)/i
1178 | + );
1179 | + if (socksLine) {
1180 | + return {
1181 | + transports: socksLine[1].split(","),
1182 | + type: socksLine[2].toLowerCase(),
1183 | + ip: socksLine[3],
1184 | + port: parseInt(socksLine[4], 10),
1185 | + };
1186 | + } else if (execLine) {
1187 | + return {
1188 | + transports: execLine[1].split(","),
1189 | + type: execLine[2].toLowerCase(),
1190 | + pathToBinary: TorParsers.unescapeString(execLine[3]),
1191 | + options: execLine[4],
1192 | + };
1193 | + }
1194 | + throw new Error(
1195 | + `Received an invalid ClientTransportPlugin line: ${ptLine}`
1196 | + );
1197 | + });
1198 | + }
1199 | + |
1200 | + /**
1201 | + * Send multiple configuration values to tor.
1202 | + *
1203 | + * @param {object} values The values to set
1204 | + */
1205 | + async setConf(values) {
1206 | + const args = Object.entries(values)
1207 | + .flatMap(([key, value]) => {
1208 | + if (value === undefined || value === null) {
1209 | + return [key];
1210 | + }
1211 | + if (Array.isArray(value)) {
1212 | + return value.length
1213 | + ? value.map(v => `${key}=${TorParsers.escapeString(v)}`)
1214 | + : key;
1215 | + } else if (typeof value === "string" || value instanceof String) {
1216 | + return `${key}=${TorParsers.escapeString(value)}`;
1217 | + } else if (typeof value === "boolean") {
1218 | + return `${key}=${value ? "1" : "0"}`;
1219 | + } else if (typeof value === "number") {
1220 | + return `${key}=${value}`;
1221 | + }
1222 | + throw new Error(`Unsupported type ${typeof value} (key ${key})`);
1223 | + })
1224 | + .join(" ");
1225 | + return this.#sendCommandSimple(`SETCONF ${args}`);
1226 | + }
1227 | + |
1228 | + /**
1229 | + * Enable or disable the network.
1230 | + * Notice: switching from network disabled to network enabled will trigger a
1231 | + * bootstrap on C tor! (Or stop the current one).
1232 | + *
1233 | + * @param {boolean} enabled Tell whether the network should be enabled
1234 | + */
1235 | + async setNetworkEnabled(enabled) {
1236 | + return this.setConf({ DisableNetwork: !enabled });
1237 | + }
1238 | + |
1239 | + /**
1240 | + * Ask Tor to write out its config options into its torrc.
1241 | + */
1242 | + async flushSettings() {
1243 | + return this.#sendCommandSimple("SAVECONF");
1244 | + }
1245 | + |
1246 | + // Onion service authentication
1247 | + |
1248 | + /**
1249 | + * Sends a ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_VIEW command to retrieve the list of private
1250 | + * keys.
1251 | + *
1252 | + * @returns {OnionAuthKeyInfo[]}
1253 | + */
1254 | + async onionAuthViewKeys() {
1255 | + const cmd = "onion_client_auth_view";
1256 | + const message = await this.sendCommand(cmd);
1257 | + // Either `250-CLIENT`, or `250 OK` if no keys are available.
1258 | + if (!message.startsWith("250")) {
1259 | + throw new TorError(cmd, message);
1260 | + }
1261 | + const re =
1262 | + /^250-CLIENT\s+(?<HSAddress>[A-Za-z2-7]+)\s+(?<KeyType>[^:]+):(?<PrivateKeyBlob>\S+)(?:\s(?<other>.+))?$/gim;
1263 | + return Array.from(message.matchAll(re), match => {
1264 | + // TODO: Change the consumer and make the fields more consistent with what
1265 | + // we get (e.g., separate key and type, and use a boolen for permanent).
1266 | + const info = {
1267 | + hsAddress: match.groups.HSAddress,
1268 | + typeAndKey: `${match.groups.KeyType}:${match.groups.PrivateKeyBlob}`,
1269 | + };
1270 | + const maybeFlags = match.groups.other?.match(/Flags=(\S+)/);
1271 | + if (maybeFlags) {
1272 | + info.Flags = maybeFlags[1];
1273 | + }
1274 | + return info;
1275 | + });
1276 | + }
1277 | + |
1278 | + /**
1279 | + * Sends an ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_ADD command to add a private key to the Tor
1280 | + * configuration.
1281 | + *
1282 | + * @param {string} address The address of the onion service
1283 | + * @param {string} b64PrivateKey The private key of the service, in base64
1284 | + * @param {boolean} isPermanent Tell whether the key should be saved forever
1285 | + */
1286 | + async onionAuthAdd(address, b64PrivateKey, isPermanent) {
1287 | + this.#expectString(address, "address");
1288 | + this.#expectString(b64PrivateKey, "b64PrivateKey");
1289 | + const keyType = "x25519";
1290 | + let cmd = `onion_client_auth_add ${address} ${keyType}:${b64PrivateKey}`;
1291 | + if (isPermanent) {
1292 | + cmd += " Flags=Permanent";
1293 | + }
1294 | + const reply = await this.sendCommand(cmd);
1295 | + const status = reply.substring(0, 3);
1296 | + if (status !== "250" && status !== "251" && status !== "252") {
1297 | + throw new TorError(cmd, reply);
1298 | + }
1299 | + }
1300 | + |
1301 | + /**
1302 | + * Sends an ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_REMOVE command to remove a private key from the
1303 | + * Tor configuration.
1304 | + *
1305 | + * @param {string} address The address of the onion service
1306 | + */
1307 | + async onionAuthRemove(address) {
1308 | + this.#expectString(address, "address");
1309 | + const cmd = `onion_client_auth_remove ${address}`;
1310 | + const reply = await this.sendCommand(cmd);
1311 | + const status = reply.substring(0, 3);
1312 | + if (status !== "250" && status !== "251") {
1313 | + throw new TorError(cmd, reply);
1314 | + }
1315 | + }
1316 | + |
1317 | + // Daemon ownership
1318 | + |
1319 | + /**
1320 | + * Instructs Tor to shut down when this control connection is closed.
1321 | + * If multiple connection sends this request, Tor will shut dwon when any of
1322 | + * them is closed.
1323 | + */
1324 | + async takeOwnership() {
1325 | + return this.#sendCommandSimple("TAKEOWNERSHIP");
1326 | + }
1327 | + |
1328 | + /**
1329 | + * The __OwningControllerProcess argument can be used to make Tor periodically
1330 | + * check if a certain PID is still present, or terminate itself otherwise.
1331 | + * When switching to the ownership tied to the control port, this mechanism
1332 | + * should be stopped by calling this function.
1333 | + */
1334 | + async resetOwningControllerProcess() {
1335 | + return this.#sendCommandSimple("RESETCONF __OwningControllerProcess");
1336 | + }
1337 | + |
1338 | + // Signals
1339 | + |
1340 | + /**
1341 | + * Ask Tor to swtich to new circuits and clear the DNS cache.
1342 | + */
1343 | + async newnym() {
1344 | + return this.#sendCommandSimple("SIGNAL NEWNYM");
1345 | + }
1346 | + |
1347 | + // Events monitoring
1348 | + |
1349 | + /**
1350 | + * Enable receiving certain events.
1351 | + * As per control-spec.txt, any events turned on in previous calls but not
1352 | + * included in this one will be turned off.
1353 | + *
1354 | + * @param {string[]} types The events to enable. If empty, no events will be
1355 | + * watched.
1356 | + */
1357 | + setEvents(types) {
1358 | + if (!types.every(t => typeof t === "string" || t instanceof String)) {
1359 | + throw new Error("Event types must be strings");
1360 | + }
1361 | + return this.#sendCommandSimple("SETEVENTS " + types.join(" "));
1362 | + }
1363 | + |
1364 | + /**
1365 | + * Watches for a particular type of asynchronous event.
1366 | + * Notice: we only observe `"650" SP...` events, currently (no `650+...` or
1367 | + * `650-...` events).
1368 | + * Also, you need to enable the events in the control port with SETEVENTS,
1369 | + * first.
1370 | + *
1371 | + * @param {string} type The event type to catch
1372 | + * @param {EventFilterCallback?} filter An optional callback to filter
1373 | + * events for which the callback will be called. If null, all events will be
1374 | + * passed.
1375 | + * @param {EventCallback} callback The callback that will handle the event
1376 | + * @param {boolean} raw Tell whether to ignore the data parser, even if
1377 | + * supported
1378 | + */
1379 | + watchEvent(type, filter, callback, raw = false) {
1380 | + this.#expectString(type, "type");
1381 | + const start = `650 ${type}`;
1382 | + this.#socket.addNotificationCallback(new RegExp(`^${start}`), message => {
1383 | + // Remove also the initial text
1384 | + const dataText = message.substring(start.length + 1);
1385 | + const parser = this.#eventParsers[type.toLowerCase()];
1386 | + const data = dataText && parser ? parser(dataText) : null;
1387 | + // FIXME: This is the original code, but we risk of not filtering on the
1388 | + // data, if we ask for raw data (which we always do at the moment, but we
1389 | + // do not use a filter either...)
1390 | + if (filter === null || filter(data)) {
1391 | + callback(data && !raw ? data : message);
1392 | + }
1393 | + });
1394 | + }
1395 | + |
1396 | + // Other helpers
1397 | + |
1398 | + /**
1399 | + * Parse a bootstrap status line.
1400 | + *
1401 | + * @param {string} line The line to parse, without the command/notification
1402 | + * prefix
1403 | + * @returns {object} An object with the bootstrap information received from
1404 | + * Tor. Its keys might vary, depending on the input
1405 | + */
1406 | + #parseBootstrapStatus(line) {
1407 | + const match = line.match(/^(NOTICE|WARN) BOOTSTRAP\s*(.*)/);
1408 | + if (!match) {
1409 | + throw Error(
1410 | + `Received an invalid response for the bootstrap phase: ${line}`
1411 | + );
1412 | + }
1413 | + const status = {
1414 | + TYPE: match[1],
1415 | + ...this.#getKeyValues(match[2]),
1416 | + };
1417 | + if (status.PROGRESS !== undefined) {
1418 | + status.PROGRESS = parseInt(status.PROGRESS, 10);
1419 | + }
1420 | + if (status.COUNT !== undefined) {
1421 | + status.COUNT = parseInt(status.COUNT, 10);
1422 | + }
1423 | + return status;
1424 | + }
1425 | + |
1426 | + /**
1427 | + * Throw an exception when value is not a string.
