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[or-cvs] r21411: {torflow} Add code to dump stats on ratios for guard, middle, and exit (torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners)
Author: mikeperry
Date: 2010-01-14 01:40:57 +0000 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010)
New Revision: 21411
Add code to dump stats on ratios for guard, middle, and exit
Modified: torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/statsplitter.py
--- torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/statsplitter.py 2010-01-13 21:42:38 UTC (rev 21410)
+++ torflow/trunk/NetworkScanners/statsplitter.py 2010-01-14 01:40:57 UTC (rev 21411)
@@ -11,8 +11,11 @@
from TorCtl.PathSupport import *
import atexit
-TorUtil.loglevel = "INFO"
+TorUtil.loglevel = "WARN"
+# TODO:
+# Print ratios of All, Guard, Mid, Exit and Guard+Exit nodes
+# - Print Num < 1, Num >= 1, avg < 1, avg >= 1, and avg for each
def cleanup(c, f):
print "Resetting FetchUselessDescriptors to "+f
@@ -69,12 +72,19 @@
# >= and >=
cwind_yes = NodeRestrictionList([VersionRangeRestriction(""),
NotNodeRestriction(VersionRangeRestriction("", ""))])
cwind_no = NotNodeRestriction(cwind_yes)
+nsbw_yes = VersionRangeRestriction("")
+nsbw_no = NotNodeRestriction(nsbw_yes)
fast_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Fast"], [])
#exit_rst = NodeRestrictionList([cwind_yes, FlagsRestriction(["Exit"], [])])
exit_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Exit"], [])
+exitonly_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Exit"], ["Guard"])
+guardonly_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Guard"], ["Exit"])
+guardexit_rst = FlagsRestriction(["Guard", "Exit"], [])
+mid_rst = FlagsRestriction([], ["Guard", "Exit"])
dir_rst = FlagsRestriction(["V2Dir"], [])
heavy_exits = OrNodeRestriction(
[ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6881),
@@ -82,7 +92,6 @@
ExitPolicyRestriction("", 6346),
ExitPolicyRestriction("", 25)])
def check(start, stop):
pct_rst = PercentileRestriction(start, stop, sorted_rlist)
bw = 0
@@ -93,11 +102,14 @@
dirs = 0
nodes_up = 0.0000000005 # shhh. dirty hack for div 0
up = 0
+ pct_list = []
for r in sorted_rlist:
if pct_rst.r_is_ok(r) and fast_rst.r_is_ok(r):
nodes += 1
bw += r.bw
+ pct_list.append(r)
if r.uptime > 0:
nodes_up += 1.0
up += r.uptime
@@ -109,11 +121,12 @@
if dir_rst.r_is_ok(r):
dirs += 1
print str(start)+"-"+str(stop)+": N: "+str(nodes)+", Bw: "+str(round(bw/(1024*1024.0), 2))+", X: "+str(exits)+", XBw: "+str(round(exit_bw/(1024*1024.0),2))+", BT: "+str(heavy)+", Dirs:"+str(dirs)+", Up: "+str(round(up/nodes_up/60/60/24, 2))
-for i in xrange(0,100,10):
- check(i,i+10)
+ #check_ratios(pct_list)
def check_entropy(rlist, clipping_point):
clipped = 0
clipped_bw = 0.0
@@ -184,7 +197,8 @@
rbw = r.desc_bw
clipped_entropy += (rbw/clipped_bw)*math.log(rbw/clipped_bw, 2)
+ print ""
print "Uniform entropy: " + str(-uniform_entropy)
print "Consensus entropy: " + str(-pure_entropy)
print "Raw Descriptor entropy: " + str(-desc_entropy)
