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[tor-commits] [torbutton/master] Bug 40679: Missing features on first-time launch in esr91
commit 10ecf6dd6ecf4ddf8f4cacfdfcb36be0881e83bb
Author: Richard Pospesel <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu Dec 16 14:38:05 2021 +0100
Bug 40679: Missing features on first-time launch in esr91
- fixes myriad problems with our async control port communication
- fixes tor-browser#40679
chrome/content/tor-circuit-display.js | 21 +-
chrome/content/torbutton.js | 4 +-
modules/tor-control-port.js | 573 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
3 files changed, 361 insertions(+), 237 deletions(-)
diff --git a/chrome/content/tor-circuit-display.js b/chrome/content/tor-circuit-display.js
index 4e0088f0..d6034384 100644
--- a/chrome/content/tor-circuit-display.js
+++ b/chrome/content/tor-circuit-display.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ let createTorCircuitDisplay = (function () {
const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
// Import the controller code.
-let { controller } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js", {});
+let { wait_for_controller } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js", {});
// Utility functions
let { bindPrefAndInit, observe, getLocale, getDomainForBrowser, torbutton_get_property_string } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://torbutton/modules/utils.js", {});
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ let setupDisplay = function (enablePrefName) {
if (myController) {
if (stopCollectingIsolationData) {
- stopCollectingIsolationData();
+ stopCollectingIsolationData();
if (stopCollectingBrowserCredentials) {
@@ -469,19 +469,20 @@ let setupDisplay = function (enablePrefName) {
myController = null;
- start = function () {
+ start = async function () {
if (!myController) {
- myController = controller(function (err) {
- // An error has occurred.
+ try {
+ myController = await wait_for_controller();
+ syncDisplayWithSelectedTab(true);
+ stopCollectingIsolationData = collectIsolationData(myController, updateCircuitDisplay);
+ stopCollectingBrowserCredentials = collectBrowserCredentials();
+ stopEnsuringCorrectPopupDimensions = ensureCorrectPopupDimensions();
+ } catch (err) {
logger.eclog(5, err);
logger.eclog(5, "Disabling tor display circuit because of an error.");
- });
- syncDisplayWithSelectedTab(true);
- stopCollectingIsolationData = collectIsolationData(myController, updateCircuitDisplay);
- stopCollectingBrowserCredentials = collectBrowserCredentials();
- stopEnsuringCorrectPopupDimensions = ensureCorrectPopupDimensions();
+ }
try {
diff --git a/chrome/content/torbutton.js b/chrome/content/torbutton.js
index 65048b1a..3bfaa1f8 100644
--- a/chrome/content/torbutton.js
+++ b/chrome/content/torbutton.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let {
} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://torbutton/modules/utils.js", {});
-let { configureControlPortModule, controller } = Cu.import("resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js", {});
+let { configureControlPortModule, wait_for_controller } = Cu.import("resource://torbutton/modules/tor-control-port.js", {});
const k_tb_tor_check_failed_topic = "Torbutton:TorCheckFailed";
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ async function torbutton_send_ctrl_cmd(command) {
let response = null;
try {
const avoidCache = true;
- let torController = controller(e => { throw e; }, avoidCache);
+ let torController = await wait_for_controller(avoidCache);
let bytes = await torController.sendCommand(command);
if (!bytes.startsWith("250")) {
diff --git a/modules/tor-control-port.js b/modules/tor-control-port.js
index ef7bbe69..51ac8ac0 100644
--- a/modules/tor-control-port.js
+++ b/modules/tor-control-port.js
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
// To import the module, use
-// let { configureControlPortModule, controller } =
+// let { configureControlPortModule, controller, wait_for_controller } =
// Components.utils.import("path/to/tor-control-port.js", {});
-// See the second-to-last function defined in this file:
+// See the third-to-last function defined in this file:
// configureControlPortModule(ipcFile, host, port, password)
// for usage of the configureControlPortModule function.
