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[or-cvs] r18534: {weather} Initial branch check in. (in weather/branches/sqlite-unstable: . apache2)

Author: ioerror
Date: 2009-02-13 17:43:16 -0500 (Fri, 13 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 18534

Initial branch check in.

Added: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/apache2/tor-weather
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/apache2/tor-weather	                        (rev 0)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/apache2/tor-weather	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+<VirtualHost *>
+	ServerAdmin tor-ops@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+	ServerName weather.torproject.org
+	ServerAlias weather.torproject.org
+        Redirect /      https://weather.torproject.org/
+        LogFormat "%t \"%r\" %>s %b" noip
+	CustomLog /var/log/apache2/tor-weather-https-redirect-access.log noip
+	# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
+	# alert, emerg.
+	LogLevel warn
+	ServerSignature Off

Added: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/apache2/tor-weather-https
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/apache2/tor-weather-https	                        (rev 0)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/apache2/tor-weather-https	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+	ServerAdmin tor-ops@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+	ServerName weather.torproject.org
+	ServerAlias weather.torproject.org
+        SSLEngine on
+        SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/weather.torproject.org.cert
+        SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/weather.torproject.org.key
+        SSLProtocol all
+        SSLCipherSuite HIGH:MEDIUM
+	DocumentRoot /var/www/tor-weather/
+	DirectoryIndex /weather.py/
+	<Directory "/var/www/tor-weather/">
+		# This gives us pretty and reasonable urls
+		RewriteEngine on
+		RewriteBase /
+		# Required for the images and css
+		RewriteRule ^(top-right.png)$ - [L]
+		RewriteRule ^(top-left.png)$ - [L]
+		RewriteRule ^(top-middle.png)$ - [L]
+		RewriteRule ^(stylesheet.css)$ - [L]
+		RewriteRule ^(favicon.ico)$ - [L]
+		# Required for the actual python app
+		RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^(/.*)+weather.py/
+		RewriteRule ^(.*)$ weather.py/$1 [PT]
+		# Disallow .htaccess trickery
+		AllowOverride None
+		Order allow,deny
+		Allow from all
+		# Ensure the proper handler for weather.py
+		<Files weather.py>
+			SetHandler fastcgi-script
+		</Files>
+	</Directory>
+        LogFormat "%t \"%r\" %>s %b" noip
+	CustomLog /var/log/apache2/tor-weather-https-access.log noip
+	# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
+	# alert, emerg.
+	LogLevel warn
+	ServerSignature Off

Modified: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/config.py
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/config.py	2009-02-13 19:50:42 UTC (rev 18533)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/config.py	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -2,12 +2,15 @@
 URLbase = "https://weather.torproject.org";
-weather_storage = "/var/lib/torweather/"
+#weather_storage = "/var/lib/torweather/"
+weather_storage = "/tmp/"
 authenticator = open(weather_storage + "auth_token").read().strip()
 weather_email = "tor-ops@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
+sqlitedb = weather_storage + "/weather.sqlite3" 
 # these respond to pings (for now!) and are geographically dispersed
 ping_targets = ["google.com", "telstra.com.au", "yahoo.co.uk"]