@@ -196,6 +210,172 @@
print "Nodes: "+str(nodes)+", Exits: "+str(exits)+" Total bw: "+str(round(bw/(1024.0*1024),2))+", Exit Bw: "+str(round(exit_bw/(1024.0*1024),2))
print "Clipped: "+str(clipped)+", bw: "+str(round(clipped_bw/(1024.0*1024),2))
+ print ""
+class RatioStats:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.avg = 0
+ self.avg_lt1 = 0
+ self.avg_gt1 = 0
+ self.cnt = 0
+ self.cnt_lt1 = 0
+ self.cnt_gt1 = 0
+ self.pct_lt1 = 0
+ self.pct_gt1 = 0
+def check_ratios(sorted_rlist):
+ # ratio stats
+ all_ratio = RatioStats()
+ guard_ratio = RatioStats()
+ mid_ratio = RatioStats()
+ exit_ratio = RatioStats()
+ guardexit_ratio = RatioStats()
+ for r in sorted_rlist:
+ if r.down or r.desc_bw <= 0: continue
+ ratio = float(r.bw)/r.desc_bw
+ if ratio >= 1:
+ rc_gt1 = 1
+ rc_lt1 = 0
+ r_gt1 = ratio
+ r_lt1 = 0
+ else:
+ rc_gt1 = 0
+ rc_lt1 = 1
+ r_gt1 = 0
+ r_lt1 = ratio
+ all_ratio.cnt += 1
+ all_ratio.cnt_lt1 += rc_lt1
+ all_ratio.cnt_gt1 += rc_gt1
+ all_ratio.avg += ratio
+ all_ratio.avg_lt1 += r_lt1
+ all_ratio.avg_gt1 += r_gt1
+ if guardonly_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+ guard_ratio.avg += ratio
+ guard_ratio.avg_lt1 += r_lt1
+ guard_ratio.avg_gt1 += r_gt1
+ guard_ratio.cnt += 1
+ guard_ratio.cnt_lt1 += rc_lt1
+ guard_ratio.cnt_gt1 += rc_gt1
+ if guardexit_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+ guardexit_ratio.avg += ratio
+ guardexit_ratio.avg_lt1 += r_lt1
+ guardexit_ratio.avg_gt1 += r_gt1
+ guardexit_ratio.cnt += 1
+ guardexit_ratio.cnt_lt1 += rc_lt1
+ guardexit_ratio.cnt_gt1 += rc_gt1
+ if exitonly_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+ exit_ratio.avg += ratio
+ exit_ratio.avg_lt1 += r_lt1
+ exit_ratio.avg_gt1 += r_gt1
+ exit_ratio.cnt += 1
+ exit_ratio.cnt_lt1 += rc_lt1
+ exit_ratio.cnt_gt1 += rc_gt1
+ if mid_rst.r_is_ok(r):
+ mid_ratio.avg += ratio
+ mid_ratio.avg_lt1 += r_lt1
+ mid_ratio.avg_gt1 += r_gt1
+ mid_ratio.cnt += 1
+ mid_ratio.cnt_lt1 += rc_lt1
+ mid_ratio.cnt_gt1 += rc_gt1
+ if not all_ratio.cnt: all_ratio.cnt = -1
+ if not all_ratio.cnt_lt1: all_ratio.cnt_lt1 = -1
+ if not all_ratio.cnt_gt1: all_ratio.cnt_gt1 = -1
+ all_ratio.avg /= all_ratio.cnt
+ all_ratio.avg_lt1 /= all_ratio.cnt_lt1
+ all_ratio.avg_gt1 /= all_ratio.cnt_gt1
+ all_ratio.pct_lt1 = round((100.0*all_ratio.cnt_lt1)/all_ratio.cnt,1)
+ all_ratio.pct_gt1 = round((100.0*all_ratio.cnt_gt1)/all_ratio.cnt,1)
+ if not guard_ratio.cnt: guard_ratio.cnt = -1
+ if not guard_ratio.cnt_lt1: guard_ratio.cnt_lt1 = -1
+ if not guard_ratio.cnt_gt1: guard_ratio.cnt_gt1 = -1
+ guard_ratio.avg /= guard_ratio.cnt
+ guard_ratio.avg_lt1 /= guard_ratio.cnt_lt1
+ guard_ratio.avg_gt1 /= guard_ratio.cnt_gt1
+ guard_ratio.pct_lt1 = round((100.0*guard_ratio.cnt_lt1)/guard_ratio.cnt,1)
+ guard_ratio.pct_gt1 = round((100.0*guard_ratio.cnt_gt1)/guard_ratio.cnt,1)
+ if not mid_ratio.cnt: mid_ratio.cnt = -1
+ if not mid_ratio.cnt_lt1: mid_ratio.cnt_lt1 = -1
+ if not mid_ratio.cnt_gt1: mid_ratio.cnt_gt1 = -1
+ mid_ratio.avg /= mid_ratio.cnt
+ mid_ratio.avg_lt1 /= mid_ratio.cnt_lt1
