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[or-cvs] Make a louder statement the first time we learn a guessed

Update of /home2/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or
In directory moria:/home/arma/work/onion/cvs/tor/src/or

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Make a louder statement the first time we learn a guessed
IP address.

Index: router.c
RCS file: /home2/or/cvsroot/tor/src/or/router.c,v
retrieving revision 1.272
retrieving revision 1.273
diff -u -p -d -r1.272 -r1.273
--- router.c	17 Jul 2006 06:59:56 -0000	1.272
+++ router.c	17 Jul 2006 08:17:51 -0000	1.273
@@ -910,10 +910,15 @@ log_addr_has_changed(uint32_t prev, uint
   in_cur.s_addr = htonl(cur);
   tor_inet_ntoa(&in_cur, addrbuf_cur, sizeof(addrbuf_cur));
-  log_info(LD_GENERAL,
-           "Our IP Address has changed from %s to %s; "
-           "rebuilding descriptor.",
-           addrbuf_prev, addrbuf_cur);
+  if (prev)
+    log_info(LD_GENERAL,
+             "Our IP Address has changed from %s to %s; "
+             "rebuilding descriptor.",
+             addrbuf_prev, addrbuf_cur);
+  else
+    log_notice(LD_GENERAL,
+             "Guessed our IP address as %s.",
+             addrbuf_cur);
 /** Check whether our own address as defined by the Address configuration