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[or-cvs] r12793: Add software licenses Add bookmarks to Firefox Update build (in torpedo/trunk: . build-scripts build-scripts/config docs)

Author: sjm217
Date: 2007-12-12 19:03:50 -0500 (Wed, 12 Dec 2007)
New Revision: 12793

Add software licenses
Add bookmarks to Firefox
Update build instructions

Modified: torpedo/trunk/README
--- torpedo/trunk/README	2007-12-13 00:01:49 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ torpedo/trunk/README	2007-12-13 00:03:50 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -1,62 +1,66 @@
-Tor USB project
-Steven J. Murdoch <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/>
-build-scripts: Code for building and customizing a Tor USB bundle
-  \___ README: Further documentation
-docs: Documentation for project
-  \___ TODO: Pending tasks and commentary
-  |___ ToaST-startup: Rough description of ToaST startup procedure
-  |___ build-instructions.txt: Notes on building Vidalia and other
-                               bundle components
-src: Source code
-  \___ processtest: Qt project for starting Firefox and detecting
-  |                 termination behaviour (see included README for
-  |                 build instructions)
-  |___ old: Previous work from Shishir Nagaraja
-Using build-scripts/buildpackage.py it is possible to create a working USB Tor
-bundle. It's limitations include:
- - It uses the PortableTor and FirefoxPortable binaries
- - No extensions are yet installed
- - The starting program doesn't have a pretty icon
- - Polipo is not included, instead Firefox connects directly to Tor
-Further issues are discussed in docs/TODO.
-Included applications
-Vidalia (svn trunk revision 2213)
- \_ Firefox
-Tor Browser.exe is a 7zip self extracting archive. To extract the bundle, run
-this and point it to the install location. It will create a folder called "Tor
-Browser". This may be the hard disk, but is more likely the currently mounted
-USB drive. The install process needs only be performed once.
-Once the bundle is extracted, open the newly created folder and click "Tor
-Browser.bat" (may appear as simply "Tor Browser"). This will start Vidalia. Once
-Tor has successfully opened a circuit, Firefox will automatically be opened.
-To exit, close Firefox. Vidalia will automatically clean up and exit.
-0.0.1: Initial revision (2007-12-11)
-0.0.2: Update Vidalia to r2213
+Tor USB project
+Steven J. Murdoch <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/>
+build-scripts: Code for building and customizing a Tor USB bundle
+  \___ README: Further documentation
+docs: Documentation for project
+  \___ TODO: Pending tasks and commentary
+  |___ ToaST-startup: Rough description of ToaST startup procedure
+  |___ build-instructions.txt: Notes on building Vidalia and other
+                               bundle components
+src: Source code
+  \___ processtest: Qt project for starting Firefox and detecting
+  |                 termination behaviour (see included README for
+  |                 build instructions)
+  |___ old: Previous work from Shishir Nagaraja
+Using build-scripts/buildpackage.py it is possible to create a working USB Tor
+bundle. It's limitations include:
+ - It uses the PortableTor and FirefoxPortable binaries
+ - No extensions are yet installed
+ - The starting program doesn't have a pretty icon
+ - Polipo is not included, instead Firefox connects directly to Tor
+Further issues are discussed in docs/TODO.
+Included applications
+Vidalia (svn trunk revision 2213)
+Tor (with libevent-1.3e, zlib-1.2.3 and openssl-0.9.8g) 
+ \_ Firefox
+Tor Browser.exe is a 7zip self extracting archive. To extract the bundle, run
+this and point it to the install location. It will create a folder called "Tor
+Browser". This may be the hard disk, but is more likely the currently mounted
+USB drive. The install process needs only be performed once.
+Once the bundle is extracted, open the newly created folder and click "Tor
+Browser.bat" (may appear as simply "Tor Browser"). This will start Vidalia. Once
+Tor has successfully opened a circuit, Firefox will automatically be opened.
+To exit, close Firefox. Vidalia will automatically clean up and exit.
+0.0.1: Initial revision (2007-12-11)
+0.0.2: Update Vidalia to r2213
+       Update Tor to
+       Add license files
+       Remove Portable Tor dependency
+       Add bookmarks to Tor, Torcheck and the hidden wiki

Modified: torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/Makefile
--- torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/Makefile	2007-12-13 00:01:49 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/Makefile	2007-12-13 00:03:50 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 SEVENZIP="/c/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe"
 	echo "Nothing to do"
@@ -25,5 +26,15 @@
 	cp $(TOR)/src/or/tor.exe $(TOR)/src/tools/tor-resolve.exe $(DEST)
 	touch build-release.stamp
+	mkdir -p $(DOCS)/vidalia
+	mkdir -p $(DOCS)/tor
+	mkdir -p $(DOCS)/qt
+	mkdir -p $(DOCS)/mingw
+	cp $(QT)/../LICENSE.GPL $(DOCS)/qt
+	cp $(MING)/../COPYING $(DOCS)/mingw
 	cd release; $(SEVENZIP) a -sfx7z.sfx "Package.exe" .