+ mid_ratio.avg_gt1 /= mid_ratio.cnt_gt1
+ mid_ratio.pct_lt1 = round((100.0*mid_ratio.cnt_lt1)/mid_ratio.cnt,1)
+ mid_ratio.pct_gt1 = round((100.0*mid_ratio.cnt_gt1)/mid_ratio.cnt,1)
+ if not exit_ratio.cnt: exit_ratio.cnt = -1
+ if not exit_ratio.cnt_lt1: exit_ratio.cnt_lt1 = -1
+ if not exit_ratio.cnt_gt1: exit_ratio.cnt_gt1 = -1
+ exit_ratio.avg /= exit_ratio.cnt
+ exit_ratio.avg_lt1 /= exit_ratio.cnt_lt1
+ exit_ratio.avg_gt1 /= exit_ratio.cnt_gt1
+ exit_ratio.pct_lt1 = round((100.0*exit_ratio.cnt_lt1)/exit_ratio.cnt,1)
+ exit_ratio.pct_gt1 = round((100.0*exit_ratio.cnt_gt1)/exit_ratio.cnt,1)
+ if not guardexit_ratio.cnt: guardexit_ratio.cnt = -1
+ if not guardexit_ratio.cnt_lt1: guardexit_ratio.cnt_lt1 = -1
+ if not guardexit_ratio.cnt_gt1: guardexit_ratio.cnt_gt1 = -1
+ guardexit_ratio.avg /= guardexit_ratio.cnt
+ guardexit_ratio.avg_lt1 /= guardexit_ratio.cnt_lt1
+ guardexit_ratio.avg_gt1 /= guardexit_ratio.cnt_gt1
+ guardexit_ratio.pct_lt1 = \
+ round((100.0*guardexit_ratio.cnt_lt1)/guardexit_ratio.cnt,1)
+ guardexit_ratio.pct_gt1 = \
+ round((100.0*guardexit_ratio.cnt_gt1)/guardexit_ratio.cnt,1)
+ # Print ratios of All, Guard, Mid, Exit and Guard+Exit nodes
+ # - Print Num < 1, Num >= 1, avg < 1, avg >= 1, and avg for each
+ print "Overall Cnt: " +str(all_ratio.cnt)
+ print "Overall Avg Ratio: " +str(all_ratio.avg)
+ print "Overall Ratios < 1 Pct: "+str(all_ratio.pct_lt1)
+ print "Overall Ratios < 1 Avg: "+str(all_ratio.avg_lt1)
+ print "Overall Ratios > 1 Pct: "+str(all_ratio.pct_gt1)
+ print "Overall Ratios > 1 Avg: "+str(all_ratio.avg_gt1)
+ print ""
+ print "Guard Cnt: " +str(guard_ratio.cnt)
+ print "Guard Avg Ratio: " +str(guard_ratio.avg)
+ print "Guard Ratios < 1 Pct: "+str(guard_ratio.pct_lt1)
+ print "Guard Ratios < 1 Avg: "+str(guard_ratio.avg_lt1)
+ print "Guard Ratios > 1 Pct: "+str(guard_ratio.pct_gt1)
+ print "Guard Ratios > 1 Avg: "+str(guard_ratio.avg_gt1)
+ print ""
+ print "Mid Cnt: " +str(mid_ratio.cnt)
+ print "Mid Avg Ratio: " +str(mid_ratio.avg)
+ print "Mid Ratios < 1 Pct: "+str(mid_ratio.pct_lt1)
+ print "Mid Ratios < 1 Avg: "+str(mid_ratio.avg_lt1)
+ print "Mid Ratios > 1 Pct: "+str(mid_ratio.pct_gt1)
+ print "Mid Ratios > 1 Avg: "+str(mid_ratio.avg_gt1)
+ print ""
+ print "Exit Cnt: " +str(exit_ratio.cnt)
+ print "Exit Avg Ratio: " +str(exit_ratio.avg)
+ print "Exit Ratios < 1 Pct: "+str(exit_ratio.pct_lt1)
+ print "Exit Ratios < 1 Avg: "+str(exit_ratio.avg_lt1)
+ print "Exit Ratios > 1 Pct: "+str(exit_ratio.pct_gt1)
+ print "Exit Ratios > 1 Avg: "+str(exit_ratio.avg_gt1)
+ print ""
+ print "Guard+Exit Cnt: " +str(guardexit_ratio.cnt)
+ print "Guard+Exit Avg Ratio: " +str(guardexit_ratio.avg)
+ print "Guard+Exit Ratios < 1 Pct: "+str(guardexit_ratio.pct_lt1)
+ print "Guard+Exit Ratios < 1 Avg: "+str(guardexit_ratio.avg_lt1)
+ print "Guard+Exit Ratios > 1 Pct: "+str(guardexit_ratio.pct_gt1)
+ print "Guard+Exit Ratios > 1 Avg: "+str(guardexit_ratio.avg_gt1)
+ print ""
+for i in xrange(0,100,10):
+ check(i,i+10)
check_entropy(sorted_rlist, 1500000)