Modified: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/poll.py
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/poll.py	2009-02-13 19:50:42 UTC (rev 18533)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/poll.py	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 import socket
 import sys
 import os
-import gdbm
 import re
 import time
 import threading
@@ -10,6 +9,7 @@
 from traceback import print_exception
 from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
 import TorCtl.TorCtl as TorCtl
+import sqlite3
 from config import authenticator, URLbase, weather_email, failure_threshold
 from config import poll_period, ping_targets, weather_storage
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
 import traceback
 debug = 0
 debugfile = open(weather_storage + "/torctl-debug","w")
 class TorPing:
   "Check to see if various tor nodes respond to SSL hanshakes"
   def __init__(self, control_host = "", control_port = 9051):
@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@
         # ErrorReply: 552 Unrecognized key "ns/id/46D9..."
         # This means that the node isn't recognized by 
        x = traceback.format_exc()
-       fh = file("/tmp/tor-ctl-failed-ping-log", "a")
+       fh = file(weather_storage + "/tor-ctl-failed-ping-log", "a")
        info = None
@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@
         # Remove this, it's a hack to debug this specific bug
         x = traceback.format_exc()
-        fh = file("/tmp/misc-failed-ping-log", "a")
+        fh = file(weather_storage + "/misc-failed-ping-log", "a")
         info = None
@@ -76,30 +75,6 @@
     # If we're here, we were able to fetch information about the router
     return True
-    # info looks like this:
-    # {'ns/id/FFCB46DB1339DA84674C70D7CB586434C4370441': 'r moria1 /8tG2xM52oRnTHDXy1hkNMQ3BEE pavoLDqxMvw+T1VHR5hmmgpr9self 2007-10-10 21:12:08 9001 9031\ns Authority Fast Named Running Valid V2Dir\n'}
-    ##ip,port = info[string].split()[6:8]
-    # throw exceptions like confetti if this isn't legit
-    ##socket.inet_aton(ip)
-    # ensure port is a kosher string
-    ##assert 0 < int(port) < 65536
-    ##if debug: print "contacting node at %s:%s" % (ip,port)
-    # XXX check: could non-blocking io be used to make us safe from
-    # answer-very-slowly DOSes?  or do we need to spawn threads here?
-    ##cmd = ["openssl", "s_client",  "-connect", ip + ':' + port]
-    ##ssl_handshake = Popen( args = cmd, stdout = PIPE, stderr = PIPE, stdin=PIPE)
-    ##ssl_handshake.stdin.close()
-    ##safe_from_DOS = 10000    # moria1's response is ~1500 chars long
-    ##output = ssl_handshake.stdout.read(safe_from_DOS)
-    ##n = output.find("Server public key is 1024 bit")
-    ##if n > 0:
-    ##  return True
-    ##else:
-    ##  return False
   def test(self):
     "Check that the connection to the Tor Control port is still okay."

Added: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/setup-db.py
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/setup-db.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/setup-db.py	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+# A small program to setup the database and test that things are working
+from weatherdb import *
+from config import sqlitedb
+# Connect to our sqlite3 database
+con = create_database_handle(sqlitedb)
+# Setup our tables if they're not already created
+# Create a cursor
+cur = con.cursor()
+TABLE_NAME = 'nodes'
+SELECT = 'select * from %s' % TABLE_NAME
+# Execute our SELECT statement:
+# Print a header.
+for fieldDesc in cur.description:
+    print fieldDesc[0].ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH) ,
+print # Finish the header with a newline.
+print '-' * 78
+# Print the contents
+fieldIndices = range(len(cur.description))
+for row in cur:
+    for fieldIndex in fieldIndices:
+        fieldValue = str(row[fieldIndex])
+        print fieldValue.ljust(FIELD_MAX_WIDTH) ,
+# Populate with basic information about a node
+fingerprint = "9B0511125922B3FAB37C84B5E695623DD107A74D"
+fingerprint1 = "9B05AA745922B3FAB37C84B5E695623DD107A74D"
+fingerprint2 = "9B02AAd45922B3FAB37C84B5E695623DD107A74D"
+fingerprint3 = "9B02AA445922B3FAB37C84B5E695623DD107A74C"
+#con.execute("INSERT INTO nodes (fingerprint, strikes) values (?,?)", (fingerprint, 0,)) 
+#add_node(con, fingerprint1)
+#add_node(con, fingerprint2)
+add_node(cur, fingerprint3)
+# Return that information in a useful way
+nodes = fetch_nodes(con)
+print "Total number of nodes we were able to fetch: " + nodes
+# Fetch the node strike
+strikes = fetch_node_strikes(con, fingerprint1)
+foo = str(strikes)
+print "Strikes against node: " + foo + " "
+# Strike a node three times
+increment_node_strike(con, fingerprint1)
+increment_node_strike(con, fingerprint1)
+increment_node_strike(con, fingerprint1)
+# Fetch the node striking
+strikes = fetch_node_strikes(con, fingerprint1)
+foo = str(strikes)
+print "Strikes against node: " + foo + " "
+# Drop all the tables and destroy everything
+# Tear that connection down and exit

