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[tor-commits] [translation/https_everywhere] Update translations for https_everywhere

commit 14b923378860c4a9d03ad17b5f0a785f6dc72ac0
Author: Translation commit bot <translation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Feb 16 01:46:25 2019 +0000

    Update translations for https_everywhere
 ach/https-everywhere.dtd       | 3 ++-
 af/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ar/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ast/https-everywhere.dtd       | 3 ++-
 az/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 be/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 bg/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 bn/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 br/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 bs/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ca/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 cs/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 cy/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 da/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 de/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 el/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 en_GB/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 eo/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 es/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 es_AR/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 es_MX/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 et/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 eu/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 fa/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 fi/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 fr/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 fy/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ga/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 gd/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 gl/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 gu/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 he/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 hi/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 hr/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 hu/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 hy/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 id/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 is/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 it/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ja/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ka/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 kk/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 km/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 kn/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ko/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 lt/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 lv/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 mk/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ml/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 mr/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ms_MY/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 my/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 nb/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ne/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 nl/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 nl_BE/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 nn/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 oc/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 or/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 pa/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 pl/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 pt/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 pt_BR/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 pt_PT/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 ro/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ru/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 si_LK/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 sk/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 sl/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 son/https-everywhere.dtd       | 3 ++-
 sq/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 sr/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 sv/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ta/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 te/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 templates/https-everywhere.dtd | 3 ++-
 th/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 tr/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 uk/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 ur/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 uz/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 vi/https-everywhere.dtd        | 3 ++-
 zh_CN/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 zh_HK/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 zh_TW/https-everywhere.dtd     | 3 ++-
 87 files changed, 174 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ach/https-everywhere.dtd b/ach/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/ach/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ach/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/af/https-everywhere.dtd b/af/https-everywhere.dtd
index b1b0d7e21..a28e3196e 100644
--- a/af/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/af/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/ar/https-everywhere.dtd b/ar/https-everywhere.dtd
index afa764fc9..8fa9827b7 100644
--- a/ar/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ar/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "استعادة اÙ?إعدادات اÙ?اÙ?تراضÙ?Ø©">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "سÙ?عÙ?د Ù?ذا Ù?Ù? Ù?جÙ?Ù?عة Ù?Ù?اعد Ø¥Ù?Ù? حاÙ?تÙ?ا اÙ?Ù?بدئÙ?Ø©. Ù?Ù? ترÙ?د اÙ?Ù?Ù?اصÙ?Ø©Ø?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "Ù?احظ HTTPS Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?اÙ? Ø£Ù?Ù? تÙ?تÙ?Ù? Ø¥Ù?Ù? صÙ?حة بغÙ?ر HTTPSØ? Ù?حاÙ?Ù? Ø£Ù? Ù?رسÙ?Ù? Ø¥Ù?Ù? Ù?سخة HTTPS بدÙ?Ù?ا Ù?Ù? Ø°Ù?Ù?. Ù?سخة HTTPS غÙ?ر Ù?تÙ?Ù?رة. غاÙ?بÙ?ا Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?ع Ù?ا Ù?دعÙ? HTTPSØ? Ù?Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?Ù?Ù? Ø£Ù? Ù?Ù?اجÙ?Ù?ا Ù?حجب Ù?سخة HTTPS. إذا أردت Ø£Ù? تتصÙ?Ø­ اÙ?Ù?سخة غÙ?ر اÙ?Ù?Ø´Ù?رةØ? Ù?ا Ù?زاÙ? بإÙ?Ù?اÙ?Ù? Ø°Ù?Ù? عÙ? طرÙ?Ù? Ø¥Ù?Ù?اÙ? Ø®Ù?ار 'حجب اÙ?Ø·Ù?بات غÙ?ر اÙ?Ù?Ø´Ù?رة' Ù?Ù? إضاÙ?Ø© HTTPS Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?اÙ?. Ù?رجÙ? اÙ?اÙ?تباÙ? Ø¥Ù?Ù? Ø£Ù? Ø¥Ù?Ù?اÙ? Ù?ذا اÙ?Ø®Ù?ار Ù?د Ù?عرض Ù?تصÙ?Ø­Ù? Ø¥Ù?Ù? Ù?جÙ?ات تخÙ?Ù?ض اÙ?Ø­Ù?اÙ?Ø© (downgrade attacks) اÙ?شبÙ?Ù?Ø© Ù?Ù? Ù?Ù?اÙ?ع اÙ?Ù?Ù?ب اÙ?تÙ? تزÙ?رÙ?ا.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "اÙ?Ù?جÙ?ات اÙ?Ù?بÙ?Ù?Ø© عÙ?Ù? أساس Ø®Ù?ض Ù?ستÙ?Ù? اÙ?شبÙ?Ø©">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Ù?Ù?اعد ثابتة">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "اÙ?رض اÙ?اتصاÙ?ات اÙ?Ù?Ø´Ù?رة عÙ?Ù? اÙ?Ù?Ù?اÙ?ع اÙ?تاÙ?Ù?Ø©:">
diff --git a/ast/https-everywhere.dtd b/ast/https-everywhere.dtd
index 88dcc42b0..dfb7292f1 100644
--- a/ast/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ast/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restablecer axustes predeterminaos">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/az/https-everywhere.dtd b/az/https-everywhere.dtd
index b80a943ca..43c7658bd 100644
--- a/az/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/az/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "İlkin Hala Sıfırla">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/be/https-everywhere.dtd b/be/https-everywhere.dtd
index ea1ca1096..1550485c4 100644
--- a/be/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/be/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "СкÑ?нÑ?Ñ?Ñ? да Ñ?Ñ?андаÑ?Ñ?нÑ?Ñ?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Так вÑ? Ñ?кÑ?нÑ?Ñ?е кожнÑ? набоÑ? пÑ?авÑ?лаÑ? да Ñ?Ñ?анÑ? «па змоÑ?Ñ?аннÑ?». Ð?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?гнÑ?Ñ?Ñ??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere звÑ?Ñ?нÑ?ла Ñ?вагÑ?, Ñ?Ñ?о вÑ? пеÑ?айÑ?лÑ? на Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?онкÑ? без HTTPS, Ñ? паÑ?пÑ?абавала даÑ?лаÑ?Ñ? вам веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? HTTPS. Ð?а жалÑ?, веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? HTTPS недаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пнаÑ?. Ð¥Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?й за Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?, гÑ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айÑ? не падÑ?Ñ?Ñ?моÑ?вае HTTPS, але Ñ?акÑ?ама магÑ?Ñ?ма, Ñ?Ñ?о злоÑ?мÑ?Ñ?нÑ?к блакÑ?е веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? HTTPS. Ð?алÑ? вÑ? Ñ?оÑ?аÑ?е паглÑ?дзеÑ?Ñ? незаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аванÑ?Ñ? веÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? гÑ?Ñ?ай Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?онкÑ?, вÑ? можаÑ?е зÑ?абÑ?Ñ?Ñ? гÑ?Ñ?а, адклÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ? «Ð?лакаваÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?е незаÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аванÑ?Ñ? запÑ?Ñ?Ñ?» Ñ? Ñ?ваÑ?м паÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ннÑ? HTTPS Everywhere. Ð?айÑ?е на Ñ?вазе, Ñ?Ñ?о адклÑ?Ñ?Ñ?нне гÑ?Ñ?ай опÑ?Ñ?Ñ? можа зÑ?абÑ?Ñ?Ñ? ваÑ? бÑ?аÑ?зÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?азлÑ?вÑ?м длÑ? Ñ?еÑ?кавÑ?Ñ? аÑ?ак на вÑ?б-Ñ?айÑ?аÑ