1428 | + *
1429 | + * @param {any} value The value to check
1430 | + * @param {string} name The name of the `value` argument
1431 | + */
1432 | + #expectString(value, name) {
1433 | + if (typeof value !== "string" && !(value instanceof String)) {
1434 | + throw new Error(`The ${name} argument is expected to be a string.`);
1435 | + }
1436 | + }
1437 | + |
1438 | + /**
1439 | + * Return an object with all the matches that are in the form `key="value"` or
1440 | + * `key=value`. The values will be unescaped, but no additional parsing will
1441 | + * be done (e.g., numbers will be returned as strings).
1442 | + * If keys are repeated, only the last one will be taken.
1443 | + *
1444 | + * @param {string} str The string to match tokens in
1445 | + * @returns {object} An object with all the various tokens. If none is found,
1446 | + * an empty object is returned.
1447 | + */
1448 | + #getKeyValues(str) {
1449 | + return Object.fromEntries(
1450 | + Array.from(
1451 | + str.matchAll(/\s*([^=]+)=("(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|\S+)\s*/g) || [],
1452 | + pair => [pair[1], TorParsers.unescapeString(pair[2])]
1453 | + )
1454 | + );
1455 | + }
1456 | + |
1457 | + /**
1458 | + * Process multiple responses to a GETINFO or GETCONF request.
1459 | + *
1460 | + * @param {string} message The message to process
1461 | + * @returns {object[]} The keys depend on the message
1462 | + */
1463 | + #getMultipleResponseValues(message) {
1464 | + return info
1465 | + .keyValueStringsFromMessage(message)
1466 | + .map(info.stringToValue)
1467 | + .filter(x => x);
1468 | + }
1469 | +}
1470 | + |
1471 | +const controlPortInfo = {};
1472 | + |
1473 | +/**
1474 | + * Sets Tor control port connection parameters to be used in future calls to
1475 | + * the controller() function.
1476 | + *
1477 | + * Example:
1478 | + * configureControlPortModule(undefined, "", 9151, "MyPassw0rd");
1479 | + *
1480 | + * @param {nsIFile?} ipcFile An optional file to use to communicate to the
1481 | + * control port on Unix platforms
1482 | + * @param {string?} host The hostname to connect to the control port. Mutually
1483 | + * exclusive with ipcFile
1484 | + * @param {integer?} port The port number of the control port. To be used only
1485 | + * with host. The default is 9151.
1486 | + * @param {string} password The password of the control port in clear text.
1487 | + */
1488 | +export function configureControlPortModule(ipcFile, host, port, password) {
1489 | + controlPortInfo.ipcFile = ipcFile;
1490 | + controlPortInfo.host = host;
1491 | + controlPortInfo.port = port || 9151;
1492 | + controlPortInfo.password = password;
1493 | +}
1494 | + |
1495 | +/**
1496 | + * Instantiates and returns a controller object that is connected and
1497 | + * authenticated to a Tor ControlPort using the connection parameters
1498 | + * provided in the most recent call to configureControlPortModule().
1499 | + *
1500 | + * Example:
1501 | + * // Get a new controller
1502 | + * let c = await controller();
1503 | + * // Send command and receive a `250` reply or an error message:
1504 | + * let replyPromise = await c.getInfo("ip-to-country/");
1505 | + * // Close the controller permanently
1506 | + * c.close();
1507 | + */
1508 | +export async function controller() {
1509 | + if (!controlPortInfo.ipcFile && !controlPortInfo.host) {
1510 | + throw new Error("Please call configureControlPortModule first");
1511 | + }
1512 | + let socket;
1513 | + if (controlPortInfo.ipcFile) {
1514 | + socket = AsyncSocket.fromIpcFile(controlPortInfo.ipcFile);
1515 | + } else {
1516 | + socket = AsyncSocket.fromSocketAddress(
1517 | + controlPortInfo.host,
1518 | + controlPortInfo.port
1519 | + );
1520 | + }
1521 | + const controller = new TorController(socket);
1522 | + try {
1523 | + await controller.authenticate(controlPortInfo.password);
1524 | + } catch (e) {
1525 | + try {
1526 | + controller.close();
1527 | + } catch (ec) {
1528 | + // TODO: Use a custom logger?
1529 | + console.error("Cannot close the socket", ec);
1530 | + }
1531 | + throw e;
1532 | + }
1533 | + return controller;
1534 | +} |
... | ... | @@ -15,14 +15,9 @@ const lazy = {}; |
15 | 15 | |
16 | 16 | ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
17 | 17 | TorProtocolService: "resource://gre/modules/TorProtocolService.sys.mjs",
18 | + controller: "resource://gre/modules/TorControlPort.sys.mjs",
18 | 19 | });
19 | 20 | |
20 | -ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(
21 | - lazy,
22 | - "controller",
23 | - "resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js"
24 | -);
25 | - |
26 | 21 | ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
27 | 22 | TorProtocolService: "resource://gre/modules/TorProtocolService.sys.mjs",
28 | 23 | });
... | ... | @@ -172,9 +167,7 @@ export const TorMonitorService = { |
172 | 167 | const cmd = "GETINFO";
173 | 168 | const key = "status/bootstrap-phase";
174 | 169 | let reply = await this._connection.sendCommand(`${cmd} ${key}`);
175 | - if (!reply) {
176 | - throw new Error("We received an empty reply");
177 | - }
170 | + |
178 | 171 | // A typical reply looks like:
179 | 172 | // 250-status/bootstrap-phase=NOTICE BOOTSTRAP PROGRESS=100 TAG=done SUMMARY="Done"
180 | 173 | // 250 OK
... | ... | @@ -335,8 +328,7 @@ export const TorMonitorService = { |
335 | 328 | |
336 | 329 | let conn;
337 | 330 | try {
338 | - const avoidCache = true;
339 | - conn = await lazy.controller(avoidCache);
331 | + conn = await lazy.controller();
340 | 332 | } catch (e) {
341 | 333 | logger.error("Cannot open a control port connection", e);
342 | 334 | if (conn) {
... | ... | @@ -353,12 +345,10 @@ export const TorMonitorService = { |
353 | 345 | }
354 | 346 | |
355 | 347 | // TODO: optionally monitor INFO and DEBUG log messages.
356 | - let reply = await conn.sendCommand(
357 | - "SETEVENTS " + Array.from(this._eventHandlers.keys()).join(" ")
358 | - );
359 | - reply = TorParsers.parseCommandResponse(reply);
360 | - if (!TorParsers.commandSucceeded(reply)) {
361 | - logger.error("SETEVENTS failed");
348 | + try {
349 | + await conn.setEvents(Array.from(this._eventHandlers.keys()));
350 | + } catch (e) {
351 | + logger.error("SETEVENTS failed", e);
362 | 352 | conn.close();
363 | 353 | return false;
364 | 354 | }
... | ... | @@ -405,18 +395,16 @@ export const TorMonitorService = { |
405 | 395 | |
406 | 396 | // Try to become the primary controller (TAKEOWNERSHIP).
407 | 397 | async _takeTorOwnership(conn) {
408 | - const takeOwnership = "TAKEOWNERSHIP";
409 | - let reply = await conn.sendCommand(takeOwnership);
410 | - reply = TorParsers.parseCommandResponse(reply);
411 | - if (!TorParsers.commandSucceeded(reply)) {
412 | - logger.warn("Take ownership failed");
413 | - } else {
414 | - const resetConf = "RESETCONF __OwningControllerProcess";
415 | - reply = await conn.sendCommand(resetConf);
416 | - reply = TorParsers.parseCommandResponse(reply);
417 | - if (!TorParsers.commandSucceeded(reply)) {
418 | - logger.warn("Clear owning controller process failed");
419 | - }
398 | + try {
399 | + conn.takeOwnership();
400 | + } catch (e) {
401 | + logger.warn("Take ownership failed", e);
402 | + return;
403 | + }
404 | + try {
405 | + conn.resetOwningControllerProcess();
406 | + } catch (e) {
407 | + logger.warn("Clear owning controller process failed", e);
420 | 408 | }
421 | 409 | },
422 | 410 |
... | ... | @@ -19,16 +19,10 @@ ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( |
19 | 19 | "TorMonitorService",
20 | 20 | "resource://gre/modules/TorMonitorService.jsm"
21 | 21 | );
22 | -ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(
23 | - lazy,
24 | - "configureControlPortModule",
25 | - "resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js"
26 | -);
27 | -ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(
28 | - lazy,
29 | - "controller",
30 | - "resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js"
31 | -);
22 | +ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
23 | + controller: "resource://gre/modules/TorControlPort.sys.mjs",
24 | + configureControlPortModule: "resource://gre/modules/TorControlPort.sys.mjs",
25 | +});
32 | 26 | |
33 | 27 | const TorTopics = Object.freeze({
34 | 28 | ProcessExited: "TorProcessExited",
... | ... | @@ -285,8 +279,7 @@ export const TorProtocolService = { |
285 | 279 | });
286 | 280 | },
287 | 281 | |
288 | - // TODO: transform the following 4 functions in getters. At the moment they
289 | - // are also used in torbutton.
282 | + // TODO: transform the following 4 functions in getters.
290 | 283 | |
291 | 284 | // Returns Tor password string or null if an error occurs.
292 | 285 | torGetPassword() {
... | ... | @@ -490,8 +483,6 @@ export const TorProtocolService = { |
490 | 483 | TorLauncherUtil.setProxyConfiguration(this._SOCKSPortInfo);
491 | 484 | |
492 | 485 | // Set the global control port info parameters.
493 | - // These values may be overwritten by torbutton when it initializes, but
494 | - // torbutton's values *should* be identical.
495 | 486 | lazy.configureControlPortModule(
496 | 487 | this._controlIPCFile,
497 | 488 | this._controlHost,
... | ... | @@ -616,8 +607,7 @@ export const TorProtocolService = { |
616 | 607 | // return it.