-// See the last function defined in this file:
-// controller(onError)
-// for usage of the controller function.
+// See the last functions defined in this file:
+// controller(avoidCache), wait_for_controller(avoidCache)
+// for usage of the controller functions.
/* jshint esnext: true */
/* jshint -W097 */
@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ let { Constructor: CC } = Components;
// ### Import Mozilla Services
const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
+const { TorProtocolService, TorProcessStatus } = ChromeUtils.import(
+ "resource:///modules/TorProtocolService.jsm"
+// tor-launcher observer topics
+const TorTopics = Object.freeze({
+ ProcessIsReady: "TorProcessIsReady",
// __log__.
// Logging function
let logger = Cc["@torproject.org/torbutton-logger;1"]
@@ -38,159 +46,289 @@ let log = x => logger.eclog(3, x.trimRight().replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"));
// ### announce this file
log("Loading tor-control-port.js\n");
-// ## io
-// I/O utilities namespace
-let io = {};
+class AsyncSocket {
+ constructor(ipcFile, host, port) {
+ let sts = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"].getService(Ci.nsISocketTransportService);
-// __io.asyncSocketStreams(ipcFile, host, port)__.
-// Creates a pair of asynchronous input and output streams for a socket at the
-// given ipcFile or host and port.
-io.asyncSocketStreams = function (ipcFile, host, port) {
- let sts = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/socket-transport-service;1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsISocketTransportService),
- // Create an instance of a socket transport.
- let socketTransport;
- if (ipcFile) {
- socketTransport = sts.createUnixDomainTransport(ipcFile);
- } else {
- socketTransport = sts.createTransport([], host, port, null, null);
+ let socketTransport = ipcFile ?
+ sts.createUnixDomainTransport(ipcFile) :
+ sts.createTransport([], host, port, null, null);
+ this.outputStream = socketTransport.openOutputStream(OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 1, 1).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncOutputStream);
+ this.outputQueue = [];
+ this.inputStream = socketTransport.openInputStream(OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 1, 1).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
+ this.scriptableInputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream);
+ this.scriptableInputStream.init(this.inputStream);
+ this.inputQueue = [];
- // Open unbuffered asynchronous outputStream.
- let outputStream = socketTransport.openOutputStream(UNBUFFERED, 1, 1)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncOutputStream),
- // Open unbuffered asynchronous inputStream.
- inputStream = socketTransport.openInputStream(UNBUFFERED, 1, 1)
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAsyncInputStream);
- return [inputStream, outputStream];
+ // asynchronously write string to underlying socket and return number of bytes written
+ async write(str) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
-// __io.pumpInputStream(scriptableInputStream, onInputData, onError)__.
-// Take an input stream and asynchronously pass data to the onInputData callback.
-io.pumpInputStream = function (inputStream, onInputData, onError) {
- // Wrap raw inputStream with a "ScriptableInputStream" so we can read incoming data.
