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[tor-commits] [tor-messenger-build/master] Remove upstreamed patches
commit 3b5da55f65f6ac0dc4bc348240e4b3897860e4f9
Author: Arlo Breault <arlolra@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon Jan 5 11:50:34 2015 -0800
Remove upstreamed patches
* These were merged in,
projects/instantbird/config | 2 -
.../prepare-messages-for-displaying.patch | 288 ---------------
projects/instantbird/test-transformation-api.patch | 367 --------------------
3 files changed, 657 deletions(-)
diff --git a/projects/instantbird/config b/projects/instantbird/config
index 66a2a99..cbae1a1 100644
--- a/projects/instantbird/config
+++ b/projects/instantbird/config
@@ -58,8 +58,6 @@ input_files:
pkg_type: src
- filename: spi-cacert.der
- filename: preferences.patch
- - filename: prepare-messages-for-displaying.patch
- - filename: test-transformation-api.patch
- filename: slashme.patch
- filename: irc.patch
- filename: xmpp.patch
diff --git a/projects/instantbird/prepare-messages-for-displaying.patch b/projects/instantbird/prepare-messages-for-displaying.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c9dc42b..0000000
--- a/projects/instantbird/prepare-messages-for-displaying.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-# HG changeset patch
-# User Arlo Breault <arlolra@xxxxxxxxx>
-# Date 1417196598 28800
-# Fri Nov 28 09:43:18 2014 -0800
-# Node ID ddcfdad3c07c6304ce3de53f38ba0adec98ea53a
-# Parent 523fa3fa1fd619423f7267fdd2b3b215bcb93d1b
-Prepare messages for displaying
- * Adds a converse method to prepareForSending.
-Bug: 1071166
-diff --git a/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl b/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl
---- a/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl
-+++ b/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl
-@@ -64,16 +64,21 @@ interface imIConversationsService: nsISu
- nsISimpleEnumerator getConversations();
- prplIConversation getConversationById(in unsigned long aId);
- prplIConversation getConversationByNameAndAccount(in AUTF8String aName,
- in imIAccount aAccount,
- in boolean aIsChat);
- };
-+// Because of limitations in libpurple (write_conv is called without context),
-+// there's an implicit contract that whatever message string the conversation
-+// service passes to a protocol, it'll get back as the originalMessage when
-+// "new-text" is notified. This is required for the OTR extensions to work.
- // A cancellable outgoing message. Before handing a message off to a protocol,
- // the conversation service notifies observers (typically add-ons) of an
- // outgoing message, which can be transformed or cancelled.
- [scriptable, uuid(4391ba5c-9566-41a9-bb9b-fd0a0a490c2c)]
- interface imIOutgoingMessage: nsISupports {
- attribute AUTF8String message;
- attribute boolean cancelled;
- readonly attribute prplIConversation conversation;
-diff --git a/chat/components/public/prplIConversation.idl b/chat/components/public/prplIConversation.idl
---- a/chat/components/public/prplIConversation.idl
-+++ b/chat/components/public/prplIConversation.idl
-@@ -5,16 +5,17 @@
- #include "nsISupports.idl"
- #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.idl"
- #include "nsIObserver.idl"
- interface prplIAccountBuddy;
- interface imIAccount;
- interface imIOutgoingMessage;
-+interface imIMessage;
- interface nsIURI;
- interface nsIDOMDocument;
- interface prplIChatRoomFieldValues;
- /*
- * This is the XPCOM purple conversation component, a proxy for PurpleConversation.
- */
-@@ -47,16 +48,21 @@ interface prplIConversation: nsISupports
- void sendMsg(in AUTF8String aMsg);
- /* Preprocess messages before they are sent (eg. split long messages).
- Can return null if no changes are to be made. */
- void prepareForSending(in imIOutgoingMessage aMsg,
- [optional] out unsigned long aMsgCount,
- [retval, array, size_is(aMsgCount)] out wstring aMsgs);
-+ /* Postprocess messages before they are displayed (eg. escaping). The
-+ implementation can set aMsg.displayMessage, otherwise the originalMessage
-+ is used. */
-+ void prepareForDisplaying(in imIMessage aMsg);
- /* Send information about the current typing state to the server.
