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[or-cvs] r18490: {torflow} Deprecate soatcli. Improve snakeinspeector for html diffing. (torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners)

Author: mikeperry
Date: 2009-02-11 10:23:39 -0500 (Wed, 11 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 18490


Deprecate soatcli. Improve snakeinspeector for html diffing.
Add unique filename enforcement.

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libsoat.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libsoat.py	2009-02-11 13:48:09 UTC (rev 18489)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/libsoat.py	2009-02-11 15:23:39 UTC (rev 18490)
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@
     self.reason = reason
-    self.verbose=False
+    self.verbose=0
+    self.filename=None
   def _rebase(self, filename, new_data_root):
     if not filename: return filename
@@ -83,7 +84,8 @@
     return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(new_data_root, *split_file[1:]))
   def rebase(self, new_data_root):
-    pass
+    if 'filename' in self.__dict__: # XXX: Kill this...
+      self.filename = self._rebase(self.filename, new_data_root)
   def mark_false_positive(self, reason):
@@ -147,15 +149,14 @@
     if self.verbose:
       for cert in ssl_domain.cert_map.iterkeys():
         ret += "\nCert for "+ssl_domain.cert_map[cert]+":\n"
-        ret += cert
+        if self.verbose > 1: ret += cert
         ret += self._dump_cert(cert)
       if self.exit_cert:
-        # XXX: Kill the first part of this clause after restart:
-        if 'exit_ip' in self.__dict__ and self.exit_ip: 
+        if self.exit_ip: 
           ret += "\nExit node's cert for "+self.exit_ip+":\n"
           ret += "\nExit node's cert:\n"
-        ret += self.exit_cert
+        if self.verbose > 1: ret += self.exit_cert
         ret += self._dump_cert(self.exit_cert)
     return ret 
@@ -332,29 +333,35 @@
     ret = TestResult.__str__(self)
     if self.verbose:
       soup = old_soup = tor_soup = None
-      if self.content and self.content_old:
+      if self.content:
         content = open(self.content).read().decode('ascii', 'ignore')
+        soup = FullyStrainedSoup(content)
+      if self.content_old:
         content_old = open(self.content_old).read().decode('ascii', 'ignore')
-        soup = FullyStrainedSoup(content)
         old_soup = FullyStrainedSoup(content_old)
-        tags = map(str, soup.findAll())
-        old_tags = map(str, old_soup.findAll())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(old_tags, tags, "Non-Tor1", "Non-Tor2",
-                                    lineterm="")
-        for line in diff:
-          ret+=line+"\n"
-      if self.content and self.content_exit:
-        content = open(self.content).read().decode('ascii', 'ignore')
+      if self.content_exit:
         content_exit = open(self.content_exit).read().decode('ascii', 'ignore')
-        soup = FullyStrainedSoup(content)
         tor_soup = FullyStrainedSoup(content_exit)
-        tags = map(str, soup.findAll())
-        tor_tags = map(str, tor_soup.findAll())
-        diff = difflib.unified_diff(tags, tor_tags, "Non-Tor", "Exit",
-                                    lineterm="")
-        for line in diff:
-          ret+=line+"\n"
+      if self.verbose > 1:
+        if self.content and self.content_old:
+          tags = map(str, soup.findAll())
+          old_tags = map(str, old_soup.findAll())
+          diff = difflib.unified_diff(old_tags, tags, "Non-Tor1", "Non-Tor2",
+                                      lineterm="")
+          for line in diff:
+            ret+=line+"\n"
+        if self.content and self.content_exit:
+          tags = map(str, soup.findAll())
+          tor_tags = map(str, tor_soup.findAll())
+          diff = difflib.unified_diff(tags, tor_tags, "Non-Tor", "Exit",
+                                      lineterm="")
+          for line in diff:
+            ret+=line+"\n"
       if soup and tor_soup and old_soup:
         old_vs_new = SoupDiffer(old_soup, soup)
         new_vs_old = SoupDiffer(soup, old_soup)
@@ -369,15 +376,28 @@
-        changed_content = bool(old_vs_new.changed_content() or old_vs_new.changed_content())
-        ret += "\nTor changed tags:\n"
-        ret += new_vs_tor.more_changed_tags(changed_tags)
-        ret += "\nTor changed attrs:\n"
-        ret += new_vs_tor.more_changed_attrs(changed_attributes)
-        if not changed_content:
+        changed_content = bool(new_vs_old.changed_content() or old_vs_new.changed_content())
+        more_tags = new_vs_tor.more_changed_tags(changed_tags)     
+        more_attrs = new_vs_tor.more_changed_attrs(changed_attributes)
+        more_content = new_vs_tor.changed_content()
+        if more_tags:
+          ret += "\nTor changed tags:\n"
+          ret += more_tags
+        if more_attrs:
+          ret += "\nTor changed attrs:\n"
+          ret += more_attrs
+        if not changed_content and more_content:
           ret += "\nChanged Content:\n"
-          ret += "\n".join(new_vs_tor.changed_content())+"\n"
+          ret += "\n".join(more_content)+"\n"
+        if (changed_content or not more_content) and not more_tags and not more_attrs:
+          ret += "\nSoupDiffer claims false positive.\n"
+          jsdiff = JSSoupDiffer(old_soup)
+          jsdiff.prune_differences(soup)
+          jsdifferences = jsdiff.show_differences(tor_soup)
+          if not jsdifferences: jsdifferences = "None."
+          ret += "Javascript Differences: "+jsdifferences+"\n"
       if self.content:
         ret += " "+self.content+"\n"
@@ -512,15 +532,17 @@
     fh = open(file, 'r')
     return pickle.load(fh)
-  def uniqueFilename(self, afile):
+  def uniqueFilename(afile):
     if not os.path.exists(afile):
       return afile
+    (prefix,suffix)=os.path.splitext(afile)
-    while os.path.exists(afile+"."+str(i)):
+    while os.path.exists(prefix+"."+str(i)+suffix):
-    return afile+"."+str(i) 
+    return prefix+"."+str(i)+suffix
+  uniqueFilename = Callable(uniqueFilename)
-  def safeFilename(self, unsafe_file):
+  def safeFilename(unsafe_file):
     remove characters illegal in some systems 
     and trim the string to a reasonable length
@@ -528,16 +550,16 @@
     unsafe_file = unsafe_file.decode('ascii', 'ignore')
     safe_file = re.sub(unsafe_filechars, "_", unsafe_file)
     return str(safe_file[:200])
+  safeFilename = Callable(safeFilename)
-  def resultFilename(self, result):
-    # XXX: Check existance and make a secondary name if exists.
+  def __resultFilename(self, result):
     address = ''
     if result.__class__.__name__ == 'HtmlTestResult' or result.__class__.__name__ == 'HttpTestResult':
-      address = self.safeFilename(result.site[7:])
+      address = DataHandler.safeFilename(result.site[7:])
     elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'SSLTestResult':
-      address = self.safeFilename(result.site[8:])
+      address = DataHandler.safeFilename(result.site[8:])
     elif 'TestResult' in result.__class__.__name__:
-      address = self.safeFilename(result.site)
+      address = DataHandler.safeFilename(result.site)
       raise Exception, 'This doesn\'t seems to be a result instance.'