- let ScriptableInputStream = Components.Constructor(
- "@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1", "nsIScriptableInputStream", "init"),
- scriptableInputStream = new ScriptableInputStream(inputStream),
- awaitNextChunk = function () {
- inputStream.asyncWait({
- onInputStreamReady: (stream) => {
- try {
- let chunk = scriptableInputStream.read(scriptableInputStream.available());
- onInputData(chunk);
- awaitNextChunk();
- } catch (err) {
- if (err.result !== Cr.NS_BASE_STREAM_CLOSED) {
- onError(err);
- }
- }
+ // asyncWait next write request
+ const tryAsyncWait = () => {
+ if (this.outputQueue.length > 0) {
+ this.outputStream.asyncWait(
+ this.outputQueue.at(0), // next request
+ 0, 0, Services.tm.currentThread);
+ }
+ };
+ // output stream can only have 1 registered callback at a time, so multiple writes
+ // need to be queued up (see nsIAsyncOutputStream.idl)
+ this.outputQueue.push({
+ // Implement an nsIOutputStreamCallback:
+ onOutputStreamReady: () => {
+ try {
+ let bytesWritten = this.outputStream.write(str, str.length);
+ // remove this callback object from queue as it is now completed
+ this.outputQueue.shift();
+ // request next wait if there is one
+ tryAsyncWait();
+ // finally resolve promise
+ resolve(bytesWritten);
+ } catch (err) {
+ // reject promise on error
+ reject(err);
- }, 0, 0, Services.tm.currentThread);
+ }
+ });
+ // length 1 imples that there is no in-flight asyncWait, so we may immediately
+ // follow through on this write
+ if (this.outputQueue.length == 1) {
+ tryAsyncWait();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // asynchronously read string from underlying socket and return it
+ async read() {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const tryAsyncWait = () => {
+ if (this.inputQueue.length > 0) {
+ this.inputStream.asyncWait(
+ this.inputQueue.at(0), // next input request
+ 0, 0, Services.tm.currentThread);
+ }
- awaitNextChunk();
-// __io.asyncSocket(ipcFile, host, port, onInputData, onError)__.
-// Creates an asynchronous, text-oriented IPC socket (if ipcFile is defined)
-// or a TCP socket at host:port.
-// The onInputData callback should accept a single argument, which will be called
-// repeatedly, whenever incoming text arrives. Returns a socket object with two methods:
-// socket.write(text) and socket.close(). onError will be passed the error object
-// whenever a write fails.
-io.asyncSocket = function (ipcFile, host, port, onInputData, onError) {
- let [inputStream, outputStream] = io.asyncSocketStreams(ipcFile, host, port),
- pendingWrites = [];
- // Run an input stream pump to send incoming data to the onInputData callback.
- io.pumpInputStream(inputStream, onInputData, onError);
- // Return the "socket object" as described.
- return {
- // Write a message to the socket.
- write : function(aString) {
- pendingWrites.push(aString);
- outputStream.asyncWait(
- // Implement an nsIOutputStreamCallback:
- { onOutputStreamReady : function () {
- let totalString = pendingWrites.join("");
- try {
- outputStream.write(totalString, totalString.length);
- log("controlPort << " + totalString);
- } catch (err) {
- onError(err);
- }
- pendingWrites = [];
- } },
- 0, 0, Services.tm.currentThread);
- },
- // Close the socket.
- close : function () {
- // Close stream objects.
- inputStream.close();
- outputStream.close();
- }
- };
+ this.inputQueue.push({
+ onInputStreamReady: (stream) => {
+ try {
+ // read our string from input stream
+ let str = this.scriptableInputStream.read(this.scriptableInputStream.available());
-// __io.onDataFromOnLine(onLine)__.
-// Converts a callback that expects incoming individual lines of text to a callback that
-// expects incoming raw socket string data.
-io.onDataFromOnLine = function (onLine) {
- // A private variable that stores the last unfinished line.
- let pendingData = "";
- // Return a callback to be passed to io.asyncSocket. First, splits data into lines of
- // text. If the incoming data is not terminated by CRLF, then the last
- // unfinished line will be stored in pendingData, to be prepended to the data in the
- // next call to onData. The already complete lines of text are then passed in sequence
- // to onLine.
- return function (data) {
- let totalData = pendingData + data,
- lines = totalData.split("\r\n"),
- n = lines.length;
- pendingData = lines[n - 1];
- // Call onLine for all completed lines.
- lines.slice(0,-1).map(onLine);
- };
+ // remove this callback object from queue now that we have read
+ this.inputQueue.shift();
+ // request next wait if there is one
+ tryAsyncWait();
+ // finally resolve promise
+ resolve(str);
+ } catch (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // length 1 imples that there is no in-flight asyncWait, so we may immediately
+ // follow through on this read
+ if (this.inputQueue.length == 1) {
+ tryAsyncWait();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ close() {
+ this.outputStream.close();
+ this.inputStream.close();
+ }
-// __io.onLineFromOnMessage(onMessage)__.