Property changes on: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/setup-db.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/weather.py
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/weather.py	2009-02-13 19:50:42 UTC (rev 18533)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/weather.py	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
 import re
 import random
 import sys
-import gdbm
 import time
 import threading
 import signal # does this help with keyboard interrupts?
 import base64
+import smtplib
+import datetime
+from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+from config import URLbase, weather_email, weather_storage, apache_fcgi, sqlitedb
+from database import *
-from config import URLbase, weather_email, weather_storage, apache_fcgi
 debug = 0
 dummy_testing = 0
@@ -32,71 +35,27 @@
 # Should do something more elegant with this!
 if __name__ == "__main__": 
-# This is a single lock for all the gdbm write rights, to ensure that
-# different web.py threads aren't trying to write at the same time.
+    # XXX TODO Have a mode for creating the database table, etc
+    # Create an sqlite3 database connection
+    conn = sqlite.connect('/tmp/sqlitedb')
+    conn.isolation_level = "IMMEDIATE"
+    db = conn.cursor()
+    # Initialize the database tables
+    intialize_database(db)
-      gdbm_lock = threading.RLock()
+    antispam_lock = threading.RLock()
+    antispam = {}      # a dict mapping IP to the number of recent unanswered requests allowed
+                       # from that IP
+    antispam_min = 2
+    antispam_max = 10
-      requests = gdbm.open(weather_storage + "/requests.gdbm","cs")
-      print "requests:"
-      for s in requests.keys():
-        print s, requests[s]
-      subscriptions = gdbm.open(weather_storage + "/subscriptions.gdbm","cs")
-      print "subscriptions:"
-      for s in subscriptions.keys():
-        print s, '"'+subscriptions[s]+'"'
-      unsubscriptions = gdbm.open(weather_storage + "/unsubscriptions.gdbm","cs")
-      print "unsubscriptions:"
-      for s in unsubscriptions.keys():
-        print s, unsubscriptions[s]
-      failures = gdbm.open(weather_storage + "/failures.gdbm", "cs")
-      print "failures:"
-      for s in failures.keys():
-        print s, failures[s]
-      antispam_lock = threading.RLock()
-      antispam = {}      # a dict mapping IP to the number of recent unanswered requests allowed
-                         # from that IP
-      antispam_min = 2
-      antispam_max = 10
-    print "Unable to get lock on database"
+    print "Unable to open database."
-# these may or may not be better than storing pickles with gdbm
-class DatabaseError(Exception):
-  pass
-def parse_subscriptions(node, subs):
-  "Turn a string in the db back into a list of pairs"
-  words = subs[node].split()
-  try:
-    return [ (words[i], words[i+1]) for i in xrange(0, len(words), 2) ]
-  except IndexError:
-    raise DatabaseError, words
-def delete_sub(pair, sub, node):
-  "Craziness to delete pair from a string in the subscriptions db"
-  # regexps probably aren't easily made safe here
-  words = sub[node].split()
-  if (len(words) % 2 != 0):
-    raise DatabaseError, words
-  for n in xrange(len(words) / 2):
-    if pair[0] == words[n*2] and pair[1] == words[n*2 + 1]:
-      sub[node] = " ".join(words[:n*2] + words[n*2 + 2:])
-      break
-  else:
-    raise DatabaseError, pair
-  sub.sync()
 def randstring():
-  # This is where we sometimes return '-' and we shouldn't
-  "Produce a random alphanumeric string for authentication"
+  "Produce an mua friendly random alphanumeric string for authentication"