617 | 608 | async _getConnection() {
618 | 609 | if (!this._controlConnection) {
619 | - const avoidCache = true;
620 | - this._controlConnection = await lazy.controller(avoidCache);
610 | + this._controlConnection = await lazy.controller();
621 | 611 | }
622 | 612 | if (this._controlConnection.inUse) {
623 | 613 | await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
1 | 1 | EXTRA_JS_MODULES += [
2 | 2 | "TorBootstrapRequest.sys.mjs",
3 | + "TorControlPort.sys.mjs",
3 | 4 | "TorDomainIsolator.sys.mjs",
4 | 5 | "TorLauncherUtil.sys.mjs",
5 | 6 | "TorMonitorService.sys.mjs",
1 | -// window globals
2 | -var torbutton_init;
3 | - |
4 | -(() => {
5 | - // Bug 1506 P1-P5: This is the main Torbutton overlay file. Much needs to be
6 | - // preserved here, but in an ideal world, most of this code should perhaps be
7 | - // moved into an XPCOM service, and much can also be tossed. See also
8 | - // individual 1506 comments for details.
9 | - |
10 | - // TODO: check for leaks: http://www.mozilla.org/scriptable/avoiding-leaks.html
11 | - // TODO: Double-check there are no strange exploits to defeat:
12 | - // http://kb.mozillazine.org/Links_to_local_pages_don%27t_work
13 | - |
14 | - /* global gBrowser, Services, AppConstants */
15 | - |
16 | - let { torbutton_log } = ChromeUtils.import(
17 | - "resource://torbutton/modules/utils.js"
18 | - );
19 | - let { configureControlPortModule } = ChromeUtils.import(
20 | - "resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js"
21 | - );
22 | - |
23 | - const { TorProtocolService } = ChromeUtils.import(
24 | - "resource://gre/modules/TorProtocolService.jsm"
25 | - );
26 | - |
27 | - var m_tb_prefs = Services.prefs;
28 | - |
29 | - // status
30 | - var m_tb_wasinited = false;
31 | - |
32 | - var m_tb_control_ipc_file = null; // Set if using IPC (UNIX domain socket).
33 | - var m_tb_control_port = null; // Set if using TCP.
34 | - var m_tb_control_host = null; // Set if using TCP.
35 | - var m_tb_control_pass = null;
36 | - |
37 | - // Bug 1506 P2-P4: This code sets some version variables that are irrelevant.
38 | - // It does read out some important environment variables, though. It is
39 | - // called once per browser window.. This might belong in a component.
40 | - torbutton_init = function () {
41 | - torbutton_log(3, "called init()");
42 | - |
43 | - if (m_tb_wasinited) {
44 | - return;
45 | - }
46 | - m_tb_wasinited = true;
47 | - |
48 | - // Bug 1506 P4: These vars are very important for New Identity
49 | - if (Services.env.exists("TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD")) {
50 | - m_tb_control_pass = Services.env.get("TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD");
51 | - } else if (Services.env.exists("TOR_CONTROL_COOKIE_AUTH_FILE")) {
52 | - var cookie_path = Services.env.get("TOR_CONTROL_COOKIE_AUTH_FILE");
53 | - try {
54 | - if ("" != cookie_path) {
55 | - m_tb_control_pass = torbutton_read_authentication_cookie(cookie_path);
56 | - }
57 | - } catch (e) {
58 | - torbutton_log(4, "unable to read authentication cookie");
59 | - }
60 | - } else {
61 | - try {
62 | - // Try to get password from Tor Launcher.
63 | - m_tb_control_pass = TorProtocolService.torGetPassword();
64 | - } catch (e) {}
65 | - }
66 | - |
67 | - // Try to get the control port IPC file (an nsIFile) from Tor Launcher,
68 | - // since Tor Launcher knows how to handle its own preferences and how to
69 | - // resolve relative paths.
70 | - try {
71 | - m_tb_control_ipc_file = TorProtocolService.torGetControlIPCFile();
72 | - } catch (e) {}
73 | - |
74 | - if (!m_tb_control_ipc_file) {
75 | - if (Services.env.exists("TOR_CONTROL_PORT")) {
76 | - m_tb_control_port = Services.env.get("TOR_CONTROL_PORT");
77 | - } else {
78 | - try {
79 | - const kTLControlPortPref = "extensions.torlauncher.control_port";
80 | - m_tb_control_port = m_tb_prefs.getIntPref(kTLControlPortPref);
81 | - } catch (e) {
82 | - // Since we want to disable some features when Tor Launcher is
83 | - // not installed (e.g., New Identity), we do not set a default
84 | - // port value here.
85 | - }
86 | - }
87 | - |
88 | - if (Services.env.exists("TOR_CONTROL_HOST")) {
89 | - m_tb_control_host = Services.env.get("TOR_CONTROL_HOST");
90 | - } else {
91 | - try {
92 | - const kTLControlHostPref = "extensions.torlauncher.control_host";
93 | - m_tb_control_host = m_tb_prefs.getCharPref(kTLControlHostPref);
94 | - } catch (e) {
95 | - m_tb_control_host = "";
96 | - }
97 | - }
98 | - }
99 | - |
100 | - configureControlPortModule(
101 | - m_tb_control_ipc_file,
102 | - m_tb_control_host,
103 | - m_tb_control_port,
104 | - m_tb_control_pass
105 | - );
106 | - |
107 | - torbutton_log(3, "init completed");
108 | - };
109 | - |
110 | - // Bug 1506 P4: Control port interaction. Needed for New Identity.
111 | - function torbutton_read_authentication_cookie(path) {
112 | - var file = Cc["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFile);
113 | - file.initWithPath(path);
114 | - var fileStream = Cc[
115 | - "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1"
116 | - ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
117 | - fileStream.init(file, 1, 0, false);
118 | - var binaryStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance(
119 | - Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream
120 | - );
121 | - binaryStream.setInputStream(fileStream);
122 | - var array = binaryStream.readByteArray(fileStream.available());
123 | - binaryStream.close();
124 | - fileStream.close();
125 | - return torbutton_array_to_hexdigits(array);
126 | - }
127 | - |
128 | - // Bug 1506 P4: Control port interaction. Needed for New Identity.
129 | - function torbutton_array_to_hexdigits(array) {
130 | - return array
131 | - .map(function (c) {
132 | - return String("0" + c.toString(16)).slice(-2);
133 | - })
134 | - .join("");
135 | - }
136 | - |
137 | - // ---------------------- Event handlers -----------------
138 | - |
139 | - // Bug 1506 P3: This is needed pretty much only for the window resizing.
140 | - // See comments for individual functions for details
141 | - function torbutton_new_window(event) {
142 | - torbutton_log(3, "New window");
143 | - if (!m_tb_wasinited) {
144 | - torbutton_init();
145 | - }
146 | - }
147 | - window.addEventListener("load", torbutton_new_window);
148 | -})(); |
1 | -Classes = [
2 | - {
3 | - "cid": "{f36d72c9-9718-4134-b550-e109638331d7}",
4 | - "contract_ids": [
5 | - "@torproject.org/torbutton-logger;1"
6 | - ],
7 | - "jsm": "resource://torbutton/modules/TorbuttonLogger.jsm",
8 | - "constructor": "TorbuttonLogger",
9 | - },
10 | -] |
1 | 1 | #filter substitution
2 | 2 | |
3 | 3 | torbutton.jar:
4 | - |
5 | -% content torbutton %content/
6 | - |
7 | - content/torbutton.js (chrome/content/torbutton.js)
8 | - |
9 | - modules/ (modules/*)
10 | - |
11 | 4 | % resource torbutton %
5 | +% category l10n-registry torbutton resource://torbutton/locale/{locale}/
12 | 6 | |
13 | 7 | # browser branding
14 | 8 | % override chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd chrome://torbutton/locale/brand.dtd
15 | 9 | % override chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties chrome://torbutton/locale/brand.properties
16 | -% category l10n-registry torbutton resource://torbutton/locale/{locale}/
17 | 10 | |
18 | 11 | # Strings for the about:tbupdate page
19 | 12 | % override chrome://browser/locale/aboutTBUpdate.dtd chrome://torbutton/locale/aboutTBUpdate.dtd
1 | -// Bug 1506 P1: This is just a handy logger. If you have a better one, toss
2 | -// this in the trash.
3 | - |
4 | -/*************************************************************************
5 | - * TBLogger (_javascript_ XPCOM component)
6 | - *
7 | - * Allows loglevel-based logging to different logging mechanisms.
8 | - *
9 | - *************************************************************************/
10 | - |
11 | -var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["TorbuttonLogger"];
12 | - |
13 | -const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
14 | - |
15 | -function TorbuttonLogger() {
16 | - // Register observer
17 | - Services.prefs.addObserver("extensions.torbutton", this);
18 | - |
19 | - this.loglevel = Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.torbutton.loglevel", 4);
20 | - this.logmethod = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
21 | - "extensions.torbutton.logmethod",
22 | - 1
23 | - );
24 | - |
25 | - try {
26 | - var logMngr = Cc["@mozmonkey.com/debuglogger/manager;1"].getService(
27 | - Ci.nsIDebugLoggerManager
28 | - );
29 | - this._debuglog = logMngr.registerLogger("torbutton");
30 | - } catch (exErr) {
31 | - this._debuglog = false;
32 | - }
33 | - this._console = Services.console;
34 | - |
35 | - // This JSObject is exported directly to chrome
36 | - this.wrappedJSObject = this;
37 | - this.log(3, "Torbutton debug output ready");
38 | -}
39 | - |
40 | -/**
41 | - * JS XPCOM component registration goop:
42 | - *
43 | - * Everything below is boring boilerplate and can probably be ignored.
