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[or-cvs] r13548: Block most methods of sourcing chrome urls to determine plat (torbutton/trunk/src/components)

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2008-02-17 15:57:02 -0500 (Sun, 17 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 13548


Block most methods of sourcing chrome urls to determine
platform and extension information while Tor is enabled, and
always hide Torbutton's presence to these checks inside and
outside Tor. Fixing the other methods depends on Firefox Bug
418119. Thanks to Greg Fleischer for reporting!

Modified: torbutton/trunk/src/components/cssblocker.js
--- torbutton/trunk/src/components/cssblocker.js	2008-02-17 19:51:33 UTC (rev 13547)
+++ torbutton/trunk/src/components/cssblocker.js	2008-02-17 20:57:02 UTC (rev 13548)
@@ -124,7 +124,6 @@
 	// nsIContentPolicy interface implementation
 	shouldLoad: function(contentType, contentLocation, requestOrigin, insecNode, mimeTypeGuess, extra) {
         if(contentLocation.spec.search("venkman") != -1) {
             this.logger.log(3, "chrome-venk");
@@ -141,13 +140,59 @@
             this.logger.eclog(1, "Content policy disabled");
             return ok;
+        var cleanContentLoc = unwrapURL(contentLocation.spec);
+        var cleanOriginLoc = "none";
+        if(requestOrigin && requestOrigin.spec) {
+            cleanOriginLoc = unwrapURL(requestOrigin.spec);
+        }
+        var scheme = cleanContentLoc.replace(/:.*/, "").toLowerCase();
+        var origScheme = null;
+        if(requestOrigin && requestOrigin.spec) {
+            origScheme = cleanOriginLoc.replace(/:.*/, "").toLowerCase();
+        }
+        if(!origScheme) {
+            this.logger.eclog(5, "NO ORIGIN! Chrome: "+cleanContentLoc);
+        }
+        if(scheme == "chrome") {
+            var source = (new RegExp(scheme+":\/\/([^\/]+)\/")).exec(cleanContentLoc);
+            if(!source) {
+                this.logger.eclog(4, "No Source! Chrome: "+cleanContentLoc+" from: "+cleanOriginLoc);
+            } else if(!origScheme || origScheme != "chrome" && source[1] != "browser" && source[1] != "global") {
+                this.logger.eclog(2, "Source: "+ source[1] + ". Chrome: "+cleanContentLoc+" from: "+cleanOriginLoc);
+                if(source[1] == "torbutton" || this.tor_enabled) {
+                    // Always conceal torbutton's presence. Conceal 
+                    // other stuff only if tor is enabled though.
+                    this.logger.eclog(4, "Blocking source: "+ source[1] + ". Chrome: "+cleanContentLoc+" from: "+cleanOriginLoc);
+                    return block;
+                }
+            }
+        } else if(scheme == "resource" || scheme == "data" || scheme == "cid" 
+                || scheme == "javascript") {
+            if(origScheme && origScheme == "chrome") {
+                this.logger.eclog(1, "Skipping chrome-sourced local: "+cleanContentLoc);
+                return ok;
+            } else if(this.tor_enabled) {
+                this.logger.eclog(4, "Blocking chrome: "+cleanContentLoc+" from: "+cleanOriginLoc);
+                return block;
+            }
+        }
+		// Local stuff has to be eclog because otherwise debuglogger will
+        // get into an infinite log-loop w/ its chrome updates
+        if (this.isLocalScheme(cleanContentLoc)) {
+            this.logger.eclog(1, "Skipping local: "+cleanContentLoc);
+			return ok;
+        } 
         var node = wrapNode(insecNode);
         var wind = getWindow(node);
         // Block file in tor mode.
         // XXX: Add checkbox? Only ask in tor?
-        //var scheme = contentLocation.spec.replace(/:.*/, "").toLowerCase();
+        // NO! This is EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN in the nsIContentPolicy doc!
+        //var scheme = cleanContentLoc.replace(/:.*/, "").toLowerCase();
         if(scheme == "file") {
             var windowMediator = Cc["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"].
@@ -160,14 +205,7 @@
                 return block;
         } */
-		// Local stuff has to be eclog because otherwise debuglogger will
-        // get into an infinite log-loop w/ its chrome updates
-        if (this.isLocalScheme(unwrapURL(contentLocation.spec))) {
-            this.logger.eclog(1, "Skipping local: "+contentLocation.spec);
-			return ok;
-        } 
 		// For frame elements go to their window
