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[or-cvs] [torbutton/maint-1.2] Update XPCOM hooks once more.

Author: Mike Perry <mikeperry-git@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 16:29:35 -0800
Subject: Update XPCOM hooks once more.
Commit: 86f0b862d5035fcc165dee1b38ed670854d6dafe

Returning is wrong. The error console errors are just how
the exception reporting works.. Hacked around it.
 src/components/block-livemarks.js      |    5 ++++-
 src/components/certDialogsOverride.js  |    5 ++++-
 src/components/crash-observer.js       |    7 ++++---
 src/components/external-app-blocker.js |   28 +++++++++++++++++++---------
 src/components/ignore-history.js       |   21 ++++++++++-----------
 5 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/block-livemarks.js b/src/components/block-livemarks.js
index d9986dc..9666579 100644
--- a/src/components/block-livemarks.js
+++ b/src/components/block-livemarks.js
@@ -72,7 +72,10 @@ LivemarkWrapper.prototype =
           var call;
           if(params.length) call = "("+params.join().replace(/(?:)/g,function(){return "p"+(++x)})+")";
           else call = "()";
-          var fun = "(function "+call+"{if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+") return Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS; try { return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);} catch(e) { return e.result; }})";
+          var fun = "(function "+call+"{"+
+            "if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+")"+
+            "  throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;"+
+            "return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);})";
           newObj[method] = eval(fun);
        } else {
           newObj.__defineGetter__(method, function() { return wrapped[method]; });
diff --git a/src/components/certDialogsOverride.js b/src/components/certDialogsOverride.js
index a9e881c..e0b82d6 100644
--- a/src/components/certDialogsOverride.js
+++ b/src/components/certDialogsOverride.js
@@ -83,7 +83,10 @@ CertDialogsWrapper.prototype =
           var call;
           if(params.length) call = "("+params.join().replace(/(?:)/g,function(){return "p"+(++x)})+")";
           else call = "()";
-          var fun = "(function "+call+"{if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+") return Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS; try { return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);} catch(e) { return e.result; }})";
+          var fun = "(function "+call+"{"+
+            "if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+")"+
+            "  throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;"+
+            "return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);})";
           newObj[method] = eval(fun);
           //dump("wrapped: "+method+": "+fun+"\n");
       } else {
diff --git a/src/components/crash-observer.js b/src/components/crash-observer.js
index 9301760..dd58800 100644
--- a/src/components/crash-observer.js
+++ b/src/components/crash-observer.js
@@ -89,9 +89,10 @@ StoreWrapper.prototype =
           var x = 0;
           if(params.length) call = "("+params.join().replace(/(?:)/g,function(){return "p"+(++x)})+")";
           else call = "()";
-          var fun = "(function "+call+"{if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+") return Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS; try { return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);} catch(e) { return e.result; }})";
-          // already in scope
-          //var Components = this.Components;
+          var fun = "(function "+call+"{"+
+            "if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+")"+
+            "  throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;"+
+            "return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);})";
           newObj[method] = eval(fun);
       } else {
           newObj.__defineGetter__(method, function() { return wrapped[method]; });
diff --git a/src/components/external-app-blocker.js b/src/components/external-app-blocker.js
index 4b8e178..c423300 100644
--- a/src/components/external-app-blocker.js
+++ b/src/components/external-app-blocker.js
@@ -98,13 +98,7 @@ ExternalWrapper.prototype =
   /* Copies methods from the true object we are wrapping */
   copyMethods: function(wrapped) {
     var mimic = function(newObj, method) {
-       if(method == "XXXX") {
-          // Hack to deal with unimplemented methods.
-          // XXX: the API docs say to RETURN the not implemented error
-          // for these functions as opposed to throw...
-          var fun = "(function (){return Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; })";
-          newObj[method] = eval(fun);
-       } else if(typeof(wrapped[method]) == "function") {
+       if(typeof(wrapped[method]) == "function") {
           // Code courtesy of timeless: 
           // http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/windowStubs.js
           var params = [];
@@ -113,8 +107,24 @@ ExternalWrapper.prototype =
           var call;
           if(params.length) call = "("+params.join().replace(/(?:)/g,function(){return "p"+(++x)})+")";
           else call = "()";
-          var fun = "(function "+call+"{if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+") return Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS; try { return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);} catch(e) { return e.result; }})";
-          newObj[method] = eval(fun);
+          if(method == "getTypeFromFile" || method == "getTypeFromExtension") {
+           // XXX: Due to https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Exception_logging_in_JavaScript
+           // this is necessary to prevent error console noise on the return to C++ code.
+           // It is not technically correct, but as far as I can tell, returning null
+           // here should be equivalent to throwing an error for the codepaths invovled
+           var fun = "(function "+call+"{"+
+              "if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+")"+
+              "  throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;"+
+              "try { return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments); }"+
+              "catch(e) { if(e.result == Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) return null; else throw e;} })";
+            newObj[method] = eval(fun);
+          } else {
+            var fun = "(function "+call+"{"+
+              "if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+")"+
+              "  throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;"+
+              "return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);})";
+            newObj[method] = eval(fun);
+          }
        } else {
           newObj.__defineGetter__(method, function() { return wrapped[method]; });
           newObj.__defineSetter__(method, function(val) { wrapped[method] = val; });
diff --git a/src/components/ignore-history.js b/src/components/ignore-history.js
index 046468a..4d9f4f6 100644
--- a/src/components/ignore-history.js
+++ b/src/components/ignore-history.js
@@ -162,25 +162,21 @@ HistoryWrapper.prototype =
-  /* 
+  /*
    * Copies methods from the true history object we are wrapping
   copyMethods: function(wrapped) {
-    // XXX: "Not all histories implement all methods"? wtf?? It's a 
-    // damned service. how are there more than one?
-    //  - http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/nsIGlobalHistory3
     var mimic = function(newObj, method) {
        if(method == "getURIGeckoFlags" || method == "setURIGeckoFlags"
                || method == "hidePage") {
-          // Hack to deal with unimplemented methods.
-          // XXX: the API docs say to RETURN the not implemented error
-          // for these functions as opposed to throw.. Also,
-          // what other "histories" actually DO implement these functions?
-          // Did we just break them somehow?
+          // XXX: Due to https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Exception_logging_in_JavaScript
+          // this is necessary to prevent error console noise on the return to C++ code.
+          // It is not technically correct, but as far as I can tell, the return values
+          // for these calls are never checked anyway.
           var fun = "(function (){return Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; })";
           newObj[method] = eval(fun);
        } else if(typeof(wrapped[method]) == "function") {
-          // Code courtesy of timeless: 
+          // Code courtesy of timeless:
           // http://www.webwizardry.net/~timeless/windowStubs.js
           var params = [];
           params.length = wrapped[method].length;
@@ -188,7 +184,10 @@ HistoryWrapper.prototype =
           var call;
           if(params.length) call = "("+params.join().replace(/(?:)/g,function(){return "p"+(++x)})+")";
           else call = "()";
-          var fun = "(function "+call+"{if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+") return Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS; try { return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);} catch(e) { return e.result; }})";
+          var fun = "(function "+call+"{"+
+            "if (arguments.length < "+wrapped[method].length+")"+
+            "  throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_XPC_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS;"+
+            "return wrapped."+method+".apply(wrapped, arguments);})";
           newObj[method] = eval(fun);
        } else {
           newObj.__defineGetter__(method, function() { return wrapped[method]; });