44 | - */
45 | - |
46 | -TorbuttonLogger.prototype = {
47 | - QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIClassInfo]),
48 | - |
49 | - wrappedJSObject: null, // Initialized by constructor
50 | - |
51 | - formatLog(str, level) {
52 | - const padInt = n => String(n).padStart(2, "0");
53 | - const logString = { 1: "VERB", 2: "DBUG", 3: "INFO", 4: "NOTE", 5: "WARN" };
54 | - const d = new Date();
55 | - const now =
56 | - padInt(d.getUTCMonth() + 1) +
57 | - "-" +
58 | - padInt(d.getUTCDate()) +
59 | - " " +
60 | - padInt(d.getUTCHours()) +
61 | - ":" +
62 | - padInt(d.getUTCMinutes()) +
63 | - ":" +
64 | - padInt(d.getUTCSeconds());
65 | - return `${now} Torbutton ${logString[level]}: ${str}`;
66 | - },
67 | - |
68 | - // error console log
69 | - eclog(level, str) {
70 | - switch (this.logmethod) {
71 | - case 0: // stderr
72 | - if (this.loglevel <= level) {
73 | - dump(this.formatLog(str, level) + "\n");
74 | - }
75 | - break;
76 | - default:
77 | - // errorconsole
78 | - if (this.loglevel <= level) {
79 | - this._console.logStringMessage(this.formatLog(str, level));
80 | - }
81 | - break;
82 | - }
83 | - },
84 | - |
85 | - safe_log(level, str, scrub) {
86 | - if (this.loglevel < 4) {
87 | - this.eclog(level, str + scrub);
88 | - } else {
89 | - this.eclog(level, str + " [scrubbed]");
90 | - }
91 | - },
92 | - |
93 | - log(level, str) {
94 | - switch (this.logmethod) {
95 | - case 2: // debuglogger
96 | - if (this._debuglog) {
97 | - this._debuglog.log(6 - level, this.formatLog(str, level));
98 | - break;
99 | - }
100 | - // fallthrough
101 | - case 0: // stderr
102 | - if (this.loglevel <= level) {
103 | - dump(this.formatLog(str, level) + "\n");
104 | - }
105 | - break;
106 | - case 1: // errorconsole
107 | - if (this.loglevel <= level) {
108 | - this._console.logStringMessage(this.formatLog(str, level));
109 | - }
110 | - break;
111 | - default:
112 | - dump("Bad log method: " + this.logmethod);
113 | - }
114 | - },
115 | - |
116 | - // Pref observer interface implementation
117 | - |
118 | - // topic: what event occurred
119 | - // subject: what nsIPrefBranch we're observing
120 | - // data: which pref has been changed (relative to subject)
121 | - observe(subject, topic, data) {
122 | - if (topic != "nsPref:changed") {
123 | - return;
124 | - }
125 | - switch (data) {
126 | - case "extensions.torbutton.logmethod":
127 | - this.logmethod = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
128 | - "extensions.torbutton.logmethod"
129 | - );
130 | - if (this.logmethod === 0) {
131 | - Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled", true);
132 | - } else if (
133 | - Services.prefs.getIntPref("extensions.torlauncher.logmethod", 3) !== 0
134 | - ) {
135 | - // If Tor Launcher is not available or its log method is not 0
136 | - // then let's reset the dump pref.
137 | - Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.dom.window.dump.enabled", false);
138 | - }
139 | - break;
140 | - case "extensions.torbutton.loglevel":
141 | - this.loglevel = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
142 | - "extensions.torbutton.loglevel"
143 | - );
144 | - break;
145 | - }
146 | - },
147 | -}; |
1 | -// A module for TorBrowser that provides an asynchronous controller for
2 | -// Tor, through its ControlPort.
3 | -//
4 | -// This file is written in call stack order (later functions
5 | -// call earlier functions). The file can be processed
6 | -// with docco.js to produce pretty documentation.
7 | -//
8 | -// To import the module, use
9 | -//
10 | -// let { configureControlPortModule, controller, wait_for_controller } =
11 | -// Components.utils.import("path/to/tor-control-port.js", {});
12 | -//
13 | -// See the third-to-last function defined in this file:
14 | -// configureControlPortModule(ipcFile, host, port, password)
15 | -// for usage of the configureControlPortModule function.
16 | -//
17 | -// See the last functions defined in this file:
18 | -// controller(avoidCache), wait_for_controller(avoidCache)
19 | -// for usage of the controller functions.
20 | - |
21 | -/* jshint esnext: true */
22 | -/* jshint -W097 */
23 | -/* global console */
24 | -"use strict";
25 | - |
26 | -const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
27 | - "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"
28 | -);
29 | - |
30 | -ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(
31 | - this,
32 | - "TorMonitorService",
33 | - "resource://gre/modules/TorMonitorService.jsm"
34 | -);
35 | - |
36 | -XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(
37 | - this,
38 | - "logger",
39 | - "@torproject.org/torbutton-logger;1",
40 | - "nsISupports"
41 | -);
42 | - |
43 | -// tor-launcher observer topics
44 | -const TorTopics = Object.freeze({
45 | - ProcessIsReady: "TorProcessIsReady",
46 | -});
47 | - |
48 | -// __log__.
49 | -// Logging function
50 | -let log = x =>
51 | - logger.wrappedJSObject.eclog(3, x.trimRight().replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"));
52 | - |
53 | -// ### announce this file
54 | -log("Loading tor-control-port.js\n");
55 | - |
56 | -class AsyncSocket {
57 | - constructor(ipcFile, host, port) {
58 | - let sts = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"].getService(
59 | - Ci.nsISocketTransportService
60 | - );
61 | - const OPEN_UNBUFFERED = Ci.nsITransport.OPEN_UNBUFFERED;
62 | - |
63 | - let socketTransport = ipcFile
64 | - ? sts.createUnixDomainTransport(ipcFile)
65 | - : sts.createTransport([], host, port, null, null);
66 | - |
67 | - this.outputStream = socketTransport
68 | - .openOutputStream(OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 1, 1)
69 | - .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncOutputStream);
70 | - this.outputQueue = [];
71 | - |
72 | - this.inputStream = socketTransport
73 | - .openInputStream(OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 1, 1)
74 | - .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
75 | - this.scriptableInputStream = Cc[
76 | - "@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"
77 | - ].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
78 | - this.scriptableInputStream.init(this.inputStream);
79 | - this.inputQueue = [];
80 | - }
81 | - |
82 | - // asynchronously write string to underlying socket and return number of bytes written
83 | - async write(str) {
84 | - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
85 | - // asyncWait next write request
86 | - const tryAsyncWait = () => {
87 | - if (this.outputQueue.length) {
88 | - this.outputStream.asyncWait(
89 | - this.outputQueue.at(0), // next request
90 | - 0,
91 | - 0,
92 | - Services.tm.currentThread
93 | - );
94 | - }
95 | - };
96 | - |
97 | - // output stream can only have 1 registered callback at a time, so multiple writes
98 | - // need to be queued up (see nsIAsyncOutputStream.idl)
99 | - this.outputQueue.push({
100 | - // Implement an nsIOutputStreamCallback:
101 | - onOutputStreamReady: () => {
102 | - try {
103 | - let bytesWritten = this.outputStream.write(str, str.length);
104 | - |
105 | - // remove this callback object from queue as it is now completed
106 | - this.outputQueue.shift();
107 | - |
108 | - // request next wait if there is one
109 | - tryAsyncWait();
110 | - |
111 | - // finally resolve promise
112 | - resolve(bytesWritten);
113 | - } catch (err) {
114 | - // reject promise on error
115 | - reject(err);
116 | - }
117 | - },
118 | - });
119 | - |
120 | - // length 1 imples that there is no in-flight asyncWait, so we may immediately
121 | - // follow through on this write
122 | - if (this.outputQueue.length == 1) {
123 | - tryAsyncWait();
124 | - }
125 | - });
126 | - }
127 | - |
128 | - // asynchronously read string from underlying socket and return it
129 | - async read() {
130 | - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
131 | - const tryAsyncWait = () => {
132 | - if (this.inputQueue.length) {
133 | - this.inputStream.asyncWait(
134 | - this.inputQueue.at(0), // next input request
135 | - 0,
136 | - 0,
137 | - Services.tm.currentThread
138 | - );
139 | - }
140 | - };
141 | - |
142 | - this.inputQueue.push({
143 | - onInputStreamReady: stream => {
144 | - try {
145 | - if (!this.scriptableInputStream.available()) {
146 | - // This means EOF, but not closed yet. However, arriving at EOF
147 | - // should be an error condition for us, since we are in a socket,
148 | - // and EOF should mean peer disconnected.
149 | - // If the stream has been closed, this function itself should
150 | - // throw.
151 | - reject(
152 | - new Error("onInputStreamReady called without available bytes.")
153 | - );
154 | - return;
155 | - }
156 | - |
157 | - // read our string from input stream
158 | - let str = this.scriptableInputStream.read(
159 | - this.scriptableInputStream.available()
160 | - );
161 | - |
162 | - // remove this callback object from queue now that we have read
163 | - this.inputQueue.shift();
164 | - |
165 | - // request next wait if there is one
166 | - tryAsyncWait();
167 | - |
168 | - // finally resolve promise
169 | - resolve(str);
170 | - } catch (err) {
171 | - reject(err);
172 | - }
173 | - },
174 | - });
175 | - |
176 | - // length 1 imples that there is no in-flight asyncWait, so we may immediately
177 | - // follow through on this read
178 | - if (this.inputQueue.length == 1) {
179 | - tryAsyncWait();
180 | - }
181 | - });
182 | - }
183 | - |
184 | - close() {
185 | - this.outputStream.close();
186 | - this.inputStream.close();
187 | - }
188 | -}
189 | - |
190 | -class ControlSocket {
191 | - constructor(asyncSocket) {
192 | - this.socket = asyncSocket;
193 | - this._isOpen = true;
194 | - this.pendingData = "";
195 | - this.pendingLines = [];
196 | - |
197 | - this.mainDispatcher = io.callbackDispatcher();
198 | - this.notificationDispatcher = io.callbackDispatcher();
199 | - // mainDispatcher pushes only async notifications (650) to notificationDispatcher
200 | - this.mainDispatcher.addCallback(
201 | - /^650/,
202 | - this._handleNotification.bind(this)
203 | - );
204 | - // callback for handling responses and errors
205 | - this.mainDispatcher.addCallback(
206 | - /^[245]\d\d/,
207 | - this._handleCommandReply.bind(this)
208 | - );
209 | - |
210 | - this.commandQueue = [];
211 | - |
212 | - this._startMessagePump();
213 | - }
214 | - |
215 | - // blocks until an entire line is read and returns it
216 | - // immediately returns next line in queue (pendingLines) if present
217 | - async _readLine() {
218 | - // keep reading from socket until we have a full line to return
219 | - while (!this.pendingLines.length) {
220 | - // read data from our socket and spit on newline tokens
221 | - this.pendingData += await this.socket.read();
222 | - let lines = this.pendingData.split("\r\n");
223 | - |
224 | - // the last line will either be empty string, or a partial read of a response/event
225 | - // so save it off for the next socket read
226 | - this.pendingData = lines.pop();
227 | - |
228 | - // copy remaining full lines to our pendingLines list
229 | - this.pendingLines = this.pendingLines.concat(lines);
230 | - }
231 | - return this.pendingLines.shift();
232 | - }
233 | - |
234 | - // blocks until an entire message is ready and returns it
235 | - async _readMessage() {
236 | - // whether we are searching for the end of a multi-line values
237 | - // See control-spec section 3.9
238 | - let handlingMultlineValue = false;
239 | - let endOfMessageFound = false;
240 | - const message = [];
241 | - |
242 | - do {
243 | - const line = await this._readLine();
244 | - message.push(line);
245 | - |
246 | - if (handlingMultlineValue) {
247 | - // look for end of multiline
248 | - if (line.match(/^\.$/)) {
249 | - handlingMultlineValue = false;
250 | - }
251 | - } else {
252 | - // 'Multiline values' are possible. We avoid interrupting one by detecting it
253 | - // and waiting for a terminating "." on its own line.