-// Converts a callback that expects incoming control port multiline message strings to a
-// callback that expects individual lines.
-io.onLineFromOnMessage = function (onMessage) {
- // A private variable that stores the last unfinished line.
- let pendingLines = [],
- // A private variable to monitor whether we are receiving a multiline
- // value, beginning with ###+ and ending with a single ".".
- multilineValueInProgress = false;
- // Return a callback that expects individual lines.
- return function (line) {
- // Add to the list of pending lines.
- pendingLines.push(line);
- // 'Multiline values' are possible. We avoid interrupting one by detecting it
- // and waiting for a terminating "." on its own line.
- // (See control-spec section 3.9 and https://trac.torproject.org/16990#comment:28
- if (line.match(/^\d\d\d\+.+?=$/) && pendingLines.length === 1) {
- multilineValueInProgress = true;
+class ControlSocket {
+ constructor(asyncSocket) {
+ this.socket = asyncSocket;
+ this._isOpen = true;
+ this.pendingData = "";
+ this.pendingLines = [];
+ this.mainDispatcher = io.callbackDispatcher();
+ this.notificationDispatcher = io.callbackDispatcher();
+ // mainDispatcher pushes only async notifications (650) to notificationDispatcher
+ this.mainDispatcher.addCallback(/^650/, this._handleNotification.bind(this));
+ // callback for handling responses and errors
+ this.mainDispatcher.addCallback(/^[245]\d\d/, this._handleCommandReply.bind(this) );
+ this.commandQueue = [];
+ this._startMessagePump();
+ }
+ // blocks until an entire line is read and returns it
+ // immediately returns next line in queue (pendingLines) if present
+ async _readLine() {
+ // keep reading from socket until we have a full line to return
+ while(this.pendingLines.length == 0) {
+ // read data from our socket and spit on newline tokens
+ this.pendingData += await this.socket.read();
+ let lines = this.pendingData.split("\r\n");
+ // the last line will either be empty string, or a partial read of a response/event
+ // so save it off for the next socket read
+ this.pendingData = lines.pop();
+ // copy remaining full lines to our pendingLines list
+ this.pendingLines = this.pendingLines.concat(lines);
- if (multilineValueInProgress && line.match(/^\.$/)) {
- multilineValueInProgress = false;
+ return this.pendingLines.shift();
+ }
+ // blocks until an entire message is ready and returns it
+ async _readMessage() {
+ // whether we are searching for the end of a multi-line values
+ // See control-spec section 3.9
+ let handlingMultlineValue = false;
+ let endOfMessageFound = false;
+ const message = [];
+ do {
+ const line = await this._readLine();
+ message.push(line);
+ if (handlingMultlineValue) {
+ // look for end of multiline
+ if (line.match(/^\.$/)) {
+ handlingMultlineValue = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 'Multiline values' are possible. We avoid interrupting one by detecting it
+ // and waiting for a terminating "." on its own line.
+ // (See control-spec section 3.9 and https://trac.torproject.org/16990#comment:28
+ // Ensure this is the first line of a new message
+ if (message.length === 1 && line.match(/^\d\d\d\+.+?=$/)) {
+ handlingMultlineValue = true;
+ }
+ // look for end of message (note the space character at end of the regex)
+ else if(line.match(/^\d\d\d /)) {
+ if (message.length == 1) {
+ endOfMessageFound = true;
+ } else {
+ let firstReplyCode = message[0].substring(0,3);
+ let lastReplyCode = line.substring(0,3);
+ if (firstReplyCode == lastReplyCode) {
+ endOfMessageFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while(!endOfMessageFound);
+ // join our lines back together to form one message
+ return message.join("\r\n");
+ }
+ async _startMessagePump() {
+ try {
+ while(true) {
+ let message = await this._readMessage();
+ log("controlPort >> " + message);
+ this.mainDispatcher.pushMessage(message);
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ this._isOpen = false;
+ for(const cmd of this.commandQueue) {
+ cmd.reject(err);
+ }
+ this.commandQueue = [];
- // If line is the last in a message, then pass on the full multiline message.