@@ -551,11 +573,12 @@
     elif result.status == TEST_FAILURE:
       rdir += 'failed/'
-    return str((rdir+address+'.'+result.exit_node[1:]+".result").decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
+    return DataHandler.uniqueFilename(str((rdir+address+'.'+result.exit_node[1:]+".result").decode('ascii', 'ignore')))
   def saveResult(self, result):
     ''' generic method for saving test results '''
-    result_file = open(self.resultFilename(result), 'w')
+    result.filename = self.__resultFilename(result)
+    result_file = open(result.filename, 'w')
     pickle.dump(result, result_file)
@@ -805,6 +828,31 @@
         return True
     return False
+  def _difference_printer(self, other_cnts):
+    ret = ""
+    missing = []
+    miscount = []
+    new = []
+    for node in self.ast_cnts.iterkeys():
+      if not self.ast_cnts[node]: continue # pruned difference
+      if node not in other_cnts:
+        missing.append(str(node))
+      elif self.ast_cnts[node] != other_cnts[node]:
+        miscount.append(str(node))
+    for node in other_cnts.iterkeys():
+      if node not in self.ast_cnts:
+        new.append(str(node))
+    if missing:
+      ret += "\nMissing: "
+      for node in missing: ret += node
+    if new:
+      ret += "\nNew: "
+      for node in new: ret += node
+    if miscount:
+      ret += "\nMiscount: "
+      for node in miscount: ret += node
+    return ret
   def prune_differences(self, other_string):
     if not HAVE_PYPY: return
     other_cnts = self._count_ast_elements(other_string)
@@ -817,6 +865,14 @@
     other_cnts = self._count_ast_elements(other_string)
     return self._difference_checker(other_cnts) 
+  def show_differences(self, other_string):
+    ret = ""
+    if not HAVE_PYPY:
+      return "PyPy import not present. Not diffing javascript"
+    other_cnts = self._count_ast_elements(other_string)
+    return self._difference_printer(other_cnts) 
 class JSSoupDiffer(JSDiffer):
   def _add_cnts(tag_cnts, ast_cnts):
     ret_cnts = {}
@@ -855,14 +911,4 @@
         ast_cnts = JSSoupDiffer._add_cnts(tag_cnts, ast_cnts)
     return ast_cnts
-  def prune_differences(self, other_soup):
-    if not HAVE_PYPY: return
-    other_cnts = self._count_ast_elements(other_soup)
-    self._difference_pruner(other_cnts)
-  def contains_differences(self, other_soup):
-    if not HAVE_PYPY:
-      plog("NOTICE", "PyPy import not present. Not diffing javascript")
-      return False
-    other_cnts = self._count_ast_elements(other_soup)
-    return self._difference_checker(other_cnts) 

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/snakeinspector.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/snakeinspector.py	2009-02-11 13:48:09 UTC (rev 18489)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/snakeinspector.py	2009-02-11 15:23:39 UTC (rev 18490)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
-  verbose=False
+  verbose=0
   for o,a in opts:
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     elif o == '-r' or o == '--reason': 
       reason = a
     elif o == '-v' or o == '--verbose': 
-      verbose = True
+      verbose += 1
     elif o == '-t' or o == '--resultfilter':
       resultfilter = a
     elif o == '-p' or o == '--proto':

Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soat.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soat.py	2009-02-11 13:48:09 UTC (rev 18489)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soat.py	2009-02-11 15:23:39 UTC (rev 18490)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
         # Save this new result file in false positive dir 
         # and remove old one
-          os.unlink(self.datahandler.resultFilename(r))
+          os.unlink(r.filename)
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
     ''' check whether a http connection to a given address is molested '''
     # an address representation acceptable for a filename 
-    address_file = self.datahandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
+    address_file = DataHandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
     content_prefix = http_content_dir+address_file
     # Keep a copy of the cookie jar before mods for refetch or
@@ -730,15 +730,14 @@
   def _check_http_worker(self, address, http_ret):
     (mime_type,pcontent,psha1sum,content,sha1sum,content_new,sha1sum_new,exit_node) = http_ret
-    address_file = self.datahandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
+    address_file = DataHandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
     content_prefix = http_content_dir+address_file
     failed_prefix = http_failed_dir+address_file
     # compare the new and old content
     # if they match, means the node has been changing the content