Modified: torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/README
--- torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/README	2007-12-13 00:01:49 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/README	2007-12-13 00:03:50 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -1,36 +1,34 @@
-Building Tor Browser.exe
-To build Tor Browser.exe, you need:
- Vidalia (in ./release/ by default)
- PortableTor (in ./PortableTor/ by default)
- FirefoxPortable (in ./FirefoxPortable/ by default)
-Vidalia needs to have the BrowserExecutable option enabled (currently in
-trunk). Running "make build-release" will take the necessary files from the Qt
-and Vidalia build directories and put them into ./release.
-PortableTor can be downloaded from http://portabletor.sourceforge.net/
-FirefoxPortable can be downloaded from http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable
-The locations of Qt, MinGW32 and the Vidalia build directory (for "make
-build-release") can be altered in Makefile.
-The locations of 7zip, FirefoxPortable, PortableTor and the Vidalia release
-directory can be altered in buildpackage.py.
-Building the bundle
-Once the above steps are complete, build the bundle by running
-Archived code
-The patch to Vidalia can be found in archive/. This has now been
-applied to the Vidalia trunk, so is no longer needed.
+Building Tor Browser.exe
+To build Tor Browser.exe, you need:
+ Vidalia and Tor (in ./release/ by default)
+ FirefoxPortable (in ./FirefoxPortable/ by default)
+Vidalia needs to have the BrowserExecutable option enabled (currently in
+FirefoxPortable can be downloaded from http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable
+The locations of Qt, MinGW32 and the Vidalia/Tor build directory (for "make
+build-release/build-docs") can be altered in Makefile.
+The locations of 7zip, FirefoxPortable and the Vidalia/Tor release directory
+can be altered in buildpackage.py.
+Building the bundle
+Run "make build-release" and "make build-docs" to place Tor and Vidalia
+binaries and documentation into release and docs.
+Build the bundle by running "buildpackage.py"
+Archived code
+The patch to Vidalia can be found in archive/. This has now been
+applied to the Vidalia trunk, so is no longer needed.

Modified: torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/buildpackage.py
--- torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/buildpackage.py	2007-12-13 00:01:49 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/buildpackage.py	2007-12-13 00:03:50 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 ## Extracted directories containing FirefoxPortable, Vidalia/Tor
 fp_src = "FirefoxPortable"
 vi_src = "release"
+docs_src = "docs"
 ## Location of config files
 conf_src = "config"
@@ -51,6 +52,9 @@
 os.rename(prefs_fn, oldprefs_fn)
 shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(conf_src, "prefs.js"), prefs_fn)
+## Apply bookmarks
+shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(conf_src, "bookmarks.html"), os.path.join(dest, "FirefoxPortable", "App", "DefaultData", "profile", "bookmarks.html"))
 ## Apply .ini file
 shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(conf_src, "FirefoxPortable.ini"), os.path.join(dest, "FirefoxPortable", "FirefoxPortable.ini"))
@@ -67,6 +71,11 @@
 ## Add Vidalia and Tor
 for fn in os.listdir(vi_src):
         shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(vi_src, fn), os.path.join(dest, "App", fn))
+## Documentation
+shutil.copytree(docs_src, os.path.join(dest, "Documentation"))
 ## Write launcher
 fh = file(os.path.join(dest, "Tor Browser.bat"), "wt")
@@ -74,4 +83,4 @@
 ## Compress it all
-#subprocess.call([sevenzip, "a", "-sfx7z.sfx", "Tor Browser.exe", dest], shell=False)             
+subprocess.call([sevenzip, "a", "-sfx7z.sfx", "Tor Browser.exe", dest], shell=False)             

Added: torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/config/bookmarks.html
--- torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/config/bookmarks.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ torpedo/trunk/build-scripts/config/bookmarks.html	2007-12-13 00:03:50 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
+<!-- This is an automatically generated file.
+     It will be read and overwritten.
+     DO NOT EDIT! -->
+<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<H1 LAST_MODIFIED="1197503485">Bookmarks</H1>
+    <DT><H3 LAST_MODIFIED="1197503547" PERSONAL_TOOLBAR_FOLDER="true" ID="rdf:#$FvPhC3">Bookmarks Toolbar Folder</H3>
+<DD>Add bookmarks to this folder to see them displayed on the Bookmarks Toolbar
+    <DL><p>
+        <DT><A HREF="https://www.torproject.org/"; ADD_DATE="1197503328" LAST_VISIT="1197503334" ICON="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID="rdf:#$0gnTO1">About Tor</A>
+        <DT><A HREF="http://624eb2rznzhtq2cz.onion/"; ADD_DATE="1197503468" LAST_VISIT="1197503474" LAST_MODIFIED="1197503496" LAST_CHARSET="UTF-8" ID="rdf:#$1gnTO1">Tor hidden wiki</A>
+        <DT><A HREF="https://torcheck.xenobite.eu/"; ADD_DATE="1197503547" LAST_VISIT="1197503551" ICON="" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1" ID="rdf:#$2gnTO1">TorCheck at Xenobite.eu - HTTPS-Mode (SSL)</A>
+    </DL><p>
+    <HR>

Modified: torpedo/trunk/docs/build-instructions.txt
--- torpedo/trunk/docs/build-instructions.txt	2007-12-13 00:01:49 UTC (rev 12792)
+++ torpedo/trunk/docs/build-instructions.txt	2007-12-13 00:03:50 UTC (rev 12793)
@@ -90,3 +90,5 @@
 libevent 1.4.0 is newer but untested.
 It is tor-resolve, not tor_resolve.exe
+Autoconf 2.56 appears to work fine (2.59 is mentioned in the instructions)