- aString should contain the content currently in the text field. The
- protocol should return the number of characters that can still be typed. */
- long sendTyping(in AUTF8String aString);
- const long NO_TYPING_LIMIT = 2147483647; // max int = 2 ^ 31 - 1
- /* Un-initialize the conversation. Will be called by
- purpleCoreService::RemoveConversation when the conversation is
-diff --git a/chat/components/src/imConversations.js b/chat/components/src/imConversations.js
---- a/chat/components/src/imConversations.js
-+++ b/chat/components/src/imConversations.js
-@@ -403,16 +403,17 @@ UIConversation.prototype = {
- this._observers = this._observers.filter(function(o) o !== aObserver);
- },
- notifyObservers: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {
- if (aTopic == "new-text") {
- aSubject = new imMessage(aSubject);
- this.notifyObservers(aSubject, "received-message");
- if (aSubject.cancelled)
- return;
-+ aSubject.conversation.prepareForDisplaying(aSubject);
- this._messages.push(aSubject);
- ++this._unreadMessageCount;
- if (aSubject.incoming && !aSubject.system) {
- ++this._unreadIncomingMessageCount;
- if (!this.isChat || aSubject.containsNick)
- ++this._unreadTargetedMessageCount;
- }
-@@ -430,16 +431,21 @@ UIConversation.prototype = {
- if (aSubject.incoming && !aSubject.system &&
- (!this.isChat || aSubject.containsNick)) {
- this.notifyObservers(aSubject, "new-directed-incoming-message", aData);
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(aSubject, "new-directed-incoming-message", aData);
- }
- }
- },
-+ // Used above when notifying of new-texts originating in the
-+ // UIConversation. The happens when this.systemMessage() is called. The
-+ // conversation for the message is set as the UIConversation.
-+ prepareForDisplaying: function(aMsg) {},
- // prplIConvIM
- get buddy() this.target.buddy,
- get typingState() this.target.typingState,
- sendTyping: function(aString) this.target.sendTyping(aString),
- // Chat only
- getParticipants: function() this.target.getParticipants(),
- get topic() this.target.topic,
-diff --git a/chat/modules/jsProtoHelper.jsm b/chat/modules/jsProtoHelper.jsm
---- a/chat/modules/jsProtoHelper.jsm
-+++ b/chat/modules/jsProtoHelper.jsm
-@@ -477,16 +477,17 @@ const GenericConversationPrototype = {
- observer.observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData);
- } catch(e) {
- this.ERROR(e);
- }
- }
- },
- prepareForSending: function(aOutgoingMessage, aCount) null,
-+ prepareForDisplaying: function(aImMessage) {},
- sendMsg: function(aMsg) {
- },
- sendTyping: function(aString) Ci.prplIConversation.NO_TYPING_LIMIT,
- close: function() {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(this, "closing-conversation", null);
- Services.conversations.removeConversation(this);
-diff --git a/chat/protocols/irc/irc.js b/chat/protocols/irc/irc.js
---- a/chat/protocols/irc/irc.js
-+++ b/chat/protocols/irc/irc.js
-@@ -126,16 +126,20 @@ const GenericIRCConversation = {
- getMaxMessageLength: function() {
- // Build the shortest possible message that could be sent to other users.
- let baseMessage = ":" + this._account._nickname + this._account.prefix +
- " " + this._account.buildMessage("PRIVMSG", this.name) +
- " :\r\n";
- return this._account.maxMessageLength -
- this._account.countBytes(baseMessage);
- },
-+ // Apply CTCP formatting before displaying.
-+ prepareForDisplaying: function(aMsg) {
-+ aMsg.displayMessage = ctcpFormatToHTML(aMsg.displayMessage);
-+ },
- prepareForSending: function(aOutgoingMessage, aCount) {
- // Split the message by line breaks and send each one individually.
- let messages = aOutgoingMessage.message.split(/[\r\n]+/);
- let maxLength = this.getMaxMessageLength();
- // Attempt to smartly split a string into multiple lines (based on the
- // maximum number of characters the message can contain).
-@@ -274,24 +278,16 @@ ircChannel.prototype = {
- _receivedInitialMode: false,
- // For IRC you're not in a channel until the JOIN command is received, open
- // all channels (initially) as left.
- _left: true,
- // True while we are rejoining a channel previously parted by the user.
- _rejoined: false,
- banMasks: [],
-- // Overwrite the writeMessage function to apply CTCP formatting before
-- // display.