     if sha1sum.hexdigest() == sha1sum_new.hexdigest():
-      # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.content', 'w')
+      exit_content_file = open(DataHandler.uniqueFilename(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.content'), 'w')
@@ -752,8 +751,7 @@
       self.register_exit_failure(address, exit_node)
       return TEST_FAILURE
-    # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-    exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content','w')
+    exit_content_file = open(DataHandler.uniqueFilename(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content'),'w')
@@ -891,12 +889,11 @@
       else: self.successes[address]=1
       return TEST_SUCCESS
-      address_file = self.datahandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
+      address_file = DataHandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
       content_prefix = http_content_dir+address_file
       failed_prefix = http_failed_dir+address_file
-      # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content',
+      exit_content_file = open(DataHandler.uniqueFilename(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content'),
@@ -932,7 +929,7 @@
         return self._check_http_worker(address, http_ret)
     # an address representation acceptable for a filename 
-    address_file = self.datahandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
+    address_file = DataHandler.safeFilename(address[7:])
     content_prefix = http_content_dir+address_file
     failed_prefix = http_failed_dir+address_file
@@ -971,8 +968,7 @@
     # compare the new and old content
     # if they match, means the node has been changing the content
     if str(orig_soup) == str(new_soup):
-      # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-      exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.content', 'w')
+      exit_content_file = open(DataHandler.uniqueFilename(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.content'), 'w')
@@ -1004,7 +1000,7 @@
-    changed_content = bool(old_vs_new.changed_content() or old_vs_new.changed_content())
+    changed_content = bool(new_vs_old.changed_content() or old_vs_new.changed_content())
     # Verify all of our changed tags are present here 
     if new_vs_tor.has_more_changed_tags(changed_tags) or \
@@ -1013,11 +1009,14 @@
       false_positive = False
       false_positive = True
+    plog("INFO", "SoupDiffer predicts false_positive="+str(false_positive))
     if false_positive:
       jsdiff = JSSoupDiffer(orig_soup)
       false_positive = not jsdiff.contains_differences(tor_soup)
+      plog("INFO", "JSSoupDiffer predicts false_positive="+str(false_positive))
     if false_positive:
       plog("NOTICE", "False positive detected for dynamic change at "+address+" via "+exit_node)
@@ -1028,8 +1027,7 @@
       else: self.successes[address]=1
       return TEST_SUCCESS
-    # XXX: Check for existence of this file before overwriting
-    exit_content_file = open(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content','w')
+    exit_content_file = open(DataHandler.uniqueFilename(failed_prefix+'.'+exit_node[1:]+'.dyn-content'),'w')
@@ -1124,7 +1122,7 @@
     plog('INFO', 'Conducting an ssl test with destination ' + address)
     # an address representation acceptable for a filename 
-    address_file = self.datahandler.safeFilename(address[8:])
+    address_file = DataHandler.safeFilename(address[8:])
     ssl_file_name = ssl_certs_dir + address_file + '.ssl'
     # load the original cert and compare

Deleted: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soatcli.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soatcli.py	2009-02-11 13:48:09 UTC (rev 18489)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/soatcli.py	2009-02-11 15:23:39 UTC (rev 18490)
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-# 2008 Aleksei Gorny, mentored by Mike Perry
-import dircache
-import operator
-import os
-import pickle
-import sys
-import time
-import sets
-from sets import Set
-import libsoat
-from libsoat import *
-# Displaying stats on the console
-class StatsConsole:
-  ''' Class to display statistics from CLI'''
-  def Listen(self):
-    while 1:
-      input = raw_input(">>>")
-      if input == 'e' or input == 'exit':
-        exit()
-      elif input == 's' or input == 'summary':
-        self.Summary()
-      elif input == 'h' or input == 'help' or len(input) > 6:
-        self.Help() 
-      else:
-        self.Reply(input)
-  def Summary(self):
-    dh = DataHandler()
-    data = dh.getAll()
-    nodeSet = Set([])
-    sshSet = Set([])
-    sslSet = Set([])
-    httpSet = Set([])
-    smtpSet = Set([])
-    popSet = Set([])