254 | - // (See control-spec section 3.9 and https://trac.torproject.org/16990#comment:28
255 | - // Ensure this is the first line of a new message
256 | - // eslint-disable-next-line no-lonely-if
257 | - if (message.length === 1 && line.match(/^\d\d\d\+.+?=$/)) {
258 | - handlingMultlineValue = true;
259 | - }
260 | - // look for end of message (note the space character at end of the regex)
261 | - else if (line.match(/^\d\d\d /)) {
262 | - if (message.length == 1) {
263 | - endOfMessageFound = true;
264 | - } else {
265 | - let firstReplyCode = message[0].substring(0, 3);
266 | - let lastReplyCode = line.substring(0, 3);
267 | - if (firstReplyCode == lastReplyCode) {
268 | - endOfMessageFound = true;
269 | - }
270 | - }
271 | - }
272 | - }
273 | - } while (!endOfMessageFound);
274 | - |
275 | - // join our lines back together to form one message
276 | - return message.join("\r\n");
277 | - }
278 | - |
279 | - async _startMessagePump() {
280 | - try {
281 | - while (true) {
282 | - let message = await this._readMessage();
283 | - log("controlPort >> " + message);
284 | - this.mainDispatcher.pushMessage(message);
285 | - }
286 | - } catch (err) {
287 | - this._isOpen = false;
288 | - for (const cmd of this.commandQueue) {
289 | - cmd.reject(err);
290 | - }
291 | - this.commandQueue = [];
292 | - }
293 | - }
294 | - |
295 | - _writeNextCommand() {
296 | - let cmd = this.commandQueue[0];
297 | - log("controlPort << " + cmd.commandString);
298 | - this.socket.write(`${cmd.commandString}\r\n`).catch(cmd.reject);
299 | - }
300 | - |
301 | - async sendCommand(commandString) {
302 | - if (!this.isOpen()) {
303 | - throw new Error("ControlSocket not open");
304 | - }
305 | - |
306 | - // this promise is resolved either in _handleCommandReply, or
307 | - // in _startMessagePump (on stream error)
308 | - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
309 | - let command = {
310 | - commandString,
311 | - resolve,
312 | - reject,
313 | - };
314 | - |
315 | - this.commandQueue.push(command);
316 | - if (this.commandQueue.length == 1) {
317 | - this._writeNextCommand();
318 | - }
319 | - });
320 | - }
321 | - |
322 | - _handleCommandReply(message) {
323 | - let cmd = this.commandQueue.shift();
324 | - if (message.match(/^2/)) {
325 | - cmd.resolve(message);
326 | - } else if (message.match(/^[45]/)) {
327 | - let myErr = new Error(cmd.commandString + " -> " + message);
328 | - // Add Tor-specific information to the Error object.
329 | - let idx = message.indexOf(" ");
330 | - if (idx > 0) {
331 | - myErr.torStatusCode = message.substring(0, idx);
332 | - myErr.torMessage = message.substring(idx);
333 | - } else {
334 | - myErr.torStatusCode = message;
335 | - }
336 | - cmd.reject(myErr);
337 | - } else {
338 | - cmd.reject(
339 | - new Error(
340 | - `ControlSocket::_handleCommandReply received unexpected message:\n----\n${message}\n----`
341 | - )
342 | - );
343 | - }
344 | - |
345 | - // send next command if one is available
346 | - if (this.commandQueue.length) {
347 | - this._writeNextCommand();
348 | - }
349 | - }
350 | - |
351 | - _handleNotification(message) {
352 | - this.notificationDispatcher.pushMessage(message);
353 | - }
354 | - |
355 | - close() {
356 | - this.socket.close();
357 | - this._isOpen = false;
358 | - }
359 | - |
360 | - addNotificationCallback(regex, callback) {
361 | - this.notificationDispatcher.addCallback(regex, callback);
362 | - }
363 | - |
364 | - isOpen() {
365 | - return this._isOpen;
366 | - }
367 | -}
368 | - |
369 | -// ## io
370 | -// I/O utilities namespace
371 | - |
372 | -let io = {};
373 | - |
374 | -// __io.callbackDispatcher()__.
375 | -// Returns dispatcher object with three member functions:
376 | -// dispatcher.addCallback(regex, callback), dispatcher.removeCallback(callback),
377 | -// and dispatcher.pushMessage(message).
378 | -// Pass pushMessage to another function that needs a callback with a single string
379 | -// argument. Whenever dispatcher.pushMessage receives a string, the dispatcher will
380 | -// check for any regex matches and pass the string on to the corresponding callback(s).
381 | -io.callbackDispatcher = function () {
382 | - let callbackPairs = [],
383 | - removeCallback = function (aCallback) {
384 | - callbackPairs = callbackPairs.filter(function ([regex, callback]) {
385 | - return callback !== aCallback;
386 | - });
387 | - },
388 | - addCallback = function (regex, callback) {
389 | - if (callback) {
390 | - callbackPairs.push([regex, callback]);
391 | - }
392 | - return function () {
393 | - removeCallback(callback);
394 | - };
395 | - },
396 | - pushMessage = function (message) {
397 | - for (let [regex, callback] of callbackPairs) {
398 | - if (message.match(regex)) {
399 | - callback(message);
400 | - }
401 | - }
402 | - };
403 | - return {
404 | - pushMessage,
405 | - removeCallback,
406 | - addCallback,
407 | - };
408 | -};
409 | - |
410 | -// __io.controlSocket(ipcFile, host, port, password)__.
411 | -// Instantiates and returns a socket to a tor ControlPort at ipcFile or
412 | -// host:port, authenticating with the given password. Example:
413 | -//
414 | -// // Open the socket
415 | -// let socket = await io.controlSocket(undefined, "", 9151, "MyPassw0rd");
416 | -// // Send command and receive "250" response reply or error is thrown
417 | -// await socket.sendCommand(commandText);
418 | -// // Register or deregister for "650" notifications
419 | -// // that match regex
420 | -// socket.addNotificationCallback(regex, callback);
421 | -// socket.removeNotificationCallback(callback);
422 | -// // Close the socket permanently
423 | -// socket.close();
424 | -io.controlSocket = async function (ipcFile, host, port, password) {
425 | - let socket = new AsyncSocket(ipcFile, host, port);
426 | - let controlSocket = new ControlSocket(socket);
427 | - |
428 | - // Log in to control port.
429 | - await controlSocket.sendCommand("authenticate " + (password || ""));
430 | - // Activate needed events.
431 | - await controlSocket.sendCommand("setevents stream");
432 | - |
433 | - return controlSocket;
434 | -};
435 | - |
436 | -// ## utils
437 | -// A namespace for utility functions
438 | -let utils = {};
439 | - |
440 | -// __utils.identity(x)__.
441 | -// Returns its argument unchanged.
442 | -utils.identity = function (x) {
443 | - return x;
444 | -};
445 | - |
446 | -// __utils.isString(x)__.
447 | -// Returns true iff x is a string.
448 | -utils.isString = function (x) {
449 | - return typeof x === "string" || x instanceof String;
450 | -};
451 | - |
452 | -// __utils.capture(string, regex)__.
453 | -// Takes a string and returns an array of capture items, where regex must have a single
454 | -// capturing group and use the suffix /.../g to specify a global search.
455 | -utils.capture = function (string, regex) {
456 | - let matches = [];
457 | - // Special trick to use string.replace for capturing multiple matches.
458 | - string.replace(regex, function (a, captured) {
459 | - matches.push(captured);
460 | - });
461 | - return matches;
462 | -};
463 | - |
464 | -// __utils.extractor(regex)__.
465 | -// Returns a function that takes a string and returns an array of regex matches. The
466 | -// regex must use the suffix /.../g to specify a global search.
467 | -utils.extractor = function (regex) {
468 | - return function (text) {
469 | - return utils.capture(text, regex);
470 | - };
471 | -};
472 | - |
473 | -// __utils.splitLines(string)__.
474 | -// Splits a string into an array of strings, each corresponding to a line.
475 | -utils.splitLines = function (string) {
476 | - return string.split(/\r?\n/);
477 | -};
478 | - |
479 | -// __utils.splitAtSpaces(string)__.
480 | -// Splits a string into chunks between spaces. Does not split at spaces
481 | -// inside pairs of quotation marks.
482 | -utils.splitAtSpaces = utils.extractor(/((\S*?"(.*?)")+\S*|\S+)/g);
483 | - |
484 | -// __utils.splitAtFirst(string, regex)__.
485 | -// Splits a string at the first instance of regex match. If no match is
486 | -// found, returns the whole string.
487 | -utils.splitAtFirst = function (string, regex) {
488 | - let match = string.match(regex);
489 | - return match
490 | - ? [
491 | - string.substring(0, match.index),
492 | - string.substring(match.index + match[0].length),
493 | - ]
494 | - : string;
495 | -};
496 | - |
497 | -// __utils.splitAtEquals(string)__.
498 | -// Splits a string into chunks between equals. Does not split at equals
499 | -// inside pairs of quotation marks.
500 | -utils.splitAtEquals = utils.extractor(/(([^=]*?"(.*?)")+[^=]*|[^=]+)/g);
501 | - |
502 | -// __utils.mergeObjects(arrayOfObjects)__.
503 | -// Takes an array of objects like [{"a":"b"},{"c":"d"}] and merges to a single object.
504 | -// Pure function.
505 | -utils.mergeObjects = function (arrayOfObjects) {
506 | - let result = {};
507 | - for (let obj of arrayOfObjects) {
508 | - for (let key in obj) {
509 | - result[key] = obj[key];
510 | - }
511 | - }
512 | - return result;
513 | -};
514 | - |
515 | -// __utils.listMapData(parameterString, listNames)__.
516 | -// Takes a list of parameters separated by spaces, of which the first several are
517 | -// unnamed, and the remainder are named, in the form `NAME=VALUE`. Apply listNames
518 | -// to the unnamed parameters, and combine them in a map with the named parameters.