- if (!multilineValueInProgress &&
- line.match(/^\d\d\d /) &&
- (pendingLines.length === 1 ||
- pendingLines[0].substring(0,3) === line.substring(0,3))) {
- // Combine pending lines to form message.
- let message = pendingLines.join("\r\n");
- log("controlPort >> " + message);
- // Wipe pendingLines before we call onMessage, in case onMessage throws an error.
- pendingLines = [];
- // Pass multiline message to onMessage.
- onMessage(message);
+ }
+ _writeNextCommand() {
+ let cmd = this.commandQueue[0];
+ log("controlPort << " + cmd.commandString);
+ this.socket.write(`${cmd.commandString}\r\n`).catch(cmd.reject);
+ }
+ async sendCommand(commandString) {
+ if (!this.isOpen()) {
+ throw new Error("ControlSocket not open");
- };
+ // this promise is resolved either in _handleCommandReply, or
+ // in _startMessagePump (on stream error)
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let command = {
+ commandString: commandString,
+ resolve: resolve,
+ reject: reject,
+ };
+ this.commandQueue.push(command);
+ if (this.commandQueue.length == 1) {
+ this._writeNextCommand();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ _handleCommandReply(message) {
+ let cmd = this.commandQueue.shift();
+ if (message.match(/^2/)) {
+ cmd.resolve(message);
+ } else if (message.match(/^[45]/)) {
+ let myErr = new Error(cmd.commandString + " -> " + message);
+ // Add Tor-specific information to the Error object.
+ let idx = message.indexOf(' ');
+ if (idx > 0) {
+ myErr.torStatusCode = message.substring(0, idx);
+ myErr.torMessage = message.substring(idx);
+ } else {
+ myErr.torStatusCode = message;
+ }
+ cmd.reject(myErr);
+ } else {
+ cmd.reject(new Error(`ControlSocket::_handleCommandReply received unexpected message:\n----\n${message}\n----`));
+ }
+ // send next command if one is available
+ if (this.commandQueue.length > 0) {
+ this._writeNextCommand();
+ }
+ }
+ _handleNotification(message) {
+ this.notificationDispatcher.pushMessage(message);
+ }
+ close() {
+ this.socket.close();
+ this._isOpen = false;
+ }
+ addNotificationCallback(regex, callback) {
+ this.notificationDispatcher.addCallback(regex, callback);
+ }
+ isOpen() {
+ return this._isOpen;
+ }
+// ## io
+// I/O utilities namespace
+let io = {};
// __io.callbackDispatcher()__.
// Returns dispatcher object with three member functions:
// dispatcher.addCallback(regex, callback), dispatcher.removeCallback(callback),
@@ -222,77 +360,30 @@ io.callbackDispatcher = function () {
addCallback : addCallback };
-// __io.matchRepliesToCommands(asyncSend, dispatcher)__.
-// Takes asyncSend(message), an asynchronous send function, and the callback
-// dispatcher, and returns a function Promise<response> sendCommand(command).
-io.matchRepliesToCommands = function (asyncSend, dispatcher) {
- let commandQueue = [],
- sendCommand = function (command, replyCallback, errorCallback) {
- commandQueue.push([command, replyCallback, errorCallback]);
- asyncSend(command);
- };
- // Watch for responses (replies or error messages)
- dispatcher.addCallback(/^[245]\d\d/, function (message) {
- let [command, replyCallback, errorCallback] = commandQueue.shift();
- if (message.match(/^2/) && replyCallback) replyCallback(message);
- if (message.match(/^[45]/) && errorCallback) {
- let myErr = new Error(command + " -> " + message);
- // Add Tor-specific information to the Error object.