-    imapSet = Set([])
-    dnsSet = Set([])
-    dnsrebindSet = Set([])
-    total = len(data)
-    good = bad = inconclusive = 0
-    ssh = http = ssl = pop = imap = smtp = dns = dnsrebind = 0
-    for result in data:
-      nodeSet.add(result.exit_node)
-      if result.status == 0:
-        good += 1
-      elif result.status == 1:
-        inconclusive += 1
-      elif result.status == 2:
-        bad += 1
-      if result.__class__.__name__ == 'SSHTestResult':
-        sshSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        ssh += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'HttpTestResult' or result.__class__.__name__ == 'HtmlTestResult':
-        httpSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        http += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'SSLTestResult':
-        sslSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        ssl += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'IMAPTestResult':
-        imapSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        imap += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'POPTestResult':
-        popSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        pop += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'SMTPTestResult':
-        smtpSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        smtp += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'DNSTestResult':
-        dnsSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        dns += 1
-      elif result.__class__.__name__ == 'DNSRebindTestResult':
-        dnsrebindSet.add(result.exit_node)
-        dnsrebind += 1
-    swidth = 25
-    nwidth = 10
-    width = swidth + nwidth
-    header_format = '%-*s%*s'
-    format = '%-*s%*i'
-    print '=' * width
-    print header_format % (swidth, 'Parameter', nwidth, 'Count')
-    print '-' * width
-    stats = [
-      ('Tests completed', total),
-      ('Nodes tested', len(nodeSet)),
-      ('Nodes SSL-tested', len(sslSet)),
-      ('Nodes HTTP-tested', len(httpSet)),
-      ('Nodes SSH-tested', len(sshSet)),
-      ('Nodes POP-tested', len(popSet)),
-      ('Nodes IMAP-tested', len(imapSet)),
-      ('Nodes SMTP-tested', len(smtpSet)),
-      ('Nodes DNS-tested', len(dnsSet)),
-      ('Nodes DNSRebind-tested', len(dnsrebindSet)),
-      ('Failed tests', bad),
-      ('Succeeded tests', good),
-      ('Inconclusive tests', inconclusive),
-      ('SSH tests', ssh),
-      ('HTTP tests', http),
-      ('SSL tests', ssl),
-      ('POP tests', pop),
-      ('IMAP tests', imap),
-      ('SMTP tests', smtp),
-      ('DNS tests', dns),
-      ('DNS rebind tests', dnsrebind)
-    ]
-    for (k,v) in stats:
-      print format % (swidth, k, nwidth, v)
-    print '=' * width
-  def Reply(self, input):
-    good = bad = inconclusive = False
-    protocols = []
-    if 'a' in input:
-      good = bad = inconclusive = True
-      protocols.extend(["ssh", "http", "ssl", "imap", "pop", "smtp"])
-    else:
-      good = 'g' in input
-      bad = 'b' in input
-      inconclusive = 'i' in input
-      if 's' in input:
-        protocols.append("ssh")
-      if 'h' in input:
-        protocols.append("http")
-      if 'l' in input:
-        protocols.append("ssl")
-      if 'p' in input:
-        protocols.append("imap")
-      if 'o' in input:
-        protocols.append("pop")
-      if 't' in input:
-        protocols.append("smtp")
-      if 'd' in input:
-        protocols.append("dns")
-      if 'r' in input:
-        protocols.append("dnsrebind")
-    dh = DataHandler()
-    data = dh.getAll()
-    filtered = dh.filterResults(data, protocols, good, bad, inconclusive)
-    nodewidth = 45
-    typewidth = 10
-    sitewidth = 30
-    timewidth = 30
-    statuswidth = 6
-    width = nodewidth + typewidth + sitewidth + timewidth + statuswidth
-    format = '%-*s%-*s%-*s%-*s%-*s'
-    print '=' * width 
-    print format % (nodewidth, 'Exit node', typewidth, 'Test type', sitewidth, 'Remote site', 
-        timewidth, 'Time', statuswidth, 'Status')
-    print '-' * width
-    for result in filtered:
-      print format % (nodewidth, `result.exit_node`, 
-          typewidth, result.__class__.__name__[:-10],
-          sitewidth, result.site, 
-          timewidth, time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(result.timestamp)), 
-          statuswidth, `result.status`)
-    print '=' * width
-  def Help(self):
-    print ''
-    print 'Options:'
-    print '* summmary (s) - display a short summary about all tests done so far'
-    print '* exit (e) - terminate the program'
-    print '* help (h) - display this help text'
-    print '* all (a) - list all the results'
