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[tor-commits] [tor/master] Dropping test_cmdline_args.py

commit 44abbf5ab6b822932e6c4a82d77b57bf98cea499
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Feb 8 20:42:55 2015 -0800

    Dropping test_cmdline_args.py
    Before a couple weeks ago didn't know Tor had these tests, interesting! Stem
    already has tests for spawning tor processes but lacked any with this targeted
    focus on its arguments.
    I've added our own counterpart for these tests. Many are direct copies but
    there were others I improved a little...
    Now that Tor uses Stem to supplement its tests no reason for these to live
    separately. Tested by simply building tor and confirming test_cmdline_args.py
    is no longer in the generated Makefile.
 changes/bug14806              |    3 +
 src/test/include.am           |    2 -
 src/test/test_cmdline_args.py |  311 -----------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 313 deletions(-)

diff --git a/changes/bug14806 b/changes/bug14806
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2e355
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changes/bug14806
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+   o Minor bugfixes (testing):
+       - Commandline argument tests moved to Stem. Fixes bug 14806.
diff --git a/src/test/include.am b/src/test/include.am
index 595be0b..26b51f6 100644
--- a/src/test/include.am
+++ b/src/test/include.am
@@ -152,7 +152,6 @@ src_test_test_bt_cl_CPPFLAGS= $(src_test_AM_CPPFLAGS)
-	$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/src/test/test_cmdline_args.py $(CMDLINE_TEST_TOR) "${top_srcdir}"
 	$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/src/test/ntor_ref.py test-tor
 	$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/src/test/ntor_ref.py self-test
 	./src/test/test-bt-cl assert | $(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/src/test/bt_test.py
@@ -164,5 +163,4 @@ EXTRA_DIST += \
 	src/test/bt_test.py \
 	src/test/ntor_ref.py \
 	src/test/slownacl_curve25519.py \
-	src/test/test_cmdline_args.py \
diff --git a/src/test/test_cmdline_args.py b/src/test/test_cmdline_args.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 5764197..0000000
--- a/src/test/test_cmdline_args.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-import binascii
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-TOR = "./src/or/tor"
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    TOR = sys.argv[1]
-    del sys.argv[1]
-if len(sys.argv) > 1:
-    TOP_SRCDIR = sys.argv[1]
-    del sys.argv[1]
-class UnexpectedSuccess(Exception):
-    pass
-class UnexpectedFailure(Exception):
-    pass
-if sys.version < '3':
-    def b2s(b):
-       return b
-    def s2b(s):
-       return s
-    def NamedTemporaryFile():
-       return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
-    def b2s(b):
-       return str(b, 'ascii')
-    def s2b(s):
-       return s.encode('ascii')
-    def NamedTemporaryFile():
-       return tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w",delete=False,encoding="ascii")
-def contents(fn):
-    f = open(fn)
-    try:
-        return f.read()
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-def run_tor(args, failure=False, stdin=None):
-    kwargs = {}
-    if stdin != None:
-        kwargs['stdin'] = subprocess.PIPE
-    p = subprocess.Popen([TOR] + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs)
-    output, _ = p.communicate(input=stdin)
-    result = p.poll()
-    if result and not failure:
-        raise UnexpectedFailure()
-    elif not result and failure:
-        raise UnexpectedSuccess()
-    return b2s(output.replace('\r\n','\n'))
-def spaceify_fp(fp):
-    for i in range(0, len(fp), 4):
-        yield fp[i:i+4]
-def lines(s):
-    out = s.splitlines()
-    if out and out[-1] == '':
-        del out[-1]
-    return out
-def strip_log_junk(line):
-    m = re.match(r'([^\[]+\[[a-z]*\] *)(.*)', line)
-    if not m:
-        return ""+line
-    return m.group(2).strip()
-def randstring(entropy_bytes):
-    s = os.urandom(entropy_bytes)
-    return b2s(binascii.b2a_hex(s))
-def findLineContaining(lines, s):
-    for ln in lines:
-        if s in ln:
-            return True
-    return False
-class CmdlineTests(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_version(self):
-        out = run_tor(["--version"])
-        self.assertTrue(out.startswith("Tor version "))
-        self.assertEqual(len(lines(out)), 1)
-    def test_quiet(self):
-        out = run_tor(["--quiet", "--quumblebluffin", "1"], failure=True)
-        self.assertEqual(out, "")
-    def test_help(self):
-        out = run_tor(["--help"], failure=False)
-        out2 = run_tor(["-h"], failure=False)
-        self.assertTrue(out.startswith("Copyright (c) 2001"))
-        self.assertTrue(out.endswith(
-            "tor -f <torrc> [args]\n"
-            "See man page for options, or https://www.torproject.org/ for documentation.\n"))
-        self.assertTrue(out == out2)
-    def test_hush(self):
-        torrc = NamedTemporaryFile()
-        torrc.close()
-        try:
-            out = run_tor(["--hush", "-f", torrc.name,
-                           "--quumblebluffin", "1"], failure=True)
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(torrc.name)
-        self.assertEqual(len(lines(out)), 2)
-        ln = [ strip_log_junk(l) for l in lines(out) ]
-        self.assertEqual(ln[0], "Failed to parse/validate config: Unknown option 'quumblebluffin'.  Failing.")
