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[tor-commits] [arm/master] Dropping the test module
commit a600654c018ed4655cc78663f789353cd4944f39
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun Jan 13 20:00:39 2013 -0800
Dropping the test module
'Test' had always been the wrong word for this module. It was a demo module,
for quickly running various utilities. As those utilities move to stem this
module has both fallen out of date and become kinda pointless. Stem's
unit/integ tests are better. :)
src/__init__.py | 2 +-
src/test.py | 144 -------------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/__init__.py b/src/__init__.py
index ee848ac..461b0ce 100644
--- a/src/__init__.py
+++ b/src/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
Scripts involved in validating user input, system state, and initializing arm.
-__all__ = ["starter", "prereq", "version", "test"]
+__all__ = ["starter", "prereq", "version"]
diff --git a/src/test.py b/src/test.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 10eddb0..0000000
--- a/src/test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Handler for arm tests and demos.
-import time
-from util import connections, torTools, uiTools
-MENU = """Arm Test Options:
- 1. Resolver Performance Test
- 2. Resolver Dump
- 3. Glyph Demo
- 4. Exit Policy Check
- q. Quit
-Selection: """
-def printDivider():
- print("\n" + "-" * 40 + "\n")
-conn = None
-while True:
- userInput = raw_input(MENU)
- # initiate the stem connection if the test needs it
- if userInput in ("1", "2", "4") and not conn:
- conn = torTools.getConn()
- conn.init()
- # prefetch pid so extra system calls don't effect the timing of tests
- conn.getMyPid()
- if userInput == "q":
- break # quit test script
- elif userInput == "1":
- systemResolvers = connections.getSystemResolvers()
- printDivider()
- allConnectionResults = []
- for resolver in systemResolvers:
- startTime = time.time()
- connectionResults = connections.getConnections(resolver, "tor", conn.getMyPid())
- connectionResults.sort()
- allConnectionResults.append(connectionResults)
- resolverLabel = "%-10s" % resolver
- countLabel = "%4i results" % len(connectionResults)
- timeLabel = "%0.4f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime)
- print "%s %s %s" % (resolverLabel, countLabel, timeLabel)
- allResolversMatch = True
- firstResult = allConnectionResults.pop()
- while allConnectionResults:
- if allConnectionResults.pop() != firstResult:
- allResolversMatch = False
- break
- if allResolversMatch:
- print("\nThe results of all the connection resolvers match")
- else:
- print("\nWarning: Connection resolver results differ")
- printDivider()
- elif userInput == "2":
- # use the given resolver to fetch tor's connections
- while True:
- # provide the selection options
- printDivider()
- print("Select a resolver:")
- availableResolvers = list(connections.Resolver)
- for i in range(len(availableResolvers)):
- print(" %i. %s" % (i, availableResolvers[i]))
- print(" q. Go back to the main menu")
- userSelection = raw_input("\nSelection: ")
- if userSelection == "q":
- printDivider()
- break
- if userSelection.isdigit() and int(userSelection) in range(0, 7):
- try:
- resolver = list(connections.Resolver)[int(userSelection)]
- startTime = time.time()
- print(connections.getResolverCommand(resolver, "tor", conn.getMyPid()))
- connectionResults = connections.getConnections(resolver, "tor", conn.getMyPid())
- connectionResults.sort()
- # prints results
- printDivider()
- for lIp, lPort, fIp, fPort in connectionResults:
- print(" %s:%s -> %s:%s" % (lIp, lPort, fIp, fPort))
- print("\n Runtime: %0.4f seconds" % (time.time() - startTime))
- except (IOError, IndexError), exc:
- print exc
- else:
- print("'%s' isn't a valid selection\n" % userSelection)
- elif userInput == "3":
- uiTools.demoGlyphs()
- # Switching to a curses context and back repeatedly seems to screw up the
- # terminal. Just to be safe this ends the process after the demo.
- break
- elif userInput == "4":
- # display the current exit policy and query if destinations are allowed by it
- exitPolicy = conn.getExitPolicy()
- print("Exit Policy: %s" % exitPolicy)
- printDivider()
- while True:
- # provide the selection options
- userSelection = raw_input("\nCheck if destination is allowed (q to go back): ")
- userSelection = userSelection.replace(" ", "").strip() # removes all whitespace
- isValidQuery, isExitAllowed = True, False
- if userSelection == "q":
- printDivider()
- break
- elif connections.isValidIpAddress(userSelection):
- # just an ip address (use port 80)
- isExitAllowed = exitPolicy.check(userSelection, 80)
- elif userSelection.isdigit():
- # just a port (use a common ip like
- isExitAllowed = exitPolicy.check("", userSelection)
- elif ":" in userSelection:
- # ip/port combination
- ipAddr, port = userSelection.split(":", 1)
- if connections.isValidIpAddress(ipAddr) and port.isdigit():
- isExitAllowed = exitPolicy.check(ipAddr, port)
- else: isValidQuery = False
- else: isValidQuery = False # invalid input
- if isValidQuery:
- resultStr = "is" if isExitAllowed else "is *not*"
- print("Exiting %s allowed to that destination" % resultStr)
- else:
- print("'%s' isn't a valid destination (should be an ip, port, or ip:port)\n" % userSelection)
- else:
- print("'%s' isn't a valid selection\n" % userInput)
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