-    print '* (shlgbi) - display a filtered list of test results. Letters are optional and mean the following:'
-    print '  s - show ssh results'
-    print '  h - show http results'
-    print '  l - show ssl results'
-    print '  g - show good results'
-    print '  b - show bad results'
-    print '  i - show inconclusive results'
-    print '  p - show imap results'
-    print '  o - show pop results'
-    print '  t - show smtp results'
-    print '  d - show dns results'
-    print '  r - show dnsrebind results'
-    print ''
-# Displaying stats in a graphical setting (first check if we have wx)
-nowx = False
-  import wx
-  from wx.lib.mixins.listctrl import ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, ColumnSorterMixin
-  nowx = True
-if not nowx:
-  class ListMixin(wx.ListCtrl, ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, ColumnSorterMixin):
-    def __init__(self, parent, map):
-      wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT)
-      ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__(self)
-      ColumnSorterMixin.__init__(self, len(map))
-      self.itemDataMap = map
-    def GetListCtrl(self):
-      return self
-  # menu item ids
-  ID_EXIT = 1
-  ID_SHOW_GOOD = 11
-  ID_SHOW_BAD = 12
-  ID_SHOW_SSL = 21
-  ID_SHOW_HTTP = 22
-  ID_SHOW_SSH = 23
-  ID_SHOW_SMTP = 24
-  ID_SHOW_IMAP = 25
-  ID_SHOW_POP = 26
-  ID_SHOW_DNS = 27
-  ID_NODE = 31
-  class MainFrame(wx.Frame):
-    ''' the main application window for displaying statistics with a GUI'''
-    def __init__(self):
-      wx.Frame.__init__(self, None, title="Soat test results", size=(900,500))
-      # get the data
-      self.dataHandler = DataHandler()
-      self.dataList = self.dataHandler.getAll()
-      self.filteredList = self.dataList
-      # display it
-      self.CreateStatusBar()
-      self.initMenuBar()
-      self.initContent()
-      self.Center()
-      self.Show()
-    def initMenuBar(self):
-      fileMenu = wx.Menu()
-      fileMenu.Append(ID_EXIT, "E&xit", "Exit the program")
-      viewMenu = wx.Menu()
-      self.showGood = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_GOOD, 'Show &Good', 'Show sucessful test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showBad = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_BAD, 'Show &Bad', 'Show unsucessful test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showUnsure = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_UNSURE, 'Show &Inconclusive', 'Show inconclusive test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      viewMenu.AppendSeparator()
-      self.showSSL = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_SSL, 'Show SS&L', 'Show SSL test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showHTTP = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_HTTP, 'Show &HTTP', 'Show HTTP test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showSSH = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_SSH, 'Show &SSH', 'Show SSH test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      viewMenu.AppendSeparator()
-      self.showSMTP = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_SMTP, 'Show SMTP', 'Show SMTP test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showIMAP = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_IMAP, 'Show IMAP', 'Show IMAP test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showPOP = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_POP, 'Show POP', 'Show POP test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      viewMenu.AppendSeparator()
-      self.showDNS = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_DNS, 'Show DNS', 'Show DNS test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      self.showDNSRebind = viewMenu.Append(ID_SHOW_DNSREBIND, 'Show DNSRebind', 'Show DNS rebind test results', kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
-      viewMenu.AppendSeparator()
-      viewMenu.Append(ID_NODE, '&Find node...', 'View test results for a given node [NOT IMPLEMENTED]')
-      menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
-      menuBar.Append(fileMenu,"&File")
-      menuBar.Append(viewMenu,"&View")
-      self.SetMenuBar(menuBar)
-      wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_EXIT, self.OnExit)
-      wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_SHOW_GOOD, self.GenerateFilteredList)
-      wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_SHOW_BAD, self.GenerateFilteredList)
-      wx.EVT_MENU(self, ID_SHOW_UNSURE, self.GenerateFilteredList)
-      viewMenu.Check(ID_SHOW_GOOD, True)
-      viewMenu.Check(ID_SHOW_BAD, True)
-      viewMenu.Check(ID_SHOW_UNSURE, True)
-      for i in range(ID_SHOW_SSL, ID_SHOW_DNSREBIND + 1):