-- writeMessage: function(aWho, aText, aProperties) {
-- GenericConvChatPrototype.writeMessage.call(this, aWho,
-- ctcpFormatToHTML(aText),
-- aProperties);
-- },
- // Section 3.2.2 of RFC 2812.
- part: function(aMessage) {
- let params = [this.name];
- // If a valid message was given, use it as the part message.
- // Otherwise, fall back to the default part message, if it exists.
- let msg = aMessage || this._account.getString("partmsg");
- if (msg)
-@@ -595,24 +591,16 @@ function ircConversation(aAccount, aName
- // Always request the info as it may be out of date.
- this._waitingForNick = true;
- this.requestBuddyInfo(aName);
- }
- ircConversation.prototype = {
- __proto__: GenericConvIMPrototype,
- get buddy() this._account.buddies.get(this.name),
-- // Overwrite the writeMessage function to apply CTCP formatting before
-- // display.
-- writeMessage: function(aWho, aText, aProperties) {
-- GenericConvIMPrototype.writeMessage.call(this, aWho,
-- ctcpFormatToHTML(aText),
-- aProperties);
-- },
- unInit: function() {
- this.unInitIRCConversation();
- GenericConvIMPrototype.unInit.call(this);
- },
- updateNick: function(aNewNick) {
- this._name = aNewNick;
- this.notifyObservers(null, "update-conv-title");
-diff --git a/chat/protocols/xmpp/xmpp.jsm b/chat/protocols/xmpp/xmpp.jsm
---- a/chat/protocols/xmpp/xmpp.jsm
-+++ b/chat/protocols/xmpp/xmpp.jsm
-@@ -32,16 +32,21 @@ XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this,
- XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter(this, "UuidGenerator",
- "@mozilla.org/uuid-generator;1",
- "nsIUUIDGenerator");
- XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "_", function()
- l10nHelper("chrome://chat/locale/xmpp.properties")
- );
-+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "TXTToHTML", function() {
-+ let cs = Cc["@mozilla.org/txttohtmlconv;1"].getService(Ci.mozITXTToHTMLConv);
-+ return function(aTxt) cs.scanTXT(aTxt, cs.kEntities);
- /* This is an ordered list, used to determine chat buddy flags:
- * index < member -> noFlags
- * index = member -> voiced
- * moderator -> halfOp
- * admin -> op
- * owner -> founder
- */
- const kRoles = ["outcast", "visitor", "participant", "member", "moderator",
-@@ -255,16 +260,23 @@ const XMPPConversationPrototype = {
- who = this._account._connection._jid.jid;
- if (!who)
- who = this._account.name;
- let alias = this.account.alias || this.account.statusInfo.displayName;
- this.writeMessage(who, aMsg, {outgoing: true, _alias: alias});
- delete this._typingState;
- },
-+ /* Perform entity escaping before displaying the message. We assume incoming
-+ messages have already been escaped, and will otherwise be filtered. */
-+ prepareForDisplaying: function(aMsg) {
-+ if (aMsg.outgoing && !aMsg.system)
-+ aMsg.displayMessage = TXTToHTML(aMsg.displayMessage);
-+ },
- /* Called by the account when a messsage is received from the buddy */
- incomingMessage: function(aMsg, aStanza, aDate) {
- let from = aStanza.attributes["from"];
- this._targetResource = this._account._parseJID(from).resource;
- let flags = {};
- if (aStanza.attributes["type"] == "error") {
- aMsg = _("conversation.error.notDelivered", aMsg);
- flags.system = true;
-@@ -889,19 +901,17 @@ const XMPPAccountPrototype = {
- // Prefer HTML (in <html><body>) and use plain text (<body>) as fallback.
- let htmlBody = aStanza.getElement(["html", "body"]);
- if (htmlBody)
- body = htmlBody.innerXML;
- else {
- // Even if the message is in plain text, the prplIMessage
- // should contain a string that's correctly escaped for
- // insertion in an HTML document.