- let idx = message.indexOf(' ');
- if (idx > 0) {
- myErr.torStatusCode = message.substring(0, idx);
- myErr.torMessage = message.substring(idx);
- } else {
- myErr.torStatusCode = message;
- }
- errorCallback(myErr);
- }
- });
- // Create and return a version of sendCommand that returns a Promise.
- return command => new Promise(function (replyCallback, errorCallback) {
- sendCommand(command, replyCallback, errorCallback);
- });
-// __io.controlSocket(ipcFile, host, port, password, onError)__.
+// __io.controlSocket(ipcFile, host, port, password)__.
// Instantiates and returns a socket to a tor ControlPort at ipcFile or
-// host:port, authenticating with the given password. onError is called with an
-// error object as its single argument whenever an error occurs. Example:
+// host:port, authenticating with the given password. Example:
// // Open the socket
-// let socket = controlSocket(undefined, "", 9151, "MyPassw0rd",
-// function (error) { console.log(error.message || error); });
-// // Send command and receive "250" reply or error message
-// socket.sendCommand(commandText, replyCallback, errorCallback);
+// let socket = await io.controlSocket(undefined, "", 9151, "MyPassw0rd");
+// // Send command and receive "250" response reply or error is thrown
+// await socket.sendCommand(commandText);
// // Register or deregister for "650" notifications
// // that match regex
// socket.addNotificationCallback(regex, callback);
// socket.removeNotificationCallback(callback);
// // Close the socket permanently
// socket.close();
-io.controlSocket = function (ipcFile, host, port, password, onError) {
- // Produce a callback dispatcher for Tor messages.
- let mainDispatcher = io.callbackDispatcher(),
- // Open the socket and convert format to Tor messages.
- socket = io.asyncSocket(ipcFile, host, port,
- io.onDataFromOnLine(
- io.onLineFromOnMessage(mainDispatcher.pushMessage)),
- onError),
- // Controllers should send commands terminated by CRLF.
- writeLine = function (text) { socket.write(text + "\r\n"); },
- // Create a sendCommand method from writeLine.
- sendCommand = io.matchRepliesToCommands(writeLine, mainDispatcher),
- // Create a secondary callback dispatcher for Tor notification messages.
- notificationDispatcher = io.callbackDispatcher();
- // Pass asynchronous notifications to notification dispatcher.
- mainDispatcher.addCallback(/^650/, notificationDispatcher.pushMessage);
+io.controlSocket = async function (ipcFile, host, port, password) {
+ let socket = new AsyncSocket(ipcFile, host, port);
+ let controlSocket = new ControlSocket(socket);
// Log in to control port.
- sendCommand("authenticate " + (password || "")).catch(onError);
+ await controlSocket.sendCommand("authenticate " + (password || ""));
// Activate needed events.
- sendCommand("setevents stream").catch(onError);
- return { close : socket.close, sendCommand : sendCommand,
- addNotificationCallback : notificationDispatcher.addCallback,
- removeNotificationCallback : notificationDispatcher.removeCallback };
+ await controlSocket.sendCommand("setevents stream");
+ return controlSocket;
// ## utils
@@ -684,13 +775,11 @@ let tor = {};
// redundant instantiation of control sockets.
tor.controllerCache = new Map();
-// __tor.controller(ipcFile, host, port, password, onError)__.
+// __tor.controller(ipcFile, host, port, password)__.
// Creates a tor controller at the given ipcFile or host and port, with the
// given password.
-// onError returns asynchronously whenever a connection error occurs.