 ?, Ñ?кÑ?Ñ? вÑ? наведваеÑ?е.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Ñ?еÑ?кавÑ?Ñ? аÑ?акÑ? панÑ?жÑ?ннÑ?">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "СÑ?абÑ?лÑ?нÑ?Ñ? пÑ?авÑ?лÑ?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Ð?Ñ?Ñ?мÑ?Ñ?овае Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аванне длÑ? гÑ?Ñ?Ñ?Ñ? Ñ?айÑ?аÑ?:">
diff --git a/bg/https-everywhere.dtd b/bg/https-everywhere.dtd
index ed9fdc4cb..9df610c2d 100644
--- a/bg/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/bg/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ð?Ñ?зÑ?Ñ?ановÑ?ване на Ñ?Ñ?андаÑ?Ñ?ниÑ?е">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "УÑ?Ñ?ойÑ?иви пÑ?авила">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Ð?Ñ?инÑ?диÑ?елно кÑ?ипÑ?иÑ?ане пÑ?и Ñ?вÑ?Ñ?званеÑ?о кÑ?м Ñ?ези Ñ?айÑ?ове:">
diff --git a/bn/https-everywhere.dtd b/bn/https-everywhere.dtd
index 39a44db1f..f8583022c 100644
--- a/bn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/bn/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "ডিফল��� রিস�� �র�ন">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "��ি প�রতি�ি নিয়ম স���ি তার ডিফল�� স����� প�নরায় স�� �রব�। �ালিয়� য�ত� �ান?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS দ�বারা সর�বত�র ল��ষ�য �পনি �িল ন�ভি���, ���ি �-HTTPS প�ষ�ঠা, �ব� ��ষ��া �রার �ন�য �পনা�� পাঠাত� HTTPS স�স��রণ পরিবর�ত�. HTTPS স�স��রণ �ন�পলব�ধ. সম�ভবত �� সা���র সমর�থন �র� না, HTTPS দ�বারা, �িন�ত� ��া সম�ভব য� ���ি ���রমণ�ার� ব�ল� �রা হয়, HTTPS স�স��রণ. যদি �পনি �ান �পনি দ��ত� �ন��রিপশনবিহ�ন স�স��রণ �� প�ষ�ঠায় �পনি ��ন� �রত� পার�ন না, তা� নিষ���রিয় দ�বারা 'ব�ল� সব �ন��র
 িপশনবিহ�ন �ন�র�ধ' বি�ল�প �পনার HTTPS সর�বত�র ���স��নশন. য� স��তন হত� হব� �� বি�ল�প�ি ���ষম �রত� পার� �পনার ব�রা��ার প�রবন, ন���য়ার��-ভিত�তি� ডা�ন��র�ড �পর হামলা, �পনি যান �য়�বসা���র.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ন���য়ার��-ভিত�তি� ডা�ন��র�ড হামলা">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "স�থিতিশ�ল নিয়ম">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�� �য়�বসা����লিত� �ন��রিপ��  স�য�� �াল� �র�ন:">
diff --git a/br/https-everywhere.dtd b/br/https-everywhere.dtd
index bad68131a..f2aadc0ca 100644
--- a/br/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/br/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/bs/https-everywhere.dtd b/bs/https-everywhere.dtd
index b2866058e..3823e923b 100644
--- a/bs/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/bs/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/ca/https-everywhere.dtd b/ca/https-everywhere.dtd
index 3394c23d3..f25d14bbc 100644
--- a/ca/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ca/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Torna a les opcions per defecte">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Això reiniciarà cada conjunt de regles al seu estil per defecte. Voleu continuar?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "L'HTTPS Everywhere ha detectat que esteu navegant cap a una pàgina NO HTTPS i ha intentat redirigir-vos cap a la versió HTTPS. La versió HTTPS no està disponible. Segurament aquest lloc web no és accessible via HTTPS, però també és possible que hi hagi un atacant bloquejant la versió HTTPS. Si voleu veure la versió NO xifrada d'aquesta pàgina, podeu fer-ho desactivant l'opció «Bloqueja totes les peticions no xifrades» a l'extensió HTTPS Everywhere. Tingueu en compte que desactivar aquesta opció pot fer vulnerable el navegador a atacs de degradació basats en xarxa als llocs web que visiteu.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "atacs de degradació basats en xarxa">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Normes estables.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Força les connexions encriptades per als llocs web següents:">
diff --git a/cs/https-everywhere.dtd b/cs/https-everywhere.dtd
index 0fb814c9b..651148aca 100644
--- a/cs/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/cs/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Obnovit výchozí nastavení">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Toto obnoví každou sadu pravidel do jejího výchozího stavu. PokraÄ?ovat?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere si vÅ¡imlo pÅ?echodu na stránku bez HTTPS a pokusilo se zaslat namísto toho HTTPS verzi. Verze s HTTPS je nedostupná. Tato stránka pravdÄ?podobnÄ? HTTPS nepodporuje nebo je útoÄ?ník blokuje HTTPS. Pokud chcete zobrazit neÅ¡ifrovanou verzi této stránky, vypnÄ?te v nastavení rozšíÅ?ení HTTPS Everywhere volbu &quot;Blokovat vÅ¡echny neÅ¡ifrované požadavky&quot;. MÄ?jte prosím na pamÄ?ti, že vypnutím bude váš prohlížeÄ? zranitelný vůÄ?i síťovým degradaÄ?ním útokům na stránkách, které navÅ¡tívíte.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "síťový degradaÄ?ní útok">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilní pravidla">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Vynutit šifrovaná spojení pro tyto stránky:">
diff --git a/cy/https-everywhere.dtd b/cy/https-everywhere.dtd
index cb1e5356f..7b0e35f52 100644
--- a/cy/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/cy/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ailosod i'r ddiofynnau">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/da/https-everywhere.dtd b/da/https-everywhere.dtd
index d28432ea3..4511f8071 100644
--- a/da/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/da/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Nulstil til standardindstillinger">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Dette vil nulstille hvert regelsæt til dets standardtilstand. Fortsæt?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere bemærkede at du navigerede til en side som ikke bruger HTTPS, og prøvede i stedet at sende dig til HTTPS-versionen. HTTPS-versionen er ikke tilgængelig. Stedet understøtter højst sandsynligt ikke HTTPS, men der er også mulighed for at en angriber blokerer HTTPS-versionen. Hvis du ønsker at vise den ukrypterede version af siden, så kan du stadig gøre det ved at deaktivere 'Bloker alle ukrypterede forespørgsler'-valgmuligheden i din HTTPS Everywhere-udvidelse. Vær opmærksom på at deaktivering af valgmuligheden kan gøre din browser sårbar overfor netværksbaserede nedgraderingsangreb på de websteder du besøger.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "netværksbaserede nedgraderingsangreb">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabile regler">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Sørg for at forbindelserne krypteres til følgende websteder:">
diff --git a/de/https-everywhere.dtd b/de/https-everywhere.dtd
index cb2b6b57c..50928cb62 100644
--- a/de/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/de/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Auf Standardeinstellungen zurücksetzen">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Dies wird jeden Regelsatz auf seinen Standardzustand zurücksetzen. Fortfahren?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere hat festgestellt, dass Sie auf eine nicht-HTTPS-Seite navigieren möchten, und hat versucht, Ihnen stattdessen die HTTPS-Version zu senden. Die HTTPS-Version ist nicht verfügbar. Wahrscheinlich unterstützt diese Seite kein HTTPS, es ist aber auch möglich, dass ein Angreifer die HTTPS-Version blockiert. Falls Sie die nicht verschlüsselte Version dieser Seite ansehen möchten, können Sie dass immer noch tun, indem Sie die Option &quot;Alle unverschlüsselten Anforderungen blockieren&quot; in Ihrer HTTPS Everywhere Extension deaktivieren. Nehmen Sie bitte zur Kenntnis, dass die Deaktivierung dieser Option Ihren Browser für Netzwerk-basierende Downgrade Attacks auf von Ihnen besuchten Internetseiten angreifbar macht.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Netzwerk-basierende Downgrade Attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Funktionierende Regeln">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Erzwingen Sie eine verschlüsselte Verbindung zu diesen Webseiten:">
diff --git a/el/https-everywhere.dtd b/el/https-everywhere.dtd
index fdd9ffbd0..d47d5000a 100644
--- a/el/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/el/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Î?Ï?αναÏ?οÏ?ά Ï?Ï?οεÏ?ιλογÏ?ν">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Î?Ï?Ï?Ï? θα εÏ?αναÏ?έÏ?ει Ï?λα Ï?α Ï?Ï?νολα κανÏ?νÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ην αÏ?Ï?ική Ï?οÏ?Ï? καÏ?άÏ?Ï?αÏ?η. ΣÏ?νεÏ?ίζοÏ?με;">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "Το HTTPS Everywhere Ï?αÏ?αÏ?ήÏ?ηÏ?ε Ï?Ï?ι βÏ?ιÏ?κÏ?Ï?αÏ?Ï?αν Ï?ε μια μη-HTTPS Ï?ελίδα και Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?άθηÏ?ε να Ï?αÏ? μεÏ?αÏ?έÏ?ει Ï?Ï?ην έκδοÏ?η HTTPS. Î? έκδοÏ?η HTTPS δεν είναι διαθέÏ?ιμη. ΠιθανÏ?Ï?αÏ?α ο Ï?Ï?γκεκÏ?ιμένοÏ? ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?οÏ?οÏ? δεν Ï?Ï?οÏ?Ï?ηÏ?ίζει HTTPS, αλλά είναι εÏ?ίÏ?ηÏ? Ï?ιθανÏ? έναÏ? ειÏ?βολέαÏ? να αÏ?οκλείει Ï?ην έκδοÏ?η HTTPS. Î?ν θέλεÏ?ε να δείÏ?ε Ï?ην μη κÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?ογÏ?αÏ?ημένη έκδοÏ?η αÏ?Ï?ήÏ? Ï?ηÏ? Ï?ελίδαÏ?, μÏ?οÏ?είÏ?ε να Ï?ο κάνεÏ?ε αÏ?ενεÏ?γοÏ?οιÏ?νÏ?αÏ? Ï?ην εÏ?ιλογή &quot;Î?Ï?οκλειÏ?μÏ?Ï? Ï?λÏ?ν Ï?Ï?ν μη-κÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?ογÏ?αÏ?ημένÏ?ν αιÏ?ήÏ?εÏ?ν&quot; Ï?Ï?ην εÏ?έκÏ?αÏ?η HTTPS Everywhere. Î?άβεÏ?ε Ï?Ï?Ï?Ï?η Ï?Ï?ι η αÏ?ενεÏ?γοÏ?οίηÏ?η αÏ?Ï?ήÏ? Ï?ηÏ? 