-- body = Cc["@mozilla.org/txttohtmlconv;1"]
-- .getService(Ci.mozITXTToHTMLConv)
-- .scanTXT(b.innerText, Ci.mozITXTToHTMLConv.kEntities);
-+ body = TXTToHTML(b.innerText);
- }
- }
- if (body) {
- let date;
- let delay = aStanza.getElement(["delay"]);
- if (delay && delay.uri == Stanza.NS.delay) {
- if (delay.attributes["stamp"])
- date = new Date(delay.attributes["stamp"]);
diff --git a/projects/instantbird/test-transformation-api.patch b/projects/instantbird/test-transformation-api.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f43fcbc..0000000
--- a/projects/instantbird/test-transformation-api.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-# HG changeset patch
-# User Arlo Breault <arlolra@xxxxxxxxx>
-# Date 1414370632 25200
-# Sun Oct 26 17:43:52 2014 -0700
-# Node ID 49fc79e39b9c292d182a46aa800135bd65b6c38f
-# Parent 030063bcb41284997f862b9b2d12e93bfc0b121a
-Add tests for new messaging pipeline
- * Tests for bugs 1071166, 1088772, and 983347.
-diff --git a/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl b/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl
---- a/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl
-+++ b/chat/components/public/imIConversationsService.idl
-@@ -70,29 +70,31 @@ interface imIConversationsService: nsISu
- };
- // Because of limitations in libpurple (write_conv is called without context),
- // there's an implicit contract that whatever message string the conversation
- // service passes to a protocol, it'll get back as the originalMessage when
- // "new-text" is notified. This is required for the OTR extensions to work.
- // A cancellable outgoing message. Before handing a message off to a protocol,
--// the conversation service notifies observers (typically add-ons) of an
--// outgoing message, which can be transformed or cancelled.
-+// the conversation service notifies observers of `preparing-message` and
-+// `sending-message` (typically add-ons) of an outgoing message, which can be
-+// transformed or cancelled.
- [scriptable, uuid(4391ba5c-9566-41a9-bb9b-fd0a0a490c2c)]
- interface imIOutgoingMessage: nsISupports {
- attribute AUTF8String message;
- attribute boolean cancelled;
- readonly attribute prplIConversation conversation;
- };
- // A cancellable message to be displayed. When the conversation service is
--// notified of a new-text (ie. an incoming or outgoing message to be displayed),
--// it in turn notifies observers (again, typically add-ons), which have the
--// opportunity to swap or cancel the message.
-+// notified of a `new-text` (ie. an incoming or outgoing message to be
-+// displayed), it in turn notifies observers of `received-message`
-+// (again, typically add-ons), which have the opportunity to swap or cancel
-+// the message.
- [scriptable, uuid(3f88cc5c-6940-4eb5-a576-c65770f49ce9)]
- interface imIMessage: prplIMessage {
- attribute boolean cancelled;
- // Holds the sender color for Chats.
- // Empty string by default, it is set by the conversation binding.
- attribute AUTF8String color;
- // What eventually gets shown to the user.
-diff --git a/chat/components/src/imConversations.js b/chat/components/src/imConversations.js
---- a/chat/components/src/imConversations.js
-+++ b/chat/components/src/imConversations.js
-@@ -59,16 +59,17 @@ imMessage.prototype = {
- get containsNick() this.prplMessage.containsNick,
- get noLog() this.prplMessage.noLog,
- get error() this.prplMessage.error,
- get delayed() this.prplMessage.delayed,
- get noFormat() this.prplMessage.noFormat,
- get containsImages() this.prplMessage.containsImages,
- get notification() this.prplMessage.notification,
- get noLinkification() this.prplMessage.noLinkification,
-+ get originalMessage() this.prplMessage.originalMessage,
- getActions: function(aCount) this.prplMessage.getActions(aCount || {})
- };
- function UIConversation(aPrplConversation)
- {
- this._prplConv = {};
- this.id = ++gLastUIConvId;
- this._observers = [];
-@@ -120,17 +121,21 @@ UIConversation.prototype = {
- _currentTargetId: 0,
- changeTargetTo: function(aPrplConversation) {
- let id = aPrplConversation.id;
- if (this._currentTargetId == id)
- return;
- if (!(id in this._prplConv)) {
- this._prplConv[id] = aPrplConversation;
-- aPrplConversation.addObserver(this.observeConv.bind(this, id));
-+ // Pass an object here, instead of just a function, because coercion
-+ // to an nsIObserver won't happen in the JS tests.
-+ aPrplConversation.addObserver({
-+ observe: this.observeConv.bind(this, id)
-+ });
- }
- let shouldNotify = this._currentTargetId;
- this._currentTargetId = id;
- if (!this.isChat) {
- let buddy = this.buddy;
- if (buddy)
- ({statusType: this.statusType, statusText: this.statusText}) = buddy;
-@@ -356,17 +361,17 @@ UIConversation.prototype = {
- // Protocols have an opportunity here to preprocess messages before they are
- // sent (eg. split long messages). If a message is split here, the split
- // will be visible in the UI.