 		if (contentType == CPolicy.TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT && node.contentWindow) {
 			node = node.contentWindow;
@@ -181,34 +219,35 @@
             // could handle it either here or shouldProcess, instead of in 
             // the webprogresslistener
             if(this.tor_enabled && this.no_tor_plugins) {
-                this.logger.log(4, "Blocking object at "+contentLocation.spec);
+                this.logger.log(4, "Blocking object at "+cleanContentLoc);
                 return block;
         if (!wind || !wind.top.location || !wind.top.location.href) {
-            this.logger.log(4, "Skipping no location: "+contentLocation.spec);
+            this.logger.log(4, "Skipping no location: "+cleanContentLoc);
 			return ok;
         var doc = wind.top.document;
         if(!doc) {
             // 1st load of a page in a new location
-            this.logger.log(3, "Skipping no doc: "+contentLocation.spec);
+            this.logger.log(3, "Skipping no doc: "+cleanContentLoc);
             return ok;
         var browser;
         if(wind.top.opener && 
             !(wind.top.opener instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIDOMChromeWindow)) {
-            this.logger.log(3, "Popup found: "+contentLocation.spec);
+            this.logger.log(3, "Popup found: "+cleanContentLoc);
             browser = this.wm.getBrowserForContentWindow(wind.top.opener.top)
         } else {
             browser = this.wm.getBrowserForContentWindow(wind.top);
         if(!browser) {
-            this.logger.log(5, "No window found: "+contentLocation.spec);
+            this.logger.log(5, "No window found: "+cleanContentLoc);
             return block; 
@@ -218,29 +257,28 @@
             // This happens on non-browser chrome: updates, dialogs, etc
             if (!wind.top.browserDOMWindow 
                     && typeof(browser.__tb_tor_fetched) == 'undefined') {
-                this.logger.log(3, "Untagged window for "+contentLocation.spec);
+                this.logger.log(3, "Untagged window for "+cleanContentLoc);
                 return ok;
                     && contentType == CPolicy.TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
-                this.logger.log(3, "New location for "+contentLocation.spec+" (currently: "+wind.top.location+" and "+browser.currentURI.spec+")");
+                this.logger.log(3, "New location for "+cleanContentLoc+" (currently: "+wind.top.location+" and "+browser.currentURI.spec+")");
                 // Workaround for Firefox Bug 409737.
                 // This disables window.location style redirects if the tor state
                 // has changed
-                if(requestOrigin) {
-                    this.logger.log(3, "Origin: "+requestOrigin.spec);
-                    var scheme = requestOrigin.spec.replace(/:.*/, "").toLowerCase();
-                    if(scheme != "chrome") {
+                if(origScheme) {
+                    this.logger.log(3, "Origin: "+cleanOriginLoc);
+                    if(origScheme != "chrome") {
                         if(typeof(browser.__tb_tor_fetched) == 'undefined') {
                             // This happens for "open in new window" context menu
-                            this.logger.log(3, "Untagged window for redirect "+contentLocation.spec);
+                            this.logger.log(3, "Untagged window for redirect "+cleanContentLoc);
                             return ok;
                         if(browser.__tb_tor_fetched == tor_state) {
                             return ok;
                         } else {
-                            this.logger.log(3, "Blocking redirect: "+contentLocation.spec);
+                            this.logger.log(3, "Blocking redirect: "+cleanContentLoc);
                             return block;
@@ -252,7 +290,7 @@
         if(browser.__tb_tor_fetched == tor_state) {
             return ok;
         } else {
-            this.logger.log(3, "Blocking: "+contentLocation.spec);
+            this.logger.log(3, "Blocking: "+cleanContentLoc);
             return block;
@@ -263,7 +301,7 @@
         // webprogresslistener :(	
         // See mozilla bugs 380556, 305699, 309524
         if(ContentLocation) {
-            this.logger.log(2, "Process for "+contentLocation.spec);
+            this.logger.log(2, "Process for "+cleanContentLoc);
         return ok;