 εÏ?ιλογήÏ? θα μÏ?οÏ?οÏ?Ï?ε να κάνει Ï?ον Ï?εÏ?ιηγηÏ?ή Ï?αÏ? εÏ?άλÏ?Ï?ο Ï?ε εÏ?ιθέÏ?ειÏ? Ï?Ï?οβάθμιÏ?ηÏ? Ï?ε ιÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?οÏ?οÏ?Ï? Ï?οÏ? εÏ?ιÏ?κέÏ?Ï?εÏ?Ï?ε.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "εÏ?ιθέÏ?ειÏ? Ï?Ï?οβάθμιÏ?ηÏ? βαÏ?ιÏ?μένεÏ? Ï?Ï?ο δίκÏ?Ï?ο">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "ΣÏ?αθεÏ?οί κανÏ?νεÏ? ">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Î?ξαναγκαÏ?μένη κÏ?Ï?Ï?Ï?ογÏ?αÏ?ημένη Ï?Ï?νδεÏ?η με αÏ?Ï?έÏ? Ï?ιÏ? Ï?ελίδεÏ?:">
diff --git a/en_GB/https-everywhere.dtd b/en_GB/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/en_GB/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/en_GB/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/eo/https-everywhere.dtd b/eo/https-everywhere.dtd
index aed9455bc..ae9282431 100644
--- a/eo/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/eo/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "ReÅ?argi al aprioraj">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Tio Ä?i agordos Ä?iun regulon al implicita stato. Ä?u pluigi?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS-Ä?ie rimarkis, ke vi vizitis retpaÄ?on sen HTTPS kaj provis sendi vin al retpaÄ?o kun HTTPS, sed la versio kun HTTPS estas nedisponebla. Probable tiu Ä?i retejo ne subtenas HTTPS, tamen ankaÅ­ eblas, ke iu atakanto blokas aliron al HTTPS. Por viziti neÄ?ifritan version de tiu Ä?i retpaÄ?o, malaktivigu la agordon â??bloki Ä?iujn neÄ?ifritajn petojnâ?? de etendaĵo HTTPS-Ä?ie. Estu singarda, Ä?ar malaktivigo de tiu Ä?i agordo igas vian retumilon atakebla al â??ret-bazaj malpromociaj atakojâ?? («downgrade attack») Ä?e vizitataj retejoj.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ret-bazaj malpromociaj atakoj">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilaj reguloj">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Devigi Ä?ifritan konekton al tiuj retejoj">
diff --git a/es/https-everywhere.dtd b/es/https-everywhere.dtd
index 5bb36d2f7..cef242c18 100644
--- a/es/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/es/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restablecer configuraciones predeterminadas">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Esto reseteará cada conjunto de reglas a su estado predeterminado. ¿Continuar? ">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere (HTTPS en todos lados) ha detectado que estabas navegando en un sitio que no admite HTTPS y ha intentado enviarte a la versión HTTPS en su lugar. La versión HTTPS no se encuentra disponible. Es probable que este sitio no soporte HTTPS. También es posible que un atacante este bloqueando la versión HTTPS. Si deseas ver la versión sin encriptar de esta página, puedes hacerlo deshabilitando la opción &quot;Bloquear todas las peticiones no cifradas&quot; en la extensión HTTPS Everywhere. Recuerda que deshabilitar esto podría hacer que tu navegador sea vulnerable a ataques de red en páginas que visites.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ataques de baja intensidad basados en la red">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Reglas estables">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forzar conexiones cifradas a estos sitios web:">
diff --git a/es_AR/https-everywhere.dtd b/es_AR/https-everywhere.dtd
index 39160ed15..c05baa005 100644
--- a/es_AR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/es_AR/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restablecer valores predeterminados">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Esto restablecerá cada conjunto de reglas a su estado por defecto. ¿Continuar?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere notó que estuviste navegando hacia una página no HTTPS, y en cambio trató de enviarte a la versión HTTPS. La versión HTTPS no está disponible. Muy probablemente, este sitio no soporta HTTPS, pero también es posible que un atacante esté bloqueando la versión HTTPS. Si deseás ver la versión no encriptada de ésta página, aún podés hacerlo desabilitando la opción &quot;Bloquear todas las requisiciones no encriptadas&quot; en tu extensión HTTPS Everywhere. Quedás advertido que deshabilitando ésta opción puede hacer a tu navegador vulnerable a ataques remotos de degradación de servicio en sitios web que visites.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ataques remotos de degradación de servicio">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Reglas estables ">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forzar conexiones encriptadas a estos sitios web:">
diff --git a/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd b/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd
index 418cfc984..9218dfde2 100644
--- a/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/es_CL/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar predeterminados">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/es_MX/https-everywhere.dtd b/es_MX/https-everywhere.dtd
index 1b04fcd3c..93a0a9134 100644
--- a/es_MX/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/es_MX/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar a Valores Predeterminados">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Reglas Estables">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "A fuerza utilizar conexiones encriptado para estas sitios de web">
diff --git a/et/https-everywhere.dtd b/et/https-everywhere.dtd
index e6d9117b2..298dfa9da 100644
--- a/et/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/et/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Taasta algseaded">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "See taastab iga reeglistiku algseaded. Jätkate?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Kõikjal avastas, et Te navigeerisite mitte-HTTPS lehele ning proovis Teid suunata selle asemel HTTPS-versioonile. HTTPS-versioon pole saadaval. Tõenäoliselt see veebileht ei toeta HTTPS'i, ent on ka võimalik, et ründaja blokeerib selle HTTPS-versiooni. Kui soovite vaadata selle lehe krüpteerimata versiooni, võite seda siiski teha, keelates valiku &quot;Blokeeri kõik krüpteerimata taotlused&quot; oma HTTPS Kõikjal laienduses. Pange tähele, et selle valiku keelamine võib muuta teie brauseri külastatavatel lehtedel haavatavaks võrgupõhistele madaldusrünnetele.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "võrgupõhised madaldusründed">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabiilsed reeglid">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Sunni kasutama krüpteeritud ühendust nende veebilehtedega:">
diff --git a/eu/https-everywhere.dtd b/eu/https-everywhere.dtd
index d8f422b7c..560044333 100644
--- a/eu/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/eu/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Lehenetsiak berrezarri">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Honek arau-multzo bakoitza bere egoera lehenetsira berrasieratuko du. Jarraitu?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Arau egonkorrak">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Behartu konexio enkriptatuak webgune hauetan:">
diff --git a/fa/https-everywhere.dtd b/fa/https-everywhere.dtd
index ca185a002..2976d4a96 100644
--- a/fa/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/fa/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "بازÙ?شاÙ?Û? بÙ? Ù¾Û?Ø´Ù?رض">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "اÛ?Ù? Ù?جÙ?Ù?عÙ? دستÙ?ر عÙ?Ù? Ù?ا را بÙ? Ù?ضعÛ?ت Ù¾Û?Ø´ Ù?رض تÙ?ظÛ?Ù? Ù?جدد Ø®Ù?اÙ?د کرد. اداÙ?Ù? Ù?Û? دÙ?Û?دØ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS در Ù?Ù?Ù? جا Ù?تÙ?جÙ? شدÙ? است Ú©Ù? Ø´Ù?ا در حاÙ? Ù?رÙ?د بÙ? Û?Ú© صÙ?Ø­Ù? بدÙ?Ù? HTTPS Ù?ستÛ?دØ? Ù? تÙ?اش کرد تا در عÙ?ض Ø´Ù?ا را بÙ? Ù?سخÙ? HTTPS Ø¢Ù? بÙ?رستد. Ù?سخÙ? HTTPS در دسترس Ù?Û?ست. بÙ? احتÙ?اÙ? زÛ?اد اÛ?Ù? ساÛ?ت Ù?سخÙ? HTTPS را پشتÛ?باÙ?Û? Ù?Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?دØ? اÙ?ا Ù?Ù?Ú?Ù?Û?Ù? اÛ?Ù? اÙ?کاÙ? Ù?جÙ?د دارد Ú©Ù? Û?Ú© Ù?Ù?اجÙ? در حاÙ? Ù?سدÙ?د کردÙ? Ù?سخÙ? HTTPS است. اگر تÙ?اÛ?Ù? دارÛ?د Ú©Ù? Ú©Ù? Ù?سخÙ?â??Û? رÙ?ز Ù?شدÙ? اÛ?Ù? صÙ?Ø­Ù? را ببÛ?Ù?Û?دØ? Ù?Û? تÙ?اÙ?Û?د اÛ?Ù? کار را با غÛ?ر Ù?عاÙ? کردÙ? گزÛ?Ù?Ù? «Ù?سدÙ?د کردÙ? تÙ?اÙ? درخÙ?است Ù?اÛ? رÙ?ز Ù?شدÙ?» در اÙ?زÙ?Ù?Ù? HTTPS در Ù?Ù?Ù? جا اÙ?جاÙ? دÙ?Û?د. تÙ?جÙ? داشتÙ? باشÛ?د Ú©Ù? غÛ?رÙ?عاÙ? کردÙ? اÛ?Ù? گزÛ?Ù?Ù? Ù?Û?â??تÙ?اÙ?د Ù?رÙ?رگرتاÙ? را در Ù?Ù?ابÙ? Ø­Ù
 ?Ù?ات کاÙ?Ù?دÙ? Ù?بتÙ?Û? بÙ? شبکÙ? بر رÙ?Û? Ù?بساÛ?تÛ? Ú©Ù? دÛ?دÙ? Ù?Û?â??Ú©Ù?Û?د آسÛ?بâ??پذÛ?ر Ú©Ù?د.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Ø­Ù?Ù?ات کاÙ?Ù?دÙ? Ù?بتÙ?Û? بÙ? شبکÙ?">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Ù?Ù?اÙ?Û?Ù? پاÛ?دار">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "اتصاÙ?ات رÙ?زگذارÛ? براÛ? اÛ?Ù? Ù?بگاÙ? Ù?ا را اجبارÛ? Ú©Ù? :">
diff --git a/fi/https-everywhere.dtd b/fi/https-everywhere.dtd
index 814223259..7c6ace8a8 100644
--- a/fi/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/fi/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Palauta oletusarvoihin">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Tämä palauttaa kaikki sääntöjoukot niiden oletusarvoihin. Jatketaanko?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Vakaat käytännöt">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Pakota salatut yhteydet näihin nettisivustoihin:">
diff --git a/fr/https-everywhere.dtd b/fr/https-everywhere.dtd
index 3a6a67dbe..440a45969 100644
