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[tor-commits] [check/master] Remove line break
commit 97a104256df4b761c35d0d7795ac7183c33e40f8
Author: Arlo Breault <arlolra@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon Dec 2 23:38:29 2013 -0800
Remove line break
public/index.html | 3 +--
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public/index.html b/public/index.html
index e95846a..11031ef 100644
--- a/public/index.html
+++ b/public/index.html
@@ -34,8 +34,7 @@
{{ end }}
<p class="mid">
{{ if .IsTor }}
- {{ GetText .Lang "Please refer to the <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/\">Tor website</a> for further information about using Tor safely. You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously." | UnEscaped }}
- <br />{{ GetText .Lang "For more information about this exit relay, see:" }} <a href="https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/{{ .Fingerprint }}">Atlas</a>.
+ {{ GetText .Lang "Please refer to the <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/\">Tor website</a> for further information about using Tor safely. You are now free to browse the Internet anonymously." | UnEscaped }} {{ GetText .Lang "For more information about this exit relay, see:" }} <a href="https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/{{ .Fingerprint }}">Atlas</a>.
{{ else }}
{{ GetText .Lang "If you are attempting to use a Tor client, please refer to the <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/\">Tor website</a> and specifically the <a href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq#DoesntWork\">instructions for configuring your Tor client</a>." | UnEscaped }}
{{ end }}
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