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[or-cvs] r23912: {arm} Including arm cpu usage in the header panel and logs. (in arm/trunk: . src/interface)
Author: atagar
Date: 2010-12-09 17:25:25 +0000 (Thu, 09 Dec 2010)
New Revision: 23912
Including arm cpu usage in the header panel and logs.
Modified: arm/trunk/ChangeLog
--- arm/trunk/ChangeLog 2010-12-09 17:14:35 UTC (rev 23911)
+++ arm/trunk/ChangeLog 2010-12-09 17:25:25 UTC (rev 23912)
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
* fix: making the interface more resilient to being resized while popups are visible
* fix: log panel wasn't respecting the prepopulate* log level config options
* fix: off by one error when wrapping lines in the log panel
+ * fix (11/30/10, r23882): install script was failing to make the temporary directory for the compressed man page
+ * fix (11/30/10, r23882): a torrc validation log entries had a typo
10/6/10 - version 1.3.7 (r23439)
Numerous improvements, most notably being an expanded log panel, installer, and deb/rpm builds.
Modified: arm/trunk/README
--- arm/trunk/README 2010-12-09 17:14:35 UTC (rev 23911)
+++ arm/trunk/README 2010-12-09 17:25:25 UTC (rev 23912)
@@ -26,11 +26,23 @@
... or including 'ControlPort <PORT>' in your torrc
For full functionality this also needs:
-Common *nix commands including: ps, pidof, tail, pwdx, host, ulimit, and a
- method of connection resolution (netstat, ss, or lsof)
-To be ran with the same user as tor to avoid permission issues with connection
- resolution and reading the torrc
+- To be ran with the same user as tor to avoid permission issues with
+ connection resolution and reading the torrc.
+- Common *nix commands including:
+ * ps
+ * a method of connection resolution (any of the following):
+ * sockstat
+ * netstat
+ * ss
+ * lsof
+ * procstat
+ * tail
+ * pwdx
+ * ulimit
+ * pgrep or pidof
+ * host (if dns lookups are enabled)
This is started via 'arm' (use the '--help' argument for usage).
Modified: arm/trunk/src/interface/controller.py
--- arm/trunk/src/interface/controller.py 2010-12-09 17:14:35 UTC (rev 23911)
+++ arm/trunk/src/interface/controller.py 2010-12-09 17:25:25 UTC (rev 23912)
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
connections.RESOLVER_FINAL_FAILURE_MSG += " (connection related portions of the monitor won't function)"
panels = {
- "header": headerPanel.HeaderPanel(stdscr, config),
+ "header": headerPanel.HeaderPanel(stdscr, startTime, config),
"popup": Popup(stdscr, 9),
"graph": graphing.graphPanel.GraphPanel(stdscr),
"log": logPanel.LogPanel(stdscr, loggedEvents, config)}
@@ -717,7 +717,10 @@
currentTime = time.time()
if currentTime - lastPerformanceLog >= CONFIG["queries.refreshRate.rate"]:
- log.log(CONFIG["log.refreshRate"], "refresh rate: %0.3f seconds" % (currentTime - redrawStartTime))
+ cpuTotal = sum(os.times()[:3])
+ cpuAvg = cpuTotal / (currentTime - startTime)
+ log.log(CONFIG["log.refreshRate"], "refresh rate: %0.3f seconds, average cpu usage: %0.3f%%" % (currentTime - redrawStartTime, 100 * cpuAvg))
lastPerformanceLog = currentTime
Modified: arm/trunk/src/interface/headerPanel.py
--- arm/trunk/src/interface/headerPanel.py 2010-12-09 17:14:35 UTC (rev 23911)
+++ arm/trunk/src/interface/headerPanel.py 2010-12-09 17:25:25 UTC (rev 23912)
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@
Top area contenting tor settings and system information. Stats are stored in
the vals mapping, keys including:
- tor/ version, versionStatus, nickname, orPort, dirPort, controlPort,
- exitPolicy, isAuthPassword (bool), isAuthCookie (bool)
- *address, *fingerprint, *flags
- sys/ hostname, os, version
- ps/ *%cpu, *rss, *%mem, pid, *etime
+ tor/ version, versionStatus, nickname, orPort, dirPort, controlPort,
+ exitPolicy, isAuthPassword (bool), isAuthCookie (bool)
+ *address, *fingerprint, *flags
+ sys/ hostname, os, version
+ stat/ *%torCpu, *%armCpu, *rss, *%mem, pid, *etime
* volatile parameter that'll be reset on each update
- def __init__(self, stdscr, config=None):
+ def __init__(self, stdscr, startTime, config=None):
panel.Panel.__init__(self, stdscr, "header", 0)
@@ -61,6 +61,20 @@
self._cond = threading.Condition() # used for pausing the thread
self._config = dict(DEFAULT_CONFIG)
+ # The last arm cpu usage sampling taken. This is a tuple of the form:
+ # (total arm cpu time, sampling timestamp)
+ #
+ # The initial cpu total should be zero. However, at startup the cpu time
+ # in practice is often greater than the real time causing the initially
+ # reported cpu usage to be over 100% (which shouldn't be possible on
+ # single core systems).