--- a/fr/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/fr/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Réinitialiser aux paramètres par défaut">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Chaque ensemble de règles sera réinitialisé à son état par défaut. Poursuivreâ???">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS partout a remarqué que vous naviguiez vers une page non-HTTPS et a tenté de vous envoyer la version HTTPS. La version HTTPS nâ??est pas proposée. Ce site ne prend probablement pas HTTPS en charge, mais il est aussi possible quâ??un assaillant bloque la version HTTPS. Si vous souhaitez visualiser la version non chiffrée de cette page, vous pouvez quand même le faire en désactivant lâ??option « Bloquer toutes les requêtes non chiffrées » dans votre extension HTTPS partout. Sachez que la désactivation de cette option peut rendre votre navigateur vulnérable aux attaques de rétrograde réseau contre les sites Web que vous visitez.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "attaques de rétrograde réseau">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Règles stables">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forcer des connexions chiffrées vers ces sites Web :">
diff --git a/fy/https-everywhere.dtd b/fy/https-everywhere.dtd
index 5908427ba..6fc4c9fc9 100644
--- a/fy/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/fy/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Standertwearden ferfarskje">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/ga/https-everywhere.dtd b/ga/https-everywhere.dtd
index 27c77ca29..a0cd9a5d1 100644
--- a/ga/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ga/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Fill ar Réamhshocruithe">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Fillfidh gach tacar rialacha ar a réamhshocrú. An bhfuil tú cinnte?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "Thug HTTPS Everywhere faoi deara go raibh tú ag iarraidh cuairt a thabhairt ar leathanach gan HTTPS, agus rinne sé iarracht an leagan HTTPS a sheoladh chugat ina áit, ach theip air toisc nach bhfuil an leagan HTTPS ar fáil. Is dócha nach dtacaíonn an suíomh seo le HTTPS, ach d'fhéadfadh sé gur chuir ionsaitheoir cosc ar an leagan HTTPS. Más mian leat an leagan neamhchriptithe den leathanach seo a fháil, is féidir leat é sin a dhéanamh trí 'Cuir cosc ar gach iarratas neamhchriptithe' a mhúchadh sa mbreiseán HTTPS Everywhere. Má mhúchann tú an rogha seo, b'fhurasta ionsaí íosghrádaithe a dhéanamh ort ar na suímh Ghréasáin a dtugann tú cuairt orthu.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ionsaithe íosghrádaithe ar an líonra">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Rialacha cobhsaí">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Fórsáil ceangal criptithe leis na suímh seo:">
diff --git a/gd/https-everywhere.dtd b/gd/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/gd/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/gd/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/gl/https-everywhere.dtd b/gl/https-everywhere.dtd
index de40bf0f2..8fabcbbfa 100644
--- a/gl/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/gl/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restablecer a Valores por Defecto">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/gu/https-everywhere.dtd b/gu/https-everywhere.dtd
index 5016d7512..c694110b0 100644
--- a/gu/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/gu/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/he/https-everywhere.dtd b/he/https-everywhere.dtd
index e19957804..b2ee6ac30 100644
--- a/he/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/he/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "×?פס ×?×?ר×?ר×?ת ×?×?×?×?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "×?×? ×?×?פס ×¢×? ×?ער×?ת ×?×?×?×?×? ×?×?צ×? ×?ר×?רת ×?×?×?×?×? ש×?×?. ×?×?×?ש×?×??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere ×?×?×?×?×? שנ×?×?×?×?ת ×?×? ×¢×?×?×? ×?×?ת×? HTTPS, ×?× ×?ס×? ×?ש×?×?×? ×?×?×?×? ×?רסת HTTPS ×?×?ק×?×?. ×?רסת HTTPS ×?×?ת×? ×?×?×?× ×?. קר×?×? ×?×?×?×?×?×? ש×?תר ×?×? ×?×?× ×? ת×?×?×? ×?Ö¾HTTPS, ×?×?×? ×?×?ת×?×? שת×?קף ×?×?ס×? ×?ת ×?רסת ×?Ö¾HTTPS. ×?×? ×?ת×? ר×?צ×? ×?ר×?×?ת ×?ת ×?×?רס×? ×?×?×?ת×? ×?×?צפנת ש×? ×¢×?×?×? ×?×?, ×?ת×? ×?×?×?×? ×¢×?×?×? ×?עש×?ת ×?×?ת ×¢&quot;×? ×?ש×?תת ×?×?פשר×?ת '×?ס×?×? ×?ת ×?×? ×?×?קש×?ת ×?×?×?ת×? ×?×?צפנ×?ת' ×?×?ר×?×?×? HTTPS Everywhere ש×?×?. ×?×?×?×? ×?×?×?×¢ ש×?ש×?תת ×?פשר×?ת ×?×? עש×?×?×? ×?×?פ×?×? ×?ת ×?×?פ×?פ×? ש×?×? ×?פ×?×?×¢ ×?×? ×?תקפ×?ת שנ×?×?×? ×?×?×?סס×?ת־רשת ×?×?תר×?×? ×?×?×? ×?ת×? ×?×?קר.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "×?תקפ×?ת שנ×?×?×? ×?×?×?סס×?ת־רשת">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "×?×?×?×?×? ×?צ×?×?×?×?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description ":×?×?×¥ ×?×?×?×?ר×?×? ×?×?צפנ×?×? ×?×? ×?תר×?×? ×?×?×?">
diff --git a/hi/https-everywhere.dtd b/hi/https-everywhere.dtd
index 59417b040..4174cd46b 100644
--- a/hi/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/hi/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "डिफ़�ल�� पर र�स�� �र��">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "यह प�रत�य�� नियमस�� �� �पन� डिफ़�ल�� स�थिति म�� र�स�� �र द��ा। �ार� र�ना �ाहत� ह��?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS हर ��ह न� ध�यान दिया �ि �प �� ��र-HTTPS प�ष�ठ पर न�वि��� �र रह� थ�, �र �स�� ब�ाय �प�� HTTPS स�स��रण म�� भ��न� �� ��शिश ��। HTTPS स�स��रण �न�पलब�ध ह�। �धि�तर यह सा�� HTTPS �ा समर�थन नह�� �रत� ह�, ल��िन यह भ� स�भव ह� �ि �� हमलावर HTTPS स�स��रण �� �वर�द�ध �र रहा ह�। यदि �प �स प�ष�ठ �� �न�न���रिप���ड स�स��रण �� द��ना �ाहत� ह��, त� भ� �प �पन� HTTPS हर ��ह ���स���शन म�� 'सभ� �न�न���रिप���
 ड �न�र�ध�� �� �वर�धित �र��' वि�ल�प �� ���षम �र�� �सा �र स�त� ह��। ध�यान र��� �ि �स वि�ल�प �� ���षम �रन� स� �प�ा ब�रा��़र �प�� द�वारा द��� �ान� वाल� व�बसा���� पर न��वर��-�धारित डा�न��र�ड हमल�� �� लि� �म��र ह� स�ता ह�।">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "न��वर�� �धारित डा�न��र�ड हमल�">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "स�थिर नियम">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�न व�बसा���� पर �न���रिप�� �ि� �� �न���शन�� �� बल द��:">
diff --git a/hr/https-everywhere.dtd b/hr/https-everywhere.dtd
index 4359332d7..6aa1c7c3c 100644
--- a/hr/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/hr/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Poništi na zadano">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ovo Ä?e obnoviti svaki ruleset na svoje zadano stanje. Nastavi?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Svuda je uoÄ?io da ste se kretali prema stranici koja nije HTTPS i pokuÅ¡ao vas je poslati na HTTPS verziju. HTTPS verzija nije dostupna. Najvjerojatnije stranica ne podržava HTTPS, ali je moguÄ?e i da napadaÄ? blokira HTTPS verziju. Ako želite pogledati ne-kriptiranu verziju ove stranice, onemoguÄ?ite 'Blokiraj sve ne-kriptirane zahtjeve' u VaÅ¡em HTTPS Svuda dodatku. Imajte na umu da onemoguÄ?avanje ove opcije VaÅ¡ preglednik može biti ranjiv na napade na mrežu unazaÄ?enjem na stranicama koje posjetite.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "napadi na mrežu unazaÄ?enjem">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilna pravila">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forsiraj enkriptirane veze na sljedeÄ?e stranice:">
diff --git a/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd b/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
index 127f08a84..ce9b9944e 100644
--- a/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/hr_HR/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
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 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ovo Ä?e obnoviti svaki skup pravila na svoje zadano stanje. Nastavi?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Pravila stabilnosti">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Prisili enkriptirane veze s ovim stranicama:">
diff --git a/hu/https-everywhere.dtd b/hu/https-everywhere.dtd
index 7db5e8e9a..cb799e2f0 100644
--- a/hu/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/hu/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
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 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ez minden szabálybeállítást visszaállít az alapértelmezett értékre. Folytatja?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "A HTTPS Everywhere úgy észlelte, hogy egy nem-HTTPS oldalra navigált, és megpróbálta elküldeni a HTTPS verziót inkább helyette. A HTTPS verzió nem elérhetÅ?. Leginkább úgy tűnik, hogy ez az oldal nem támogatja a HTTPS-t, de az is elképzelhetÅ?, hogy egy támadó blokkolja a HTTPS verzió elérését. Ha szeretné megnézni a titkosítatlan verzióját az oldalnak, továbbra is megteheti a 'Minden titkosítatlan kérés blokkolása' opció kikapcsolásával a HTTPS Everywhere bÅ?vítményben. Figyeljen arra, hogy ennek az opciónak a kikapcsolásával a böngészÅ?t sérülékennyé teszi a hálózati bázisú lefokozó támadásokkal szemben a weboldalakon, amit látogat.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "hálózati bázisú lefokozó támadás">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabil szabályok">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Titkosított kapcsolatok kényszerítése ezekhez a weboldalakhoz:">
diff --git a/hy/https-everywhere.dtd b/hy/https-everywhere.dtd
index 4637054f7..4afc4f51a 100644
--- a/hy/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/hy/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