519 | -// Example: `40 FAILED 0 REASON=CANT_ATTACH`
520 | -//
521 | -// utils.listMapData("40 FAILED 0 REASON=CANT_ATTACH",
522 | -// ["streamID", "event", "circuitID", "IP"])
523 | -// // --> {"streamID" : "40", "event" : "FAILED", "circuitID" : "0",
524 | -// // "address" : "", "REASON" : "CANT_ATTACH"}"
525 | -utils.listMapData = function (parameterString, listNames) {
526 | - // Split out the space-delimited parameters.
527 | - let parameters = utils.splitAtSpaces(parameterString),
528 | - dataMap = {};
529 | - // Assign listNames to the first n = listNames.length parameters.
530 | - for (let i = 0; i < listNames.length; ++i) {
531 | - dataMap[listNames[i]] = parameters[i];
532 | - }
533 | - // Read key-value pairs and copy these to the dataMap.
534 | - for (let i = listNames.length; i < parameters.length; ++i) {
535 | - let [key, value] = utils.splitAtEquals(parameters[i]);
536 | - if (key && value) {
537 | - dataMap[key] = value;
538 | - }
539 | - }
540 | - return dataMap;
541 | -};
542 | - |
543 | -// __utils.rejectPromise(errorMessage)__.
544 | -// Returns a rejected promise with the given error message.
545 | -utils.rejectPromise = errorMessage => Promise.reject(new Error(errorMessage));
546 | - |
547 | -// ## info
548 | -// A namespace for functions related to tor's GETINFO and GETCONF command.
549 | -let info = {};
550 | - |
551 | -// __info.keyValueStringsFromMessage(messageText)__.
552 | -// Takes a message (text) response to GETINFO or GETCONF and provides
553 | -// a series of key-value strings, which are either multiline (with a `250+` prefix):
554 | -//
555 | -// 250+config/defaults=
556 | -// AccountingMax "0 bytes"
557 | -// AllowDotExit "0"
558 | -// .
559 | -//
560 | -// or single-line (with a `250-` or `250 ` prefix):
561 | -//
562 | -// 250-version= (git-b408125288ad6943)
563 | -info.keyValueStringsFromMessage = utils.extractor(
564 | - /^(250\+[\s\S]+?^\.|250[- ].+?)$/gim
565 | -);
566 | - |
567 | -// __info.applyPerLine(transformFunction)__.
568 | -// Returns a function that splits text into lines,
569 | -// and applies transformFunction to each line.
570 | -info.applyPerLine = function (transformFunction) {
571 | - return function (text) {
572 | - return utils.splitLines(text.trim()).map(transformFunction);
573 | - };
574 | -};
575 | - |
576 | -// __info.routerStatusParser(valueString)__.
577 | -// Parses a router status entry as, described in
578 | -// https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/dir-spec.txt
579 | -// (search for "router status entry")
580 | -info.routerStatusParser = function (valueString) {
581 | - let lines = utils.splitLines(valueString),
582 | - objects = [];
583 | - for (let line of lines) {
584 | - // Drop first character and grab data following it.
585 | - let myData = line.substring(2),
586 | - // Accumulate more maps with data, depending on the first character in the line.
587 | - dataFun = {
588 | - r: data =>
589 | - utils.listMapData(data, [
590 | - "nickname",
591 | - "identity",
592 | - "digest",
593 | - "publicationDate",
594 | - "publicationTime",
595 | - "IP",
596 | - "ORPort",
597 | - "DirPort",
598 | - ]),
599 | - a: data => ({ IPv6: data }),
600 | - s: data => ({ statusFlags: utils.splitAtSpaces(data) }),
601 | - v: data => ({ version: data }),
602 | - w: data => utils.listMapData(data, []),
603 | - p: data => ({ portList: data.split(",") }),
604 | - }[line.charAt(0)];
605 | - if (dataFun !== undefined) {
606 | - objects.push(dataFun(myData));
607 | - }
608 | - }
609 | - return utils.mergeObjects(objects);
610 | -};
611 | - |
612 | -// __info.circuitStatusParser(line)__.
613 | -// Parse the output of a circuit status line.
614 | -info.circuitStatusParser = function (line) {
615 | - let data = utils.listMapData(line, ["id", "status", "circuit"]),
616 | - circuit = data.circuit;
617 | - // Parse out the individual circuit IDs and names.
618 | - if (circuit) {
619 | - data.circuit = circuit.split(",").map(function (x) {
620 | - return x.split(/~|=/);
621 | - });
622 | - }
623 | - return data;
624 | -};
625 | - |
626 | -// __info.streamStatusParser(line)__.
627 | -// Parse the output of a stream status line.
628 | -info.streamStatusParser = function (text) {
629 | - return utils.listMapData(text, [
630 | - "StreamID",
631 | - "StreamStatus",
632 | - "CircuitID",
633 | - "Target",
634 | - ]);
635 | -};
636 | - |
637 | -// TODO: fix this parsing logic to handle bridgeLine correctly
638 | -// fingerprint/id is an optional parameter
639 | -// __info.bridgeParser(bridgeLine)__.
640 | -// Takes a single line from a `getconf bridge` result and returns
641 | -// a map containing the bridge's type, address, and ID.
642 | -info.bridgeParser = function (bridgeLine) {
643 | - let result = {},
644 | - tokens = bridgeLine.split(/\s+/);
645 | - // First check if we have a "vanilla" bridge:
646 | - if (tokens[0].match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/)) {
647 | - result.type = "vanilla";
648 | - [result.address, result.ID] = tokens;
649 | - // Several bridge types have a similar format:
650 | - } else {
651 | - result.type = tokens[0];
652 | - if (
653 | - [
654 | - "flashproxy",
655 | - "fte",
656 | - "meek",
657 | - "meek_lite",
658 | - "obfs3",
659 | - "obfs4",
660 | - "scramblesuit",
661 | - "snowflake",
662 | - ].includes(result.type)
663 | - ) {
664 | - [result.address, result.ID] = tokens.slice(1);
665 | - }
666 | - }
667 | - return result.type ? result : null;
668 | -};
669 | - |
670 | -// __info.parsers__.
671 | -// A map of GETINFO and GETCONF keys to parsing function, which convert
672 | -// result strings to _javascript_ data.
673 | -info.parsers = {
674 | - "ns/id/": info.routerStatusParser,
675 | - "ip-to-country/": utils.identity,
676 | - "circuit-status": info.applyPerLine(info.circuitStatusParser),
677 | - bridge: info.bridgeParser,
678 | - // Currently unused parsers:
679 | - // "ns/name/" : info.routerStatusParser,
680 | - // "stream-status" : info.applyPerLine(info.streamStatusParser),
681 | - // "version" : utils.identity,
682 | - // "config-file" : utils.identity,
683 | -};
684 | - |
685 | -// __info.getParser(key)__.
686 | -// Takes a key and determines the parser function that should be used to
687 | -// convert its corresponding valueString to _javascript_ data.
688 | -info.getParser = function (key) {
689 | - return (
690 | - info.parsers[key] ||
691 | - info.parsers[key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)]
692 | - );
693 | -};
694 | - |
695 | -// __info.stringToValue(string)__.
696 | -// Converts a key-value string as from GETINFO or GETCONF to a value.
697 | -info.stringToValue = function (string) {
698 | - // key should look something like `250+circuit-status=` or `250-circuit-status=...`
699 | - // or `250 circuit-status=...`
700 | - let matchForKey = string.match(/^250[ +-](.+?)=/),
701 | - key = matchForKey ? matchForKey[1] : null;
702 | - if (key === null) {
703 | - return null;
704 | - }
705 | - // matchResult finds a single-line result for `250-` or `250 `,
706 | - // or a multi-line one for `250+`.
707 | - let matchResult =
708 | - string.match(/^250[ -].+?=(.*)$/) ||
709 | - string.match(/^250\+.+?=([\s\S]*?)^\.$/m),
710 | - // Retrieve the captured group (the text of the value in the key-value pair)
711 | - valueString = matchResult ? matchResult[1] : null,
712 | - // Get the parser function for the key found.
713 | - parse = info.getParser(key.toLowerCase());
714 | - if (parse === undefined) {
715 | - throw new Error("No parser found for '" + key + "'");
716 | - }
717 | - // Return value produced by the parser.
718 | - return parse(valueString);
719 | -};
720 | - |
721 | -// __info.getMultipleResponseValues(message)__.
722 | -// Process multiple responses to a GETINFO or GETCONF request.
723 | -info.getMultipleResponseValues = function (message) {
724 | - return info
725 | - .keyValueStringsFromMessage(message)
726 | - .map(info.stringToValue)
727 | - .filter(utils.identity);
728 | -};
729 | - |
730 | -// __info.getInfo(controlSocket, key)__.
731 | -// Sends GETINFO for a single key. Returns a promise with the result.
732 | -info.getInfo = function (aControlSocket, key) {
733 | - if (!utils.isString(key)) {
734 | - return utils.rejectPromise("key argument should be a string");
735 | - }
736 | - return aControlSocket
737 | - .sendCommand("getinfo " + key)
738 | - .then(response => info.getMultipleResponseValues(response)[0]);
739 | -};
740 | - |
741 | -// __info.getConf(aControlSocket, key)__.
742 | -// Sends GETCONF for a single key. Returns a promise with the result.
743 | -info.getConf = function (aControlSocket, key) {
744 | - // GETCONF with a single argument returns results with
745 | - // one or more lines that look like `250[- ]key=value`.
746 | - // Any GETCONF lines that contain a single keyword only are currently dropped.
747 | - // So we can use similar parsing to that for getInfo.
748 | - if (!utils.isString(key)) {
749 | - return utils.rejectPromise("key argument should be a string");
750 | - }
751 | - return aControlSocket
752 | - .sendCommand("getconf " + key)
753 | - .then(info.getMultipleResponseValues);
754 | -};
755 | - |
756 | -// ## onionAuth
757 | -// A namespace for functions related to tor's ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_* commands.
758 | -let onionAuth = {};
759 | - |
760 | -onionAuth.keyInfoStringsFromMessage = utils.extractor(/^250-CLIENT\s+(.+)$/gim);
761 | - |
762 | -onionAuth.keyInfoObjectsFromMessage = function (message) {
763 | - let keyInfoStrings = onionAuth.keyInfoStringsFromMessage(message);
764 | - return keyInfoStrings.map(infoStr =>
765 | - utils.listMapData(infoStr, ["hsAddress", "typeAndKey"])
766 | - );
767 | -};
768 | - |
769 | -// __onionAuth.viewKeys()__.