-        self.assertEqual(ln[1], "Reading config failed--see warnings above.")
-    def test_missing_argument(self):
-        out = run_tor(["--hush", "--hash-password"], failure=True)
-        self.assertEqual(len(lines(out)), 2)
-        ln = [ strip_log_junk(l) for l in lines(out) ]
-        self.assertEqual(ln[0], "Command-line option '--hash-password' with no value. Failing.")
-    def test_hash_password(self):
-        out = run_tor(["--hash-password", "woodwose"])
-        result = lines(out)[-1]
-        self.assertEqual(result[:3], "16:")
-        self.assertEqual(len(result), 61)
-        r = binascii.a2b_hex(result[3:])
-        self.assertEqual(len(r), 29)
-        salt, how, hashed = r[:8], r[8], r[9:]
-        self.assertEqual(len(hashed), 20)
-        if type(how) == type("A"):
-          how = ord(how)
-        count = (16 + (how & 15)) << ((how >> 4) + 6)
-        stuff = salt + s2b("woodwose")
-        repetitions = count // len(stuff) + 1
-        inp = stuff * repetitions
-        inp = inp[:count]
-        self.assertEqual(hashlib.sha1(inp).digest(), hashed)
-    def test_digests(self):
-        main_c = os.path.join(TOP_SRCDIR, "src", "or", "main.c")
-        if os.stat(TOR).st_mtime < os.stat(main_c).st_mtime:
-            self.skipTest(TOR+" not up to date")
-        out = run_tor(["--digests"])
-        main_line = [ l for l in lines(out) if l.endswith("/main.c") or l.endswith(" main.c") ]
-        digest, name = main_line[0].split()
-        f = open(main_c, 'rb')
-        actual = hashlib.sha1(f.read()).hexdigest()
-        f.close()
-        self.assertEqual(digest, actual)
-    def test_dump_options(self):
-        default_torrc = NamedTemporaryFile()
-        torrc = NamedTemporaryFile()
-        torrc.write("SocksPort 9999")
-        torrc.close()
-        default_torrc.write("SafeLogging 0")
-        default_torrc.close()
-        out_sh = out_nb = out_fl = None
-        opts = [ "-f", torrc.name,
-                 "--defaults-torrc", default_torrc.name ]
-        try:
-            out_sh = run_tor(["--dump-config", "short"]+opts)
-            out_nb = run_tor(["--dump-config", "non-builtin"]+opts)
-            out_fl = run_tor(["--dump-config", "full"]+opts)
-            out_nr = run_tor(["--dump-config", "bliznert"]+opts,
-                             failure=True)
-            out_verif = run_tor(["--verify-config"]+opts)
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(torrc.name)
-            os.unlink(default_torrc.name)
-        self.assertEqual(len(lines(out_sh)), 2)
-        self.assertTrue(lines(out_sh)[0].startswith("DataDirectory "))
-        self.assertEqual(lines(out_sh)[1:],
-            [ "SocksPort 9999" ])
-        self.assertEqual(len(lines(out_nb)), 2)
-        self.assertEqual(lines(out_nb),
-            [ "SafeLogging 0",
-              "SocksPort 9999" ])
-        out_fl = lines(out_fl)
-        self.assertTrue(len(out_fl) > 100)
-        self.assertTrue("SocksPort 9999" in out_fl)
-        self.assertTrue("SafeLogging 0" in out_fl)
-        self.assertTrue("ClientOnly 0" in out_fl)
-        self.assertTrue(out_verif.endswith("Configuration was valid\n"))
-    def test_list_fingerprint(self):
-        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ttca_')
-        torrc = NamedTemporaryFile()
-        torrc.write("ORPort 9999\n")
-        torrc.write("DataDirectory %s\n"%tmpdir)
-        torrc.write("Nickname tippi")
-        torrc.close()
-        opts = ["-f", torrc.name]
-        try:
-            out = run_tor(["--list-fingerprint"]+opts)
-            fp = contents(os.path.join(tmpdir, "fingerprint"))
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(torrc.name)
-            shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
-        out = lines(out)
-        lastlog = strip_log_junk(out[-2])
