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[or-cvs] Fix broken line wraps
Update of /home/or/cvsroot/doc
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Log Message:
Fix broken line wraps
Index: tor.1.in
RCS file: /home/or/cvsroot/doc/tor.1.in,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- tor.1.in 13 Dec 2003 22:56:32 -0000 1.3
+++ tor.1.in 14 Dec 2003 00:06:30 -0000 1.4
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
Store working data in DIR (Default: @LOCALSTATEDIR@/lib/tor)
\fBexitpolicy \fR\fIpolicy,policy,...\fP
-Set an exit policy for this server. Each policy is of the form "reject ADDR/MASK:PORT". For exam
-ple, "reject*,reject*,accept *:*" would reject any traffic destined fo
-r localhost and any 192.168.1.* address, but accept anything else.
+Set an exit policy for this server. Each policy is of the form "reject ADDR/MASK:PORT". For example,
+"reject*,reject*,accept *:*" would reject any traffic destined for
+localhost and any 192.168.1.* address, but accept anything else.
\fBmaxonionspending \fR\fINUM\fP
If you have more than this number of onionskins queued for decrypt, reject new ones. (Default: 100)