770 | -// Sends a ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_VIEW command to retrieve the list of private keys.
771 | -// Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an array of key info objects which
772 | -// contain the following properties:
773 | -// hsAddress
774 | -// typeAndKey
775 | -// Flags (e.g., "Permanent")
776 | -onionAuth.viewKeys = function (aControlSocket) {
777 | - let cmd = "onion_client_auth_view";
778 | - return aControlSocket
779 | - .sendCommand(cmd)
780 | - .then(onionAuth.keyInfoObjectsFromMessage);
781 | -};
782 | - |
783 | -// __onionAuth.add(controlSocket, hsAddress, b64PrivateKey, isPermanent)__.
784 | -// Sends a ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_ADD command to add a private key to the
785 | -// Tor configuration.
786 | -onionAuth.add = function (
787 | - aControlSocket,
788 | - hsAddress,
789 | - b64PrivateKey,
790 | - isPermanent
791 | -) {
792 | - if (!utils.isString(hsAddress)) {
793 | - return utils.rejectPromise("hsAddress argument should be a string");
794 | - }
795 | - |
796 | - if (!utils.isString(b64PrivateKey)) {
797 | - return utils.rejectPromise("b64PrivateKey argument should be a string");
798 | - }
799 | - |
800 | - const keyType = "x25519";
801 | - let cmd = `onion_client_auth_add ${hsAddress} ${keyType}:${b64PrivateKey}`;
802 | - if (isPermanent) {
803 | - cmd += " Flags=Permanent";
804 | - }
805 | - return aControlSocket.sendCommand(cmd);
806 | -};
807 | - |
808 | -// __onionAuth.remove(controlSocket, hsAddress)__.
809 | -// Sends a ONION_CLIENT_AUTH_REMOVE command to remove a private key from the
810 | -// Tor configuration.
811 | -onionAuth.remove = function (aControlSocket, hsAddress) {
812 | - if (!utils.isString(hsAddress)) {
813 | - return utils.rejectPromise("hsAddress argument should be a string");
814 | - }
815 | - |
816 | - let cmd = `onion_client_auth_remove ${hsAddress}`;
817 | - return aControlSocket.sendCommand(cmd);
818 | -};
819 | - |
820 | -// ## event
821 | -// Handlers for events
822 | - |
823 | -let event = {};
824 | - |
825 | -// __event.parsers__.
826 | -// A map of EVENT keys to parsing functions, which convert result strings to _javascript_
827 | -// data.
828 | -event.parsers = {
829 | - stream: info.streamStatusParser,
830 | - // Currently unused:
831 | - // "circ" : info.circuitStatusParser,
832 | -};
833 | - |
834 | -// __event.messageToData(type, message)__.
835 | -// Extract the data from an event. Note, at present
836 | -// we only extract streams that look like `"650" SP...`
837 | -event.messageToData = function (type, message) {
838 | - let dataText = message.match(/^650 \S+?\s(.*)/m)[1];
839 | - return dataText && type.toLowerCase() in event.parsers
840 | - ? event.parsers[type.toLowerCase()](dataText)
841 | - : null;
842 | -};
843 | - |
844 | -// __event.watchEvent(controlSocket, type, filter, onData)__.
845 | -// Watches for a particular type of event. If filter(data) returns true, the event's
846 | -// data is passed to the onData callback. Returns a zero arg function that
847 | -// stops watching the event. Note: we only observe `"650" SP...` events
848 | -// currently (no `650+...` or `650-...` events).
849 | -event.watchEvent = function (controlSocket, type, filter, onData, raw = false) {
850 | - controlSocket.addNotificationCallback(
851 | - new RegExp("^650 " + type),
852 | - function (message) {
853 | - let data = event.messageToData(type, message);
854 | - if (filter === null || filter(data)) {
855 | - if (raw || !data) {
856 | - onData(message);
857 | - return;
858 | - }
859 | - onData(data);
860 | - }
861 | - }
862 | - );
863 | -};
864 | - |
865 | -// ## tor
866 | -// Things related to the main controller.
867 | -let tor = {};
868 | - |
869 | -// __tor.controllerCache__.
870 | -// A map from "unix:socketpath" or "host:port" to controller objects. Prevents
871 | -// redundant instantiation of control sockets.
872 | -tor.controllerCache = new Map();
873 | - |
874 | -// __tor.controller(ipcFile, host, port, password)__.
875 | -// Creates a tor controller at the given ipcFile or host and port, with the
876 | -// given password.
877 | -tor.controller = async function (ipcFile, host, port, password) {
878 | - let socket = await io.controlSocket(ipcFile, host, port, password);
879 | - return {
880 | - getInfo: key => info.getInfo(socket, key),
881 | - getConf: key => info.getConf(socket, key),
882 | - onionAuthViewKeys: () => onionAuth.viewKeys(socket),
883 | - onionAuthAdd: (hsAddress, b64PrivateKey, isPermanent) =>
884 | - onionAuth.add(socket, hsAddress, b64PrivateKey, isPermanent),
885 | - onionAuthRemove: hsAddress => onionAuth.remove(socket, hsAddress),
886 | - watchEvent: (type, filter, onData, raw = false) => {
887 | - event.watchEvent(socket, type, filter, onData, raw);
888 | - },
889 | - isOpen: () => socket.isOpen(),
890 | - close: () => {
891 | - socket.close();
892 | - },
893 | - sendCommand: cmd => socket.sendCommand(cmd),
894 | - };
895 | -};
896 | - |
897 | -// ## Export
898 | - |
899 | -let controlPortInfo = {};
900 | - |
901 | -// __configureControlPortModule(ipcFile, host, port, password)__.
902 | -// Sets Tor control port connection parameters to be used in future calls to
903 | -// the controller() function. Example:
904 | -// configureControlPortModule(undefined, "", 9151, "MyPassw0rd");
905 | -var configureControlPortModule = function (ipcFile, host, port, password) {
906 | - controlPortInfo.ipcFile = ipcFile;
907 | - controlPortInfo.host = host;
908 | - controlPortInfo.port = port || 9151;
909 | - controlPortInfo.password = password;
910 | -};
911 | - |
912 | -// __controller(avoidCache)__.
913 | -// Instantiates and returns a controller object that is connected and
914 | -// authenticated to a Tor ControlPort using the connection parameters
915 | -// provided in the most recent call to configureControlPortModule(), if
916 | -// the controller doesn't yet exist. Otherwise returns the existing
917 | -// controller to the given ipcFile or host:port. Throws on error.
918 | -//
919 | -// Example:
920 | -//
921 | -// // Get a new controller
922 | -// const avoidCache = true;
923 | -// let c = controller(avoidCache);
924 | -// // Send command and receive `250` reply or error message in a promise:
925 | -// let replyPromise = c.getInfo("ip-to-country/");
926 | -// // Close the controller permanently
927 | -// c.close();
928 | -var controller = async function (avoidCache) {
929 | - if (!controlPortInfo.ipcFile && !controlPortInfo.host) {
930 | - throw new Error("Please call configureControlPortModule first");
931 | - }
932 | - |
933 | - const dest = controlPortInfo.ipcFile
934 | - ? `unix:${controlPortInfo.ipcFile.path}`
935 | - : `${controlPortInfo.host}:${controlPortInfo.port}`;
936 | - |
937 | - // constructor shorthand
938 | - const newTorController = async () => {
939 | - return tor.controller(
940 | - controlPortInfo.ipcFile,
941 | - controlPortInfo.host,
942 | - controlPortInfo.port,
943 | - controlPortInfo.password
944 | - );
945 | - };
946 | - |
947 | - // avoid cache so always return a new controller
948 | - if (avoidCache) {
949 | - return newTorController();
950 | - }
951 | - |
952 | - // first check our cache and see if we already have one
953 | - let cachedController = tor.controllerCache.get(dest);
954 | - if (cachedController && cachedController.isOpen()) {
955 | - return cachedController;
956 | - }
957 | - |
958 | - // create a new one and store in the map
959 | - cachedController = await newTorController();
960 | - // overwrite the close() function to prevent consumers from closing a shared/cached controller
961 | - cachedController.close = () => {
962 | - throw new Error("May not close cached Tor Controller as it may be in use");
963 | - };
964 | - |
965 | - tor.controllerCache.set(dest, cachedController);
966 | - return cachedController;
967 | -};
968 | - |
969 | -// __wait_for_controller(avoidCache)
970 | -// Same as controller() function, but explicitly waits until there is a tor daemon
971 | -// to connect to (either launched by tor-launcher, or if we have an existing system
972 | -// tor daemon)
973 | -var wait_for_controller = function (avoidCache) {
974 | - // if tor process is running (either ours or system) immediately return controller
975 | - if (!TorMonitorService.ownsTorDaemon || TorMonitorService.isRunning) {
976 | - return controller(avoidCache);
977 | - }
978 | - |
979 | - // otherwise we must wait for tor to finish launching before resolving
980 | - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
981 | - let observer = {
982 | - observe: async (subject, topic, data) => {
983 | - if (topic === TorTopics.ProcessIsReady) {
984 | - try {
985 | - resolve(await controller(avoidCache));
986 | - } catch (err) {
987 | - reject(err);
988 | - }
989 | - Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, TorTopics.ProcessIsReady);
990 | - }
991 | - },
992 | - };
993 | - Services.obs.addObserver(observer, TorTopics.ProcessIsReady);
994 | - });
995 | -};
996 | - |
997 | -// Export functions for external use.
998 | -var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [
999 | - "configureControlPortModule",
1000 | - "controller",
1001 | - "wait_for_controller",
1002 | -]; |
1 | -// # Utils.js
2 | -// Various helpful utility functions.
3 | - |
4 | -// ### Import Mozilla Services
5 | -const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
6 | - |
7 | -// ## Pref utils
8 | - |
9 | -// __prefs__. A shortcut to Mozilla Services.prefs.
10 | -let prefs = Services.prefs;
11 | - |
12 | -// __getPrefValue(prefName)__
13 | -// Returns the current value of a preference, regardless of its type.