-        lastline = out[-1]
-        fp = fp.strip()
-        nn_fp = fp.split()[0]
-        space_fp = " ".join(spaceify_fp(fp.split()[1]))
-        self.assertEqual(lastlog,
-              "Your Tor server's identity key fingerprint is '%s'"%fp)
-        self.assertEqual(lastline, "tippi %s"%space_fp)
-        self.assertEqual(nn_fp, "tippi")
-    def test_list_options(self):
-        out = lines(run_tor(["--list-torrc-options"]))
-        self.assertTrue(len(out)>100)
-        self.assertTrue(out[0] <= 'AccountingMax')
-        self.assertTrue("UseBridges" in out)
-        self.assertTrue("SocksPort" in out)
-    def test_cmdline_args(self):
-        default_torrc = NamedTemporaryFile()
-        torrc = NamedTemporaryFile()
-        contents = ("SocksPort 9999\n"
-                    "SocksPort 9998\n"
-                    "ORPort 9000\n"
-                    "ORPort 9001\n"
-                    "Nickname eleventeen\n"
-                    "ControlPort 9500\n")
-        torrc.write(contents)
-        default_torrc.write("")
-        default_torrc.close()
-        torrc.close()
-        out_sh = out_nb = out_fl = None
-        opts_stdin = [ "-f", "-",
-                       "--defaults-torrc", default_torrc.name,
-                       "--dump-config", "short" ]
-        opts = [ "-f", torrc.name,
-                 "--defaults-torrc", default_torrc.name,
-                 "--dump-config", "short" ]
-        try:
-            out_0 = run_tor(opts_stdin,stdin=contents)
-            out_1 = run_tor(opts)
-            out_2 = run_tor(opts+["+ORPort", "9003",
-                                  "SocksPort", "9090",
-                                  "/ControlPort",
-                                  "/TransPort",
-                                  "+ExtORPort", "9005"])
-        finally:
-            os.unlink(torrc.name)
-            os.unlink(default_torrc.name)
-        out_0 = [ l for l in lines(out_0) if not l.startswith("DataDir") ]
-        out_1 = [ l for l in lines(out_1) if not l.startswith("DataDir") ]
-        out_2 = [ l for l in lines(out_2) if not l.startswith("DataDir") ]
-        self.assertEqual(out_0,
-                          ["ControlPort 9500",
-                           "Nickname eleventeen",
-                           "ORPort 9000",
-                           "ORPort 9001",
-                           "SocksPort 9999",
-                           "SocksPort 9998"])
-        self.assertEqual(out_1,
-                          ["ControlPort 9500",
-                           "Nickname eleventeen",
-                           "ORPort 9000",
-                           "ORPort 9001",
-                           "SocksPort 9999",
-                           "SocksPort 9998"])
-        self.assertEqual(out_2,
-                          ["ExtORPort 9005",
-                           "Nickname eleventeen",
-                           "ORPort 9000",
-                           "ORPort 9001",
-                           "ORPort 9003",
-                           "SocksPort 9090"])
-    def test_missing_torrc(self):
-        fname = "nonexistent_file_"+randstring(8)
-        out = run_tor(["-f", fname, "--verify-config"], failure=True)
-        ln = [ strip_log_junk(l) for l in lines(out) ]
-        self.assertTrue("Unable to open configuration file" in ln[-2])
-        self.assertTrue("Reading config failed" in ln[-1])
-        out = run_tor(["-f", fname, "--verify-config", "--ignore-missing-torrc"])
-        ln = [ strip_log_junk(l) for l in lines(out) ]
-        self.assertTrue(findLineContaining(ln, ", using reasonable defaults"))
-        self.assertTrue("Configuration was valid" in ln[-1])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    unittest.main()

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