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 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Ô¿Õ¡ÕµÕ¸Ö?Õ¶ Õ¯Õ¡Õ¶Õ¸Õ¶Õ¶Õ¥Ö?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Õ?Õ¿Õ«ÕºÕ¥Õ¬ Õ¯Õ¸Õ¤Õ¡Õ¾Õ¸Ö?Õ¾Õ¡Õ® Õ´Õ«Õ¡Ö?Õ¸Ö?Õ´ Õ¡ÕµÕ½ Õ¯Õ¡ÕµÖ?Õ¥Ö?Õ«Õ¶.">
diff --git a/id/https-everywhere.dtd b/id/https-everywhere.dtd
index 3e5bab5a3..efa64488a 100644
--- a/id/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/id/https-everywhere.dtd
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 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Kembalikan ke Bawaan">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Setiap set aturan akan diatur ulang ke setelan bawaan. Lanjutkan?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere mendeteksi Anda membuka halaman non-HTTPS dan mengirimkan versi HTTPS-nya kepada Anda. Jika versi HTTPS tidak tersedia, kemungkinan situsnya tidak mendukung HTTPS. Jika Anda menginginkan versi halaman ini yang tanpa enkripsi., Anda bisa mendapatkannya dengan menonaktifkan opsi 'Block all unencrypted requests' di ekstensi tambahan HTTPS Everywhere. Perhatian karena mematikan posi ini membuat peramban Anda rentan dengan serangan downgrade berdasarkan-jaringan yang dilakukan situs web yang Anda kunjungi.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "serangan downgrade berdasarkan-jaringan">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Aturan stabil">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Paksa koneksi terenkripsi untuk situs ini:">
diff --git a/is/https-everywhere.dtd b/is/https-everywhere.dtd
index 0e208ac37..51aebd86f 100644
--- a/is/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/is/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
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 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "�etta mun frumstilla hvert reglusett á sjálfgefin gildi þess. Halda áfram?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS-allsstaðar tók eftir að þú varst að fara á síðu sem ekki notar HTTPS, og reyndi því að senda þig í staðinn á HTTPS útgáfu síðunnar. HTTPS útgáfan er ekki aðgengileg. Líklega styður þetta vefsvæði ekki HTTPS, en það er líka inni í myndinni að einhver þrjótur sé að hindra aðganginn að HTTPS útgáfunni. Ef þú vilt samt sjá ódulritaða útgáfu síðunnar, geturðu gert það með því að velja 'Loka á allar ódulritaðar beiðnir' í HTTPS-allsstaðar viðaukanum. Hafðu samt í huga að með því að gera þennan valkost óvirkan gæti vafrinn þinn orðið aðgengilegur fyrir netkerfistengdar niðurfærsluárásir á vefsvæðum sem þú skoðar.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "netkerfistengdar niðurfærsluárásir">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stöðugar reglur">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�vinga dulritaðar tengingar við þessi vefsvæði:">
diff --git a/it/https-everywhere.dtd b/it/https-everywhere.dtd
index 2f91e36c1..b2bdbdde7 100644
--- a/it/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/it/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ripristina la configurazione predefinita">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ciò reimposterà ogni regola al suo stato predefinito. Continuare?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere ha notato che stavi navigando in una pagina non-HTTPS, che tentava invece di portarti alla versione HTTPS. La versione HTTPS non è disponibile. Probabilmente questo sito non supporta HTTPS, ma è anche possibile che un aggressore stia bloccando la versione HTTPS. Se vuoi visualizzare la versione non cifrata di questa pagina, puoi farlo disattivando l'opzione 'Blocca tutte le richieste in chiaro' nell'estensione HTTPS Everywhere. Fai attenzione che disattivando questa opzione potrebbe rendere il tuo browser vulnerabile ad attacchi di declassamento della rete nei siti che visiti.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "attacchi di declassamento della rete">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Regole stabil">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forza connessione criptate a questi siti:">
diff --git a/ja/https-everywhere.dtd b/ja/https-everywhere.dtd
index bd0f1d8dc..28e59e242 100644
--- a/ja/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ja/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
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 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "å®?å®?ç??ã?«ã?¼ã?«">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "以ä¸?ã?®ã?µã?¤ã??ã?§æ??å?·å??ã??ã??ã??æ?¥ç¶?ã?®ã?¿ã??å?©ç?¨ã??ã??ï¼?">
diff --git a/ka/https-everywhere.dtd b/ka/https-everywhere.dtd
index 67992ec64..7f19b4c2a 100644
--- a/ka/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ka/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "á??á??á??á?£á??á??á?¡á?®á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á?¦á??á??á??á??á??">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "á?¨á??á??á??á??á??á??, á??á??á??á??á??á?£á??á?? á??á??á?? á?¬á??á?¡á?? á??á??á??á? á?£á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á?£á??á??á?¡á?®á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á?¨á??. á??á?¡á?£á? á??, á??á??á??á??á??á? á?«á??á???">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere-á??á?? á?¨á??á??á??á?©á??á??á??, á? á??á?? á??á?¥á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á?? HTTPS-á??á?¡ á??á? á??á?¥á??á??á?? á??á??á??á? á??á??á?? á??á?? á??á?§á?? HTTPS-á??á??á? á?¡á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á?ªá??á??á??á??á??á??. HTTPS-á??á??á? á?¡á??á?? á??á??á?£á?¬á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??. á?©á??á??á?£á??á??á??á? á??á??, á??á?¡ á??á??á?¨á??á??á??á?¡ á? á??á?? á?¡á??á??á?¢á??á?? á??á? á??á?? á??á?®á??á? á??á??á?­á??á? á??á??á?? HTTPS, á??á?£á??á?ªá?? á??á?¡á??á??á?? á?¨á??á?¡á??á?«á??á??á??á??á??á??á??, á? á??á?? á?¨á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á?? á?¨á??á??á?¦á?£á??á?? HTTPS-á??á??á? á?¡á??á??. á??á?£ á??á?¡á?£á? á?? á??á?®á??á??á??á?? á??á?? á??á??á??á? á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?£á?¨á??á?¤á? á??á??á?? á??á??á? á?¡á??á??, á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?ª á?¨á??á??á??á?«á??á??á??á?? â??á?§á??á??á??á?? á??á??á?£á?¨á??á?¤á? á??á??á?? á??á??á??á?®á??á??á??á??á?¡ á?¨á??á??
 á?¦á?£á??á??á??á?¡â?? á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á?? HTTPS Everywhere-á??á?¡ á??á??á?¤á??á? á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??. á??á?£á??á?ªá?? á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á?¬á??á??á??á??, á? á??á?? á??á?? á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¢á? á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á? á??á??á??á?¡ á?¨á??á??á??á??á??á??, á?¨á??á?¡á??á?«á??á??á?? á??á?¥á??á??á??á?? á??á? á??á?£á??á??á? á?? á??á??á?£á?ªá??á??á??á?? á??á??á?®á??á??á?¡ á?¨á??á?¢á??á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á?? á?¥á?¡á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?«á??á??á??á??á??á?£á??á?? á??á? á??á?¢á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á?§á??á??á??á??á??á??, á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á??á??á?®á?£á??á??á??á??á?¡á??á?¡.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "á?¨á??á?¢á??á??á??á??á?? á?¥á?¡á??á??á??á?¡ á??á??á?«á??á??á??á??á??á?£á??á?? á??á? á??á?¢á??á??á??á??á??á??á??á?¡ á?¡á??á?¨á?£á??á??á??á??á??á??">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "á??á??á??á? á??á??á?? á?¬á??á?¡á??á??á??">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "á??á??á?¨á??á?¤á? á?£á??á?? á??á??á??á?¨á??á? á??á?¡ á?«á??á??á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á??á??á?? á??á??á??á??á?§á??á??á??á??á??, á??á?? á??á??á??á?¡á??á??á?¢á??á??á??á??:">
diff --git a/kk/https-everywhere.dtd b/kk/https-everywhere.dtd
index 797d9650b..81b6cf771 100644
--- a/kk/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/kk/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/km/https-everywhere.dtd b/km/https-everywhere.dtd
index 2c4907acf..8c69810cf 100644
--- a/km/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/km/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "á??á??á??á??á??â??á??á??â??á??á??á??á?¶á??á??á?¾á??â??á?¡á?¾á??â??á??á?·á??">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/kn/https-everywhere.dtd b/kn/https-everywhere.dtd
index e93feccc0..5a767af0f 100644
--- a/kn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/kn/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/ko/https-everywhere.dtd b/ko/https-everywhere.dtd
index 2fe37f5a8..a7247ae66 100644
--- a/ko/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ko/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "기본ê°?ì?¼ë¡? ë?¤ì?? ì?¤ì ?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "ê·?ì¹?ì?´ 기본ê°?ì?¼ë¡? ì´?기í??ë?©ë??ë?¤. ê³?ì??í??ì??ê² ì?µë??ê¹??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhereë?? ì?¬ì?©ì??ê°? HTTPS ì??ë?? í??ì?´ì§?를 ì?´ë??í??ë?? ê²?ì?? 깨ë?«ì??ê³  ë??ì? ì?? HTTPS ë²?ì ?ì?? ì ?ì?¡í?´ ë´¤ì?µë??ë?¤. HTTPS ë²?ì ?ì?´ ì?´ì?©í?  ì?? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ì??ë§? ì?´ ì?¬ì?´í?¸ë?? HTTPSê°? ì§?ì??í??ì§? ì??ì?µë??ë?¤. ê·¸ë??ë?? ê°?í?´ì??ë?? HTTPS ë²?ì ?ì?? ì°¨ë?¨í??ê³  ì??ë?? ê²?ë?? ê°?ë?¥í?©ë??ë?¤. ì?´ í??ì?´ì§?ì?? ì??í?¸í??ë??ì§? ì??ì?? ë²?ì ?ì?? 보려면 HTTPS Everywhere í??ì?¥ 기ë?¥ì??ì?? 'ì??í?¸í??ë??ì§? ì??ì?? 모ë?  ì??ì²­ ì°¨ë?¨'ì?´ë?¼ë?? ì?µì??ì?? ë¹?í??ì?±í??ë?? ê°?ë?¥í?©ë??ë?¤. ê·¸ ì?µì??ì?? ë¹?í??ì?±í??í??ë©´ ì?´ë??í??ë?? ì?¹ì?¬ì?´í?¸ì?? ë¸?ë?¼ì?°ì ?ê°? ë?¤í?¸ì??í?¬ 기ë°? ë?¤ì?´ê·¸ë ?ì?´ë??ë¡? 공격ì?´ ì·¨ì?½í?  ì??ë?? ì??ë?? ê²?ì?? ì??ì??í??ì?­ì??ì?¤.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ë?¤í?¸ì??í?¬ 기ë°? ë?¤ì?´ê·¸ë ?ì?´ë??ë¡? 공격">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable, ì??ì ?ë?? ê·?ì¹?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "ë?¤ì?? ì?¬ì?´í?¸ì?? ì ?ì??ì?? ê°?ì ? ì??í?¸í??:">