-        viewMenu.Check(i, True)
-        wx.EVT_MENU(self, i, self.GenerateFilteredList)
-    def initContent(self): 
-      base = wx.Panel(self, -1)
-      sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(0,0)
-      box = wx.StaticBox(base, -1, 'Summary')
-      boxSizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(box, wx.HORIZONTAL)
-      total = wx.StaticText(base, -1, 'Total tests: ' + `len(self.filteredList)`)
-      boxSizer.Add(total, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 10)
-      nodes = wx.StaticText(base, -1, 'Nodes scanned: ' + `len(Set([x.exit_node for x in self.filteredList]))`)
-      boxSizer.Add(nodes, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM , 10)
-      bad = wx.StaticText(base, -1, 'Failed tests: ' + `len([x for x in self.filteredList if x.status == 2])`)
-      boxSizer.Add(bad, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 10)
-      suspicious = wx.StaticText(base, -1, 'Inconclusive tests: ' + `len([x for x in self.filteredList if x.status == 1])`)
-      boxSizer.Add(suspicious, 0, wx.ALL, 10)
-      sizer.Add(boxSizer, (0,0), (1, 5), wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 15)
-      dataMap = {}
-      self.fillDataMap(dataMap)
-      self.listCtrl = ListMixin(base, dataMap)
-      self.listCtrl.InsertColumn(0, 'exit node', width=380)
-      self.listCtrl.InsertColumn(1, 'type', width=70)
-      self.listCtrl.InsertColumn(2, 'site', width=180)
-      self.listCtrl.InsertColumn(3, 'time', width=180)
-      self.listCtrl.InsertColumn(4, 'status', wx.LIST_FORMAT_CENTER, width=50)
-      self.fillListCtrl(dataMap)
-      sizer.Add(self.listCtrl, (1,0), (1,5), wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.BOTTOM | wx.RIGHT, border=15)
-      sizer.AddGrowableCol(3)
-      sizer.AddGrowableRow(1)
-      base.SetSizerAndFit(sizer)
-    # make a nasty dictionary from the current self.filteredList object so columns would be sortable
-    def fillDataMap(self, dataMap):
-      for i in range(len(self.filteredList)):
-        dataMap.update([(i,(self.filteredList[i].exit_node, 
-                self.filteredList[i].__class__.__name__[:-10],
-                self.filteredList[i].site, 
-                time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(self.filteredList[i].timestamp)), 
-                self.filteredList[i].status))])
-    # fill the result listing with data
-    def fillListCtrl(self, dataMap):
-      if self.listCtrl.GetItemCount() > 0:
-        self.listCtrl.DeleteAllItems()
-      for k, i in dataMap.items():
-        index = self.listCtrl.InsertStringItem(sys.maxint, `i[0]`)
-        self.listCtrl.SetStringItem(index, 1, i[1])
-        self.listCtrl.SetStringItem(index, 2, `i[2]`) 
-        self.listCtrl.SetStringItem(index, 3, i[3])
-        self.listCtrl.SetStringItem(index, 4, `i[4]`)
-        self.listCtrl.SetItemData(index,k)
-    def OnExit(self,e):
-      self.Close(True)
-    def GenerateFilteredList(self, e): 
-      protocols = []
-      if self.showSSH.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("ssh") 
-      if self.showHTTP.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("http")
-      if self.showSSL.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("ssl")
-      if self.showIMAP.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("imap")
-      if self.showPOP.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("pop")
-      if self.showSMTP.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("smtp")
-      if self.showDNS.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("dns")
-      if self.showDNSRebind.IsChecked():
-        protocols.append("dnsrebind")
-      self.filteredList = list(self.dataHandler.filterResults(self.dataList, protocols, 
-        self.showGood.IsChecked(), self.showBad.IsChecked(), self.showUnsure.IsChecked()))
-      dataMap = {}
-      self.fillDataMap(dataMap)
-      self.fillListCtrl(dataMap)
-      self.listCtrl.RefreshItems(0, len(dataMap)) 
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  if len(sys.argv) == 1:
-    console = StatsConsole()
-    console.Listen()
-  elif len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'wx':
-    if nowx:
-      print 'wxpython doesn\'t seem to be installed on your system'
-      print 'you can use the console interface instead (see help)'
-    else:
-      app = wx.App(0)
-      MainFrame()
-      app.MainLoop()
-  else:
-    print ''
-    print 'This app displays results of tests carried out by soat.py (in a user-friendly way).'
-    print ''
-    print 'Usage:'
-    print 'python soatstats.py - app starts console-only'
-    print 'python soatstats.py wx - app starts with a wxpython gui'
-    print ''