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[tor-commits] [translation/donatepages-messagespot] Update translations for donatepages-messagespot
commit 158a2a8c39017c3b8d30f615c4c984af95f69fbd
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed Feb 13 10:15:28 2019 +0000
Update translations for donatepages-messagespot
locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po b/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
index ca1502936..dae3b2203 100644
--- a/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
+++ b/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po
@@ -1449,12 +1449,16 @@ msgid ""
"There are probably other ways to donate anonymously that we haven't thought "
"of-- maybe you will :)"
msgstr ""
+"Probabil cÄ? existÄ? È?i alte modalitÄ?È?i de a dona anonim la care nu ne-am "
+"gândit încÄ?... poate o veÈ?i face dvs. :)"
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:387
msgid ""
"Is the Tor Project required to identify me as a donor to the United States "
"government, or to any other authority?"
msgstr ""
+"Este necesar ca Tor Project sÄ? mÄ? identifice ca donator cÄ?tre guvernul "
+"Statelor Unite sau cÄ?tre oricare altÄ? autoritate?"
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:391
msgid ""
@@ -1462,6 +1466,9 @@ msgid ""
"required to report the donation amount and your name and address (if we have"
" it) to the IRS, on Schedule B of the Form 990, which is filed annually."
msgstr ""
+"DacÄ? donaÈ?i 5.000 $ sau mai mult pentru Tor Project într-un singur an, "
+"suntem obligaÈ?i sÄ? raportÄ?m suma donaÈ?iei È?i numele È?i adresa dvs. (dacÄ? le "
+"avem) cÄ?tre IRS, pe Schema B a Formularului 990, care este depusÄ? anual ."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:393
msgid ""
@@ -1469,44 +1476,57 @@ msgid ""
"from the copy of the 990 that's made publicly-available, and that's what we "
msgstr ""
+"Cu toate acestea, este normal ca organizaÈ?iile nonprofit sÄ? redacteze "
+"informaÈ?ii individuale ale donatorilor din copia documentului 990, care a "
+"devenit disponibil publicului, È?i asta facem."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:395
msgid ""
"We are not required to identify donors to any other organization or "
"authority, and we do not."
msgstr ""
+"Nu suntem obligaÈ?i sÄ? identificÄ?m donatorii oricÄ?rei alte organizaÈ?ii sau "
+"autoritÄ?È?i, È?i nici nu facem acest lucru."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:397
msgid ""
"(Also, if you wanted, you could give us $4,999 in late 2018 and $4,999 in "
"early 2019.)"
msgstr ""
+"(De asemenea, dacÄ? doriÈ?i, aÈ?i putea sÄ? ne daÈ?i 4.999 dolari la sfârÈ?itul "
+"anului 2018 È?i 4.999 dolari la începutul anului 2019.)"
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:403
msgid ""
"In your privacy policy, you say you will never publicly identify me as a "
"donor without my permission."
msgstr ""
+"Ã?n politica dvs. de confidenÈ?ialitate, spuneÈ?i cÄ? niciodatÄ? nu mÄ? veÈ?i "
+"identifica public în calitate de donator fÄ?rÄ? permisiunea mea."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:405
msgid "What does that mean?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Ce înseamnÄ? asta?"
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:409
msgid "Yes, that's right."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Da, aÈ?a e."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:411
msgid ""
"If you donate to the Tor Project, there will be some people at the Tor "
"Project who know about your donation."
msgstr ""
+"DacÄ? faceÈ?i o donaÈ?ie cÄ?tre Tor Project, vor exista persoane de la Tor "
+"Project care È?tiu despre donaÈ?ia dumneavoastrÄ?."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:413
msgid ""
"However, we will never publicly identify you as a donor, unless you have "
"given us permission to do so."
msgstr ""
+"Cu toate acestea, nu vÄ? vom identifica niciodatÄ? în mod public ca donator, "
+"cu excepÈ?ia cazului în care ne-aÈ?i dat permisiunea sÄ? facem acest lucru."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:415
msgid ""
@@ -1514,24 +1534,33 @@ msgid ""
"do anything else that would publicly identify you as someone who has "
msgstr ""
+"Asta înseamnÄ? cÄ? nu vÄ? vom posta numele pe site-ul nostru, nu vÄ? mulÈ?umim pe"
+" Twitter sau nu facem altceva care v-ar putea identifica public ca pe cineva"
+" care a donat."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:417
msgid ""
"If we decide we would like to publicly name you as a donor, we will ask you "
"first, and will not do it until and unless you say it's okay."
msgstr ""
+"DacÄ? decidem cÄ? vrem sÄ? vÄ? numim public în calitate de donator, vÄ? vom "
+"întreba mai întâi È?i o vom face abia dupÄ? ce ne spuneÈ?i cÄ? este în regulÄ?."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:423
msgid ""
"It's important to me that my donation be tax-deductible, but I don't pay "
"taxes in the United States."
msgstr ""
+"Este important pentru mine cÄ? donaÈ?ia mea sÄ? fie deductibilÄ? din punct de "
+"vedere fiscal, dar eu nu plÄ?tesc impozite în Statele Unite."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:427
msgid ""
"Right now, we can only offer tax-deductibility to donors who pay taxes in "
"the United States."
msgstr ""
+"Ã?n prezent, putem oferi deductibilitate fiscalÄ? doar donatorilor care "
+"plÄ?tesc impozite în Statele Unite."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:429
msgid ""
@@ -1539,6 +1568,9 @@ msgid ""
"different country, let us know and we will try to offer tax-deductibility in"
" your country in future."
msgstr ""
+"DacÄ? este important pentru dvs. ca donaÈ?iile dvs. sÄ? fie deductibile în alte"
+" È?Ä?ri, anunÈ?aÈ?i-ne È?i în viitor vom încerca sÄ? oferim deductibilitate "
+"fiscalÄ? în È?ara dvs. "
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:431
msgid ""
@@ -1548,12 +1580,19 @@ msgid ""
"organizations support the Tor network</a> and may be able to offer you tax-"
"deductibility for your donation."
msgstr ""
+"Sau, dacÄ? vÄ? aflaÈ?i în Germania, FranÈ?a sau Suedia, <a class=\"hyperlinks "
+"links\" target=\"_blank\" "
+"href=\"https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#RelayDonations\">aceste "
+"organizaÈ?ii sprijinÄ? reÈ?eaua Tor</a> È?i vÄ? pot oferi deductibilitate fiscalÄ?"
+" pentru donaÈ?ia dvs.."
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:437
msgid ""
"What if I don't want to use credit card or PayPal? Is there another way I "
"can donate?"
msgstr ""
+"DacÄ? nu vreau sÄ? folosesc cardul de credit sau PayPal? ExistÄ? o altÄ? "
+"modalitate prin care pot sÄ? dau?"
#: tmp/cache_locale/4a/4ab2d928dab25aeb8c96bb2d1c2ad651173d6c029f40a442edf6925bfd038cd2.php:441
msgid ""
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