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[or-cvs] r18462: {projects} fix typos and wordos in the gettor readme, and remove the re (projects/gettor)

Author: arma
Date: 2009-02-09 23:20:55 -0500 (Mon, 09 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 18462

fix typos and wordos in the gettor readme, and remove the redundant
config stanza. (one day somebody will change it, and will only change
one of the two.)

Modified: projects/gettor/README
--- projects/gettor/README	2009-02-10 03:58:55 UTC (rev 18461)
+++ projects/gettor/README	2009-02-10 04:20:55 UTC (rev 18462)
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
 GetTor is a program for serving Tor and Tor related files over SMTP.
-Users interface with GetTor by sending it an email. The users must use a mail
-server that signs outgoing mail with DKIM or have their email address added
-to the whitelist. This is to prevent abuse. The following document explains
-how to setup GetTor for a server admin.
+Users interface with GetTor by sending it an email. The users must use
+a mail server that signs outgoing mail with DKIM or have their email
+address added to the whitelist, to prevent people from abusing gettor
+into mailbombing innocent email addresses.
+The following document explains how to setup GetTor for a server admin.
 To use GetTor, you'll want a machine that invokes .forward files for users.
 You'll also want to have python and rsync installed.
-There some limits with smtp software for outgoing email sizes. You should
-check with your software to ensure that you can send files that are as large
+There are some limits with smtp software for outgoing email sizes. You should
+check your software to ensure that you can send files that are as large
 as the largest files Tor distributes. For postfix, you may want to have a line
 that looks like the following in /etc/postfix/main.cf:
     message_size_limit = 30360000
 In Exim, the default message size is now 50MB, which should be sufficient. The
-value is also adaptable through the config file paramter 'message_size_limit'
+value is also adaptable through the config file parameter 'message_size_limit'
 in case you need to.
 You will want to ensure that you have a properly configured set
@@ -27,25 +29,13 @@
 As an example, for the user 'gettor' we will setup GetTor.py like so:
-Configure the default ~/.gettorrc file:
-    gettor@moria:~$ cat .gettorrc
-    [global]
-    stateDir    = /home/gettor/gettor/state/
-    blStateDir  = /home/gettor/gettor/bl/
-    wlStateDir  = /home/gettor/gettor/wl/
-    distDir     = /home/gettor/gettor/distdir/
-    packDir     = /home/gettor/gettor/packdir/
-    locale        = en
-    logSubSystem= stdout
-    logFile     = /home/gettor/gettor/logs/logfile
-    localeDir   =  /home/gettor/gettor/i18n/
 Your .forward file should look like this:
     gettor@moria:~$ cat .forward
+Configure your ~/.gettorrc file (see "Configuration", below).
 These are the python files we need to run GetTor.py:
     gettor@moria:~/bin$ ls
@@ -53,7 +43,7 @@
     gettor_blacklist.py  gettor_opt.py       gettor_requests.py
     gettor_config.py     gettor_packages.py  gettor_responses.py
-Once you have everything installed, you'll want to initalize the file store:
+Once you have everything installed, you'll want to initialize the file store:
     gettor@moria:~/newbin$ ./gettor.py -f -p
@@ -85,7 +75,7 @@
     localeDir = /home/gettor/gettor/i18n
-This will result in GetTor expected the english .mo file in the directory
+This will result in GetTor expecting the English .mo file in the directory
@@ -97,13 +87,14 @@
 Note that GetTor will expect the same directory structure as provided under
 i18n/ in the GetTor source package, e.g. 'i18n/en/gettor_en.po',
-'i18n/de/gettor_de.po' and so on.
+'i18n/de/gettor_de.po', and so on.
 A proper GetTor configuration file is expected in the user's home directory
 and should look like this:
+    gettor@moria:~$ cat .gettorrc
     stateDir    = /home/gettor/gettor/state/
     blStateDir  = /home/gettor/gettor/bl/
@@ -115,14 +106,14 @@
     logFile     = /home/gettor/gettor/logs/logfile
     localeDir   =  /home/gettor/gettor/i18n/
-Note that you can set from none to any of these values in your config file.
-Values you dont provide will be taken from defaults.
+You can leave any of these lines out, and it will choose a suitable
 Here is what each of them is used for individually:
 blStateDir:    Blacklisted (hashed) email addresses go here
 wlStateDir:    Whitelisted (hashed) email addresses go here
-distDir:       Prestine Tor packages as downloaded by rsync will be found here
+distDir:       Pristine Tor packages as downloaded by rsync will be found here
 packDir:       Processed Tor packages ready to be handed out to the user will
                be found here
 srcEmail:      The email containing the Tor package will use this as 'From:'
@@ -131,11 +122,10 @@
 logSubSystem:  This has to be one of the following strings:
                'nothing':  Nothing is logged anywhere (Recommended)
                'stdout':   Log to stdout
-               'syslog':   Logmessages will be written to syslog
-               'file':     Logmessages will be written to a file (Not that
+               'syslog':   Log messages will be written to syslog
+               'file':     Log messages will be written to a file (Not that
                            this needs the 'logFile' option in the config file
                            also set to something useful
 localeDir:     This is where the 'en/LC_MESSAGES/gettor.mo' or
                'whateverlang/LC_MESSAGES/gettor.mo' should go