-tor.controller = function (ipcFile, host, port, password, onError) {
- let socket = io.controlSocket(ipcFile, host, port, password, onError),
- isOpen = true;
+tor.controller = async function (ipcFile, host, port, password) {
+ let socket = await io.controlSocket(ipcFile, host, port, password);
return { getInfo : key => info.getInfo(socket, key),
getConf : key => info.getConf(socket, key),
onionAuthViewKeys : () => onionAuth.viewKeys(socket),
@@ -701,8 +790,8 @@ tor.controller = function (ipcFile, host, port, password, onError) {
onionAuth.remove(socket, hsAddress),
watchEvent : (type, filter, onData, raw=false) =>
event.watchEvent(socket, type, filter, onData, raw),
- isOpen : () => isOpen,
- close : () => { isOpen = false; socket.close(); },
+ isOpen : () => socket.isOpen(),
+ close : () => { socket.close(); },
sendCommand: cmd => socket.sendCommand(cmd),
@@ -722,23 +811,24 @@ var configureControlPortModule = function (ipcFile, host, port, password) {
controlPortInfo.password = password;
-// __controller(onError)__.
+// __controller(avoidCache)__.
// Instantiates and returns a controller object that is connected and
// authenticated to a Tor ControlPort using the connection parameters
// provided in the most recent call to configureControlPortModule(), if
// the controller doesn't yet exist. Otherwise returns the existing
-// controller to the given ipcFile or host:port.
-// onError is called with an error object as its single argument whenever
-// an error occurs. Example:
+// controller to the given ipcFile or host:port. Throws on error.
-// // Get the controller
-// let c = controller(
-// function (error) { console.log(error.message || error); });
+// Example:
+// // Get a new controller
+// const avoidCache = true;
+// let c = controller(avoidCache);
// // Send command and receive `250` reply or error message in a promise:
// let replyPromise = c.getInfo("ip-to-country/");
// // Close the controller permanently
// c.close();
-var controller = function (onError, avoidCache) {
+var controller = async function (avoidCache) {
if (!controlPortInfo.ipcFile && !controlPortInfo.host)
throw new Error("Please call configureControlPortModule first");
@@ -748,18 +838,17 @@ var controller = function (onError, avoidCache) {
// constructor shorthand
const newTorController =
- () => {
- return tor.controller(
+ async () => {
+ return await tor.controller(
- controlPortInfo.password,
- onError);
+ controlPortInfo.password);
// avoid cache so always return a new controller
if (avoidCache) {
- return newTorController();
+ return await newTorController();
// first check our cache and see if we already have one
@@ -769,10 +858,44 @@ var controller = function (onError, avoidCache) {
// create a new one and store in the map
- cachedController = newTorController();
+ cachedController = await newTorController();
+ // overwrite the close() function to prevent consumers from closing a shared/cached controller
+ cachedController.close = () => {
+ throw new Error("May not close cached Tor Controller as it may be in use");
+ };
tor.controllerCache.set(dest, cachedController);
return cachedController;
+// __wait_for_controller(avoidCache)
+// Same as controller() function, but explicitly waits until there is a tor daemon
+// to connect to (either launched by tor-launcher, or if we have an existing system
+// tor daemon)
+var wait_for_controller = async function(avoidCache) {
+ // if tor process is running (either ours or system) immediately return controller
+ if (!TorProtocolService.ownsTorDaemon ||
+ TorProtocolService.torProcessStatus == TorProcessStatus.Running) {
+ return await controller(avoidCache);
+ }
+ // otherwise we must wait for tor to finish launching before resolving
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ let observer = {
+ observe : async (subject, topic, data) => {
+ if (topic === TorTopics.ProcessIsReady) {
+ try {
+ resolve(await controller(avoidCache));
+ } catch (err) {
+ reject(err);
+ }
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, TorTopics.ProcessIsReady);
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ Services.obs.addObserver(observer, TorTopics.ProcessIsReady);
+ });
// Export functions for external use.
-var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["configureControlPortModule", "controller"];
+var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["configureControlPortModule", "controller", "wait_for_controller"];
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