diff --git a/lt/https-everywhere.dtd b/lt/https-everywhere.dtd
index 770fd0e53..7f7846fba 100644
--- a/lt/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/lt/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Atstatyti numatytas">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Tai perkraus visus taisyklių rinkinius į jų pirminÄ? bÅ«senÄ?. TÄ?sti?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Pastovios taisyklÄ?s">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Priverstinis prisijungimų šifravimas į šiuos tinklalapius:">
diff --git a/lv/https-everywhere.dtd b/lv/https-everywhere.dtd
index 04e24c44f..9f4607a85 100644
--- a/lv/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/lv/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "AtiestatÄ«t uz noklusÄ?juma vÄ?rtÄ«bÄ?m">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilas kÄ?rtulas">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Uzspiest Å¡ifrÄ?tus savienojumus ar Å¡Ä«m tÄ«mekļa vietnÄ?m.">
diff --git a/mk/https-everywhere.dtd b/mk/https-everywhere.dtd
index 44071c5b6..41b5056ae 100644
--- a/mk/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/mk/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ð?Ñ?аÑ?и на поÑ?еÑ?ни вÑ?едноÑ?Ñ?и / диÑ?олÑ?.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ð?ва повÑ?оÑ?но Ñ?е го Ñ?Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ва Ñ?екоÑ? Ñ?еÑ? на пÑ?авила на неговаÑ?а поÑ?еÑ?на Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ба. Ð?Ñ?одолжÑ?ваÑ?е?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Ð?аÑ?екаде ве поÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ?ва дека пÑ?елиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ?е на не-HTTPS веб Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ана, и намеÑ?Ñ?о Ñ?оа Ñ?е обидÑ?ва ве иÑ?пÑ?аÑ?и на неÑ?зинаÑ?а HTTPS веÑ?зиÑ?а. HTTPS веÑ?зиÑ?аÑ?а е недоÑ?Ñ?апна. Ð?аÑ?веÑ?оÑ?аÑ?но оваа веб Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ана не подÑ?жÑ?ва HTTPS, но иÑ?Ñ?о Ñ?ака е можно напаÑ?аÑ? да Ñ?а блокиÑ?а HTTPS веÑ?зиÑ?аÑ?а. Ð?ко Ñ?акаÑ?е да Ñ?а видиÑ?е неенкÑ?ипÑ?иÑ?анаÑ?а веÑ?зиÑ?а на оваа веб Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ана, Ñ?е Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?е можеÑ?е да го напÑ?авиÑ?е Ñ?оа Ñ?о оневозможÑ?ваÑ?е на опÑ?иÑ?аÑ?а на 'Ð?локиÑ?аÑ? ги Ñ?иÑ?е неенкÑ?ипÑ?иÑ?ани баÑ?аÑ?а' во ова HTTPS Ð?аÑ?екаде пÑ?оÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?е. Ð?маÑ?Ñ?е во пÑ?едвид дека оневозможÑ?ваÑ?еÑ?о на оваа оÐ
 ¿Ñ?иÑ?а може да го напÑ?ави ваÑ?иоÑ? пÑ?елиÑ?Ñ?Ñ?ваÑ? Ñ?анлив на мÑ?ежно-базиÑ?ани дегÑ?адиÑ?аÑ?ки напади на веб Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?е кои ги поÑ?еÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?е.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "мÑ?ежно-базиÑ?ани дегÑ?адиÑ?аÑ?ки напади">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "СÑ?абилни пÑ?авила">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Ð?Ñ?иÑ?или енкÑ?ипÑ?иÑ?ани повÑ?зÑ?ваÑ?а до овие веб Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?ани:">
diff --git a/ml/https-everywhere.dtd b/ml/https-everywhere.dtd
index 08e43ae47..1bf978bca 100644
--- a/ml/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ml/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/mr/https-everywhere.dtd b/mr/https-everywhere.dtd
index f0b60c889..a66ba9ed8 100644
--- a/mr/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/mr/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "ड�फ�ल�� र�स�� �रा">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/ms_MY/https-everywhere.dtd b/ms_MY/https-everywhere.dtd
index 5060c42f0..569780268 100644
--- a/ms_MY/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ms_MY/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Tetapan Semula ke Lalai">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Tindakan ini akan menetap semula setiap set peraturan ke keadaan lalainya. Mahu teruskan?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Peraturan Stabil">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Paksa sambungan tersulit ke laman sesawang ini:">
diff --git a/my/https-everywhere.dtd b/my/https-everywhere.dtd
index 7caf62ae1..b28a382d1 100644
--- a/my/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/my/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/nb/https-everywhere.dtd b/nb/https-everywhere.dtd
index 087ad78d9..e6da710ad 100644
--- a/nb/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/nb/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Tilbakestill til forvalg">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Dette vil tilbakestille hver regelsett til standardstatus. Fortsette?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere har merket at du navigerte til en ikke-HTTPS-side, og prøvde å sende deg til HTTPS-versjonen i stedet. HTTPS-versjonen er utilgjengelig. Sannsynligvis støtter dette nettstedet ikke HTTPS, men det er også mulig at en angriper blokkerer HTTPS-versjonen. Hvis du ønsker å se den ukrypterte versjonen av denne siden, kan du fortsatt gjøre det ved å deaktivere alternativet &quot;Blokker alle ukrypterte forespørsler&quot; i HTTPS overalt-utvidelsen. Vær oppmerksom på at deaktivering av dette alternativet kan gjøre nettleseren din sårbar for nettverksbaserte nedgraderingsangrep på nettsteder du besøker.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "nettverksbaserte nedgraderingsangrep">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabile regler">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Tving krypterte forbindelser til disse nettstedene:">
diff --git a/ne/https-everywhere.dtd b/ne/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/ne/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ne/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/nl/https-everywhere.dtd b/nl/https-everywhere.dtd
index 1c4088945..b5482a5fc 100644
--- a/nl/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/nl/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Standaardwaarden herstellen">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Dit zet alle regelsets terug naar hun standaardstatus. Doorgaan?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere heeft gemerkt dat u naar een niet-HTTPS-pagina bent genavigeerd, en heeft geprobeerd u in plaats daarvan naar de HTTPS-versie te sturen. De HTTPS-versie is niet beschikbaar. Waarschijnlijk ondersteunt deze website geen HTTPS, maar het is ook mogelijk dat een aanvaller de HTTPS-versie blokkeert. Als u de niet-versleutelde versie van deze pagina wilt bekijken, kunt u dat alsnog doen door de optie â??Alle niet-versleutelde aanvragen blokkerenâ?? in uw HTTPS Everywhere-extensie uit te schakelen. Bedenk wel dat het uitschakelen van deze optie uw browser kwetsbaar kan maken voor op netwerk gebaseerde downgrade-aanvallen op websites die u bezoekt.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "op netwerk gebaseerde downgrade-aanvallen">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabiele regels">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Versleutelde verbindingen afdwingen voor deze websites:">
diff --git a/nl_BE/https-everywhere.dtd b/nl_BE/https-everywhere.dtd
index b04c418d3..a41f026e8 100644
--- a/nl_BE/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/nl_BE/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Terugzetten naar Standaard Instellingen">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabiele regels">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forceer geëncrypteerde verbindingen naar deze websites:">
diff --git a/nn/https-everywhere.dtd b/nn/https-everywhere.dtd
index 98bd89f83..56a38151a 100644
--- a/nn/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/nn/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Still tilbake til standard">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Støduge reglar">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Tving krypterte tilkoplingar åt desse nettstadane:">
diff --git a/oc/https-everywhere.dtd b/oc/https-everywhere.dtd
index 60f5c3e35..f3b0b3057 100644
--- a/oc/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/oc/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/or/https-everywhere.dtd b/or/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/or/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/or/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/pa/https-everywhere.dtd b/pa/https-everywhere.dtd
index b3c7d00fa..659219473 100644
--- a/pa/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/pa/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "ਮ�ਲ ਮ��-ਸ��ਰ �ਰ�">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "ਸਥਿਰ ਨਿਯਮ">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/pl/https-everywhere.dtd b/pl/https-everywhere.dtd
index 83cc7fa38..54acb83f7 100644