14 | -var getPrefValue = function (prefName) {
15 | - switch (prefs.getPrefType(prefName)) {
16 | - case prefs.PREF_BOOL:
17 | - return prefs.getBoolPref(prefName);
18 | - case prefs.PREF_INT:
19 | - return prefs.getIntPref(prefName);
20 | - case prefs.PREF_STRING:
21 | - return prefs.getCharPref(prefName);
22 | - default:
23 | - return null;
24 | - }
25 | -};
26 | - |
27 | -// __bindPref(prefName, prefHandler, init)__
28 | -// Applies prefHandler whenever the value of the pref changes.
29 | -// If init is true, applies prefHandler to the current value.
30 | -// Returns a zero-arg function that unbinds the pref.
31 | -var bindPref = function (prefName, prefHandler, init = false) {
32 | - let update = () => {
33 | - prefHandler(getPrefValue(prefName));
34 | - },
35 | - observer = {
36 | - observe(subject, topic, data) {
37 | - if (data === prefName) {
38 | - update();
39 | - }
40 | - },
41 | - };
42 | - prefs.addObserver(prefName, observer);
43 | - if (init) {
44 | - update();
45 | - }
46 | - return () => {
47 | - prefs.removeObserver(prefName, observer);
48 | - };
49 | -};
50 | - |
51 | -// __bindPrefAndInit(prefName, prefHandler)__
52 | -// Applies prefHandler to the current value of pref specified by prefName.
53 | -// Re-applies prefHandler whenever the value of the pref changes.
54 | -// Returns a zero-arg function that unbinds the pref.
55 | -var bindPrefAndInit = (prefName, prefHandler) =>
56 | - bindPref(prefName, prefHandler, true);
57 | - |
58 | -// ## Observers
59 | - |
60 | -// __observe(topic, callback)__.
61 | -// Observe the given topic. When notification of that topic
62 | -// occurs, calls callback(subject, data). Returns a zero-arg
63 | -// function that stops observing.
64 | -var observe = function (topic, callback) {
65 | - let observer = {
66 | - observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
67 | - if (topic === aTopic) {
68 | - callback(aSubject, aData);
69 | - }
70 | - },
71 | - };
72 | - Services.obs.addObserver(observer, topic);
73 | - return () => Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic);
74 | -};
75 | - |
76 | -// ## Environment variables
77 | - |
78 | -// __getEnv(name)__.
79 | -// Reads the environment variable of the given name.
80 | -var getEnv = function (name) {
81 | - return Services.env.exists(name) ? Services.env.get(name) : undefined;
82 | -};
83 | - |
84 | -// __getLocale
85 | -// Returns the app locale to be used in tor-related urls.
86 | -var getLocale = function () {
87 | - const locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47;
88 | - if (locale === "ja-JP-macos") {
89 | - // We don't want to distinguish the mac locale.
90 | - return "ja";
91 | - }
92 | - return locale;
93 | -};
94 | - |
95 | -// ## Windows
96 | - |
97 | -// __dialogsByName__.
98 | -// Map of window names to dialogs.
99 | -let dialogsByName = {};
100 | - |
101 | -// __showDialog(parent, url, name, features, arg1, arg2, ...)__.
102 | -// Like window.openDialog, but if the window is already
103 | -// open, just focuses it instead of opening a new one.
104 | -var showDialog = function (parent, url, name, features) {
105 | - let existingDialog = dialogsByName[name];
106 | - if (existingDialog && !existingDialog.closed) {
107 | - existingDialog.focus();
108 | - return existingDialog;
109 | - }
110 | - let newDialog = parent.openDialog.apply(parent, Array.slice(arguments, 1));
111 | - dialogsByName[name] = newDialog;
112 | - return newDialog;
113 | -};
114 | - |
115 | -// ## Tor control protocol utility functions
116 | - |
117 | -let _torControl = {
118 | - // Unescape Tor Control string aStr (removing surrounding "" and \ escapes).
119 | - // Based on Vidalia's src/common/stringutil.cpp:string_unescape().
120 | - // Returns the unescaped string. Throws upon failure.
121 | - // Within Tor Launcher, the file components/tl-protocol.js also contains a
122 | - // copy of _strUnescape().
123 | - _strUnescape(aStr) {
124 | - if (!aStr) {
125 | - return aStr;
126 | - }
127 | - |
128 | - var len = aStr.length;
129 | - if (len < 2 || '"' != aStr.charAt(0) || '"' != aStr.charAt(len - 1)) {
130 | - return aStr;
131 | - }
132 | - |
133 | - const kHexRE = /[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/;
134 | - const kOctalRE = /[0-7]{3}/;
135 | - var rv = "";
136 | - var i = 1;
137 | - var lastCharIndex = len - 2;
138 | - while (i <= lastCharIndex) {
139 | - var c = aStr.charAt(i);
140 | - if ("\\" == c) {
141 | - if (++i > lastCharIndex) {
142 | - throw new Error("missing character after \\");
143 | - }
144 | - |
145 | - c = aStr.charAt(i);
146 | - if ("n" == c) {
147 | - rv += "\n";
148 | - } else if ("r" == c) {
149 | - rv += "\r";
150 | - } else if ("t" == c) {
151 | - rv += "\t";
152 | - } else if ("x" == c) {
153 | - if (i + 2 > lastCharIndex) {
154 | - throw new Error("not enough hex characters");
155 | - }
156 | - |
157 | - let s = aStr.substr(i + 1, 2);
158 | - if (!kHexRE.test(s)) {
159 | - throw new Error("invalid hex characters");
160 | - }
161 | - |
162 | - let val = parseInt(s, 16);
163 | - rv += String.fromCharCode(val);
164 | - i += 3;
165 | - } else if (this._isDigit(c)) {
166 | - let s = aStr.substr(i, 3);
167 | - if (i + 2 > lastCharIndex) {
168 | - throw new Error("not enough octal characters");
169 | - }
170 | - |
171 | - if (!kOctalRE.test(s)) {
172 | - throw new Error("invalid octal characters");
173 | - }
174 | - |
175 | - let val = parseInt(s, 8);
176 | - rv += String.fromCharCode(val);
177 | - i += 3;
178 | - } // "\\" and others
179 | - else {
180 | - rv += c;
181 | - ++i;
182 | - }
183 | - } else if ('"' == c) {
184 | - throw new Error('unescaped " within string');
185 | - } else {
186 | - rv += c;
187 | - ++i;
188 | - }
189 | - }
190 | - |
191 | - // Convert from UTF-8 to Unicode. TODO: is UTF-8 always used in protocol?
192 | - return decodeURIComponent(escape(rv));
193 | - }, // _strUnescape()
194 | - |
195 | - // Within Tor Launcher, the file components/tl-protocol.js also contains a
196 | - // copy of _isDigit().
197 | - _isDigit(aChar) {
198 | - const kRE = /^\d$/;
199 | - return aChar && kRE.test(aChar);
200 | - },
201 | -}; // _torControl
202 | - |
203 | -// __unescapeTorString(str, resultObj)__.
204 | -// Unescape Tor Control string str (removing surrounding "" and \ escapes).
205 | -// Returns the unescaped string. Throws upon failure.
206 | -var unescapeTorString = function (str) {
207 | - return _torControl._strUnescape(str);
208 | -};
209 | - |
210 | -var m_tb_torlog = Cc["@torproject.org/torbutton-logger;1"].getService(
211 | - Ci.nsISupports
212 | -).wrappedJSObject;
213 | - |
214 | -var m_tb_string_bundle = torbutton_get_stringbundle();
215 | - |
216 | -function torbutton_safelog(nLevel, sMsg, scrub) {
217 | - m_tb_torlog.safe_log(nLevel, sMsg, scrub);
218 | - return true;
219 | -}
220 | - |
221 | -function torbutton_log(nLevel, sMsg) {
222 | - m_tb_torlog.log(nLevel, sMsg);
223 | - |
224 | - // So we can use it in boolean expressions to determine where the
225 | - // short-circuit is..
226 | - return true;
227 | -}
228 | - |
229 | -// load localization strings
230 | -function torbutton_get_stringbundle() {
231 | - var o_stringbundle = false;
232 | - |
233 | - try {
234 | - var oBundle = Services.strings;
235 | - o_stringbundle = oBundle.createBundle(
236 | - "chrome://torbutton/locale/torbutton.properties"
237 | - );
238 | - } catch (err) {
239 | - o_stringbundle = false;
240 | - }
241 | - if (!o_stringbundle) {
242 | - torbutton_log(5, "ERROR (init): failed to find torbutton-bundle");
243 | - }
244 | - |
245 | - return o_stringbundle;
246 | -}
247 | - |
248 | -function torbutton_get_property_string(propertyname) {
249 | - try {
250 | - if (!m_tb_string_bundle) {
251 | - m_tb_string_bundle = torbutton_get_stringbundle();
252 | - }
253 | - |
254 | - return m_tb_string_bundle.GetStringFromName(propertyname);
255 | - } catch (e) {
256 | - torbutton_log(4, "Unlocalized string " + propertyname);
257 | - }
258 | - |
259 | - return propertyname;
260 | -}
261 | - |
262 | -// Export utility functions for external use.
263 | -let EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [
264 | - "bindPref",
265 | - "bindPrefAndInit",
266 | - "getEnv",
267 | - "getLocale",
268 | - "getPrefValue",
269 | - "observe",
270 | - "showDialog",
271 | - "show_torbrowser_manual",
272 | - "unescapeTorString",
273 | - "torbutton_safelog",
274 | - "torbutton_log",
275 | - "torbutton_get_property_string",
276 | -]; |
... | ... | @@ -3,8 +3,4 @@ |
3 | 3 | # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4 | 4 | # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5 | 5 | # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
6 | -JAR_MANIFESTS += ['jar.mn']
7 | - |
9 | - "components.conf",
10 | -] |
6 | +JAR_MANIFESTS += ["jar.mn"] |
... | ... | @@ -90,11 +90,7 @@ function getGlobalScriptIncludes(scriptPath) { |
90 | 90 | "browser/components/screenshots/content/"
91 | 91 | )
92 | 92 | .replace("chrome://browser/content/", "browser/base/content/")
93 | - .replace("chrome://global/content/", "toolkit/content/")
94 | - .replace(
95 | - "chrome://torbutton/content/",
96 | - "toolkit/torbutton/chrome/content/"
97 | - );
93 | + .replace("chrome://global/content/", "toolkit/content/");
98 | 94 | |
99 | 95 | for (let mapping of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(MAPPINGS)) {
100 | 96 | if (sourceFile.includes(mapping)) {