+ #
+ # Setting the initial cpu total to the value at this panel's init tends to
+ # give smoother results (staying in the same ballpark as the second
+ # sampling) so fudging the numbers this way for now.
+ self._armCpuSampling = (sum(os.times()[:3]), startTime)
if config:
config.update(self._config, {"queries.ps.rate": 1})
@@ -138,13 +152,13 @@
# Line 3 / Line 1 Right (system usage info)
y, x = (0, leftWidth) if isWide else (2, 0)
- if self.vals["ps/rss"] != "0": memoryLabel = uiTools.getSizeLabel(int(self.vals["ps/rss"]) * 1024)
+ if self.vals["stat/rss"] != "0": memoryLabel = uiTools.getSizeLabel(int(self.vals["stat/rss"]) * 1024)
else: memoryLabel = "0"
- sysFields = ((0, "cpu: %s%%" % self.vals["ps/%cpu"]),
- (13, "mem: %s (%s%%)" % (memoryLabel, self.vals["ps/%mem"])),
- (34, "pid: %s" % (self.vals["ps/pid"] if self._isTorConnected else "")),
- (47, "uptime: %s" % self.vals["ps/etime"]))
+ sysFields = ((0, "cpu: %s%% tor, %s%% arm" % (self.vals["stat/%torCpu"], self.vals["stat/%armCpu"])),
+ (27, "mem: %s (%s%%)" % (memoryLabel, self.vals["stat/%mem"])),
+ (47, "pid: %s" % (self.vals["stat/pid"] if self._isTorConnected else "")),
+ (59, "uptime: %s" % self.vals["stat/etime"]))
for (start, label) in sysFields:
if start + len(label) <= rightWidth: self.addstr(y, x + start, label)
@@ -310,15 +324,16 @@
self.vals["sys/version"] = unameVals[2]
pid = conn.getMyPid()
- self.vals["ps/pid"] = pid if pid else ""
+ self.vals["stat/pid"] = pid if pid else ""
# reverts volatile parameters to defaults
self.vals["tor/fingerprint"] = "Unknown"
self.vals["tor/flags"] = []
- self.vals["ps/%cpu"] = "0"
- self.vals["ps/rss"] = "0"
- self.vals["ps/%mem"] = "0"
- self.vals["ps/etime"] = ""
+ self.vals["stat/%torCpu"] = "0"
+ self.vals["stat/%armCpu"] = "0"
+ self.vals["stat/rss"] = "0"
+ self.vals["stat/%mem"] = "0"
+ self.vals["stat/etime"] = ""
# sets volatile parameters
volatile = {}
@@ -333,32 +348,44 @@
# ps derived stats
psParams = ["%cpu", "rss", "%mem", "etime"]
- if self.vals["ps/pid"]:
+ if self.vals["stat/pid"]:
# if call fails then everything except etime are zeroed out (most likely
# tor's no longer running)
- volatile["ps/%cpu"] = "0"
- volatile["ps/rss"] = "0"
- volatile["ps/%mem"] = "0"
+ volatile["stat/%torCpu"] = "0"
+ volatile["stat/rss"] = "0"
+ volatile["stat/%mem"] = "0"
# the ps call formats results as:
# 0.3 14096 1.3 29:51
psRate = self._config["queries.ps.rate"]
- psCall = sysTools.call("ps -p %s -o %s" % (self.vals["ps/pid"], ",".join(psParams)), psRate, True)
+ psCall = sysTools.call("ps -p %s -o %s" % (self.vals["stat/pid"], ",".join(psParams)), psRate, True)
if psCall and len(psCall) >= 2:
stats = psCall[1].strip().split()
if len(stats) == len(psParams):
for i in range(len(psParams)):
- volatile["ps/" + psParams[i]] = stats[i]
+ paramName = psParams[i]
+ if paramName == "%cpu": paramName = "%torCpu"
+ volatile["stat/" + paramName] = stats[i]
+ # determines the cpu time for the arm process (including user and system
+ # time of both the primary and child processes)
+ currentTime, totalCpuTime = time.time(), sum(os.times()[:3])
+ cpuDelta = totalCpuTime - self._armCpuSampling[0]
+ timeDelta = currentTime - self._armCpuSampling[1]
+ self.vals["stat/%armCpu"] = "%0.1f" % (100 * cpuDelta / timeDelta)
+ self._armCpuSampling = (totalCpuTime, currentTime)
# checks if any changes have been made and merges volatile into vals
self._isChanged |= setStatic
for key, val in volatile.items():
self._isChanged |= self.vals[key] != val
self.vals[key] = val
- self._lastUpdate = time.time()
+ self._lastUpdate = currentTime