--- a/pl/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/pl/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "PrzywróÄ? ustawienia fabryczne">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "To zresetuje każdy zestaw reguÅ? do jego domyÅ?lnego stanu. KontynuowaÄ??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere zauważyÅ?o że nawigujesz do strony bez HTTPS i próbowaÅ?o wysÅ?aÄ? Ci wersje HTTPS. Wersja HTTPS jest niedostÄ?pna. Najprawdopodobniej ta strona nie wspiera HTTPS, lecz jest też możliwe że atakujÄ?cy blokuje wersjÄ? HTTPS. JeÅ?li chcesz pomimo to wyÅ?wietliÄ? niezaszyfrowanÄ? wersjÄ? tej strony, możesz to nadal zrobiÄ? przez wyÅ?Ä?czenie opcji 'Blokuj wszystkie nieszyfrowane próby poÅ?Ä?czenia' w rozszerzeniu HTTPS Everywhere. BÄ?dź Å?wiadom że wyÅ?Ä?czenie tej opcji może uczyniÄ? twojÄ? przeglÄ?darkÄ? podatnÄ? na sieciowe ataki downgrade na stronach które odwiedzasz.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "sieciowe ataki downgrade">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "ReguÅ?y stabilne">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Wymuszaj szyfrowane poÅ?Ä?czenie do tych stron internetowych:">
diff --git a/pt/https-everywhere.dtd b/pt/https-everywhere.dtd
index c4f5534f0..98408f886 100644
--- a/pt/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/pt/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar Predefinições">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Isto irá repor cada conjunto de regras para o seu estado predefinido. Continuar?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere notou que estava a navegar para uma página não HTTPS e tentou enviá-lo para a versão HTTPS. A versão HTTPS não está disponível. O mais provável é que este site não suporte HTTPS, mas também é possível que um invasor esteja a bloquear a versão HTTPS. Se desejar visualizar a versão não encriptada desta página, ainda poderá desativá-la, desativando a opção 'Bloquear todas os pedidos não encriptados' na sua extensão HTTPS Everywhere. Esteja ciente de que desativar esta opção pode deixar o seu navegador vulnerável a ataques de passar para uma versão anterior baseados na rede nos sites da Web que visita.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ataques de passar para uma versão anterior baseados em rede">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Regras estáveis">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forçar ligações encriptadas para estes sites da Web;">
diff --git a/pt_BR/https-everywhere.dtd b/pt_BR/https-everywhere.dtd
index a58cb4b9d..3cfb4e82e 100644
--- a/pt_BR/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/pt_BR/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar as configurações padrão">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Isso colocará cada conjunto de regras de volta ao seu estado inicial. Deseja continuar?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "O HTTPS Everywhere percebeu que você estava navegando para uma página não HTTPS e tentou enviar você para a versão HTTPS. A versão HTTPS não está disponível. O mais provável é que este site não suporte HTTPS, mas também é possível que um invasor esteja bloqueando a versão HTTPS. Se você desejar visualizar a versão não criptografada desta página, ainda poderá desativá-la desativando a opção &quot;Bloquear todas as solicitações não criptografadas&quot; na sua extensão HTTPS Everywhere. Esteja ciente de que desativar essa opção pode deixar seu navegador vulnerável a ataques de downgrade com base na rede nos sites que você visita.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Ataques inferiores e básico de rede">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Regras estáveis">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forçar conexões criptografadas para estes sites:">
diff --git a/pt_PT/https-everywhere.dtd b/pt_PT/https-everywhere.dtd
index ddc61f575..6bb04ec91 100644
--- a/pt_PT/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/pt_PT/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Restaurar Predefinições">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Isto irá repor cada conjunto de regras para o seu estado original. Continuar?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "O HTTPS Everywhere notou que estava a navegar para uma página não-HTTPS e tentou enviá-lo para a versão HTTPS. A versão HTTPS não está disponível. O mais provável é que este site não suporte HTTPS, mas também é possível que um invasor esteja a bloquear a versão HTTPS. Se desejar visualizar a versão não encriptada desta página, ainda poderá desativá-la, desativando a opção 'Bloquear todos os pedidos não encriptados' na sua extensão HTTPS Everywhere. Esteja ciente de que desativar esta opção pode tornar o seu navegador vulnerável a ataques nos sites da Web que visita.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ataques de passar para uma versão anterior baseados em rede">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Regras estáveis">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forçar ligações encriptadas para estes sites da web:">
diff --git a/ro/https-everywhere.dtd b/ro/https-everywhere.dtd
index bc1791fe7..75515cf56 100644
--- a/ro/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ro/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Revino la setÄ?rile iniÈ?iale">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Toate seturile de reguli vor fi aduse la starea iniÈ?ialÄ?. ContinuaÈ?i?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Oriunde a observat ca ai navigat pe o paginÄ? fÄ?rÄ? HTTPS, È?i în schimb a încercat sÄ? te trimitÄ? la versiunea HTTPS. Versiunea HTTPS nu este disponibilÄ?. Cel mai probabil acest site nu suportÄ? HTTPS, dar este posibil de asemenea ca un atacator sÄ? blocheze versiunea HTTPS. DacÄ? doreÈ?ti sa vizitezi versiunea necriptatÄ? a acestei pagini, o poÅ£i face prin dezactivarea opÅ£iunii 'BlocheazÄ? toate cererile necriptate' in extensia HTTPS Oriunde. Dezactivarea acestei opÅ£iuni îţi poate face navigatorul vulnerabil împotriva atacurilor de degradare bazate pe reÅ£ea.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "Atacuri de degradare bazate pe reÈ?ea">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Reguli stabile">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Pentru aceste pagini se folosesc obligatoriu conexiuni criptate:">
diff --git a/ru/https-everywhere.dtd b/ru/https-everywhere.dtd
index 13f6b4741..038a31cd9 100644
--- a/ru/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ru/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ð?о Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "ЭÑ?о дейÑ?Ñ?вие Ñ?бÑ?оÑ?иÑ? каждÑ?й набоÑ? пÑ?авил в Ñ?оÑ?Ñ?оÑ?ние по Ñ?молÑ?аниÑ?. Ð?Ñ?одолжиÑ?Ñ??">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere замеÑ?ила, Ñ?Ñ?о вÑ? пеÑ?еÑ?ли на Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?, оÑ?лиÑ?нÑ?Ñ? оÑ? HTTPS, и попÑ?Ñ?алиÑ?Ñ? оÑ?пÑ?авиÑ?Ñ? вам веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? HTTPS. Ð?еÑ?Ñ?иÑ? HTTPS недоÑ?Ñ?Ñ?пна. СкоÑ?ее вÑ?его, Ñ?Ñ?оÑ? Ñ?айÑ? не поддеÑ?живаеÑ? HTTPS, но Ñ?акже возможно, Ñ?Ñ?о злоÑ?мÑ?Ñ?ленник блокиÑ?Ñ?еÑ? веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? HTTPS. Ð?Ñ?ли вÑ? Ñ?оÑ?иÑ?е пÑ?оÑ?моÑ?Ñ?еÑ?Ñ? незаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ованнÑ?Ñ? веÑ?Ñ?иÑ? Ñ?Ñ?ой Ñ?Ñ?Ñ?аниÑ?Ñ?, вÑ? вÑ?е Ñ?авно можеÑ?е Ñ?делаÑ?Ñ? Ñ?Ñ?о, оÑ?клÑ?Ñ?ив паÑ?амеÑ?Ñ? «Ð?локиÑ?оваÑ?Ñ? вÑ?е незаÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ованнÑ?е запÑ?оÑ?Ñ?» в Ñ?воем Ñ?аÑ?Ñ?иÑ?ении HTTPS Everywhere. Ð?мейÑ?е в видÑ?, Ñ?Ñ?о оÑ?клÑ?Ñ?ение Ñ?Ñ?ой опÑ?ии можеÑ? Ñ?делаÑ?Ñ? ваÑ? бÑ?аÑ?зеÑ? Ñ?Ñ?звимÑ?м длÑ? Ñ?еÑ?евÑ?Ñ? аÑ?ак на веб-
 Ñ?айÑ?аÑ?, коÑ?оÑ?Ñ?е вÑ? поÑ?еÑ?аеÑ?е.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "аÑ?ака понижениÑ? Ñ?Ñ?овнÑ? безопаÑ?ноÑ?Ñ?и Ñ?еÑ?и">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "СÑ?абилÑ?нÑ?е пÑ?авила">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Ð?Ñ?инÑ?диÑ?елÑ?ное Ñ?иÑ?Ñ?ование на Ñ?Ñ?иÑ? Ñ?айÑ?аÑ?:">
diff --git a/si_LK/https-everywhere.dtd b/si_LK/https-everywhere.dtd
index 906efda1d..ceefb91b9 100644
--- a/si_LK/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/si_LK/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "යථ� තත��යට පත� �රන�න">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/sk/https-everywhere.dtd b/sk/https-everywhere.dtd
index 848808869..3e84c63fb 100644
--- a/sk/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/sk/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Obnoviť predvolené">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilné pravidlá">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Vynútiť šifrované spojenie pre tieto webové stránky:">
diff --git a/sl/https-everywhere.dtd b/sl/https-everywhere.dtd
index e7b190f95..0195a2119 100644
--- a/sl/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/sl/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Ponastavi na privzeto">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/son/https-everywhere.dtd b/son/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/son/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/son/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/sq/https-everywhere.dtd b/sq/https-everywhere.dtd
index b487d5775..b7d256400 100644
--- a/sq/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/sq/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Rivendoseni në Parazgjedhje">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Rregulla të qëndrueshme">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Lidhje të shifruara paraprakisht me këto webfaqe:">
diff --git a/sr/https-everywhere.dtd b/sr/https-everywhere.dtd
index 205acf50a..df37d692b 100644