- let messages = this.target.prepareForSending(om);
- // Protocols can return null if they don't need to make any changes.
- // (nb. passing null with retval array results in an empty array)
-- if (!messages.length)
-+ if (!messages || !messages.length)
- messages = [om.message];
- for (let msg of messages) {
- // Add-ons (eg. OTR) have an opportunity to tweak or cancel the message
- // at this point.
- om = new OutgoingMessage(msg, this.target);
- this.notifyObservers(om, "sending-message");
- if (om.cancelled)
-diff --git a/chat/components/src/test/test_conversations.js b/chat/components/src/test/test_conversations.js
-new file mode 100644
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/chat/components/src/test/test_conversations.js
-@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
-+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
-+ * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */
-+const Cu = Components.utils;
-+let imConversations = {};
-+ "resource:///components/imConversations.js", imConversations
-+// Fake prplConversation
-+let _id = 0;
-+function Conversation(aName) {
-+ this._name = aName;
-+ this._observers = [];
-+ this._date = Date.now() * 1000;
-+ this.id = ++_id;
-+Conversation.prototype = {
-+ __proto__: GenericConvIMPrototype,
-+ _account: {
-+ imAccount: {
-+ protocol: {name: "Fake Protocol"},
-+ alias: "",
-+ name: "Fake Account"
-+ },
-+ ERROR: function(e) {throw e;}
-+ }
-+// Ensure that when iMsg.message is set to a message (including the empty
-+// string), it returns that message. If not, it should return the original
-+// message. This prevents regressions due to JS coercions.
-+let test_null_message = function() {
-+ let originalMessage = "Hi!";
-+ let pMsg = new Message("buddy", originalMessage, {
-+ outgoing: true, _alias: "buddy", time: Date.now()
-+ });
-+ let iMsg = new imConversations.imMessage(pMsg);
-+ equal(iMsg.message, originalMessage);
-+ // Setting the message should prevent a fallback to the original.
-+ iMsg.message = "";
-+ equal(iMsg.message, "");
-+ equal(iMsg.originalMessage, originalMessage);
-+// ROT13, used as an example transformation.
-+function rot13(aString) {
-+ return aString.replace(/[a-zA-Z]/g, function(c) {
-+ return String.fromCharCode(c.charCodeAt(0) + (c.toLowerCase() < "n" ? 1 : -1) * 13);
-+ });
-+// A test that exercises the message transformation pipeline.
-+// From the sending users perspective, this looks like:
-+// -> UIConv sendMsg
-+// -> UIConv notifyObservers `preparing-message`
-+// -> protocol prepareForSending
-+// -> UIConv notifyObservers `sending-message`
-+// -> protocol sendMsg
-+// -> protocol writeMessage
-+// -> protocol notifyObservers `new-text`
-+// -> UIConv notifyObservers `received-message`
-+// -> protocol prepareForDisplaying
-+// -> UIConv notifyObservers `new-text`
-+// From the receiving users perspective, they get:
-+// -> protocol writeMessage
-+// -> protocol notifyObservers `new-text`
-+// -> UIConv notifyObservers `received-message`
-+// -> protocol prepareForDisplaying
-+// -> UIConv notifyObservers `new-text`
-+// The test walks the sending path, which covers both.
-+let test_message_transformation = function() {
-+ let conv = new Conversation();
-+ conv.sendMsg = function(aMsg) {
-+ this.writeMessage("user", aMsg, {outgoing: true});
-+ };
-+ let uiConv = new imConversations.UIConversation(conv);
-+ let message = "Hello!";
-+ let receivedMsg = false, newTxt = false;
-+ uiConv.addObserver({
-+ observe: function(aObject, aTopic, aMsg) {
-+ switch(aTopic) {
-+ case "sending-message":
-+ ok(!newTxt);
-+ ok(!receivedMsg);
-+ ok(aObject instanceof imConversations.OutgoingMessage);
-+ aObject.message = rot13(aObject.message);
-+ break;
-+ case "received-message":
-+ ok(!newTxt);
-+ ok(!receivedMsg);
-+ ok(aObject.outgoing);
-+ ok(aObject instanceof imConversations.imMessage);
-+ equal(aObject.displayMessage, rot13(message));
-+ aObject.displayMessage = rot13(aObject.displayMessage);
-+ receivedMsg = true;
-+ break;
-+ case "new-text":
-+ ok(!newTxt);
-+ ok(receivedMsg);
-+ ok(aObject.outgoing);
-+ ok(aObject instanceof imConversations.imMessage);
-+ equal(aObject.displayMessage, message);
-+ newTxt = true;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ });
-+ uiConv.sendMsg(message);
-+ ok(newTxt);
-+// A test that cancels a message before it can be sent.