   theory = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(18))[:-1]
   if theory[-1] == "-":    # some email clients don't like URLs ending in -
     theory[-1] = 'x'
@@ -120,6 +79,7 @@
   def GET(self):
     web.header('content-type', 'text/html')
+    # XXX TODO: we probably want to open this with an absolute path
     print open("subscribe.template").read()
   whitespace = re.compile("\s*")
@@ -152,18 +112,17 @@
       # Leak no information about who is subscribed
       print "Thank you for using Tor Weather.  A confirmation request has been sent to", i.email + "."
-  # node ids are 40 digit hexidecimal numbers
-  node_okay = re.compile("(0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\Z")
-  def check_node_id(self, node):
-    if self.node_okay.match(node):
+  def check_node_id(self, nodeid):
+    # Node ids are 40 digit hexidecimal numbers
+    node_okay = re.compile("(0x)?[a-fA-F0-9]{40}\Z")
+    if node_okay.match(nodeid):
       return True
       return False
-  random.seed()
   def allowed_to_subscribe(self,ip):
     "An antispam measure!"
+    random.seed()
       if antispam.has_key(ip):
@@ -179,24 +138,23 @@
-  def already_subscribed(self, address, node):
-    gdbm_lock.acquire()
-    try:
-        try:
-          words = subscriptions[node].split()
-          if address in words:
+  def already_subscribed(db, email, nodeid):
+     try:
+        subscriptions = parse_subscriptions(db, nodeid)
+        # TODO XXX 
+        # Iterate over subscriptions and return True if we match an email 
+        if # TODO XXX 
             already = True
-          else:
+        else:
             already = False
-        except KeyError:
-          already = False
+     except KeyError:
+        already = False
-    finally:
-        gdbm_lock.release()
     return already
   def send_confirmation_email(self, address, node):
+    # XXX TODO update to use sqlite
+    # We should pull this from the database rather than generating it here
     authstring = randstring()
@@ -205,19 +163,11 @@
-    if dummy_testing:
-      print "gotcha"
-      return True
-    #def f(s):
-    #  requests[authstring] = s
-    #gdbm_lock.lock(f, address + " " + node)
-    #url = web.ctx.homedomain + "/confirm-subscribe/" + authstring
     url = URLbase + "/confirm-subscribe/" + authstring
-    import smtplib
-    from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+    # God this is ugly
+    #import smtplib
+    #from email.mime.text import MIMEText
     msg= MIMEText(subscribe_text % (node, url))
     s = smtplib.SMTP()
@@ -228,20 +178,18 @@
     s.sendmail(sender, [address], msg.as_string())
-    print "Thank you for using Tor Weather.  A confirmation request has been sent to", address + "."
-    #print url
+    print "Thank you for using Tor Weather.  A confirmation request has been sent to ", address + "."
+  def check_email(self, address):
+  "Just check that address is not something fruity"
   # Section 3.4.1 of RFC 2822 is much more liberal than this!
   domain_okay = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\-\.']*")
   local_okay = re.compile("[A-Za-z0-9\-_\.\+]*")
   email_error = None
+  # This is wrong (see http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html)
+  # but it should prevent crazy stuff from being accepted
-  def check_email(self, address):
-    "Just check that address is not something fruity"
-    # This is wrong (see http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pdw/Mail-RFC822-Address.html)
-    # but it should prevent crazy stuff from being accepted
     if len(address) >= 80:
       self.email_error = "We declare this address too long"
       return False