--- a/sr/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/sr/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Vrati na UobiÄ?ajeno">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Ovo Ä?e resetovati svaki set pravila na njegovo uobiÄ?ajeno stanje. Nastaviti?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabilna pravila">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Forsiraj enkriptovane konekcije sa ovim veb sajtovima:">
diff --git a/sv/https-everywhere.dtd b/sv/https-everywhere.dtd
index 07a8b2430..323a50b2d 100644
--- a/sv/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/sv/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "�terställ till standardvärden">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Detta återställer varje regel till dess standardvärde. Fortsätta?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere märkte att du navigerade till en icke-HTTPS-webbplats och försökte skicka dig till HTTPS-versionen i stället. HTTPS-versionen är inte tillgänglig. Mest sannolikt stöder inte denna webbplats HTTPS, men det är också möjligt att en angripare blockerar HTTPS-versionen. Om du vill visa den okrypterade versionen av denna webbplats kan du fortfarande göra det genom att inaktivera alternativet &quot;Blockera alla okrypterade förfrågningar&quot; i ditt HTTPS Everywhere-tillägg. Var medveten om att inaktivering av det här alternativet kan göra din webbläsare utsatt för nätverksbaserade nedgraderingsangrepp på webbplatser du besöker.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "nätverksbaserade nedgraderingsattacker">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stabila regler">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Tvinga krypterade anslutningar till dessa websidor:">
diff --git a/ta/https-everywhere.dtd b/ta/https-everywhere.dtd
index 44053a7b9..e2e09ce1e 100644
--- a/ta/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ta/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "�யல�ப�நில����� ம����ம�">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "நில�யான விதி�ள�">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�ந�த வல�தள���ள����� ��றிய��ா��� �ண�ப�ப��ள����� நிர�பந�தி:">
diff --git a/te/https-everywhere.dtd b/te/https-everywhere.dtd
index 55e042b53..003c3702b 100644
--- a/te/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/te/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/templates/https-everywhere.dtd b/templates/https-everywhere.dtd
index 06566073d..c98a6671e 100644
--- a/templates/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/templates/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/th/https-everywhere.dtd b/th/https-everywhere.dtd
index 2c844d2b8..ec0cea93c 100644
--- a/th/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/th/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "ล�า��ลั�������า�ั�����">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "���ส�ียร">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�ั��ั�����าร��ื�อม��อ�ี����ารหัสลั��ั��ว�������หล�า�ี�:">
diff --git a/tr/https-everywhere.dtd b/tr/https-everywhere.dtd
index 19603739c..5b73e3e17 100644
--- a/tr/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/tr/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Varsayılanları Yükle">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Bu iÅ?lem tüm kural kümelerini varsayılan duruma sıfırlar. Devam edilsin mi?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere, HTTPS kullanmadan baktıÄ?ınız bir sayfanın size HTTPS sürümünü göndermeye çalıÅ?tıÄ?ını algıladı. HTTPS sürüm kullanılamıyor. Genellikle bu durum sitenin HTTPS desteklemediÄ?i anlamına gelir ancak bir saldırgan sitenin HTTPS sürümünü engelliyor da olabilir. Bu sayfanın Å?ifrelenmemiÅ? sürümünü görüntülemek istiyorsanız, HTTPS Everywhere eklentisinin ayarlarından 'Å?ifrelenmemiÅ? istekler engellensin' seçeneÄ?ini devre dıÅ?ı bırakabilirsiniz. Bu seçeneÄ?i devre dıÅ?ı bıraktıÄ?ınızda web tarayıcınızın ziyaret ettiÄ?iniz web sitelerinden gelebilecek aÄ? temelli düÅ?ürme saldırılarına karÅ?ı açık olabileceÄ?ini unutmayın.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "aÄ? temelli düÅ?ürme saldırıları">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Kararlı Kurallar">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Å?u web sitelerine Å?ifreli baÄ?lantı dayatılsın:">
diff --git a/uk/https-everywhere.dtd b/uk/https-everywhere.dtd
index 41429a08a..d0d4e49aa 100644
--- a/uk/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/uk/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "СкинÑ?Ñ?и до Ñ?иповиÑ?">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Це повеÑ?не кожен набÑ?Ñ? пÑ?авил до Ñ?Ñ?анÑ? за вмовÑ?аннÑ?м. Ð?Ñ?одовжиÑ?и?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "СÑ?абÑ?лÑ?нÑ? пÑ?авила">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Ð?Ñ?имÑ?Ñ?ово Ñ?Ñ?воÑ?Ñ?ваÑ?и заÑ?иÑ?Ñ?ованÑ? з'Ñ?даннÑ? до Ñ?иÑ? веб-Ñ?айÑ?Ñ?в: ">
diff --git a/ur/https-everywhere.dtd b/ur/https-everywhere.dtd
index 80678e3cf..1855b0f11 100644
--- a/ur/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/ur/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/uz/https-everywhere.dtd b/uz/https-everywhere.dtd
index 2c4bee045..7d6c7231e 100644
--- a/uz/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/uz/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Reset to Defaults">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "Stable rules">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "Force encrypted connections to these websites:">
diff --git a/vi/https-everywhere.dtd b/vi/https-everywhere.dtd
index bf697dc4f..887428785 100644
--- a/vi/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/vi/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "Khôi phục vêÌ? Mặc Ä?á»?nh">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "Viá»?c này sẽ Ä?ặt lại toàn bá»? tập luật vá»? trạng thái mặc Ä?á»?nh. Tiếp tục chứ?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "CaÌ?c quy tÄ?Ì?c ôÌ?n Ä?iÌ£nh">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "EÌ?p buộc maÌ? hoÌ?a caÌ?c kêÌ?t nôÌ?i Ä?êÌ?n caÌ?c trang web naÌ?y:">
diff --git a/zh_CN/https-everywhere.dtd b/zh_CN/https-everywhere.dtd
index 2edc6ad42..fcbf38dc2 100644
--- a/zh_CN/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/zh_CN/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "é??置为é»?认å?¼">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "é??ç½®å°?ä¼?让è§?å??é??å??å?°é»?认ç?¶æ??ã??æ?¯å?¦ç»§ç»­ï¼?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhereæ??é??æ?¨æ­£å?¨è®¿é?®æ?ªä½¿ç?¨HTTPSå??è®®ç??ç??é?¢ï¼?并å°?è¯?é??ç?¨HTTPS代æ?¿ä¸?å®?å?¨ç??HTTP访é?®ã??æ­¤ç??é?¢ä¸?æ?¯æ??HTTPSå??è®®ï¼?æ??å?¯è?½æ?¯æ­¤ç??é?¢æ?ªæ?¾æ??ä¾?HTTPS访é?®ï¼?ä½?ä¹?æ??å?¯è?½æ?¯æ?¥è?ªæ?»å?»è??ç??æ?¶æ??è¡?为ã??å¦?æ??æ?¨å¸?æ??继续访é?®æ?ªç»?å? å¯?ç??ç??é?¢ï¼?请ç¦?ç?¨æ?©å±?é??ç??â??å±?è?½æ??æ??æ?ªæ?¾å? å¯?ç??访é?®â??ç??é??项ã??请注æ??ï¼?ç¦?ç?¨æ­¤é??项æ??å?¯è?½ä¼?使æ?¨ç??æµ?è§?å?¨æ??å??å?°ç½?ç»?é??级æ?»å?»ã??">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "ç½?ç»?é??级æ?»å?»">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "稳å®?è§?å??">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "强�对���������">
diff --git a/zh_HK/https-everywhere.dtd b/zh_HK/https-everywhere.dtd
index 9ceefc656..1d9cd8992 100644
--- a/zh_HK/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/zh_HK/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults "å??å?°é ?設">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "This will reset each ruleset to its default state. Continue?">
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Block all unencrypted requests' option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "network-based downgrade attacks">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "ç©©å®?è¦?å??">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "�以�網�強�使������">
diff --git a/zh_TW/https-everywhere.dtd b/zh_TW/https-everywhere.dtd
index 44ce1db38..72f726156 100644
--- a/zh_TW/https-everywhere.dtd
+++ b/zh_TW/https-everywhere.dtd
@@ -34,8 +34,9 @@
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.prefs.reset_defaults_message "å°?æ??é??設æ¯?å??æ¢?件è?³é ?設å?¼ã??
-<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere å?¨æ­¤æ??é??æ?¨ç?±æ?¼å?¨ç??覧é??å? å¯?網é ?ï¼?æ??以試è??幫æ?¨å??æ??å?°å? å¯?網é ?ã??å¦?æ??ç?¡æ³?æ??å??å??æ??ï¼?表示此網ç«?ä¸?æ?¯æ?´å? å¯?ç??æ?¬ï¼?ä½?ä¹?å?¯è?½è¡¨ç¤ºæ??駭客é?»æ??æ?¨å??æ??å?°å? å¯?網é ?ã??å¦?æ??æ?¨å¸?æ??ç??覧é??å? å¯?網é ?ï¼?æ?¨å?¯ä»¥ä¾?ç?¶å?¯ä»¥å?¨  HTTPS Everywhere é??é?? 'Block all unencrypted requests' é?¸é ?ã??ä½?è«?注æ??ï¼?é??é??æ­¤é?¸é ?表示æ?¨ç??ç??覧å?¨å°?è??æ?¼å?±é?ªç??æ??ï¼?è??ä¸?ç?¶ç??覧網ç«?æ??ï¼?容æ??被é??ç??æ?»æ??ã??">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_explainer "HTTPS Everywhere noticed you were navigating to a non-HTTPS page, and tried to send you to the HTTPS version instead. The HTTPS version is unavailable. Most likely this site does not support HTTPS, but it is also possible that an attacker is blocking the HTTPS version. If you wish to view the unencrypted version of this page, you can still do so by disabling the 'Encrypt All Sites Eligible' (EASE) option in your HTTPS Everywhere extension. Be aware that disabling this option could make your browser vulnerable to network-based downgrade attacks on websites you visit.">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.he_blocking_network "å?ºæ?¼ç¶²è·¯ç??é??ç´?æ?»æ??">
+<!ENTITY https-everywhere.cancel.open_page "Open insecure page">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules "ç©©å®?ç??è¦?å??">
 <!ENTITY https-everywhere.chrome.stable_rules_description "è??ä¸?å??網ç«?建ç«?å¼·å?¶å? å¯?ç??é?£ç·?ï¼?">

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