-+let test_cancel_send_message = function() {
-+ let conv = new Conversation();
-+ conv.sendMsg = function(aMsg) {
-+ ok(false);
-+ };
-+ let uiConv = new imConversations.UIConversation(conv);
-+ uiConv.addObserver({
-+ observe: function(aObject, aTopic, aMsg) {
-+ if (aTopic === "sending-message") {
-+ ok(aObject instanceof imConversations.OutgoingMessage);
-+ aObject.cancelled = true;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ });
-+ uiConv.sendMsg("Hi!");
-+// A test that cancels a message before it gets displayed.
-+let test_cancel_display_message = function() {
-+ let conv = new Conversation();
-+ conv.sendMsg = function(aMsg) {
-+ this.writeMessage("user", aMsg, {outgoing: true});
-+ };
-+ let uiConv = new imConversations.UIConversation(conv);
-+ uiConv.addObserver({
-+ observe: function(aObject, aTopic, aMsg) {
-+ switch(aTopic) {
-+ case "received-message":
-+ ok(aObject instanceof imConversations.imMessage);
-+ aObject.cancelled = true;
-+ break;
-+ case "new-text":
-+ ok(false);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ });
-+ uiConv.sendMsg("Hi!");
-+// A test that ensures protocols get a chance to prepare a message before
-+// sending and displaying.
-+let test_prpl_message_prep = function() {
-+ let conv = new Conversation();
-+ conv.sendMsg = function(aMsg) {
-+ this.writeMessage("user", aMsg, {outgoing: true});
-+ };
-+ let msg = "Hi!";
-+ let prefix = "test> ";
-+ let prepared = false;
-+ conv.prepareForSending = function(aMsg) {
-+ ok(aMsg instanceof imConversations.OutgoingMessage);
-+ equal(aMsg.message, msg);
-+ aMsg.message = prefix + aMsg.message;
-+ prepared = true;
-+ };
-+ conv.prepareForDisplaying = function(aMsg) {
-+ ok(aMsg instanceof imConversations.imMessage);
-+ equal(aMsg.displayMessage, prefix + msg);
-+ aMsg.displayMessage = aMsg.displayMessage.slice(prefix.length);
-+ };
-+ let receivedMsg = false;
-+ let uiConv = new imConversations.UIConversation(conv);
-+ uiConv.addObserver({
-+ observe: function(aObject, aTopic, aMsg) {
-+ if (aTopic === "new-text") {
-+ equal(aObject.displayMessage, msg);
-+ receivedMsg = true;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ });
-+ uiConv.sendMsg(msg);
-+ ok(prepared);
-+ ok(receivedMsg);
-+// A test that ensures protocols can split messages before they are sent.
-+let test_split_message_before_sending = function() {
-+ let msgCount = 0;
-+ let prepared = false;
-+ let conv = new Conversation();
-+ conv.sendMsg = function(aMsg) {
-+ ++msgCount;
-+ };
-+ conv.prepareForSending = function(aMsg) {
-+ ok(aMsg instanceof imConversations.OutgoingMessage);
-+ prepared = true;
-+ return aMsg.message.split("\n");
-+ };
-+ let uiConv = new imConversations.UIConversation(conv);
-+ uiConv.sendMsg("This is a looo\nooong message.");
-+ ok(prepared);
-+ equal(msgCount, 2);
-+function run_test() {
-+ test_null_message();
-+ test_message_transformation();
-+ test_cancel_send_message();
-+ test_cancel_display_message();
-+ test_prpl_message_prep();
-+ test_split_message_before_sending();
-+ run_next_test();
-diff --git a/chat/components/src/test/xpcshell.ini b/chat/components/src/test/xpcshell.ini
---- a/chat/components/src/test/xpcshell.ini
-+++ b/chat/components/src/test/xpcshell.ini
-@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
- ; file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- head =
- tail =
- [test_accounts.js]
- [test_commands.js]
- [test_logger.js]
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