Added: weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/weatherdb.py
--- weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/weatherdb.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ weather/branches/sqlite-unstable/weatherdb.py	2009-02-13 22:43:16 UTC (rev 18534)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
+class DatabaseError(Exception):
+  pass
+def create_database_handle(sqlitedb):
+  try:
+    con = sqlite.connect(database=sqlitedb, timeout=10.0)
+    # We want to autocommit everything
+    con.isolation_level = "None"
+  except:
+    raise DatabaseError
+  return con
+def intialize_database(db):
+  "Initalize the database tables"
+  try:
+    db.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nodes ( 
+                   id integer primary key autoincrement,
+                   fingerprint text,
+                   strikes double not null,
+                   first_seen date,
+                   last_seen date )''')
+    db.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS subscriptions ( 
+                  id integer primary key autoincrement,
+                  fingerprint text, 
+                  email text, 
+                  comment text,
+                  signup_date default current_timestamp,
+                  auth_token text,
+                  query_interval double not null,
+                  confirmed integer not null,
+                  alert_status integer not null )''')
+  except:
+    print "Attempts to initialize the database tables have failed."
+    raise DatabaseError
+def destroy_database(db):
+  "Destroy all data and all tables"
+  try:
+    db.execute('''DROP TABLE nodes''')
+    db.execute('''DROP TABLE subscriptions''')
+  except:
+    print "Attempts to destroy all data and all tables have failed."
+def teardown_database(db):
+    try:
+        db.close()
+    except:
+        "Unable to destroy database connection"
+        raise DatabaseError
+def fetch_node_subscriptions(db, fingerprint):
+  "Return a list of emails subscribed to a given node id"
+  try:
+    subscriptions = db.execute('SELECT email from subscriptions where fingerprint = ?', (fingerprint,))
+    return subscriptions.fetchall()
+  except:
+    raise DatabaseError
+def fetch_nodes(db):
+  "Return a list of all node fingerprints in the database"
+  try:
+    nodes = db.execute('SELECT fingerprint from nodes')
+    return nodes.fetchall()
+  except:
+    raise DatabaseError
+def delete_subscriptions_with_token(db, auth_token):
+  "Delete subscription from database that matches the given auth token"
+  # XXX TODO: Check that the token is valid first, if it's there delete it
+  try:
+    # XXX TODO: Ensure we erase everything related to a given subscription
+    subscriptions = db.execute('DELETE email, node from subscriptions where auth_token = ?', auth_token)
+  except:
+    raise DatabaseError
+  return True
+def fetch_node_subscriptions_with_token(db, auth_token):
+  "Return node id and email for a given auth token"
+  try:
+    subscriptions = db.execute('SELECT email from subscriptions where token = ?', auth_token)
+    return subscriptions.fetchall()
+  except:
+    raise DatabaseError
+def insert_node_subscription(db, fingerprint, email, auth_token):
+  # XXX TODO: Insert subscription into the database, ensure data is cleaned
+  "Insert node, email and token subscription information"
+  try:
+    insertion = db.execute('INSERT nodeid, email, token # TODO', token)
+    return True
+  except:
+    return False
+def add_node(db, fingerprint, strikes=0):
+  # XXX finish this 
+  "Add a node into the database and set it's strike count to zero"
+  try:
+    print "Attempting to add fingerprint: "
+    print fingerprint + " with " + str(strikes) + " number of strikes..."
+    now = datetime.datetime.now()
+    later = datetime.datetime.now()
+    db.execute("INSERT INTO nodes (id, fingerprint, strikes, first_seen, last_seen) values (?,?,?,?,?)", (0, fingerprint, strikes, now, later))
+  except:
+    print "Unable to add node fingerprint to database"
+    raise DatabaseError 
+def increment_node_strike(db, fingerprint):
+  "Increment number of strikes for a given fingerprint by one"
+  try:
+    strikes = db.execute('UPDATE strikes where fingerprint == ?', (fingerprint,))
+  except:
+    raise DatabaseError
+    print "Unable to strike node"
+def fetch_node_strikes(db, fingerprint):
+  "Fetch the number of strikes for a given fingeprint"
+  try:
+    strikes = db.execute('SELECT strikes from nodes where fingerprint=?', (fingerprint,))
+    return strikes.fetchone()
+  except:
+    print "Unable to fetch strikes for fingerprint: %s", fingerprint
+    raise DatabaseError